Exeter Advocate, 1914-3-5, Page 3Items of Ncwsl by Wire
Notes of Interest as to What Is Going
on All Over the World
The Music Hall block in Sackville,
N.B., wae burned on Friday; loss
A solid carload of malted milk,
valued at $10,000, came from Ohi-
eago via, C.P.R, for Toronto. ,
Owen Sound Council is not in fa-
vor of the Georgian Bay Canal, but
favors the; deepening of the Wel-
land Canal.
Hon. .W. T. White, Minister of
Finance, stated that the Govern -
meet does not intend to recoup the
ellareholders of the Fanners Bank.
Ontario field crops last year, ac-
cording to. Dr. Cee,elman of Guelph,
were 02 per cent, greater than the
combined field crops of the Western
The Government resolution de-
olarlug feeprohibition of the manu-
facture, importation and sale- of
white "phosphorus was passed in the
Comn) os
Stratford ratepayers oarried .al-
znost ananimously, or Fridey, three
industrial by-laws, providing for the
;enlarging a one factory and the
erection of; two others,
Riehard George Yates, foreman
brieklayer for Sehuitz Bros, Brant-
ford, the without a moment's
warning while"playing an encore
with his son at a, concort.
It is understood that the pommit-
tee to investigate the commercial
possibilities of the Georgian Bay
Canal will be composed of ex -Mayor
Sandford Evans of 1Vinnipeg,
Chairman And S. Meighen
and Edwa'rd.Gotbier of Montreal.
't the. Board of Control," said
'Ala, L. A. Lapointe, of Molarea,l,
"attempts to hedge arouna with
se,creey the investigation into the
water situation, I shall invite the
people of Montreal to come down
to tho City Hall and break in the
...rn response to the Duke of Con-
- na,uglit's appeal for funds te em-
ploy a, DOMinian. SCereattry for rt,he
Canadian By Seout,s, $35,000. has
been contributed, besides; !the, $10,-
000 promised by the, late Lord
The London Board of Education
will be asked to investigate the al-
leged velii.pping of pupils ,of Ta.lbot
Street School by AC acting principal
until blood- ran from their hands,
4e. while a little girl went into hyster-
les and thn teschei7 of the class
Great Britain.
The giant, White Star liner Bri-
tannic was laainehecr et Belfast,
Ireland, .on Thursday,
Sir John Tenniel, the celebrated
British eartoonist, paseed away in
London or) Thursday.
A TheioniSt eandidate was eleebed
in Leith Burghs bo eueceed Sir Ron-
ald Munro Ferguson, the Liberal
just appointed to be Governor -Gree -
eral of Australia, °
"Should Villa, fail to justify his
adjoin!' eitys, the London Times,
'we shall bide our time until a
Government again exists in Mexico
strong enongh to bring the offend-
ers to justa.ce.
Mrs. Emmeline Pankhuret has
written to the King asking him, to
receive a deputation from the W.
S. P. U. to lay before him their
claim for the Parliamentary vote
and their complaint of "the medie-
val and barbarous reethod•s of tor-
ture whereby ''our Majesty's Minis-
ters are seeking to repress the wo-
men's revolt against their depriva-
tion o± itizene' 'rights."
United States.
The Boaed of United States Gen-
eral Appraisers decided in favor of
Quebec in the wood pulp and news-
paper export case.
General Huerta will be asked by
tho United States to punish the par-
ties responsible for the death of
Vergara, an American subject.
Alfred Noyes, the English poet,
who is in the U.S. lecturing in 1:,he
eause of world peace, has been ask-
ed to become a profe:ssor in the fac-
ulty of Princeton University.
Employes of the American Steel
& Wire Co., in Pennsylvania, where
the •company has two large plants.
were notified to withdraw at onee
from fraternal organizations that
conduct clubs, as the use of liquor
impairs their usefulness. •
- Two Americans itis reported
were 'kidnapped by Albanian bri-
gands. e
A move to abolish sabre rule was
checked in •the German Imperial
Parliament '•
The Preneh Government reeeivecl
a check by an adverse vote of 140
to 134 in the Senate on its income
tax movement.
