HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-12, Page 5DENTAL Dr. p. F RQ LSTON, In,l).5,, 1, :D.a.. rootprzrvr Mepiber of the R,Q.D.t . of Ontario and H or Graddate of Toronto University, eGee—ieter Dlcliger1 & Carlingto law office. Closed Wednesday efterneone, 'DR, A. R. KiNelletatt, L.DF.se D.D.S., .lienor Graduate of Toronto universal' DENTIST Teeth extgaeted wihtiottt pain, or any bad, O'Neal, Office over Gla 1 i.an . & fltanbory's ()Mee, Marin Street, Exeter, LEGAL DICIiSON & . CARLING, BARRISTERS, Soaicitors, Ilptat'tee, Conveyancers,,Com- nula;1Onere. Sollcittore for the Moliions Bank. etc, Money to Loan at lo'w'est rates of interest Offices—Main-St., Exeter I. R. Carling,H.A. L, I3 Dickson MONET TO LOAN , Nee have a large amouet of private funds to loan on term and !village prop- erties at low rates of -interest. GLADMAN & STAN.BURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter:. 3. SENIOR Agent Confederation Idte Assurance Compane, also Farre Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and . British Cemplikats.. lvllaircl-St., Exeter. • College At Hume Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple ere fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, teIeera er a2i.e lkervanis In fac: every;Owe' of Business ire t'es Yon myyfinialserat college If you so wish Positions gearanteed. Enter collegeany day. Tndn idlial instructfon...);xpert 'tea- chers. 'Thirty years, experenee- Largest..' trainers in Canada. Seven colleges, Sped* ial course for teachers. Affiliated with:Commercial Educators' Association` of 01,n. ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lan- don. GEO. SPOTTON. B. F. WARD President 'Principe SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH • WEST LAND. REGULATIONS SUPPER. NO LONGER, HAS NOW COME TO CANADA Sufferers of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica Neuralgia, Headaches„ Neur itis and kindred ,agonizing ailments. may •now find speedy, welcome relief artC certain cure, At last the victims . of these tor- turing, complaints—men and women whose lives are long -draw& -out agony may look, with hope—confidence—cer- tainty—to pain's most glad departure. • lit Kepbaldolis now offered to Can- adian s for the first time, a remedy which not only has medical endorse- ment for its efficacy, but, is also guar- anteed to be a perfectly safe - pain- killer, containing nothing to injure the heart or any other bodily organ. Fol' colds, influenza, catarrh "and similar complaints, Kephaldol is un- equalled. A tablet or two taken at the first indicatibn of trouble will un- failingly check its development and re- store health, Get a tube of Kephaldol tablets from your druggist, or write for them to Kephaldol Limited, 31 Latour St. Mon treat. .ANY person who is thesole head •iof AIL family or any male over IS Yearscid, ene.e. ' ho nestead a quarter section of .available Doatiinion land in 1Vlaoitoba Saskatxrhew2 n . or Alberta. -The ap- ,plicant mmuisi appear in person at the Donminion Lands Agency or Snub-, .agency for thid district. Entry by pre - my ; made be made ,at any agency, on. •certain t onditirolvs by Lather, mother , ;son, daughter, brother or '"sister -,of in- tending Homesteader• Duties—Six months` residence upon .and cultivaition of • the land In , each -of three ' years, A ho!neste.ater may live within nine n.:,lee od hie homestead on .a fia.ran of at least 80 acres soRely -owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son daughter, brother• ,or sister, • In certain districts a fuoineateader C¢i ,good standing may pre-empt a quart •er-lsectian along side his homestead. Price A3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside upon the Gonne, stead or pre-emmestian •six mono is Ln eaten of atx years' fronn date of home- stead entry (including - the time re- guired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. ' A homesteader who has exhausted hie homestead right and cannot obtain f} pre-IernptiOn may enter foe a purr. .chased • homestead in certain distif`cts Price $3.00 per, acre. Duties-- Must reside six months to, encu of these .years, cultivate fifty - acres and erect :a house worth $$'00. W. W. CORY; Deputy of the Minister