HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-19, Page 8'EXE PER ,IIIIITUGATEI THURSDAY PEE IH Ih14 EXETER MARKET%. HANGED EACH 'WEDNESDAY Whee ..,,,f,,.,P., 88 88 40 54 48 48 82 82 80 114 00 14 Q0 2 70 1 50 150 22 23 Live hoe—perewt,,.PP 9 00 Shorts nee ton 23 00 **AU per ton 23 00 Ease.: Buck #X tie se . P 4 Peas .{. , , ... paw. 110R, per bag ,, .,,.. Ray, a ertion.,..,eff.. Flour, oer cwt family' Flour, i,t 4r grader per ow HOUSE FOR SALE. A one -storey Frame House and Hitchen; also stable, two lots, 108. and 109, situated on Andrew street Exeter Will be sold reasonable. For further particulars apply by mail to Ed, Gill Sr., Grand Ben& BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES BY HANGING NEW PICTi1RES. Ralf Price Sale of a big assortment of New Framed Pictures, all worked in.plain figures and for sale at Half Price. We invite you to call and have a loot, at those pictures. Some one of the will no doubt appeal to you and you can buy the same at just half the price marked. 7-- J. SENIOR Earn $15 weekly at home evenings mailing -catalogues for large Canadian Mail Order House, Representatives wanted in all cities, towns and country National Supply Co,, Winsor, Ont. --o-- A SNAP, The undersigned offers his property in the thriving Village of Exeter, con- sisting of Parts Lots 33 and 34 South east corner of Carling and Huron Sts. Oa the premises is a seven room 1% storey frame dwelling and frame stable, with a .number of fruit trees, and a good well of water. The pro- perty is directly opposite Victoria Park and three blocks from the Post Office Terns Cash. No reasonable offer refused for a quick .sale. Clear title deed will be given; purchaser. For further particulars apply by letter or phone 5743, J. T. WESTCOTT, 56 Wilson S:reet, Hamilton, Ont. HORSES, -We are always open to buy good horses at current prices. Parties having . horses to sell please call P'one 41, Exeter. DOYLE BROS Exeter, FOR SALE—In Clandeboye, brick,: house, orchard, stables, and 15 acres land. Apply W. A, Jones, 206 Percy Si.. 'Ottawa. NOTICE Owing to the high price of Dairy Cattle and feed we have decided to raise the retail price of milk on and after the 15th day of February, 1914 14 quarts $1.00 14 Pint tickets 50c. 13 llalf Pints lac. L. DAY, E. HE WITT, A. WILLERT, Get your TUNGSTEN LAMPS at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental FURS WANTED—A11 kinds of fi for which highest prices will be p —D. Hartleib, Exeter. NOTICE is hereby given that the North Midland Railway Company will make application to the 'Legis- lature of the province of Ontario at its next ensuing session for an extension of time in which to com- mence and complete the works of the Railway • and for . tither pur- poses. DATED at London this 14th day of January, A. D. 1914. J. W. G. • WINNETT 418 Talbot St., London, Ont. Solicitor for Company. PROPERTIES FOR SALE I have several choice reside tial properties in Exetee for :sale. Des- cription and terms on application, A. HASTINGS, Exeter HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey frame house in good state of repair. One-quarter acre of land. Situate on Huron Street: Good water etc. Apply to '_Mss . ADDIE MORLOC1, or T. B. CARLING. FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick house, half acre land; Fruit trees, hen house on the prem- ises. A good comfortable. place. For particulars apply to Mrs. E, Demp- sey, Centralia. A "louse n Your Dld 7tltt t,'er Ctyure eta hove •marl e, ,-teraarr 'ler of ot:r > f?Fu- 2'af:aa paisa your ht.a:so whir(' ahoy could tide a "To Let" for how tars r a psrcent,edo read esur ;,aper? ( od. tonoAttti' aro' tint tA,r kttut saes 'hare ttota to • e sage Tees.. twee !n gar Wessegats. Ef odes t• ^.