HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-26, Page 5meager
Dr. Gl. 1z`: ROVLS'iCQ.N,
Member of the R,O,DMS. of Ontario and
Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
e.O ttce—Ozer Dickson & Carling's law
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
I-1onor,Gradeate or Toronto Univerelity
Tenth extracted `without pain, or any
bad effects. Office over Gladman &
litan'bury's Qrr:ee, Madn Street, Exeter.
SolielGas a, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-
m1a,+ onere. Selicittors fox the 11'lolsone
Bank, etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of •Utterr•et
Offices—lliadn-St., Exeter
Moe S: R. Carting, B.A. L, H. Dickson
t a
de -
e or
We have a large amount of lsr•:vete
' 4unds to loan on team and:vlilian'e prop -
4 er6res*' at lour rates etf.tuit ,_c)dt,
Barristers,Solicitors, Exeter'?
Agent Confederation Lade Assurance
Connpauy, also Fare Insurance in .lead-•
fns : Canadian and British Companies.
ivfafn-St., Exeter.
College At
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are
eo-ple.:are fast preparing in their own homes' to
occupy lucrative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in
fact every sphere of Business ActiViities
You may finish at college 0 you so wish
Positions guaranteed. Later college any
day. Individual instruction. Expert tea-
chers. .Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at famous
Spotton Business College, Lon-
President Principal
ANY peraon who is the sole head . et
a family or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a. gaarter section of
available Dominion land &i Man?toba
Saskatchewan or Alberta. The ap-
plicant must appear in personat the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-
agency tom• the dkstrict. Entry by pro-
xy made be made at any agency, en
certain conditions by father, mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister ;of in-
tending homesteader
Duties—Six months' residence upon
and cultivationof the :land 10 each
of three years, A homesteader may live
within nine anfles oat tris homestead on
a farm - of at beast ' 80 acnes . sohelY
owned and •occupied by him or by hiss
father, mother, son daughter, brother
or sista.
In certain districts a homesteader Tai
good, standing may pre-empt a quart
er-section along side helm homestead.
Price $3.00 per acre:
Duties Must reside . upon the !iota
stead or pre-enilptioin six moruhh,s in
each of ,mix years from date of home
§tend entry tinafluding the tame re-
quired to earn homestead patent) and
eui'tivate fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted hie
homestead right and • cannot obtain a.
pre-emption may enter Por• a puna
chased hom,es+.ead la certain' distelcts
Price $3.00 per acre. Duties- Musa
reside •mix' months in each of these
years, cultiatabe fifty acres and erect
a house worth $300,
Deputy of'the Manager of the Interior
N.B.—tTna,uhhorized publication of
•thin advertisement will not be paid for.
STRATFOrtr. Gr3T. �.
Canada's. best practical training
school. Three departments, COM-
courses are thorough, and practical.
Individual instruction is given by a
strong, experienced staff. Our grad-
uates succeed. Students may enter at
• any time. Get our free . catalogue and
see What we can do. for you,
P A.` MOLA.CHLAN. Principal
Write kr the Catalogue of
Toronto, Ont., It explains it ;ly the
many advantages offered by this well-
known 'school; •College open all year.
Commence now.:.
id interested and Should know
about the wenterful
Marcel ; Whirling Spray
ask your, drnggiat tor
U. If he cannot seppiy
the AR,`VEL aoeept ao
ether, but Bond Stamp for Mita,tratocl book—settee. et elves fall
articulars and ditectlond ihveleable
ladiealNIV•1DStait chat lisaleOta.allindeor,pint
ticnolratAirenta;folk Ounada.
Here ere a few opinions expressed
by prominent Britisih and European
physicians who have tested Kephaldol
the' great pain. reliever which has jest
been introduced unto Canada, These
are extracts ,ffozu ,letters oils i;iie in
our Home Otface, erhOse genuineness
is gttaianteed by a $5,000.00 bond.
