HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-12, Page 4Saarler,e .& Creech, Proprietors
Ia a vetoes $L00 per rear in C n. a
$1,SC in United States, If not paid
in advance 50c, extra per yeer may
be charged.
TailttSDA.Y. MAIt. 12, '14
Couuncil met in. the Town Hall on
Friday evening, March 6th, Previous
etiolates approved. Communications
were Teed from the Bell Telephone
Company and Toronto City Develop-
ment Exhibition, Beavers-Harton -
That the same be filed.
Beavers-Harton-That accounts be
passed and orders issued in payment
R. Murphy acct„ 2.40; Dickson &
Carling 32.50; T, C. Brooks, express,
55c. 'J Grigg, account 3.60; Mrs
White labor 1;50; W. H. Levett, coal
66,00 ; Harvey.- Bros., coaal, 45c.; H.
E, Huston insurance, 10.00; 5. Senior,
insurance, 11).00; T. C, Brooks, in-
surance, 10.00; S. Hardy, insurance,
10.00; John Iard, pt, salary 37.50;
W J. Bissett, pt, salary 41.00; T. 13.
Carling, pt. salary, 33.33.
Reeve Taylor and Councillor Hind
delegates to the Hydro Radial Can-
ference in London, brought in their
report which contained a great deal
of valuable information. Three of the
outstanding features of the meeting
were a grant of $6400 aiuile for lad -
leis, the deepening of the Welland
Canal and St. Lawrence Waterways,
and the development of- more power
for the province. On motion of Her-
ta,. and Beavers the delegates were
paid ;15,00 for their expenses.
Hartoa-That we adjourn.
T. B. Carling, Clerk
The Council of the Township of
Stepper• convened in the Town Hall
Crediton, on Monday, March 2nd, at
1 p. m All members were present.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and ado ted.
Finkbeiner-Yearley-That the Aud-
itcrs 'Report be received and adopted
Yearley-Finkbeiner-That Samuel
Brown the Treasurer of the Township
of Stephen is hereby authorized to
draw by cheque on the funds to the
credit of the corporation in the Can-
adian Bank of Commerce, Crediton
during the pleasure of such treasurer
and until this ,resolution is recrnded,-
Mr Neeb presented a petition sign-
ed be a number of assessed land own-
ers praythg for the establishment of
a Municipal Telephone System. Same
was laid over for future consideration.
W B Oliver of Grand Bend pre-
sented a petition signed by Andrew
Disjardine and twenty-seven others,,
p„'.y;.ng the Council to pass a by -late
prohibiting the moaning of any oag-a-
telle pool, or billard tables in the
Township. Resolved that the Ry -law
w_ . be considered at the next meet-
Mr. F. W. Farncorbe, the Township
Drainage engineer, having filed his re-
• por re Centralia Drain, with the
Clerk on the 28th telt., the Clerk was
instructed to 'notify all parties that
the report would be read and consid-
ered by this Council on. Monday, Ap-
ril 6th at 2 p. m., at the Town Hall
The following orders were paid
Suet Insurance Co„ insurance on Hall
$1150' Advocate Printing Co., printing
$2.50; Sundry persons, for gravel con-
tracts: on blocks 8, 9, 10 C. Rd.
$430.61; Mrs. H. Guenther, team grad-
ing N B., $1.75; H. Sweitzer, auditor
$8; S Brokenshire do., $8; R. Davey
removing obstruction 1st S. R., 25c.;
T. Oliver rep. bridge, 50c.; Jos. Sher -
row caretaker of pit, and cleaning,
S36.65; Chas. Morrish, gravel Blks. 8
9 10 C. Rd., $:20.90; J• Cornish
drawing gravel, $3,80; J. Kenny, grav-
el contract, C. Rd., $1.38; David Webb
pt.. payment of gravel contract, 3rd S.
Rd., $4.00; Crediton Star, printing,.
The Council adjourned to meet
aper in the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday April 6th, at 1 p. m.
Henry Either,.Clerk'
Counci met pursuant to adlo r
in the Town Hall, McGillivray,
on March 2nd. Present, T. J. Poore
J Glavin. J. Robinson and A. E. Ros-
ser. Minutes of last meeting :were
read and signed,
Rosser -Glavin -That • accounts a
nicr,nting in all to $141.85 be passed
and orders issued in payment—Carried
Robinson -Glavin -That the Audit -
o -e Report, as read, be adopted, and
that 200• copies be printed --Carried,
Rosser -Glavin -That the Reeve and
Jchr 1.obinson be appointed delegates
tr attend the Hydro Radial Conven-
tien to be held at London on the 5th
incl; -Carried.
