Exeter Advocate, 1914-3-5, Page 5[COitJ1 Home DENUL Dr, G. 1. RouX.SToil, DI31111T,I ST • }lember of the R.C.D.S,. of Ontario and Homer gradµate or Toronto Unlversit5 Of'f a4R-Over McKeon & Cariing's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dat. A. R. KINSMAN, I..Di 5.,. D,D,S., [$'onOr.•Gradttate or Toronto 7n:versitx. • DENTIST Teeth. eet(racted waliouh pain, or ' any bail effects, Office .over" Gladman er 8taathitads Office. Masan 'Street, Exeter.. LEGAL DICK,$ON & CAULIaiG, BARRISTERS, SoiicatorS, Niotarleb', Conveyancers, Come miseibners. Santarem for the Nelsons Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest Offices -Main -St., Exeter if. R. Carling'., B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount -of private funds to loan en farm and village prop - cedes at low rates of antereest. GLADMAN dE STANBURY••' ;Barristers, Sol+loltorn, Exeter. J. SENIOR Agent +Confederation Lite . Assurance Company, also+Floe Insurance inlea ling Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter., Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers;'; bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servant', in fact every sphere of Business Activities You m',yfinish at eoUege if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Enter college any day. Individual ,instruction. Expert tea. chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spac- ial course for teachers.` Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton 'Business College, Lon- don. 6E0. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Princi aI • SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS a ANY person 'who, is the sole head of 4a family or any male over 18 years old, ,may homesteed y s cad ar er nue t section ctIom of .available Dominion, land da. Manitoba Saskatohewen or Alberta. The ap- plicant must appear in person at the +Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-. agency for the district. Entry by pro - ;ay made be made at any agency, on • certain conditions by' father, mother, ,son, .daughter, brother or sister of In- tending homesteader Duties -Six mantas' residence upon .and- cultivation of the : Land in each •of three years, A homestlea.dermay live within nano reties of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely "owned and occupied by him or by his lather, mother, son daughter, brother -or 'sistier,, in certain districts a homesteader 'in goad standing may pre -erupt a quart +er-tsectiont Moog side his homestead.. 'Price $3.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside upon the horse stead or pre-emption six months in 'sadl:, or .six years from date of. home ,stead' entry r:I•ncluding the t.hne re- quired to earn holrnestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. •A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain s, +pre-ternption may enter for a pun. chased hones+eaad In certain di,strects ;Price x3.00 per' acre: Duties-- Muat reside six ¢nontlhs Se each of these Tears, cuiltivlate fifty acres and erect a. house worth $000. W. W. cony,. Deputy of. the Minister of the Xnterlor N.B,-theeekihorized ,publication of this advertisement will not be pa!!d for. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT -Canada's best practical. training school. Three departments, COM- MERCIAL and TELEGRAPHY. The courses are thorough and practical. Lndiwidual instruction is given by a strong, experienced staff. Our grad- uates succeed. Students may enter at any; time. Get ' our free catalogue and see "what we can do for you. D A. McLACIfLAN, Prinelpal. GET THE BEST. IT PAYS Write for the Catalogue of L.,LIOTT -oronto, Ont,, It explains fully t(.e xtiaily advantages offered by this well-- known sP'hool. College open all year, Commence now. very Woman le interested and should know about theWond rr l .K 1:1, `ucg".A' Askour druggist for It. It ho caneot supply. {he niAEtar ii; accept leo tither, bat, eenr'a .stamp for funs. • tr'a a book--seatod. It gives fill particular:aeon tereettons invaluable iadlee,vvrtmso,astnelpL'ieti.,'OVitiatse ,Ont Gvamea/ Avatar tqr' t maadw KEPHALDOL THE POSITIVE, SAFE CURE FOR HEADACHE AND NEUR- ALGIA, Sufferer's from these torturing elle tnents will welcome the coming' to