Kephnldol—.l have, found the a-
bove drug very ,iueeful° in alleviating .; n mbar of Missouri farmers
pain due to various causes, . and that
have made application to the Hydro-
Electric Commission for power and
sults in Neuralgia arud Sciatica, " Niagara powerwill be hi Windsor
"found ICep,halclol most efficacious by June. The towers are in.plaee to
in facial Neuralgia," Chatham and tower foundations are
all Au,
The highest price c' reeord..for .a
Middlesex farm was recorded in the
sale `.o! .100 aeras in West • Nissouri
for 112,500.
A head-on collision oceurred;•on the
0.P;R. at Bury, Que., yesterday, re-
sulting in the death of engineer Yan-
dow of Farnham, and the scalding of.
three other mer. •
. a ire destroyed the,
nib villa
of Ds tieosa•letest' ytal1ern «;
inhabitants, and despatches receives]
at Madrid refer indefinitely as num-
erous dead and injured.
The widow of Alex. Marlin, who
was burned to death at Rlenheinu on
Nov. 7 when fire dent •oyed the Pere
Marquette coal chutes, has en.ered
Important Euents Which. Have
Occurred During the 1tll,sek. .
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Corpilei ,said Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Headersof Our raper --A
Solid Hour's +'njoynneiat.
wiithout mental or cardiac depress-
"Kephaldol has given satisfactory re -
"I found your preparation Ieeph-
aldol champiun for Ileaciache and La
"It is One of the best remedies in
epidemic La Grippe and most useful
in al' cases of Rheumatic origin,"
'Wherever I have used Kephalclol
1 i -ave found it satisfactory, especi-
ally Ta chronic Rheuanatism,"
Get t. -50c, package of Kephalcloi.
Cr 4�,Lima
r your Druggist, I(;ephaldol .int
heti; 31st Latour St,, 141ontreal. ,,M+!
Mail Contract
to the Postmaster General will be ' e-
ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri-
day, e
'1 � 13th dayof March'
y, 1 lYI rel , 1914,
for the.. conveyance of His Majesty's
Mails on a proposed. Contract for four
years Six times per week, over Zurich
(South' Rural Route, from the
Postmaster General's pleasure, next.
Printed notices containing further in
formation as to conditions of propos-
ed Contract inay be seen and blank
forms of Tender may be obtained at
the Post Office of Zurich and Sar-
epta and at the Office of the
Post Office Ins.pector•. at London. .
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 30th Jan'y,1914
G C. ANDERSON, Superintendent,
v1r. and Miss Buttrey, from. thf
West are visitin:g relatives inthis sect
5r, an Mrs, J. B. McArthur
Vancouver are vt siting relatives
Mrs. Arthur H. King who has been
visiting at her home for three months
left for Toronto.
Miss Mantle of New York, and_
brother Mr. BGce Mantle of Ottawa
are visiting relatives in town.
A Case purchased from J. B. Mc
Arthur• the'resi.denne in which he is
residing on South Richmond St.
Thecongregation attending Carmel
Church will: worship. in the basement
while the •nein organ is being in-
stalled •
,Alpine:McEwen has purchased fhe
baiting and restaurant bus;iriess of N.
P. Warrener also the buiilditng, ,'aucl
will take posession on March, the Znd.
IvLr. Warrener will now devote his
whole attention to the jewelry 1 t:s-
in:ess, `
Thea Council has decided to take
action in the way of providing; an ad-
eluate town hall and fire protection
for the village, both . of ,them 'aeing
'coni, felt wants, The ratepayers are.
backing the coiuncil in the eroject.
Rheum I Will Stop
Ulc Acid Dispot
Pheuniatic Complications Checked
and the "Human Sewers" Restored.
The •Kidneys, Bowels, and Skin arc
the "human sewers" which- carry of
the impurities of the blood. Wher
these are clogged Uric Acid sediment
lodges in the muscles and joints and
a.heumatism follows. RHEUMA, the
great remedy for all forms -of the ter-
rible disease, checks the deposit o'.