Glavin -Robinson -That By-law No
3, of 1914, to authorize the Reeve
ano Treasurer to borrow from tbe.
Standard Bank of Canada, Parkhill,
certain sums to meet the current ex-
penditure for the year, as read a first
arid second time, be read a third time
and passed. -Carried.
Robinson -Rosser -•That on account
of the serious illness of Deputy Reeve
Robsot:, Tweddle, this Council deem
it advisable to lay over the commulni,-
cetiot of Wilson, Pike and Stewart
the Mud Creek Drainage scheme urs
til the ,next meeting of Council 6th
of April incl that the Clerk be in-
structed to communicate with them to
to that, effect, -Carried.
E,obinsdn-Rosser-That the Coun-
cil xeciuest the. Hydro Electric Power
.omission to furnish us with estimates
Oa radial linestunningthrough this
toe nship from a point on the east
Tow•nline at Clandeboye, thence west
and north to Brinsley, thence north to
point on the north, Boundary, south
of Crediton, -Carried:
The Council then : ' adjourned to
meet in the Town Hall, on Monday
April .6th, at 1” o'clock ix , ea:/ea
J. D. Drurntriond, clerk
CLiNTON-Grrorge C. as deeleto,;d
sr, died here on March 7th, at -the
age df 80 years, He was a resideri't of
God:erich Township since his vo eth,
A w'ifc anti cattily of seven survive.
Death was due to a stroke 6 mortths
gr. Bradshaw of the Bank of Com-
o! •Commerce spent last Sunday with
las parents in Toronto,
Mr. Gottfried Oestreicher of Dash-
wood was Fin the village Tuesday vis-
ttnr his. brother Daniel.
H Silber leaP.P., attended the dir-
ectcirs', meeting of the Bay Tp, Ins,
Co, in Zurich last Saturday,
Miss Clifton and Miss Link havere-
surired therm duties as milliners at Feist
Qree„, and at Zwicker's respectively.
Genet Sweitzer has been ill with
Ow grippe, but is nowt able to resume
his work at the grist mill.
Last Sunday the pastors of the
Merl edict, 'and Evangelical churches
cave: reports ot; the sess,Lon of the
Dominion Alliance, which took place
:n 'I "pronto. the previous week. The
hymns which were sung at the con-
vention were rendered by the audi-
ence and much enjoyed.
\lrs,Mat.hew Filnkbeiner is at pees -
era ill with Bronchitis. Her many
fz:ends hope there wall soon, be a
:,rut,ige tor the better,
hear considerable talk
of the
Hydro Electric radials these days.
i aie time has come when Crediton
and the vicinity should take some ac-
tine to bring their position before the
Commission. We want the railroad
and if we miss it now, we .might has
well, carne to. theconclusion to drop
of, the reap. Oar to -We ships a great
deal of .'freight' in a year. Ask .the
G. le R. agent • at Centralia for sta
t stir, and tt is certainly in our in-
ter -eq. -to acteaethout delay. ... Hydro
Electric is being held in Stratford this
coming Friday. Our Trustees should',
appoint one' of their number or some
ether person to attend to get all
the information possible. We under-
stated a mass meeting will be held in
Exeter some time next week. if such
takes place a good representation
shoytld attend and make our needs and
desiaae known
aree.Wm. Yearley and daughter vis-
sec e n London this week,
Diss Edna Davey returned to Lon-
dareor Tuesday after visiting her par-
enta a few days,
Mise Oscar Cornish of London vis-
itec with her husband's parents a few
A_.very enjoyable time was spent
at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Davey when they gave their friends
and, relatives air oyster supper on Mon
day.,evening-of last week. They spent
thc” evening in dancing and other a-
After some years, our boys have
:a together and organized a Band
On Friday night a meeting was called
by the etelaa • trustees and it proved
a vary-erithuiiiiStic one, A band of
fifteen was :organizeth at a meeting
'tela the fallowing Monday evening.