Canada of the well-known European remedy Dr. Stohr's' Kephaldol, Hitherto the use of most so-called remedies hasbeen attended with the gravest danger on account of their isle )ttrious effect on the heart and other; organs Kephaldol may be taken with absolute safety, Ian thbusands of cases ICephalclol acts instantaneously --acts whexe other remedies -have proved useless. Yet its. use is never attended by any ill after- effects It has been recognised as a perfectly harmless remedy by the medical profession, who have made regular and prolonged trials of it in their clinics, on thousands of patients. If you would get quick and safe relief from these distressing pains and aches, get a 50c. tube of Kephaldol tablets from your druggist to -day, and never be without a supply, Kephal do! Limited, 31 Latour St., Montreal. C M 1 ,. �� Contract SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSLD to the. Postmaster General will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri- day, the 13th day of March, 1914; for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract • for fo pr years Silt times per week, over Zurich 1•,. 5 u"t (oh.Raa Rural Route, e from the Postmaster General's pleasure, next. ••' Penned. : notices containing further in formation rm tion as to conditions ttions ofro os - ed Contract p P may be seen and'. blank 'forme of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Zurich and Sar- epYa auudi at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at London. Post. Office Department; Mail "Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa, 30th Jan'y, 1914 G -C.-ANDERSON, Su P erintendent STEPHEN SCHOOL REPORT of 5. S. No. 1 Stephen.' for January, and February, Those who missed examinations are marked with a .star. No classes given lower than part second, -Sr,• IV.,Total 700 Powe 509, A. Robinson 377 V. Neil 371, *1VI. Hogarth 358, E, Wilson 280; Sr. III., Total 550, L. Hast 346;" Jr. III., •Total 650, e P. Cornish 379, M. Brown 375, E. Bow- den 370. L. Brown 340, C. 1VfcCurdy 330: ' *E ' Heaslip • 326; S. Cornish 306, *J. White 293, *E. Hogarth 141.; Sr. IL, Tota' 450 H. Powe ' 382, R. Rob- insan,.353, *L 'Davey. 335, C. Isaac 282 F Bowden 257; Jr. II., Total 350, C. Walker 237, M. Neil 316, *W.Heaslip 176 No. on roll 38, average for Feb, 29. -Wes L. Jackson, teacher. 'The following is the report of S. S, No. 11 Stephen, for February.-Jr.IV E. Greb .W. Stephan, H. Lafond; Sr. 11L, E Lafoad 0. Stephan, A.Biake;. II III. A, Stephan, M. Willert, G; Hobos. Sr IL, A. Lafond, LI. Wild 1, Wuic t S. Adkins, A. Whit , - Tr: II., E. Grew, A. Moir, W. Adams; -1't; )1. L Greb', C. Link, G. Willert; Sr. I. Rtih Willert, IV];. Willert; Mid, 1., G. Iieaman, B. Willert ; Jr. I., P. Lai- fond D Heaman. Average 19. -Violet' Graybeil Teacher. Rheumatism and. Bright's Disease Prot, Budlong was Quickly Relieved of Both afflictions by Using Rheuma. I6 you suffer •from - any: form • • of Rheumatism remember that RHEUMA goes to work quickly to remove the cause, not simply to relieve the dis- tress. Many years' use has demon- strated that emon-strated'that it goes to the seat of Lhe disease. and expels the poisonous mat- ter through the natural channels„.- the kidneys, bowels, liver and "'kin "Fol many, years I was troubled with 'Rheumatism also with Bright's Disease of the Kidneys I suffered awfully.” Tried many advertised rem- edies:. Alter using your truly re m.rk'ablc preparation RHEO'MA,', I was fully' cured;" -Prof. C. J. Bud= long Sound VieW, Conn, • RHEUMA is guaranteed by, W. S. Cole who sells it for `50c. a bottle. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS A ro Re•elic' bi gulating Pill for women. $5 a box or three;for $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price, Tan SconEL!, Datta Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. • PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. 