HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-2-5, Page 4e " bit oC is y.
Sander,. & Creech, Proprietor's
to :advance $1,00 per year le Canada
43.SC in United States, If not paid
in advance ; 50c, extra per year may
be charged.
TfftJRSDAY.FEB. 50 '14
What a blessed thing it would be
If one could run a newspaper and
Stever ask some of its, subscribers to
pay up As long as the 'paper goes
fan week after week• and :no statement
is ;sent forarf•earages everything's Tike
clockwork and you are one of the best
.and most accommodating editors on
:earth your paper is the best in the
'country; your items are highly polish-
ed your advice followed; your sayings
gladden the hearts of the household
:and happiness reigns supreme. But oh
what a brute you are after sending a
paper two or three years for noth-
ing, if you politely send in your bill
and ask what is due or a portion of
,it. Your ratty old paper; is not of
any account. I just took it to ac-
commodate you, no one in the family
.reads it; we can get all the free read-
ing matter at the drug stores, and.
.hundreds of other mean, and contem-
ptible things are hurled at the editor
and his paper. If we were rich we
would not ask anyone to pay for his
paper—we would not print • one.
In view of the fact that a bill is
being brought before the House to
reduce the width of highways .rem
66 to 40 feet, Huron County Coun..il
at its closing session, memorialised
the Government not to reduce 'he
width more than five feet an ea.:11
side and asked that the law be ,amend
ed sc as to make it illegal to Crest
without permission, any but wire t n-
ce along such highways.
A resolution carried disapprsnng
the Ontario Government's „propoieel
actio, to construct a trunk system of
highways throughout the province, be-
tieving the money would benefit:pore
people if spent on local systems.
The salary of Jailer Griffin. -vas in-
creased to $750; that of County
Clerk Lane to $1200, and 'County
Treasurer Holmes to $1500. A grant
of $2000 was made to Goderich,Clui-
ton Seaforth and Wingham High
Schools, and $1000 was granted to
the hospitals of Goderich, Clinton and
Wingham to be devicled as • in 'orm-
er years
A deputation was appointed, o 'o.
to Sarnia on Feb 4th to meet Lamb -
ton County Council with regard to
the boundary between the two ; :Dit-
is -
ties at Grand .
The standing, committees were el-
ected -
ected as follows, "
Executive -J Leckie, W. Glen, J.A.
Stewart,. R. Harding J. W. McKibbon I
Special—J. M. Govenlock, J. Brown.'
H. Crich, N. Demmerling, C. Reis.
Finance—J. W. Taylor J. Fingland, I
C. Stewart, W. Yearley, D. B. Murray.
Education—Dr. Milne, W. •R. Elliott'
j, W. Taylor J. H. Hudson, J. Mulvey..!
Road and Bridge—R. W. Livingston'
S. Routley W. Hunter, G. Lindsay,'
L. Iialbfleisch. I.
Equalization—The whole Council.
'County Property—S. Bisset, Robert
Elliott. W. H. Lobb, N. Campbell, J.
House of Refuge—Dr. Clark, J. W.
livorribbon J. M. Gove niock, J. Short -
Warden's Committee—N. Campbell
C- Stewart, R. Elliott, W, .Glen, Dr.'
Mr, D. Fass & Sock have opened up
new boot and shoe store here.
Mr Norman Kellermann is 'visiting
friends in I3erlin.
Mrs H. Ca,llfas is recovering front
her recent illness.
The; roads are getting in, good shape
Your scribe finds news very searee
this week,
The vote on. the Canada Temper-
ance _Act
emper-ance.Act was a surprise to all, It
exceeded the fondest expectations of
the most ardent temperance worker.
There is no doubt that the people of
,Huron want a dry spell and that for
some time. The majority is so big
that all talk of recount, scrutiny or
legal proceedings is out of the ques-
Charles Finkbeiner, who has been
working in. Guelph, is home for a few
Deputy Reeve Yearley returned on
Saturday from oGderich where lie was
attending County Council.
James Lawson :has closed up his
jewellry business in town and will
from now on transact his trade in
Exeter We are very sorry to lose
both Mr. Lawson and wife as they
were very; popular in town. May
their new venture prove a successful
one Last Friday evening the choir
met at the home of Mrs. Jos. Wood-
all and presented Mrs. Lawson, who
hes been a member of the Methodist
choir with a beautiful present as a
Mr Will Morlock of Morriston, is
visiting friends in our midst.
