HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-12, Page 3Items of News by Wire Notes Of Interest as to What Is Going on M1 Over the World Catiada. Montroal Irishinen, Oath°Rae ,and Protestants, will eelebrate St. Pat - risks Day together in a, bangs -Let. The Qsaernment declined to ie- atigurate the, elehage pensioa sys, tens for Canada. at the present time Leonard McGibbon was sentenced to seven sears for shooting aud kill, ing his. etatsin, Jolla McGibbon, at Daleaville, Que. •' George Altkin, active hi public affairs in Beant county, died on the farm where he was born seventy- three yea re ago, in South Dumfries. Steamship men are planning to raise the "inyster*y Ship,'' Charles S. Price, a hich went as the bottom of Lake Huai in the storm of last November, Tho Bathurst, N.B., Lumber Company announces that it hae 'completed plans for the ereetion of a fifty -ton sulphite pulpanill at B thu r et The Mayors of Sault Ste. Marie a.nd Steelton lend a.• deputation to Obta.wa to ask for Federal aid in developing inon deposit e in the Lake Superior region, Eslinenten City Council is. to pub- lish a weekly Municipal Gazette, 10,000 cgApies, at an estimated cost of $415 a weekagiving verbatim re- ports of Council and Commission meetinfee. - Increased tariffs for sectionand drawing-raoms in sleeping cars, which were some, time ago an- nounced by the railway, have been suspended by the Railway Commie- sion pending an inquiry'. • -The Sarnia, Fence Co. has agreed to turn over its entire Western business to the Grain Growers' Grain Company, which will pay an agreed price per ton for the eutput of the factory, and will retail it. L. •H. Packard, manufacturer of shoe polishes, a trustee of the C. M.A., and one of the most promi- nent Y.M.O.A. supporters in Can- ada, died in Montreal en Friday at the ,age of seventyve. The Deminion Railway Board ,de - its full term and will not dissolve •this year, Miss Sylvia Pankhurst and many others were, arrested at a demon, stration in Trafalgar Square, Lon- don en Sunday. Wlinsain Churebill, acklressiese the Royal Institute Chili, oonsidered a trans-Ablanito aeroplane flight too risky at present. The London Times, not long ago reduced in priee from 3 -peace to 2-penee, is soon to become a penny paper as the circulation has grown only 3,000. Total abstinence from. alcoholic stimulants will be strictly observed during Sir Ernest Shackleton's trip across the South Polar continent, Sugar will be used freely to provide bodily 1,1rarallth. A memorial signed by 310 mem- bers of the British Parliament, in- cluding Messns. Balfour and Law, ever half the Unionist members of the House, •-praotically all the Na- tionalists. and Laborites, and Over one-third of the Liberals, asks the British Government to exhibit at San Francisca exposition.. United States. T. J. Blakeslee, a noted American dealer, committed suicide in New York city on Saturday. President Wilson, in hie message fa Congress, on Thursday, urged the immediate repeal of the Panama tolls exemption clause. The luterstate Commerce Com- mittee of :the United Statee House favorably reported the bill to repeal the Panama. tolls exemption elause, Fewer ,cases of drunkenness and improvement in business has result- ed from prohibition law which went into effeet in Tennessee on Ma.roh1. m.7 Green, pioneer manufac- turer of X-ray tubes, died at Hart- ford, Conn. of carcinoma of the - liver, indueessi by X-ray poisoning. He was an Englishman, aged 55. Envoys of General Felix Diaz, who went to Washington to fled out what 'support he would get if he re- in the Weeterti freightrakes -burned to .1,Toxioo to keel a savants, ease will rtot be given for sonie tionazy party, got a chilly reoep- -weeks, becarise of the difficulty en- sem. sauntered in comParing Eastern rates, where water competitien is a factor, well theee in ;the -Weeks Creat Britain. 