HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-12, Page 2The
Or, Married to a Fairy.
(111:Ainn. .(.'4111t11141ed)
Fiena a. worldly point of view, it was
aueloabteelly magenticeut melee' for me.
Lady Merger. 'earireer, enly.ehild aud
helmet. of tele "Diamond Queen tl•a LaAlY
Oz.:IX-heeler Wei?. 4‘aaled.oiaecount of the
enormous aientrat of diamonds elm habit-
niUywore in fte. evenjue eta:* Shoat her
-wizened. pereon-bandsome, brie
Iiant, witty. and aecompanbed, 'could, have
Mated far better then with the son or a
Yotinger See. whose allowanoe watt bet ti,
time -wand a. year. aud 1V48 never likely to
be more. It was true that 1 had been ex-
ceptionella- etumetesful iu 'my -artistic ear.
ter, but pletare-painting, exeept n'terY
rare lestaneee, 1R net a. 'iterative profee.
sion, end for one person who would buY
a tenvee representing seashore a•nci wuvee
there are tye hundred who Would intr-
oit -atm geure and figut.'e efudies,
But I was happy in my art entl in MY
dreeme. dreome 'through whiele all un-
laidd.en,i eertaie fairy figure, quite unlike
Lady Madge Loriner. eoneetimee aitte.d.
A young melte vague ideaof fitelinese,
eireplieite, and gireish grace. a creature
all sunshine and sweethess, glad laughter
and apont•ancous etereeses, unaoquaented
With Freneli novels, ignorant of all ad-
Yaneed, and d'eeadent, itucl peeeernietio
ideas, but reveling in youth, anti Life, and
This slen4er. goldereheired sylph of
rnr"dayelreautie and often of iny eight-
•drearre aft well, floated tantalizingly be-
fore my eyes under the peek trees, and. X
wieshed, ae1 had oft•en wiehed before, that
bed etifecient ekile se a figure painter
vommit my floeting femme edequatelY
to murex And yet ,of wbet use was it to
dwell on such Visions,. yearningaf-
ter an Impcesible -ideal? Ify way In life
lay neatly smiled and made smooth for
ire. Sooner eer later. my Cousin Madge,
the arbiter of my fate. would get tired
tat being a "girl -bachelor," and, failing
the Iran elle could lore,. would vocally to
me her xoyal permiesion to bey the wed-
ding ring, We should in due eouree en-
dnre a long end eleborate wedding in a
ehunah erammed with =owe of the "emart"
sightseers of London, and ladies' papers,
Serial weeklies.. and Haelleel evening &beets
would elike cbroniele the bride'e white
eatin, "or' "ivory bengaliue," the bridee-
zimide' gowns, and the expensive pres,ente
showered upon the happy. .pair, from the
.diamortd tiara, diamond eun, diamond
neeklacm. die:weld breeelets, and einge ot
the bride a mother, to the bound ...alumna
of Lengfellowes poems preseuted by the
breeae old govereees.
Well, it was a pleture =slay men would
look forward to gla.ily. We should Eve
a hie houee, in a big equare. and give
big reeeptions, reostty little dinners, es
efaelgee eaprIce prompt her. We ehould
'keep a yaeht, •of courecea eery large one,
iretead of .the tiny vessel so ,clear to my
lu'rt-and we ethereld tiewa-y3 have it full
or people. nice peoele, eatnartr people,
well-bred people, all singularly alike In
stele, manner, and oonyersation, the only
-engine' persenality ctaneng them being
Ihrit of my wife herself, who, for all her
petronege of Bohemia, was at hecet
PIO...tine., and deteeted .seeing too itirieh
of inelpid genius with dirty nails. We
should he everywhere at the rielit, time -
that le to say, the fashionable trine. We
should be in Cowes for "tbe week," in
Briglikeea foe Goodwood, Stainee for AG'
04- Bottle for the erarnival. „Algiers or
tetfro for the winter, ficotle.tel in the ale
thuni. Paris in the New Year, London in
eany summer. I had done et all, end Vali
an eteestitaated that I preferred ell these
Pieces without the cl-Aling crowd with.
