HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-5, Page 8t R 1 IAF$ "`I."E, 'TH T1.t A Y� M.2LIH >! IEI t4
O1; ANe,..ED EAQ; i' 17VE NE$DAY
lik tt..,x,r, 95 05
Dail vwf.r 48 541
'Biwawhea0 , 84 48
Oat$0 80
rgtw oea, per bag. . 75 e.90
14 Irl 14 00
150 150
28 29
8 0
24 00.
23 00:
Hay. eorb on. n.:,...,,.w
flour. per Cwt,,, family
?lour, low grade per cw
Live hop, per cwt..., .
Short, per ton
Bran per ton .. , ...AAAA
A one -storey Frame House and
Kitchen; also stable, two lots, 108.
and 109, situated on Andrew street,
Exeter Will be sold reasonable. For
further particulars apply by mail to
Ed. Gill Sr., Grand Bend.
DRIVER FOR SALE, --Good, luiei
farmer's driver, coming six years old
Apply to A. S. Deavitt, Exeter.
t-ialf Price Sale of a big assortment
of NO, , Framed Pictures, all worked
in plain figures and for sale at Half
Price. We invite you to call and
have a look at those pictures. Some
one of them will no doubt appeal to
you' and you can buy the same at
just half the price marked.
The undersigned has a limited quan-
tity of choice White. Oats, first im-
ported from Scandinavia and ` guar-
anteed clean. Price reasonable.
Crediton P. O.
' The undersigned offers his property
in the thriving Village of Exeter, con-
sisting of Parts Lots 33 and 34 South
east corner of Carling and Huron Sts.
On the premises is a seven room 1%
storey frame dwelling and frame
stable, with a number of fruit trees,
and a good well of water. The pro-
perty is directly opposite Victoria
Park and three blocks from the Post
Office Terms Cash. No reasonable
offer refused for a quick sale. Clear
title deed, will be given purchaser. For
further particulars apply by letter or
phone 5743, J. T. 'WESTCOTT, 56
Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ont.
HORSES.—We are always open to
buy good horses at current prices.
Parties having horses tosell please
call Phone 41, Exeter. DOYLE
BROS Exeter. _
.Bogus American nickels are h circ
ciiation in the border towns.
Mr:W. D. Sanders of Stephen has
been confined to his bed this week
through illness.
14Irs Lane of London has purchas-
ed Mrs' T. Bissetts boarding :louse
on William Street,
Mr and Mrs. L. H. Dickson pleas-
antly entertained a number of friends
it: their home on Friday evening.
The thaw of last week put our
sleighing on the wheels without any
difficulty as the snow was very thin.
Two rinks of curlers went to Hen-
salt Friday and played morning and
atternoon games, winning three .out of
the four games and beings 1Z shots up.
'I;he Exeter circuit of the Metho-
dist church intend holding a series of
Sabbath School and Epworth League
Institutes from March 9th to 13th,
Mr Wes, Snell delivered a 'Ford
Touring . Car to Mr. Ambrose Cottle
last week. Since taking the agency
Mr Snell has sold many Fords, : ev-
era; of which have not yet been de-
A calm, conservative advertisement
if well writer and properly displayed
is vastly more effective than a spread-
eagle bombastic lot of boastful lan-
guage which the merchant himself
doe:: not believe,
Mr. John Triebner, who recently
disposed of his 100 acre farm in the
Township of Hay to 'Mr, John Rowe
has .,purchased Mr, Thos. Jones' farm
on the same concession, and will lake.
possession about the middle of April.
It is predicted by owners ,of sugar
bushes all through this d.istriet that
as a result of the continued cold spell
there will be an abundant run of sap
this season and that maple syrup
and maple sugar will be more plenti-
ful than for years past.
FOR SALE—In Clandeboye—Brick
house, orchard, stables, and 15 , acres
land. Apply W. A. Jones, 206 Percy
St.. Ottawa.
the Advocate Office. No witness re-
quired and strictly confidental
LOST.—A young collie dog, black
w'sch white string around neck, white
breast one front leg white, the other
brown white tip on tail, left hone
Feb 16th; will answer to the name
of "Rex" Anyone found harboring
him. will be prosecuted,—James Kemp
While the towns of rural districts
need the support of the surrounding
community the surrounding commun-
ity also owes its debt' to the town
for conveniences and entertainment
that it would otherwise not enjoy`•'x-
cept very occasionally by travelling
long distances.
