HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-12, Page 4Sander:: Sc-,' Creech, Proprietors
lel arluan,ce $1.00 per Tear.:Tear.:in Canada
"SLR in United States, : Ieenot paid
,advance 50c. extra ',pert -year may
be c aarged., .,.
ArtiunspAy, FEi3 12, '14
Ilan. Robert Rogers, Minister of.
.Th blic"Works .in Mr..$,ordea'.s Cabinet
iso .troll the largest spending :lepart-
cresta la the Public Serviette .a d
4, and from
'the point of view of the plan in the.
street it is the most 'important. To
the administration of that "tepartment
the Minister of Public Works ^nine
e ell equipped with a record of bus-.
ettess and political' success behind
him which has been further enbanced
since 11e took office, About no oth
er personality in Canadian 'life ro-day
there .� re so much mystery due to his
reserve resourcefulness and quiet re-
The lefinister of Public' Works e is
shining example of. the •.prblic nazi
who though assailed and attacked
most bitterly by his political enem-
' aes,-is. in the public esteem, stronger
and more trusted than ever. It is
eptesticanable if Any man -.iu':public life
tie . Canada ever had concentrated up -
an him during any periocl.eaf his pub v.
lic life more systematic ~and organ-
zzed slanderous abuse at one ^ time
than that heaAed .by fihe;.Liberal lead-
ers and press, during then. first two
session, of the present parliament up-
saHon Robert Rogers.
The Minister of, letzblic Torks is
kindly man to meet. and „ta• now. He
-never shirks a duty, and when it is
":unpleasant he faces it with cheerful-
ness and courage. .x
The ability.: to distiaguieli between
that which seems go•o& inl' legislation
and that which -is.: good Itaonstitutes
'the •difference between 1:kpolitician
and a statesman; Hon: Riebeea Rogers
a statesman. His judgement is ex-
a:ellent and his counsel rarely wrong,
The Minister -:of Baiblic leorks is a
young man yet. e'HIisaappeaeapce shows.
nothing of tile etorms;.Andrtempests of
his political career The dace is in-
dicative of power anit .11 or; and a
=isle is, ever .urkrig-esro nd the co.r
vers of his eneuth,r,,,Ha; jeeetehard fight-
er. but there ,is no malice in it. He has
all the love of the Celt for a battle,
hut when it is over he, crows n:ot nor
does he lord -it ov'er'I ie, flee. This
uccoy nts mucor- for ti e :perlona1 pop
axiality of the 'hIUiister ' of Public
Works even among t;Iie; eielfebers of -
the Opposrtienr' Despite al use and
slander he Iiae: triune -plied, end among
his warmest admirers .itove•:t rare those
°wiyo formerly ineligned elei rre That in
IRsel€ is as warn a telbute'to the good
cense of his fernier' eappbnents as it
es a compliment., to the, Hon. Robert
himself. P
According to the proposed redis-
tribution bill Catiada =''next` parliament
will have 235 members, the changes are
Ontario 82, reduction tele 4 -
Quebec 65, unchanged.
Nova Scotia 16, reduction of 2.
New Brunswick 11, reduction of 2.
Prince Edward Island, °`3 or 4.
alaa toba 15,..an'.inereas.Ar of 5.
Saskatchewan. 16, increase of e.
Alberta 12, increase of 5'
British Columbia 12, increase of . 6,
Yukon 1, unchanged.
ears; Edwards" attended fhe funeral
• esf' her lather. on Mayday. -"The
Knights of Honor class 4te the Meth-
,dist Sunday School entertained the
members of the "Sanshinee class to
a social evening on' Freddy, in the
Huron Hall.
Death of James Bropbev--It is our
sad duty this wee! • to reeiort the
sudden passinee away of One of our
oldest residents, in the person of Mr.