-whom -we ebottlel ce-rtainly Tab ehouldere
and exchange itaintiee all the tame.
And for home life -oh, thee wou).41.
soareelY eettet-1 Madge would be the first'
to laugh at the -*small elerk and his wife"
notion of e.ettintr, one exch elde of the
fire in the winter, and wandering together
in country lanes in the summer. She
-would etill live her troop of mere or leen
pletorde tubs:rem and eociner or leter
armed probably he glad to relegate to i
thena the ea -meant attendance at balls,
theetre's, eonetarte, ra,ceeneetinge. end re.
eeptione. wlaieh I already found ee
ome. Telekily, it is not tne faralion for
husbands and eeivee to be ineeparable in
And yet ie my ideal life tart ideal wife
and I would be ineopera-blo indeed She
would Inepi-re my art, and I should work
for her. Through any etudio I (mule see
her elim figure fiitting, feerylike, and
could hear 'her bright laughter eheering
nle after a tang day of happy work. She
weed knew es little of the onteide
faelOoneble °battering world as 1 eared
for it t she would live with me, and for me,
tied 7 for her. But here my meditations
renseel. ee 1 fonvel ;myself opponite the door
of eriebolets Wray's etnelio, in a side street
efr High Street, leeneeng,ton.
"Old Niek" himself, as We need to call
ben in 'Parise opened the door.
Be looked pale, and 111, and very dirtve
but his were the Rembrandteeque style of
good :Tooke, to witielt dirt lends a mellow -
neve aud a deepening of the ebadeves he
ma means enpietareagne in effect.
Ire was very tale %tad t.hin, and. gaunt.
A lreige elreoplug brown moustache hetet
ever the cornere of a lt (errs . 411 71.11
Mouth, and hie hair, worn prepoeterously
long, on tlmt .be leaked something be-
tween an arttiet's model and a dancing
mr.eLer, was plentifully streaked "with
gray. Hi5 forehead was bread and full of
intelligenee, and the keeu, analytic:el gaze
of hie gray eyee contradicted the rnore
grime' terideneyebetem in hes over -full
protrudingred lips a.nd .
At the istueio we had admired him 1711-
snereely. and had sketched that die ba -ad
ef 111A from every ixeisibIe point ef view.
With all bes elovenlineee. Wray was im-
mensely vain. pareieularly of his long.
Mender white bande, which he even some-
timee was indueed to west, ;so highly did
he value their beatify. But on this per
Coulee day they had not received this
akteution, and as he otood peering surlily
at me from behind the heleopee studio
he looked like nothing in the -world
but a big. ednewy. handsome gips,' tramp,
overlean from, lack of pence and long fast -
in e.
I renild see from Where 1 stood that the
studio wee aImeet deetitute of furniture.
The tapestry hengfege, the big brags
bowls, the old oak (hairs, -which had de.
corated it a few months hack, were gone.
F,ven the square of carpet and the 7,110,4
before the fireplace had vanithed lrom
the hare, unswept Imards,
Wray' eaVt n17 glance, and grinnee teen
env a Y.
"We ean't he all Asenciatte at seven.
eine-twenty," Ito nlieerved, with mock de-
ference. "Some. of 11,4 temeeed, end spline
go tea the wall. Yo beleng to the former
ea tegoree 110 the letter."
On the -table etoenl rin empty tumbler lay
an empty bottle. W-rayer breath smelled
ot spirits, oltiteugb lt WPie Agnie
he efemed to divine int' thonghts, and
again be lagged.
"Seeing odd to o well-fed bird like Yon
teet n, men ehould .clrInk to forget that ha
le a hungrv failure, doesn't ar,
"Wray," I meld, "(lone, tnek like a cheep
meloclietren, 117/d let /no come ireir
"No weod. The obitire are gone."
T don't want a, ehair! T want to know
what in tbe world you are up to? ItoW
have ynu ave., into the", condition?"