Several off the old members heave ag-
reed- to join to help the recruits,
eee,:boys are hard at work and hope
o giete a fair showing when spring a-
rrives The officers elected are; Pres.
Garnet Swelteer, Vice -Pres. Ernest
G attinger; Secretary, Frazer Brown;
Treas. Moses- Faist; Leader, Herb
Eilber : Ass't, Mathew Ginter.
Mr. Ben Holtzman of Saskatoon,
Sash visited relatives in town for a
few days this week.
A pretty wedding took place in
London on the 4th inst, when Miss
Lottie C. Welsh became the wife of
Mr Harry .W. White of 555 Adelaide
Street of that city. The bride was
attended by her sister, Ettie, while
the groomwas assisted by Mr. John
Berryhill. Miss Welsh formerly lived
here We extend to the happy couple
our best wishes for a happy married
The funeral of the late John Beck-
er on Friday was largely attended
showing the esteem in which he was
'cele Interment was made in the
Lutheran burial plot on the Bronson
Line near the home of deceased, be-
fore coming to this village. He is
survived by his aged widow, five sons
ane. fever daughters, all grown-up.
Tbc :;bereaved friends will have the
sympathy ofthe entire community in
his their severe trial.
Mr ^•-Henry Brenner of near Zurich
was the village Saturday attend-
ing the annual meeting of the Dash-
wood Planing Mill Co., of which he
's a shareholder.
Messrs. Herbert Miller, Wesley Geis-
er aocl Mrs. G. W. Shore spent Sat-
urday;: in London.
Mr a' and Mrs. Ben, Sheppard of
Cupar Sask., who have been visiting
friends- in this community since Christ
mas have again left for their western
Mr and Mrs. Frank Case spent a
few 'days here last week at the home
of Mrs Wm. Rotherna .
Mrs, Henry. Truenuner of Zurich is
at present waiting on her .sister; Mrs.
Henry Califas, who is very ill.
Rev. J Id. Grenzebach received new
member of his congregation on, Sun-
Rev Mr. Becker of Crediton ' will
prea:ck• ire the Evangelical Church on
Sunday ,next,. " •
Mr;Burjey•Hodgins and Miss Edith
Simpson, both of this place, were mar'
tier. -on "March 4th, The knot was
tiedeby the -Rev. Mr McGuire, pas-
tor of the, Anglican church, Ailsa
Craig They vitae ..unattended. The
bride was dressed in a handsome grey
suit ,trimmed with silk. After a short
honeymoon trip they will reside here,
ivtr. and Mrs, W. C. Hodgins and soli
Harold and 'Mrs, Jas. Hodgins and net
datue'hter 'Tillie left Monday ,.or their
respect;ve harnes In Killarney, Man,'
-Frank .Wast bur , of Guelph visited
friends' here x couple days last week
-Mrs; Richard Hodgins is confined to
he' through b ess-,.1-r. �lTilliam.
n.,, bed llrotsryh pain r2
Da'r:s'noes'with a painful accident last
week by Ping thrown out of the
le rt l with; the. "exult ,th put
d Cott -
to •lt s le tklt "havL
ecl unjuri• l mr
f ,nett •,hi'rlt to the house„, -Mrs, Nada
O de•i,,has retu,rn,ed from a , tit with•
friends in Dashwood, -Mr. Alt, mick
i,ns Isyfrleased over the arrival of a shat
rece„ sly,
The W. M. S. heldtheir annual
quilting bee in the basement of the
Church yesterday, They lied a large
turnout and a large amount of work
wee aeeempliseted,
Mrs, Warren Mitchell and two chil-
dren leave to -day (Thursday) far a
four months' trip to her old hone
in Yorkshire, Eng, We wish her bon
voyage and a safe return,
Miss Olive Dempsey returned last
week after spending. about six'' nxon-
tlee with her brother in the West.
Hiss Dinah Elston spent a few days
renewing acquaintances around the
village the guest of her brother;
Mr Fry the ,new butter maker, .for
T Willis, has rented the Dempsey
property and will move here from
Harriston in a few days.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Lamport of Cred-
itor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, J',
Wilson on Sunday.
Mr 13. Hicks shipped a car load of
very choice cattle to Toronto:.,mar-
ket me Saturday.
