HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-5, Page 71
Business Men and Breadwin-
ners the Victims of Nervous
'Exhaust tort
When worry is Added to overw
men on beeoine the victims
nerYotes exhanetion—neurasthern
the doctor calls it. Some ha.ve,
) reserve streagth ±n theii systems
bear the strain ; others ,over
what strength they have. If y
find that, you are nervous ,and
sure of yourself, thae you
badly, and wake up tired and a,
Ing, yonr nerves are out of ord
Dither sigas are inability to ta
proper interest in your work, yo
appetite is fickle, your back fe
weak., and you ,a,re greatly depre
ed spirits. One or more of these
sign meen. that, you should take
pr•omipt sbeps to s,top mischief by
aourishing the eerves with the food
they thrive on, neeniely the rich
so- a
Men WWI Itt'St Olt One Leg and
fight With LieneA
A tribe of blaek giturti known as
teTieng," inhabiting a district of
the White Nile, in the Sudan, a
thousand mile,s soutli of Kliereouna,
has bee rt deseribed by he Rev. O.
Lea -Wilson, the leader of a medical
There are about 8,000 -3eop1e in
the tribe and they live in ehc neigh-
borhood of the Baltr-el-Grhazel, the
laeoon east of Lake Chad. "They
are among the tallest tribe's in the
v nave Mr. LeasWilsoe
`They are jet black, typical ne
groes, anii do n praetise eithe
anelbalism or human eacrilices.
lave never seen aineng them a cap
cruelty to women or children
,s,ozne reason apperently
nown even to themselves, al
dults have eix of t,heir lower :teeth
lemov,ed. They have a habit whoa
at ret of standing on one foot like
Mr. Lea -Wilson stat ee that the
red blood made by Dr, William
Pink Pills. These Pills have cur
bheusaacle of cases of nervous di
' orders, • iaoluding nervous prostr
Lion, neuralgia,, St. Vitus dance al
• partial patalysis. Here is an ex-
ample. Mr. Jas. A. McDonald,
'Springhill, NS., says: "In the
summer of 1912, as the result, I
think • of hard work, I was com-
• pleteiy run down and found it ,pe-
ces,sary be• quit work. I slept poor-
ly, and wha,t sleep I did get did not
seem to rest xne, as I was constantly
tired.My appetite was poor and
,.fickle and my nerves unstrung. I
Last Year's Earnings Over 11 Pet
Cent.—Aggregate Net Earnings
for the Period, Ending Decent.
her 31.st, 1913, $351,336,55.,
In another aoliann of this paper
will Int• seen the annual firm,ncial
statement of the Standaed Reliance
elortgaea Uorperatiore This is one
af the east staisemeets issued by
. ',any financial .,eorporation, fox the
_1year 1918, and wae highly oemniencl-
e ed by the s,hareholdeis who were
presene a,t tbe annual meeting held
e at the ccinp-,,ny's offices, 62-88 Kieg
Street Bast, Toronto, on Monday,
- Mar.the 2nd.
I The net ear -tags amounted to
ever 11 per eent the
cap a, which now amounts to the
substantial sum of $1,985,104.00.
After deducting interest on &ben-
•! tures and de ode
surrounding country is like a zoo-
s' 1 legioal gazdee. Elephants, giraf-
eel , fee, rhinoceros, • beffaloes, hippo-
potami, lions and leopards abound. '
a- I "During the last web 'season eight
' peopee were killeel and eaeen by
had reatment from a doctor for
some time, but it did not seem to
help me, and having beaaal a greet
deal about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
I decided to try them. In the
• course of a few weeks after begin_
• ning the Pills I picked up wonder-
fully, and was able to return to
work feeling like a -new man. I
havemat had a day'sisickeess dace,
and na,turally ani now a firm be-
• liever in Dr. Williams: Pink Pills."
Dr. Williams' Pink piirs win wo-rk
the same beneficial results in any
other tired, worn-out.• worker if
given a fair trial. If you cannot
obtain the Pills from your dealer
• they -will be sent, post paid at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
by writing. The Dr. Williams' Medi.-
eine Co., 13rookville, Ont.