2),Tilit ant Suffragettes were en- gaged in a fierce fight at a Labor meeting in. Loridon. • The, London. -Chroni,ele says the Asquith Gavernment will finish out General. . The' two French "Siamese Latins," born last fall, were separated bY eurgeons in Paris. As King Christian of Denmark was entering a new church •an old 'woman etopped him and said, "God bless you. I want you to build more a -lurches." ...•••••••••••••WwwwW TIT Eli FY YEARS IN PRISON. • BIG'cA.rtix EXPORTS. French Bey Who Slew Seven Got •Rush of Trade Followed Reduction In Tariff. A despatch from Ottawa says: How the Underwood tariff has oper- ated towards/the export trade in killed seven Persons with an axe nab Canadian cattle is indicated in a Besbriage-en-Landr •-eatt, was found return tabled in the House on Fri - guilty on Wednesday of the cherge day. In the four months ended with agaiust• him and senteneed to twen-. January „last 162,491 head of cattle ty years in prison. The sentenee fa were sent aeroes • the border, as the maximum- allowed by law.. In compared with 20,101 in the oorres- enflaming up for the defenoe, the ponding months. The rash appar- boy's lawyer deolared .that ab the time of the eoramiesion of the innr- dors the lad sSaslaboring under ex- tessive nervous. fatigue, due to hard -work. IV-Iten:asked.ii, he had any- thing to veld to the, words of his lawyer, Iiedurcsin. roe With lowered head tind weptbut'said nothing. the litaximuni Penalty. A despatch from Nantes France, sayi : Marcel Redureau, the fifteen- year-olti led who last September. 44 ell.A.LEPA X. WOMAN MURDERED. Stine] With 'Sledge Hemmer and. Died hi Hospititi. A deqeetteh from Halifax, N.S., says : •Mrs. Margaret Brown, a widow. aged 50 years, was' Murder- arraek ed with a eledge-harn- mer in her home, '25 .Bilby Street, -early 'Sunday morning, and died of , her injuries at the Vietoeia, General, Hesl)ital,the same night. 'James Murphy wes nrrested bythe .police, and Will have to face 0, charge of untrelfr in the Poli(4) Faan» ily troebles' are alleged to be the ,00.11RF, of the erime. Murphy is said .to 1iav been, usisrried .to a., <laugh-, ter of the dead woman. ' ESTATE FOR SALE. Duke of Sutherland t Dispwe ot part Iiis Scottieli Estates. A despatch. foam London gla-Ys Three hundred thousa,nd acres of the Dik of Sixtherland's 923,400 acees in Se therlandehire will be sold at, teictien in London it Onto. her. There ttre eight esparate lets, some' of ehich were inanded in the Dulse'n reseet offer toChameellor of the Exchequer Lloyd George of a large. part of his land M prieos ramgh%g from $5 to $5.50 at acre, Tim lan'h are mostly deer forests, d Almon and, t ,grouse moors, an o r 1,ti earns, ently is over, for while 58,671 head were ex -ported in October and 76,087 'in November, in January the fig- ures had declined to 5,500. MEAT FAMINE IS AVIIITED. , -- Dispute in Xuetralian ludustry ' Has Been Adjusted. A despa.tch from Sydney, N.S.W., says: A. settlement was reached on Friday in the dispute between the employers and employes in the meat trade which had brought about a meat famine in this city lasting from Februa,ry 16 till Friday. The slaughternten butchers and 'neat salesmen who had asked for big in-. creases in wages and shorter work- ing hours agreed to resume work at the old rates pending am adjust- ment through the intermediaey of the Minister of Labor. ° TRADE IN'FARM. IMPLEMENTS. Plows Lead Imports and Binders Le,a d xp or le. A despatch from Ottawa saFst Canadian trade in agricultural nn- plements is summarited in a return tabled in the House on Friday deal- ing with the last fiscal year. Can- ada imported binders, reapers, mowers, plows, seders arid oulti. va,tors to a. total value of .