`In a Statement issued by the Mex-
ican Government the United States
is indirettly blamed for the death
of William Benton.
Newfoundland's revenue for the
last fiscal year was $33920,000, leav-
ing a surplus of $115,000. A surtax
.of ten per cent. on existing customs
duties is proposia, and speeial in-
creases on liquor, tobacco, tiger-
ettes, butterine, and the cut of him-
. •
Ifon. Charles Devlin Had Been Ail-
ing for Many Days: -
A ;despatch from Ottawa says :
Hon, Charles Ramsay Devlin, Min-
ister of Colonization and Mines in
the Quebee Administration, died at
his father's, home in Aylmer, Quad
bee, on Sunday milling-. The late
Mr. Devlin had been seriously ill
during last week, but it was{ not ex-
pedted his illness would 'culminate
in hie'death, until early Friday
evening, •when he showed signs of
sinking. On Saturday he lapsed
into a, state of 1 cornet,.
Coelc,Figliting- Allowed Only on
ellnuays and Holidays.
A despatch from Havana, Cuba,
says: Secretary of Government Ne -
via issued an order on Thursday
prohibiting all cock fighting exeept
on SundayS •and holidays. This
measure was necessery during the
cane -cutting eeason in order to keep
the harvest,ei.s at work,
Sad Accident to Prominent Citizeti
Near' St. George.
A despatch from Brantford says:
Riehard Morris milk vendor, of St.
George, was killed at that place on
Wednesday, a limb of a tree which
he hid cut down and which he was
trying to swing OVe31,, recoiling and
striking him on the chest, creshieg
it in He leaves four sons and two
daughters. Major . Frank Morris,
London, and Staff Captain Arthur,
of Toronto headquaeters, both "in
the Salvation Army, are 'sons of the
deceased, who was a very active
citizen of that town.
Huge Meteorite Descended in Vil-
lage of Poland. e
A despatch from. Warsaw, Russian
Poland, says : A number of houses
were destreyeel .by a liege IllebaOre
lee, which descended on Thursday
in the Village of Jeuclkovitzy, in
the Polish Province of Kielce. The
meteorite emitted eulfileirous
The Leeds Chamber of Commerce 5ays the Formej
Are Very Hard to /love
A despatch from London, Eng-
land, Seye: The Leeds Chamber a
coati/levee, devoted conside rab 1 e
time on Wednesday to (bemusing in-
.,(1yeapscd freight rakes to Canada.
"d,Lottd eomplaints were made that
the 4.30st of carria,ge of certain
goods lia.(1 almost doobled. lehn
Mcfeacn a. prominent Leeds tra-
de)., said it came back to the old
question of a ehipping ring. ,It was
practically beating the air to try
and make any effeetiVe represents-.
tions to ship owners, who "Talk
their heatl$ together and eontrot
rake, «o Wha b He gave
evidence for the Agricultural tiled-
neers' Association befoee the South
Afrieee shipping conference on the
some eubject, In spite of a. etrong
caee, the ship Owners remained ob-
durate, and actually increased their
rates. Evon the Government was
powerless when it came to revise
the postai contract with South Af-
rica; end therefore he thought. it
was useless for the chamber.' to
trauble, about' Canadian business.,
The interests against them were too
'strong. If a, eo:mpotitor came on
the scene rates vine don \vial a
run. until they beearne iterenitmerae
(t,,(.; end it genez111r ended with
the, ceelpe titer joinhig the ring. .
$11,Z501000 WILL BE SPErsi
What the Province of Ontario Will Expend for the
Fiscel Year to$13-i4
e4. ',Umtata. rrom Toronto siva) TIM tab-
4Lntr ne 43Upp1ementarY cotiniates in the
onterio teesecieturo on Fridey by the Hon.
I. 13. Luoas marite the 4iiretttion of deed.
one aseletance into eeveral now otannele
and the streeeteealue at tate sapport of
many whiebaro uow well eetalaliehed. The
poll-07.ot several ot the lamer dopert-
melee luta shown new delaarturee to be
aud theee are privided for,
mainly with he intention of malting a
etart and bringing them before the house.