o! the 'Interior N:B—tenaRibh:nrl%ed publication his advertisement 'will not- be pied for, CENTRAL ` STRATFORD. ONT' Canada's best practical ' ' training school. Three departments, COM- ,MERCLA.L and TELEGRAPHY. The courses are thorough and practical. Gniiividual instruction is given by a ' strong, experienced staff. Our grad - nates succeed, Students may enter any time. Get our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. b A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Mail Contract EALED.TENDERS ADDRESSED ha Postmaster General will be re- ed 'at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri- day, 13th 'day of March, For the conveyance of His Majesty' Mails or. a proposed Contract for years Six times per week, over Zurich uth� Rural Route, from triiaster General's pleasnre,, next, tinted notices containing `further .motion as to conditions of propos- ed may be seen and bran forme, :of Tender may be obtained Post Office of .Zurich wild car u auvd' at the Office of Office Inspector at London. o,:,•,.Office Department, Mair Ser is Branch, Ottawa, 30th j'asi'y,191 S to t ceiv1914, fos .1Vlai four ' (Sothe Pos P in r forat the e;:the 1' Ser - Vice. 4. GET THE; BEST. IT PAY'S '- Write for the Catalogue of, ���,LiJOTT.v G�/f!//fii% gid G C. ANDERSON, Superintendent: 'SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 5. Usborne ;—Sr. IV.—G. 'McFalls 84; M. ¥oodie 72 ; T. Ford .70; F. Higgins 67z, H. 1Vlo:,r' 55.' Jr. IV.—N, Klein- feidt:48; R. Perkins 46; E. Klein- feldt.45. III.—May Ford. 82; L. Hicks 72; A:..1 ord 68; C. Fisher 45; G. Perkins 44; A. Fisher 44. IL—R. Ratcliffe • 85; V. Ratcliffe ` 71; • E. Kleinfeldt 53; T. Yellow 45; G. Moir 45.—Geo. Mawson, teacher. N-euritis-fbJIOws Crippled Nerves panful' Effects. of Chrinic Rheicmat- ism Quickly Routed by Rheuma. 11 your nerves. are all crippled from attack of Rheumatism, Neuritis can easily get a strong hold on the .nerves This most painful disease, is one of the hardest known to expel, but RHEUMA can reach it if given a -chance This testimony is positive proof, "Last March I was so crippled with Neuritis in left limb I could walk scarcely at all. Tried all remedies I heard of and had two phYslcians. Not#31� ing did me any good until I ase RHEUMA—$2.00 worth of your med-, icines surely cured . me, Mrs. C. E. Hayes, Russell, Ky. Sold.; by. W. S., Cole at 50 cts • a, bottle. i< bel ht p;f 6Q0 feet when he. was exp N 'AWS TOPICS OF W K peritnentirs„illi anew model bi- plane;.„ The Township of ornwail” lost a pioneer resident in the death of H. Aiguire, at Beeler's Corners, Mr, ,ignore was born in the township 86 Important Events. Whloh Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape ,for the Readers of ' Our Paper --A Solid Hour's En jetylnent.: TUESDAY, ` Two million pounds of:frozen.hese and mutton, the first direct shipna,ent of this kind ever sent from Australia to Seattle, arrived yesterday on the 13ritiah ship Waimato. The general store of Samuel Haw- kins, New Dublin, near Brockville,. was burglarized by thieves opening a rear window. The til] was rifled of a large 'sum of rrioney. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and Sir Lome:: Gouin will be ,the guests of honer at the formal opening of the Montreal 'Reform Club's new headquarters on Saturday evening, Feb. 21. Capt. Gaston Niquetof the 1st Ar- tillery, and Lieut. Jean .Louis Del - vert, of the French aviation corps, - were killed yesterday at Bourges, Prance, by falling with tbelr biplanes. Katie Schwab, aged 18 months,. was frozen to death In her mother's arms in the Estevan district of Sas- katchewan, 'hen her parents and an- other child were lost °n. -the "trail in the storm. The. Jesuit priests, Father Allain and Taille,- who were captured 'by' bandits where they sacked and burn- ed the tcyvn of Livan-Chow' recently, have .r en`released and have reached a place of safety. .191.3, according' to the report of 'the National Highways Protective. Society, male public yesterday, 302' persons were killed by automobiles In New I ark City.,: This is an an -- crease of 81 over 1912. , • Workmen blasting ,at Popham Beach, Maine, y_eeterday uncovered what -is believed- to be a vein of can: nei , opal, leading in from the ocean. Lumps of , coal have beenewashed ashore at that point for many years. - Operations have been renewed on .the construction of the Lake Erie & Northern Railway, between Galt and Brantford. 