$2,080,527, and exported during the sante per- iod, a total of $3,228,866. The im- plements most largely in' ported were plowe, while binders led in the exports.. ,Deopatehee reaching Buenos Ayres sated that Pio do janierte the eapi- tal of :Brazil, was in a slate of siege, gatuthisa Matsuda, jatianese Mitaieter of jUstice, is dead, re' VMS born in 1845 and educated in France by Goveenmeitt order, • •SIB ,G.E.WRGE, .B.B.S.S. DEAD. reviler Ontario PreIlliet ral;;Sell Away Atter Long Dines% A despatch from Taranto sap; Sir George Doss, majority leader in the Canadian Senate and former Preanier of Ontario, died Saturday morning at the General liospital after an illness of s* weeks. Death ha4 been inevitable for several clays, but .came somewhat unexpeet- edly, no member of the faMily being at band whee. Sir George breathed his last, only Dr. Garnet Greer and a nurse being at the bedside, Lady Ross and Dr. William Goldie had been summoned, but as:rived at the army • The leaders of the outlaws them. St to 11.0.0 1,4, $90 MILE'S ON ;IC O'ER, Lieut.. Jones Was Carried Aiier Be. hag Shot Through Boilt Lep,. A, despatch from London says:. News has just reaebed here of '1,vo exciting scrimmages by British troops and tribesmen in Africa.. in the first of these Major James Lion- el Joyce Conry, of the Commught Rangers, who was awarded the Dis- tinguished Service C)rdeuedal in South Africa a fight with inotit119a0w0S, wn4earakraWidadoiall Toronto, Marc:: .0111aarlo All ea t t311'ell-P42"1'4851'‘Li4e"' "i7o°':x114'c' if'fialtd1 8): was in cnhathrge,esoufdaarei. ontminagjoerub000faarny nateuajr,:s81.31,:e:tbsaSuSso :o57.0<irso seiti:urs, elP•aLta 86▪ .1-4,; •No. 2 't raptly, 84 1 -so ;eNo. 88 tToroarte,,rigatiltolaae--rtraat ts..,f0t2tat!,y, ii&a: No. 1. r;,(1 Winter, 90 1-7,e,, Arab battalion 9f the Egyptian, 4143ituc-4:rng talc.ter_oh' :tia'-..colcl:etabaisioo,t3?4>.N70;(411: ,r1)('',47.1,i'-'1147,74143;ete''x'"1:?1,1."/,,,L8"<"0"'Cl. Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Loading Markets arc,. Here Recorded hospital a few moments too late. Sir George'S illness dated from Late Sir Geo. W. Ross. January 19, when he contracted a chill while snaking a speech in. the Senate at Ottawa. He became seri- ously ill on January 24,•and on Jan- uary 28 was removed to Toronto, where for a few days he appeared to recover somewhat. 'Since .the middle of February, however, hope had been abandoned, and during the last week his death had been ex- pected hourly. *14 IMPROVED SANITATION. Typhoid Fever Almost Wiped Out In London. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: The Registrar -Gener- al's figures for the last week of January furnish additional evidence to support the belief that typhoid. fever vein seeu beeome a rape dis- ease in London. The total deaths from thahoid only nunibered six, and -.during the period only thirty cases we're admitted to the London Fever Hospital. A ,epecialistin the disease'elaims it has become as.uare in-Lonclon as typhus became twenty years age: Many of the younger medical men have never seen a ease, aid they flook-ed to a city hospital reeently when it was learned that there was a typhoid patient there. This specialist believes that in a few years typhoid, like smallpox and typhus, will become almost a memory. This result is due almost wholly to improved sanitation. 