"ArY dear bey, wonderful as it may ecein
to yon, It'e the mose, natural thing in the
world, 1 came to Londoe, t,00lc oetude*.
on hopee. bed, a few gond notices, thought
the world was at, my fest, 'launched oet
it hit, tweeted a few pretty girlg to litblo
dioners and little suppera reanit -.the brf)k-
era. T got laid op with influenza, end
erenedn't work on the tap of ft all-fenelly,
7 em one more espirine ertiet whe went
wn•••••-1,•-• • • .7 ,••••••••••••
;11(1“ are not all born like You, with
silver spe.nre in our month's, you knew f"
"Tint why elofie- you work now?"
"'Haven't tbs. heart, Mr the nerve, Hand
• 1‘ .1o. ton."
7 leoked at lihe bard- It wits ?tot the
ere-, t drink, The Mau WO actuallY
e trvi p re,
"My Co -twin Madge wee seeking atter you
today," e eaid. Otehewtes anemia disappoiut
ed beets -Luse -.roe erfauldret come to 'tench to
dieotess a ocammieeion 'ehe Wallt$ 'YOU tO
14.114,1.0rtAite,," . ,
HO teethed tiegrille.
".She heard I'm in low water," he eaid.
"I an), not used to being pitied by women,
and 1 don't relish, it."
"Nonsense, Wrey. Your work le Yalu -
ale to any on who aiuderetaude cot,"
He shook lilts head.
Net now," he eaid, with stomethinft itke
a groan. "I •Seeart to have loot heart. Anil
how could I lutteli. in. any ehirteeleeves with,
Lady Margaret? My <oat went to bu' that
lest bottle of brandy ecetorda,y."
I went up to hirn and laid my hand oil
e a
"Look .here," I eald, "1 exit not going to
put up with any snore or youe ridiculous
Pride. The klea, of a matt as full of talen-t
re yOlt letting all heart and hope go out
of hen over the question of a few pounds
12 an Outrage On your fellow altlete.
au going out now to order t little din-
Ilel;;N-0--ase. 1 am going Out,. too.. for good.
fly eix Oelook 1ehall be turned into the
"Where will you 00?-"
the *workhouse, ee the Thames, X
euppeeee ,
"Don't be a .fool, Wear! Why in the
world didu't you borrow the motley long
ego? Heaps et fellows would have given
you credit." ..
"Do you thiuk I 'would lieve written nry-
self down a failure by aPPledug for ellenaY
keep body and soul together to other
men a .rearly aealone and earreng at my
eimpoeed .sueceee? _At fleet I "wee too alt
to think for days together. Influenza.%
coaloh.ing, .ta 1 Wee left elone, Then 1shut
my -door's en' the -lot of, them, and gave
out that X lia.d ismallpox„ I didn't Want
them to 4..py about and gloat over any
-poverty. Somehow oonuathing about it las
leaked, aut. To -day I had grown reekless,
and somehow 1 dedn',t,mind you Ito much.
You are au estebliehed allecelts, and have
no mea•nespiritednees about you; but we
part here, Hervey. Yon go up and I go
down. I'm five -and -thirty, anit isiek of
striving GoocUlay."
He held. hie long, thin hand out toward
me, but X would not take ',it,
"You will atop here," 1 said, pulling -
out my wateh and congidering the time,
juet while I go out an•d buy you a cone.
Then you will come ivith me to my piece,
and my 'man 19-remehaw will tx you up
'with "everything you waiit 1 have to be
out all this evening and toeuerrow.
h• all be out or town for a clay or two; I
azn I•onging for a breath of the eme. While
I am away make iny place your head-
quartere. and you will then have time to
look about you. Leaving ehis place won't
do you any harm, if .thate, your true
opiradn, of the get you are surrounded by
'To you think I will arecept your chase
ity? Become youx pensioner--"
"No; I elori't. But you are going to bor.
row some moeey at me, and pay me when
you, are en -pour feet again. Meantime,
wait Item while I go Vat for the coat."