• $1. -
There is much elation in Australia
about the record evh,eab harvest,. Al-
though the returns are notaset 'com-
plete, it is, oertain .that in New
• South Wales_ arta Victoria, especial-
ly ehere has been a marked advance
in 'the yield. Last year New South
eseelIeWales teat up a re'eord with 32,500,-
• 000 bushels. This season 'the pro-
duct is some 10,000,000 bushels
greater. Heavy crops were general,
and farmers have eniioy.ed large pro-
fits. And there is every prospect
that the 'crop sown for 1914 • will
greatly exceed the one which has
just been harvested. "While a, yieed
of nearly 42,000,000 bushels of
wheat," eays the Sydney Sun, "is
a, record for New South. Wales, and
will be of great value, it is only the
fringe of our.- possible, production.
• New South Wales has an are of
• 310;e00 •square miles, • and grows
42,000,000 baehels. In Europe there
is A. little country called Roumania,
with only 50,000 square miles, or
one-sixth the slip Of New South
• Wales, and its usual annual wheat
• yield is 90,000,000 bushels. • Over
the. whole of Australia, wheat pro-
du,ction is oomparatively sa small
that this oontinent does not eount
seriously in the world's total. Th
Balkan Peninsula harvests, nearly
three times as muchwheat a,s the
avhole Comm,onwealth."
1Stops a Cough
By Breathing the Soothing, Healing
Vapor of Catarrhozone All Throat
and Catarrhal Trouble Is
QU lady- Cured.
) It's simply wonderful to think how
quickly a bad throat or catarrh Can
be cured with Catarrhozone. Its :rich
balsamic vapor is carried along with
the breath into tlth innermost recesses
of • the • lungs, bronchial tubeS, and
ehest, /rushing it impossible for the
• germ of any disease to live. Thus
soreness in the chest is at once alio-
viated—pblegin Is loosened and eject-
ed from tbe throat, old -standing
coughs are removed.
J "l suffered teem an irritable, weak
throat for three years. I had a severe
cough, pain oVer the eyes, constant
bad tette in my mouth, and noises in
my ears. it Wes chronic catarrh. No.,
/ thing gave pertrianerit relief till I used
filltitarrhotone. In one hour it relieV-
ea; and in a few weeke drove all trace
of eetarrh from my system."
Lope t streti, icingston„Tn."
P.EMEMBDR THIS--Yott breth
Catarreozone and it will cure any
throat, chest or bronehiel.coid, Large
eiee, guaranteed, eoste e1,00, one: 'este
tworeeetbs; entailer ;sloes, .25e. mid
• 50c, 'Beware of imitations :and insiet
ot "CA'I'ARBITOZONE", onfy, •le?
from Ca.tarrhoeone 00-, Euf-
1.aS.o, N. ",, and hingtop,, Ont, vete
lions. The ji.e.ng people are re-
markably brave and ,they have kill-
ed two of these roan -eaters with
;spears alone. This means that the
first men attacking- the animal are
'certainly killed before their com-
pa•nions can rush 'irt and despabch
rbhe wounded animal.''
Old and Modern Methods of Treat -
merit Compared.
It is evident that medical science,
in its determination to an,aster dis-
ease, has found in*radium a power-
ful weapon againet ca,neer, and the
call upon, the Government to retain
its radium fields in the West, and
the proposition of distinguished
physicians to aid the general Gov-
ernment in a plan to -cheapen the
substance and universalize its treat-
ment, is beautiful in. the extreme.
Hezekiala King of Judah, who lived
700 years B.O., had a growth On
• his body, which may well have been
a =seer, called in the record a
boil. It was Divine power that
wrought the cure, but a materiel
instrument -was •used in the poul-
tice, the primitive remedy. •"And
Isaiah 'mai 1, Take, a, aump of fige.
And they took and laid ie on the
boil, and he recovered." (II. Kings,
xx., 7.). •
Mothers, ask youreelf the ques-
tion : Is your baby a good baby?
If not he is not well, for it is the
nature of all babies to be good --
only the sickly baby is cross and
hard to mind. If baby is cross, and
cries continually give him Baby's
Own Tablets and he will soon be
happy again. The Tablets ace as a
gentle laxative, regulate the bow-
els, sweeten the stomach and cure
all -the minor ills of little ones.
Concerning them Mrs. J. P. Rich-
ard, St. Norbert, N.S., wribes: "I
have found Baby's Own Tablets all
thee is claimed for thean. My baby
suffered from his stomach and bow-
els and the Tablets, cured him."
They are sold by all medicine deals
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville; Ont.
A married woman says ehe' way
to be happy with a husband is to
leaxn to be happy without him most
of the, time.