August Hill was taken suddenly ill
with pneumonia last week and a nur-
se is now in attendance. We are
pleased to state that he is making
rapid progress and there is everyin-
dication of a speedy recovery,'
Sam Brown made a big shipment of
beans to a Toronto firm on Tuesday.
H. Either M. P. P., was in. Sarnia
on Wednesday with the Huron County
Council Road and Bridge Committee,
interviewing the ,Lambton Committee
regarding the bridges at Grand Bend.
Word has been received by Mr,
Wm. Yearley from Artlaad, Sask.,
stating that Geo. Lawson, his son-in-
law had his leg broken. It appears
be was riding 'a horse when another
kicked and struck his leg, breaking
:t and . throwing him to the ground.
He lay there for some time with the
temperature 35 below zero before help
was came. He was finally obliged to
to go to the hospital to have the
limb set. George's -many friends hope
.te will soon recover. •
Next Sunday will be :a red letter
day in, town. The 17th anniversary of
tne dedication of the Evartbe c
Church will be celebrated. Rev. F.
Berger, General Secretary of .Sun-
day School woa-k, of Cleveland, Ohio,
w;il be the.speaker of the' day. On
Monday evening give will give his lec-
•cure on Observances through the. Holy
Land, and the World's Sunday school
Convention. Special music at each
service. A specialchorus of sixty
voices has been trained for the oc-
casion A silver collection will be
taken on Monday evening. Don't for-
get the date and come.
Miss 'Ella Link • has returned home
from Ubly, Mich., after a pleasant vis-
-t with her uncles and aunts.
The hockey match played here on
Tuesday night between the Crediton
and Zurich teams resulted in a vice
tory for the home team, 5-2.
A grandcarnival is to be held in
he rink on Monday evening next.
A big time is in, store for all.
Mr. B. Hicks shipped a carlos d of
extra fine cattle on Tuesday for the
Toronto market.
vlr. D.at_d Bloomfield of • Michigan
spent- a couple days here with his.
bro:her. It is over 30 years since he
left here, and he will no doubt see
many changes.
firs Chas. Cattermole of ' London
spent the past week visiting relatives
and was the guest of Mrs. F. Hicks.
Miss Aggie Anderson spent a few
days visiting relatives in London.
The Ladies Aid Society are hold-
ing their second At Home and Social
evening at the home of Mrs.• W. R.
Elliott on Thursday evening, A good
time is being arranged for,''
Miss Rowclilfe of Granton;'spent a
.few days visiting her aunt :Mrs. A.
The Quarterly Official. Board met
•on Tuesday afternoon and transacted
the usual run of business. The board
'extended an invitation to Rev. Mr.
.Blatchford to remain another year,
which he will no doubt accept.
Mr. C. Baskerville has purchased the
,eight acres of land front Mr. B.
Quarry and will start farming on a
small scale,
x3'sborne, for January, 1914. V.—* G.
Duncan 71; 1. Heywood 61. IV.—* W
Routley69 • E 11ti-.w'i
Ba , i 1 59; M.
Washbrn 58; M. Clark 50; # *
G. Del -
bridge 47; * F. Smith 46' V, t.Iey-
woo.J 45; * L. Cornish III,—L,
Johns 81: E; 5,9; R Smale
58; * F. Heywood 52; * M. Cornish
47; W Skelton 47; M. Heywood 44.
Sr. IL—T. Creery 74; * B. Medd 72,
Routley 58; * F. Skinner 55; * C
Bell 50; W. Heywood; * M. Wilson
37 Jr 1L—R. Johns 70; M. Cornish
73; T Heywood 60; 'r J. Wilson 56;
R Delbridge. I.—* F`. k{orne 60; C.
?1ey'wood 55. Primer—* M. Johns 96;
'r R. Brock 88; *. F. Stea.dinian, 83; L,.