A permanent temperance secretary
for Huron has not yet been appoint-
ed but :at the recent meeting in
C1-ttor it was decided to do so at
an early slate. Besides the regular of-
ficers municipal chairmen were -la-
pointed among them being A.. Doupe
for Usborne, Geo Down. for Stephen
S M. Sanders for Exeter.
Mr.' Robert Elsie, brother of 'llrs.
George Anderson, died in London on
Wednesday night, Feb. 25, from an
attack of pleuro -pneumonia. He was
in his 68th year and had spent the
greater part of his life, in,Deleware.
His mother, Mrs. Robert Elsie, is still
living and resides with her daughter
Mrs. G Anderson here.
Last summer St. Marys Council had
$25,370 worth of .debentures for sale,
but at the time could not get a bet-
ter offer than 90 2-5. Though press-
ed hard for funds the finance com-
mittee borrowed money for current
expenses on the security of the de-
bentures, and the other day they were
sold,for 99;x. A clear saving of $.2000.
That finance committee was worth
'Aft T.- C. 1\Xcteod h+taiiieVed : to
Mrs. Casady's house, Andre* Street.
Sir James Whitney ,has recovered
and bas left the, hospital. Sur George
Ross is reported to be slowly dying.
Rev .A. H, Brown of Ailsa Craig
preached in the Japies Street church
ea. Sunday. M. J. Southcott took his
work in Craig.
.N,Lr' T, Maxwell of; Biddulpli; proved
tato the house he recently 'purchased
from Miss. Dodds, We welcome Mr,
Maxwell and family to our midst as
I beg to. acknowledge 'receipt of do-
nation for the firemen from Mr. Hy.
Heston and in their behalf to return
thanks for same,—Jas. Weekes, chief
of department.
Atidxew Broder, member :for .Dun-
das, has given formal notice in the
Dominion Parliament of his resolution
calling for the abdlution of the manu-
facture and sale of cigarettes in Can-
Crediton and Zurich hockey ,teams
Zplayed a good game of : hockey ' on
the Exeter rink on Tuesday evening,
resulting in favor of Crediton 5-2. H,
Bissett refereed, .A, good , Brow"d was
cru to see the game.
Middlesex Cotttn,ty is - settling a man
to Great Britain to encourage itnnti-
gratior, to that county, and also a
man to Quebec Port to see that the
men so ,seat are not diverted to some
other part of the country,
Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Leitch cf
Oak Lake .Manitoba, announce the en-
gagement of their niece, Miss Rose-
mary Laiise Leitch and Mr. Frank
Whiteford' Weekes of Virden, Man.
Marriage to take place March 25th.
Our .informant in' reporting the re-
sult of the shooting contest here re-
cently was unintentionally mistaken in
stating that F. Kerr's side won out.
It should •have been reversed, Mr.
John iriebner's side having won
by four birds.
I have, several choice residential
properties in Exeter for sale. Des-
cription and terms on application,
A. HASTINGS, •Exeter,
A one -storey frame house in good
state of repair. One-quarter acre of
land. Situate on Huron Street. Good
water. etc. Apply to Miss ADDIS
Good brick house, half acre land;
Fruit trees, hen house on the prem-
ises. A good . com:ortable place. For
particulars apply to Mrs, E. Demp-
sey. Centralia.
Rev Fr; Tierney, formerly ,secret-
ar, to His Lordship,. Bishop t+allan
has beets placed temporarily in charge
of the parish at Mount Carmel, in. Mc-
Gillivray, relieving Rev. Father Foster,
who is in ill health. Father' Foster
is now in Windsor and will not resume
his du`_ies at Mount Carmel until • his
health. improves.