Uric Acid:
." For many years I suffered with
Rheumatism. I am 71 years old, • but
ani proud to say that after using one
bottle of RHEUMA the Rheumatic
pains are entirely gone. I daily recom
mend ' RHEUMA to my friends,"
Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont.
W S. Cole will return your honey
if it fails • 50 cents a bottle.
gulating Pi11. for Women. $5 a box or three for
$10: Sold at' all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price. "Tire Sco0san Pane
Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario,
Vitality; for Nerve and Drain; increases "grey
matter" ;a Tonic—aria buil d you up. $3 a box, or,
two for $5, at drug stores, or bymail on receipt.
of price Prra-SconeLL Dave Co., St. Catharines.
Homeseekers Excursion
Co M:an,utoba, ,Alberta,. Saskatchewan,
Each Tuesday,
Mar±h 3rd :to. October., 27th ,siitclusive
vaa Chicago, St,Paul or Duluth_
From Toronto and stations North
and west of Toronto, Proportionate
lees '.Cares from stations east ')C - Tor-
Return Limit Twa Months
Full pa.rticulars at Grand Trutik rit,.
'est Offices, or write C. E. Horning,
,),P.A., Tbronto, Ont,
N. J. DORE, Exeter.
action against the company; for.
The ferry steamer City of Belle-
ville, running between Ogdensburg
N.Y., and Prescott, Ont:, was burned
to the waters' • edge` at her dock: ID
Prescott yesterday. The loss is .es}ti-
mated at $20,000.
Memorial services were held In
Chicago yesterday
r ces E.
for Fan
Willard, temperance worker, and for
years the head of the Wo en's
Christian Temperance : Union, iv no
died ten years ago,
"Scavengers are di onning weights
on their toes so that they can say
they are injured when they go on
the sick list. Then they draw full
pay wbile away." This is the latest
charge current in Toronto.
Rev. C. I. Johnston of Pick ?.:1-ig
expired suddenly while make .a call.
Rev. Principal.Scrimger •,•a, i.otni-
"ated by Lanark and Renfrew Pres-
- Moderator of 'he Gerctal
Dr. la.—
a.-_fifty years, probaoiy
tual service in Canada, diem; yen.,_
day in Kingston, aged 85 years.
An earthquake oecurred at Reno,
Nev., at 10.18 a.m. yesterday. The
shock : was violent and lasted about
three seconds. The ; direction was
from southeast` to northwest.
A combine of tobacco: manufaetur-
ers• is alleged, operating 'under the
protection of the tariff, and discrina-.
inating against '•the ' tobacco -growing
farmers ir, southwestern Ontario.
After brooding over the death of
his wife, . who was buried on Satur-
day last, William Bray, aged 59, of•
Osborne Township, hanged himself ~in
a barn on his farm Tuesday night,.
The revenue cutter Onondaga was
ordered out from Norfolk, Va., yes-
terday to look for the 2,000 ton
schooner Kineo of Bath, Maine, with
a crew of eleven, which is missing.
The members of the A. F. & A. M.
representing three lodges, Speed,
Waverley and Guelph, opened the
new Masonic temple on Quebec
street, Guelph, Tuesday night, over
300 being present.
A bill for the enfranchisement of,
women in the Union of South Africa,
which was introduced into the House
of Assembly yesterda . was negatived
on the first reading, by the narrow
majority of 43 against 42 votes.
Fitt DAY.
George Harper died le Guelph,
aged 71. Mr. Harper went to ruelpa
from near Whitby forty years ago.
One of the oldest residents of east-
ern Ontario, in the person df Miss
Janet McDougall, - passed ..away yes-
terday, aged 89 years. '
It is thought that a band of Amer -
lean yeggmen are working' in the Lon-
don district; Five stores hays been.
robbed. in London done.
It is announced the t at the next,
provincial election- thee Cobalt branch
of the Socialist Democratic party will
contest the seat now held by R. T.