Jame. Brophey. He was in his usual
health on Saturday but immediately
after eating his hinter his's;pirit took
its flight. He has lived here for over
forty- years and. was .wells known es
a good citizen; a loyale Orangeman,
a staunch Conservative ineepalitiesand
a. member of Grace Churcle,, His wife
.predeceased him about 14earears end
he leaves to mourn hi.s'd,?mise one
-son, Tbos of Aurora, f,11.eand lour
daughters, Mrs. .il'r` •„ ,Edwards,
Mrs. R. Hutchinson Mrs. 'John- Brown
and ivlrs. (Rev,) R. L. Wilati , of Ker-
•ood also, onebroth er, ,,lea .of
•. eitfield. The Rev D, Theemson
eonducted the ;:serti ices;"aq airs. John
Brown's, interment taking place at
Parkhill, His four grandsona and two
nephews were pell'beare -i 3 The sym-
pathy of a large circle of-fz'iend.s are
extended to thebereaved family.
Mr. Chester Geiser of the Molsons
Bank.. staff, Toronto, is at presentt,
h s home here, not feeling the best
having contracted a severe cold,
Several from here attended t"lie an-
auat church anniversary in Crediton
on. Smithy.
Mr. Wm. K1e'snstiver is all smiles`
these days, a baby girl having come
intco his home qn Wednesday Iast.
Mr Rich. Baker has sold his eac-
lag mare "Dolly Parole" to Messrs',
llulnpp and Bossenberry for which
he received a good figure..
Death of Joseph Wilier, -This vil-
lage and community was shocked on
Saturday morning when it was learn-
ed that Mr, Joseph Willert, a resi-
dent of the village, had passed away
during the night. No one apparently
had known that he was in any %gay
sick as be was always around :is usual
and on Friday as up to the eusieess,
Part •of the village for short 'lie.
He had complained however of a
pressing on the heart and consii.ed
:he doctor, He, hovever, gradually,
strew worse and at two o'clock pass-
ed away as above stated. He Ie tv:s
to mourn his sudden taking i1 hie
new bereft widow, one son Ind cue
daughter, four brothers, and lis ages
mother who is about 90 years of age:
besides a host of other relatives and
fleetids, Mr, Willert was of a quiet
disposition and during his •esid:.•i,e
:_l the village had made a host el
friends. Hewill certainly be it. ss : i
from our streets. The funeral t ale-
day afternoon W'a's 'largely attend id
and was conducted by Rev." P. Galina
i lin -
aer of the' Lutheran church of e- iri•:!r
Mr. Willert was a:.consistent nemoer
We extend our sincere and `near.:.elt
sympathy to the family in their 'be-
Mr. Herb Miller is spending ome
tine at his borne here.
Mr. Ezzra Otterbein, who Pas been
visiting his son at Berlin, returned
home 'last week.
Mr J. Leslie Goetz who has baa;
visiting at his home in: this place, re=
turned to North Bay to -resume were.
on Monday.
Mr. Abe Dearing visited his bro_het
Fred on. Saturday.
Mr .Chas. Hintz of Washington Mee
and Mr. Henry VPillert of Romeoerlien
attended ethe funeral of the 'ate Jos.
and family who
1\r Jacob Krafta Y
have been visiting friends in this.
community for the past two "no ?hs
left for their home in, North Dakota
'on Tuesday.
Mrs Hanover, sr., who has been is
for some time at the home of tiger
soin. David, passed away on Tueaday
Miss. Dorothy Truemner of . Zurich
has been' visiting friends in this om-
inu:nity for a few days. • She leaves
shortly to train: for a nurse :in one of
the hospitals in Toronto.,
Misses Pearl Tiernan, Ora Hoffman
and Grace Kellermantried their mfrs
ical examinations at Loedon Conserv-
atory last week.
The revival services in the Evangel-
ical Church closed last week.
Miss Webb, teacher, was off duty
for a few days owing to illness.
William Tiernan of Fort Willia h is
spending his holidays here.
Mess. Clara Granpner is visiting in
Mr. Fred. Preeter is out again °if-
terr his recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs; . Fred Disjardine who
Izave been visiting here the last six
weeks, left for their. home'in. Winni-
gres last Wednesday.- Ivaari Green
Treated some of his friends to a sac-
a.3 hop Friday°. -Mr. and Mrs. Walt
Englai d of Greenway visited at P.