Piles Cared in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists • 'refund money if PAZO
OINTALL/NT falls to cure Itching.,
or Protruding Piles. First application
gives relief. 50c
An Important Invention.
Any person who has followed the
sea for any length of time will have
experienced, especially in rough
weather, the annoyance which is
caused by •the incessant working
and banging of doors, due to the
rolling and pitehing of the vessel,
To ensure quietness the door of a
stateroom, for instance, must be
shut. To place it on the hook would
in.estai the rattle of the door, which
is intolerable, even to those who
• spend the raajor portion of their
lives on the briny. Many ideas have
been put forward, and many inven-
tion e formulated, with tbe object of
obviating this nuisance, but none
have been successful so far. A new
device, which Is -expected to be on
the mark,et at an early date, is the
invention Id Mr. Breigarir one of
Liverpool's foremese Scotch engi-
neers, His patent is simplkiby it-
self, and adapte itself to any pre-
sent elatie of cabin or salooa tibOr.
It is tioiselees, takes up no room
epace, end presents no obstrue-
'A,Ileging thee her husband knock-
ed her down with a hound of but-
itex Calg.ary woman -is' 'seeking a
Waterworke and sewerage system.
At- Brandon, 'Mane, oneenaa ape)
crated street, ears were etated
have been a eaccese, thou-gh ib was
admitted thee leghb traffic "did tee,
eaarse the one-man 'system to te-1—
y tested. •I ED. 4.
•7 .P
ia 00
$122,521,00,. thb balance available
for distribution amounted to •$248,-
806.00, of which sum $118,471.88 was
paid ont in dividends, $100,00 wae
added to the reser ee fund, and the -
balance ,earried ferevard icothe ere--
dit of Loss and Gain aecouat.
The preserlt cerporaeion is. an
arnalga,mation of the Standard
Loan Company and the Reliance
Loan and.Sa.vings „Company of On-
taxio, the a,malgamation having
taken effect on the first of May last.
The president, Mr. N. R Sbee
vens, stated thee the net eaninge
of the corp,oration ,for 1913 exceed -
d t
ke co bi ned net earningseof the
two companies prior to the amal-
ga,mation by over $30,000. This re-
cord is well worth noting, as show-
ing not only the efficiency secured
by the combination of the two com-
panies under 'one management, but,
it shows also What may be accom-
plished in. the Way of reduction of
-expeasea of operation. .
It will be noted from a perusal
• of the statement that the 'betel as-
sets now amount to $5,110,-332.00.
The position obtained in the finan-
cial world by the Standard Reliance
Mortga,ge Corporation places it
amongst the, largest and most pros-
perous financial institutions in the
The coaservative policy pursued
by this eorporatien is an importa.nt
feature for the consideration of
those looking for substantial and
safe investments. The debentures
of the corporation are issued in
sums of $100.00 or mo -re -and interL
esteat the ra,teeef five per cent. per
annum on these am'ounite,is paya,ble
by coupon -every six months.
The cooration invites correls-
pondenoe with reference to, the safe
investment of funds at remunera-
tive rates. All communications
should be addressed to the head
office, 52-88 King St. East, Toronto.
An Irishman -fell from the roof
of a house where he was at work. A
passer by rushed up to him and
asked :---"Are you hurt?" "It's all
right," said the Irishman, "I had
to some down for nails, anyhow."
Only One "E1t0320 Ql:TININZ"
To get the genuine, call for full name,
for signature of .WE. GROVE, Cures
a Cold in One Dar. 25c.
Lawyer—"The cross-examinatiOn
did not seem to worry you. Have
you had any previous experience 1"
Clienee--"Six children."
' Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.• -
Gentlemen, -My •daughter, 13years ord,
Was thrown from a sleih i
gmad njured her
elbow so badly it remained stiff and very
painful for three years. Four bottles of
1V1INARD'S LINIMENT completely cured
her, and she has not been troubled for
two years.
Yours truly'.
J. B.
St. Joseph. P.O., 1.8th Aug., ,1500LIVESQ17E.,
He—"For Heaven's sake, wonaan,
'stop that perpeteal nagging. If you
'keep on much longer I'll shoot my-
self." She—"You 'dos you wretch!
You dare fire off a revolver in this
house I You'll wake the baby!"
where's Liniment Relieves Neuraigla.
