HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-12, Page 1RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION New is the time to.renew your subscription to The Advocate Help the editor by renewing early Help yourself by .getting alive pa- per. 1-Ielp the community by giv- ing us, all the : News. TWENTY-SEVENTH 'YEAR' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, As copaed MARCH 12 1914. CLUBBING When renewing your Advocate renentber that we club with all the City Daily, Weekly, and the Monthly papers and periodicals, Get the benefit .of these clubbing rates. Call in and see 'es, SANDER'S & CREECE'. with other Counties, is Huron County;, being advanced and boosted as it should be ? Everybody Boost. The radial "field day" in London fihas inicxeased enthusiasm for hydro in Htur County e on and all. over Western Ontario Lines are being proposed in every direction, ;and shouldthe gov- exameet, make the grant per 'mile ask- ed for, there will be something doing ua. railway building soon. Huron Co. lids already :been surveyed for a Hydro radial, the survey. touching Godexieb, Bayfield, Zurich, Dash Zwood Crediton, Exeter Hensall, Sea - forth ,Brussels, and around to -Goder- ich It begins to look as though we are to have a radial line before lona, There will of coarse be outlets to the south and east from Exeter. Huron. County needs to wake up to the fact t1Sat we;: have to go after everything we get—radial roads in - eluded, On the return of the God- erich delegates to the radial "field day" in London a full house came out to hear what the delegates had to say, Exeter had a council meeting the same night, but . sot one person wa_s:snterested enough, in their report. to go to the meeting. Goderich getting busy. They have a Board of TAMAN'S Track that is doing things. Exeter had one once, but it simply faded way Inclividually we may been- thusiastic, but why not try to get un a little organized enthusiasm, and push things a.little—not be simply hangers on to the progressive band- wagon.,content with what happens to fail our way. Let us get right after the best that is going, Since the foregoing was in type Reeve Taylor informs us that he has beet: incommunication with Mayor Reit, of Goderich. with a view to the holding' of a public meeting in Exeter early next week with "regard to radial matters Exeter is centrally located and it is desired that a]1 the surround - inn Townships ,aind. Villages be repre- sented so that thematters may be iatelli:gently discussed and under- stood. Reeve Taylor is trying to in- terest .prominent persons in the sur- roundng districts as rapidly as he can, and it is hoped that all will make en effort to attend the meeting and do everything possible to piece Hu- ron. on the map in radial, matters. The radial roads will be as big a boost for the farming communities as for the villages A few years ago farms were worth $6000, now they are selling for $8000, and they should be worth $10,000. Owners of farm property should be greatly interested in this matter Let everybody get together, clothes Thai Hold Shape TAMAN CLOTHES ARE AL- WAYS TAILORED RIGHT -THEY HOLD THEIR . SHAPE. NO PART IS STINTED THE "UNSEEN" PARTS ARE TAILORED AS. COR R.ECTLY AS THE PARTS erOU SEE WE CAN ,PLEASE rEb MOST ,PARTICULAR DRESSER WITH TAMAN GARMENTS. IF WE FAIL WE RETURN EVERY DOLLAR WE ARE SATISFIED WITH NOTHING LESS 'THAN YOUR COMPLETE SATISFAC- TION, DROP IN AND HAVE A LOOK AT THESE NEW SPRING SUITINGS Furnishings OUR SPRING FURNISHINGS ARE; HERE, SEE THJ,.li,X--• Spring Hats' in the g newest styles, also shirts tees, collars, etc. W.W. TAM. TAILOR„ 'URNISHER. RADIAL CONVENTION On Thursday last over 500 repres- entatives " of• the municipalities of Western