An exchange gives an Illustration
a3;' follows. -A doctor bet a Haan 'a
Dr Sweet is justly proud of the
Esti that he succeeded in saving Mr
N. D Hurdo,n's fine hound after it
had been .given a heavy dose of stry-
tr Y
chnine on Friday night, and Mr. Hui --
dos. is pleased that the dog was sav-
ed. The two worked with the animal
all ,might. We are given to under-
stand that the dog owners of town
intend getting together to employ a
The people who become 'leaf in
middle life are generally suffering
from the after affects of colds which
have travelled to the ears from the
,nose, The ear drum is delicate.
Sound waves are transmitted from the
ear -drum to the internal: ear by very
delicate small joints. The joints in
these bones are somewhat like the
knee joint, but are far more delicate.
Wher they become stiff and creaky
the hearing becomes poor.
dollar he 'could not get a billiard ball
into his mouth. The man, won the
bet but the doctor got fifteen lollars
to gel it out. Another form of adver-
tising with the results about the same
as usual -the advertiser spends one
dollar and gets fifteen an -return.
The marriage took place ors Friday
last. of Mrs. Christina Snell of Thed-
ford, formerly of Exeter, to Mr. Fred
Kibler of Berlin, formerly of Dash-
wood and Zurich. They will reside
in Berlin, and will have the best wish-
es of their many friends in this com-
munity for: their future happiness and
, Its up to you to be one,
Gray Hair is the biggest handicap
—but its also the one you can most
easily escape. "
Hay's Hair Health restores 'gray
hair to its natural color and vigor,
It is not a dye, it is a tonic easy and
safe to use, stimulating and nourishing
the scalp .and hair roots,imparting
new life and vigor and giving that
healthy natural Molt which is so es-
sential to g youthful appearance. It
removes dandruff.
Your money will be refunded if it
falls after a fair trial.
81.00, 50c., 25c, Get .it at our store.
Sold and recommended by, W, S.
Howey Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
An effort is being made, in all parts
'of Canada to revive interest in Am-
ateur Lacrosse, which is inn reality the
National Canadian Game. The Onta-
rio Amateur Lacrosse Associationhas
.'written us .in regard to same. The
,object is to establish town, or school
leagues in every town, and; as we de-
SbrC to give the association,an. in-
dication of .: the prospects here we
%Mist. enthusiasts to express their.
views to us •so that we may be .in a
position to reply intelligently. Ar-
rangements have been• made for the
purchase of lacrosse sticks at Jess
than half price, -and also for gold
medals for competition,
A choice farm of 100 acres fol.
sale, being Lot 23, Con. 10, Stephen
There is on the premises a new brick.
house. two storey; new bank bard
44x64; ben house and pig pen, young
young orchard; 10 acres of bush; 40
plowed; 10 acres seeded to alsike and
five acres fall wheat; good hard and
soft' water and windmill.' Water works,
in stables. Apply on premises or write
to Samuel Beaver, Dashwood P. O.
A House wn Your
ltd -`iota
ever Glieare out how
rtnall i percent:44e of our pope.
Yatton' psis 'our 'house +age►►
they could see e, "•1`o Let" eidts,
Or hoar large a perceglago reed
'our Peeper? Gerd teowits leve
meet tho ft/net that have throe to
+»ote to going avowed looking
for lig% . Ther loan {te o *r
Woxrt Ade.
if ?ott belle* htlgixeie ed, rotor
betide, ei _•' ttottme to Let" tido Aw
eon br1nir shore, 10 rote.
It is a good thing the, London Ad-
vertiser is ;not taken. seriously'. in, its
reports of Exeter doings. : This week
in reporting the recent liquor eourt
case it says :—"Magistrates Sanders were here attending the funeral of
and Hawkins ,prosecuted for Tnspcc- the late Thos, Bissett, returned tit
Mr. and
Bert Rivers of the
his parents here.
Mrs. Boyle were in London
West is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Fraser were in
London Saturday.
Mr, "'Wilbur Luker of London was
in r town over Sunday.
Mrs. T. Cornish returned Monday
from: a visit in London.
Miss Ella Baker has returned from
Chatham Business College.
