HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-12, Page 8RA E FER IiITSTEMATE0 THURSDAY FEB1 12 EXETER MARKETS.; O1 :CED E4OH WBDDE$DAY Bari" •f... .1,4%4.0 ll3iuel .v heart..4.1.. , 4 4 , . 10/44... �.4.,,..,.. Peas 4.a......,..)..,. rota) 4,0s, per bag Mona. per awt., family 85 85 45. 54 18 2 32 80 80 75 8 10 00 .10 00 2 00.. Flour, 1 , v grade per cw 1 50 150 Butter , ,., 22 23 'eggs... ,. ., 32 83 Live hoax) per cwt, , . , .. 9 00 t3horte oar ton 23 00 Brun per ton 23 00 HOUSE FOR SALE, A one -storey Frame Hawse and Kitchen also stable, two lots, 108. and 109, situated on Andrew street. Exeter Will be sold reasonable, For further particulars apply by mail to Ed. Gill Sr:, Grand Bend. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES Be HANGING NEW PICTURES Half Price Sale of a big assortment of New Framed Pictures, all worked in plain figures and for sale at Half Price. We invite you to call and. have a look at those pictures, Some ane of them will no doubt appeal to you and you can buy the same at lust half the price marked, --^ J. SENIOR VERY SPECIAL,—Print and Flan- nelette Sale, beginning Thursday morn ing for 3 days only as advertised in another column. Notice the dates MRS. W. D. Y'EO, FOR SALE—la Clandeboye, brick house, orchard, stables, and 15 acres land, Apply W. A. Jones, 206 Percy St., Ottawa. NOTICE Owing to the high price ,of, :, Dairy Cattle aa3 feed we have decided to raise the retail price of milk on and after the 15th day of February, 1914 14 quarts $1.00 14 Pint tickets 50c. ' 13 Half Pints 25c. L. DAY, E. HEWITT, A. WILLERT. SEEDS FOR SALE JAMES BEER wishes to announce that he has a choice line of Turnip, Mange! Corn and Potato Seed for Sale. Sae him before buying. Get your TUNGSTEN 'LAMPS at HEAAMAN'S HARDWARE.. STORE. --o-- MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental FURS WANTED—All kinds of fn - for which highest prices 'will be p —D. Hartleib,- Exeter. • I LOCAL DOINGS.44 •. Rev. C. Fletcher and Rev. Sharp exchanged pulpits oxt Sunday, Mr. S. Martin has purchased the house of Mr. John Welsh on Eliza- beth Street. Rev. S. F, Sharp spoke at a Lay- man's Missionary Banquet in Blyth on Thursday evening. • A Couaate- Convention of temperance workers is called to meet in Clinton for Friday, Feb. 20th, You have forgotten the • things that worried you 20 years ago. Thenwhy worry about anything to day, Legislation is under way for the appointment of a town -planning and housing board in every municipality of aa.y size. Mr and Mrs Wes. Dearing of Ste- phen. entertained a number of friends from Exeter, London and Hamilton on Wednesday night of last week. It.is generally understood that the salary of every postmaster who has the making up of rural mails for rue rural delivery wagons will be, increased Yir. John Torrance, License In- spector for South Huron, has sold his fine farm near Clinton to Ernest Ro- zell of near Brussels, who takes poss- ession in a few weeks, The farm con - tans .130 acres, We wish to thank the many friends who have assisted us by handing in news from time to time. We are here to give you all the news and are always glad to get items. Rev. mJ E. Holmes of . Ridgetown occupied the James Street pulpit on Sunday and addressed the School in the afternoon. The pastor, Rev. Mc- Alister o-Alister . preached anniversary services a, Ridgetow,n. Messrs. Herman Oestreicher & Sons purchased three fine thoroughbred cat .le at Toronto last week for the hn- provement of their herd, paying $1000 for the three. They are getting a fine In: of cattle about them. The Parcel Post System, was com- menced at 12 o'clock Monday night, For the first three months parcels up to six pounds only are accepted at the offices. After that time par- cels up to 11 pounds may be sent. - When one finds he is out of sym- pathy with his town, and can only say NOTICE is hereby given that the i. North Midland Railway Company will make application to the Legis- lature of the Province of ' Ontario at its next ensuring session for an extension of time in which ch to Com- mence and ' complete the ,••works of the Railway and for tither pur- poses. DATED at London this ,14th day of January, A. D.