Ontario met in convention at London and discussed Hydro :Radials Ar- item appeared in the Crystal and extension of Waterways. The City Courier last week announcing meetingwas a great 'success and it that Mr: John._ Ctsdmore, who had- the was decided to send a large depute misfortune to .lose his blacksmith shop don to Ottawa within the next ,.few by fire a few weeks ago, has again weeks to request three things,— opened up business in that town, do- l. The clevelapement of an ocean iina g limited amount of the lighter waterway through the St. Lawrence grade of work in that line, We are and to the head of, the Great Lakes: glad to hear that our old friend is 2 ,The developement of further still able to acquit himself as of yore, la aro .power on the Welland Canal —•-- and St 'Lawrence River,. HURON RE. -DISTRIBUTION. In 3 The grantimg of subsidies at the the House of Commons the committee rate of ,$6,400 per mile for hydro ra- on Redistribution seems to have de die! railways in. Ontario. tided that Huron, is to be divided in - Fee ee these three things the London to North and South ridings, middle. meeting' was unanimous. It was On- difference of opinion is over Goderich tario for the people of Ontario, ir- Township. The new north riding will respective of politics or'creed. ?rob- be composed of the present east ri.d ably no 'such event ever held 'in Lon- ;.ng with the addition; of Ashfield cit ii •or for that' matter lar the, whore :Colborne, West Wawanosh, the Town Province of Ontario, has called forth. Goderich and perhaps Goderieb. suds spontaneous' enthusiasm and such Township, The new south riding will a spirit . of • co-operation . be made up of the old south riding; Many addresses were .delivered • the "together with Hallett and Clinton, and. most important being that of Hon. perhaps Goderich ,Township,: In our Adam Beck, the father of the Hydro opinioa Goderich Township should be Local Items Mr John Taylor, Exeter North, still continues very ill with but Slight hope of recovery.. Mr, and Mrs: Wm, Walper andfam- 1,15' entertained a number Of their frietnis last Thursday evening: A Pleasant time was spent by ale Mr. A, Hewlett, who recently came here: from -the West has moved into Mrs Roweliffe's house near the one recently purchased from Mr S. Mar- tin Clinton ° Council has raised the license fee for the sale of cigarettes from $15 to $60. The object is to prac- tically eliminate the sale and use of manufactured cigarettes in that town. The Women's 1\4 ssionary Society of James street efethodist 'Church are planting for a Calendar Entertainment and • Birthday" Supper to be given about the middle of April,'' to cele- brate the 25th anniversary of the soc- iety. The South Huron License Commis- sioners met in Clinton on. Friday last and it is understood that the pres- ent licenses will be renewed in South Huron after May 1st, for at least a short term, perhaps three or six mon- ths. :Mr. T. Sayers of Toronto, who is the gayest of Dr..Rouiston, addressed the James Street League Tuesday esday evening on the Irish Question. The address was very entertaining, and an interesting discussion ° followed, many of the older members of the congreg- atiot being present :and taking part. Thames Road defeated Hensall in a hockey game on Exeter ice Tuesday evening, 8-3. Mr, Wm Miners, who recently re- signed froth the Ross Taylor Compare/ his health not being ere the' best, will leave neat week for Saskatoon, Sask„ :o remain at least for the summer. Same Mr. Miners' family is largely lo- nttnd in the west he may make that his future home, • The Sabbath School and League Institute % or Exeter District ill convene on Thursday, March 12, in Mein Street charch at 2 p.m, & James Street