•t a hems* en a•dur • ,.,.:ouoo to Lar" e : l LOCAL DOINGS. +' Saturday, Feb, 28th; is Paardesburg Day, Hydropower was turned on In Clingy ton on Sunday last, Many people are •at present more or less ill with heavy colds. Charlie Davis of Exeter 'North is ill with symptoms of appendicitis, You know very well that the excuse es you offer others wouldn't satisfy you. An American flying machine is now credited with 246 miles in: 272 min- utes. It is easier to spend money .hon to save it, and that is why itis ease ter to be poor than to be rich, The severe weather eased up alittle during the week and a fall of snow era Monday made' light sleighing pos- sible The old saying that "money is the root of all evil" is incorrect in its application. We find •the lack of it more so, Did you notice that the price of eggs began to drop about the time that the Parcel Post was inaugurated. in Canada? :hiss Olive Hera was brought hon as Saturday from London Hospital having sufficiently recovered from an operation for appendicitis. The Ontario Legislature opened with the usual ceremony on Wednes- day of thus week. One of the big matters for consideration -will be the workmen's compensation act. e On. Wednesday at the residence cf the bride's' brother-in-law,. Mr, al, S. Millyard of the Bank of Ottawd, Tor- onto, was married to Miss Maud Mun- ro of Perth. Mr. 1Mliilyard is a son of the late Rev. Mi llyard, formerly of Exeter. Mr, Philip Here has disposed of his hundred acre farm in the township of Usborne, being Lot G, Con. 8, to his son Melville Herm, who will take possessioa on April 1st, •while Mr: 1-iern, Sr., will retire from the farm and move to Exeter. .Word was received here last week of the 'death . of David a,nd Andrew Carrick, brothers of the late James Carrick of Hay Township, theyhav- ing died in North Bay, .Both were bachelors and died within a very short time of one another of pneu- monia Interment took place at North Bay. CARD OF THANKS.—Mr. George Thomas wishes to thank his many friends for their greatkindnesses and, many sympathies extended to him and Mrs. Thomas during her long ill- ness, and lie will always remember the people of Exeter as true and stead- fast friends. THE HONESTY OF PRINTERS.— Pretty good evidence of the general honesty of printers vas F' .� recent- ly in the Illinois state penitentiary at Toilet, It was decided to publish a monthly, paper to be edited by the convicts, but the prison officials were in a difficulty when it was found thaf there was not .a single printer among the 1500inmates of the institution. A. former banker under sentence for for- gery will be the editor. In, the Ohio penitentiary at Columbus it was fond necessary to discontinue the .publica- publica- tion. of the prison paper in the prison, although these were fifty bankers. CRAIG—CARLING—A very pretty wedding took place near Brighton on Thursday Feb. 5th, whereby another of Exeter's former popular and es- teemedo d' y uan,g ladies contributed to the happiness of another home, We, refer to the marriage of Miss Louise,. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . W. J. Carling formerly of Exeter, to Mr. W. W. Craig of Prequi Isle, The wed ding was of a quiet nature, only a few of the immediate relatives being pre- sent. The bride is, well and favorably known in Exeter, having lived here: nearly all her life, arid, by her bright and happy ways and sweet disposition had won. countless friends, who will extend to her best wishes- for a long useful and happy wedded life. DEATH OF MRS. THOMAS.—The death took place on Friday evening o1 last week, Feb. 13th, of Emily Taylor, wife of MT. George Thomas, Exeter, at the age of 56 years, 10 months, Deceased was a strong and healthy woman up to a few months ago, when she was taken ill with internal growths and although everything possible was done she gradually became worse and her constitution slowly but surely weakened, until she was released from her suffering as above stated. Her ton„ illness was borne with the pat- ient and Chsas tiara spirit of one who awaited the call of her Master, She was a consistent member of James -St. Methodist church and never tired of working for the furtherance of His kingdom, Born in Usborne