50 PER CENT. INCREASE. / — Financial Statement of the Dentin - ion forTehruary. A despatch from Ottawa says: The financial statement of the Do- minion far the anonth of February shows a total revenue of $9,132,762, as against $6,203,008 in the corres- ponding month last year. The total revenue for the 11 months of the fiscal year was $102,222,133, as com- pared with $88,944,332 in the same period of She last fiscal year. The consolidated expeediture in the 11 months was $102,221,133,an. in- crease of, $14,000,e00, and on capi- tal aecerunt $49,240,561, an increase of $22,000,000. GEN. SIR J. WOLFE MURRAY. Appointed Commander of Forces In South Africa. A despatch from London says: General Sir James 'Wolfe Murray, deseenelant of the Colonel Murray in whose arms General Wolfe ex- pired, has been appointed com- mander of the Imperial forces in South Africa. and No, 2 98 14 'No. 1 loon, 34 1-4o; No. 2 resd, 34o. lier and other members of the band 98 3-4, Goderioh, 1-4c more, No. X were killed 1 oat iota I 3 4- 4— k • 'tea priouer.s. linedeit.cithees relitnaajoictidelct'. i)inna3;le t 4421213i.ats8116,1,bo079'6 7ttend9e7v1 4 2 4(2";1V...Ll'ilia'i(Fig:4:(')" kilied and f the BritiPb.otulroovirposunloceeta.three men i aroro'elitr frela'1)1* and 994' en Oats—No. 2 outaxia °ate 37 to 37 10 1"net'e'll "'eh I outside and, It 59 1-2 to 40e,' traolt, 2"4: ,r3r6I'14*83, maroh' 50, (.1(1:•fl, AOlorio'n W-11,5 shot through both 1 cl In the earsond affair Lieegl. JeL'ornmegs f -uv -Ve'gt2S2S‘ie-i!1‘)'.222,1444.! 71% „ uwaet,di,r7 an ed widiers ne::ozstwotitind,1 enayee_teNt... 2 at 62 to 630 ontside ft;zonidst„ 7,10; kistiroug bakers', $45,9630"; iree aran-Manitob • ' ' la en e' el°1ee' " 6525' "r‘14r11 attack on a .stockade by Ahysei naiese---• ad •na'Ttlitt4,411111°' ba I 66 43 to 43 1-2e; -extra No 1 feed 4, la' siaian raiders in British East Afri en:Otft"e' aceerrding te aqn•alit;7:' 58{:' to 1.5.cittY; 'Buckwheat, yo 2 55 p Vise. feed, 49 to 508; rna1ttn 5, on,. When Lieut. so realgew No. 3, American. 69c, all rail, Mart. SPrillg 104094 1). deri.te,e115Pi 1? Inkk „, ,, . a luau 4, 3 a ton, an bagai, ioltern, $4.50 to $4.76i tio„ b.4.4 521.0 tf 52.25. Roiled caAti, barrelta $4 25'. .5 ) , . to 4.35) Jones' eommand re -took the stock- ---7, orderlies, fled. /These luau at ..,-orozn.0 freight, sborte, $26. do, bags. 90 lbs., $2 to 412.05 Brea, $23. 1 Shorts, $25. Middliags VA, 'Mouilli , tiei to 832. nay, no. s, 'per ton car el t' time had set in and Jones )311w,r_.4-1, Ofetintry, P, a,tillae. both natives, then bore the wound- „e 1.6 to 190, -o eo .(1adlY 2,‘ ts) 2:k.: Inferior, 513,60 to 516. "(theme 'finest 1 rue-ne. 4°1,4' esee by assault. Two ef the eoldiers, ed,offieer on a stretcher 500 miles to , farmers'separator prints. 22 to to 14 1-2c; do , sq tt.' le is 371,0' 14:4a:t- his post. Blo-od ' • ' ' as; creamers Prints, 30' to me Hones, 07 ter, choicest ,i,r ',it %yrr.' ' 3-O'So -5,. Ezie tO, 29e; storage lariats, 27 to 28e, solids, fresh 34 to 31.6eaa' Palt.' 22 1,' Da 2 ''g, - '4' 1-2 to 260, lots '85 t 950 ' a .1t.C"3 r *a - ear poieoning mean- EgSfs—Ottre 1 t veyed to another post where a doo- 30 to Elo yr dozen. found the doctor absent, however, euBlEtfT —Hisnantelteil, $2.15 to $2.20 per 9e043:4)Tto 9/0 1-2o: Jell/. 9g 14 to 92 3.p,o sitoz: , o . or new -laid, 33 to 34o per was oon, dozen; etarase. eeleobs, 32e, and sto,rage, United States Markets, tor was stationed. His bearers 15T27;;; te;10."° " fQr and 1417"1""ii*I' M4.1.431 10.