W. R. Elliott, Reeve, and W. Year-
ley, -Deputy-Reeve, attended the Hy-
dro Electric convention in London
last week,
lair Bruce Mitchell, our popular
thresher, is •contemplating the purch-
ase of a ditching machine. Judging
from the number of calls- there are
for men. to do thee class of work, and
the scarcity. of them, the project
aught to be a paying one and a great
benefit to the farmers in this com-
Mrs Josephine Coughlin of ,London
ss the guest of Mrs, C. •O'Brien for
a few days, -Mr. Dennzis Quarry of
Hamilton, who has been visiting his
parents, returned to that city last
week. -;Wish Nettie McCarthy of De-
troit is a visitor at the. home of Mr.
ano Mrs James Carey. -Mr. Joseph
Glavin was in London last week on
business, -Mount Carmel Post pffice
eve,: cut off last week and is now a
thing of the past. -Miss Winnifred
Guainan spent Sunday with little Mary
Hall.-Miss.Mary Keough of Edmon-
ton, Alta. visited her aunt, Mrs. M.
Madden last week.. '
The Women's Missionary Society
met for the February meeting at the
home of the president, Mrs. Russell
Skinner, on February. 19th. All mem-
bees were present, accompanied by
their busbands. A very profitable and
enjoyable evening was spent. Ten
new members have been enrolled. The.
W M S. annual social will be held
on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. A
goo program of a missionary ': char-
actee is being prepared, after which
refreshments will, be served. Admis-
sion. 10 and •20c. Come and share in
the Irish Delight -The League was re
organized last. Tuesday evening with
Newton Clark, President; Enos Herd -
matt lst Vice; Miss Oth.ella Heywood,
Secy: Miss Ila Delbi•idge, Treas;Hairs
Beatrice Wilcox and Miss Meda
Coultis organists. Meetings will : be
hely Tuesday evenings. -Wedding
bells will be ringing in OUT neighbor-
hood next week.
Mr Joe Gill is visiting his sister,
else Pedler in Ailsa Craig. Mr. P.
Baket was in Parkhill Monday on
business. -Mr. Ed. Gill, jr„ held a
wood bee Tuesday. -Mr. Zevez of
Thedford visited Mr. Teatreau Sate
urday.-Mr. Major Baker is able to be
out and around after his operation.-
Mr. and Mrs. Walt, England of Green-
way visited the latter's father Mr.
P Beker last week.
Mr and Mrs. John Selves royally
entertained a number of friends at'
their home the other night in honor
of Mr and Mrs: George Moir of Tra-
verse City. Mich. The evening was
most pleasantly spent by all. -Mrs.
Geprge Etherington held a thimble bee
on Thursday last and the ladies gave
a good account of themselves.
Mr and Mrs. John Westlake enter-
tained theire'
to a social neighbors hbors
g cial ev-
ening Thursday last. -Mr, and Mrs.
J Loadman of Manitoba spent a few
clays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kernick,
-Miss Alda Westlake spent Sunday
witl. friendsnear Centralia, -Mr, Jos
Yellow is confined to his room thru
Illness. -Mrs. S. Passmore and Lila
Mae' Snell spent a few days with IVUs
j Westlake, -Miss Alda Westlake last
week ,started to learn; millinery • at
Jones & May's.
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting.. There 3s a constitutional cause
for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box
W. 840. Windsor, Ont., will send free to
any mother her :successful home treat-
ment, with full instructions. Send ho
money but write her today if ,your
children trouble ylou in shire way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it
can't help it. .This treatment also cures
adults and` aged people troubled with
urine, difficulties by flay or night
A year ago
he couldn'teat
Tb ;,fir01I)\
Tole : he Can, eat th ,acivaare,
ltneala: aria remetieriles rtes;;
�... ,
• extra.."
because tIZamherlarha,.,
'Tablets cured Stomach Trouble
and 'gave aim a good digestioe."'
'Matt try them. 2Sc. a bottle:
Eli Dettg'argtg and Dealers or by '
Main • ' 3
iCheiberisin filalkuw>ed.,Tonet
Learn To Play
Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin
Guitar, Banjo, Cornet
New Method, Wonderfully Simple,
Easy and Rapid
Lel us tell you of a Wonderful, New
anti! Simple Method by which young
tend old may learn tel play by ;rote the
piano organ, violin, guitar, mandolin,
banjo cello, cornet or other instru-
ment. No knowledge of music is re-
7ui.red, Those who have found old
methods difficult or impossible, learn
quickly and :easily by this wonderful
new method. A few minutes of your
spare time evenings, will soon make
you capable of entertaining your
friends teaching others or playing in
public Valuable alike, ,to the begin-
ner and to advanced pupils who wish
to improve.