"Hervey," he celled -out letter me, ne
'was leaving, "it I am in for becoming in-
debted to you, I may as well do the' thing
tNieollE,111Y,__ X haven't, nal a "melte for
asys. wee Betteen'e sake, give Me a eigaze
or a, cigarette, ecatieteting1"
I lefthim my ease, end returned In a
very short space el time with e seedy -
made coat, beught in High 'Street, leen-
ein 'ton. Thie I pereueded hira to put On,
and then we bowled off tegecher in a
hareem to any etutlle end roenle; in. the
neighborhood ,or Chelsea,. 1 yea eert7 I
had to leave him so nmeeh to himself. for
I eeally thought he wee in a very bad
„way. Truth to tell, in epito o my- per-
sonel likene foe 'Wray as a man and ad-
miration for him sue an &mint, I eliel not
much relieh putting hint -up at, my place.
I trice a hit of an led betel -eine eliont meth-
od, caid beeidee, I knew well that, Wren-
ahAw was a martinet in .sueb matters, arid
that Wray' s thebits would be very iittle
to his liking. 1
But Madge'e word was law, and I should
not, have been fleesh and blood. if 7 had n-ot
raised s hand to save a man of gentile
from going under. So I left him inetalled
on a eofe.bedeteed in my iirenrolUX-ro-0111-,
with the ran of the sthelio, and at three
o'Cleek in the Morning, when 7 let eay.solf
Into my erleee after eeeing Madge end
Aurt Lineete home, 1 found all the lamps
lit in the aitudio. And Wray in a big arm-
chair. puffing away at a long ludien pipe,
which I kept as' adourinsity, and looking
singularly plotureeque and hendeome In
my favorite "old brown velveteen smoking -
lie greeted me with what', for him, was
alrenet effue-ioe, and explained that he
could. not 'sleep if he went to bed before
"Thies etoat of yours is fax too eha,bbY
for et gilded worldemg like you, nen-
tinued, eieet. as the glorified garnieut you 4
purchased to -day :is far too fine for me.1
Wren:thaw objected to appropriatiou 1
of this cost and title pipe. mud was yery
anxious to expiate) that the latter was an
'ornament. I pointect out to him that les
value would be •doubled. if it, were made.
useful as well a.s ornamental, anee -*heti
he didn't see it I zent him to bed." •
"You sent Wremshaw to bed r1 repeated 1
in surprioe. "Why, 'thet'a n liberty
elemid never have ventured upon. }Iwo
did you ma.nage it?",
"I ten him," said Wray, with a twinkle
In his gray -eyes, "that. I had Just got
over brain fever, and .veas liable to eat -
tacks of mania if I wae thweated. Wreu-
shaw proinp•tly said good, night, end Went
ore like a lamb. Aren't you going to have
a might -cage of some sort before -turnirt%
in? T am daring for a whieksoneideeoda.
On this hint I -unlocked the spirit. -ease.
1. west tired out, as these 'social functions
elwaye weary me, but Wray vote in the
higheet epirite, and aa,1 could not enuly
a men I had just saved from etarvation,
I had to yawningly invest myself in deters-
ing-gown and ;slippers and sit up for a,
chat and, etuoke,
"Firet," he said, "tell mo whet your
nativei wore thie evening,"
"he -wore a very beentiful demo," I an-
hiavered, "smothered with oersted beade,
so that alte inoked like a glistening fount-
ain. Then elle had her usual diaMond
neckleee and line of diamond eters at the
back of her head. As to Lady Carehester,
ehe looked for all the world like a.n
rideseent beet,le." . •
"Never mind Lady Carats:ter. Wags your
(-eosin's dress cut Iow? With ehort,
••-fery and' no elleeves et, all -only.
sitringe of diamonds over- her shouldew
I 'replied, In tones , of • emphatic &leap"
"How -delightful ebe must have looloell
That 1YeaOtlful .oreamooloreci neck and
those satin smooth .shoulderS-----"
"Please drop the subjeet. ohjoet to
hear any. inztl ellitde,to my rel.:atone ev
thougb they were 171114Vat1117 d4tree09•141•• And
I etrongly diseperove of a faehion in
dreee which =ekes -moll remarks pee.
