HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-5, Page 82111ZZQG.A. T, THURSDAY EXETER MARKETS• tubi 1„NC*Et EAOH WEDNESDAY 85 85: 46 54 3 80 90 10 00 ylihl`lN �*•,441 . , ... �S.. IBtcrvbreat . Oats. , ..:a, 32 ��l' 1?, trc . , ..-« 75 Pel Al oes,per bag ,,. . * . xQ 00 flay, a erton..,......,,,' :U our, per cwt„ family 1 b0. l50 'fl, i grade per ew 32 8 90 Live hogs,•per cwt.. , 28 90 Shorts per ton .... .. 23 00 Bran per ton ...... , . , . . 2 80 our ow 22 23 Button ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 2 33 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES BY ,HANGING NEW PICTURES Half Price Sale of en big assortment of New Framed Pictures, all worked in plain 'figures and for sale at Half Price, We invite you to call and have a look at those pictures. Sorsnte one of them will no doubt appe.al e ao you and you' can buy be just half the price marked.J. SENIOi. CARD OF THANKS. The family of the late Charles Kestle thank the many friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and sub- sequeat death of their father. RIFLE BARREL LOST.—On Jan, 15th, between Exeter and Elimville. Reward to finder who will kindly re- turn to this office. HOUSE FOR SALE.—New brick isouse, eight rooms, with all mod- ern conveniences, situated on Eliza- beth ctrohfoes rreetC church Apply toA. Hastings B, Saell SEEDS FOR SALE JAMES BEER wishes to announce that he has a choice line of Turnip, Mangel Corn and Potato Seed for Sale. See him before buying. Get your TUNGSTEN LAMPS at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. MARRIAGE LICENSES LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental FURS WANTED—All kinds of furs for which highest prices will be paid, —D. Hartleib, Exeter. NOTICE is hereby given that the North Midland Railway Company will make application to the Legis- lature of the Province of Ontario at its next ensuing session for an extension of time in which to com- mence and complete the works of the Railway and for tither pur- poses. DATED at London this 14th day of January, A. D. 1914. J. W. G. WINNETT 418 Talbot St., London, Ont. Solicitor for Company. PROPERTIES FOR SALE I have several choice residential properties in Exeter for sale. Des- cription and terms on application, A. HASTINGS, Exeter HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey frame house in good state of repair. One-quarter acre of land. Situate on Huron Street. Good water. etc. Apply' to 14liss ADDIE MORLOCK, or T. B. CARLING. FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick house, half acre land; F_uit trees, hen house on the prem- ises A good comfortable place. For particulars apply to Mrs. E. Demp- sey. Centralia. FARM FOR SALE The. undersigned is offering for sale Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen, containing 100 acres There is on the premises new brick house, bank barn, and other out buildings; young orchard, about 18 acres bush balance under cultivation This is one of the best farms in the township and will be sold at a reas- onable price; located within 1;, miles from Centralia and school is on .;ane farm For particulars apply on the premises, or by mail to J. R. Neil Centralia Ont. FARM FOR SALE . A choice farm of 100 acres for sale. being Lot 23, Con. 10, Stephen. There is on the premises a new brick house. two storey; new bank barn 44x64; hen. house and pig pen, young young orchard; 10 acres of bush; 40 plowed; 10 acres seeded to alsike and five acres fall wheat; good hard and soft water and windmill. Water works in stables. Apply on premises or write to Samuel Beaver, Dashwood P. O. <. 