Proba.bly nothing could have a
more powerful effect upon social,
domestic and individual welfare
than the widespread diffusion of
the spirit of truthfulness. It under-
lies all honest and faithful work, all
right fulfilment of relations, all in:
dependenee and self-reapeete for he
who is in this high !sense fele/Jill to
the truth Will be faithful to himself
and to other.
Restores the color, strewth,
beauty and softness- to Gray
Hair and is not a dye.
At all
411 Ivady beked
to a nicety; wtwle,
ntealy and full
flavored. Renting
only is necessary.
This Cocker Spaniel Was Very
Fond of Sugar.
That one dog at least not only
reasoes, but he been known aeta-
ally to cheat, is the ocenviction of a
ycmna English ermy officer who
owns a. smart OpOke1' spaniel,
Aeeeng other tricks, the offieer has
treated the dog to atesev,er "letter
and fetch bis owner'e maid
to theme% table. Pleased with the
dog's intelligence, the o'ffi,eer. . fell
into the habit of giving hini a li-mp
of ,sugae.• from the breakfast table.
One moraine, soon•atte.r the,
'trumpeter had ° 'sounded- "letter
cell," the spaniel came in with nee:
titer papers nor letters. 'This was
uniteual, for the 'officer subseribeel
to a daily paper that invariably ar-
rived in the morning's ma -el, but he
thought little of it at the time.
About eleven o'clock, however, the
deg entered his master's quarters,
and deposited a muddy paper upon
the floor, The ,offieer didI not un-
derstand the situation, but he gave
the dog a lump of sugar. Iiral.f an
hour later eth,e dog appeared again
with a very muddy and crumpled
letter in his mouth. Then the own-
er's suspicions were areetised.
He gave the dog another lump of
sugar, and .watched him. He soon
found that the dog had buried the
morning's mail in fee rear of the
officers' mess, and was digging it
up a, letter at a time, aaparentIer
with a view to a lump of sugar for
each piece of main
Wonderful "Nerviline" is the Remedy,
A marvellous pain reliever,
stiffness in. chronic rheumatic joints,
pains, and never burns or even stains
giyes quick relief to those throbbing
any thiek, oily'', or ammonia liniment
Penetrating, more pain -subduing than
NerViline fairly eats up the pain and
about eve times more powerful, more
sohitdeinim.aantiuoirdkinepatryna liniment—just
y joints swol-
len and sore for ten years. My right
knee joint was often too painful to al-
low me to walk. In tb,is crippled tor-
tured condition 1 found Nerviline a
blesSing. Its warm, soothing action
brought relief I had given up hoping
for. I rubbed on quantities of Nervi -
line and improved steadily. I also took
loerrozone• at mealtime in order to
purify and enrich my blood. I am to-
day well and can reeommend my
treatment most conscientiously.
(signed) 0. PARKS,
Prince Albert.
Not an ache or pain in the muscles
or joints that Nerviline won't cure. It's
wonderful for lumbago and sciatica;
• for neuralgia, stiff neck, earache and
tootha.che. Nerviline is simply a won-
der. .Best family liniment known and
largely -used for the past forty years.
Sold •by dealers everywhere, large
family size bottle 50c., small trial size
25c. Refuse a substitute, take only
Missionaries always go to the
had %Assay ?
There aro no, swear words in
eap an e,se.
Take the conceit eue af some xnen
.and you've hardly got a geease ePot
Cbineee goarmets eat baked fish
Women are fonder than men of
flattery,. yet they believe it lese.
Holland's railways. kill on the
av'exage only one person a year.
The 'golden rule is a Measure of
esond'aet that we lay down for other
people, • •
The world has more eepublies
tisaa mona,rehies,
An emiee of prevention usually
means a pound of useless fear for
'the, future.
Joints Qllit Aching
Netviline Drives Soreness Away
Killed by Blood Poisoning Recognized hum to -day,
Foolish, because a 25c. bottle of Putnam's
Use.d an old razor for' paring his corns. I boYh,00'd c
one that has bon -a millionaire:"
"Did he recognize you?"
"I guess so. He turned a corner
when he saw me coming."
Women Need Gin Pills
Corn Extractor will cure all the corns in
a family for a year. Safe, because purely
vegetable,. Use only Putnam's Extractor,
250. at all dealers.
-Father's Ultimatum.
• The father of a laxge family of
children was trying hard to read
• the evening paper. "What's that
terrible racket in the hall, Mar-
a"O'Pn' e of the children. just fell
do wnstairs ./'
"Well," he replied, turning over
another page of the paper, "yeu
tell the children if they oan't
downstairs quietly they'll have to
stop if."
