HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-19, Page 5DEl'I C',AL
Or. , G. P`, ROULsTON, L,D,S.,
ftfeneleer of tie R -0,14:S, of Ontarioand
Efor Graduate of Toronto 'Oniversilty.
' Meas' --Aver Dickson &Carling's Iaw'
offf. Cloyed Wednesday aft'erniiona.
DR. A. R. ICINS,MA,14, L,p,S,, D,D,S.,
'Honor eGraduate of Toronto Vein/treaty
Teeth extwa.eted without pain, or . 1413'
bad elf Bets, Oft;ee over Gladman &
gtanhfuury'a Office, Mathn Street, Exeter.
Solieetors, Netarie's, Conveyancers, Com-
mespioners. Solicitors for the Mol$onte
Banff, etc.
Money to Leanat lowest rates of interest
Offices -Marin -St., Exeter
[. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large 'amount of private
funds to loan on farm and viillage prop-
erties at low rates of interest'.
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter.
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
'Company, also Fre 'Insura:nce In lead -
tint Canadian and British Companies.
Mainn-St., Exeter.
College At
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are Last preparing in their ownhomesto.
occupy Iucrative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraEherer civil eervan fn,
fact every sphere of lsusmess.. oEie ees-
Youmty finish at college it you so wish
Pmitions'guaranteed. Enter college any.
day. Individual instruction. Expert tea-
chers, Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at famous
Spotton Business College, Lon-
President Principal
ANY person who is the sole head of
a family or any male over 18 years o1d,
•may homestead a quarter section of
.available Dominion. land in Manitoba
SaslsatcQhewe n or Alberta. Tho ap-
,plicant must appear in person at, the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-
agency for the district. Entry by pro-
xy i iado be made at any agency, on
certain conditions by father, mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister. of in-
tending homesteader
Duties -Six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each
,of three years, A homesteader may live
within mune miles ori hits homestead on
a, farn'i of at least 80 acres sanely
owned and occupied by hide or by his
father, mother, son daughter, brother
In certain destructs _ a homesteader to
good standing may pre-empt a quart
•er-isection along side hes homestead.
Price „$3.00 per acre:
Duties-lefuat reside upon the home
stead or pre-etraptlon six months in
each of six years from date of home-
stead entry (including the t; me re-
quired to earn homestead 'patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted his
thomiestead right and cannot obtain
pre-iemptian may sneer for a pur-
chased homesi cad Ln certain distrfetie
Price. $3.00 per acre. Duties- Must,
reside six months in each of these
yeans, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth $300.
Deputy of the Minihster of the Interior
N.B.-Unauthorized publication of
Ole advertisement will not be paed for.
Canada's best practical training
school. Three departments, COM-
courses' are thorough and pradtical.
Individual instruction ` is given by a
Strong. experienced staff. Our grad-
uates succeed. Students may enter at
any' time. Get our free catalogue and
see what we can do for you.
d A, McLACHLAN, Princlpal
Write for the Catalogue of,
Toronto, Ont., It explains fully the
many advantages offered by this well-
known school, College open all year.
Comtheace now,
Eves Womaili
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Maevel Whirling Spray
The quick sure action of Kephaldol
n r cin a ra tl e
mat health standard gives to this grea
natural remedy an altogether priceless
value in, the treatment of every kind a
fever and feverish cold,
Though at is just being introduce
into Canada Kephalclol has been pre-
scribed by physicians and used` in th
hospitals of Great Britain and the Con
tinent' for many years, It relieves the
burning heat and fulness' in the head
which, conies with a "g+rippy" ^old
allays pains and aches, soothes the
nerve's and brings that sweet res
which means speediest restoration.
For colds, influenza, catarrh. an
similar complaints Kephaldol is un-
equalled. A tablet or two taken. a
the first indication of trouble will un
faiiingly arrest develop ment and re-
store health.