- Baker's Monday, • fdr. Deeeid Baird.
inLii ~
who has been tt ca tit he last two
bears Le visiting lis, pai`ents Mr.
. and Mrs. John Beird-Quife'a ,lumber
..a_toreail here are putting Stip their ice
-The little sort of . Frank Allister stet
szrvth an accident lairt, •Tltursd:ay. i:Ie
gest his harrelAn. -thee wheel: of Mr..3'
Baird's straw -.cutter •er'tishting -he
first finger of the. rygbt 'hand. The
fln,ger was Amputated by 'Dr. Balfour
Mr Jas. Horton, who has been un-
der the doctor's care for the past
week, is recovering,-i1lrs. Wm. N.
Glenn es visiting her parents in Lon-
don this- week. -Mr. Geo. Hobkirk de-
livered a horse at Seaforth for Mr.
istcKaig of Montreal, for a handsome
turn -Miss Maye Horton gave a eu-
,hre party to a few of her !riends
Da Tuesday night last. Everybody
`tad a good time. -Quite a number
from here took in the Band Concert
"n Hensall on Tuesday night -Mr. and
\frs. Fred Ellerington gave a dancing
oarty .to their friends one night last
,week. -Mr. James Broadfoot,' Sr., who
'.las been laid up with a lame back,
:s able to be out again. -Mr. James
Glen: is in Varna this week with
his .niece,, Mrs. Beaty. -Mr. Harry
Stewart and sister, Beatrice of Sea:
forth visited.. at John. Bolton's one
day last week. -Quite a number from
here attended the dancing party ` giv-
en. by Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, 'r.,
and all report a good time, -Mr. John
Glenn, Sr., sold one of his .fine show
colts to a Montreal buyer for a hand-
some figure: -Mrs John McQueen is
in London waiting ` oh'lier uncle, the
Rev .Stewart,who is very ill.
Mr. T. Aldington is this week mov
Mg onto the 50 acre farm which he
recently purchased from ivfrs. Wm.
Miller on the boundary. We wish
them 'success.
- :Heank eri,;.ao L eure' eheldrett at bed`.
*i ttlnig. 'There les a•.cotstitutlotlal cause..
Aiir' tttls friouble, ribs. M. Slimmers; 130x:
NW_ 846, Wiaidsbr, t}rvt,, wilt send free 66-
1,04s 3 another her successful hmme,treat-
talka t, with t 11.`l,iiittructiorfe ,,,Sikud' n6,
,meiney"but write her to -day if your
unti,l,dren trotible yol, i,n;thi•e_,way. Don't
•*tlf,aese . the child, the chances are it
ma,n't help it. This treatrmm,t,• also 'its es
&dates • and , aged peopl - tt rubied with
rt.a clilfiarxllies ,t? 'day of night
Where One Could,,aet Tiger°'flit°Lion
Stew, But No Credit..
The traveler who is prone to com-
plain s1eeP1
ea8 nights spent' in u
hotels in this "country
may'find dorne solace in this account
of the Roman hotels in the days of
the late republic and the empire:
Most of the' hostelries and taverns
of Rome, says Humbert de Gainer In
"Usages et Moeurs d'Autrefois," were
situated along the Appian way. Some
of them were passable. It`was.at one
of the better ones that Cicero used
frequently to stop and write. his let.
lets.. ,
The most interesting hostelries,
however, were near the circuses and
amphitheatres. The shrewdand gen-
erally dishonest ownershad a double
purpose in selecting that situation.
It was well chosen for the patron-
age of the huge crowds that went to
the circuses on holidays to see the
fights between wildanimals and tha
gladiatorial combats, and the land-
lords could buy conveniently and rea-
sonably those animals that 'had been
slaughtered during the day, to -be
..served tables.
eve outhsir t bl s
a battle betm ecu a lion and a tiger
In the amphitheatre in the afternoon,
and if he went to anearby hotel
night find parts or the same lion
or tiger In his stew for dinner. A
bear's steak was considered a great
delicacy in Rome.,
The furnishings of the commit
room, which in these hotels.served as
dining room, parlor and, taproom
were severely simple. A few wooden
tables, a few wooden benches and a
sort of elevated throne were the only
pieces of furnittrre. On the raised
chair or throne sat the owner of the
tan and watched over his guests aed
probably his. belongings; .•
A large number of the hostelries
displayed upon the ceilings 'of thee•
uommon rooms a painting ;represeut-
ing a rooster. The patnting,bore
inscription, the spirit of which will
never grow old: ."When -`this cock
crows, then we will give credit."
