Exeter Advocate, 1914-3-12, Page 5DENTAL. fAr. G. F. BOt1LST,0N,L,D,S., DENTIST Member of the R C,I, .S, of Ontario and 110110' araduate of Toronto University. afticw-Over Dioltson & Carltng'e law office. Clesed Wednesday afternoons.'. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, Honor r6traduate sof Toronto Untveraity D E N'JL} I S T Teeth exteacted 'without pain, or any bad effects. Office over Madman lgtan'tliteleh Office, Madn Street, Exeter. LEGAL' •ARRISTERS +UiCKSON & CAFiLING, BARRISTERS, So1feitars, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com- undssionere, Solicifoxs for the Molsonte Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest Offices -Main -SE.,. Exeter I. B. Carling, B.A.. L. H. Dickson MONEY, TO LOAN We have a large aprivate � cant of funds to loan on fawn and village prop- erties, at low rakes of interest. GLADMAN & STAI413U tY Bal-riftter's, Solicitors, Exeter, J. SENIOR Agent Confeder.tion" LLfe .Assurapee Company, also Fere Insurance In lea - ing 'Canadian and British, Companies. Main -St., /teeter. Oollege At Home Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are last preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in face every sphere of Business Activities'. You m,y finish at college if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Eater college auy day, Indwidual instruction. Expert tea- chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada, Seyen colleges, spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. . GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal .. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the sole head of A. -family or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba Saskatchewe n or Alberta. The ap- ' plicant rnuet appear In person at the Dominion Landes Agency or Sub- agency for the district. Entry by pro- xy made be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, mother , exon, daughter, brother or sister of in- tending hornestaadee Duties -Six 'months' residence upo=n and cultivation of the land In each of three years, A homesteader may live within` nine miles of his homestead on a farm 'of at 'least . 80 acres tactilely ' owned and occupied by hien or by hire I father, mother, eon daughter, brother or 'sister. •• In certain districts a .homesteader zn good standing•may pre-empt e. quart j er-iseectlog} along ,side hqs. homestead, 1, Price $,3.00 per acre. . Duties-ivfuat reside upon the 'loan stead or pre-emption six months in each of :sixyears from date of hoome- etead entry (including the time re- quired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate,fifty acres extra. A homesteader who ha,s exhausted hips homestead right. and cannot . obtain i3. • yoreeemotion may enter for a pun. chased hones&eat in certain districts Price $3.00 per acre. Duties- MuB,t- i reside six months In, each of these gears, cultivate flay acres and erect , a house worth 8300. ._ W. W. CORY. 1 Deputy of• the Minister of the Interior N.B. Unauthrorized publication of this advertisement vein. not be peed for. 1 CENTRAL ® 0 St.'', r•0 t; rD. OT..," Canada's best practical training school -Three departments, COM- MERCIAL and TELEGRAPHY. The courses are thorough and practical, Individual instruction isgiven by a strong, experienced staff. Our grad- uates succeed. Students may enter at any time: Get our free catalogue anti sec what we can do for you. D A. McLA TILA•N. Principal. GET .THE BEST. IT 'PAYS Write for the Catalogue of LLIO;TT /oi 6 / // To�.nto, Ont., It explains fully the ma-Tjy advantages' offered by th.?r:=well_ known school. College - open all year. Commence now. . EVERY W OMAN is interested and should know" about the wonderful eeee ea Whirling gray Q. ouches Ask your druggist for 'vit. If he cannot supply .the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Muse tYated book -sealed, I'tgives full •particulars an, directions invaluable to isdies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,W indlor, Ont. eitecfal Averts for Canada,, KE.PUALDOL. COMES TO CANADA Originated by Dr, Stohr, a famous physician, of Vienna, .Austri`t, Kephalt- dol is known and used •throughout. Europe and Great Britain, Now, backed by the endorsements of hundreds of physicians and hos., pitals, it Gomes to Canada to relieve pain and cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Head- ache, La Grippe, Fevers and similar troubles. Kephalclol has ,received the