Mr. Thos. Russell of St. Marys was
a visitor in town this week.
Mr. A Marchand is this week vis-
iting. at "Stratford, Berlin and Toronto.
Miss Hobbs of Birr is visiting her
sister, Mrs, (Rev.) Collins at the Rec-
Mrs; Skelton and her daughter, Mrs.
W. J Neaman. visited in London Sat--
Mr Jos, Senior returned Monday
fronr the photographers convention in
Mrs Amy . and son of Burford are
guests of the former's parents Mr. and
Mrs E Jory.
Mr. Wm, Ford, jr., .left on Tuesday
last for Hannah, North Dakota, where
lie intends remaining.
Miss Olive Dearaing of near Grand
Bend spent a few days during the;
week with friends here.
Mrs David Long of London Town-
ship visited with Mics. John Welsh the
latter part of last week.
Mrs. Perdy Murdock of Chatham
spent a few days with her parents
Dr and Mrs. Quackenbush.
Mrs. Jordan and two children have
returned to London, after a :week's
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas Murray
Mr. W. T. Wilson, after spending,
a:'n.onth in Toronto, returned Monday
to his home here with his daughter,
Mrs W D. Clarke.
Mx and Mrs. Thos. Dunsford,,� r
Change. of Business'
tor Torrance.' Who ever heard o
th.: magistrates prosecuting ? L. H.
Dicksor prosecuted and J. G. Stan
bury rlefended.
The Huron County Public School.
Promotion_ Examinations .ill be .held
or.4 `.:;t 7th, Sth and 9th of April, 1914.
Pagers "are. being prepared for the
junior and senior classes of the Sec-
ond and Third Books and the junior
Fourth Book. Teachers are requested
to send, at once, to their Public
School Inspector the number of pup-
ils taking the examination in each of
the classes named ' above.
f their. home in Marlette, Mich:, anTuesday.
March came in like a lion. A storm
of almost hurricane -dimensions pre-
vailed nearly all Saturday night, Sun-
day and Monday, and throughout On-
tario much damage is reported, 'in the
way of chimneys, signs and wires be-
Sag blow's` down. Little damage was
was done in this section, and as the
fall of snow was not heavy the roads
are stili :in good shape for wheeling..
According to the old saying we may.
expect the month to go out 'like a
Mallott, .clerk at the Central" Hotel,
sustained 'a very deep and long `cut
in his right hand; at the. base of the
thumb on. Monday morning. He. was.
about to take the cork of a bottle.
when the bottle burst in some ivay
and a piece. of glass made the cut,
Several stitches were necessary to
close the wound which is a very pain-
ful one. It is hoped the cords are
not ,injured so as to interfere with the
action of the thumb.
ation for entrance to High Schools
anal junior public school graduation
are oft June 15-19 according to in-
structions just issued by the depart-
ment of education. The junior high
school entrance examinations start
on, June 17th, continuing until
the .18th while the ..graduation,, exam-
inations ire from the 15th to 10th .
April 15th ,is the latest date onwhich•
notification can be sent to the pub•
tic school inspectors directly or flirt
the principal of the school.
cipen,t blazes were nipped in the bud
M,r H. E. Huston's stable 0n Wed-
nesday night of last week Mr. Sias -
ton had placed his ash box in :ioor-
ner in the barn, and although ,to fresh
ash'u ,lead, been placed in it ror
or three days previously,.-' tra,to.
say' fire broke out ict, the early part
of the' evening and again at about a
quarter to - nine, and had it not "been
discovered in, the nick of time in
each instance the building would have
been destroyed. The first blaze
caught the partition, and the latter
broke out in the roof. The fire at -
rut and the whistle ,at the grit atilt
were soun;ded,''bttt the blazes were.
ander control before tli !Ire brigade
i1,t1 reached the scene,'
Mr,, and Mrs. Tilos. B. Hodgsonnnd
family who have been visiting Mr.
and Mrs Smnon Hunter and ether
relatives of Usborne, left last week
their home in Moyerton, Alta.