Get a 50c, tube of Kephaldol tab-
lets from your Druggist, and be ready
to check A cold the day it attacks
you, Kephaldol Limited, 31 Latour
Street, Montreal,
i edg g body.t mpg t r to to
Mail Contract
to the Postmaster General will be re-
ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri-
day, the 13th day of March, 1914,
for the conveyance of His Majesty's
Mails on a proposed Contract for four
years. Six times per week, over Zurich
(South' Rural Route, from the
Postmaster General's pleasure, next.
Printed notices containing further in
formation as to conditions of propos-
ed Contract may be seen and blank'
forms of Tender may be obtained at
the Post Office of Zurich and Sar -
elan and at the Office of the
Post Office Inspector at London.
Post Office Department, Mail. Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 30th Jan'y,1914
G C. ANDERSON, Superintendent.
Mr. Rufus McPherson is reported
'greatly ._cheered by 'a visit from his
brother Fred lvho left here 34 years
ago We all welcome Uncle Fred
back to Greenway. Notwisthstarrding
the cold weather the football concert
was a success. -Mr. James Young is
in bed with pleurisy. :His many friend
hopefor his speedy recovery. -Mr. W
J. Brown and daughter Lois . are suf-
fering from • a very severe cold, -Miss
Mae Wilson attended . a Valentine
Party at • Mr. C. • Sweit zer's; Thorn. -
horn-dale,'on the 14th, also visited the
Granteer Re -union of Lucan and Wes-
ley W,M.S. and will call on London
friends. -Roy Thompson presided at
the Mission Band and Lillian Ulens
sang a lovely solo -Mr. Percy Nichols
led the prayer meeting on Sunday
eight and sang "Eternity Where". His
topic Was "Indicision."
AILSA CRAIG -Word has beenre-
ceived here of the death at Algoma
Mich., of Mrs. Sarah Westcott, one of
the pioneers of this district.. '3he
was 88• years old. The funeral was
held here on Thursday and interment
eras made in Brinsley cemetery,
Check Chronic
Rheumatism Now
There is only one way to be free
from Rheumatism -the accumulated.
impurities caused by an excess of Ur-
ic Acid poison must be expelled from
the body. That is what • RHEUMA
will do and do it thoroughly. If you
suffer from any form of rheumatism
-Sciatica. Inflammatory, Arthritis,
Muscular. Lumbago or Gout -get a
bottle of RHEUMA from W. S. Cola
for 50 cents --it is guaranteed.
"For years I suffered with Rheum-
atism in my arms and. shoulders. My
kidneys and bladder were affected,
and I rapidly lost flesh, -After five
weeks' use of RHEUMA I"Was a well
man." -William Fry, Fort Erie, ;;Ont.
gulating Pill for Women. $6 a box or threofor
elo. sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price. Tau Scones. DRUG
Co„St. Catharines, Ontario.
Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey
Matter” ;a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by main on receipt
of price, Txz Scots:me Deno Co., 21.'Catharines.
No More .
For Me
This can be your
experience if you
use Chamber-
lain's Tablets--,,
they cure head-
aches by remov-
ing the'catt?;e-
riotsmothering the syrup-
wto ht- Wottian's surest Cure for
woman's most common ailments.
Try them. 25c. a bottle,
;Druggists and Dealers, or by mail,
Chamberlain Medicine Co.
Toronto 2
A.,,k 1ynthr i&rngfiist:for
+ cannot supply
the Mein/ate aneept rro
ether, cut seed einem for !Uns-
tated beeir eenled, It gives full
artii r tl.in >rn 1 directions invaluable
o Mame, e/ , neolt suttee] co,, Wfntleer, bAt
Argenta . AU' Canada,
Important Events Which " Helve
Occurred During the Week,
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shapo for
the Headers of Our Paper --A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment. •
Toronto ministers have decided to
hold a "go -to -ch ire` " Sunday for th"
benefit of men early in March.
A new version of the .; Swish Bible,
op which Hebrew scholars have been
engaged for Siff years, will be issued
Arrangements have been made for
a meeting between Sir Lionel Carden,
British Minister to M,.xico, . and
President Wilson. .
