Exeter Advocate, 1914-3-5, Page 6First Annual: ReporOF?
ante of the steelss, bowie, debentures t.
awl loans, had we certify that the Hct
above Aalance Sheet is in eeeordant &
wittl the books et the Corperatioll,
A. Cl. NPIFF, IP.C.A..
Chartered Aecountants. NOWToronto, 12th Febreary, 1.014.
After adopting the report, the ehere-
1holders elected the following d11•ectoz's
The Standard Ielance niortgage ior the ensuing YeA
r. Laid II Yd
Corporation of Toronto held its. annual I W. S, 'Lignite, Herbert Waddington,.
meeting of sharehoelere on Monday, Hugel S. Brennen, 3, l,',,.11, Johnston,
Mnreh 2, 1914, tai the aliens of the 3olin Fit•stbreok, Nathan H. Stev
('t uipany at 84.88 King Street Fast, ens, l9. Jessop, M.D,, J, A. mo3voy,'
Toronto. The followingreport was David Ratz, James Gunn, David Kemp,
Ie. C, McNally, W. L, Horton, Rev. G.
submitted Your
D and approved:-- have
ave ro I. Taylor, M..A. R, 1•I, Greene,
I our. Directors ltaw e much pleasure Head Office: 84-88 -King St. E., Toronto.
to ,submitting herewith the first An-
nual Report and Statement for the
past year accompanied by the Balance
Sheet to December 31st, 1913, oty•ti4,hen he assn the baby's tug the result of the Company's opet I? ' p g y .s bath,
uncles, try the water by pvttiug your elbow
The. Directors are pleased to submit in it, if the water does net burn
the First Annual Report and Balance the elbow it will be the right tem-
lilllt:l for the lioine.
Sheet of the Corporatiois for the per -
led ending 31st of December, 1913.
The Orderin-Council approving of
the merger of the Standard Loan Com-
pany and the Reliance Loan and Say -
lugs Company of Ontario was: passed
on the list day of April last, and the
actual merging took place on the first
day of l'day.
It will be noted that after paying
all fixedcharges- and expenses. in -
eluding outlays consequent upon the
amalgamation, the balance available
for distribution has been sufficient to
allow of payment of the usual divid-
ends to the Shareholders and an ad-
dition of $1.00,0011"fo the Reserve Fund.
which now stands at $400,000,
We are pleased to be able to report
a substantial ineiease to the Deben-
tures placed by the Cornpany, and also
in the Savings Accounts. By reason
of this our total -Assets now stand at
over $5,100,000; or an increase of over
$3.00,000 sines the merger, and the
net earnings of the Corporation are
greater by aver $30,n00'thau the com-
bined net earnings'at tete two Com
panies prior to the amalgamation
The shares held by the Corporation
in the Dovercourt Land, Building and
Savings Compauy, Limited, represent
assets consisting of real estate having
an actual vaiee largely in excess of
the par value at which the shares are
now standing on the books.
To fill a vacancy in the Directorate
sines the amalgamation, Dr. E. Jesse's.
of St. Catharines. a Iarge and iiifiuen-
tial shareholder in the Company, was
Since the last .Annual Meeting of
the Standard Loan Company, now an
integral part of the amalgamation, the
death of one of the most distinguished.
Canadians, Lord Strathcona has taken
place. We feel sure that all our share-
holders deplore the great loss which
the Dominion of Canada has sustained
by the passing of one of the most not-
able figures in the history of our eoun-
try, He was, at the time of his death,
a Director of this Corporation.
We take great pleasure in bearing
testimony to the efficiency displayed
by the olitcials and agents et the Cor-
poration in performing their respec-
tive duties.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of
the Booed.
(Signed) N. H. STEVENS,
Dated, Toronto, 1ft1i February, 1914.
Balance Sheet as on December
31st, 1913.
Mortgages and Securities
against Real Estate.. $4,255,220 48
Loans 31,376 62
Stocks,. Bonds and De-
bentures at cost ..,., 411,716 60
Real Estate, foreclosure 88,162 85
Office Premises
Office Furniture
Accrued Rentals
Agents' Balances , .. .
Municipal Debentures, at
cost 33,603 91
Cash on Hand and in
Hanks .. , ...... 106,785 06
perature for babv.