—Wbeal'L-414T ne;r_piixrame4,0,50(12.1,0iton 0$211.1116,. .b() ise per 91 3%4 icia' 92 31-4catd;'N943),342a..N1 oNrather1n,X8ar 3-4 50 and a- journey to Nairobi was then He 90 3-4e; No, .3 wheat, 86 1-4 to 88 1-4c, Corn started. On the way thettch er in. for No. 1; oombit, 53 to $3.25 per dozen 3 Yeow, 67 to 58c- Oats—No. 5 e, 37 toll37 1-4c. leiour—leancy patent°. e4.65, in wood; first clears, 55.45, an Suter, second clears, 52.00, 50 jute; shipment°. 61,800 barrele. Bran, $22, 10.---L5nsced, $1.56 3 8; 51.57 3-8; Italy, $1.59 Wheat --No. hard, 93 1-48: No. 1 Northern, 32 1-4e; No 2 Northern. 90 1-4 to so 3.4e; Montana, No. 2 hard, 90 1-4c; May. 92 1-40: July, 93 1-0o. was charged by two rhinos, which the faithful orderlies killed. At Nyiri a doctor and nurse were found. The muscles of one of Jones' legs was so shrunk that the leg will al- ways be four inches shorter than the other land Jones wili be a erip- ple for life. The doctors. regard. Jones' arrival at the hospital alive aa miraculots. TWO SPIES TRIED IN LONDON. Doetunents on British Navy Found In Possession 0 Two Germans. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: A remarkable story was told in the Bow Street Police Coart on Wednesday afteatnpon in unfold- ing a ease in which Frederick Adolphus Gould, "a eigaa merchant, and his wife, Maul Gould, were charged with espied -ago. The wo- titian was arrested at the (baring Cress Station. on February 22 as she was about to depart for Ostend. She had in her possession three en- velopes containing important docu- Meets relating to the British navy. `Pea maxi. waAs arrested at his home inlVandsworth, where it is alleged other incriminating documents con- cernine the navy were found. Mrs. Gould all knowledge of the conten-bs of the envelope, and her husband confirmed her. Mr. Bodkin, opening the ease for the prosecution, said it was fairly clear that Gould, whose real name is believed to be Adolf Friedrich Schroeder, acted for a long time as a any in this eountry. One of the documents found gave a short his- tory of Gould's life. He was born in Germany in 1854 and lived in England from 1858 to 1868. He then returned to Germany to coanplete his education. In 1870, when the 'Franco-Prussian war broke out, he joined the arnay, receiving the Dart Cross and a Captaincy. Gould went to America in 1886 and again in 1900. Gould carried on cornespon. (lenge with an inela ideal at 13rus. seIs supposed to bo agenb for for- eign Governments Cac witne.se said Gould told litin he was ae agent of :the German Government, The prisoners were remanded. 44 JEW BAITING IN POLAND. .Rumor of, Christian Mnrder Starts New Rioting. A despatch front Cracow Poland, says: It is reported here that there has been serious rioting at Lodz, Russia Poland, because of a rumor that a Jewish merchant and his wife had rinuadered a Christian boy. A mob attacked the couple, who were seriously injured. The rioters then tried to raid a, synagogue, but were prevented by the police. Many Jews have fled from the place. TYPHOID EPIDEMIC SPREADS 2,ocio Persons Out of 7,000 POpulation Suffering With Disease in Quebec A eleepatah from St. John's, Que., says: The seriousness of the epi- demic of mild: typhoid which lets taken hold of the Total 5' nf igte John's and Iberville and the County of Sabrevois generally, ia seen in the fact that two tholtSand persons, at least, out of a population of about seven thousand are suffering from the disease in its various stages. Many of the Royal Cana- dian Dragoons istztiontti, hero have contracted it, and the Militia. De- partment has Kiel; down Major Dram to investigate. The 1oeil. doctors, aye ever -work - cd, one of them attending sixty cases in a single daylniog:e. lie - in the point time in the early stages the disease ie rice vecognized nt ,seridies, and even then has been diagereeeel merely set intestinal grippe. 