Thousands of pleased pupils through
nut the United States and Canada
praise this marvellous, }et ear
simple and easy syste.
Send your
name and address to us to -day for
complete information, booklet andre-
ference all FREE. Tell us what in-
strument you would, like to play. A
post card will do. If two members
of the same family desire information
about different instruments, please
explain. clearly, Address
International' Institute of Music
Institute Bldg,-DePt•43•-Ft,Wayne,ind,
SCHOOL "REPORT: of S. S, No. 3
Usbprne. for the month ofFeburary,
Sr IV, -V. Stewart 76, C. 'Turnbull
69. W 'Knight 66, G. Duncan 60, E.
McDonald 48, Jr, IV. -J. Hodgert 62.1
S. III. -V, Jeffeey 67, C. Jeffery 57
M. Pollen 56, U. Snell 48, R. Williams
444, E Pollen 32. Jr. III. -N. Hunkin
61, E Knight 61, C. Stewart 45, W.
Turnbull 45 M. Doupe 37, R. Pollen
35 E. Kay 32, A. Rundle 20. Sr. IL -
I. Williams 74. Jr. IL -G. Stewart 80
L Knight 67, A. Jeffrey 66, D. Arm-
strong 40, C. Doupe 14. lst Class -
A Hunkin 92, G. McDonald 83, La -
Bell Kay 56, M. Cottle 55. Primer -
S" Francis 64, S. Pollen 57, W. Allison
57 E Stewart 50.
No on roll 35;. average 30.
M. L. Coward.
SEAFORTH,-john, McNamara, died
in Hamilton on Tuesday, March 3rd,
Mr McNamara' had reached the good
old agc of 88 years and died. on ,his
birthday Deceased was well known
arounc! Seaforth having been a school
teacher in this vicinity for many years,
How' s Thi3P:
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any came
of Catarrh that cawot be cured by Hall's Oatarrt
K. J. CHENEY & 0o., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known I. J. Cheney foe
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorabi
in all business transactions and financially able tc
carry out any obligations made by his firm
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken internally, acting di
really on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price 55e. per bot-
tle. Soldby all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti, ation,
Mrs. Alex, Ross of Montana is vis-
iting,lVlrs. D. McLean and other rela-
tives. -Miss Mary Drysdale left last
week for the west where she intends
spending sone time •visiting relatives.
The death of Mrs. Robert Cameron
is sincerely regretted throughout this
community and much sympathy is ex-
pressed for the bereaved husband.
Deceased was ete her 26th' year and
had been married ,fess than three
years During that time she had two
long and serious illnesses, the last
proaing fatal. The • immediate cause
of death was an attack of paralysis.
Her maiden name was Isabella Mc-
Donald, and she was born and grew
eu.o near Chiselhurst, They resided in
Elensall since their marriage.
Quite a large number attended the
Seed Show last week, and while the
e h'b'r
x x i s were not larg
e in number they
were of excellent quality, The prin-
cipal prize winners were A. G. Smil-
lie O Geiger, A. Elcott, John Elder
A. Rennie, O. Klapp.
Auction Sale
8 Conn` 2, Stephen, on TUESDAY
MARC}{. 31st, at 12.30 o'clock,-
Horses -1 matched: team, general.
purpose -rising 5 years and 8 years;
1 mare rising 11, in _foal; 1 filly ris-
ing 3. 1 colt rising 1 year old.
Cattle -1 registered Holstein cow,
due in April; 1 registered Holstein
cow ,rising 7 years, calved Jan. 10th;
1 heifer 1 year old; 1 steer 10 mos,
old: 1 steer 6 months •. old; 1 bull
call •2 months old; About 40 hens.