7, etettitg into the V, -'.I., SMelVtan t;uy more than two-thirds he rrts.'t'ollen-, :die* said in retail stares p.r d everywaz l: rt reads the Ctas If Qd Want Ads. OLr Paper goes into the 'homed and the Want Enda, rhriil reach the .Ob1 „X a Y.i,m, t LOCAL DOINGS, A carnival is to be, held, in the rink this Friday „evening, Mr. Wes Snell got in several more Ford cars last week. Rev. J, E, Holmes of Ridgetown .,hd Rev. McAlister will exchange pul- pits ,next Sunday, His Honor Judge Holt held Divis- ion Court in. the Town Hall an Wed- nesday of this week. The officers of the 33rd lluron Regiment hold their annual meeting in Clinton on Thursday. Sir James Whitney has beea able to sit up during the weeLl:, and is show ing decided improvement, Rev. G. H. McAlister has beenin v.ted to remain as pastor of James Street Church for a third year. The Annual Congregational Tea os the Trivitt Memorial Church will b.: held in the School Hall to -morrow, Friday evening, Twc rinks of curlers from Hensall were here Tuesday, but -the day be- ing very mild there was only a morn- ing game played, the visitors winning. The late George Eacrett property on Man Street has been, sold by Mr, Beavers to Mr. Samuel Ross of Sask- atoon, who intends making it into an up-to-date residence. Saturday saw a small size alizhard in this •district with a fall of several in- ches of snow. It did not stay on the roads, however, so that the wheels are being used almost entirely. A good time was spent at the an- nual oyster supper of the, Young Men's and Young Ladies' Bible Classes of James Street church on Friday even ing last. About 200 were present. Atter the supper an interesting pro- gram was rendered, Among the little advertisements last week were two for a Lost Bracelet and a Lost Muff. The value of the Advocate as an advertising medium is again shown, when we tell you that bort; articles were returned to the owners inside of two days. The new Redistribution Bill which is shortly to be considered in Parlia- ment proposes to reduce Huron, Grey and Middlesex constituencies from from three to two. Huron will likely be divided into North and South rid -4 ings. Ontario's representation will be reduced from 86 to 82. Roy Webber, son of the late John Webber, who has been sick, ;about a week with appendicitis, was operated on at the home.. of Mr. John North- cott on Tuesday. The operation was a critical one, but the patient is do- ing nicely and gives every promise of recovery. 'Dr; Williams of London and Dr Hyndman of Exeter per- formed the operation. Rev ,Canon H. C. Dixon, rector of Trinity Church, Toronto, writing to the people of Exeter through Mr. J Grigg, wishes to that'- the people who so kindly contributed to the box of clothing which came to hand re- cently, He states that the need has been -very great in the city, but that things are looking much better now. The situation is being handled fairly satisfactorily at present." A new industry is about to begin the manufacture of automobile acces- sories in. Ford City, Ont., the Beeson Non -Skid Tire Band Co., Ltd,, hav- ing been incorporated under the On- tario Companies . Act, with a capital of $40,000. Bert B. Beeson has been made president of the company, Ellis Atkin vice-president, and Simon Sweitzer secretary -treasurer. Oper- ation will begin about March: lst. Mr. Chas, E. Tuckey and family moved on ,Tuesday from London Tice to the farm they recently purchased from Mr John. Welsh. Prior to dieir departure from their old home .about e00 neighbors and, ,friends gathered" to spent a pleasant evening, in the course of which Mr. and, Mrs. Tuckey were presented with a gold watch and ch,aiu each, as a token of the esteem in which they are held. We welcome tnen. to Huron County. fie funeral of the late Mrs. fta•i- bury took place on Thursday last to Exeter cemetery and was largely attended. The floral tributes which were very numerous and beautiful snowed the high esteem in which she was held by the whole community, The service was conducted by Rev. S. F. Sharp, assisted by. Rev, Stuart and Rev eiartin of London, Rev. D. W. Collins of Exeter, and Rev. C. Fletcher or: the Thames Road. Oth- ers present from a distance were, Dr, John H. Eastwood ot Peterboro, Mrs. Gourley, Miss Eastwood and Dr. R. J. Stanbury of Toronto and Nes. ntanbury or Loncton. CASES ABANDONED.—On .Tues- day morning the charges in the ad- journed case of Magiadery vs. New- ell were abandoned. All the charges have now been either disrnissed, or abandoned. CARD OF THANKS.