One of the more eienifioaat items on
the list apPeara in eonneotion. with sev-
eral laiecenaueoue eamot end seta aside
85,000 for the onforeement of the Oan-
oda Temperance Aet. atlas eeeme to
matte clear the inteution of the govern,
meat to take some band in ,the control
of the new coenties whieh have recently
adopted thie tneans of liquor ,restriction.
It tee been a nubile qpeetion air Home
time As to the authority of the province
to enforee the Soott Aet, it being under
the direotion ,of the federal government
.and the, oftleere noting' under tam orimieel
Tho exact intention of the license de -
Pertinent is not plain. There is the poe-
eibility that they may create- tr5sv Peaete
efilmat out of .severaa, licenee bespectors
aud talus obviats. aunty of the preoent
difficulties in the matter ef erreeteltor
violatiee. Even so, however, any eMeee
would require a warrant, to emze altY
goode or make areoete, and this Would be,
for hilt a handicap that does not uow
apply to the itespector under local optien.
More Fire Rangers.
An attempt will be made by the
ter or la,nds, forest e and mines to better
tonserve tbe timber of the neeth, and
ffre 010 end $25,000 in eet aside for dill*
4,feral te the tire.ranging staff, lo the
etime department provieion is made for
the'aPPOintineat Ot a cartograPher and
additienel inln1n inepeotore. Taci goy.
hale.-.4v-M"e!thIlte 4elreuletr°rnitteetwhilesePour aullIteeittriveittli
and telephone expert, a real estate vela"
&tor for the sueesesion duties branoh,
ianegnwetittinfose iinnermeLeeydbateei,aattottaenae.0 from new
alio public institutiens of Ontario out
of the whole ear1.7 the largeet eetimates„
In hearty every eaee aarge eines appear
an the main liet be applied to the
The moving of the Cont,ral Pilleon
:,1257en:000.00rettruations. The new lVelitbY
Priation, and the werlt uow under way.
Toronto to Guelph during the year is erev-
erect. -with the year' e expenees in full by
asylum luts $300,000 in tato As an appao-
For institutions.
Under the department of education the
Ottawa Normal Settee' remodeling ex -
plaints an item of $50,000, .naul the eoltoole
foe, deg mid blied at Belleville end
eurtford respectively have groats in
t e region of $50,000.
The growth of the Ashhatehing trade,
whiell is now ander t:he supervieien of
the government, demands a new fish car
fitted up with modern improvements for
the transportation of fingerliega and
spawn feem one branoli to another.
The total -expenditure for the Yeer *wilt
be In the neighborhood of 511,750,000, the
pieseat eunplementary esthete:tee rep:tith-
ing 51.739,422.49, ead the "balance being I
carried in the main liSe eta the, aOdi-
tiorals that are brought down before ad-
-Comment on Events
an average wage of $250' per year. tnoe
Mean .au annual loss in wages equal to
83,000, 00. It es true that these trade dm -
Metes "play an important part iu our in -
To Curb Statisticians. dustrial life, even during A period not
notably markerl by a virulent outbeealt ot
An effort ie to be made byathe fanners thie industrial diesease, remarks the Wind,
of Ali j, Saeltatchetvan and Manitoba eoer 3r1r1;(10'.' Bearing glind VI! iseyi
v re a, c meregs, r comp tai
to evlueh British indeastrie,s are exposed,
uot only in the Britieh hotue markete, but
oleo in foreign and In British Ooloreal
inarkete, it le abundantly dear that there
Is urgent necessity for emPloyers and
Workpeople to pull together, Dissereion
at ehe souree of produotion-at the mine,
the faotory, or at the raill-ie not °ray in-
jurious to those concerned lit the diepute,
but It is also injurious to national in-
to peifeet, a crop report eyetera that will
be tsoniewhat oloeer to aeouraby tad the
real thing than a good many of tbe so.
°ailed "estimatee" that find their way by
one route or another into print during
She season. We do net blame the Partnere.