The German steamship. Essen has
brought into Boston a $2,000,000 car-
go, composed of Australian wool,
pelts, skins, -nd ebro • e ore.
Wild geese have been in Long
Point neighborhood, near Port Row-
an, for two weeks. Tbis is the earl-
lest arrival of which residents have
any recollection. •
Five million dolly was saved to
I•ousewives of the United States and
Canada through the cold storage egg
boycott conducted last fall and early
",. winter, says a report,.
A contagious disease, the nature of:
which was not made known, brnkr
out yesterday -.mong the crew still
on hoard the stray led steamshi•
Queen, Louise, off the New Jersey
(,are Albert S;aa.iT, the Sere • t-',
Premier, and the -urine Cabinet •e•
signed yesterday, .1 corseq•uence of
divergence of opinion eon,erning the
necessity of increasing the Swodb h
defensive. forces.
Miss Julia Greenshields, who -hes.
been identified with the wnrk of Dr.
Grenfell In the ,ap2ci'y o: honorees,
secretary of the Grenfell Assn.-iniinn.
of Canada, died at her residence i l`
Port Hope yesterday. •
r -t ic:ISt+'Y.
The strong winds at Ruthveu, Ont.,
for the past fe- bays have smashed
the ice all up in the bay and plied
it up on the sanrtbars fifty feet high.
in places.
The police commissioners of Va
couver have passed a resolution that
lander Do circumsto.nce would the re-
"stricted district be allowed' any more
in that city.
Evelyn Nesbii Thaw is barred from
_the stage at Richmond, Va., by
Mayor Ainslie, who said her appear-
mace would "outrage the sense of
public decency:" -
Lily • Lewis Rood, a middle-aged
,woman of independent meahs for-
merly of Montreal, pleased guilty in
London, Eng., to sen -I ng obscene tet-
te to Cabinet Ministers.
Men eng'iged in •.he ice harvest at
Brockville say that all ice taken from.
the river is badly cracked, a pheno-
menon that could only have been
caused by the earthquake.
That Brig. -Gen. J. B. Chase, dur-
ing a recent riot at Trinidad, Colo.,
told his troops to "kill the women"
was the testimony given yesterday at
Denver by Sam Valenti, a Sicilian.
Hon. Jos. Martin, of Vancouv
13.C.,' member of the British Perna -
men'. who was to have sailed on the
Lusitania yesterday, is remaining in
New York, uncle: medical treatment.
A complete aeroplane of full size
and in good working order sold ,by
auction to defray customs and
freight charges was bought by Ernest
Down for $29.50 in Winnipeg yester-
It is possible :.t Ki. Ferdivand
of Bulgaria will visit America at an
early date.
Miss Esther Jones, of Sarnia, Ont.,
has • been appointed city clerk of
Lethbridge, Alta.
A bill extending a general amnesty
to all political prisoners in Portugal
except those also accuse: of felonies
is under way.
The Standard 011 Co. yesterday
made a loan to the Chinese Govern-
ment, in return for oil concessions,
which are described as importrnt.
Albert McLaughlin, a farmer of
Oakdale, Maine, was overcome by the
cold yesterday while driving, fell
from his wagon and was frozen to
Secretary Bryan yesterday directed
U. S. Minister McMillan cf Lima to
recognize the new Provisional Gov-
ernment of Feru on behalf of the
'United States.
Fresh flowars were placed on the
tomb of Abraham Lincoln at Spring-
field, Ill., yesterday as a tribute to
his greatness in commemoration of
tho day of his birth.
The rapanese Hous; of Representa-
tives yesterday adopted the budget
which provides an appropriatir' of
$62,000,000 spread over five years
for the expansion of the navy,
Fire in Port Colborne yesterday
completely gutted tbe dwelling house
or Charlotte street, occupied by M.
Broderick and family. The hydrants
in the vicinity c: the fire were frozen.