13ub as the ati-tadit thn whole constitution breaks down A manlier of deaths have ,been re- ported, and the epidemic has ola tabled Steil t hold that it is difficult to Plan, proper inolatieal procau- tiona The medical mee blame tile local water •supply as the cause, anti the milk and bread deliveries also arc being questioned. lractories, are ali Lor IS6. 1, and 52.40 to 52.60 for No, 2. noultraestown 13 to 150 per lb.•, chick- ens, 17 to 19; ducks, 16 to 17e; geese, 15 to 160; turkeys, 20 to 2.3c. Potatoes—Ontsrios, 85 to 877) Per bag*, oil track, and Delawares at 90 to 95e, on track, ear lots. P rov is i on s. Baoon—Long clear, 15 to 15c per lb., in ease lots. Pork—Short cut, 52840; 4o., Ines, 524.50. Eame—Modiurn, 18 to 18 1-2e; heweY, 17 to 150; rolls, 15 to 15-1-2ct breakfast bacon, 18 •to 150; baoke, 22 to 14 Lar14 1.4c; tube, 14 1.-2e; Salad Hay and Straw. Itaied hay. --No. 1 at $14 to 514.60 n tan, on traok here; No. •2 quoted 'at $13 to 513 50, and mixed at $12 to 512.50, Baled straw --Car lots, 58.50 to 58-76, on track, Toronto. Winnipeg Crain. Winnipeg, Marola 10.—Cash:--Wheat—No. 1 Northern, 90 1-2e; No. 2 Northern, 88 7.80; No. 3 Northern, 87 1-4o; 14o. 4. 83 1-4c; No, 5, 77c; No. 6, 72 1-50; feed 66e; No. 1 re. Live Stook Markets. Tortnito, March 10,--.0attle--C7)oice buteh- erg', 57.25 to 57.73; good, 57 to $7.20; medi- um, $6.60 to £6.76; common. $5.45 to 5175: ohoite cows, 87.75 to $8; good, 54.75 to 55-60; coalman, $3.75 to *6 20 cutters and can-. ners, 53.16 to $3.60: choice bulls, 56.76 tot 87; good, 85.80 to 56.60. conzmon, 54.15 ter 55.40. Stockers end feeders—Steers, cholee, $7 to 57.75; good, $5.45 to 616.35; light, $3.50 to 55; springers. to $82; milkers, to 597. Cialves—Good veal, $8.65 to 510.76; common. 511 60 to $5. Sheep and lambe--Light OV7,03., $5-50 to 37; beavY, $3 to 53.60; Spring laanbe, $9 to $9.60. If-cgs—Fed and watered. to $9.36; 1,c.b.. to $9.10; off oars, to $9.68. Montreal. lfareh 10. --Prime bee -res, So to 8 Mc; 'medium, Se to 8o; common, 50 to 5ef milch Nnva. 540 to 880 each; springers, 530 to 570 oath; calves, 3 1-2 to 7 1-2c; sheep, 6c: lambs, 8 1-4e to 8 1-50; hogs, 10 1-4e to 10 1-2o. FORMER BOER GENERAL. 13ritish. Subleet Driven From. Ms Ranch. A despateli from Washington says: Another Brisish .eubject .lias.,gotten into trouble in the State of Chihua- hua, and the State,Departruent has aaaies been called epee, to extend its protection Sir Cecil }Spring - Rice called at the State Depart- ment on Sunday to inform Secre- tary Bryan that General Synman, a former Boer General who fought against the Baitish, has been driven away froth Ms ranch •aral his. pro- perty at le,ast was in danger Of de- struction. Secretary Bryan Mimes eliately telegraphed to United Staters Consul Letcher •at Chihuahua to Make am inquiry and report the facts. If neeessary, a protest will be made to Carranza or Villa. GOODNEAU'S PIA fir' wr. .ts,. Canadian Is Serving a jail Term in Mexico. A deepateh from El Paso, Texas, says: The case of E. Goodneeu, a British subject, born in Canada, now serving a 90 -day sentence at Jua,raz for al- leged theft, was placed in the hands of Charles :A. C. Perceval, of the British Consular Service, here on Thursday, Mr. Perceval, whose at- tention was called to Geedneau's plight by Thomas D. Edwards, United States Consul at Juarez, said he would make an investiga-, Aecerding to Gustave Padres, Mayer of Juarez, Goodneao was of- fered the .option of a fine of $50, but had no money, and was thereupon sentenced to' ail.. 310,ME ItUl;F, BILE. 