highest commendations from the medical 'pro -i fessioli because of its direct strength- ening action on the , nerves without injury to the heart, and its ,asting regulative and curative effect upon whole system. Unlike other pain -killing i emedies, Kephaldol is absolutely harmless. It causes no intestinal irritation, and has no depressing effects. I 'ephaidol will now bring to " pain wracked Canadians the untold bless- ings which it has already conferred in the Old ;Country -joy of perfect life again to those ,who, perhaps •for many years, have dragged through a tormented existence. Get a 50c, tube of Kephaldol tablets at your druggist's. Kephaldol Limi=ted, 31 Latour Street, Montreal SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 3 for February :-Sr. IV. -M, Triebner 79 L, Sanders 78, A, Shaptot,1 73, T.Wil- lis 68 C Parsons 67. Jr. IV. -L. Blake 73, A Dearing 66, R. 'Parsons 65. Sr. III. -G Schroeder 71, I. Jacobs 63, L. Hila 60, Sy. Il, -L, Parsons 80, E, Preszcator 73, G. Jacobs 72. Pt. II, -E Schroeder 74, C. Ghristie 74, E. Dearing 72, J. Dearing 70, Christie 72. Average attendance , 28.1 Ida Marchand, ZURICH Messrs, C. Hartleib and Reeve Kalb- fleisch attended the Western Ontario Hydro' Radial Conference at London last week. -Rev, W. C. Miller was in Chesle3 attending the sick -bed of lie -mother,-Mr. John McAllister of he Pan Line has sold his fine farm to Mr,, Conrad Fuss, the price being over eight thousand dollars. Mr. Mc- Allste, has purchased a property in HensalL-Wm. Miller - has purchased hi:. brother Henry's farm at the 75th concession and takes immediate. pos- session, . Value of Rheums From the Court fudge Barhorst was Relieved of Rheumatism After Doctors Failed If you have tried many other : eme- lies and doctors' treatments for Rheu natisn•. and found they failed, do not e skeptical about trying RHEUMA. dead thetestimony of Judge John Bar forst . of Fort Loramie, O.• "After treatment by three doctors without result, I have been cured of t very bad case of Rheumatism by ising two bottles of RHEUMA. It s now- two years since I used the emedy and I am still as well as ever. ?re\iously, I was a cripple, walking with crutches'.' Such testimony should be convinc- sg50 cents of W. S, Cole, guaran- d R. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS u eelia: ulating Pill for Women. $6 a box or threefor 10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any ddrese on rceeiptof price. Tzze SCOBELL Daus 0., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. •Vim ung^Restores iitallty; for Nerve and Brain; increases "gray natter:' ;a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or wo for $6, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt f price. THE SCOaELL Dans Co., St. Catharines. )ntario. - RHI U 1 1I SYSW el Hommeekers Excursions o Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Each Tuesday, • arch 3rd to October 27th inclusive via Chicago, St.Paul or Duluth. dVINNIPEG AND RETURN -$35.00 3DMONTON AND RETURN $43.00 From Toronto - and stations North wad west of Toronto. Proportionate. OW fares from stations east of Tor- unto Return Limit : Two Months Full particulars at Grand Trunk riv- et Offnices, or write C. E. Horning, ,P,A., Toronto, Ont. - N. J. DORE, Exeter. • CANADIANRAC/ Fie, HOMESEEKERS' EX CUR S IO N S TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to October 27, inclusive, Winnipeg and Retort, $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Prom 'Toronto, and Stations West and North of 'Toronto. 'Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. ' T,ett;rn Limit two mouths; REDUCED 'SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS).• EACH TtieSDAV, MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and effects should take S1ii'TLERS' SPhCXAL. . TRAIN which leaves West Tercet° earit Tuesday, during MARCXI and' APRIL after atrival regular, 10.00 p.m. train, froth Toronto Union Station. Settlers and families wiithout live stock should use REGULAR 'TRAINS, leaving '',fronto 10.20 0.1A, DAILY. .Through colonist and 'tourist Sleepers. t'hrouggtraits. e onto to Winnipeg.. enc West, COLONIST CARS -ON ALL TRAINS No charge for 11erth:f. • Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents o write hI, G. Murphy, b.ly.A., Toronto, B, CARLING, Agent, NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The - Busy World's Happenings Car e fully Compiled and Put Into Hardy and attractive