George K. Carle, a policeman of
Barre, Vermont, collapsed from col l
during the night, and Was found un-
conscious: yesterday with arms and
legs frozen. It .is expected _he will
Charles H. Lord, floor walker in a
New York department store, fainted
yesterday and pitched headfirst into
a showcase, The broken glass cut
his throat and he quickly bled t'
The Niagara Falls health depart-
ment's daily report just issued, gives
the number of smallpox cases in the
city as 1.01, a decrease of 27 cases
In a week,
Sir William Macdonald, the Mont-
real manufacturer and financier, will
be elected chancellor of McGill Uni-
versity, as successor to the late Lord
The ratepayers of the village of
Burford will vote on March 9 on a
bylaw to authorize the council to con -
tract for Hydro-Electriq power for
' the municipality,
-;Fifty persons were injured and one
was killed when c, freight train struck
a large sleigh in which they were
,'returning early from a dance near
Kingston, N,Y,, yesterday.
The Hanover town counell has for-
bidden the use of the .library building
for dancing. The action was preci-
pitated by the town constable discov-
ening several whisky flasks.
The. steamer Katharine Park, from
New Orleans to Hamburg, with a car-
go of cotton and grain, was, driven
ashore in a snowstorm yesterday at
.the mouth of Chesapeake Bay.
E. G. Porter, KO M.P. /or West
Hastings; and R. Cook, M,P',P. for
North Ha -tangs, were last evening
tendered' a banquet at Marmora' by
the Conservatives of their riding.
The St. Catharrines' police have
discovered the lair of robbers who
have been bur°'1arizing several
stores of late. . barn on the out-
skirts of the city was found to con-
tain considerable stolen ,roods. Tbe
thieves escaped.
Frederick Pirney Earle, the Amer-
ican painter, vela is wanted in
France on a charge o. kidnapping his
son, started yester,hay for Skien,
Norway, in charg of a policeman.
From that port a steamer will take
him to Bordeaux.
Dr. Blas Vidal, former Minister of
Finance, was yesterday elected Presi-
dent of Uruguay.
A general election of -Parliamen-
tary representatives 's to be held in
France, probably on Sunday April
26. •
John H. Harjes, -who for many
years was It partner in the banking
house of Morgan, Harjes & Co., of
Paris, died yesterday..
Seagirt, N.J., which suffered great
damage Iron wind and water earlier
in theinte was again battered
thewinter,g by
the Atlantic Saturday.
The St. Clair river is frozen over
and immigration officers and customs
are having a hard time to watch all
who are crossing on the ice.
. •.A,, vast 'island of field ice over two
hundred miles in length has been
sighted to the eastward of Newfound-
land by the British steamer Lord
An earthquake shock was felt all
over the city and district of Quebec
at'5.40 Saturday r.orning. The sbock
was violent enough to awake thlus-
ands of citizens.
The Buffalo Board of Works has
reciived 28 .pplleations for the posi-
tion of street eormissioner. The sal-
aries asked varied' from $3.50 a day
to $5,000 a year.
Fire last night swept through the
r :en -storey - building • in Ellicott
street, Buffalo, occupied by the John
H. Kamman Coerpany, butchers. The
floss was $100,000.
John Timmerman,, postmaster of
Odessa, Ont., is dead, aged 64. Bonn
in Odessa, he lived there all his life.
1'4 was clerk. 'of the Division • --Court
and,a veteran of tee Fenian raid.
One man is missing and several
others were badly burned Saturday
when the six -storey building of the
Northern,. Manufacturing Co. in
Minneapolis was destroyed by fire.
Tu II.
Crown Prince Frederick William of
Germany is confined to his bed suf-
fering from an attack of tonsilitis.
The Presbyterian General Assem-
bly will meet this year in Woodstock
from June 3 to 11. There will be 600
commissioners from all parts of the
It is reported that the Hydro -Elec-
tric Commission of Ontario will con-
duct an investigation preliminary to
the purchase of the whole Seymour
power system.