As The Faratere' Advocate saps: "Some
stope should be taken to prevent Intrep,
teem individuate with little or no know,
ledge of (mops from making estimates
from tho windows ef a railway coach oe
even from a. rapid run through the coun,
try with occaeional cease -country drives,
ehiefly made with those whese sole aria
sion 151 the -district some to be to boost
that dietriet, and in attempting to boost
they make ,the estimate from ten to one
hundred per, emit, higher tbep. 11ehould
, The Mexican Peon,
Am English engineer, Mr, A. W. Warwicke
who, ainee 1897; liae spent several /menthe
of :Ivory year in. atexmo and other Spam
ieh-spealciug countriee, etates that -while
in some parte of Mexico the labor is fair-
ly eillaient, in other parte it is of very
low grade and cannot, be keyed up to do-
ing economical wirk. Exceseive use of
iatoxicants and au unbalanced and ineue
lieient .dietary may have annelt to do witis
taie efficiency, yet, Mr..Warwiek is inelite
ed to aesigri the real cause of thee inee
Baloney to racial teraperament. He ' re -
meals us that the well-born and educated
Spaniard never soils this hands vAtil mall-
etal labor, while the Indian is eb.a.raotero
ized. by produting only that which sup,
Oliee his own teette. Ite is.not aprechteer
lex the markets. The ratio fornaed by othe
union et -the Spaniard and the Iuduit,
then, eould hardly have any Conception of
the innate dignity -of labor. Mr. War-
wick calls attentdon to the fact, that about
3,000 Mexicana are engaged in ogrieulture,
or mom than 75 por cent. of all males en-
gaged in gainful occupations. Tet, in
spite of the fact that...Mexico is one of tlle
most fertile oonatnes in the world, it
has for many years failed to produce oaf.
ficieut food for ito inhabitants. The Mate
can laborer is known to suffer from mal-
nutrition, and yet ,75 per cent. ,of the
males of ,the . -country cannot maintain
even tee low Mexecam standard of living.
Feed the.Birds.
Now is the time of all *there when t,Ite
thoughtful and. compassionate, •and even
those who have only ;their own edifish in-
terests in eiew, ebould make some provi-
elm to supply the birds -with food. The
enew ie deep 'upon the ground,and the
food supply for molly efteur winter birds
is completely cue off. For ,setne of these
a lump of suet or of otny unsalted fat,
sueponded'at a, .tree, will be sufficient. For
others, the -sweepings ef the teem floor ef
a, forkful of eheap hay ecattered about tlte
premiees -will elean ehe difference between
life and death. Birds ean endure almost
any aegree of cold. Nature has provided
tliem with a warm covering, whieb they
render more effective by raising the feat.lo
ere slightly on a cola day or night, 'One(
.securing the -added protection of a cover-
ing ef so -meted "-dead-air," oue of the moet
efficient non-conducters .heat in the
world. One may often tsee 'Lawn on a pold
-414ky, perched, in -soute sheltered cook, 'and
looking like a ball of feathers. Witt eucb
Protection they tan wait in measurable
confidence for the cold ,spell to" pass; but
they meet have food. The normal temper -
Future of the bird is %several degrees bleier
than that of man, but filott se the feel
required ito ,maintain ,thitt high tempera-
ture, and without it the bird imust perish.
Every enowstorm of any tor:old-arable
magnitude =tees the death 05 'thoasande
elf birds, many of whom can be eaved, by
a little thoughtfulness). With 'the farmer
and, i,he *what -dist thie is not meeely a
matter of sympathy and comeacesion. It
is business. The birds will more than re-
pay him in the ineecto they will destroy
'when Cleve 40 onee more a chance to get
at them.
numires Troubles.
In meet respeote what was known as the
Dublin etrike lies been a ghaetly failure.
A large seotion, of the men have returned
to weak , on tonne time were offered four
mouths ago. The metnotsiee -of the con-
fliet'vill not, be sweetened by the iruatees.
miseries that have bean eaduved. Upon
Mr, James Larkin muet fall a Jorge share
of the blotto. Of grieve/wee Oleetitutiort,
unemployment and bad hoesing :there are
in Dublin enough to twelve any mforamit,
ana to oaio alto eariapathy of even the
flintiest heart, There ie veneer!' to
doubt Shat Lethal waiaroiaterely mexiotte
to -effect, rionva anproventent 15 5130 condi-
tion (if tease he led, but, hie methods were
eopeieesty titetleas and bad. Ho alienated
the support even of tellowavorkere in Bug -
land, and. so bullied the men from whoiti
he sought to force couceesiene that they
were oompelled to fight to t.he end. Now
that this trouble le over perhepe iG 'will be
sotriebodg'10 buzineee to eee iseettethin
be e toanake Dublin's better city, end
its inhabieent8. more oontented than hail
been poeeible In ithe past.