Economy can be practised in the
purchasing of meat, if you iazstruet
your butcher to este the chops and
steaks and cutlets very thin. A. chop
is a chop.
The air of a room may be freshen-
ed by putting •a few drops of oil of
lavender into a bowl of boiling wa-
ter and letting it stand until the
water is quite cold,
The ends of candles are useful in
kindling the fire,' Cut them into
shall pieces and distribute them
apaong the kindling. The Are will
burn up much more quickly.
People who keep houses dark for
fear of the .sunlight spoiling their
carpets or furniture have no idea
of the disease -destroying influence
of sunlight and air,,
If your hair is very oily, try dip-
ping your brush in water and pass-
ing it through your hair two or
three times a week. This will ,Fre-
vent superfluous oil.
Women with Sallow Skin
!fere is a Good Treatment!
You Get Results Quickly.
Womanly beauty is largely The out-
ward expression of health.
'•' Every woman with pale cheeks and
poor complexion needs medicine--
edicine-needs a potent, tonic to regulate her
To tone up -the stomach—to insure
good digestion—to give new life and
vitality to the whole system—where is
there a remedy like Dr.' Hamilton's
Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to
eat, what you like they correct con-
stipation—make nourishing blood—
instil force and viten into a run-down
If nervous, and can't sleep, your re-
medy is Dr. 1ieneiiton's Pills—they
search out the cause of your condition
and you rise in the morning refreshed,
strong, vigorous, ready for the day's
Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and
debilitated person to use his Mandrake
and Butternut Pills. They make old
folks feel young, and weak folks- feel
strong. Their effects- upon insomnia
and langour is marvellous. Hundreds
declare they soothe and quiet the
nerves so that a good night's fest al
ways follow their use.
To look welt, to feel well, to keep
well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are
mild, cleansing, strengthening—good
174 560 53 for the young or old, Solt by all
5,000 00 dealers in 25c. boxes:
548 84 '
3.357 97 Household 'finis.
$5,110,332 81
To the Public
Debentures with Accrued
Interest $2,119,989 05
Deposits with Accrued
Interest 512,877 58
Mortgages Assumed ... 13,195 5
Unclaimed Dividends 688-1
Accounts Payable
Dividend, No. 2, Payable
January 2, 1914
The most convenient and cheapest
of disinfectants to use in the cellar
is quicklime. It may be placed in
dishes, in bins or Cupboardsor
scattered loose in dark, clamp 9.,e-
When expecting guests' plan the
meals ahead for the entire time the
guests will stay, Then you can en-
joy your companyand not have the
everyday bother of planning the
3 i meals,
1,214 42 2f Carbonate of soda will remove
l the most obstinate of mud stains:
6:3225 01 Rub orf with a cloth or flannel dip-
ped in soda, then press well on ,the
$2,711,193 28 wrong side of the' material with a
warm iron.
Bacon is much more delicate and
To the Shareholders
Capital Stock Subscribed 2,070,810 00 soft if it is first parboiled until the
Less Unpaid thereon 85,705 72 fatty part is almost cooked, then
$1,985,104 28 lay each piece out separately on e.
ciotIh to drain and fry quickly until
400,000 00 a very light brown.
14,035 25 If possible all .market packages drinking it>, and found it delicious.
•should be opened out on the back s
laundry as there
Ben An
Untold Benefit
13rUnswlek We haat Praises
Deist's liielney I111s.
Sbe Suffered for Foes, 'Years, ma
rite Doctor Cohere Not Reip ller,
lint Doel,d'sPills Cave
etas a Ncw Lease of Life.
Porton, Carletctit Co., hT.13,, Mar.
2nd,— (Special):'-- "I find Dodds.
Iiddn•ey rills the best kidney ree,di.,,
eine 1 have ,ever used. They have
been of 'untold benefit to me,"
The. speaker iS Mrs. Iola). ,S-
Dickin.son of this place, She is e:n
thusiastio inher praises of the great
Canadian kidney remedy, .and not
without reason,
"I suffered from kidney trouble
Haat started in a. cold, she eontin-
ties, "and for four years I was, ne-
ver free 'of it. , I .was treated by a
doctor, but he 'did notseem to be
able to do me much ;good,
"I had rheumatism *rid neural-
gia., -and my joints–were stiff'; sny
zntisc'les orani:ped, and I was always
tired and nervous,. I perspired free-
ly with the ,slightest' exert on.. 1
was depressed and low spirited, my
limbs swelled, and I had a drag-
ging sensation a;aross the loins.
