HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-5, Page 7IN MISERY
lialiaestiou Oen Be Cured By the
Use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
If your digestion is weak you can
notderive peeper nourishment
from your food, The pain_ and dis-
tress you suffer is a protest ir'on2
your stomach that it is unable to
do its work. Jt is then that you
lose all Jappetito, have dull head-
aehes, acute pains in the chest and
abdomen, "heartburn and`oiiher dis-
tressing symptoms..
You etDnnet mare indigestion by
the use of laxatives, and pre-
digest -ed foods only make the stomach
more sluggish. Indigestion can
only be marred by giving tone •to:
and strengthening the nerves that
control the stomach. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have cured indigestion
tunes without number, because.
they purify and ` enrich the blood..
In this way they improve the ap-
petite, dispel the torments of in-
digestion and enable you 'to derive
benefit from the fokd you take. The
following is proof of these state-
ments. Mrs, George Brien, Great
Shemogue, N.B., says "A few
years ago I. was taken down with a
fever which left me suffering from
nervous stomach' trouble. 1 ap-
parently got over it, but the trou-
ble 'could not have been wholly
ka eradicated, as during the summer
of. 1912 I was taken down with it
again. I took many medicines,
and.: was attended by two different.
doctors, but instead of getting well
.seemed to be growing worse. I
could not eat without suffering the
most intense pains^, even a. drink
of milk seemed to upset ine. I slept
Poorly and . at last dreaded to see
tight come. In this condition I
s saw in a newspaper the story of a
woman who had similarly suffered
and was cured through the uee of
Dr- Williams' Pink Pills. I decid-
ed to try the Pills and found by the
time I had taken threeboxes that
they were
helping me. I ca
1 u 1 had taken
using t Pills tl T
1 g he rr.
eight boxes, when the
disappeared, and I have to thank
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for restor-
ing my health After I had practi-
cally given up hope of ever- being
well .again."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all medicine dealers or will be
sent by mail at 50 centsabox or
six boxes for $2.50 by writing The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Coe, Brock-
ville Ont.
A. 'new- clock face, or dial, has been
patented which may be placed on any
clock and by removing the hour hand
and placing the minute hand on the
hour spindle transforms the clock in-
to. a one -hand easy -to -read time tell-
er, Children have difficulty in . telling
the time by two-handed clocks, and
�t those who have occasion to send a
child into the house for the time can.
hardly ever be sure that the young-
ster does not cant% ,e the "long and
"short" hands. By this device neither
dark days, glare on the glass of the
clock face or a child's inability to
distinguish between hour and minute
hands can prevent correct time read-
ing. In this ther"e :s no possibility of
one mistaking, for instance,. 12.05 for
1 o'clock.—Popular Magazine.
Always laugh when you can; it is
a cheap medicine. Merriment is a
philosophy not well --understood, It is
the sunny side of existence.—Byron.
Say one more little prayer, "God
give me love of my work," and don't
believe the people who say . porridge
Isn't gootT for you.—Mr. Martin 1Iar ley.
If a man has a right to be proud
ofanything it is of a good action done',
as it ought to be, without any base
interest lurking at the bottom of it. -
Be such a man, live such a life, that
if every roan were such as you, and
every life a life such as yours, this
earth would be a paradise.—Phillips
There are many people in this world
who are like perfumed vases from
which the perfume has fled, all the
surrounding objects attraeting it—and
so their life is not in themselves, but
in- their things, -Ward Beecher.
� lteii a Woman Suffers
With Chronic Backache
There Is Trouble_ Ahead.
Constantly on their feet, attending
to the wante of a large and exacting
family, women often break down
with nervous exhaustion.
In tine stores, factories, and on a
farm are weak ailing women, dragged
down with torturing backache and
bearing down pains.
Such suffering isn't natural but it's
dangerous, because due to diseased
kidney's, ,
The dizziness, insomnia., deranged
-s• menses and other symptoms of Kidney
complaint can't cure themselves, they
require the ;assistance of Dr. Hattie
Pills' which go direct to the seat
of the trouble.