Shape tor the Readers of Our Paper+ -i Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WfD1YESDA7t:: The Federal Railway Department is arranging 'Por a daily summary of general news being flashed from Le Pasto the 200 men at Port Nelson by wireless. ' Australia's first two ,su`imarines left England Monday, and are due at. Sydney about the middle of May. They will make the entire journey by their own power. - Blenheim wants Hydro -electric ser vice, Mayor J, B.' Smith has written to Hon, Adam Beck, and a public meeting is expected to be held soon to consider the proposition, Frank Bordignon, Italian, was kill- ed Monday nightwhile walking o 1 the railway tracks from Cooksvilla to Port Credit where, until recently, he was employer in the brickyards. C. H. Mathewson, a former Lon- doner, for some years in the Depart- ment of Public Works of the Federal Government, has been appointedresi- dent engineer on the Toronto harbor works. Water of the Richelieu river, for merly thought to i e absolutely pure is held in a large meas"ur- responsil'l• for a typhoid-epibemic now raginr in that part of the province of Que- bec it touches. A bill respecting the Sudbury, , Kippewa & Bell River Rahway was. passed by the Dominion Railway committee yesterday. it will rue from Temiskane'ng Lake to Bell Riy• er on the N. T. R. - '' 1 '4I) VY. Orford- Township lost another ole resident in the death yesterday of Mrs, Susan Shipp, wife of Mr. Thos. Shipp of Palmyra; aged 79. As a result of the crusade . against cigarettes by the temperance workers. of Clinton, Ont., the license fee has been raised from 'o $60. Prince William and Princess So- phie of Albania left Saxony yesterday for Albania after paying a 'farewell visit to the princess'- paternal home. G. G. S. Lindsay, I.C., was yester- day elected president of the Cana- dian Mining Institute. Mr. Lindsay is the first lawyer to occupy the posi- tion. • The first spring influx of British immigrants numbering 1,000 persons bound for the Cant.dian prairie .pro- vinces arived in. Montreal from Hall - fay yesterday. The bill designed to glee Buffalo, N.Y, a commission et arter, with the approval of the voters •at the next election, passed. the State , Assembly by a vote of 107 to 3. . More than five thousand people gathered in the little town of Aylmer, Que., yesterday morning to pay their last tribute to the memory of its na- tive son, Hon. C. R. Devlin. The London, Ont., Board of Edu- cation officially endorsed " the pro- posal of Andrew Brodeur, M.F., to prohibit the sale, manufacture or im- portation of cigarettes in Canada. The death took place in Guelph yesterday of John Sleeman, the wide- ly -known brewer. -He was in his 87th year, was born in England and carie to Canada in the year 1836. Two thousand people in St. John's, Que., are suffering from a -form of mild typhoid at first thought to be intestinal grip. A physician of the town attri' utes its alarming spread to impure water. • FRIDAY. Queen's University students are planning to erect a building to be. used by themselves for social pur- poses only., Crozier Coulter, of Coulter Bros., horse buyers, Toronto, was the victim of a robbery while staying at a hotel in Markdale. - A leak in a gar jet in their room caused the death Wednesday night of Olive and Dorcas Phillips, who boarded at.•23 Torrance street, Mont- real. Another of Guelph's oldest resi- dents and merchants- died yesterday afternoon in the person of Benjamin Savage, in his 70th year. He was in the jewelry business. Four grand opera prima donnas, -Mme. Melba, - Ma. y Garden, Emmy Destinn and Mme. Matzenauer—are on the sic list as the result of the stormy entrance of March. Seventeen ioldiers of the Empire Rifle Regiment were overwhelmed and killed yesterday in the Tyrolese - Alps by a great avalanche while they were -engaged in manoeuvres. Chief of Police Zeatz of Regina, formerly of Woodstock, Ont., has re- signed. An invest_igatio-t into the po- lice department has been going on behind closed doors for come time. The application of the Cornwall Cheese Board for the establishment of a dairyrecord centre for cow -test- ing has been granted and the work has been commenced under A. " L. Andress. The Lower House of the Austrian Parliament, whose sessions had been suspended owing to the violent ob- struction of the Czech Deputies, re- assenibled yesterday, but was again closed because of violence. SATURDAY. John Drew is dead at