"It is said that more than one
person 'has been killed by kissing.".
"Yes, but isn't it great if you live
theough it ?"
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery EyeS
or Grannlated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy,- Liquid, 25c' 500.
.Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Eye Tonle Oood tor AS Eyes that Need Care
Murillo Eye Rennedy Co., Chicago
Miss Ethel Balcombe, of 'Bort Dufferin
N,S, A -rites: "I was troubled with Xidne
disease for several years. My backwas
weak. • I had -terrible Headaches and Iva
so restless that I could not sleep at night
At last, 'a. friend told me about GIN
PILLS. I at once got a box, and .aftea
taking them, I felt, better -after, taking
three boxes I was ured." 60e. a Box, 6
for 82.50. Sarnple free if you write Na-
tional Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada,
Limited, Toronto.
In the Air.
"So he praised her singing,
he 7" "Yes; said ib was heavenly
"Did he really say that?" "We
not exactly; but he probably mea
that. He said it was unearthly.'
6,51.iffered Seven Years. Itching and
Burning. Did Not Sleep Half
the Night. Cured Completely by
Cuticura Soap and Ointment.
982y, Yonge St., Toronto, Ont.—"8ese
sister suffered for seven. years °Mtn eczema.
The treuble begaa on her arms and legs in
water blisters aid she scratched. leer
clethes were rough around her lege and she
suffered froze itching and burning and loss
of sleep:she did not eleep half the Weill.
" We used
meat and they did not soem to do any good
until 'we got Cutioura Soap and Ointment '
by which she wee completely eured.".I
(Signed) 111Iss Bessie .11bManus, May In
.t‘cuidoon, quo.--" During the 001.1 winter!
weather I was troubled 'with ellAPPed hands
and also a rash on my face caused by sharp
cold winds. My hands were very rougli and;
were badly cracked ()Pen and if I went out'
in the cold ale they always bled. X.couldi
not do my regular work. I used salve, cold'
cream and, other remedies and still they were
left unhealed. At last a friend advised me
to try Outicura'Sodo and Ointment. I sent
for Snonah and applied it to the affected parts
and immediately found relief. Aly hands
and face were ouret1 a week.':
(Signed) Miss Jennie Findlay, Jan, 0, 1913.
For more than a generation Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the
most economicel treatment for affections of
the skin and scalp that torture, itch, burn,
scale, and destroy sleep, Sold everywhere.
Sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skirt
13ook. Address pesrecard Potter Drug es
Chem. Corp., Dept, D, Boston, U. S. A.
N. W. DAWsON, • Ninety Chibarne street.
I Fruit. Steck. Grain, or Dairy Farm.
write If. W. Dawson, Brametea. or 91
Colborne St_ Toronto,
W. DAWSON,' 'Colborne St., Termite.
CI, fully equipned with or without etoek.
Write owner, 625 Wilton, Toronto,
A° WE WANT YOU. W1' T1,1
Dominion Shade Adjuater Go., Wind.
sor, Ontario. '
We will pay you $12o.00
to distribute religlors literature in vour
community. Sixty days' work. Experience
not, ren aired. men or wornAn. Onpnr.
tun rty.rer promotion. Snare time may be
.a.6. ad I -tern --monal Bible Press CompanY.
182 Seedina, Toronto. •
.A..X York County. Stationery and Book.
.Business in connection. Price only
$4,000. Terms liberal, WiLson Publish-
ing.. Company, 73 'West Adelaide Street
-esuRseRv STOCK.
Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell
& Soh, Grovesend, Ontario.
v• ANGER, TtletOlid, Lu.m.Pa ETD..
▪ NJ internal and external, cured with,
out pain by our home treatment. Wrlte
s ula hefore too late. Dr. Reilman Medical
Limited, Collingwood„ Ont.
• Canadian Flair
R es tare r
did Before and After Using.
• use from same bottle, haiof one rbecomes black.
.12 i Restores Grey Hair to original color. Two might
11. the other blond or other color as they were in
' youth. Stops Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching.
. Cures all Scalp Diseases, Produces New Growth.
Satisfaction guranteed or money back.
Price 75 cents or two for One Collar (postage paid.)