Horne 82; * H. Delbridge 66; E. Corn
ish 59 • H. Heywood 54; L, ileywood
50. Average :attendance 34.5. Not
Mate during the month,
St. Paul's Church is giving title of
2he•ii' famous entertainments in the
Yee . House on Friday,day Feb: Gr
Rev. Wm Lowe of Luoan
will lee, -
re On, "Ireland and the .%fall,"
SCHOOL REPORT for S. S, No. 11
Stephen, for the, month of Jan. Only
the names of those who obtained ,'ver
60 per cent. are published.; Honors
75 per cent. Jr. IV.—E. Greb 1H); 1V
Stephan H. Lafond. Sr. lIh—E. a-
fond (H); O. Stephan, A. Blake. lr,
III.—M. Willert, A. Stephan; G. Hobb's
Sr. IL—A. Lafond (H) ; M. Willert, H,
Wild A. White, S. Adams. Jr. IL—
IE. Greb (H). Pt. II.—C. Link 'H),
I.—R. Willert (H); (a) Bruce Willert
(l-1;, (b) Pearl Lafond H. Average at
en. ance 16,—Violet Graybiel, teacher
We are pleased to report that Mrs,
C Slane who met with such a ser-
ious accident last Sunday, is doing as
well as can be expected,—Mrs, John
Gilt and family of Grand. Bend vis-
iter. the latter's mother, Mrs. Foster,
last week.—Miss Vilna Sherritt visited
friends here last Thursday.—The Far-
mers' and Women's Institute held suc-
cessful meetings here recently.—Mrs.
Raymond Pollock and son, Mervyn
have been visiting relatives here.—Miss
Emma MacPherson is the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, MacPher-
son.—We are delighted with the •esult
of the temperance campaign in Hur-
on County.
Death of Solomon Pollock.—Mr.:So1-
arnofi Pollock, Sr., paway
day lay night, after a short Airless. He
was an, old and respected citizen and
the family :have the sympathy of a
large circle offriends, as
his •le t
;s the :first break in te
' The following is the correct report
of 5, S No. 2, Usbonne, for the month
January. -Sr. I-V., C. Turnbull, G.
Duncan, V. Stewart, W. Knight, E.
'\'IcDonald; Jr, IV., J Hodgert, L.Iay
Sr I11. ,U. Snell, V. Jeffrey, M. Pollen
C. Jeffery, Poll en, R. Williams; Jr,
[11,, W .Turnbull, E. Knight, C. Stew-
art, R. Pollen, N. Hunkin, E. Kay, M,
11)oape A, .,Rundle; Sr. II.,..I,Williarns
Ir.IL• • Lr Kaigght, G. Stewart, A,Jef..
fray, D Armstrong, C Doupe ; First
Class .,A. Hunkin, La,B, lay, G. Mc-
Donald; Pr, A., M, Cottle; Pr B,, S.
Pollen, W, Allison, E. Stewart, S.
Francis; • Pr.t
'1 C.,G. I.�ne Ib , (V o,
r g on
roll 36, average 26.-M. I.. Coward
atrathcuna Leaves Large Sams To
C7anxtdian Institutions.
LONDON, Feb, 3,—(C.A,P. Cable)
—The following legaeies by lord
Strathcona were made public yester-
One million dollars to the Royal
Victoria College, Montreal, after the
deduction of any payment in his lite
time and in addition }o collage build-
ings and sites provided by him.
Five hundred thousand dollars
each to the }lo; -al Victoria Hospital,.
Mote real, and Yale University.
One :hundred thousand dollars to
Queen's University,. Kingston, exten-
sion fund.
Sixty thousand dollars, , Presbyter
tan College at. Mot real, -0
Fifty thousand dolars,•;St. John's
College, Cambridge, in addition to
$50,000 given in his life -time.
Fifty thousand dollars, Leanchoil'
Hospital, Forros, •
Fifty thousand dollars, Church of
Scotland reform ministers' fund,
Twenty-five thcusaads dollars to
Aberdeen e University
for the
chair of
Ten thousand du,llars each to
Strathcona Home for Inctrables, Lon-
don University College and Middle-
sex Hospital.
Lord Strathcona settled his 'Scot-
tish estates and $2,500,000 In cash
on the heirs succeedin,; to his titles,
the ,first of whom is his daughter, to
whom he also leaves the residue of
his property.