church at 8 p,ni, Mr. W, L, Clark, with Revs; Blatchford; Baker and Hicks will take part in the exer- cises of the afternoo;i and evening, A full house greeted the Entertain- ment "A Business Meeting of the, Ladies Aid at Mohawk Crossing" giv- en by the ladies oftMaiim Street church; on Tuesdav' evening. Musical .select - tions were given by the choir, the ladies quartette an,d IVIiss Darling. Both the choir and the ladies who kook` part in the `"busi,ness meeting" -were attired in all the old-tiane cos- tumes they :could dig up out of old trunks -cellars, garrets, and closets, and the result was picturesque and laughable. The sayings and gowns were " so utterly funny that it was the most fun provoking entertainment near.i. in Exeter for sometime, and thoroughly enjoyed by everybody. FIRS --- R;tI E A TO ORGANIZEThe amalgamation and organization of all farmers' clubs and associations now operative in: the Province of Ontario kito an association similar to the great farmers', bodies of the Western Prov ince. is the idea responsible for the meeting to be held an, the Labor Tem- ple in Toronto on Thursday and Fri- day March 19 and 20. There are a number of organizations in Huron county which have been asked to send delegates, --- Mr John: Ford was in London on Monday. M'as May Wood was in London Wednesday. Mass Dolly Dickson is visiting in Nest Hamburg. vI: George Hawk;as is visiting in Nee, Hamburg. .'ars John Seell, Jr., ie visiting her seer sirs, Joh,-r, Newcombe in Strat- foro - etx 'and Mrs. Eli Lawson of Credi- ton were,.guests of Mrs. H. Parsons 00 Tuesday. Mrs. Gale, with her two chiluren, of London is the guest of her mother, „Les Piper. system To show the hold that Mr. andwell be 'Included in the . south Fred Croaker of Stratford visited rir3in' Messrs Ed; Howald arilJohn Snell Beck, has on, the people; of Western g �� Jr; ;a few days. Ontario the following resolution was unanimously adopted: EDDED IN LONDON.—The home Mr" J. W. Amos, who has been,tran- "Be it resolved: That this meeti- r and Mrs. Wm. Welsh, 145 Sim sferred from the Toronto to the ing respectfully request the Hon. Aad- cos street, London, formerly of Ex- Stratford branch of the Bank of Tor- am Beck not to relinquish the great eter was the scene ofa pretty but onto spent Tuesday night at his home public works now prospering under quiet wedding on Wednesday after- here. his guidance, but to continue in the noon, March 4th, when •'their eldest-----�-- sore ice of the people of this province daughter, Charlotte, was united in SUDDEN DEATH OF WM. PROU'T as the leader a ala the. cause of munici- marriage to 'Mr. Harry W. 'White of pal ownership;" the same city. Only immediate :rela- William Prout, ytho resides with his w tires of contracting couple were nres SIR GEORGE ROSS DEAD. Toronto March 7.—Sir George Ross d'ec. on the stroke of 8 o'clock this morning having been unconscious fox several days. Though his death was expected the news of his death was a shack to the province. He had been a prominent triad in politica-life Lot many years Like many other noted men in Can- ada, the late Hon. Sir George William Ross was a schoolteacher in. hisearly days; also a moulder of public •o pin- tot as aae s`aer editor and wrrter. Subsequently be became a lawyer and statesman, ;whose fame was not by any means confined to the prov- ince rovince he which .most of his political victories were won. He was born in Middlesex County, near Nairn, on Sept, 18, ' 1841: .He was married three times, the last wife s'uxviving. He was a member of the elo ase of Commons 1872-82. Then a member of th'e Ontario Legislature from 1883 to 1907 being premier•. from 1809-1905.. In 190' he was appoia ted to the Senate and elected leader