The heoric efforts of fifty women,
who formed •. bucket brigade, pre-
vented the village of Holstein, Ont.,
being wiped off the map when a fan-.
tern; exploded in the livery stable hay
Governor McGregor opened the
Nova S, itia. Legislature yesterday;
'The, main feature of the Geyer
nient's program is a redistribution
bill providing for universal represen-
tation. •
Richard Henderson, regarded as in-
sane, was taken to the "county jail at
•Kingston. yesterday. For weeks l
has, been living in a cave on '
Perth road, without Toad, fire or fur
Hon. Chas. R. Devlin, Minister of
'Agriculture Tri the Quebec Govern-
ment, .is suffering from. Bright's dis-
ease and is gradually growing weak,
er. Hie oonditiou 1: such as to cause
grave anxiety,
Five hundred farmers from Dawn
and Euphemia have unanimously de-
cided to send. ,. resolution to the
Hydro-Eleetric Commission, askirg
that radials be built all through
Lambton' County. •
Edward H. Donnelly, .mayor of
Sandwich, is in the Hotel Dieu,
Windsor, suffering front 'eery serious
injuries as the result of a kick by a
horse. )Fifa Jaw is broken and every
tooth knockel out but one,
SATVlef %V.
tlsn eampaigzi, Sir Itodinond Roblin,
co•ntemptateft a trim tti the Pacific
t gnat.
tire, caused. bq an overheated fur,
M4(4 burned; out the prttletpal block
izi the village of Linwood on Thurs-
day night.
Four priSRners weri3 taken by the
polies in a .raid on Victoria street,
Toronto, JOT operating race 'track
handbooks. •
Fire in the Grey' Nuns' convent,
Quebec, oaitsel by benzine, .did .non-'
siderable damage to it, and:destrgyed
the adjoining c' urch,
Dr. 0. C. James of the Department
of Agricu";ture, Ottawa, speaking to
the Guelph Canadian Club,.. advecat-:
ed growing alfalfa instead of wheat
in the west.
• The large fishing steamer b'oreile,,
which, left Goestemuendc, Germany,
in the middle of December for rcee
land, has sunk with its entire crew
of tbirteen men,
A second slander action has been
laid, against William Christi; ., the
local preacher at Bridgeburg, by Sam..
Pearl; hotelkeerer, whose wife Said.
the previous action, ;
Seven workmen were killed, a
large number injured, and many
buildings destroyed yesterday at Ar -
der, Ayrshire, by an ex;;ilosion at the
Nobel Gunpowder Works,
Police Magistrate Watt, of Guelph,-
decided yesterday that two 'boys,
sboVld'ebe spenieed fpr stealing sev-
eral small ar•4cles. With the parents'
consent the boys were given a, good
sound spanking by two policemen.
The Fraser mills, above Deschenes,
near Aylmer, Que,, will shortly close
down and hundreds of men will be
thrown out of work. ,
The three-day convention and gold-
en jubilee celebration of: the supreme
council, Knights of Pythias, came to
anurdaendy: at Washington, D.C., on: Sat -
The death took place in Owen.
Sound yesterday of Christopher Eat-
on, one of the town's most prominent
citizens, as a result ^f an attack of
Five of the six children of Joseph
Smart, a' lumber measurer, were
burned to death when their house at
Eagle Lake, Maine, . plantation was
destroyed by fire yesterday.
The bark Castagna, which was
wrecked on the ocean side of Cape
Cod on Tuesday, with the loss of her
captain and four of the crew, early
yesterday, was torn to pieces by a
northeast gale.
P. Beatty, for many years one
Guelph's best-known citizens, died
in the General Hospital Saturday
night of pneumonia, after an illness.
of only three days. He leaves a
`widow and free young children.
"Thank the Lord," was Jas. Saun-
int when told at Winni-
-^e+ence passed
Orlando H. Angle, 19 y—_
was instantly killed while working
witha track -cleaning gang near At-
tercille, Ont., on the M.C.R.