To give vitality and power to the
idnoys, to lend aid to the bladder And
to free .the blood of poisons,
probably there is no remedy so suc-
cessful acs Dr. Hamiltons Tills, For
all womanly irregularities their merit
is well known,
Because of their mild, soothing, and
healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's $'ills. are
(tare, and are recommended for girls
and womenof all ,ages. 25 cents per
box at all dealers. ' 'Refuse any sub-
rrtitute for Dz'.°Hamilton's Pills of Man-
drake acid Butternut.
The Roth Donald Hoer>ard,
son and heir of Dr. J. W. Bliss
Howard and his wife, who was Lord
Strathcona's only child. On the
death of his mother, who is now
Baroness Stratloona, Hon. Donald
Howard will be Lord Strathcona.
Large. Majority Are Received in the
Head and Hands.
Dr, O. Laurent, a surgeon who served`
as a volunteer during the Balkan War,
has rendered recently to the ,French
Academy of Medicine ry very interest-
ing and instructive report concerning.
casualties in battle.
His statistics shcw that, in modern
warfare, 82 to 84 per cent. of the
wounds inflicted are caused by bullets,
15 to 17 per cent. by shrapnel, and
1. per cent, by cold steel. The pene-
trative force of shrapnel -bullets Is, he
declares, very much less than that of
rifle bullets never are. On the other
shrapnel bursts at'some distance from
the soldier; for, whereas, shrapnel is
often found embedc:ed in, , clothing,
rifle bulets never are. On the other
hand, complications arise very much
more frequently from shrapnel wounds
than from rifle bullet wounds.
Dr. Laurent has observed that -now-
adays, since the scidier usually fires;
under cover, lying either prone or in
a trench, alarge majority of wounds
are received in the skull and the
hands, especially the left hand,
To combat this, he suggests the use.
of a light, resistant shield to protect
the head, and that another shield
should be fixed to the left hand or
the rifle itself. A third might be
placed in the region of the heart.
Indeed, many of our own soldiers who.
fought in the Boer War owe their lives
to the chance
presence of a cigarette
case or wad of papers in the ` left
breast pocket.
Baby's Own -Tablets are the . only
medicine for little ones that are
sold under •a guarantee to be per-
fectly safe. These Tablets are
backed by the guarantee of a gov-
ernment analyst to be strictly free
from opiates, narcotics and other
harmful drugs. The mother may
rest assured that she can give them
to even the new-born babe with
perfect safety. Thousands of mo-
thers use no other medicine for
their little ones, and from actual
experience they all. say • nothing
can equal the. Tablets in banishing
childhood • ailments. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock
ville, Ont.
Enforcing the mules.
Mr. Justwed-I'll be back in a
moment, duckie. What is it, jani-
"Well, madam?" inquired the
shop -walker. "I wish," she said,
"to get a present for -my. husband."'
"Holy long married?" the man ask-
ed. "Eleven years," was the re-
ply. He pointed to the lift. "Bar -
game. down that side," he said.
Look for the signature of E. W. GIt0V1.
Cures- a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip in
Two Days. 25c.
Where. the 'Passerby May Neve His
Wish Fulfilled,
All over Europe there are to be found
springs and wells, the 'waters of which
are supposed'to posse:i some .healing
quality ::or some magical ' power.
Throughout the northern part of Eng-
land there are "wishing wells," where
the passerby. may breathe hi` wish
and rest assured of Its fulfillment if
he only drops a cr.00ked pin into the
water. ,
A curious custom is still td -'1..)e wit-
nessed in Cornwall. Two pieces of
straw, about an inch long, are crossed
and the pin run ti: •ongh them. This
cross le then drop: ed into the water
and the rising bubbles carefully coun-
ted. -Inasmuch' as they are held to
mark the years c • months or days that
will pass before the happening of the
event which is of concern to the
wisher. '
In the old days auguries were drawn
from 'these crosses in other ways,
They were made so as hardly to float,
Then., as the erase swanl, .the thrower
was to .outlive the year; if it sank he
was to die within that peeled. Other
matters were to be learned from the
Position the cross took as it floated
on the surface.