• "How intensely pieggieb anti insular
7011 oleserved Weey, lOokieg eioreos,
et, me it ,eyklent, eueerese, "WhY mantle
you he so solilerli as to wish to (telly to
your friends, who orxii appreciate what Is
beautiful, the pleasurable semsafion of, ad-
miring Yonr +(wool:if Yon Are' going•,10
marry her; .for another, 'men to compli-
ment yon 08 lete tette:talons is lie Itlere
than if he 1714%14k -70d a fine plot -ere hi your
P00Sessien, 'Feu ought, to feel flattered
aed 'pleased." ,
"We delft look ro these subjects from
the same point, of. view," I tnttL '
"Yon are right. If ever 7 am foolieh
armee% to -take a -wife-end licieven C�iId
may never bt r ohowid invite cell the
umn I anew to see how preity e thing
had chosen. Tito more they admired _her
berriltp, the moro thev envied yr, tlie.} :Leto
"J: hone, for yoUr •arifo's sake, ,then,
that you will never marry. 1 could not
degrade tbs. wonn711 1 WIelved &lin,* all
‘Ultli117,41c1,,a 110nal, by regarding her in euell
"lily dem; Hervey, that, is bee:vise Yoll
bites fallen lark •Idle• readel'n er!'ee of ofet•.
rating Women, It ie. e dee
ovoteiellitetiort te eupoose ilia,t weence
ohotild be '•waited noon and wermiaped by
the superior tex lo MLYIlgt etriciintincteo
ate oecrepiets her proper place ue a, hand.
maid, tenet tho plaything of man: Iler task
is to attend to Ins Want.% to follow mid
obey hie eommands, to beautify herself
that, she May be 'agreeable to his eyes, te,
bear children to perpetuate liis name, ano
family„ and to amuse his leisure moments
with her songs, her datioes8. end her
uoraut and amusing chatter,
"1 ,should like Lady Madge to hear
Vont" I exclaimed. "If you, believed what
you any, I might be dlegusted. But 1
Isnotv Yope tellies of talking fee egeet,"
"X am .ozitirely in earnest," Wray de
clared, "This revort detheatlon of weinaal
is the greatest possible mietake,. Women
recognize that 'themselves, tor Who axe
the ineu they love best? Invariably those
who treat them end think of them Prom
the lowest possible point of view its prat.
te, engo.eiug, epiteful, and entemetwoethe
little animals, Dose a• woman ever valus
hueband who adores her? Noyeel She
will allude teeelim among her frieuda 10
termset pitying eozitempt as'Poor dear
old thing. Ile its never- happi witiv
out me,' Tit her heart she knows that her
superior }s volein•tarilY ahaeing
and elm despise.; hin1 accordingly. As to
Lady Madge, ehe 12 & product ef the age,
and as example of the overdevelopment
of the femttle brain at the expense of
qualities far more necessary to a woman
than intellect, If she had ;teas wit and
more feminity ishe would be irresistible,
As it is, she ettlet even make you fall in
love with here'
"You haveeet, the leaet itlea,," eeid,
'how you annoy me by dieeneeing: hoe.'
"If youwere in love with her," pursued
Wray doggedly, "you would be delighted
to 'cheques her. A man can't help leading
the conversation onto :the creature he hap,
pens to be in love -with."
"Yet you. .dern"t admit the existence of
love—tie I ooneeive it."•
"On the corttrary, it is fk• note:motel
evil, a temporery meduese, whirl okrude
our mental Vial011 ard inehee ns put an
undue and •altogother •disprepen tienato
value on some commonplace women, -whom
In our sumer moments we eltould know to
be no more desirable than, any other fe-
mleinti thiug.. 1 doreb underestimate the
value of lova; I simply decline to see the
'value of its temporazy pubject."
"You have no ideule,' I began, when he
interrupted me. ,
"And white itt yOu.i idea or womanheod?',
he asked triumphantly. "I have round
this evening any amourit of dray sketches
in which 'pee lia.ee tried to embody her,
and here never quite sueeeeded But
you have got near enough for me to sea
that, for all yonr lofty teak, yener ideal
is the sweet mad silly seveuteen-year-old
glee, the yeLlow-haired, blue-eyed, small'
niouthed, emeal-boned, eneall-feetured,
emallorouled type, 'who pinch:their -.valets,
read French no eele on the ;sly, and fell in
love with their father's grootes. That is
the sort of woneau yon will feel in love
'with when you do fall in love; end, as
you ere bound to take elle 'affair too seri-
ously, I -don't envy you the dieillusionment
area falling out, will mean."