—The family desire to express their sincere thanks to the Girls' Auxiliary of the Trivitt Memorial Church and the friends who so generously extended, assistance and sympathy during the illness and sub- sequent death of Mr. M akin. SOLD' JE'WELLRY BUSINESS—Mr A, Marcltaad,who has been conduct- ing a jewellery business in connection wren the Beit Telephone Office here for the past mune years has disposed of the same to Messrs, Lawson and freak of Crediton, who took posses- sion this week. During Mr. March- and's business career here he has en- joyed a large anct successful business and by his .obliging and courteous manner and honorable dealing with the public; he has wan the tavor of. a large circle of friends, who will' re- gret vary much his departure from Exeter's business arena.. Messrs, Lawson and Trick are well and favor- ably known in the community and we welcome them to our midst, bespeak- ing for them the same liberal pat- ronage enjoyed by their predecessor. We understand Miss Treble will be SAW SHADOW—The beer without doubt could see his shadow on Feb. 2nd, as it was a bright sunny day. We may ,consequently, look for six more weeks of winter, according to the old "saw", LEGISLATURE METS FEB, 18.- At a neeti,ng, of the Cabinet it was decided that the Ontario Legislature would open on Wednesday, Feb. 18, Owing to the sickness of Sir Tames Whitney, the Hon. J, J. Foy will be in charge of the House, SOLD STORE BUSINESS, -Mr, Steele, who recently purchased the store business of the late David Cob- bledick, Exeter North, and: whose wife died a few weeks ago, last week disposed .of his, mercantile business to Mr. Henry Beirling. In the deal Mr. Steel takes Mr. Bieling's residential property in Exeter North. FATHER DEAD,—Mrs. (Dr.) Amos received word'on Sunday of, the death in Oshawa that day of, her father,14r Robert Sinclair., in his 86th year. Deatb, was due to old age. The great- er part of his life wa,s• spent in Bow- manville, He was twice married. His second wife survives, as do also a large family of grown op, sons and daughters. The funeral took place to Bowmanville on Tuesday. Mrs. Amos visited her father a week ago. HICKS' FEBRUARY FORECAST. —A reactionary storm,. period ' will bring falling barometer, change to warmer and return to cloudiness and storms of rain, wind and snow. The crisis of this period' will fall on the 10th, llth and 12th, notably., on the lith and 12th, as the moon is in per - gee on the llth, and on the celestial equator on the 12th, following the full Moon on the 10th. Look1 for blizzards from the northwest, Destructive sleet will be ,common during the first ten days of February. Piercing cold will visit most parts of the country from about the 12th to the 14th. 12t1) AT GODERICH.—The Annual County Meeting of the Loyal Orange Order was held in the Hall, Exeter on Tuesday of this week when it was decided to celebrate the 12th of July this year ;at Goderich Besides other business the following officers were elected,—Wm. Kenney,'Winthrop, County Master; J. W. Hodgins, Lucan Deputy County Master; John Sproule Lucan, Chaplain; Peter Cantelon, Clin- ton. Secretary; Thos. Flynn, Crediton Fin. -Sec • Ed. Cantelon, Clinton,Treas user; John Armitage, Lucan, and R. McMurray, Bayfield, Lecturers; Geo. Vanderburg • Clinton, Director cal-Cer- emonies; 2Cer-emonies; le A. Ryan, Lucan, T. i-eiup hill Hensall, Auditors. THE MAIN STREET CHURCH— Thc Regular Quarterly Official Board Meeting of the church was held on Monday evening at 8 p.m., th e pas. tor Rev. E. G. Powel1 in the .:hair. Every department of church work is ,in a very prosperous condition, The men of the church are now arrang- ing rranging for a, Men's Missionary `Banquet in the near future. The following have been named as a standing com- mittee—B. , W. F. Beavers, chairman; his son Clayton. E. S. Pieeups, H. Rundle, F. J. wick- anceMiss Margaret Wilson after a visit ru,1>e 1, w. A. �alkwth, erred wire, A. npen�er, R. 13. red blew- , +. , i with Miss Kathleen Stewart returned J ar, __,ea: vvai,ams, Wes. Johns, Peter to Seaforth Tuesday. Miss Stewart v\rnaiucic. l.ev. 1. G. Powell was app.ic.i:e•a ,u .attend the Dominion Al- liaacc Lonven..kon held in 'l oronto tit ;. %reek :gin. Feoruary. The board vote:Lcn..:.red to Rev, ms, ea ,ve!i a. ;hearty vo.e of thanks for the very energetic aa -rd able man- ner in which he conducted the Cam- paign in favor of . the Canada Tem- perance Act, not only in J::xeter'but cnroughout the County ot Huron., 1.814 GRAY HAIRS