Wireless Telephony!
"Hello! Is that 11,11e Olympia? Tilts is
tete Aquitaala," Thio will be tale eext
marvel of oeetai voyaging. Audible hu,
man ;speech between eteatteships 200 or
300 mace tioart is new peomilted, neat the
neW 0unarder Aquitaria, whielt =nail
bee iden trip m ;lune, may bo ecetipped
wIth wireleee telephony, - Wilt wereleSe
telegraphy, whit/a we have not, yet (Joao
XAgaral.YLT Aft 11, IMiritee 01 seienee. ere
plate to tiles netirer wander, and :tte htt,
man voice loemme, the ordinary vehicle of
communication teem ship te ehiP and
leom ,sboVe to elier0
, Five Thousand Trade bleput06,
, During eh» lest ,tne. yeets, nearbe 5,000
trade ;mentos ()scarred in (treat Iletteen,
involving tautelY 2,000,000 of Woritneqlei
and treating nearly 36,000,00 Of working
day. It le eoteltortay that tho nuntbee
of evotkpeople involved iit traae .dieputee
in 1909 was the higheet receeded ;since the
V, ear 1894. The datitlition of thew dispubel
In workieg de 0011011Met total. Thee)
r4aytletee, teken et 300 workieg
(Nye to the year, are 0outv51en1 o neer-
ly 120,00h year% of warning time throwe
warty. This ie for elle •ten Yeere 1900-190„9;
4014 et) the 5101551'eear0y Weeto ef wore -
int theo 01s neerly 12,000 yeare, deeetexiing
Hon. Dr. R. F. Preston,
who beoomes Minister without
portfolio in the Ontario Cabinet,.
Frank, W. Haynes Will Pay the
Penaltn for Murder.
. A despatCh from Sydney, N.S.,
says: Frank W, Haynes has been
condemned to death "for the mur-
der of Benjatain kW -neon., a, hotel -
keeper. He will expiate the erime
for which he has been found guilty
on Friday, May 8. Sentence was
passed on the prisoner on Thursday
morning, • and he was at onoe tiken
to the county ja.il to await his exe-
eittion. lia,y-nes followed Atkinson
into the woods near Mira, N'S.,
and 'murdered him by hitting him
over the bead with a stone. Rob-
bery was the; motive. Haynes was
seen near the snot where Atkin -
son's body was found, and could not
explain how he came possessed of
a large sum of money found upon
A Miner at the. liewitt-Gowganda
Mine Killed.
A despatch from Ellc Lake, Ont.,
says: James Dunn, a, miner at the
Hewitt-Gowganda, property at Gow-
ganda, was killed on Tuesday under
cireurostances which will lead to
stringent inquiry. He had leaded
a, rounded holes and was aseending
in the bucket when his loading stick
caught in the side of the slieft, and
Dunn was tipped out, falling to the
bottom of the 100-footh shaft. The
explosion oecurred almost imme-
diately afterwards, and Dunn!. s
body was blown to pietes,
Railway Tracks Torn Up and Tele.
oppik system Paralyzed.
A despatch from Paris says:
Railroad ;communication between
Lisbon, Portugal, and the Spanish
frontier has been completely stop-
ped by the acts of railway men be-
longing to the revolutionary section
of aid ItOtiatiail party who have gone
on strike. According to paaamtge.rg
who •hrrived hero from Lisbon. on
Thursday after a journey of 102
hours, instead of the usual a, the
tracks have been destroyed in Many
places, a, bridge has been blown up
and telegraph and telephone corn-
neinkation has been interrupted al-
most throughout Pori:we/0,
Grain, Cattle and Cheese
Prices of These Products In the, Leading
Markets are liere Recorded
Toronto, 4frealiontario Wheat
notate, 90 per eeet., 83,80 to $3.85, seaboerd,
and at $3.80, Toronto. Manitoba -First
Patent, in into bags, $6.40; de., eecenclo,
e4.90: *trona bakere'," jute bagel; 54.70"
Manitoba wheataltay ports, No, 1 Nor,
them.. 99 aao, and No. 2, 97 1-2e; Goderia.