Those men who pay asp -they go us
ually find the going goad.
Kidney Trouble
Is Hereditary
BUT 1D O.D) D' ' li l9)'1EY PILLS
Drestlen:Ma i, Who Inherited Trou-
b1e I"'iiids Speedy Relief dad Per.
inanent (lure in Dodd's Ii,idney
Dresden, Gut,, Feb, 2. ---(Special),
—'Whether Kitheey ,disease is- here-
ditary or not is a, matter of 'Opin-
ion. Mr, Samuel llurkett, a ,well
known reeidenb of . this ,place, is;
convinced that • he, inherited • his
[cern his parents ' He knows that;
Dodd's ;Kidney' Pills' cured it.
"I inhsribed° nay' Ridney 'Ditease
from my parents," Mr. Burkett
states, , " I as treated by a doctor,
and tried vario'ns medicines, but it
was not till about eighteen reonths
ago when 1 started to use Dodd' -s
Kidney- : Pills that I got any per-
manent. relief,. '
"Since then 1 have note felt any
effect of -my cid trouble, and I feel
that anybody troubled with Sidney
Disease will he benefilted, by the use
of Docld's Sidney Pills if they fel;
low directions closely.
"I hope that others may be help-
ed by Dodd's Sidney: Pills'. I' (AP
well known here, and anybody who
wishes more particulars of my cure
can have thein by writing Mme and:
enclosing stamps .$or .reply. '
Dodds Kidney Pills never fail to
cure any' form of Iividney Disease.
A, Single Thought.
John, a rather backward lover,
•sat at one end of the 'eofa, and his
sweetheart at the other. Both minds
were too full to carry on conversa-
tion, but at last the lady spoke ::
"John, what are you thinking
about 'i"
John, awakened from his dreams,
answered with a drawl, "Oh, just
the same as -you are," and was sur-
prised to get .the retort
"If you do I'll box your ears."
1.0 for Women
Gin Pills
Read What Mrs. Estrin Says About
Mrs. T. Harris, of Tyneside, Ont.,
knows all about GIN PILLS. "I am
taking my third box of GIN TILLS,"
she writes. Tho pains across my
back and ,.kidneys has almost gone. I
was a great sufferer from Rheumatism
but it has all left me. ' I strongly ad-
vise all women. who suffer from Pain
in the back and Weak Kidne3-s, to
try • GIN PILLS."•
50c. aBox'for 2.50• Samplele free
if you write Nationa
DrugSc Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited,. oronto,
Flossie—"You You have a wonderful
memory, mamma." Mamma --
"Why so, my child V' "Beeaiuse.
you're always remembering to re-
mind me of things I forget!'
Mlnard's Liniment, Cures Distemper.'
The doctor of an English hill
town had swiftly and cleanly ex-
tracted a tooth of his. patient.
"How mach?" said the victim. "A
shilling;" replied the doctor. "A
.shillin'," echoed • the man with
amazement --"a shiIliu' 1 Why, Ws
only took you 'allf a minute. fait
tooth as I 'ad out I went to X, in
th' village. l` 3e wur 'elf an hour
at me. He pulled me out o' t' chair
,an' 'alfwayacross tV room, an' he
nobbut charged me sixpence."
"Ah," said the doctor as he picked
up the forceps, . "sit down again
" But the grumbler paid up
The Nova Scotia . "Lumber Bing"
the BEST liniment in use.
I got my foot badly Jammed lately.
I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI-
MENT and it was as well, as ever next
• fours very truly,
Geraldine—"You haven't: been to
see me since you: asked my father
for my hand:" Gerald ---"No; this
is the first time I've been able to
get about."