The trustees of the will are Lord
Strathcona's daughter, now Lady
Strathcona; John W. Sterling,of-New
York, and William Gerson • and James
.,arson "of Edinburgh, Scotland.:.
PI.pils En Hertfordshire Take a Hand
In the Affair.
LONDON,. Feb. 3.—I. eeelyy. scenes
•arked the first dayof the strike of
elementary school teachers in the
County of Hereford; Eno.,, the first of
its kind in the British Isles.
Seventy scho' Is are closed and at
the other schools the childrenresent-
ed the appearance of new teachers
and made dem instrations in sym-
pathy with those who have resigned.
?'ren the school at. Ross, the largest
In the county, ihould have opened,
the boys paraded the town; singing
songs and cheering.
Towards 10 o'clock they were in -
limed to enter the schoal. Immedi-
ately there was pant emonium, Ink -
pots were thrown "about and desks
averturned. Finally the boys broke
nut of the building; and marched
;again through the town, the, demon-
itrationstill proceeding last night,
with theapparent approval of the
Premier Sits Up, But Sir George Ross
Is Not So Well.
Feb.TORONTO, 3. — Much satin
[action is evinced by Sir Tames Whit -
no -'s medical attendants over his
continued progress towards conva-
lescence. The Premier sat up for the
first time yesterday, and was feeling
partieularly well ung r the circum-
stances. Dr. McPhedrrn said last
night that his, condition is very satis-
The reports cf Sir George Ross'
condition are not so sanguine. It
was • learned at the General Hospital
last night that while his condition is
an improvement over :hat of last.
week, the outlook is not so favorable
as it was a day or so ago.
Alvinston Church Destroyed.
ALVINSTON, Ont., Feb. 3.—A dis-
astrous fire destroyed the Presbyter-
ian Church and L. Welsh's residence
in this place yesterday morning. The
ale started In the church, which is a
tine structure valued at about $12,-
000, and was first noticed when the
whole inside of the building was
ablaze. Mr. Welsh's residence, being
quite near, could not be saved.
Yaquis On the .Warpath.
DOUGLASS, Ariz., Feb. 3,—After
several weeks of quiet Yaqui Indians
were again raiding ranches. in the vi-
cinity of L'res, Senora, according to
reports which reached here yesterday.
Several Mexican freighters have been
killed near Ures, was stated, and
the inhabitants of that region are
practically' defenceless.
Sarnia Fears Influx.
SARNIA, Feb. 3. -Following the
morality clean-up being made in :Port
Huron is a certain uneasiness among
officials of the town, who are more
or less afraid. that if there is an exo-
dus in Port Huron of disorderly char
asters, Sarnia may receive the influx.,
A strict watch will be kept by the
immigration officers.
Oxford Pioneer Dead.
WOODSTOCK, .Feb. 3.—The death;
took place Monday night „f Mrs. M.
Campbell,` a well-known resident of
Oxford Courty aged. 70 years. The
late Mrs.. Campbell came to Oxford
County 45 years ago with her hus-
band, who was for many years active-
ly connected with the Norwich
Prince of Monaco at Rome.
ROME, Feb, 3. — The Prins of
Monaco arrived in Rome yesterday.
Fte will preside over the meetings of
the International Commission for the
Scientific Exploration of the Mediter-
Shrinkage In Receipts.
OTTAWA, Feb. 3.—Customs +%-
celpts for the bomir ion in .lanua"y
were $7,065,165, as compared with
,'7,779,080 in. January ,last year.
This, shows a falling off of more than
Police Chief Dismissed,
EDMONTON, Alta., Feb. 3.—At a
meeting of the' city . commission err
last evening .Chief of Police Carpen-
ter was summarily' dismissed from
office, and A. C. Laneey, former riiief
of police, appointed in his plat
The following is he report for S,
S, lti'o , 4, Usborae,• for the month of
January Sr,iV•—C. Thomson, 86; ,H,
Coates 69, Jr, IV.—W. Thomson 90;
0, Davis 75; A, Harding 55, Sr, Me -
V, Hicks 88; M. Skinner 78. Jr, III;
—V. Coates 86; F. Ford 50, Sr, IL--
E. Webber 77. Jr. TI. --W, Coates 897
Itt, Coates 86, Sr. L—A. Thomson 79;
E, Thomson .76. N. on roll 19; av-
erage attendance 13.--F.,A, May, tea-
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with. LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as theycennot,reach
the seat of the disease, Catarrh is a blood or conata
tutionaldisease, and in order to curs it you must
take internal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces, Han's catarrh Cure is note quack Medi-
cine.. It was proscribed by one of the best physioiens.
in this eountrytor years and is a regular prescrip-
tion, It is composed of the best tomes kuonn, com-
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination
of the two ingredients is what produces such wonder
ful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
R J. OHENEY & 00,, Props., Toledo, 0'
Sold bydruggists,. is
. price 759.