1-4o more, No. 1 Northern, North. BO',
$1,05 1-2, AtO No. 2, 57.03 1-2o.
Ontarie lel:ante-No,2 at 95" to 96e out -
aide, aceording to freight. and 97 to sso,
en track, Toronto.
Oate-No, 2 Ontario oats, 36 1-2 to 37e, I
outside, and at 39 1-2o, on track, Toron-
to. Western Canada oats, 42o for No. 2, i
and at 40 1-2o for No. 3, Bay ports. 1
Feae-No. 2 at 950 to $1, outside.
Barley -Good malting barlee, 64 to 58e,
outside, according to qualitY.
Ooitn--nTew NO 3 American, 69 1e30, all
rail, 'reroute.
nye-No. 2 at 62 to 63e, outside.
linekwheat- No 2 at 75 to 760. ontSide.
Bran -Manitoba bran, $22.60 to 523 a ton,
in bap, Toronto freight. Shorts, 524,50 to
Northern, 07 3-ee; No. 4, 840; No. 5, 76 1-24O
' No. 6, 71 1-2e; feed, 65e; No, 1 reaelted
seeds, 86 3-4o; No, 2 rejected, eeede, 843-40;
No. 3 ,,'ejected semis, fa 1-2o1 No, 1 emuttY,
56 3-4e; No, 2 emutty, 84 3-4e; No. 3 5meit07.
83 tee; No. 1 red Wulter, Ole; No, 2 roe
Waiter. $9 3-2e; No, 3 red Welter, 87 3-40.
Oette-No, 2 c.vr., 35e; No. 5 0,W,. 44 1-4e;
extta, No, 1 feed. 34 1-4o; feed, 33 3-4e;
No, e feed, 33 1-2o. Baxley -No, 4, 44 1-20.:'
No, 4, 42 1-2e; (elected, 41 1.2et feed, 41e,
1'L' -No. I N.W.O., $1.33 1.2; No. 2 own
51.30 1-2; No. 3 ON., $1.17 1,2,
Butter -Choice dairy, 22 to 230; inferfar,
18 ea 150. femme' eeparator iltrinte. 22
to 25e; oreamery printe, 30 Go 31e;
27 to 29a; storabe prints, 27 to 28e; solids,
25 1,-2 to 26.
Egge-Oaeo Its of netv-laid, 34 to 35e per
dozen; etorage, seleete. 33c; and Storage.
31 to 340 per dozen.
Gheeee-New ebeeee, 14 3.4 for largo, and
15e for twine.
DAMAO—Hand-picked, 52 15 to 52:20 per
bushel- rimes 52.10 to $2 15
laaney-Extraeted, in tins, 11 to 12e per
Ib , for No. 1; combs, 53 te $3 25 Per dozen
fir No. 1, eta 52.40 to 52.50 for No. 2.
Poultry --Fowl, 12'to 13e per lb.; chick-
ens, 16 to I8o; ducks, 13 to Ise; geese, 14
to 150; turke 1950 220
Potatoce-Ontarioe at 83 to 85e per bag,
041 traele and Delawares at 90c, on track,
oar IMO.
Bacon -Long clear, 15 to 16a por lb.,
case lots. Pork -Short -tut, 528.50; do., awes,
524 50. Ifas-ie
Medm, 18 to 18 1-2e; do.,
heavy, 17 to 18o; rolls, 15 to 15 1-2e; brook.
fast bacon, 18 to 1.2e; becks. 22 to 24o.
Lard -Tierces, 14 1-4e; tubs, 14 1-2e; pails,
14 3-4e.