•1914. J. W. G. WINNETT 418 Talbot St., Loudon, Ont, Solicitor for Company; PROPERTIES FOR . SALE have several. choice - •residential properties in• Exeter 'for sale. Des- cription and terms on application, A. HASTINGS, Exeter HOUSE FOR SALE' A one -storey frame house in good state of repair. One-quarter acre of land. Situate on Huron Street. Good water; etc. Apply to ,MIss ADDIS MORLOCK, or T. B. CARLING. FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick bonze, half acre land; Fruit trees, hen house on the prem- ises. A good cor nrteele. "-lace. For particulars apply to ; Mrs, E. Demp- sey. Centralia. FARM .FOR SALE A choice farm of 100 acres for sale. being Lot 23, Con.:10; Stephen. There is on the premiseseatnewbrick house. two storey; new bank barn 44x64; hen house and pig pen, young young orchard; 10 acres of bush; '40 plowed; 10 acres see'led to •alsike and five ars fall when: acres : and good hard n soft eater and windmill. Waterworks in stables. Apply on premises or write to Samurai Beaver, Dashwood P. 0. firs,. Wm, Treble,tvho has laeeri ill is improving, - Mr D. Gillis. of Parkhill visited in in. town this week, Stratford wall have as Old. Boys' Reunion this .summer, Mr, M, M. Doyle shipped a tar of horses to Toronto this week.; Rev. D. W, Collins is confined to the. house with a heavy cold. Mrs. W, 5. Appleford of Hamilton is the guest of her brother, Mr, Jos. Senior. The James Street, League goes to El-mvilie Tuesday evening next and will furnish the program, Dr. Roulston's office wilt be closed next week during his absence 1t - tending the Dental Convention in To- ronto. Experts say w -e had an earthquake a Ontario on Tuesday at noon, but you couldn.'t feel it. It' is something like the weather out west—very cold but you' don't feel it,. It is now generally understood 'that Farmers' Bank depeeitors are to be reimbuesed by the government, end that they, in turn ,are to protect the stockholders against the enforcement of the double liability,, A horse belonging to Mr. T. Baker's livery bara was stricken, with paral- ysis on Tuesday afternoon while be- ing driven in the country. It was brought home but, no change in its co.ztditio-n is yet seen: Owing to illness Rev. D. W. Col- lees will be unable to officiate at the Men's Meeting In the Parish ' Hall of the Trivitt Memorial Church 'Thursday evening, consequently no meeting will be held until next week. Mr. John G. Wein of Stephen re- turned Saturday from Detroit, where he is iaterested in a number of prop- erties He also visited other places and reports an excellent time,. com- bining business with pleasure, The wife of Dr, Holmes, treasurer of the County of Huron, died at Her residence in Goderich on Monday of this week at the age -of 71' :years. She levee three sons Dudley„ lawyer, of Wingham, Barlow of St. John; Hilton of Port Arthur. Mrs Plant, daughter of the late William \Vestcott, a former well- known resident of Exeter, died ' at Seaforth on. Thursday. Deceased had been in very poor health for some time 'Mrs. Plant was well known to many here'and her death will be •nuch a good word for it coupled with an regretted by all. apology he ought to get out. 'Many The weekly blizzard struck us ton people fall into a sort of unconscious Saturday and Sunday as per ,usual habit of growling. But it is a miser- and for several days we.had a pretty able habit, gold snap the thermometer •,going as Mrs. James Taylor received the sad low as' 8 below. Most of the snow news last week of the death of her that fell . landed against the fences brother C. D. Guest, who died at so : that travelling on the roads is Mill his home in Cadillac, Mich., at the done on the wheels, age of 51 years, from blood poisoning. At the regular meeting of Lebanon A mire and grown-up son and (laugh- Forest •Lodge, No ` 133, A.F. & A,M, ter survive, besides three brothers held out Monday •evening Wor, Bro. R. and three sisters. G Seldon. was elected as Worshipful Every up-to-date 20th century farm- Master for the current year, taking er should have his ,name`'and address the place of . Wor. Bro, Weidenham- KIRKTON The annual meeting. of the Kirk - ton Exeter and St. Marys Telephone Co, was held on.Saturday ,the 31st Jan. at the hall, Kirkton. The attend- ance was fairly good, and considerable interea: was manifested in the Com- pany, which • is now about the largest rural telephone company in Western Ontar'o, Mr. Mowat Driver, 3loisons Bank, was elected chairman. The Auditor's Report, as read by Mr. Fac- ey auditor showed a balance of as - seas an cash and rents due the coma play, cf over $3000, less $500 due the elo'..r c company for supplies:. 