A HANDICAP Tendency of Modern Business is to Factor the Young Men This is the young mall's age, Every ;where you find, the jobs in the hands of young meat, The appearance of age discredits your ability. Youth and efficiency are first cousins in the eyes of business men, Don't let a few gray hairs spoil your changes when its so easy to prey eat or cure them. Hay's Hair Health restores the nat-• ural color to Gray hair and rio one will know you useit. It is not a dye, It is. a hair tonic that re -invigorates the Hair roots and the scalp supplies new nurishment, a new, lease of life for. your hair, thus bringing back its natural color and luxuriance. It removes dandruff.. We guarantee it to do this. Your money 'will be refunded if it fails after a fair trial. $L00, 50c,, 25c. Get it at our store, SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY W. S. HOWEY, DRUGGIST EXETER, ONTARIO Amy Wexler has taken a situation in Galt, Miss Edna. Follick has ' been visit- ing in Ingersoll. Mr. Geo ,Hawkins has returned from a visit is Windsor. Mr, Peter Bawden was in London on business last week. Mr. Nelson Stanlake was in Buffalo during the week on business: Mr, Bert Clark' has moved to the Perkins residence on William street. Mrs. Thos. Oke of London visited friends and relatives here over Sun- day. Mr J. W. Chittick of Teesewater. is the new clerk at the. Bank of Com- merce, Mr. Russell Howard of London vis- ited with relatives and friends here last week. Miss Emma Cunningham of Ilderton visited with her aunt, Mrs. Yager during the week. Ivir John G. Wein of Stephen left on Monday to spend a few days in Detroit on business. i, essrs. S. M. and D. B. Sanders are attending the Canners' Conven- tio.i in Baltimore this week. The telephone gang who have been working here for some time, left on Wednesday morning for Crediton. Mr and Mrs. John Thompson, after two months' visit here, left for their home in Carnduff, Sask., on Tuesday. Mrs. Jas. Taylor has returned from Ingersoll, accompanied by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Burke, who is ill with pleur- isy. Mr. and . Mrs. W. A. Beatty of Car- lyle . Sask., spent a few days last week with the latter's sister; firs. T, C. McLeod. Mr Jas. Gould of Hay returned on Saturday evening from a trip to the West where he spent a.month • with ALBERT BISSET'l' DEAD.— The death took place in Brantford on Sun- nay moraing, last of a former Exeter pian, Albert Bissett, at the age of o.' years. Deceased had been troubled wan blood - poisoning fpr -somemonths and was also ill for several weeks Writ+ pne tnofra, fie recovered io '..a great extent and' was supposed to be on tit way to conbplete, recovery when ae oecame worse Iasi week ana the ez., .ante quickly, Deceased was born at nxeter an.l resided in thus neigh- oornood all his life until about live year ago wnen ne moved, to brant cora. He was well and favorably knownn to a great many people in Huron and sincere sympathy is ex- .enue.l co 'tne family,. Besides his ,v.fe, wno was a daughter of the late James bneli or nxeter ne Ls survived uy tierce sons and two daughters earner, Ilton and Noble, Pearl and tela ail of whom are grown up. 1-l% s .atner..a1r. rnomas Bissett of r,xeter a_se survives, as do three brothers, �aarles -of Manitoba, .David of vvind sor anti Wesley J. of bxeter. Messrs. Wesley Bissett and Wesley Snell at- tended the funeral: which took place in. Brantford on Tuesday. • CHARLES RESTLE DEAD.— An- other aged resident of this district passed away on Thursday last in the person of Charles Kestle; in his 90th, Year: His •demise was due to the in unities of old, age. The late Mr. Ies- tle was born, in Cornwall, Eng., and came' to Canada in 1850, with his two brothers, They remained near Port f-fope for about a year and then took up land on the 2nd concession ofthe. Township of Stephen. After two years the Lather and mother and 'oth- ers of the family came, to Canada and settled on the farm, and the brothers took up land oh the 8th concession pf the same township. Deceased roar- ried Rebecca Amy, who predeceased him 14 years, Mr. and Mrs. Kestle retiired from •farming ir,t 1895 and proved to Exeter, where the latter died in 1900, since which