47,1t7,2 Vitality;for Nerve and Brain;; increases "grey matter"; a Tonle -will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or, by mail' on receipt of price, THE SCoxnrtt DRit(i Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. RAND TRUNK MTV Hem3seekers , Excursion. To Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchervatl, Each Tuesday, March 3rd to October 27th inclusive. vie 'Chicago," St,Paul or Duluth WINNIPEG AND RETURN ..435,00 EDMONTON AND RETURN $43.00 From'Taranto and stetioti$o Nrtii tad west of Toronio. Proportionate os3 fare. from stations ons east of Tor- onto Return Limit Two Months Pull particulars at Grand Trunk ric- ket ()faces, or write C. E. Horning, DP,A., Toronto, Ont, N. J. D01(E,'Exetdr, INEWS O�•�t /��* Prig tnf to one eft iu the Central CS ur WK PzltiQn ,tor the theft of a coat. The Goyernlnent resolution 'e ala � prohibition of the Events Which Have Oacurrec% During the Week, The Busy World's Happenings Care. i`ully 0001piiled . and, Put Into Handy and .Attractive Shape fot the Readers of Our Paper --A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. W'DNESDAY. The constitutionality of the Fed- eral White Slave T zw waist again up- held yesterday by the Supreme Court in the Wilson cases from Chicago. Many persons were injured,` sev- eral seriously, when 'the C.N.R. Vir- den-Winnipeg ii den -Winnipeg express was wrecked by a broken rail near Minot, Man„ yesterday. By the explosion of a •as jet in the boiler room of the Chatham G: Co, early yesterday morning C. Davis, John Roberts and J. Montague were badly burned. The smallpox ban that has been 1 I force in Niagara Fall,, N.Y., the past eight weeks, was remaved yes- terday and last night;lodges•.resumed their regular sessions. Game Warden G. M. Parks of North Bay. had'.Joso;•h "Corbel] and john Haskell, at Dane, Timiskamin district fined :$SU-,and;'cost?,each for 'killing two, moose ca! Prince Henry' of Prussle is under going a course 'of ` instruction in 't h - operation,:of • aaovin,, , • pictu,re 'fit • .with the idea of -reproducing ter dents ofw t} s conning , tr'i,p' id , Sen't Because • the prisbner''s wife an' sick babe were practically r. ' c Il freezi P a Y death, Magistrate. Ju id of Londe yesterday diselta: ged a ma • ette rise with .stealing a bucket of coal fro the G.T.R. • • Wm. Rancier, a firmer' v ho'liv near Westport, Ont., suv'ered, heavy loss when his barns and tents, including -ee horses a n eight cows, were destroyed br Or' Mr. Rancier was badly burned: 11' -1.t .41) Y. The death occurred yesterday .o Andrew MacKe rz=e, a prominen farmer of Dumfries Township, age 75 years. The centennial of the separation Norway from Denmark was commem orated yesterday by services in ever church in Norway. A fire intone of the brooderhouse at the Ontario Agricutural Colles caused by an exploding oil lamp, de stroyed nearly 400 : hicks. Two Americans have been capture and carried off ay Albanian brigands according to a telegram°received a Vienna .yesterday from Elbassan Albania :r Fire broke out in the new Windso Hotel at Cornwall yesterday, and be fore it. was checked damage to th extent of several'thousand dollar was done. • Mexican refugees, soldiers, women children and camp followers harbor ed on the border have cost the U. S 142 0 so far, rand ill cost $ w $75,00 a month hereafter. lion.' Frank Cochrane left Otto* last night for a two months' betide, in Europe, principally at point., in th Mediterrai an. Hon. Dr. Reid wil be. acting Minister of Railways. The crew of the Lockport, N.S. ;fishing vessel Dolly Grey, which wa lost .on the fishing grounds off the Nova Scotian coast recently, are safe on board the Bostonfishingschooner Mary: "Entering• the woodshed unnoticed hile her husband was wielding an axe, Mrs. T. E. Bennett of Garden Hill, : Ont., came into contact with he swinging blade and had her skull fractured. Frank Weber, one time a famous acrosse player, who p ay was a contem- orary of Noah'Brusso, Sox Clark, ex Gillard and other notable expon- nts of the game in Galt twenty years go, died in Sudbury yesterday. FRIDAY. The death is announced of Sir John , Allen, a promirent Liverpool un- erwriter, who made many business visits to Canada. • Richard Morris, well-known resi- ent of St. George, near Brantford, as killed by a falling tree, which rushed in his chest. The French cruiser Waic:eck Rous- eau, which went ashore on Feb. 23, n the ,Gulf of Juan, was refloated esterday when -the hurricane abated, Until Monday of this week there ad been no cases of hold-up fo: 18 ears, and nc murders. in three years . Windsor, sayn the report of the hief of police. • , . Both lines of the Grand Trunk ere completely blocked as a result a fast west-bounc freight from ondon crashing into the middle' of eastbound freight. Hon. Frank Cochrane got a great nd-off at Ottawa yesterday when he ft for a health trip to the Mediter- nean. The Pi .Mier and: fifty mem- rs of Parliament were at the sta- . on... At the annual banquet of the rieklayers and Masons;' Union :in rantford, George R. Yates, a union ember,, collapsed while in the mid- e of a mandolin selection and fell ad. `. The Continental Shipping Pool in latch the Hamburg -American and orth German -Lloyd lines are the incipal parties concerned, was se- wed yesterday for a period of five ars. A number' of houses were destroy - by a huge meteorite which de - ended yesterday in the village of ndkovitzy, in the polish provittce Kielce. The meteority emitted 1phurous fumes. Men who drink liquor will not be vets a place in.the ',14th Princess of ales' Own RUMS; of lKtngstoni :at. ding to the•new. commanding.ofli� r, Lt, -Col. W. S. 'Hughes, brother 'Col. the lion, Sam Hughes, SATURDAY: Six houses' were gutted in a fire :+t rliatnent street, Toronto,; With s5 of $30,000, - Harolrl tltehkron, 'a: young English- n, WAS yeeterdur sentenced at r r • w<. e. d o y S 0, d r e s 0 a y e s w p T e a d d w c s 1 h y c w of L an se le ra be ti B m di de w N pr ed se Je of en gi W co Ge of Pa Io, wa manufac- ture, i. for importation and sale of whits phosphorus, was ' passed . -1 the Commons. Athol Davies, the stationary magi-.. neer who, was so badly burned when. the explosion of naturalgas occurred on Tuesday morning in Chatham ,. died yesterday,. Brantford's move to secure ald from the Government to dredge the river and restore the boating water, which sand deposits destroyed, will be followed by Galt. The arbitration treaty between the United States and Denmark was rati- fied by the lower House of the Dan- ish Parliament yesterday amid a scene of great :enthusiasm, The Shurley-Dietrich Co., of. Galt, has its handle factory in full 'opera- tion, and all hands of the industries destroyed by fire have been given em- ployment of one kind or another. Austen Chamberlain, in speaking at Birmingham, said despite all pro - testa to the con'rary, he believed a general election 'in Britain would come earlier than the Liberals thought. ,In response to the Duk.i. of Con naught's appeal for funds to employ a Dominion seeretar• for the ,Cana- dian :Boy Secuts, $35,000 has been contributed, besides the $10,000• pro- mised by the late Lord Strathcona. - "MONDAY. At a meeting of the Norwich, Ont., Board of Trade it was cecided to at- tempt' t tempt' to obtain a Carnegie library. Upwards ,' •a 20.0.000 fin cash was stolen Saturt y 'from a- postomce van at One of the-ailrfad stations 't Paris, France. Mrs: George r e Oakes a widow, aged d 60; was bur ed to dean y tae ex- plosion of a lamp in her home at Ty ran �ne:.r Halifaa N. . , S .; The first step in the purchase of the Walkervilie Light &• Power Co. by the Hydro Commission' by H,fdro Commissioner Hatcher Saturday. Mia. Eliza A. Wilkinson, who died in Brockville yesterday,' aged 82, was the:'last "surviving member: of the family of Arthus McLean, C E:, lathe er of.Orangeism in Canada: Fethy Bey and Sadik Bey, two young officers of the Turkish:military flying corps, were killed Saturday while attempting to make a 'flight from, Constantinople to Alexandria, Lgypt, Omar Graybiel, aged 49 -=ears, son of Elisha Graybiel and Mrs. Gray- Wel," raybiel," farmers; living in Wainfleet Township; committed suicide Satur- day afternoon, by shooting himself through the:' head, Louis Campani, of -Columbia, Ill., swallowed 97 nickels and won a wag- er of $5. To -day he is in the care of a physician who is confronted with the task of. withdrawing thecoins. fra:• this human savings ,bank. Aa.Aig ;.whale. -.was r found- on the beach eat Long Branch, L.L. Satur .day morning, driven high and dry by. the winds, and prevented from get- ting 'tack: into deep waterby the ice.' The big leviathan died on the beach. i. x At a sale of grade Holstein cows at Harrietsville, Ont., yesterday, E. Abbott realized an average of $90 for each cow sold. Fire destr,-yed