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
Facts ,and Fancy.
Men, like watches, are judged by
their work.
Asparagus is good for rheumatism,.
The only thing most people ever
achieve is old age.
A ship's life ie 26 years,
Some' girls celebrate the anniversary
of their' birth by taking a day off—the
more popular idea, however, is to take
a year off.
Golf was forbidden by. law in Scot-
land in 1841.
By the time a man's daughters get
old enough .to help him, they decide to
help some ether man.
Dr. ,Morse's;
Indian Root Pauls
are made according to a formula in
• use nearly a century ago among the
Indians, attd learnedfrom them by
Dr. Morse. 'Though •repeated at-
tempts have heel made, by pbysl.
clans and chemists, it has been found
impossible to improve the formula or
the pills. 1)r.. Morse's Indian oot
Pills area household remedy through-
out theworld for Con tipation and
ell kidney and Liver troubles. They
act promptly and effectively, and Ae
islensae the System
Ed. A. ISSUE 6--'1.4.
and if she has found tile meals there•''
to ebe is irreslstable at thirty.iive,'
and a friendof every pian at any age
when elle has notto. be packed up at
rrtne o'clock and fed with a spoon. It
largely depends on a woman how her
age is taken, but directly she begins
to "act" youtig all is up vain her.
/ t uid use
Constantly , for . aI1 .toilet •pur-
poses, especially ':` shaving and
shampooing, with occasional use
of . Cuticura Ointment, because so.
effective in reproving slight irri-
tations, redness, roughness, pilo-
tales, dandruff, etc., of the skin
and scalp and , prorrloting and
maintaining skin and hair health,
• cuticula soap and Ointment are Gold throut trout
the world, A liberal sample o eoeh. with 85-pego
skin nook, sent'post-treo• Address Potter Drug.h
Chem. Corp.. Dept. az, Boston, U. S. A.
Has Leen Praetised Since the Re-
motest Antiquity,
The art of transplanting or re-
plae;ing human •tissue has been
practised since the remotest an-
tiquity, states a writes: in Paris
L'Illustration. 1n India a caste ex-
isted that was renowned for its skill
in replacing cut-off noses, and had
a great practice, because the re-
moval of the nose was a. very eom-
ipon punishment inflicted on cer-
tain criminals.
From India this sortof surgery
found its way to Italy, where,in
the :fifteenth century, two itinerant
Sicilian surgeons, the Brancas, fa-
ther and son'enjoyed quite general
fame as readjuaters of -the human
e th cen-
Similarly,Yn sixteenth
a Bolognese surgeon, Caspar
Tagliacozzi, who died in 1699, be
calms a celebrity through his at-
tempts at grafting and transplant-
ing animal organs or members from
one individual to another.
If you want to hear powerful lan-
guage ask abarber what he thinks
of a .safety razor.
• �r
Evil of Substitution Exposed.
A dealer substitutes because he
makes more profit on an inferior
article. A local citizen was induced to
take a: substitute for Putnam's Corn
Extractor, with- the result that the sub-
stitute burnt his toes and failed to
cure. Put'nam's contains no acid and
is guaranteed. Always get Putnani's
Extractor, 25c, at all dealers.
Manya man's failure in this
world may be attributed to the fact
that he used blank cartridges when
firing at the target of success.
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak , Watery Eyes
or Granulated'Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid,25c, SOc.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by"Mail..
An Eye Tonle Good for All Eyes that. Need Care
Murine Eye. Remedy Co.. Chicago
It Largely Depends On a Woman How
Her Age Is Taken.
What rubbish it is to try and lay
down any rules about the age at
which a woman 'is most charming.
Woman --and, for that matter, man
too—must combat with certain physi-
cal disabilities when once they have
come to their fourth decade. They
may be good-looking, active, children
at heart, and all the rest of it, but
old Nature will have her way, and
willy-nilly we have to give in to her.