Forest, Ont., aged 75 years. He was born in Eng- land and came to Canada in 1847, G. W, Bogart, who• was eleeted reeve of Chesterviile at the last elec- tion, Was disqualified tor insufficient property qualifications, Di .i+', S. ,Pearson, chairman of Brazilian traction,, who .is in. Paris, states that no importance is attached to the report of trouble in Brazils Fotir cases of smallpox have been discovered in the ehildren'a-hospital in Winnipeg, .and asa result the in- stitution is placed under quarantine. The home of Prof, L, W. R. MIA. toy, the blind trooper of South Afri- Exeter can W€ir £3. i i, et the Royal hillittal College, Kingston, was badly gutted - by Are yesterday. Atter a, long illness, the death oc- curred Yesterday at his home near Lyn, Leeds County, of :Mr. Stafford, He Was prominent ae a dairyman and municipal legislator, Owing to an increasing number of scarlet fever cases in the Watford district, the local board of health has ordered the public school closed for an indefinite length of time. Strong opposition to the proposed annexation of the Yukon to British Columbia developed at an immense mass meeting in Dawson Thursday, under the auspices of Yukon Terri- torial Liberal Association. Thirty young people - of London, Ont„ were more or less injured early yesterday morning when a bus was overturned near .Arva, A lamp car- ried in the bus exploded,~ causing several to be badly burned. Mo DAY. Lieut, -Col. Chebateif, chief of Po- lice of St, Petersburg, was shot dead in revenge by a junior officer, Lieut. Ivanoff. C. H. Nelson, of Bow Island, Alta„ charged with practicing dentistry without a license, has been found guilty an • d fined $60 and costs. Dr. T. Glen _Laznilton, member of the Winnipeg School Board, has been chosen by the Liberals as their candi- date for the Lo;;islature at Elmwood. Two westbound freight trains c-l- lided La the G. T. R. yards at St. Catharines Saturday, Both engines and nine cars were totally wrecked. The school inspectors of New Brunswick have requested the Gov- ernment that they be included under the Trovisions of the act for school teachers' pensions. J. Hayden Claredon, the famous American composer, is in St. Paul's Hospital at Vancouver, undergoing a serious operation for blindness. He Is progressing favorably. T. O. C:arke, of Ottawa, has been appointed maritime representative of sheep husbandry for the Dominion Department of Agrieeulture, and will have his headquarters at Moncton. Osias McSween is under arrest charged with causing the death of Emilien Bonneville, aged 40, a farm- er, by striking him in the face in a quarrel at Shawinigan Falls, Que. Eight houses were completely de- stroyed and half a dozen more badly scorched; twenty-two families, come prising over 120 people, were driven to thestreets in a Montreal fire on Saturday. 11151Fr,i.,afl. Squadrons of cavalry charged and dispersed crowds of turbulent strik- ers in the streets of Rome yesterday, wounding se-reral of the demonstra- tors. Wm. White, aged 17, was struck by a train near Kingston, and in- stanty killed. He was caught between an express train going west and an- other going east. Every car of the Cobalt feeecial left the track yesterday when the baggage car ran off on a sharpcurve seven. miles south of Cobalt. Four persons were slightly hurt. Edcardc Date, the Spanish Pre- mier, will as a result of the general elections, eontin-:e to hold office with a majority in the chamber of nearly 100- over all combinations. The total loss, together with her crew of 22 men, of the German steam- er Heinrich is feared. She left New- port, Wales, on Feb. 17 for Mar- seilles, and is a fortnight overdue. The lumbering camps in North - Hastings have ceased operations for the season and the men have return- ee; to their homes until the rivers are clear of ice, when driving will begin. Much: improved, Sir James Whit- ney left the Toronto General Hospital for his residence- yesterday morning. He appeared to enjoy the change, and the short automobile trip to his home. Gustave Eva turel, M.P.P., has announced to a few personal friends that as soon as he resigned from the House he would return to Prescott. and begin anactive campaign for re- election.He is certain he can win. TRIBUTES TO. ROSS. Legislature Adjourns After "Expres- sions of Respect to Eris Memory. TORONTO, March 10.