That is the one link that binds the
crude, uncomfortable taverri of -an-
dent. Ro a to the elaborate hotel or
,,the present .day.
(Too' late for last week)
The Annual Meeting of Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany was held here' on Monday last.
The meeting was largely attended and
quite a discussion took place regard-
ing the assessment' of gasoline engines
and it was left in the hands of the
directors to settle. We paderstand
that they have decided that therein
to be no assessment on gasoline stoves
or I ri;genes. The loses last wear a-
mounted to $5,694.53 and a cash bal-
ance of over $16,000 remains on hand
Election of officers resulted'as follow
-Pres., R. Gardiner; Vice, R. Norris;
Directors, Thos. Ryan, Flibbert;' W.
Roy, Logan; Jas. Russell, Fullerton;
W. Brock, .Usborne;' Sec, -•frees., W,
Turnbull • Auditors, Jas. Ballantyne, J
Kay. •
A number from here attended he
fuaeral of LIrs. Jolla Stewart ellean-
nock on Monday.- fr Henry Stewart
and Mr. and. Mrs. John Stewart of
P_tts'burg vete also in attendance,-
OLIr burg has settled cI yn.ageee iter
a rather elccitin.g Scott, , ,Act •. C, t
pa gn.-My J, W.,,Stewart had a eery
su eess1ttil 4,04 d boe ,o,n 'Wednesday.--,,
M•;. John Zurnoiall , who recently re-
turned from the West, ,has; engaged
%Stt,i Mr. Peter Gardiner foe Inc sea: -
Men -We -We understand a Inovement is
o loo'b
f0t, the extension of the kirk -
telephone in •Usborne..
Suicide as a Luxury
Suicide has often been regarded er
a luxury, and Marsetiles, Fiance, ecu-
•inizeci from Miletus in ancient days,
areseryed:a custom and a`prison for
many years under -Roman rule.' A
dose of hemlock acid aconite- was -al
lowed to any one who could shoe
aafficient reason why he should de-
serve death.' ``This - custore,'ti^says
'rZalerius Maximus, "comesi *fro..t
Greece, particularly -from 'the•;•island<
of Ceos, where I saw an example: "11-
wasa' woman of ,great gualityamwho&
having *lived •very happily; ninety
rears, obtained leave to -die-Alla :.way,
teat by living longer she should hap-
pen to see a change of her good -
fortune." '
Persian Legend About Goats.: •
'In Persia. there is a legend.regard-
ing the goat, which telis.us that the
goat, without fault .01 „her oyyn, ex:
cited the prejudice of mankindi.until
her life Was unbearable. The'• pow-
ers then made it .possibie for her to
find sustenance on inaccessible 'mouii-
tain tops where man could not mo-
lest her, and she was given the power
to find by instinct the leaf of healing,
so that she would never become ill.
And after centuries of Isolation she,
was to return andlive again among
the haunts of nien, to be a "blessed"
animal and tobe indispensable) to his
needs, alone having power to save
him from many troubles.
More Important.
Mr. Dustin did not approve.nf his
son's choice of a wife and was trying
to persuade him to see things as he
"Yes, you are quite right, father,.,
said thes on. `Mabel has her defects,
she is vain, full of pretensions and
grand ideas, . with a very difficult
character. But father, in spite of, all,
I simply adore her.: I can't live with-
out her."
"But that is not the question, my
boy," said the father. '.`Can you live
A Judge. of Music.
A concert was given at: a Gerrnar
court in honor of some foreign prince.
At its close the illustrious guest ask-
ed for a repetition of the first item
on the program. The first piece :i was
accordingly played over again, but
the visitor failed to recognize It as.
the one he had liked best. Suddenly
the musicians fell -to tuning their in-
struments, during which process all
the company stopped their ears' with
the exception of the foreign monarch,
who exclaimed in a rapture of delight,
"That is my favorite piece!"