Implements -1 wagon nearly. new;
1 truck wagon, 1 family carriage, 1
new top . buggy; cutter; pair She-
boggan sleighs, with box complete; 1
Dearing ,binder, 6,foot •,cut; McCor-
mick mower, b foot cut; new disc
harrow . 1 harrow 4 sections ; .1 set of
double 'farm harness; 1. double set of
brass mounted harness; set of double
light harness; set single harness;
Mann seed . drelle.,Mc0ormlck cultiva-
ultiva-tor•: several robes and rugs; Deering
steel rake.. McCormick steel roller;
scuff'ler, root pulper, Peterboro LX,L
fanning mill; stock scale, 2000 lbs;;
Bell cutting box, ,new; extension !ad-
der stone boat stock tack,hay a for
Daisy churn, Mailot cream separator
new( grindstone,' Forks, shovels, hoes
chains, scythes, whierletrees, neck -
yokes, etc.
Household I urri•vture; 1 •Coe: o'1
r .toys
Moffatt steel orange,. kitchen cabinet,
Williants sewing machine, sideboard, 2
tables,''bedsteads,'springs and •,tress-
err pails dishes, gems, rocktit,g,' eleali's'
aria' numerous other artleles,
Terms -45.00 'al 1 Trial a '
u 'under' ash; , over•
that atheemt credit will tie givetl, until
Nov. 1st on iuruish5ng approved joint.
notes 5! per cent, per a,nnune off fox'
cash rai t'redit 'amounts.
Auctioneer Proprietor
... •
SIR EDMUND WALKER,C.V,O../.,L.D„ P.C.L., President
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRD, .Ass't General Manager;
C -API AL,$15�000, . 000 RESERVE FUNO, $13,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
bankingbusiness, including
for•. the transaction. of their
thed iscount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. x35
EXETER BRANCH -G. L. WAUGH, M.anager. Branch also at Credlton
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve
TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ...... ......• .. • . . .. . • ...... , Issuled
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate,
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON Manager,
You are Protected
When you buy "FROST FENCE'' because it backs you ale with an en-
viable reputation. You never see poor FROST FENCES” because there , are
none. Every rod wins your approval.
The Frost Wire Fence Company are n. the
p Y r only firm operating their owni
drawing and galvanizing mills. That's- why right material onlygoes into
Frost Fences. g g
Let me quote you onthese fences that have ;running wires of even leng-
th, stays straight and evenly spaced, wire all full size and heavily galvan-
ized. The "FROST" lock, is absolutely the surest woven' lock on any
fence It does not slip and does not weaken the lateral wire with a kink.
All styles, also GATES and FANCY FENCES, The Frost Special wo-
ven wire ,Lawn Fence is their”"newest' line. Get' a catalogue.
Ardency fa
S. A.ND1tEW' Agent,
Gumn's Fertilizer-noo.e better on the market.
Auction Sale
There will 'be sold b public auc-
tion., p c
tion, ,at the Central, Hotel Exeter, X e , on
At 1.30 o ctbck p, tn., thee, farm: known
'as the Thdntas M, ,Case Homestead,
,being Lot 31, Con.Usborne
The e farmis; situated out the 'l.ki-'
don Road, :equi-'distant Exeter and
t-rertsall; 90 acres cleated and undei
cultivation; about 10 acres thin bush
,/ acre apple orchard one story frame
dweili,tig brick 2ott,ndationr'gond barna
good.' stable, and other outbuildings
IC is admittedly one of the best
arid most productive farms in the
County, is excellently situated as to '',. "F
markets and is in the centre of the
most populous and progressive dis-
tricts of Ontario; convenient to chur
ches and schools; good roads in all
ood neighbors and: all'
otherconditions mots desirable.
r ms. -'1 he property will be offer
al subject to a reserved
cent, purchase money en, bSa1d
balancein.31 days ,, ;pas,
sessionto purchaser; Further condi-
tont• made known on day of said,
For particulars apply to Canada
Trust Co,, London, or to Dickson &
Carling Exeter, Vendor's Solicitors.
They all see it now—what
Henry Ford saw years ago—
that the light, strong, quality
car, sold at a lowrice best
meets the demands of all the
people. Now they're all fol-
- lowing where Henry Ford led.
Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford
runabout; the touring car is six fifty the'town
car nine hundred -f. o. b. Ford, Ont., complete
with equipment. Get catalog and particulars
from Wes. Snell, agent, Exeter, Ont. -
You are Protected
When you buy "FROST FENCE'' because it backs you ale with an en-
viable reputation. You never see poor FROST FENCES” because there , are
none. Every rod wins your approval.