TakeHall's Family Pills for constipation,
"ROD AND GUN" of Woodstock
Ont has put out an exceptionally
good issue for February 1914. both. as
regards the character of the reading
matter and the quality and interest
of the` illustrations. That well known
writer and naturalist, Bonnycastle
Dale, • contributes an article entitled
the Bearman, descriptions of a ranch
where bears are successfully raised in
captivity. A humerous strain . runs
through the story, a slight departure
but an entertaining one from this
writer's ordinary style. "Prints from
Canada's Trails" is a continuation of
the fine series that is being contrib-
uted to this ,magaz ine by H. Mor-
timer Batten; and every page of the.
issue is packed full of interest or in-
formation for the Canadian and Amer-
ica -s sportsman,
Clandeboye Game Protective Assoc-
iation will hold a meeting here on
Thursday afternoon, Feb. 5th, at 1.30
with the object of trying to bring
McGillivray Township, from the north
ern to the southern boundary, and
from concession one to conecession
fou • under "signs."
Ex -Constable Robert J. Reid, one
of Krafehenko's guards and self con-
fessed participant : in his escape in
Winnipeg, was sentenced on ;hers -
day of last week by Sir Hugh "oh!'
Macdonald, to seven years in peniten-
tiary, R. W. Craig, Reid's counsel
made long plea for leniency and pre-
sented on the prisoner's behalf a
petition signed by nearly 500 residents
of the vicinity of Auburn, Huron
} r r n
County Ont., where Rend lived until
five years ago, when, at the age of
21 he joined the Toronto police rorce
Mrs. M. AI. Matthers andsister, Mrs.
McInnes of Mt. Carmel were called to
Cass City Mich. on Monday of last
week, on account of the;,serious Illness
of their sister, Mrs. Richard Graham
Shc died on Thursday and the body
was brought here and interment took
place in Delancy's cemetery, Rev.
Farney conducting the service. The
maiden name of deceased was Amelia
Hawker. of Stephen.
Mrs. Anthony of London, came here
to look after her aged mother, Mrs. A.
Reeder, who is at present very ill.
Mr. and Mrs, Pollock and' babe
of Exeter ,came here on Saturday,
Ray went back on Monday and Mrs.
Pollick is spending a couple of weeks
with friends here and Greenway.
Mr. Gardner, of Cass City, Mich,
is spending a week with friends and
relatives here.
Mrs. C, H, Wilson arrived, home on
Friday much improved in, health after
spending two weeks in Victoria Hos-
pital London.
Garnet Magel of Detroit visited re-
latives and friends .here.
Miss Celia Hess visited her sister
near Goderich last week.
i1Zr. Edward Fischer of Berlin, is visit
hila his parents.
Mr, Sam Moyer of Berlin is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter. for a
few weeks.
Mr. Dan Denomy of Courtright was
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rau
a few days.
Mr Charles Bossenberry left on
Monday for his home in Alberts, after
a pleasant visit with his mother and
other friends.
Mrs. J. Geiger and daughter left
for Pigeon Mich,, afterspending a few.
weeks visit with relatives and friends.'
Mr. Elton Schnell left for Saginaw
Mich after a few months visit with
his parents,
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer. from bleeding,
itching,blind n
r protruding
Piles, nd me your address, and
1 will tell you how to cure your-
self r
at a by the absorption
treatment ; and • will also send,
some of this home treatment.
free for trial, with references
from your own: locality it re-
quested. Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured Send
no money, blit tell others of
this offer. Write to -•day to MM.