'Halifax is to b the winter termi- nus of the new Hamburg -American Line,: according to official announce= ment received there' yesterday. James Simpson, for the past fifty- eight years a..resident of Doon,•passed. a ,ay in that village, aged 89 years. He leaves a wife, two sons and one, daughter. - • , Officials at the Sarnia -tunnel re- port that freight tra•lc is very heavy; but passenger traffic very light. It- s too early yet for tee foreigners -to be returning: Fred. Mattice of Mille Roches was fined $50 and costs or three months b jail at hard labor here yesterday. at Cornwall for assualting a young . man. in a gravel pit. ' • Andrew Broder, M.P. for Dundas, gives notice that he. will introduce a resoltion calling for legislation to prohibit the manufacture, sale and importation of cigarettes into Canada. Wm. Edgeth Tisdale, K.C., aged 49, registrar of Noefe'lk, died at Sim- coe yesterday.. He was the eldest son of the late Hon. Col, Tisdale, Minis - t" of Militia in the Government of Sir Charles „Tupper. Captain Howson, of• the Cobequid, wrecked in the Bay of Fundy, came in for severe criticism at the inquiry yesterday, but his certificate is not cancelled, in view of his good work following the accident. A deputation representing the Montreal Council of Women and Prisoners' Aid Society appeared be- fore the board of control yesterday and asked for the appointment of wo- Men police to the force of the city. THURSDAY. John W. Thompson, Liberal M.P.P. for Minnedosa, G:ed in Winnipeg yes- terday of pneumonia. He was born in Teambton-County. Alex. Coulter, convicted in Toronto yesterday on three charges of forg- ery, orbery, was sent to Kingston Peniten- tiary for three years. T'ue Board of Health of Portland, Me., has ordered. all schools closed to prevent the spread of smallpox. Over 13,000 children are involved. The herring fishery on the New- foundland west coast closed yester- day with a total catch of 65,554 bar- rels, against 71,685 barrels last year. Scratching his back caused thm death at his home, Flatbush,• of Joel Aronson, aged 54, a manufacturer of painters' tooln. Blood poison follow- ed the irritation. Prof. Prince, fisheries commission- ei ofCanada, leaves in May for New Zealand to advise the' Commonwealth authorities as to the formation of a fisheries department based on that of Canada. The U. S. State Department has received for delivery to. Senator Elihu Root thegold medal awarded to him by the Nobel prize committee in re- cognition of his : efforts in behalf of international peace. Charles ` Carpenter, an English= man, about 40 years of age, while walking along. the C. P. It construe - tion 'work, near Trenton, was struck 'sby a gravel train and sustained in- juries which caused his death. After several months, Polish emi- gration to America has been resumed be a large scale. Continued efforts are being made to evade military,ser- vice, and, the. Galician authorities haven arrested many emigrants: FRIDAY. Western Ontario's radial field day will 1,e held in London during either 'i the last week of Februat;y or the first week of March. .lamas Hepburn died in Lindsay on Wednesday.' He had, long been a'resi- de.•it..of Lindsay. He was fax years a, town employe. epIC thtc' of searietl:feVW has spread. ,o+7er, '()given `'bound," and its a result one seti"ool has been closed and -will remain so for three weeks. Raoul c'e Reals, a :,Wrench aviator, vas pilled at Versailles by .a tall from Toronto, Ont., It explains fully. the Litany advantages offered by this \veil known school. College open all year. Commence now. ve to ntet4it ,ulltt sh(ift#'c%itilaw' abrto�'u•t the ' ' u or[(fi 7c ^: fit Labatt's London' Lige:r Now Perfected .Best Suable `!' JOHN L ABATT LIMITED. 