she resid ed in that township and, in Exeter all her life. Besides her husband she is survived by five brothers and three sisters, William and Robert of Zion, Andrew of near St, Thomas, John W. and James of Exeter, Mrs. Cook of St. Thomas, Mrs. Pearson, of London and Miss ;Lizzie of Exeter, .nearly.all of whom were present at the funeral which took place on Monday after- noon to the Exeter cemetery. HICKS' FEBRUARY FORECASTS —A reactionary storm period has its center on the Zlst, 22nd, and 23rd. The new noon at solar eclipse node falls on the 24th, the, center of the Venus period. The earth's vernalequ Moe and the Jupiter influence will all be felt at this and other February storm periods. Low • barometer and high temperature will presage violence and probable danger at this times Storir conditions of this period will not subside until after the Moon's conjunction with earth and suet on the 24th, The probabilities ere that the storms and threatening ' condi tions will last' into the regular stottn period lest ahead, 'Danger of destructive ice rams and flood, also abnormal. clown- nours;of ratain certain harts are Sea - tures .of these times, 111ai. S,'Jiart41 is visiting yin Toronto anal Peet Hope. • Me, , A, Stewart ,is La Toronto on busfneee this ,weele, Mrs Sheere, is Visiting it ] raet- ,ferd for a few days, Mr Jolw, Case of Toronto, visited his mother here, who continues quite ill.. Miss Tilly Yager left yesterday to attend the Toronto. Millinery open, Lags, Mr Wes, Snell is attending • the au- tomobile exhibition ire Toronto this week, Mr Geo, Powell of Medford was in, town this week shaking hands with friends. Messrs, L. H. Dickson and S. M. Sanders are in Toronto this week on business, Miss Edna Smith, who has been the guest of Miss Tory,. returned 'Wednes- day to her home in, New, Westminster, ',Mrs. Norman Hera after a stay of several weeks here during the illness of Miss Olive Here, returned toher home in Norwich this week Miss Ethel Bissett, who has taken a position as milliner at Seaforth, ' 'eft Tuesday to spend a few days there prior to attending the openings at Toronto, Mr. Wth. Balkwill arrived home from London. Monday, He attended the funera' of : hes brother-in-law, Mr, Samuel Berryhill, who died last week at the age 91 years. Miss O. Quance left Friday evening for Toronto to attend the millinery openings, Miss Annie Bissett and Miss Maud Rollins are also attending the openings.: The best way to get what is t:om- 'ng to you is to meet it more than half way. A rink of Exeter curlers . intend going to Sarnia to -day to take part in the Bonapeil. Mr, Bert Clark has moved .into the house owned by the late Mrs. Per- kin. on William Street, and Mr. D. East has moved. into the dwelling va- cated by Mr. Clark on Huron. street. The James Street League report a very enjoyable time on their visit to the Bible . Class in Elianville on Tues- day, evening. About fifty people event out from Exeter and the church was well filled. The visitorsfurnished the greater part of the program and the :losts furnished a delightful lunch. EXETER ,Svithout 'affecting the 1egttimate grounds of any other town, is the centre for higher education of an area of 350 square miles. Is it the wish of the ratepayers that the School Board should take the necessary steps to provide for all work outside of University `training? Correspondence direct to the Board or through the columns of• Tlie Advocate is invited. We should be a school here of 250 outside students. The Board of 46 years ago built for the present 'day and their wisdom is being proved now, But Exeter must again <1eek forward to the future. _ Hockey The Clerks added another to she column of tt es on Thursday nigh ,when they pulled off a one -point vic tory on the School in. a hard, clos game is the Town 'Hockey League The result . was 4-3. It looked ';ik a win for the school boys for mos of the game, but the clerks nose them out before time was up. Youthful Appearance AN