Frank Morton, a young English-
man employed on the farm of Robert
Stenton was killed by a cave-in at
the O'Keefe grave] pit in Harwich,
near Chatham.
Lieut. J. Mee. Murray of the Unit-
ed States Naval Aviation Corps, was
instantly killed yesterday afternoon,
when his machine plunged 800 feet
into Pensacola Bay, Fla.
With 16,000 shovelers and drivers
working constantly since Saturday
morning, scarcely a dent had been
made yesterday in the mass of snow
under which New York is buried.
A $500,000 campaign against hog
cholera and a horse disease called
dourine is to be financed by a bill
passed by the U. S. House yesterday,
and which already has passed the
For chewing the finger of John
Banks,. of Storrington Township, so
badly that it had to be amputated,
William Young, a farmer, was fined
$30 and costs. Young said it was a
fair fight.
Eniskilien Township Council has
decided to ask the Hydro Commis-
sion to give an estimate of the cost
of building radial lines through
Lambton to connect with the propos-
ed. Kent -Essex lines.
King Gustave's Own Cabinet.
STOCKHOLM,' Feb: 17. — King
Gustave yesterday approved the se-
lections of D. Kraut. Hammarskjoeld
for the new Cabinet, in which he him-
self Will be Premier and Minister of
War. K, A. Wallenberg.; has been
chosen for the Ministry .0f, ,Foreign
Affairs; M. Brostroem, Marine; and
r. Vennersten, Finance.
The Cabinet is regarded as repre-
senting the King rather than any
political party, and its chief aim will
be to carry out the King's policies,
Wild Motorist Cut Throat.
LONDON, Feb, 17,—I.ee Bond, a
wealthy resident of Lyndhurst,
Hampshire, who was arrested Sunday
after -a thrilling automobile' ride, that
lasted thirty hours, cut his throat in
prison 'yesterday, His condition Is
precarious. Ifo I, when captured by
the pollee, was flourishing in each
band a revolver, With Which 44 had
compelled a ehaiiffeur to drive.'. him,
Little Hope For Lord Minto.
LONDON, Feb. 1/.—Lord Minto's
condition "last night was critical; Lit-
itti hope is ' entertained for his re-
We W n€n!
Some women are weak because of ills that are COMM)
In Girlhood--Wgqrnanhood
and Motherhood
The prescription which Dr, R. V, Pierce used most successfully -in
diseases of women -which has stood the test of nearly half a century -is
Dr. Pierce's Favorite F'reseription
Take this in liquid or tablet form as a tonic.
Mrs..fKete . Richardson, of Beazley. Essex Co„ Vi..,says, "1 eeteern it a pleasure to
est Y to the wonderful curative qualities of Dr. Pierces Favorite , rescnp(ion. for
some years 1 suffered greatly with weakness. I was treated by several physicians
but gradually {brew worse. One of my friends fold me of the toed results of r ur
Favorite Prscription. I went to the.drus store and sot a bottle, and after'tal: ng
it, with the 'Plea -lent Pellets," 1 commenced' toget better. 1 never knew %,I -at.
happiness was, for 1 was always sick and complaining and made others as we!' as
myself unhappy. So you see what a debt I owe You 1"
Dr.Pierce'sPlea c;mtPelleis regulate stomach, liver, bowels
Harry A. Selloff, for many years a
prominent public school teacher of
the province, died Feb. 9th, at his
home in Clandeboye, where he was.
born. 50 years ago. He graduated from
the Toronto Norman in 1888, after-.
wards teaching in Lambton Township
and in various schools is Toronto. A
year ago his health forsobk him and
he retired from teaching, returning to
Ms old home in Clandeboye. He was
unmarried and is survived by 4 broth-
ers, Frederick and Oscar of AIberta,
Ernest of Vancouver and Elgin of, To-
ronto, and one sister, Mrs. McKnechie
ofoo to • The funeral washeld to
Clandeboye cemetery on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith: of Detroit
visited relatives in town and vicinity.