28 LONDON, ONTARL) . Have You Bilious Attacks?. Chamberlain Tablets keep the liver right up to nor- mal all the time—and teat's whir they are so efle . tjve "in cure of Stomach Disorders, ' Fetmentatiell, Indigestion, and all ailments which'. are the iota rtinrier'a•,,',° of ^'biiioiissiess DrIgglStsi . tifrgti ; g5 ;rbottic oteby, Iv1aL1 .. ^ 1,. Chamberlain alleaicine iii. :'Toronto • 7 etdri t t,e It.,rsG. hreitece t-ini other, but s • i, ,"t lam 1 for lilts - feast 'our . e,led. �t gives full ptiri tnn� Inv 't snbld 6n latl, v , rU ; t;i'InL'r t"o.,tvtndsor, ohr. u,Gwyrerl a�.; tints Por Ceneda. • years: ago. Sarnia and Poitlt Edward may amalgamate, The question has been under discussion for some time, and. the village is favorably inclined to- wards the idea. ' The Canadian West .lad the Goid- est weather of the season Wednesday night, and the extreme 13w ' mpera- turos continued Wednesday. ,Winni- peg recorded 36 below, SATI. It r)AY. During the course of the rising at Line, Peru, eleven persons were kill- ed. and 37 wounded. The Port Arthur council will send a deputation to Qt:.awa to urge the. immediate construction of the Geor- gian Bay Canal.. Word was received from Urban, Ky., that six workmen had lost their lives when boilers in a sawmill at that place exploded. The German Minister to Mexico yesterday requisitioned the German steamship Ypiranga for the removal of German subjects from Tampico. Wreckage of a big ship has been sighted off Naftel's Point, near Clin- ton. It may be the John McLean of Cleveland, which went down in No- vember last. Another case of smallpox at Mc- Gill University discovered yesterday will probably result in ,the entire closing down of the faculty of sci- euce for the time being. ` Early closing of all stores is ex-, pected to go into, ,effect in -Clinton, Ont., on Feb. 16. , The move is the result of e. big agitation on the part of .the local merchants. • The petition to ' establish a domes- tic omestic relations court, in Montreal for dealing with cases of desertion and non-support, which' was sent to Que- bec a fortnight ago, is receiving fav- orable attention. ` Citizens of Nelson, B.C., are now riding in their own street cars. Un- der the bylaws for the purchase and -operation of the system which were passed, the municipality agreed to take over the cars. ° MONDAY. Bernardino Machado, recently am- bassador.to Brazil, at the request rf the President of .Portugal has formed a ne,r. Cabinet: Hon. Adam Beek announced in London yesterday that Lord Strath- cone made a bequest of $15,000 'ti the Byron Sanatorium for Consump- tives, ` c'ialIon. James Duff, Provincial Minis- ter of Agriculture, -has promised to give every possible aid to the fat stock show and winter' fair proposed for London. A bylaw to provide for a grant of $10,000 , toward . the erection of a tuberculosis sanitarium in Pcterboro. *Will be submitted to the ratepayers et an early date. Raids' by police Sunday upon four fan -tan resorts. in Montreal's China- town, resulted in a haul of 73 gam- blers, a considerable amount of money and, a lot of apparatus. Hon. W. T. White is reported to have improved considerably, during the past two days, but it will be some time yet before he can resume his place in the. House of Commons. • The annual meeting of the Cana- dian Infantry Association will be held in in Ottawa on Friday, Feb. 27, when officers will be elected and the year's prize money distributed. Joseph Mooney, a bachelor, aged. about 55 years, shot himself in the side of the neck with a shotgun and instantly killed himself, at Leaming- ton Saturday =night about seven o'clock. Aviator Ingold broke the world's record for an endurance flight. at Munich, Germany.. He remained in the air for sixteen hours and twenty minutes, and covered a distance esti- mated at 1,050 miles. DEAD IN HIS SHACK. Springbank Hermit Frozen Stiff When Found by Neighbors. LONDON, Ont.,Feb. 9.