the Bedford Pulp & Paper Co.'s mill at ]3ig Island, Va., Sunday, with a loss.of $500,000, cov- ered by insurance. At the advanced age of 86 years Rev. James' Harris, one of the oldest Methodist ministers in Canada, pass- ed away suddenly in Guelph yester- day. Frank Peterson, while crossing the C -and river at Galt yesterday fell through the, ice at a drain opening, and was with difficulty rescued from drowning. The Philippines Assembly has adopted.resolutions urging the Amer- ican Congress to provide at the pres- ent session for the independence of the islands. Word was received at .Ottawa last night by the Liberal whips that Hon. Wm.' Pugsley had almost recovered hisnormal health. He is in New York with Mrs. Pugsley. The South African House yester- Lay, by a' vote of 72 to 15, adopted the clause in the indemnity bill con- firming the deportation recently of the nine "labor leaders. Capt. Wm. McIlwain, who was Gov- ernment examiner of masters and mates for 22 years, died yesterday in St. Catharines. Ile was born In. Holy rood, Ireland, nearly 87 years ago. An urgent appeal for Texas rang- ers at Lyford and other points along the Mexican border, near Brownsville, Texas, was received yesterday by Governor 0. B. Colquitt from resi- dents. WOULDN'T TRUST ; POST. Suffragette Tool Letter to Bucking- ham Palace Herself LONDON, March 3.—Mrs. Deere Fox informed a meeting of suffra- gettes here yesterday she had deliv- ered Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst's' let- ter at #uekingham Palace under es- cort of the gate policeman,, who re- fused to allow her to enter alone. Mrs. Pankhurst's letter, asking the King to receive a, deputation, which desired to complain of "the• s,arbarous methods of torture by Your Majes- ty's Ministers," _ Mrs. Dacre Fox headed the letter to the Ring's private, `secretarY•r If no reply is received, another': letter will be sent. "If His Majesty is unwise enough to refuse to see the . 'deputation," said;Mre. Dacre-'Foil, "•05eeWilt go, to Buckingham-' Palac'e<'a.ttyeWay " Majaii' :,Stephens Will 'ltun. MOb TR1 A.II,,'March 3 --"My hat is in the ring." announced. Maj, 'George! Staphen5 en his arrival' in Montreal" ^yestetiday tb flat At!i 1erld Marfin'"for' the mayoralty. Mr, Stephens confer- red with his cominittee, headed by SirThomas Shaughnessy and Senator Dandurand,and made his preliminary arrangenkents for the campaign which • promises tO be the hottest in years -Of Montreal mitnicipai history. ADDRESSED TO WOMEN the Eztpeetant Before the coming of the little one—women need to be pos- sessed of all their natural I strength. Instead of being harassed by forebodings and Weakened by nausea sleeplessness,..: or nervousness—if you will bring to your ai d Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres cr don you will find that most of the puffer - ng will not make its appearance. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the result of a lite study of ailments and is just the right tonic for women. Its contlztned sup- remacy in its particular field ;or more than forty years is your assur- ance of the benefit to be derived from its use, Neither narcotics nor alcohol will be found in this vegetablerescrip�. tion, in liquid or tablet form. 'fold by druggists or a trial box will be sent you by mail on receipt of 50 one -cent stamps. Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelletsregulate laver and bowels' HENSALL Mrs foe Case of Toronto is visit - Wag her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wei, Moir, -Ed, McTaggart is home from the west owing to theserious illness of his mother. -James Patterson, . has gone to. Toronto to work, -Fred Mc- Taggart has returned to his home in Michigan. -David Joynt Joynt and,• bride Detroit visited here last' week . -a 1V of and Mrs, Porterfield 'attended the : wed ding of a relative near Clifford' last week, -=Mark Drysdale.. attended i. ?a hardware convention at Toronto .last week, -Geo, Jognt has sold his intim 'on. 