Indianapolis and practically all of
Indiana were stone -bound last night,
following a night and a day of the
worst blizzard of the winter.
The new telegraph line of the
Canadian Northern Railway between
Fort William and Sudbury is expect-
ed shortly to be in operation.
Harry Edwards, a night cashier of
an ` express company at Corning,
N.Y, was shot and instantly killed
early yesterday by David Dunn, a
Another fatal flying accident occur-
red yesterday at Wittering, Eng.,
when an army biplane was wrecked
and caused the death of a passenger,
-Ronald C. Kemp.
Rey. J. W. H. Milne, pastor of
Weston, Ont., Presbyterian Church,
and formerly of Ottawa, was tender-
ed the presidency of the Ottawa
Presbyterian Ladies' College.
An application for the postpone-
ment. of John Krafchenko's trial was
refs*sed by Chief Justice Mathers of
Mani' oba yesterday. The trial will
go: on at Morden on March 10.
A are, which entrapped a number
of 'work girls who were rescued by
the firemen only after a big fight
against dense smoke, broke out yes-
terday morning at 226 St. Lawrence
street, Montreal.
The. London Biological Club has
appointed W. E. Saunders and J. F.
Calvert a committee to frame a reso-
lution to, be ,presented to Hon. Mr.
Reaume, proesting against the de-
struction of the wild animal life of
Peter McGibbous' Version of Murder
• Received With Tittering.
24.—A story of having been shot in
the leg and bea; in as he lay helpless
was told onthe witness stand in the
MCGibbon murder trial here yester-
day by Peter Jamen McGibbon, fath-
er of :: tlae accused, Leonard .McGib-
Many of the statemen . of the wit-
ness, in explanation of the events of
the tragid August day when his son, •
It is alleged, killed' his nepheyv:, were
received with incredulous tittering.
The prisoner sat dejectedly at the bar
and all the titne"his father was on the
`stand never raised his head.
Witness said he did not see the fat-
al shot fired, though he distinctly
saw the victim aiming a second shot
at himself while he lay on his back,
He denied assaultit g his niece, Eliza-
beth McGIbbon, sister of the victim.
la cross-examination ' he admitted
that the accused walked around his
prostrate form toward his cousin,
Who was later al et.
Finds New Fruit Pest.
PETROLEA,.Feb. 24.—G. Culham,
h.ssistant representative of the 1)e-
pertinent di' Agriculture for Lamb-
ton, h.as returned from a tour of .Bo-
eanquet Township, where he made a
(search for. San Jose sealo, He found'
,ne trace of the scale, but a pest ai-
rfieet as. bad 'Was discovered in the
black rock conker, which is deviant-
Ing some of the best northern or-
i "..,. " Extended
Middle IMO Woman
THE1 oo?t<►esa time. in every wonian'e
life when she undergoes an important
chane. This is s critical period, It is
a time when a woinau needs her full health
and strength. For your • own sake you,
should anticipate thi•
Dr.; Pierce's Favorite Prescription
has been recommended fpr over fortyyears as*
tonic for 'women, It is helpful in the eenaliza
tion of the circulation of the blood wad in regu.,
lating the motion of the bowels. ervousness(
and low spirits disappear. Happiness and con,
tentment take their place,
The latest in med-
ical science is
contained in Dr.
Pierce's Common
Sense Medical
sized edition of 100*
p.ger only 31c, Ad.
dress Dr. Pierce's re.
Sold in tablet or liquid form by Medicine
Pealere—or :send 60 cents for sanrpie b:ox
.yNf \ohalJ ieek r er., week >d
his tine black Percheron team to Mr
Bird of Hamilton for the sum of $500
This is •:min excellent tease and they
are considered well worth the moliey..