Farraere get the following pries; -4.8-
elite, No. 1, 58.50 to $9. do., No. 2, 57.50 to'
58; do„ No. 3, 56 to $7; Timothy, No. 1,
52.75 te 425; do„ No, 2, $2 to 5250; red
clover, 1,0. 1, $8.25 to 58.75; do., No, 2,
$7.50 to 57,75.
Baled Hay and Straw.
Baled hay -Ne. 1 at 51450 $14.50 a 5015,
on track hereallo 2 quoted at 513 to
$13.50, and mixed at $12 to 512.50.
Baled straw-Oer lots, 5858 to 58.75, on
track, Toronto.
Winnipeg Crain.
Winnipeg, March 3.-Whea5a,No. 1 North-
ern, 91e; No. 2 Northern, 89 3-8e; No. 3
Ifeetreal. March 3, -Corn, Amerloan.
2 yellow, 72 to 72130. (tate, .0enadian
Weetern, NO, 2, 44o; doe NO. 3. 4$ to 43 1 20:
extra lao, 1 feed, 43 1-2o. Harley, Mani -
tribe feed, 44 to 600; 55 to
Buoltwbeat, Noe 2, 56 to 57. Flour, Mon.
Bering vlaeat patellae 55.40; do.,
aeconele, ' $4.90; ,do., etreng bahers 54.701
Winter patentee elmeee, 55 to 55.25; etraight
rollers, 5450 to 54.75; do,, begs. 52.10 to
2.15. Rolled oats, barrele. 54.25 54,35;
liege, 90 lbe., 52 to $2,Q5. Bran, $23. Shorts.
525. Middlings. 528, efenalle, 528 50$32.-
Hay, No. a, per ton, oar lots, 13 1-2 to 160.1
Cheese'attest west:ores, 14 to 14 1-443e fia
eet eeateres. 13 414e, Batt,er, (deplete:4
creamery, 27 1-2 to 28; secolids, 26 1-5 to
27o Eggs, fresh, 36 to 36e: eelected, 32 to
Re; No. 1 etock, 30 to 31e. Poeatoee, per "
bag, ear late, 20 to 90e.
United States Markets.
Minneapolis, March 3.-Wheat-Mar.I
92 1-2e; July, 93 3-40 to 93 7-8e bid; No. 1
hard. 95 1-2 to 940; No, 1 Northern, 93 to'
95e; No. 2 Northere, 9150 93e; No. 3 wheat,
88 1.2 to 90 1-2e. Ne. 3 yellow corn, 57 to
67 1-4e. Oats -No. 3 white, 37 1-4 to 37 1-2c..
Duluth, Itlareh 3.--Limmed, $1.56 3-4: 31-417,1
51.57 3-4; 81.69 3.4. Olose:-Wbeat--
No. 1 _hard. 94 3-4e; No. 1 Northern, 93 3-4c:i
No. 2 Northern, 95 1-4ct Montana No. a
bard, 90 3-4: May, 93 5-4 eo 93 7-8e; aulyo
94 5-8e.
Live Stook Markets,
Torontoallfarelt 3.-Oatile-Choice but-'
cher, $8 to 58.30; good, 57 60 to 57.75; medi.'
ura 56.75 to 57: common, $5.75 to 56; ohoiee
cows, 56.25 to 57; good, 55.76 to 56; medium,
to '
55.35 55.60; COMIXt013, $4.25 to 56.25; out -
tars andeanners, 53.15 to $3.75: ()holm'
bulle, 57 to 57.75; good. $6 to $635; come
mon, 44.25 to 55 50. fiteelters and feeders
guars, eaotee, 57 to 58.25; good. 56.35; light
to 55,10; s,'
53.50 pringare to 51321 milker.
$85. Calves -Good veal, 58.65 to 11; eom.
mon, $1.6:3 to 55. Sheep and lambs--Ligbt
owes, $5.60 to 57; heavy, 53 to 53.50; SPring
larabe, 59 to 510; bueke, $3 to $3.50 with
75e off. Hogs -Fed and watered, to
f.o b., to 88.90. off cars, to 59,50.