—Wm. Ful- ton, known locally as the hermit of Springbank, from the fact that for many years he has lived the life of a recluse 'in a three -roomed shack on the bank 'of the Thames, was found dead yesterday by neighbors, who, not having" seen him for some days, and suspecting that something was wrong, broke in his door. The body was lying sight behind the door and was frozen stiff, 1?ut,a doctor who was summoned expressed the .opinion that death had been due to heart failure, and that the freezing had occurred subsequently, • An inquest will be held. "4. Perfect Woman 1'1 o1 iy 1..1anne # TO Warn, to comfort and Cornmat Nature never intended `wo*nan to be ;delicate, ailingr or a setter from "'nerves.. Women in .middle age colnplaln 01'3*fiashe$." :Many women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood, and from moth- erbood to middle li#e, with baeItacbe, or headache, dizziness, .faintness, •lir. bearing -down sensations,.k 'ora permanent relief from these distressing, symptoms nothing is so good as DR, PIECE'S FAVORITE pRSCFWTiQ ` as a soothing and strengthening net"- The "Favorite Prescription" vine -allays and subdues nervous excitability, it known everywhere and'for over 40 veers as irritability, nervous exhaustion, and other the atjndard remedy for the diseases of distressing symptoms commonly attendant ! 9 dar.tablet fonni:i or you aysend'00 one. upon functional and organic diseases of the cent stamps for a trial box of Dr. Pierces feminine organs. It induces refreshing sleep Favorite Prescription tablets. Addr ss Dr. and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. . Pierce, Invalids' Betel, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce,* Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. 5000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA. Do you know Canada? A novel and unique mine of information is found In the popular booklet, "5000 Facts About Canada" just issued for , 1914,. and compiled by Frank Yeigh, the well -knows statistical authority an things Canadian. This new edition shows a. marked advance over prev- ious issues in, an increase of new data. a Handsome cover, a revised nmap,and improved paper. The publication, con- tains all the essential facts of Cana, oto, or,. from news dealers. da's progress in a year, under quell: cliaptei� beads as Agriculture, Area, Banking Census, alining, Manufactur- ng Trade, etc,, while striking tables of cornparisans present a measuring rod of our national developetnent. Its wide. circulation.is easily understood when.. its value is realized, for it pre- sents the Dominion in a nut shell, a ready :reference encyclopedia of facts and figures.. It may be ,had by send- ing 3.5, . cents to The Canadian Facts Publishing Co., 588 Huron St„ Toro - Boys Charged With Theft. CORNWALL, Feb. 9.—Four young boys, ranging in age from,8, 1,3 years, were before Police ,, toagistrate" Danis, charged with breaking into W. I3. Gardiner's grocery store and stealing between ten and fifteen dol- lars worth of can..y, gum, etc. En- trance was effected by breakieg a plane of glass 10 x inches in the rear of the store. The plunder was. put into two canvas bags and secreted in a barn; �- 'I'+eaer.Started In Otie Family. OWEN. SOUND, E'eb< i`1a11y, •district health ofceli,;'arrived here in connection withthe. recent outbreak of scarlet fever, the • dozen cases of which are confitted c:to the pupils of Ryersdn days. This parti- cular outbreak is supposed to .have originated with one, ,vt„ho neglected. precautions to prevent the disease spreading,. - Z!tii_erirorta his,Suminer. LONI)ON„Ueb. G. — A statpinent. has been issued' from ,13uckinghem Palatb'denying the report 'pulaifehed Saturday that the Polbee •of .Wales, accompanied by Prince Albert anis Sir John Anderson, would begin a tour of the Overseas eeininions In August." Leh e. totir at the time indicated is entirely ottt of tilt) question,' ,...•._...:ises5entiabut— is Flour ��tr1ai ' it not your :work!' Flour variesfrom time to time in baking ,This is because wheat continually' in to varies accord g.4 soil condi- tions, tions etc.tIT4P Therefore, if baking' `re- sults are to be ca istantly high, baking tests ares :-essential. It unreasonable , :expect you to make these testsatyour. PURITY's ♦ expense. : if this bread is „Nigh .im quality ♦ and large in quantity,.:we use - the shipment. Otherwise we ell it. . _._ -.. Is By simply asking for flour blearing this name you scan always be sure of ;'nor `bread ancdbetter. bread. e More Brea- and Bettread" and er Bread" d "Better Pastry Too 523 1 ,Sold by R. G. Beldon; Exeter. ?»7 So from eac i shipmentof wheat delivered'`at our rrillls; ' we take a ten pound sample. This is : grounir ' into flour. Bread is baked from the