'Read a First Tithe Amid Prolonged Cheers. A deepeteh from London seys : The. Home Rule for Ireland Bill was introdneed again into the Rouse of Commons on Thursday by Augus- tine Birrell, Chief Seeretary for Treland, and was read a first time arciel prolonged Ministerinl and Na- tionalist cheers. AUSTRIAN SOLDIERS liliLLED. 0 8'er:wham:el, by Aral a lac he D ate lug Manoolvt-es. CANADIAN I-1A.R.CEL POST. Eleven -pound 'limit es weight 14 Now in Effect. A despateh from Ottawa gay& The ultimate eleven -pound limui of weight for the Canadian parcel post was pet into effect on Thursday. Thus the restriction to six pound4 for each package -accepted for trans, mission by parcel post during the months of February, March. and April, has been removed. The ore der that has gone forth from the: Postoffice Department" also elimi- natee. the additional fee •of five cents to be prepaid by postage stamps on each parcel mailed for local dishy-, er.v in plaras where the letter car- rier system is in operation. The in -I surance of paakeis aroes ,not become, operative until, the fiest of May, as nt firstnet; forth, and in the meatai time packets of the parcel post mays merely be registered. OFFICER t'01151.1TS Capt. Playfair Plunged a Bayonet Into His Breast. A despatch from London says: Captain Norman. Ernest Playfair, who served with distinetion in sev- eral British military campaigns, committed head kari an Wednesday. He was talking with his wife in -tial drawing -room of.his residence when - he exclaimed, "I will put an end bo the whole thing.'' He snat-ched up a bayonet and plunged it in his breast ansi dial almost instantly.- -a_s_.... .S II A CKLETO 'N." S Il X PE D ITI ON. 1 Receivee S50.:000 More From the British Government. A despatch from London says : The British Government is making 1 a grant of $0,000 towards Lieut. Shark] eton's Ant are tic 'expedition. Of •tlais stun $25,000 will be voted, this year awl the remainder peak year. For hie, last expedition, Shackleton -received a, *Gevernetent grant of $100,090, and cis.pt. Scott, reeeived a similar sum. ---------4. --- 20(1 MILES OF ICE. ----- Shippiog in Danger Off the..NCW. 'FOUildialid COatif. A despateh ftom St. Jelling, Nfide', says : The. British steamer Bieere dale, Abettleea th Phila del ph ia r e a cited here en Wednessiey , and reported that ice fielde extend for A despatch from Vienrot : t!oo nete,e Nrewt„(,u,„,Thynd, Cthtfl- Seven 60/elierri el tim :Elnieiro gyring s'hiliping, Piverdale sets, Rifle 'Regiment were oveewhelmed nosed 1.0 put' le here hr oonl, and, and killed on Thursday by n great bad been 3;7 slays in making ihe ;51..15]ami1se while they were ettgage<1 ,• t1s1111hoavv in nuenoenvres on Ihe, Ortles Moue- tain,ie the Tyrol. Tiv, Deutsche Modieinisehe 'Wed), enschrift, Germeee's leading xnedie Aintostnit Egotist. eel joitrnal, publishes a vigoroel "jimmi.. same to like himself domand for St•abe eoutrol. pretty well, theesna, he , sale of 1)r. Fliednift.In's 1111.Z10 uyes.i !Ailey he tidnks his bcreelin iti ecneeteresece ef the father and mother ,ought to get deaft from Vinod Poisolljng of .11,, down on thpir ltnoeH every night Male PatiCnt• and 'the eritleal Meese and thsek Ifeayen fcir having per- ntn girl, it being foend that the worleing short handed a•tid besmess mitte/1 them to become his ewe is hotel greatly intertexed ,reeeptaeles containing serum were leafleted,