"Niue boxes of Dodd's 'Kidney
Pills made a. new woman of me.'"
Are not Mrs. Dieldinson's symp-
toms -those of any rundown, worn-
out woman? They arse also 'the
symptoms •of kidney disease.
Ieodd':s Kidney Pills .give new life'
to run-down women by 'cueing
their kidneys.
What to Make ake With Cheese.
Here are a. few interesting and
appetizing garnishes to make with
cream cheese:
Cheese `and Pepper Salad—Re
move the top from a sweet' green
pepper and wash out the inside,,
taking out all seeds and drying with.
a. clean cloth. 'Cream a cake of.
cream oheese with a, 'little fre•sb
cream and mix with it some Chop-
ped walnut'rneats and a very little
finely minced' red pepper. hfeason:
with salt and pepper. Stuff the
pepper with this and put an the ice
until it becomes firm and cold. Thea.
slice in thin slices with a very sharp
steel knifeand serve as a garnish
for cold meat, or -else on lettuce
leaves for a salad.
Frozen Cheeses, These' can he
served' with salad and dere especial-
ly appropriate on a warm day .wuibh
a crisp, cool salad of fresh vele-
tables.. To make them moisten the
cheese slightly with cream: and sea;
•son it generously with peprika and
salt. Then add enough shopped hot
red pepper,tto make the cheese quite
peppery and 'hot. Press into alit-
tle pasteboard. box, lined with wax-
ed paper and freeze in ,salt and ice.
Iced Cheese Oreams.—Mix two
ounces of freshly grated-. Gruyere
cheese -with three ounces of freshly
grated. Parmesan. Add s. gill of
liquid aspic, agenerous sprinkling
of cayenne . pepper, and a cupful of
stiff whipped cream.. Put the mix-
ture into little paper cases, arrange
them in a tin can or box, and pack.
them in ice and salt to freeze.
1q.p, GIJ Striae
Reserve Fund
Balance at Credit, Los
find Clain .... .. , .
But Tells raets .&.bt;;ntPostuin.
This, lady found an easy ,and safe
way out of the ills caused by coffee.
She says:
(`1�tte' quit coffee and have used
Postum, for 'the past eight years,
and drink it nearly every meal. We
lire of itt.
"For several years. previous to
quitting coffee 1 could scarcely eat
.anything on account of dyspepsia,
bloating after nasals, palpitation,
sick headache --an fact was hi such
misery •and •distress I. tried living
on hot water.and toncat," : (Tera. is
equally injurious because.it eon-
tains caffeine, the same drug found
in" coffee.) •
"Hearing of Postunt 1 began
,)te iov4titng ne(ul.gea>'.,
"Full many a hat is worn and
thrown away,
Which, doctored, might have lived
for nay a clay;"
This is true, but ;the lines are not
exactly , as the poet wrote thein,
Before we invest in a really new
1914 spring hat, there is a between
period which is rather hard to fill.
Why not got over that by doing up
our old hats 4 This little economy
would enable us to buy something
really good. when June comes in,
Here are some tlecipes, 'tasted, and
not found wanting.
To clean a white felt hat. Fill a
jampot with flour, and .put it in the
oven until it is quite hot. Then
quickly, with white flannel, rub the
hot flour into the felt very thorough-
ly, and dust it oft with a• perfectly
clean brush or & white cloth,
The hat will be as new.
White straw hats can be cleaned,
and the sunburn removed, 'as fol-
lows t Warm a lemon, squeead it in-
to 'a saucer, and; add a teaspoonful
of powdered sulphur.
Itrusll this well on the hat, rinse.
several times in cold waster,; wipe
with .a dry cloth, and•finally dry in
the shade. That hat will be as when
you bought it.
Artifioial flowers: may be restored
in many case s --not all by holding
them for a couple of minutes in the
stteain' of boiling water.
Black felt hats,ean be made quite
nice if well rubbed with benzine.