. Summers, Box 40 Windsor,
ilattng Ph1 for Women, .$Sea box. o thrree.tor•
10.• Hot& at all Drug Stores, et mailed to any
address onrceoiptof price. Tint Seonntr. DMIe•
tl`b., St, COt110ln0, Ontdrlo,
Vitality;for Nerve and Brain; indicant' "grey
natttlr;buildyeu 3sabo*
, or
two for ,16,: at drug -stereo, or by Medi on receipt
of price Tux Se01310 ,llsvtf Co„ St, Catharine,.
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., L i., D„ D.C,L,, President
ALFA' GANDER LAIRD, General Manager ,TOI•IN AIRD. Ass't General, Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE F VRD, $13500,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way y a s
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. S24
EIXF,TER BRANCH—G. L. WAUGH, letanaeer. Branch also at Credlcon
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve - $8,700,000
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Dims=& CARLING, Solicitors. N.D. HURDON Manager,
Stephen. Only names of those who
obtained 60 per cent. or over are pub-
lished :—Sr. IV. -Lila Sanders "0; A,
Shapto.n 69; M. Triebner 61. Jr. i'v,
-A. Dearing 73; L. Blake; R. ?ar-
sons 61. Sr. III. -G, Schroeder 60,
Sr. IL—L. Parsons 73; E. Preszcatar
68;' G. Jacpb 63; Pt. II, -J. Dearing
78; E. Schroeder 76; A. Christie "1;
C,` Christie 70; E. Dearing 55. No.
Ida Marchand, Teacher.
The most remarkable Cough and
Cold Medicine ever discovered. Stops
a cough. relieves asthma and bron-
chitis 108 Not a Cold is sold at
25c and 50c. per bottle at all drug
A Friend
Constipation is ,the bane of old
age—harsh cathartics aggraa
vate, avoid them and use Cham-
berlains Tablets, the mildest and
gentlest oflaxatives—best for the
young, the middle aged and the old.
25c. bottle -Druggists and Dealers,
or by mail. 6
Ciaabsrla1u Medicine Co. Toronto.
Auction Sale
There will be sold by public auc-
tion on Lot 30, Con. 12, Hibbert, on
THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 1914,
at 12.30 o'clock sharp, the following --
Horses -1 mare 4 yrs. old, agric.; 1
marc 4 yrs. old, gen. purpose; 2 colts
rising 2 yrs,, gen. pur.; 1 colt; 1.car-
rube horse, 6 yrs, old, quiet and re-
liable; 1 pacing mare, supposed to be
in foal; 1 farmer's driving mare, quiet
and reliable.
Cattle -1 renewed cow; 4 cows due
en: April and May; 2' cows due later;
1 fat heifer; 2 short -keep heifers; 1
farrow cow; 4 heifers and steers rising
2 yrs. old; 4 calves,
Hogs -2 sows due in March and Ap
ril ; 10 store bogs.
Poultry -50 young hens and pullets;
some pure bred Wyandotte male birds
'Implements -1 Adam's wagon, new;
top -buggy, ,nearly new; Democrat wag
on; pr bobsleighs; half speed cutter
binder nearly new; mower, steel rake
2 -furrow plow, Cocks:hut plow, near-
ly new • 2 walking plows, scuffler,
seeder, drill, land roller, 3 -horse cul-
tivator, nearly new; disk, iron harrows
3 or 5 sections root pulper, hay . rake
gravel box, stoneboat, wheelbarrow.
hay if ork. pulleys, ropes and slings; 3
double set of work harness, 1 set
single harness ,shovels, forks, hoes
wh:ittletrees, neckyokes, etc. Quan-
tity of first class hay, roots, potatoes
75 bushels of feed peas.
Household Furniture—Cream separ-
ator, nearly new; Daisy churn, sap
'pans buckets, and spiles, side board
cupboard. bed mattresses, springs
rocking chairs, kitchen and dining
chairs, couch, pails, pans, crocks, and
other articles too numerous to men-
Positively .no reserve as the propri-
etor has rented his farm.
Terms—$5,00 and under cash, over
that amount 8 months credit on furn-
ishing approved joint notes and 5per
cent per annum off for cash on credit
Chiselhurst, Prop, Auct.
1 -
Model T. en
L o. b. Ford Ont.
Get catalog and particulars from Wee.
•Snell,:'agent, Exeter, Ont,