flour. Make ''our Stock and B Poultry Pay Better with 1 1 . Pay STOCK ANDPOULTRY SPECIFICS At a east of less than a rent s day per health. '. stock around his blue. Try it onhead of stock, it will increase their value 25 the poorest -conditioned animal you °have and per cent. Permanently cures Colic, Debility, we know you'll be surprised at the Iresult, of . Worms, Bots and Skin Diseases. Tones up a short treatment. Cattle and hogs fatten run-down animals so that they quickly up a month earlier than without it,. which gain weight and vigor. Increases the yield means • you save a month's feed and a of 'Mich cows three to five poundsa day, month's labor. You can bring six. pies to besides . enriching the quality of the milk. the pink 'of condition at the cost of $1.50. ROYAL PURPLE is nota food. It is a con Steers .,treated in the eame way coat no ditioner—the best ever ao'd.` If there was more than $1.00 each to put inprime state any better we would be making it. it en• for market. ROYAL PURPLE SPECIFIC ables your -stock to eat the natural food they fattens and keeps well liorses, marcs, colts, Amid eat and get the most benefit from it, CO,wlcalves, steers, hogs. Sold in packages, Here is the advice of . all thorough' veterin- 50c, and air -tight tins. $1.60. , you doctors -"Feed your stock on food tTry ROYAL. PURPLE POULTRY your own growing"—not .pamper them withh soft predigested mush so that after a time SPECIFIC on Your Sena theyc y cannot digest good, wholesome feed, Feed the good food grown on your own you Do know' that ROYAL PURPLEPOUL+ farm—hay, ,oats, bran, chop, ete. You know: �t what these things cost you and what they' TRY' SPECIFIC makes hens Jay inwinter Si Will do. well as in summer, and keeps them free from ROYAL PURPLE is an aid to these nn,- disease•? It does' and helps them over the lural foods and if you use it as directed, we moult, fattens and keeps them2 in vigorous can guarantee better results than if you health A SOe package lasts 26 hens over feed any of the concoctions offered on the. 70 days. Shouldn't you try It? We have hundreds of recommendations from all parts market .as 'prepared foods." of the country. If ROYAL PURPLE does Poor -Conditioned �nlltl� not give yoe better results than anything Try It. On a Poor d ed al you ever used, or give you satisfaction, we will refund your money. No shatter what If there is a run-down, poorly nourished your °pinion of other preparations, we want beast on your farm, see what ROYAL you to give ROYAL ' PURPLE POUL`rive PIIRPLE SPECIFIC will de for it. A 50- SPECIFIC a chance to show what it can do cent package lasts a cow or .horse 70 days. for your poultry—and a 60c package will" The cost is so trifling that no farmer in show you some fine results. Sold in 25e and Canada has any excuse for having out -of- 50c packages arid $1.50 air -tight tins. WE ALSO SELL Royal Purple Cough Specific, for cough and Royal • Purple Lice Killer for poultry and distemper. (Will Eire any ordinary cough animals. 2Se and 50e, by main 80c and in four days). 666, by mail 60c. 600. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment for lameness,, Royal' i'nrpto Gall Cure tar. edratehes, rheumatism, sprained tendons, etc. 60c, by harness scalds, open sores, etc. 21e and . mail 60e. 50c, by mail spa and "60c. Royal Purple Worm Specific for animals;; Ro al Purple. Roup specific for roup, 1,100 removes the worms, also their larvae. 25e, diphtlieria, typhoid fever, canker, „hili by mail 80c, . iia riioea, s}welled i Royal Purple Drsinfectat►t, 15 250, 60e and 25c. ` by' malt e20c. head. etc.. in poultry, $1,00 tins. TO STOCK AND POULTRY RAISERS We will mall for the itoking our new revised s0 -pace. book his donation ailments of steak and poultry. Teles how to feed Iight and heavy horses, colts, mares, �. crus, calves, steers, hogs ; elate how tofeed and keen ' poultry, so that they lay winter and Gums er. Cover lithdi~raphed in crit colors, showing fain utility birdsin their natural,celois, ''liisisa book that ;Should be in every 1ariner's, possession., IT'S FR'Cs& Write for your Golly today. 1; sk " A • Je ki s Mfg: Co. London, Canada Royal, Purple Supplies at d ' ooklOts may .be obtained from P vv..i, :teat la,