'The re )or: eras unanimously adopted. -The m'et'tle next„ confirmed the action of the directors declaring "a dividend of 8 per cent. on all preferred stock paid up. This is 'the third dividend of 8 per cent declared by the company. The meeting elected la, Doupe as and- itor. The old board of directors was rc•-elected, when the meeting edjourn ed At a subsequent meeting of. the Board Mr. Wye. Johnston, River 'Woad was unanimously elected president A. Brethour, vice-president; T. Perry saeeten..e.ident; Ed. Shier, secretawy; 1:•Rouely, Treat.; and Mr. John Fee - aey of Russcldale reappointed : udi);. f,,.- .he Board. Meeting then adjo,irn- ed, TeemTeemare now • nearly 700 phones owned by the Company, an the sever- al ti't'les ;s ith two central offices, neatly printed on his envelopes and mer, who recently resigned owing to writing paper, also the name of hiss his removal to Oakville. farm, especially since rural delivery Word from Crystal City; Man., stat has been established. It not only es that the blacksmith shop of Mr. looks business -like, but prevents cor John Cudmore, formerly of Exeter, resp.oncence from gong estray. In was destroyed by fire .early o>�. Feb. the event of the non-delivery of a Sth the cause being unknown. An letter, from whatever cause; it -trill be •automobile, which was in for repairs certain to return to the send- er,• was burned lvetn the rest of the roti if his name and address appears tents There was no insurance, on the upper left-hand corner of -the ' envelope, The Advocate can furnish Mr. Ed C.lustre spelt last week in farmers with printed writing paper Toronto attending the Provincial. Fair and envelopes at small cost, - Association meeting, Mr. Christie was elected Provincial Director for bio; 8 Mr. Herb Oliver of Inwood writes to .District which comprises several of The Advocate as follows,— In 1913 the Western Ontario Counties The Dr. Houze raced • many successful meeting was very largely attended -and races in Canada and United States, the topics discussed of much interest with the pacer, Pure Gold, 2,10--, to farmers and all interested in fairs starting in 16 and always, in the mon- Don't worry a- bout your grey hairs—get rid of them -don't endure dan- druff—get an- druff get rid of it. Use • [Jeal and have a beautiful, youthful head of hair. Hay's Hair Health restores natural• color to grey hair, stops dan- druffa falling hair -nota dye.. Money back if not satis ctotrr�yu Sizbattle tto nrrecce pt ta2tio and your druggist's name. Sisl Nay %noshes Co;, Toionto, Ont SOLI) AND RECOMMENDED BY W. S. HOWEY, DRUGGIST EXETER, ONTARIO e Morris'Wexler spent Monday in Lon doth, Mr. Wes, Snell was in Monday, • Miss Flossa Sweet was on, Friday. - Mr. F. Coombs of Blyth.' spent a day with Mr, A. Hastings. Mr. Peter Robertson of • Stratford spent Tuesday in town. - Mr. Wallace of Clinton visited with Chester Harvey this week. Mrs, Durand. of New York is they guest of Mrs. W. S. Howey. Mr. Richard Seldon of Ingersoll vis- ited his son R. G. over Sunday -- Mr. Tilley, School Inspector,, is vis- iting his niece, Mrs. (Dr.) Amos. Messrs Frank Handcock and T. G. Creech spent Saturday in London. Miss Stella Southcott leaves for a visit in Toronto and Whitby to -day. Mr. Samuel Hicks of Toronto is visiting relatives and friends in Ste- phen t. - Mr, Gilbert' Dow returned last week from a trip to Western Canada witha load of horses. Mr, Ed. Fowell went to Windsor on Saturday to attend the funeral of his uncle Mr. Benning. Mr. George McFalls of Poplar Grove Biddulph, is ,pending a few days with his brother, T. C. McLeod. Mr. Zeig of Fredericktown was here last week , on business in connection with the Exeter Manufacturing Co: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jory and child of Crystal City, Man, are vis- iting at the holme of Mr. and Mrs. E. Joss'.. .. Mrs, Heideman returned from 'Tor- onto last week accompanied by her son Will who is convalescing from a serious attack of pneumonia. Mr, and Mrs. Ardagh Hayes and Mr. Hayes' mother, of Niagara ata :Fall s, N.Y. - -visited during the week'with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maguire. Mr. Hayes had a pleasant time in town shaking hands wadi old friends and former school- mates, who were pleased to see him again London on in London ey. He also had with him Capt. Mac 2.09?f, Nettie ' B. and Countess Royal, INSTALLATION.