ASSET TQ EVERY WOMAN GRAY HAIRS A SOURCE QF DISCONTENT. Every woman wishes to look young always, . Gray hairsmean the gassing of youth's, charm,, They are 'he source of .any a heartache to navy and many a woman, But they need not be, Hay's Hair Health estoies gray hair, to its natural color. It is nota e. By itsdytonic qualities, by promot- ing a new vigorous, healthy growth of the hair, by removing dandruff, by furnishing the scalp and the hair roots a ,new life it brings backthe real col- or andlustre of the hair. If, after a fair trial according to directions, it fails to do this we will. refund your money, 11-00, 5Oc., 25c, Get` it at our store SOLI AND RECOMMENDED BY W, S. HOWEY, DRUGGIST EXETER, ONTARIO Edgar Torrance spent unday at his home in Clinton, Mrs, Jos,' Wambold has returned from a visit ;in Saginaw, Mich. Mr J. C, Inwood and daughter Miss. Kathleen were visitors here this week. Dr, Roulstan and Dr. Kinsman are attending the Dental Convention in Toronto. Miuss Birdie Boyle returned Mon- day from a visit at Alvinston and London. Mr. Geo. Cripson of Ingersoll was here over Sunday the guest of Mr. Dan Davis. Miss Morlock and the Misses, Arm- strong are attending the millinery op- enings in Toronto. Mr, W. J. Murray of the Exeter Manufacturing Co. went to Toronto Friday on, business. Mrs. Penhale, who has been, visiting with friends here, returned .Monday to her home •inBlyth. Messrs, N. Sheere and 3. Mallett at- tended the Sarnia -London hockey game in London last week. Mr Samuel Hicks, who has been` visiting with friends and relatives here returned to Toronto Monday. Mrs. W. S. Apple'ford; after a visit With her brother Mr. Jos. Senior, re- turned to Hamilton on Saturday. Miss Atutie Easterbrook returned on Tuesday to Seaforth, where she will visit her aunt Mrs. Wnn. Westcott, Mrs John Sanders, Stephen, left Monday for Toronto, where she will visit with her, daughter, Mrs. Richard Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sheere left on Tuesday for their home in, Fort Wil- liam, after a visit of several weeks with relatives. Miss Ethel Sweet left Friday even- ing to spend a few days in Hamilton prior to attending the millinery open- ings, in Toronto. ' Mr. Lee Blatchford arrived home from Harriston last week, He . has been ill with appendicitis, but is con- valescing nicely. Miss Hattie Willis left Monday for , seennipeg after a two- months' visit e with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James :'Webs i;n Stephen. Miss Weatherill of Wyoming, who has been visiting with Kincardine friends, spent a few days . with Ex- eter -friends during ' the week. it t e e t d The Oddfellow.s seen to have struck theirgait now,and on Thurs- day hu - dav night 'won a sigal victory over the Baakers by a 4-1 •score. It was net an easy win by any means„ but .a very happy one for the Oddfellows, as it is the first defeat that has been' handed ..to the Bankers, who have been playing good hockey. -- Both games ` Were well worth watch- ing although the weather was 12 be- low •ansi cold 'enough: to freeze one stiff. The number of spectators was small owing to the extreme cold. The League standing now. is,— Bankers won 4; lost 1. Clerks won 3; lost 2 Oddfellows 'won 2; lost 3. School won 1; lost 4. We understand there is some diffi- culty an between the rink management and the hockey league management, so that it is possible these games may not continue. It would be regret - able if they should not continue as they have .just now reached the in- teresting stage, Lack of. patronage is supposed to" be the trouble, and it is a strange thing that the people of Exeter do not take a greater inter- est in hockey. It is a grand winter sport and the conditions regarding the rink and its location are as excellent as could > be made. Then what is the trouble? Is it with the rink manage mens, or the hockey management, or is it because we have, so many other week night meetings of one kind and another? It would be