of the opposition in the Senate in 1912 o!i the death of. Six Richard Cart- wright. Sir George ryas the author of. several works on Canada and the Eri'r- pare He was an orator of the highest rank •,a temperance man, a Presbyter- ian and 'a Free Mason, The funeral was of a pxivate nature and took place iin:Toronto on Tuesday, PARIK].ILL WOMAN COMMITTED` SUICIDE. Parkhill March 8,—Mrs. David Mc- Leven a farmer's wife, living about one mile and a half east of this place took he own -life by throwing herself into Mud Creek,which runs through the 'farm they live on, last night. She sent a shote to a neighbor, saying she was going to take her life, and sent it by one of the children, while her husband was away to a 'neighbor's. She was found this morning under the ice No reason is given for her act. She leaves a husband and four small children. ea - ONION WAREHOUSE BURNED. Heenan, March 6—Fire early this morning partially destroyed the onion storehause of F. W. Smallacombe, The blaze ,Started in the cellar where ntany onions are storecl. :The alarm wear sounded at three o'clock and about two hears later was out, tnsur•- a,nce on onions totaled $3;000 and on the building ,$1000, ent. • The ceremony over a daiatt sister Mrs, Jas. Atkinson, arose in wedding dinner was served, after his usual health on, Wednesday mora- ine March 11th, and went out to which the happy couple left on a attend to his ,poultry. Not returning trip to eastern points , and on their i;n the usual time he' was looked for returai they will reside on Adelaide , street north, London. The young and found dead in the,hen house, ap- couple tv41l have the best wishes of parently having been seized with heart their, trouble, and dropped over dead, He many friends for a happy wed- led life, - wax in his 69th year. The late Mr, Prout was born ,in Pickering Township .A TREAT—The Sunday School En- near Oshawa en April, 1845. He was . in a cabinet maker by trade and when a tertainment given by the scholars fame; Street Church on, Monday ev woung •man he moved to the States, In 1876 he found his way to Vancou- enin, last proved to be a. rare treat to the very large audience present„ ver he being, one of the earliest pion - .hat rs of't hat cit He remaiated there .The children, excelled themselves an Y drills "dalogtues, solos, and choruses 28 years, ,coming to Exeter in 1904, and those who trained them deserve He was twice married, having in 1869 the warmest praise on thegreat sec- . having married Mrs, Brewer, who died in 190].. In 1905 he married Miss cess that was attained. It would be difficult to entfinerate the various Kate Atkinson, daughter of the late characters, all of whom did well, but Ars Jane Atkinson, who died the pastictrlaxly pleasing was the "Rose same year. Four sisters survive, Mrs. Drill'' by the little tots. The new- Atkilison and `Mrs. Thos. Sweet of was a feature, there Exeter, Mrs. Wallace and Mrs,Hawkes nese of the drills being nothing hackneyed about them of Walla Walla,. Wash. Deceased had To say that the audience was delight- been a'xemarkably healthy man all his ed is to express it mildly. The pro- life, but had complained of again in ceeds went to Sunday School work. his heart for a few days, Mr. Prout was a -member of James St, Method- ist church, The funeral takes place CURLING GAMES Friday, afternoon. A rink of Chas•elhurst curlers play- H 5 FEBRUARY REPORT eci afternoon and evening games with SENIOR FORM the locals on Wednesday of last week ----- with the following result—, The subjects are History, Com,posi- Chiselhurst Exeter tior and Science, which are then tot - A. Stewart_ R. W' Denney -Wed: :French, which added to the S. Swan. We W. 