Not sold in stores, address
Canadian Restorer Co., WINDSOFt, or.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhe
round—Mrs. Clarke same ru
ning hurriedly into her hasband
office one morning. "Oh, Dick
she cried as she gasped for breat
"I dropped my diamond ring off
Food" adulteration itaGerina.ny is finger, and 1 eanet find it any -
a •prison offense and involves - se-
verer sentences bhan theft.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Re Stakes Rini..
"Yes, indeed, tines have greatly
cha.ngeel in the pa,st few years."
"I suppose so. Per instance'?"
"Well, f'r inetanoe. A once eu-
tooretic plumber uevin my neigh-
borhood now ,goes to the haxighby
butcher round the corner to borrow
money to keep his business alive."
"Did e-ou have a bad toothache?"
"I think so ;but if you know of any
other kind of 'toothache, perhape
was that kindI had."
Zaio-Buk Does Otte Piles
Mrs. C. Ilanson, wife of the pro -
where:" "It's all eight, Bess," re-
plied Mr. Clark -e, "1 cerne across
it in my trousers pocket."
We °leen say to ourselves, "I
would gla,dly do my ditty if I knew
what it is," Doubtless there are
• eases in which it is hard to decide,
but a remark of Goethe on the sub-
ject is well worth remembering.
"How can we know ourselves ?
Never by reflection, but by action.
Do your duty and you will find out
the sore of man you are, `But what
is my diety I' What to-da,y asks of
you." Do not consider too far, too
deeply, too serioesly. Do the plain,
present eask, and do it well. It is
amazing how pleasant you feel when
it is done—and it is not wholly uh-
pIea,sanb even in the doing.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns,, Etc.
Wettest Spot on Earth.
Baguio, in th,e, Philippine, hae,
Prietor oe the Commercial note', 1 ben obrengthening it claim to be
Poplar, B.C., suffered from piles for the wettest place in the world. On
years. Went t� doctor after doctor in Jul 29 the precipitation was 31.78
had an operation. Twelve months
I Ls which nett. equals the
vstin. Finally went to Spokane and
afterwards elie was as bad, again. 'She world's mean raanfal for a, year.
says, One day I read about Zane
leuk and thought I would try it. The
first one Or two boxes gave 3116 more
ease than anything else, 1 had tried, so dam of which 33.70 inches fell in a
I went on witis the treatment, In it eiegle day. When VA feeb of waber
short time I began to feel altogether comes down in one• Storm it, is Itirae
difierent and better ate I saw that to lookeafter tho sbingling of the
Bub 13sigtti,o has done /letter than
that rib made a world' e record in
July, 1911, with 91.53 inches feur
Zara -Belt was going 'to cure me. etrell, ark.
I went on using it, and by the time I
had ueed aix box ee I was delighted to .
find myself entirely mired." • •, At Edmoato,n an attempt is being
1 If you suffer from thie pailful alle, made to have ail ho,spitaes. tekert
Druggists. scoo. a not. meet, (sr from
. eczema) ulcers or etlY from the tontrot of the hospital
'e"' disease' s t • r7 board end plaeecl uetelet the a,dini
dotiq wa te inie T • *;0.
. --le
, I g,aufrxiiik. Soc. all ell'egelete isera.tion of the ,cliee counsel,
SSII I` 10
-I. of farrier
and horsemen
have saved
money by nsing
Kendall's Spa-
vin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone.
Splint, Bony Growths arid Lameness
from many other causes. It–keep
horses tem -king. A $1 bottle may
save a horse for you:. Get a bottle the
next time you are in tows'. Sold by
druggists everywhere, $1 a bottle, 6
for 0, also ask for a copy of our book
"ATreatise on the Horse --orwrite to
Encsinurn 110Valisliterm
An old 'Scotch body who had en-
tered a first -Slags oompattenent
a train, with an unwieldy basket on
her arm, was asked very frigidly. by
one of the occupants of the ca,rriage
if (8116 did net observe that it was
fiest-class. "Ay, ay." was the re-
tort; "but the ithee carriages is all
fa', so I'll just hie to put up vie' oily
accoenntodation I can get!'
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
are just tee right medicime. for the
thild yen. When they are constipated
--when their kidneys are out of order
—when overendulgetat in some
favorite food gives them indirestion
—Jr. elorse's Indian Root Pith; will
quickly and surely put them right.
Purely vegetable, they neither sioken,
weaken or gripe, like harsh purgatives.
Guard your children's health by
always keepiq a box of 1)r. Morse'e
Indian R.00t Pah ia the hoese, They t
Iteep tho Children Well