Dry in the open air.
Black ohip hats, as a rule, only
need oiling. Use a little sweet oil,
and rub. it off with a little black vel-
Black estre,w.hats, if faded, should
be treated as follows : Get a piece
of good blaek • sealing wax (J oz.),
powder it, and add to it 2oz. of pure
spirits ,of wine..
Shand the bottle near the are un-
$5,110,332 81
Interest on Debentures
and Deposits $122,521 14
,Dividends Nos. 1 and 2 118,471 88
Transferred to Reserve
Hund 106,000 00
Balance Carried i! orward 14,035 25
$355,028 27
Balances, Dec. 31, 1912 $ 3;091 72
Net earnings after de-
duction of expenses of
ntanagetnent and pro -
porch or in the. ,
are sometimes roaches that find
their way intothekitchen by means
of the grocers' packages.
The housekeeper who mast do hey
own dishwashing on cold, windy
days should remember that a. cut +v:l;tile ,yet d i:nkila.g, •coffee. My tests
lemon kept convenient and rubbed band was.a' great, coffee thinker and
on the hands ,after each di:shwvashing 'suffered froiht tudit;•esti.on and head
ailreeirbs disappeared; incl now
can ." eat anything I wane without
"Mee parents and husband had
about the same experience. Mother
would often ,suffer after leading
will h from rough h a cls ache.
save her
r m rot•g a h . • rr f'•er hh stoppetl c.affee .and -be -
by is successfully washed,
by in akin
g a lather of soap canal g'nn P'ttaturn.. boh ailments left bins
now, .laud wo have ,it 'three. 1;11110 ;a
day. t` I could write more, but .tips
rztr gusher --only state plain.facts,''
til the wax is quite dissolved, then
brush it oh the bat with a. tooth-
brush. Dothis near a fire. The hat
will be quite stiff and glossy.
Ribbons, if they were good when
bought, can be washed in tepid wa-
ter (potato -water is the best) with
the fingers, using, if any, just alit-
tle mild soap.
Rinse repeatedly in tepid waters,
squeeze in a towel, hang out to dry,
then iron, sandwiching tin ribbon
between two sheets of white paper.
The Standard Lye; of
Canada. 'Has mangy
Imitations but no equal
fn,4•Ath e .:fi,e•1+ {,e,t,a,;��,
Fur bats should be treated as for -
bows : Warm some bran and rub it
thoroughly into the fur with the
hand, Do this two or three times,'
shake, and, brush thoroughly. It
makes the hat as new.
White fur hats are not at all done
for when soiled, Rub these with
warm, moist ,bran until d'y, then
as above .with dry bran. Finish by.
rubbing with magnesia.' '
The above should help . us' over
March and April, months which are
often more wintry than December.
To make asmall portion of may-
onnaise dressing go a long way add
it by the spoonful to the beaten'
white of an egg and continue to beat
it until all the dressing has beau
uSerd. Eight teaspoonfuls and the
white of one egg Will make enough
dressing for chicken salad to serve
,six persons.
If the tablecloth is quite clean,
excepting one or two spats, slip a
folded towel between the tablecloth
and the padding and on the towel
plaee an empty bowl, having the
stain directly over the bowl. Pour
boiling water through the stain un-
til it fades awday. Place another
towel over the wet place anti iron
until dry..:.
Cheese Balls.' -•+Cheese balls are
an appetizing accompaniment, to,
any green salad. They can be put
on the separate portions of salad or
else passed in a little .cheese dish,
with .a ,silver for. Toasted ° wafers
served with them add to their at-
tractiveness. One way to make them
is to soften' a cake of cheeee with a
Little fresh 'create and to mould it
into balls. Into each ball press two
perfect lhalvee of walnuts. Another{
way is to roll the balls in minoed,z
fresh parsley. Still another way is
to mix the cheese with minced, pe,
cans a:ndthen form ie into balls.
A. Veteran Colt.
Evidently the fountain of eternal
youth bubbles near Mrs. :Finn's
cottage, That wor•thy woman, en -t
gaged to wash for Mrs. Gibbs, who,
was spending the summer ae the,
lake, brought back the washing ire
a boat:
(�I.ess'n a year ago," said Mrs,
Flinn, "I wouldn't he'd to 'a' used
the boat. I'd Have brung it by the;
colt. But one day he jes' got *olio,
or something, and rolled over on
the grass and died. My, how we,
miss that colt 1 We'd had him, for,
almost' thirty years."