I auttivered with a yawn and a laugh.
I was eeeretly ,annoyed at 'What I con-
sidered Wray's ill-bred inomisitivenose Ixi
routing ou:t my private sketchesand no -tee,
and there was enneh In his teak which
jarred -upon mo moist disagreeably.
Before, however, I left him for the night,
he cams over to me and wrung nay hand.
"To tell the honest truth, Hervey," he
said, "1 meamt to have made away with
Myself by this eine, and your kind ex. -
tion 'saved me. / don't suppose I have
been spewed to do much good in the world;
and tbe evoret of it is' that X ten almost
certain to bring ill -lock upoe. you. 'For
every fatalist kriews that eeving 8 man's
life is the beet way to turn him into a
daugerous eitemy."
- (To be continued.)
Would Make It as Easy for Pper to
Get a DiVoree as for the Rich.
Should Canada have a.11 equal
div4ree law for the rich and the
peer 7 Col. W. 13, Northrup, K.C.
-Member for -Eat Hastings inae
House' of Commons; is
firnaly of 'the opinion tha-rthe pre-
sent faoilities for severine.the mar-
riage tie in ,the Provinces of On-
tario, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta,
and SaSkatethewsitn, are only 'syllabic
reach of the well-to-do, ivasmuch
as a special Act of Parliaanent, ini-
tiated by the Divorce, Committee of
the . Canadian Senate, has to be
passed in' every imstance., a.nd an
Act of Ta,rliament .coas aL1 the way
from $1500 to $5,000, ti,ecorcling to
the fees charged by the lawyers ad
the distances' the, parties to the
ease and their evittesses riAre, from
Ottawa. In the, Maritime Provinces
and in. Britisli Calunibia there are
divorce courts. CoL .Northrua ate
coedingly moved in .the House of
Commons the -othernalay that the
Government should take the ques-
tion in o consi eta i.on rri a. a.v
to reform during the present Aes-
non. EIe did not advocate increas-
iog the grounds ef divorce, but that
therc should either he no dreerces
or else there should he divorces for
rich and poor alijte. As a result of
the debate which followed along
non-party- lines a comferince will
he held with the Senate and a joint
committee appointed to investigate
the vahole questio,n _with a view to
simplifying Parliamentary proce-
dure. Apparently the Dominion
legislators are tot yet -willing` to
reeogn.ize divorce.
Gel. Northrup obtaiaed, his ele-
mentary edneation at Belleville
Granirnar School and Upper , Can-
ada College, having the distinction
of being "head boy" at the last -
\flamed institution, and captain of
the school cricket team for two sea-
sons. The same year he won the
ehnmpiriaship cup at the annual
Al Toronto University he Also
distinguished himself, taking nu-
merous honors and obtaining the
The Dye that tolors ANY KIND
of Cloth Perfectly with the
Chonoo cif hifofoicac Cledtt ond fOosplo,
Aide yoor 1)r2giclot or D,IaY. Send far lloolttot-
rho Johnoori•Itfelaordson Co. Limited, Meetrett
degreeetf 13.A, and M.A.. He was
called to the 19,r in 1878, and at
once began proatioe in. Belleville,
his mare town, anci he has remain.
ea there ever si. ceIle was ere-
ated a Q.0. in 1896 arid first elect-
ed to the House of Oommoos in
1892, to fill a Yacaziey caused by the
death of Mr, B. Burdett, against
whom, he had been 'the unsuceessful
candidate at the previous eleetion.
He was defeated at the geaeral
election of 1896 hut elected in 1900,
1904, 1908 land 1911, his Majority
being 1,066 mit thelast election
whereas it was only 71 in 1000. Col.