B> giELEE.
At the ripe age, of 82 years Mrs,
Colwell of Tuck ersmith •has gone.
to rew,ttrd" she has beets ill for a long
death not
She left a `sorrowing hus-
band and 8 children, William, of the
West Thomas Richard and-Emmaat
home, Mrs. Joh'n,Swtln, Mrs. James Mc
Donald Mrs. Robert Young of our
Village, and' Misses Colwell, of Nisu•-.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot Reach
the Beat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or consbi-
tubionaldisease, and in order to cure it you must
take internal remedies., Hall's Catarrh Curcio taken
internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is nota quack medi-
cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this eountryyfor years and is a regular 'prescnp•
tion, It is composed of the hest tonics known, 'com-
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination
of the two ingredients is what produeessuch wonder
tut results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
P. J. Ci ENEY & 00., Props., Toledo, O•
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Takeiiall's Family Pills for oonnfipation.
One of the oldest and most respect-
ed residents in this neighborhood
passed away on Sunday, Feb. 1st, in
the .person of Solomon Pollock. His
death is the first ,break in a large fam-
ily of father and mother and seven
sons and six daughters. Deceased
was bora, at ,Quebec in1831, Ind was
in his . 83rd year. Thirty-six .years Igo
he moved to the homestead on the
North Boundary Concessions of 'vIcGil
livray, half 'a mile west o ,1.Corb_tt•
He is survived by' his aged- w dow and
seven sons, W. J., Jaynes, Andrew and
Joseph of Corbett, 'Solomon of Grand
Bend Robert at home, .and Albert at
Greenway and six. daughters, °'Mar;y.
at home Mrs. Robert English, grs:
Chidley Woodburn of Greenway, Mrs
Archibald McIntosh of Port Huron,
Mrs. Angus McIntosh of Moray, and
Mrs. Albert Smithers of Mt. eier.ive.
Interment was made .in Grand Bend
The 17sborne Municipal met at the
Township Hall, Elimville, on Feb. 7,
pursuant to .adjournment: •' • All the
members were present. ,The minutes
of the last meeting were read and ap-.
By-lai ,.No. 1, 1914, confirming the
appointment of- officers, fixing, salaries
etc., was read, passed by the Council
signed. and sealed. •
The Auditors' report was; present-
ed be H:Strang, adopted;by;the Coon
cil and ordered to be printed'. fop'
The tender for the Exeter Tines
for the ordinary printing required by
the Municipality was accepted as per
itemized statement.
' A. few accounts were passed and
orders issued; in, payment., Council,
thenadjourned to meet Saturday,
March 7th at one o'clock.
Fr Morley, Clerk, R R. No. Granton
Not a Case of Sympathy.
Teacher -Willie, did your • fa'her
whip you for what you did in school •
Willie -No, ma'am;, he said the
licking 'would hurt hint more than
Teacher -What nonsense! Your
father is too sympathetic.
Willie -No, ma'am; but he's g',t
.rheumatism in both arms.
Not Tender All Over,
A beggar had been for a long time
besieging an old, gouty, testy, limp-
ing gentleman, who refused his mite'
w :th great2 irritability, upon ♦ hicb
the mendicant ;mid:
„Ah, pleaseyour honor's
honor, I
wish Providence had made your heart
half as tender as yqur feet!"
Russian Strong brinks.
Vodka and quass are Russian
drinks. The first is a species of •whis-
ky or brandy distilled generally, from
rye, but sometimes from potatoes,
and the second is a beer. derived from,
rye instead of barley,
Mrs. Geo: Millson visited' her sister
Mrs. David Parkinson, in St. Marys
last week. -Mrs. John Wright returned
home on Monday, after a pleasant vis-
it with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mill -
San r. Hensall.-Mr. Wm. Brooks was
in . London on Saturday visiting
friends, -Although the weather was
cold and stormy there was a large
gathering at church to hear 'Evangel-
int Fawcett who was o:n''his way to
Centralia, where he is conducting ' re-
vival services this week. Mr. Faw-
cett was here for three weeks before
Christmas and made many warm
friends,. who welcomed him .back :again
-Our young people have been Having
a good time of late. On Wednesday
evening. George Parkinson gave 'hem
an. oyster supper and a pleasant even-
ing was spent after in games and
amusements. Then on Thursday ev-
ening the 5th, about 60 gathered ° at
the home of Mrs. Albert Gitnning at.