The fellow who lacks principle
can't hope to attract much interest,
High Class Profit -Sharing 1:3onda. Serl®u.—$100, $500, $/000
INTEP'PMENT may be withdrawn any time after one year
on 60 days` notice. guoiueas at back of these Bonds eatab•
lished 20 years. Send dor special' folder and full, particulars.
waren water: Soak the velveteen in lee �t'il1 nest driatk anything else
it, squeezing it, but not rubbing.
When finished, rinse in plenty of
Meson for all known' clear water and hang out to dry.
;151,336 55 Many housewives have bemoaned Name given by 'aahadian. Poston
tarts :znd pies eht Co. � t, '41r •'•1' for
$8t'5,028 27
CHAS. 13AUt'If ii'AM,
Managing 13irertor.
We have audited the accounts of the
Standard Reliance Mortgage C;crpt r.
ntfoa for the year ending filst.1)ecoiu-
bey, 1913. We have sera the i1unl-
cipnl :Debentures, recr�iv et t.t•rt.iiteatas
from the C'orporation's benkers as to'
tett' bents balances, vurifle' 1 the clam
on lt.uut, crltteinriil r• rwt•t1! i nirr freltn
the Cornoration'sa ofil(:ias ars to the
the fact that theirC•o �11ndCat (lIt hi o a
not have the dohicitliis brown desir- copy of the famous little book, "The
ed. .Always keep in your cupboard hosed to Vellvi le,
your tarts and pies over with milk Regular I'o,+iidle-•.- must bo Won
jttsl; before putter,' them in the boli JE c and `25xe package:,
oven. Instant Postage --is. a soluble 1�aiv-
If yon Flt sire to purehteee, a Lox der. A t,':Acpot,htf113 dtss,o'[h es qu ick-
a'af +).range5 end fear that) they wii.l, iv in,a {111P of lent water ;tenet with
not keep, fctlluw these instrttet ons: erea.ni, and sugar, na',ake8 a driicioos
Itf' )1' r- earJi orange
and wipe t 11{1.171.'. age losiottily. 30c aatrl 500
with a dry cloth,- then wrap with a tins,
pipe(' nt waxed pxaper, Hese the The e„ot per en)) otl)oth ldiiclt
(,t ane w loosely hi .a bo.' r,1: baerri 1. aboul the same.
and they will be preserved for sal fiI "There'0 �a Reason"' for f 1iurn.
eerat month*, - -Sold by (.x•hocere.
1 •,>•
a senate pantry brush and Teruel, 7'ostur now sames in t'i <' furneee
' ASSETS as at 31st' December, 1913
Increase over 1912
CASH INCOME from Premiums, Interest, Rents, etc., in 1918
Increase over 1912 ......... .. . ......
PROFITS DISTRIBUTED to policyholders during 1913
ADDED TO SURPLUS .during :1913 . « . , .,.... , , .. . , •. , ,:
TOTAL SURPLUS 31st Deceiinber, 1913, over all liabilities and'
capital ... ..» ..... ................
DEATH CLAIMS, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc., during
1913 ........ ....... ,....... ..
PAYMENTS to policyholderssince organization
PREMIUMS RECEIVED' since organization
PAYMENTS to policyholders since organization and assets now
held for their benefit . ............. .........
NEW BUSINESS (paid for in cash) during 1913 ,
Increase over 1912
ASSURANCES IN FORCE 31st December, 1913
Increase over 1912'
The SUN LIFE OF CANADA holds the premier position among Canadian Life'
Assurance Companies.
The Company's Growth
1884. .
1893„ .
Life Assurances
,In Farce
274,865.50 -.
' 3,986,139.50
$ 96,461.91 $ 1,064,350.00
735,940.10 6,779 566,00
4,005,776.90' 27,799,757,00
15,605,776.48 75,681.,180,00
5'5,728,341.0 202,8413, 908.09
President. M0IsT!!,',li, ;.A.L,
r• g, rMCAULAV,
&Managing Iiir,96ter and Secrotary.