Northrap, reho is now fifty-eight
yearf age, has beentwice mar -
Col. W. B. Northrup.
ried, his present wife being the wi-
dow of Mr. Cleanow, of Ottawa, and
sister of Lieutenant Win. Fitch, of
the Royal Grenadiers, who lost his
life in the. (*nage o Bateehe in
1885. Mr. and Mrs. Northrup dur-
ing the !session entertain largely ta,t
Ottawa, in. fact more than any of
the Oeneervative circle outside of
Mr. and Mai, B. L. Borden, r.
Northrup is also 0.11e of the active
members and best playerof the
Ottawa Golf Club.
On thc Farm
The Heavy Iltorse a Money Dfaker-
both farm -work and 'for ;saie,
the heavy horse is a good money
maker. In past, years the eo?talled
fast horse was the ideal aaAmitl, but
now the automobile on the farm has
driven the running laerse out of
busluees, The carriage horse of to.
day is a heavier animal than in days
gone by. ,
The fanner now who,goes to woe
in the field, or who hauls loads on
the road, cannot afford to spend his
time with a, ligirt,tea,m that. ean
raw only a small load. Labor is
too scarce and high price -d. Deeper
.plowing and viola work muck be
done on the same acreage. It is
imperative that heavier teams must
be used.
For a number of years the 'weight
at beet sellieg horses on city mar-
kets has steadily inere,aeed, Ouily
* few years ago horses weighing
from 1,200 to 1,400 pounds each -were
considered large enough for heavy
teaming. Now the demand is for
horses weighing from 1,600 pounds
to a ton. No city company can af-
ford to hire an expensive man to
drive a light team. Increased sup-
ply and commercial, products have
brought this condition.
For these reasons the heavy horse
has risen in value of late years and
the importing and breedingef_
heavy horses have been taken up oa
large scale. Bubthe demandafor
heavy horses has always eaeeeded
the supply.- Good heavy . drafters
weighing around 1,800 pounds find
ready sale.wt over $300, and real
choice ones of this class in the larg-
est Cities bring from $400 to $600.
There is every evidence that the
he.a,vy horse is the corairl week ani-
mal for both farm and city aad that
good prices will hold, if not in.
crea.se'for years to come.
The farmer who is in the field for
making side money from his horses
will be wise to breed the weight aaid
finish, -
It you own an undersieed mare
don't keep her for breeding pur-
poses, as there is positively no pro-
fit in breeding to this class. In the
firet place, it will be a miracle if
ihe—eolts from them ever gain suf-
1 ficient size to make what is termed
' a, marketable horse, Too many
farre,rs breed to these undersized
mares, and in consequence fail most
signally in horse raising ---that is,
front a basiness view -point.
'Wit! I, e n' ash i rt a.
The eld-faellioned habit of wliitci-
wasJiing from the front
yard fence to the .stable, ab least
twiee it year, was a most excellent
Ofie, and is one of the oldaiine cus-
toms which the present generation
might well adopt,
I The following Is 'the -ectipt for
'making whitewaida aliblisaan tij
i United Strifes eteetertnIent o agri.
Slake lialf u bashel oI unslaked
slime with boilifig water, kecpiag
covered during the process, Strain
it and add a peek -of ealt, dissolved
in warm water; three pounds, of
ground rice put in boiling water and
boiled to a thin paste; half 41pound
of Spanish whiting and e pound of
(dear glue, dissolved in warm water.
Xia these well together and let the
mixture stiaud kr 'ssveral. day?,
Keep the wash thus prepared in
a kettle Or portable furnaoe, and
when used put it ou es hot as pos-
sible with paint/art' or whitewash
Some of His judgments Inspired
By King Solonton.
The death of King Menelik of
Abaaseinia at last having been offi-
cially esrbabliehecl, after so many
false reports; mealy anecdotes
.a.bout this picturesque character
are appearing. One of them is re-
miniseent of King Solomon, Mena -
ilk's reputed ameestor.