The annual meeting of the Huron
Weather Mt±tual Company was held
here last week, The company sustain
ed very heavy losses in, 1913, amount-
ing' to 1,26,077.75..A special assess-
ment was made during the past year
to ,meet these losses, aid, the company
is' again in excellent shape, The total
assets amount to over $94,663. The
retiringdirectors were elected for an-
other terns. The- total insurance in
force at the end of 1913 was $2,-
The Misses. Lottie Gaister, Celia
Hess and Roxie Eilber attended the
millinery Openings in Toronto. — Robt•
Douglas left last week with a car of
horse for Asquith, Sask. Alex. Spark
left the, same day with, a car for Big-
gar; Sisk,—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Preeter
visited friends in Ottawa for a few
days. Peter Woolley and family have
moved to Hensall where they trill re
side Merino Bechler has moved' into
the house vacated by Mr. Woolley..
Mrs, Gabriel Holtzinann, died on. Feb
15th and this village lost one of its
best residents. Deceased who was a
daughter of the late Daniel Surerus,
spent her whole life in this vicinity.
Two weeks ago eh e complained of
feeling unwell, but the attack seemed
to have passed away when rather sud-
denly she had a paralytic stroke, and
it was soonlollowed by another, and
she soon died. She had reaclfed the
age, of 62 years, 4 months, and: leaves
besides her sorrowing husband eight
r --
of Dr,. iialtvua.._
Mr. Frank Gerinette, war,..
sick, ,,is ,not improving as: fast as ina.
friends would like to see ]Tim. -Major
Raker is o'n the sick list. -Mr, `cert
Holt treated the: young people to a
social bop on: Friday. •
P'ARKHILL—Mrs. Janet Grieve, the
oldest resident in town •passed away
Thursday last at her ho -me. She' was
in her 95th year. A few weeks ago
she fell and broke her hiapi in the
house and had been confined to her
bed ever since. Decee:sed was born.
near Toronto and came to West Wil-
liams nearly. 60 years ago.
4a If veru are • :publed with wos,k., tired,
aeelings, headade, backache, Tearing
down sensations, bladdderweakness, tons.
tipation, catarrhal conditions, peie in the
sides regularly or irregularly,, Lloatiug
or unnatural enlargements, sense of
Fallingormisplacementof internal organs,
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes,
or a loss of interest in life, .1 invite you
to write and ask for my simple method of
home treatment, with ten days' trial
entirely free and postpaid, also references
to Canadian wadies who gladly tell how
they have regained health, strength, and
happiness by this method. \Vriteto-day.
Address s- Mrs: M. Summe, s, Box. , 840
Windsor, Ont.
"The Brew
that Grew"
Selling fast because.
made right
Made and matured in
the old way
For seat
a,1 t,
This Oven Test
•Seas ;-s on some baking days
can be expected no matter
what flour you use. But con-
- Stant success is rarer. It can
be assured in only one way.
Tisa miller must select his
wheat by oven test.
SO from each shipment of
wheat we take ten pounds as
a sample. We e grinfi this into
flour. Bread is baked from
the flour.
! ±is bread is high in ou illty,
d se • the
h;? -)meat "'- D'll ?,`;:ncl1 it, came.
C :ierwise we sell' it:.
Constant bale. sucec7s comes A
as a =,'.4,:!-er of course from
"Mc.., -. .c 134'..a(4 and . ,Bread'
ti� • ,
Sold by R. G. S•eldon, Exeter.
You Get Bilious
Because Your Liver is Lazy
You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to, do Its
work: 'The bile does tot flow. You become Cotlst'-snted.
Food sours;instcad cif d.'.geating. Yon hevd that "bitter as
gall" taste.. The ,stotrsa,ch becomes inflamed and irtflated—
turns stele—voiniti rg, and violcat 1icadrtche.--'The test
preventative Arad euro for .biliousness is ' Chetbherl• irr's
Tablets. They make the 1 . cr do .its work... streegthen'the
digestive orgar'a, a ..1 re e t top ' w: health,. 2.., a bottle
—All Dealers and Drug;iiets, t;r !sr tail. 1
Chir' a erlain 1Nicrt»ieina eotrlpanya Totantd.