—P, D. D. G. M. all successful' winners. Doc, is at pre- Bro. W. J. Murray,_ assisted by other sent training a string of high class brethren, installed the officers of the trotters and pacers, but has riot. yet Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows on 'rues - decided wherehe will race the mem- day evening as follows,-J,P:G, Ed, 'trig season, ,although he will likely go Howald, N.G., C. Sweet; V.G vv. to Western Canada. He has this yeas Martin; R.S., R. N. Creech; P. S. W, May Tanquay, trotter 2.12X, Sweet johns; Treas., E. Mr Dignan; War:, Jenny, pacer, 2.20%/x, Light of the Way W. Brad; Con., A. Pen!hale; O.G., J last but erratic. Capt. Mac will like- C. Snell; LG., T. C. McLeod; R.S. ly be in the stringagain this year. Boyle;N.G. T, oyle; L.S,N,G,, A. Coates;. The ratepayers of every municipal- R.S.V.G., F. Boyle; L.S,V,G., Lee ity are entitled to know the assess- Wilson; R.S,S., F. Triebner; ' L.S.S. meat of •each property in the :muni- E. Westcott Chap., J. M. Southcott, cipality and to have this information At the conclusion of the ceremony a available in such form that they may supper was partaken of at Wm: J. compare their own assessment with Statham's. those of others owning similiar pro- perty. Frequently one hears talk about the inequality of the assessment this the town-- A lot of talk is not based on fact, but the publication. ofthe figures would place,the prop-' op -' artyowners in the possession of the accurate figures; at least 'they would :eel more sat:stied 'with their own assessment, or he in 'a better position to appeal their case. As it is they cannot secure the necessary in£orma tion without a visit to the clerk's of- fice and a long search through the assessment roll. The publication of the assessment roll is certainly needed. and mariv .places are having it done. CARNIVAL --A successful carnival was held in "the rink on Friday night and the following were the prize winners,—National Costume,' Scotch Lassie Marjory .Hepbuen, Uncle Sam, Geo; Hepburn; Old Maid, Miss Erne Sweet Truman Elliott; Gents Comic Costume, Gerald Hurdon, Leon Treble Suffragette,, Jack Mathews, R. South. coat ; Graceful Lady Skater, Miss 01 rve Treble, Mrs, F. Boyle, Mile Race Dav;id Ross, Gerald Htirdon. HICKS' FEBRUARY FORECAS'IS —A regular storm period covers the 14th to the 19th, having its center on the 16th. By this time we ,will have entered well into the Earth's ;la4na1 equinox and the Venus equinoctial period will be approaching ;ts naxi-- mute strength. As early as the 14th and 15th 'change to warmer will oe•- gin in western extremes, the baromet- er will .begin. 'failing, winds will shift to southerly, and storms . of rain, wind and snow will start on their eastward career, By the 16th • to 18th ',hese storms will grow in severity, By the 19.h blizzardows winds and cold • will have spread all over the country, CARE, OF FRUIT TREES All fruit trees whea they cease to bear good crops of frutit should be grubbed and burned. Up and down the country there are too many old anduseless fruit trees; and why they should remain only. to.. cumber the ground I cannot understnad To keep u,7 the stock of fertile fruit trees there should always be young ones in preparation to take the .place of those that are worn out, then when an orchard tree fails to bear fruit,the young ones at once take its place, 1t shouldbe understood, however, that when the old tree has .been grubbed up, the soil in which it has been grow- ing should . be renewed, and if • need be some rough material in the way of broken bricks, etc, putt into, the bot- tom to assist drainage if the subsoil is all heavy and 'inclined to hold wat- er Those who like to do home graf- ting need never to be without young healthy trees. It may be pointed out that old trees must not, be condemned until one is, quite sure thktt they etre past renewing, as many suffer from pure neglect.in the way of food, 1-11T AND MISS Better a sweetheart than a sour wv�te. When. respect deoai'ts love Packs its grip and hikes. . Work is ,good for boys, but .totall boys' are good for :work When trouble goes to, sleep toss the alarm clock into the street,.. Courtship is th,e wine of ,life 'and divorce is the mote -ant atter, ' ,Stene, people are too busy talking about themselves to talk about others, liockey On Wednesday evening last the Bankers .and Clerks played.. the last game in the third round of the Local Hockey League, the former winning 3,to2. The fourth round was played, on Thursday evening when the Odd- fellows won from the Clerks 3 to. 1, and the Bankers won from the school by .7.to 4. The League standing now is— Bankers . won 4; lost 0. Clerks ' won 2; ' lost 2 ` Oddfellows - worn 1;. lost 3 School won 1; lost 3 The Town Hockey League games commence at 7 o'clock this Thursday evening and all who witness ,. the games will have the _ chance of an pout's skate from 9 to' 10 o'clock, all :for the admission fee. • The Exeter High School and the Thames Road hockey teams met in a good game Saturday evening, the former winning 4-1. Ailsa Craig and Exeter crossed sticks lin an exciting game of hockey on Tuesday evening, the locals win- tiing out by a score of 6 to 4. The night was very cold, but a fair tvas present. The half-time score was 3-2. N. George refered and the line - un was as follows ' Exeter T, 'Penhale J. Herrington 0. Atkinson W. Snell -C. Pickard J. Elliott C. 'Pickard Atlsa Craig E. Harris e, Coors ey . Elindmarsh' Ht McDonald, L. McDonald,. S. Robinson, C. Robinson, ", hange of Business Having purchased the Jewelry Business of Mr. A. Marchand we would ask a continuance of the patronage accorded our predecessor and if favored with same your wants will have our best attention. It will be our endeavor to keep our stock up to where it will appealto all classes of customers and our aim will be toP ire perfect satisfaction in all. �' lines. A Call Solicited REPAIRING , Special attention paid to repairing. of all kinds. Special Lawson SSC Trick Successors to A. Marchand Telephone Office SETTLING UP TIME All persons having au occount with me will please call and settle before Feb. 1st 1914 and, oblige. a& Coffee moi, tor S N. ROWE LYndertaker and License Efnbalmer Phone 20a EXETER ONTARIO Baled .Hay Baled Hay - for sale. Any quanity delivered. R, G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario ta,/a T. B . CARLING Life, Fire, Accident and .Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and ton - ducting auction sales. Exeter, Ont. Tllc Avocate to Peb. '15, $1 For the choicest groceries, fruits, ' spices, teas, coffee and nevery- �hiin thegrocery t .ggro itne. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin ce Produce taken in : exchange Gould Jas. opposite Eleetrie light Plnnt JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Big Display of ew Spring Goods FEBRUARY IS THE IMIONTt-f_,: TO DO YOUR EARLY. BUY- ING: .IT . GIVES YOU GOOD TIME TO DO ,YOUR SPRING SEWING. WE. ARE ALWAYS EARLY WITH OUR NEW GOODS AND, YOU WILL FIND AN ABUNDANCE HERE TO CHOOSE FROM. • New Spring Dress Goods New SpriingSuit Lengths New .Spring. Silks New Spring Satins New Spring. Trimmings !Vete Prints New Ratines. New Ginghams New Crepe Cloths Nev Galateas New Silk Crepes New Nurse ,Cloths New. Marquisettes. New Drillings New Bedford. Cords The New Spring Goods come in, all the newest colors and most ' stylish cloths for this rieason, • We want to show you the'New Styles. It will do you good. Big .Clearing Sale of 11 Goods Winter WE ARE NOT OVERSTOCKED AFTER ONE OF OUR, BEST FALL AND WINTER. SEASONS, BUT HAVE A FEW , ODDS AND ENDS THAT WE ARE BOUND TO CLEAR OUT THIS MONTH AT ANY. OLD PRICE, ,. Ladies' Wear LADIES' .COATS t ' • each. Only 5 left a $6.00 ch. Only 5 chnldreras at $3 each This is 'a clean stock Ladies' FUR COLLAR Coats Agood, coat at only $12.00. The best at only $14,50 This is a snap. LADIES FURS All Furs to go at 1/a off. $.2G furs for $15.. • $15 fors for $11. $10 Furs for $7. Men's Wear MEN'S SUITS Some' $20 and $25 Suits at $1.2. Some $12 and $15 Suits at $8.. Only a few odd suits left' but they must go at these prices,., MEN'S FUR COLLAR COATS At .$10 ' $12 and $15 This is a rare bargain and very few left. MEN'S FUR COATS Do you want a bargain in a fur Coat. Now is . your chance at a- bout regular price, JONES S 1 MAY Y Headquarters for the celebrated'. E, Sanfolud Clothing,