Woodham to celebrate the Zlst birth-
day of her son Glarence. A gold ring
two pairs of gold cuff' links and otlr
er valuablegifts were presented to
him, along with a nicely worded ad-
dress , .Oysters were the menu on this
occasidn also. No dancing was par-
ticipated in on either occasions and
our young people say they had just
as good a time as ie they had danced
all ni lit;
Just the Thing:
1mploy,,meflt, Agent ,- You come
from 'the' coubtrei Yon cannot eo61c
and you have learned to do nothing-:
else. Well,suppoise•rfor'-the present
eau:: try: to get a polydtloh _for;,general
hoUsetvtark•. •
"IIe'certainly touched me with hie
story of hard luck."
"For how much?"•_
John Ruby of Michigan is visrtrng
his brol.her Wm: Ruby. '.
Mrs. Dan Herford of Elkton, Micl n
is visiting her. parents, Mr. and Airs`•,
Job:n• Gillman.
P. Farwell of Haldimand County, a
son-in-law of Mr. Wendel Smith, has
purchased Menno, Bechler's fine farm
two miles south, of town, for $6900,
The farm contains 100 acres.
Win, Fee has disposed of his fine
farm north of town to J. P. Rau, 'he
proprietor of the Commercial Hotel.
The farm contains 150 acres and is
an ideal hone,. Possession give April.
1st ,text.
Edward Denornme died recentlyaf-
ter an illness el only one week ,of
pneumonia,He ,had reashed the age of.
52 andearly r and sudden 2
his .e 1
y demise
is sincerely regretted by neighbors and
and friends. He leaves a widow and
two sons and five _daughters to mourn
his loss.
SIR EDMUND. WALKER, C.V.O..LL>D„ D.C.L., President
ALEXANDER LAIRD. RDD. General Manager JOHN AIRD, Asst General Manages
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
• I� �S
The Canadian Bank of Comrlterce extends .., to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank. ' sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. 525
'EXETER BRANCH -G. L. WAUGE . M.anager..
Branch iso at Crediton
lVlois�ns nk
Incorporated, 1855
Capital &. Reserve
TRAVELLERS CHEQUES .....: • • - • Issued
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exet,er'fortbe Dominion Government.
Diosf;ox & CABLING,Solicit rs T N. D. HUManRDON g if,
i The Kung George Hotel has been
thoroughly repaired since the fire. -
Wm McTaggart of the westis visit-
ing his parents Mr. and Mrs.'A. ; ;bac
Taggart who have been ill -Douglas,
Neelands of Buffalo "visited his'-ear..txis
last week -Mrs. J-ohn Rathvell is's'till
very ill -Mrs, John Colwell sr: 'has •re
turned•'from St. Paul,' Minn. -where slfe'
spent ,some months. •�
Pete s Welsh -of Tordnto, ferriterly
of Hensall; broke his arm recently .by"
falling, -Mee hear that our village is
;to have a second pool: room itt -'a
short time.-T'he little'dau.ghter of.
Frank 'Marshall is recovering from her
burns. ,
.cutting box, .grindstone, .wheelbarrow
buggy pole,pig rack, pig crate;' 2 set
_double harness; 1 set double harness
sugar kettle, about 50, cedar posts;
quantity of lumber, quantity of ' hay;
about 100 bush, of -mangolds, number
p1 bee boxes, 2 bives of bees, number
pieces of furniture, forks, chains, hoes
shovels whiffletrees, neckyokes, and
other articles too numerous,: -to men-
Terms -Fat• Cattle. and Hay, Cash;
on other articles $5 and under cash;
over that =meat 8', Months credit
on furnishing' approved joint notes
4 -per cent per annum allowed_lor .ash
on credit amounts,
Prop, , ' Auct., Exeter
r A tells -
DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS ble xe- Auction Sale
no Fill f lir b5 o i;h
gnfaor- Doren, n bx or teef
51.0.. Solg diat all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price. ,TILE SCOBELL DRUG'
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases' gree
matter ' ; a Tonic -will build you up. 53 a box; or
two for 55, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price, THE SCOBELL DRUG Co., St. Catharines.