Montreal,. March 3. -Choice steere ana
heifers sold at $8.50, good. at $8 TO
fail at 57 to 57.50 and the lower gra,dee at
86 to $6.75 per ewe. Batobere' vows brought,
from $4 to 56, ad bulls from 54 to e7,60
per ewe, ae to quality. Lambs told at
58.25 to 58.50, and. sheep at 55.50 in $6 Per
t. alves ranged from 53 to 512 reale
tes to size and quality. Seleeted lots of
hoge sold at $10.15 to 510.55 Per cwt.',
weighed. off mere.
THE 11411101:1, OF MONTREAL
The Commissioners Expect to Spend Fifteen Mil.
lion Dollars in. Four Years
A despatch from Montreal says:
tn their first declaration of policy
since their appointment two years
;ago the Montreal Harbor Commis-
sioners an Thursday morning out-
lined the plans for improvement of
the harbor and terminal facilities
which -they contemplate, and on
which they plan to pend 815,000,-
060 within the next four years.
This year the Harbor Commission-
ers will spend $3,500,000 on the .de-
velopment of the pert. The chief
work will include theconstruction
of two new freight and transporta-
tion sheds to accenenodate the
Hamburg-Amerioan and Canadian
Northern weekly services; the eke-
trifieation of the entire system of
harbor railways; the elevation di
the railway tracks between, 1),/eGill
Street and Victoria, Pier, and the
erection, of a new mammoth aare-
house at the foot of Murau Street,
besides another at the foot of Beau -
dry Street.. ,
Plans adopted by the board call,
aIso 'tor the extension of several
piers, the erection of a, new St,
Lawrence bridge and the building
of a new grain elevator, so as te
give Montreal the largest storage
capacity in the world.
Rime 00 Clyde Rocks During a
- Trial Trip.
A 'despatch from London ,says:
The new destroyer Layeroek, while
Undergoing her triale on the Clyde
on Saturday, ran on the eocks.. Her
plates were ripped ,q.na hs' propel-
ler ;smashed., and the vessel became
Waterlogged: Her crew Were saved.
Former Governor-General of Can-
ada Passes Away.
A despatch 'hem London says:
The Eari of 1V1inte, fernier Gover-
nor-General of Canada and. Viceroy
of India, died at 4 o'clock on Sun-
da* morning, Aged sixty-six•
Burles Falls Man Crushed Under a
Load of Bark.
A. despateh from Burk's Fells
says: Jaws Totten. was killed near
Sprueedale on Saturday. He was.
taking a load of bark to the rail-
way station, When his 'team tool;
fright and ran away, upsetting the
load on the driver. He legs dragged
some distance and his life crushed
out. Mr. Totten was is married Man
With fareily.
Mayor Trudel of Cobalt has been
unseated because he held a, oontra,ct
with the Oebalt Lake Mining Com-
pany under an agreement between
the town no the ;company.
Demanding Better Leadership, Says the
Ontario Good Roads Association
A despatch from Toronto says :
Discussion at the sessioes ef the
anneal 'convention ,of the Ontario
Good Boads el'e stab:Ina
in the. adoption of resolutions, re-
eommending 'the higher taxatioe of
motor vehieles and, rail waya, the
abolitiori or emrenetatiort of eta:tete
labor in organized townshipe, idnq
the holding of the next annual
meeting in the city of i.VOrOnt0 all
501110 el a t (laying the suenme r
ate -unit) seitsosi 1916, so thItt'clei e -
gales might, inopeet work being
done 011 the 1(ig111VtlyS tk)
the Ploviecial capital, The dale
gat -es approved resolutien neking,
the Government to extend the
,U10115 of of the high wave imnrove-
, f
merit art :'1Q as -to ernhraco in its
. ;
bon-efaction kownsiow:
Oathave aboHowd ov commidvd
tiatute, labor, and bac o eetablished
a good readwae-s organization, aut1
also one which suggested the
amendment of this entl. the )needsi-'
pal act i';'.6, -1014.E. 151w1-0414 1ilke411 tn.i
highway improvemeet 01141 theee
rtelVed from the l'rovinvial Tree)
mirer roulee the terms of the oleb
ehali form a, special rued to provide,
for expenditure under ish. eid act
, 4