—Out of def- erence to the memory of the late Sir George W. Ross, the Ontario Legisla- ture adjourned yesterday, but not be- fore the leaders of both parties had united in tributes to the former Pre- mier 'of the province. "No man gave more of his life and talents to the public work that he had in hand," said Acting Premier Foy. "Hewas a man of remarkable ability, a strong debater, and in com- mand of great eloquence. The coun- try has lost a big man, a man free from pettiness . and narrowness, All mourn his passing and give their sym- pathy to his sorrowing relatives. -It is a fitting that this House mark its respect to Sir George." Th; legislation which found its rise in the tithe of the Ross adminis- tration was outlined by Mr. Rowell. Among the things Whicli•his adminis- tration had brought, either in realiza- tion or in suggestion, were the sys- tems of kindergarten training and the federation of the provincial Universi- ties. The development of the north country ha had its start 'z his le - gime. Hon. Dr, Pyne, T, Marshall of. Mena, and A. E. Donovan added words of tribute. A Royal Prerogative. OTTAWA, March 10.—The propos- al which: has been made in Toronto ' and by prison reform . bodies else- where to transfer to the province the Prerogative of clemency as it affects, convicts in Provincial ingtittitioiis%ha been before the Yihstice'li)erArtment. t i' learned h`at it will n t s �+ of be acceded to.' The opinion- of the ;law.,. Officers of the crown is that such can-, not be done;. Clemency, it is,.ointed, out, ,is not a matter of ,legislation,:.: but the prerogative of ..the Karig, Through . the Imperial authorities, such prerogative has been delegated to the Governor-General. There is. no authority by •which it could be further delegated to ,Lieutena; �y t#overuot`a. .. - . The Secret of Health is Elimination of W ae Every business mal►, knows how difficult it is to keep the pigeon holes and drawers of his desk free from the accumulation of useless papers. Every; housewife knows how difficult it is to keep her home free from the accumulation of all manner. of useless things. So it is with the body. It is .difficult to keep it free from the accumulation of waste matter., Unless the waste is promptly eliminated the machin- ery of the body soon becomes clogged. This la the beginning of most human ills. GOLDEN MktrertlISCOVERY go Tablet or Liauid Farm) - Assists the stomach in the roper digestion of food which is turned ' - >' $ ,znto health euetaining blood and all pozeonous waste matter is speedily 4isposedof through Nature's channels. It snakes men and women clear-headed and able-bodied resiorea to them the health and strength of youth. Now is the time for your rejuvenation. Send 50 cents for a trial box of this medicine. • Send 31 one -cent stamps. for Dr. Pieree'a Common Sense Medical Adviser -1008 pages -worth 32.. Always handy in ease of family illness. btit4 and in half an hour the building' GODERICH-A small boy dropped ',va.. un ruins. The town fire. depart- a match in some hay in the barn of ment could not reach the flames with Vb m. Brendle outside of town the hose a` Brindley, justf h s and no aid d c cult be ve • I . ' a afi given, Frid y„ morning While looking for z,ab- ALE---STOUT---LAGER- PURE— PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS = BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, T, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA Meat May Be Injurious and Is Expensive -! Some people may eat lots of meat without in- jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet they eat it daily—these pay in both health and purse. Either class will benefit by eating less meat - and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It gives much more nourishment than its cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest—conse- quently better for you. Ask for 7 - CORN FLAKE It's the original. 10 cents per package. 104 t ews to most women! Oven -tested flour is for sale. Instead of buying ordin- ary flour you can buy flour whose baking ability has been proven in an oven: A ten pound sample is taken from each shipment of wheat at the mill. This is ground into flour. The flour PUR'TY is baked into bread. If this flour ° bakes into • bread , high in quality and large in quantity we keep the whole shipment of wheat and grind it. Otherwise we sell it. w' More bread and better bread froiu this iit-u ' is a c rtainty !. 0, O ore Brea and Retttrr Bre ..1 and " Bettors P . st y Too" 52s � � 00 ad � Sold by R. 0. Soldoni Szelerr