Auction Sale
Farn' Stock, Implements and House-
hold Effects, on
LOT 13 CON. 6, STEPHEN, ;half mile
north of .Crediton, on `
TUESDAY FEB. 24th, at 1 'p.
Horses -Gen. Purpose horse; 8 yrs.
1 Percheron mare 6 years, .sup. to be'
in foal; 1 gray Percheron filly . rising
2 years; 1 Gen. Purpose filly, -rising 2
1 Percheron filly.
Cattle -4 Grade Cows, sup. to be in
calf to thoroughbred bull; farrow cow
2 fat heifers rising 3 years; ,2 steers
rising 1 year; 1 heifer rising ,1 year;
2 fall calves, 2 steers rising -1 year.:''
Hogs and Poultry. -1, brood sow, to
farrow in March; 7 shoats 3 months.
Old, about 40 chicken.
-Implements-1 7 -foot, Deering;, bin-
der, nearly new; 1 6 -ft Deering moiv-
er, nearly new; ,Massey Harris hayrake
10 ft.; Massey Harris cultivator; land
roller; grain drill, 4 section '..dia;mond
liar row, 2 walking plops, 2 =„,furrow
gang plow; kid -kangaroo 2 -fug plow;
2 set of bob "sleighs; 2 lumber., wag-
ons wagon box, gravel box,.hay rack
scuffler, cream separator, 2eeeat.ed
carriage, top buggy, fanning ;ynill; root
ptulper;. platform scales 800 ,:Pounds;
_It will be sad news. to many' here
to learn cif the death of Thos. Simp-
son, who died in Victoria Hospital
London, on Saturday, after a long ill-
ties?x Mternient took place* in •Sf,
Maines' Cemetery here.-' r•ia.r'z,i
x; YlanX,a;,bixl ,peal e,3,74p�'s�tt:r;angie. ,.er
ae,tign,s;.because;;'.�s he„l\ s tliscov
lee ` " yiiakes•let britt
titt w . ping
`tete average wile thinks she is her
hu ; sa:i:Is guiding star -but tnost'hus
,,,et A,' ...
Thos Cameron will offer for sale
by public auction on the •premises of,
the undersigned, Main. Street, Exeter,ak
oft SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1914
'At one o'clock, the following valuable
property, -Bedstead, pair bed springs
dresser, clock, washing machine, quan-
tity dishes, bedroom toilet set,pots,
frying pan, half 'doz.. kitchen:chairs,
corner bracket, granite' dishes, pair
curtain stretchers, 3 flat irons, 3 doe
sealers, looking glass, knives and forks
bracket zinc pail, wooden nail, pair
curtaie poles, some rag carpet, num-
ber -mats 2 pictures, number lamps,
wheelbarrow, 3 buckk saws, quantity
of split wood,, good lawn mower, roll
of felt paper for carpet, glass cup-
board brass kettle, 4 pails, some
crocks. bread pans, and other articles
There will also be sold at the same
time and place Lots 23 and 24, situ-
ated 'on the corner of Main and
Victoria Streets, imtnediatelb south of
Maio. St. Methodist Church, Exeter,
There is on the premises a first-class
brick house with kitchen and wood-
shed, good stable and drive shed and
other conveniences. This' is an ex-
cellent property, well situated, and is
a beautiful property in every respect.
This property must be solid: as the
proprietor has moved to, Toronto.
Terms -Chattels, cash; reat estate
sissy' and will be made known on day
of sale: For further particulars apply
to the auctioneer.
Proprietor Auctioneer
• •Model TI
`Coitrir+{t Cart!)
ail?. Ford Obt.
Get catalog and, particulars from Wes.
Snell, agent, Exeter, Ont.