nice to get en- thusiasm worked up a little even if a' little stirring. up is necessary. If the management could once induce people to turn out to a good . game a great many of them would come again. Lucan Hockeyists, among the num- ber beim "Ginger" Elliott came up. on, Tuesday evening and played >a game with, the locals, Exeter' winning out by a score of 13' to 3,' The half time score was 3 to 1, The line up of the teams was— Lucan Ritchie Ellso tt Langford Y0•un Guinn l�xeter Goal:: Penhale Point Atkinson Cover Herrington Rover • Elliott Centre Southcott Right C. Pickard Langford Left A. Pickatd Southcott a,nd. the Pickard boys were the particularly bright ,and,,hin ing stars Lot the locals.' Crediton and Exeter will play a game on the local reek this Thursday avenin,. • at 8 o'alock, Everybody, see, :see ;ams FARM FOR SALE A choice farm of 100 acres for sale, being Lot 23, Con. 10, Stephen. There is on the premises a new brick house, two storey; new bank barn 44x64; hen house and pig pen, young young orchard; 10 acres of bush; 40 plowed; 10 acres seeded to alsike and five acres fall wheat; good hard and soft. water •and windmill. Water works in stables. Apply on premises or write to Samuel Beaver, Dashwood P: O. Exeter North Store HAVING PURCHASED THE EXETER NORTH STORE • (HAY P. O. IN. CONNECTION) • I wish to . cay. that I carry a.. fine stock of . FRESH Groceries and Dry Goods Ant' EVERYTHING 'that can be had in a GENERAL STORE; Also 3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured :Meat, Sausage,. Etc„ Etc. Give see a call for your ''next order H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O, Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, : fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. gall and see' us. A trial as to quality will convin ce. Produce takenin exchange Jas.. Gould Opposite Electrie light Plant Change of Business Having purchased the Jewelry t3usiness of Mr. A. Marchand we would ask a continuance of 'the' patronage accorded our ,rredeces:ror and if ,favored P with same your wants will have our best attention, It will be our endeavor to keep our stock upto where it will appeal to all classes of customers and our aim will be to give perfect satisfaction in all lines. A Call Solicited REPAIRING Speoial attention paid to repairingof all kinds Lawson & Trick Successors to A. Marchand Telephone Office NOTICE All persons having acoountswith me prior to 1914 wil please call and settle at onceas they are past due. R. ft. ROCCIE Undertaker and License Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER ONTARIO • Choice Corn Car of Choice Corn raceived for feed. R. G. SELDON Exeter, Ontario T. B CARLING Lite, Fire, AccIdbUt" and Plate , Glass Insurance, Colleetfng accounts, and con- ducting auotlon sales. Exeter, Ont. 'be Advocate 10 Feb, '15, • JONES & 1VIAY PHONE NO. 82 Ne�v Spring �•Coats'. and .Suits WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP Our New Spring ..Suits and 'Coats. They are right tip -to -date ' every way. NEW STYLES; NEW CLOTH and. NEW COLORS. Our early showing Will give you a good op- • portunity to make a choice. No two alike, Drop in and see "them Spring Goods Galore NEW DRESS GOODS In all the newest fabrics on the market, : In the best shades. WASH GOODS Prints . Gingliaans, Crepe, Linens; Drillings Ratines, Ducks, Muslins. ROOM RUGS A big ,stock of Rugs to choose front—Milton, Axminster, Vt' eat, Brits sets Tapestry, Union and Wool. GENTS' FLURNISIINGS • All the New. Shirts, Collars, Ties Hats,` Caps Underwear and Fancy Sox are here, All Winter Goods to go at a Price ALL FURS To be cleared out at '4 off Regular Price. LADIES' COATS Cloth Coats at $5;00, Fur Collar Coats at $12:00' Fur Lined Coats at $35.00 MEN'S FUR COATS Fur Collar at $12.00 Fur Coats at $17 and .$20 MEN'S SUITS St OVERCOATS A nice lot to show, you, Every- one to be cleared out at Big - Bargains: JONES & .i . MAY Headquarters for the celebrated VV, E. Sanford Clothing 'r