THE "COLTS" WON.—In a curl-
isng•match on Monday night the "Reg-
ulars' were up against a pretty stiff
proposition when - they undertook' to
trim the "Colts", and before the game
was over concluded that they had
more than met their match, the Colts
having won out by a score of 13-9.
Following is the. line-up:-- „ ,.
Colts Regulars
:Ed. Westcott D. Russell
Harold Bissett Thos.: :Newell
Ed. Snell C: B. 'Shell.
J. Wainer skips W. J. Heaman
WEDDED.—A very quiet weddMg
took place on Feb. 25t1i, in, the Meth-
&dist parsonage, St. Marys, when
Mss Linda Gunning; daughter of Mr.
Arthur,,.Gunning of Kirkton,r becaine
the bride of, Mr. Cldrence Knight,' son
of Mr and Mrs, Ed. Knight of US -
borne The young couple spent a
shoe honeymoon trip at. Guelph and,
other points and wi11 take up house-
keeping at Winchelsea, vhere• ,'Mr,
l:Knight will be engaged in the cream-
ery rite' _Advocate 3oins the . many
friends in congratulations and; best.
Cedar Posts for `.
Having purchased the Jewelry Business of Mr.
AMarchand we .would ask a continuance of the
patronage accorded our. predecessor redecessor and if favored
with same, your wants will have our best attention.
It will be our endeavor to keep our stock up to
to allclasses of customers and
where it will appeal
our aim will be to give:perfect satisfaction in all
A Call Solicited
Special attention paid to repairing of all kinds
Successors to A, Marchand
Telephone Office
All persona having accounts with
me prior to 1914 wil please call and
settle at once -as they are past due.
14. ROWE
Undertaker and License
Choice Corn
Car of Choice Corn
raceived for feed.
Exeter, ,Ontario
Phone 20a T. 13 CARLING
EXETER ONTARIO 1niurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ducting auction sales. Exeter. Ont.
Lite, Fire, Accidbnt and Plate' Glass
We have this year the finest stock
of POSTS We have .ever had, having.
nothing less than 6 inch at the small
end. G. E. HICKS,
r North
Miss Olive Quance hits returned fresto
the millinery openings.
miss Ethel Bissett, Miss Addie Mor-
lock Miss Elston. and .others, who At-
tended the
t-tendec,'the millinery openings,, hale
O. IN CONNECTION) I wish ro say
that I carry a fine stock of FRESH
Groceries 'l
Dry Goods
'hc AdQUcalc to �Iar°15,
Anc' EVERYTHING that can be
had in a GENERAL STORE; Also
3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat,
Sausage, Etc.,'. Etc.
Give me a call for your next order
H. Bierling
ea 4c of fere
For the choicest
oceries, fruits, spices,
and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us.A trial.
as to quality ill convin-
.Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Opposite Elect pie light 'Nen t
nobby Spring Suits
and Ladies' Coats.
They are the best wee have ever
shown For Style, Fit, and. Fabrics
they are right up-to-date and
two alike.
We want you to see, our 'Display;,
New . Spring Dress
This will be the season for Novel-
ty Dress Goods. We have a big var-
iety to show you in the best goods
and newest colors. i -
Silk Brocade Crepe Plain, Silks
Fancy Brocade Crepe Fancy Silks
Plain S. Fancy Crepe Plain Bedfords
Brocade Bedfords Plain Poplins
Brocade Ratine Plain Serges
Plair. Ratine .Silk & Wool Mixtures
and dozens of other popular Dress
Men's & . Boys'
Spring Suits
We ,hrave just opened up our Net, '
Spring Suits for Boys, Youths' and .
Men, They are a nifty lot, . —.''veli -
tailored its the lateest-,spring sfashion_`
and the very newest patterns in cloth
Big Clearing of Odd Shoes
We have a lot •of. Men's Women's, Boys, Girls, and Children's
Odd Shoes. Just one or two pair of each line, They will all go
on. sale at nearly half price• to cleat• them out. Every pair , eat'
good and new, I2 we . have your size a bargain, is waiting for you
artcl s for h 1
Headquarters e
ea u cel Vibrated W. E. Sanford Clothing