The Frost Wire Fence Company are n. the
p Y r only firm operating their owni
drawing and galvanizing mills. That's- why right material onlygoes into
Frost Fences. g g
Let me quote you onthese fences that have ;running wires of even leng-
th, stays straight and evenly spaced, wire all full size and heavily galvan-
ized. The "FROST" lock, is absolutely the surest woven' lock on any
fence It does not slip and does not weaken the lateral wire with a kink.
All styles, also GATES and FANCY FENCES, The Frost Special wo-
ven wire ,Lawn Fence is their”"newest' line. Get' a catalogue.
Ardency fa
S. A.ND1tEW' Agent,
Gumn's Fertilizer-noo.e better on the market.
Auction Sale
There will 'be sold b public auc-
tion., p c
tion, ,at the Central, Hotel Exeter, X e , on
At 1.30 o ctbck p, tn., thee, farm: known
'as the Thdntas M, ,Case Homestead,
,being Lot 31, Con.Usborne
The e farmis; situated out the 'l.ki-'
don Road, :equi-'distant Exeter and
t-rertsall; 90 acres cleated and undei
cultivation; about 10 acres thin bush
,/ acre apple orchard one story frame
dweili,tig brick 2ott,ndationr'gond barna
good.' stable, and other outbuildings
IC is admittedly one of the best
arid most productive farms in the
County, is excellently situated as to '',. "F
markets and is in the centre of the
most populous and progressive dis-
tricts of Ontario; convenient to chur
ches and schools; good roads in all
ood neighbors and: all'
otherconditions mots desirable.
r ms. -'1 he property will be offer
al subject to a reserved
cent, purchase money en, bSa1d
balancein.31 days ,, ;pas,
sessionto purchaser; Further condi-
tont• made known on day of said,
For particulars apply to Canada
Trust Co,, London, or to Dickson &
Carling Exeter, Vendor's Solicitors.
c e
oar r.
! ! !
s ¢
- -MI
' I a l
Angi a
,.L„iA",f,,,,,J; ,4,1,'
e fence
Yhdepend d u can he
depended spun.
'r,,.l.,I00.4, I, piIM.,,,,:,„1,1.1•,,, I,„,,N.l,„x,,,,-,,n.., f,•-
Looks as Neat
Y,�C7�71►When Stretch
- (on
the Posts as It Does int P
_._ a Picture
You are Protected
When you buy "FROST FENCE'' because it backs you ale with an en-
viable reputation. You never see poor FROST FENCES” because there , are
none. Every rod wins your approval.
The Frost Wire Fence Company are n. the
p Y r only firm operating their owni
drawing and galvanizing mills. That's- why right material onlygoes into
Frost Fences. g g
Let me quote you onthese fences that have ;running wires of even leng-
th, stays straight and evenly spaced, wire all full size and heavily galvan-
ized. The "FROST" lock, is absolutely the surest woven' lock on any
fence It does not slip and does not weaken the lateral wire with a kink.
All styles, also GATES and FANCY FENCES, The Frost Special wo-
ven wire ,Lawn Fence is their”"newest' line. Get' a catalogue.
Ardency fa
S. A.ND1tEW' Agent,
Gumn's Fertilizer-noo.e better on the market.
Auction Sale
There will 'be sold b public auc-
tion., p c
tion, ,at the Central, Hotel Exeter, X e , on
At 1.30 o ctbck p, tn., thee, farm: known
'as the Thdntas M, ,Case Homestead,
,being Lot 31, Con.Usborne
The e farmis; situated out the 'l.ki-'
don Road, :equi-'distant Exeter and
t-rertsall; 90 acres cleated and undei
cultivation; about 10 acres thin bush
,/ acre apple orchard one story frame
dweili,tig brick 2ott,ndationr'gond barna
good.' stable, and other outbuildings
IC is admittedly one of the best
arid most productive farms in the
County, is excellently situated as to '',. "F
markets and is in the centre of the
most populous and progressive dis-
tricts of Ontario; convenient to chur
ches and schools; good roads in all
ood neighbors and: all'
otherconditions mots desirable.
r ms. -'1 he property will be offer
al subject to a reserved
cent, purchase money en, bSa1d
balancein.31 days ,, ;pas,
sessionto purchaser; Further condi-
tont• made known on day of said,
For particulars apply to Canada
Trust Co,, London, or to Dickson &
Carling Exeter, Vendor's Solicitors.