It is true she can be held at bay to
some extent, and it is no use giving
in too readily, but there are various
ways in which she will assert herself.
One need not: particularize her dis-
agreeable methods. But to come back
to the point, of what use is it to tie
one to a particular decade wherein
It shall be said that so far and no
further shalt thou proceed with the
art of fascination? Obviously sweet
seventeen has the mere ,charm of
childishness, 131st that sort of thing
is wholly out of date. At five -and -
twenty -awoman begins to lir d' 'herself.
At thirty she is assured, She can
think, she is ' not tarried away by
illusions, she has more or less found
her balance, she knows what the
world, as represented by mall, expects
of her. ',If she is wise she has suffered
all angles ,1c be rubbed down, she
has learned the use of artifice, she
has cultivated, if she is still wiser,
the art of charm. So- it comes about
that between her third and fourth
decade she 15 a wiser, saner woman,
mora ' agreeable eompaulon, than the
callow maiden. ' However, to fix forty
as it womail's moot charming age is
nonsense.. She is no more charming
than elle is likely to be at sixty if she
'does not go the right way about it,
Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta
Pork is,
The Olde Family Doctor Seems to So
Out of Fashion.
Specialization, whiob.'Is a sign of
the times, threatens some old cue,
toms. Anaoug the . most signifloant.
changes of to -day is the lessening field
of the fancily .doctor, To him, as im-
mortalized by Baizao, were confided
the secrets, hopes and woes of many
a household.
Modern medicine with its many
branches, its specialties and sub-
specialties, , bas perceptibly reduced
the scope of operation of this old
standby. Each ailment now sug-
gests its own specialist. One might
almost divide Life into the "seven
ages of medical treatment," from the
obstetrician at birth, the pediatrist of
early infancy, the orthopedic elirgeon
to correct the natural deformities., of
childhood, the oculist to prescribe the
glasses of adolescence, the, surgeon'
for the traematisms of manhood, the
metabolist for the digestive troubles
of middle life, the aurist fonthe deaf-
ness of old age,
And though the change brings 'with
it a higher degree of efficiency, there
is much to regret in the loss of con-
tinuity of the friendship and counsel
of the family doctor. His .interest in
the patient was personal, He knew
the physical weaknesses as well as
the disposition of each member of the
family. He had followed thele from
birth. He was more than a physician.
He was a. guide, philosopher and
Pleurisy Pains Vanish !:
Chest Colds Cured !
Don't suffer!
Nerviline is your relief.
Nerviline just rubbed on, lots of it,
will ease that drawn, tight feeling
over your ribs, -will destroy the pain,
will have you smiling. and happy in
no time.
"I caught cold last week while,mot-
oring,", writes P. T, Mailery, from
Linden, "My chest was full of con-
gestion, my throat was mighty sore,
and I had the fiercest stitch in my
side you could .imagine. As a boy I
was acoustomed to have my mother
use Nerviline for. all our minor ail-
ments, and remembering what confi-
dence she had in Nerviline; 1 sent out
for a bottle at once. Between noon
and eight o'clock 1 had a whole bottle
rubbed on, and then got into a pers-
peration under the blankets. This
drove the Nerviline in good and deep,
and 1 awoke up 'nest morning fresh as
a dollar and absolutely cured, Nervi-
line is now always part of my travel-
ling kit, and I will never be without
The large 50c. family size bottle is
the most economical, or you can eas-
ily get the 25e. trial 'size fror;, any
"When a man tells his wife he
wishes to speak to her it means he
is going to be apologetic," says an
observer; but "when a woman in-
forms her husband that .she has
something to say to him he can be
sure of a severe scolding.
Your druggist will refund stoney if PAZO
OINTMENT falls to•cure any case of Itch-
ing, Blind, Bleeding or.Protruding Piles
in 6 to 14 days. 50o.
Always Heard.
"Now they s,ay that alcohol
cause's deafness.''