time Mr. Kestle bad resided Fvith his daughter, Ars, Jeff Fisher, Usborne, where he died and from whose home the funeral took place to Exeter cemetery on Satur- day afternoon. Mr, Isestle was a Lib- eral in politics and a Methodist in z e= ligion, and was highly esteemed, FoUr daughters and two stens survive, Mrs, Samuel Dining of Hensall, Mrs, Chas, Any 'of Burford, Mrs, Pa tit Coates retained; to have charge o` tee tel-`ay,l ;Mrs. Jeff F;.sher of Osborneand ep'rone ,business which' she has of -Stephen and Edward of. efficiently performed tor some rine, Usbortue,, accompareed her. ears, A. Bawey returned the latter part of last, week from a visit with her mother in Port Huron, who is ill and with only slight hopes of her ren covery, Mrs, Allen McLean, who hasbeen. visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Luxton here for the past two months returned to her home inFill more. Sa k.; on Friday last. Her sis- ter Miss Clara Luxton, accompanied her as far as London, where she will visit .f or, two weeks. Hockey The School and I.O.O.F. locizay teams broke their tie of, 0-0 o'n Mon- day evening, in a very close game, the former winning out 1-0. February Bargain Sale February Bargain sale starts on Saturday and lasts till the end of the month. Don't miss this, Come iny everday. • Big Varity Store Powells Bazaar Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices teas, coffee and every' thing in the grocery line. Call and see u s ,A trial convin- ce. O vin as to quality -will c n � ce. Produce—taken in• exchange , Jas. Gould pposite E+leetric light ?hot Change of Business Havingpurchased the Jewelry r business of Mr. A. Marchand we'would ask a continuance of the patronage .e accorded our predecessor and if favored withsm e 3 cur wants will have our best attention. It will be our endeavor to keep our stock up to `_ where it will appeal to all classes of customers,.. and °}: oux aini will be to give perfect satisfaction in all lines. A Call Solicited REPAIRING Speoial attention paid to repairing of all kinds Lawson & Trick Successors to A. Marchand Telephone Office SETTLING UP TIME All persons having an occount with me will please call and settle before Feb. let 1914 and oblige. R. 14. Rows Undertaker and License Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER ONTARIO semaseeslasomiteesW Baled Hay Baled Hay for sale. Any quanity delivered. •*.,- R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario T. B CARLING Life, Fire, Accldeut and Plate Glass. insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales. Exeter, Ont. Tlie Avocate toFell. '19, $1 JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Big . Display of New Spring Goods FEBRUARY IS THE MONTH TO DO YOUR EARLY BUY- ING. IT GIVES YOU GOOD TIME TO DO YOUR SPRING SEWING. WE ARE ALWAYS EARLY WITH OUR NEW GOODS AND YOU WILL FIND AN ABUNDANCE HERE TO CHOOSE FROM. New Spring Dress Goods' New Prints New Relines New Spring Suit Lengths New Ginghams New Crepe Cloths • New Spring Silks New Galateas New Silk Crepes New Spring Satins New Nurse •Cloths New Marquisettes New Spring Trimmings New Drillings New Bedford Cords The New Spring Goods come in all the newest colors and most stylish cloths for this aee.son: We want to show you the New Styles. It will do you good. Big Clearing Sale of All Winter Goods WE ARE NOT OVERSTOCKED AFTER ONE OF OURBEST FALL .AND WINTER SEASONS, BUT HAVE A FEW ODDS AND ENDS THAT WE ARE "BOUND TO CLEAR OUT THIS MONTH AT ANY OLD PRICE. Ladies' Wear LADIES' .COATS Only 5 Ieft at .$6.00 each, Only .5 children's at $3 each This is a clean stock Ladies' FUR COLLAR Coats A good coat at only $12.00 The best at only $14.50 This is a snap, LADIES FURS All Furs to go at r( off. $120 furs for $15, $15 furs for $11.' $10 Furs :for $7, Men's Wear MEN'S SUITS Some $24 and $25 Suits at $1Z. Some $.12 and $15 Suits at $8. Only a few odd suits left but they must go at these prices,. MEN'S FUR COLLAR COATS At ,$10 $12 an,d $15 This is a rare bargain and very few left. MEN'S FUR COATS Do you want, a bargain i Cn a fur Coat, Now is your chance at a- bout '3 regular price. JONES & N S MAY Headgtiarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanfoud Clothing