'Taman tote' gives the Matriculation standing D. Brintnell W, J. Heaman es seem in the last row of figures. T,Erintnell,. skip,11 Jas, Taylor, sk,15 Standing Hy.Cp.Sc. Ttl., r.Mc, A Stewart Ed. Snell 25 Miss. Allison 50 68 61 1706Z 14 S Swan J, Walper 6 beiss Brown 61 75 81 217 D Brintnell G. Anderson 2 ?Miss Carling 86 69 80 235 78 1 T, Brintnell, skip, 5 T. Newell, <•k, 16 27 Miss Case 48 60 54 162 64 18'. Two rinks of Hensall curlers play- 6 M Iivaibfleisch 78 75 64 217 ed afternoon games here on Thursday — Ms IIeanfeldt 50 70 The evening game was called . off to 5 Miss Morgan 81 79 62 222 witness the hockey match, The score 1.0 Miss O'Brien 78. 72 61 211 24 Miss Preeter Miss. Seicion Miss Siebert Miss Sweet Miss Triebner 80 69 51.200 15 Miss .Willis 7 1 74 51 196 Misr Wood 84 69 59 212 Brokenshire 72 76 49 197 49 12 Blatcltftrrd 65 76 55 196 32 17 kip 11 Case 64 70 74 208 56 8 McArthur. 70 70 48 188 45 16 1McPherton 60 69 59 197 72 '6 Morgan 79 78 79 236 57 2 Pickard 52 80 65 195 60 "9 Quackenbush 67 75 37 179 59 15 Southcott 60.69 68197 $5 10 Stewart, L. 79 69 68 Z16 68 5 Stewart, W. 64 69 71 204 64 7 Strang 88 75 65 228 59 4 Walker 82 70 76 228 64 3 OF Hensali Calciwel' Carlin Solders Exeter Bissett Dinney Taman Bonthron. skp, 3 Heaman, skip, Sm.allaeonibe Grieve Dew Newell 10 Walper, Sheppard. Taylor Steccey, skip` >3 21 13 14 t8 9 54 68 60 182 50 71 62 185 67 11: 57 68 65 188 76 70 55 201 41 13 15 18 21 The,. colts won, ag&n in a 'curling match with the Regulars ori Monday afternoon by a score of 14-11. The following were the players,— It 0- la xs Cults T le Newell W,W Taman W J Hemmen Ilea, Collins, skip 1 E;c1. Westcott H: Bissett Ed, Snell J;Walper,sk. 14 15 1 25 15 8 i3 3 1 DEPUTY REEVE OF McGILLIV- RAY IS DEAD Mr, Robson Tweddle,an old ' dent of McGillivray res e-' r n- Township, 'died early Monday morning at his home on the 7th concession, following an ill- ness of three weeks ;from a paraly- tie• stroke: He was in his 64th year and had resided in the township prac- tically all his life, He was well known and highly respected. He is survived by bis wife, his father, who is ,now 93 years of age, a pioneer of McGill- .vray; two sisters, Mrs. D. Robson pf Ailsa. Craig. ancl Mrs, Foater of Petrolea, and two brothers, John. of McGillivray and Richard of Ailsa Crag Deceased is the Deputy -Reeve of McGillivray Township, The fun- eral' took place OA Wednesday to the Parkhill cemetery, PARCEL POST INCREASED TO 11 POUNDS. The 11 -pound limit of weight for the Canadian parcel post was put in- to effect to -clay. Thus . the restric•- t±or,, to six ,pounds for each package accepted for transmission during Feb- ruary March aid April, has been re- moved The insurance of packets does not become operative until May 1st, as apt first set forth, a,n;d:in the mean- time packets of the parcels post may nerel't be registered. _ SW James Whitney left the General Hospital for his home on Monday. BIRTHS St vil:le, Max. 10, fol Mrs, Steadman, a son G rsday, March 5, at Street, Berlin, Ont., to H. Gregory, a son, E• ray, Mar, 1, to Air. Exley, a son. E n, Alta, Feb. 21, to T. England, form-. a daughter, Ra Feb. 28, to Mx. . a son. W en, Feb. 28, to Mr: Williams,' a daugh- ter Di bury, Feb: 26, to Mrf. Dickins, a son. D Passavant Me�.aortal o, Ill„ o;n. Feb 27. R. J. Donehey a Steadman ---In Elim Rev, T. A, and Gregory—Oa Thu 14. David Bares =1Ir, and Mrs. W, (Jo't1 Davidson.) eley -ir< McGillivray, anc'� Mrs John E England—In Cappon, and Mrs, W. erly of Exeter, tz--Ii; Stephen, and \irs. Wm. Ratz, Stephen, and Mrs, Blanche ter. ckiirs At Saints and Mrs. Al oneliey-At the Hospital, Chicag to Mr and Mrs. soya DEATHS Prout—In. Exeter, on Mar. 11, Wm.. Prout, in his 69th year. Watson:—Irl St..Marys, on March 2 Richard Watson, aged 82 years 9 months Glazier --In. Clinton, Mar. 2nd, Ros- etta Kerr, relict of the late Tames Glazier, in her 73rd year. Cathro—In London, Mar. 7, Mrs,Char- lotte Cathro,' relict of the late Al- exander Cathro;, of McGillivray, in Y 87th her year. ax. Jacobi.