"Maybe -,so. • I never knew any-
body fail to hear an invitation to
Only very young men understand
s YiiTNli °
Ursa H
Quality, flavour, and
T1,e maxituusn
of nourishment
and palatability,
Iestllcat,-then serve
It's 'cheaper to raise tolls thin to
buy horses. But it's easily if you loss
the colts. TCeep a bottle of IEendall's
Spavin Cure handy. Por thirty-five
years has proved it the safe, reliable
remedy for spavin, splint, curb, ring.:
bone, bony growths and. lameness
from many causes.
IS sold by druggists everywhere at :,t,'1 a
bottle, 6 bottles for $5. Get a free copy of
our book"A Treatise. on the /gorse" at your
druggist's or write us. 85
Dr. R. J.KENDi1La Cl;;„'nosberg Falls,pt.,
W. DAWSON,, Ninety Colborne Street,
Fruit, Stock, Grain, or . Dairy Farm2
write $. W. Datveon, Brampton. or 911
Colborne St,, Toronto.'
14 'W. DAWS0 , Colborne st,, Toronto.
eonveniences. D. T. Derr, Neu-
stadt, Ontario.
• Animals. Box 96, Coakshi-re,
"FATE ;ats`E sEvEftAn, GOOD NEWS-
R'V paper properties for eala in On
tarso towne at right prices.Apply quickly'
as subeeription renewal time is "just open-
ing. Wilson 'Publishing •Company, 73
West A/Aini,te Sfrngt, Toronto.
1Varieties, Free Catalog, McConnell ll
& Son, Gravesend, Ontario.
aL/ lnteraal and external, cured with -
oat pain by our borne treatment. -Write
es before too late. Dr. Bellman Medics)
Co.. Limited. Collin wood. Ont.
Wheri buyiru your Pialio
insist on hovinc9 an
OT TO 11 E G
Piano Action.
Give Your Bush a Ch non
with it
Cease using old-fashioned meth-
ods. Be up to date and install 'a
"Champion” Evaporator and make
mars and better syrup with less time
and fuel. More revenue at reduced.
Cost. Write at once for free booklet
and catalogue giving full information
and prices.
58 Wellington Bt., Montreal, Que.'
Grandmother Says:.
Ire that won't listen can't learn; tools and
bob-o-Ilukt" are i,oer listeners, and hawse
but one sung..
brings within reach of every.
i—App1y.. Zara -Bak to all
wounds and sores :and you
will be surprised how quikly
it stops- the smarting and
firings ease. It covers the
wound with •a layer of pro-
tective balm, kills all potson
germs already hi the 'wound, and
prevenff others entering. kta rkh
healing barbel esesocru then build
Up front the bottom, fresh theta.
and to a wonderfully abort time
the wound lit healed!
aim euk'e popularity le Used firs meat
Itnliatlenshet•erwet kcures, Be sure and
getthe real thing. ''7,ua-Bak"ie printed
on every packet of the genuine, Revs
1Gsillm-Bok Cethere, EO,, i><: *11Torodruntokg,'ieti and stares or
WAY And Kindred Troubles.
'The regular use of 'LIQUID SULPHUR
before meals, and in your bath, will give
you all the benefits of a visit to a
Do not stiffer another day. Get WAY
a bottle from your druggist,
and Prove it for yourself. Price,
60 cents,
158 Bay Street, Toronto.
`Dicks the .Bucket lean"
Blatc ftl d's Cali Meal
As• good as New Milk at' half the Cost,,
.nfel'r,--'`iAa�•��"'4���StR.--... +�' r. Pes.
140 'sounds males 100 gallons of Perfect
Milk Substitute. '
Send for pamphlet, "How to Rare Cnlves
Cheaply and Successfully Without Milk.",
At. AloUr 'Nails or .
'torelito;• •Ont,, , Canada.
'The richer it Inan is the richer he
wants to be
inard's Li timoht Cures Caret In 00* .