In Abyssinia the Mosaio law of an
eye for -an eye holds good in default
of blood -money. Two men were
gathering plums, one in the tree
shaking the branches and the other
below collecting the fruit. A
branch brake, and the 'climber fell
on the gatherer .and broke his neck,
himself eecaping with. injuries froin
whit& ite eveutually reeovered, The
family of the dead 1219,11 sued the
survivor for the blood -money, some
$120. He had. no money and re-
fuSed to pay, Whereupon the Plfrin-
tiffs demanded his life.
The ea.eo worked its way up to the
supreme tribunal cif Menelik him-
self, by which time bitter feeling
had been eugeadered, ,a,rid the
claimants now refused to oept
blood -money, even if offered, and
demanded their full right.
"Very well," said Menelik. "You
have the right to, claim this man's
life; lint the law ,also says that the
marde-rer shall be killed in th,e
eame manlier as his victim. There-
fore, let one of you climb that tree"
—pointing to a huge sycamore fig—
"and fall from its branches on the
culprit." None of the plaintiffe.
would take the risk, and the Immo-
°aft homicide eseaped.
True greatness of spirit was
shown by the Negus when, ,Pilfin&
years ago a favorite and truebed,
bejazraatcji revated. He was a
chief of. influence and power, whose
Pi A
P Ft CA,
A soothin g, 000lleg lotion—the
very best thing you can use
for the chafed akin, chapped
Winds end, cracked lip; which
raw cold weather briars, 203
(3,280 a bottle, at your Druggist's.
suppression involved .eonsiderable'
trouble and anxiety„, but lie weal
eventually oaptured and brought in
Chains before the Negus.
asked him why he had rebelled, and!
he replied t . •
"To make myself Negus."
i" said Memel*, "do yotti,
think it is s'ach an easy or pleaseare
thing to be king of kings'? Go back:
to your comatry and learn
If consistency is a jewel, why
it that So Lew' wonien wear it 1
Don't get gay. Many a fells
has been assaulted becaase he waa
too fresh.
Fluwright---ccfilie ea,ys smelt
cheeks will be in fashion for newt
Spring oetstatmes." Mk. Enwrightae
"Thank goodness!"
The contract boa been arya,rclect
for a new customs house at. Peet
Arthurato cost $210,000. Work *id
start in the spring.
Cranston Cylinder Press,
fast machine for sir colinnxi,
four page newspa,per, use8
very little, in peafect oottal-
tion, low price. Wilson Pub-
lishing Company, 78 West
Adelaide Street, Toronto.
piNK EYE 811r ril2E' realm
oll9r ielSEASEIV.
Cures the sick erect aofie so a pmerentsitvi for others. Liepall
given on the tongue. //ale 'few aseed.usaves endall 'etiamee.
Beet kidney remede,. f;old._ by an datigakta tartlets.
houses. Distributors -,ALL TY1POLBELAIIE DEUGGIEITS,
SPOHN MEDICAL Dee Chanies, Doshen, Wt, ii. S.-
T1tA137? MARL;
For any injury to the skia-cete.bruises, inseet bites,
etc.--4-Carbolated "Vaseline" is soothing ad cleansing.
It helps to prevent infection. Especially useful for the
children's little hurts and scratches. Other "Vaseline"
preparations fof other daily needs,. Valuable booklet,
finelyliustrated, free on request.
1880 Chebot Avenue -• Minute'
'i1•1•111, MOWN" 113.1.4c
Build Concrete
Crib Floors and Supports
l'HEITiteepthe rats, squirrels and other
ro de nts from carrying away your profits.
Milliopsofdollarsare lost to farmers each
year through the rasaof rodents in
cribs and granaries. art of this loss is
paid by every farmer whose crib floor
isn't built of concrete.
Concrete crib floors and supports atop the waste bo.
They Protect Your Grab
Concrete is strongdurable an4 cleat), Itnever Wart ,
out and needs practice* no repairs. It is the cheap-
est of all Allatettali FOY CraSe and granaries.
Write for this tat hook "What the Partner can do
with Concrete." It tells all aisout the uses of con.
crete and NM help every tarmor to have better
buildings and save money.
Foxtuor's information %IMO
C",sva;latiCormaindatelinadia*mih,17,Mor nUnlittreal4