-Wm. L. Siebert has been appointed
clerk of the local division court in
place of Henry Neeb, who resigned.-
esigned:Mr. and Mrs. Alf Melick returned from
Bright where they attended the fun-
eral of the latter's brother, Mr. John
Ort. -Peter Koehler has disposed of
his 50 acre farm, on which the build-
ings were burnt Iast autumn, to Mr,
Herman Bender for $2000. Mr. Ben-
der noir' owns the whole of this rot, --
A bible conference will be held in the
local Mennonite church, commencing
on Monday evening', March Znd,
Mr. and Mrs, Defean have been vis-
iting in Kingsville. -Mrs, Jas. Logan
of Moose Jaw is visiting in this rec-
tion. -Miss Anna Macarthur of Lon-
don. is"the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Ar-
Hold. -The D. D G. M., will v:sit Zur-
ich Lodge and install the officers on
March 9th. -Mr. Partridge o'' Dutton
is relieving Mr. Dejean at the Molsons
Bank 'here. -.C. McDon,elI is elected
chairman of 'the School Board :Ind
G Sutherland SecretarJ.
y.=Mxs. Burge
of Brucefield announces the marriage
of her daughter, Anna, to. J. S. Wat-
son The marriage takes place on the
25th. -R. Newman has rented and mov
ed into the residence owned by Mrs,
John McFarlane, -Wm, Wood of Kin-
cardine .accompanied by his daughter,
Mrs. Graham a,nd her little son, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. McPherson. -
Wm Fee and sisters of the Goshen
Line, Hay, are moving to Hensell. He
has disposed of his farm, to Jack Rau,
hotel -keeper, Zurich.
Iata awoman.
I know a woman's trials.
I know her need of sympathy and help.
If you, my sister, are unhappy because of ill -
health, and feel unfit for household duties, s tclal
pleasures, or daily employment, write and tell e
dust how you suffer, ta
r, andask for my free ten days'
trial of a home treatment suited to •ot r tieecis ;
with references to Canad:an ladies wi:;t gladly tell
how they have . regained health, st:•cu h, and
happiness by its use, I want to tell you ail about
this successful method of Home tr.:atmcnt for
yourself, my reader, for your daughter, your ri.tter,.
or your mother. I want to tell you how t7 cure
'yuac st..., , ..4,...-,,.. •c.tn:.y5.
aid from anyone. Ilett cannot understand women's
sufferings ; what we women know from exper-
ience, we know batter than any doctor ; and
thousands have proved there is hope even for the
hopeless in my method of Home treatment, If you
suffer front pain in the head, back, or b Suers,
feeling of weight and dragging down saasati''•is,
falling or displacement of internal organs, I ladder
irritation with frequent urination, obstinate
constipation or piles, ram in tate sides regularly
or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepria, extreme
nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy,desire to cry, fear of something it about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion,
with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that lite is not
worth living, I invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and
postpaid, to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your own
home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation. Wotnen
everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing or my simple method of home
treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass the good word along
to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for all,—young or old. To Mothers of Caught, rs,
I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green-sickt:.ss
(chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them to
plumpness and health, Tell me if you are worried about your daughter. Remetnber it costs you
nothing to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you wish to
continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work.
Is health worth asking for? Then accept my generous offer, write for the free treatment suited
to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut out
this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings,and return to me. Write and ask for the free
treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address :
Your Oven Gains
by Our Oven Test
Your oven becomes a
certain producer of more
bread and better; bread.
We can promise that.
For from each .shipment
of wheat delivered at our mills
we take a ten pound sample.
We grind it • into flour. We
bake the flour into bread.
If this breadis high in
quality and large in quantity,
we use the shipment. Other-
wise we sell it.
There is no guess -work
about our promise of more
bread and better bread from
flour bearing this name.
More read and Better Bread and
"Better Pastry Too"
Sold by R. G. Seldon, Exeter.
The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence
=Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America W
at World's Fair, 1893 •