'the 2nd of Hay to Oliver: Fee'v tai gets possession shortly. Mr. Joynt'ih-' tend ns going west fa rl< on a large e. lWale sc at er Hku ob 'has -returnedk , from North Dakota where he sold his farm -Miss Lilly Ywigblutt has,se= turned to Waterloo l accompanied. mP ted ;by'. rear. Bonthron,- i++f ZURICH, •' Rev. Mr, Brown was'in Torontofor a few days. -Mr. Jacob' Haberer has; purchased Mr. Victor Fee's 50 -acre. farm at the 4th concession, where he and his son, Edward, will start anoth- er apiary. Possession will be given, in the spring. -Messrs. F.: W. Hess and W. H. Bender have exchanged prone erties, whereby Mr. Hess gets the dwelling at the north" end and Mr., Bender the blacksmith 'shop,. recentle owned by Mr. G. E. Arock,-Mies Al- ice Johnston visited friends ra� , Clin- ton last week. -Rev. Mr. ,Miller, : was in Chesley where his mother is her - ions' ill at present. ' HURONDALE. —0— The Hurondale post -office has van fished Rural mail delivery supplies the. mai.. at each man's gate -There were, nine 'pupils present at S: S. i\ o:1, Use borne an Monday last, representing ninr classes. This is surely a unique attendance. Each pupil went !tome head of - his or her class. -Sundae night and Monday Y pro wed a real bliz- zard. --The Farmers' Institute meet - ins.: held in Exeter on Saturday last was well patronized. Report of S. S. N. 1, Usborne, for Februar. No. on roll 25, average 2Z, V.. M, Strang 875, C. Harris 799; Sr. K. Sanders 876, E. Cann 821, M.Dou- gal' 805, R. Dick 799; Jr. 1V., Earl Hedden 570• I. Mitchell 436, C:Moil 428; Sr IIh, A. Dick 694, L; Oke 658. R Moir 550; Jr. IIh, A Strang" 663 T Dougall 539, G. Dew 499; • Sr, II, H. Wood 513, P. Harris 458, E Cudmore 416, E. Mitchell 301; Jr. II., A. Moir 383; Pt. II., V. Dunn 415;'C. Down 282; Pt. I., G, Cudmore 385, M Moir 285, J. Oke 138. - J..Ii " Robertson, teacher. LU A`- a C N T.he wedding took place on Tuesday of last week of Miss- Sa-die Butler of Luca.n to Mr. Percy John Sullivan of London. The ogre many was performed by Rev. WM; Lowe BRUCEFIELD-A very pretty wade ding was solemnized at the home of Mrs 5 Burdge'who resides half a mile south of here, at high. noon Wed- nesday when her youngest daughtex Miss Anna. became the bride of Mr. John Watson a prosperous young farm erer, of the .Mill road Tuckersmith. The ceremony was performed by Rev, J, M. Cameron of Georgetown an un- .-cle of the bride, assisted by Rev. H. Woods in the presence of a number of the most intimate friends. TUCKERSMITH.--The death oc- curved last Sunday night, after a short' illness with erysipelas, of Andrew Davidson a prominent farmer of Tuck' ersmith whoresidedtdei about a milee north of Brucefieid. He had been sick only a week with the disease and it was thought he was on. the road to recovery when complications ensued which caused his death. He was itt bis 57th year, and had resided for many years on the farm he awned, He is survived by his wife and sev- eral children, PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method: If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment ; and will also send some of this Moine treatment;.. free for trial, with references' from your own• locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure. assured. Send 110 money, but tell, others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs: M. Summers, Box '40 Windsor,, Ont. 1 No More Headaches For Me This can be your experience if you use Chamber- lain's Tablets they cure bead- ahes by remov- ing the cause— not by smothering the symp- toms -woman's surest cure for woman's most common ailments. Try them. 25c. a bottle, Druggists and Dealers, or by mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 2 -CHAMBERLAIN'S 40 V,\ E ST s''tt /E0) LABATT'S LONDON LAGER INDIA PALE AND EXTRA' STOCK ALES, XXX STOUT STANDARD BEVERAGES 31 JOHN I.ABATT, LIMITED, LONDON oven -tested - this-,. , �• flour • Yt **,, •r" oven will certainly pro- ducemore bread' and better bread as'it result of our oven test. • Frbr 1 c Th shipment of wheat delivered at our initis we take a - ten -pound sample. It' is ground into flow'. We bake bread from rnTythis flour. If this bread is high in ualit in.. quality Y and large ...quantity � we use tile, shipment of wheat from r, •whic-hit°came. Otherwise, we. sell t, • 1,0 i . The,, baking quality of flollr ld d ider this name is therefore an% - exact certainty. 8u , and r ben t.t a t rare `dnctter,'read and e te,r Fj'T' sir o0 527 Bold b ' ;Cir' Soldou, Exeter.