—At Parkhill, on March 9th Mrs. Wm. Jacobi, formerly of Exetrlr Our Black Silk 1 yd wide with own name printed on every yard and manufactured expressly for our own trade, is worthy of particular mention. Feather Ruffs, Nett Ruffs, Lace . Collars, Wide "Frillings, Dresden and Stripe ribbons for girdles JUST THINK A MINUTE • Spring will soon be here. Are you ready for it ? Nc doubt you are contemplating something new for Eastertide. All our new goods are i,ti, except one lot which we expect next week. Call an see our display. DRESS GOODS SECTION Beautiful striped and plain r atiuei Cotton Silk and Satin Crepes. Silks Satins; and Fancies.: N ool Bedford' Cords. Black and White Checks. Brocades, Fine Cords and Serges.' Al favorite Materials. TRIMMING SECTION. Our Trimmings this season are the best we have had •yet. A beautiful range all colors, all widths, all prices from 5c a yard to 42.00 a yard, and beautiful Allovers to match. Special —We have a .grand lot :of Black In- sertions, Laces, Allovers and edgings LINEN SECTION Good Display of Table Linens, Ta- ble Napkins, Towels, Tray Cloths, Lunch Cloths, 'Doylies,." Stamped and Worked Centres and Bed Spreads. LACE CURTAIN ; SECTION Lace Curtains, all prices from '25c a pais to $5.00. White,: Ecru,: Arab Beautiful Bungalow Nets from 15c. per yard to 50c. Cream and Colored :Madras, beautiful drapery goods,voil- es Scrims, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Cushions and Cushion Cords. EMBROIDERY SECTION Our Embroideries were never bet- ter Beautiful Embroidered Crepes,. Beautiful Embroidered -Voiles. Beautiful Swiss Embroideries Beautiful Lawn Embroideries. All widths -All prvices. 'Wide and narrow to match." From March 13th to April '3th—one month before Easter we wil]. give 100 PREMIUMS FREE with every $5.00 'order of Dry Goods. 25 only 40c. brooms, 25. Ladies or Gents, gold and pearl, cuff links 50c. guaranteed. 25 long handled dustpans, 25 good china cups ,and saucers. A CALL SOLICITED COME EARLY MRS: W. D. YEO Silk Waists White Waists Voile Crepe and Lawn Waists. Under- wear—Nainsook and Crepe. Laces, .Insertion Buttons, Back combs, side combs, Corsets, Hosfe ery GIoves, Wools, Ribbons, Sat- chels. Children's Dresses, STEWART'S PHONE 16 Whet" . Reasonable Prices Prevail. New Arrivals for this Month Ladies Suits & Coats ars The advanced showing of New Coats and Straits excels that of any previous season. They are so different and dis- tinctive that you will be greatly interested in looking over our dsplay. Suits for Men There are some men who imagine that they cannot be suited with Ready -Made Clo thing but they are becoming fewer every year, The makers of ready to wear garments are so ,improving their products that they are meeting the. exacting demands of the Hard -to -Please. We invite you tosee our bie `range oe Boys''arnd Men's Sults for spring. New Rugs and Carpets This week many new Tapestry Velvet, Brussels and Wilton. Rugs have been placed in stock. Never before have we had such a range of beautiful floorcoverings as ` WO are showing this season, We car save yoa money when you want your rugs, Compare our prices and decide f'or. •yourself Men's "Kin.: " Hats We have a great variety of New Suring Hats In Derby's and Soft Pelts, The shapes arc very new and the new colors are certainly right up to the aninute, You will need a new hat. Call in and inspect ours You'll enjoy looking over otsr nen• goods. NEW SPRING G000S ARE ARRIVING DAILY ,fid A. STEWART