HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-1-15, Page 5r r Dl'1�lt',al. HAY—Wm. ConAltheai the o i ler t, a l Ik7 S T.L. lailla>1{aiZle cow, k o y en P. S. F, ROozrnoN, 14.1).S., D,Y .S, Years of age,• this' COW, has given. birth 1? NTIST *Veber of the 11.0,'1.4:5, of OAtario an4 Bogorgraduate of Toronto Unigeradtyr, ttrieereUrex^ Dickson & Carling s. layv *Rice., .Closed Wednesday afternoons. DB. A. R. KINSA.fi, Honor F.,rraduate of Toronto UniaereitY DENTIST Tenth a;taacted without pain, or any •bald etfeets., OSfee ; over d'c Glanan. &' Sta tt'ry'a ..Office,, Maio •Street, Exeter. LI31GAL DICKSON &,. CABLING, BARRISTERS,. Solicitors, l!Jatar1es, Conveyancers, Corn- m?esiioners, Solicitors for the Moleons Bank, etc. 1 Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest Offices—Matin-St„ Exeter I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY' TO LOAN We have a large ' amount of. private funds to loan on farm and Village prop- arties at low rates of tntesest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Hreter. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation. Life Assurance Company, also Pere "lriiiaraince in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies Dian -St., Exeter. College Home Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple ars fast preparing in their own homes'to'' occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities - You rnyy 9nisb at college if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Eater college any day, Individual instruction. Expert tea• cher., Thirty years, experenoe. Largest trainers. In Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. IGEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Prin11111.1111111111111111= _ clip_ SYNOPSIS O$' CAN4DIAN' NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the sole head BP .a family or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section of available Doartiniba'y land nn Manitoba 8asltstohewan or Alberta. The ap- plicant must appear in person at the Domihioel La .s Agency or Sub- agency for the district. Enbryy by pro - my made be made at any agency, on certain conditi;oin:sr by father, mother, eon, „daughter, brother or sister of in- tending homesteader • Dutles—Sig months' residence upon .and cultivation or tihe .land tri each •of three years, A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a teem of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or" by his 'father, mother, son daughter, brother or •sister. In certain districts a homesteader ;n good standing may pre-empt a quart er-,.action along side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties Must reside upon the honee stead or pre-emption six months in each, of $rix years from date oe home- stead entry (Including the time 're- quired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his 'homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-iemptio:n may . enter for a pun. chased hoanesicad Ln certain, districts Price $3.00 per acre. Duties- Must d ig Yr each of these reside s b ® in, s �r. greare, cultivate fifty acres and erect A. house worth $300. W. w. CORY, Deputy of the MinFster of the Interior N.13,—Unauthorized publication of thie advertisement will w'i'll not be pad • for. t9 and raised sixteen calyes. She has had triplets or twins, • every year, ex- eel?t 'gate when she gave, birth to a single, Calf.. Sva4s.,or Otuo (Juror Tonsoo, L se Luang :Courrxx - Eranit.J, Cheney makes oath' that be, le: iiettior pertner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & 0o,, doing bad - nese in the City of Toledo, Oounty end 134P0 afore, said, and, that sold firm will pay .the ,Nei .of OM IiEtTNDIi DOLLARS: for each end story 000 of Caterrh that cannot be cured *by the urs of latah e pi terra Cute. FRANK 4 OHETE'(• Sworn to before me and subseribod in my pre enee, this 00h day of December, A.D. 1886. (Sou,). A. W.GLEASON, NOTARY PlieLic Hall's Catarrh Curets taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Send ter testimonialefee°. F. J. CHENEY & p0„ Toledo, 0. Soldby all Druggists, 76 Take Salle f'arnily Pills for constipation. Have You. made provision for employment during the Fall and Winter mon- ths or do you wish steady re- munerative work the year through Write us arid secure our Agent's terms. We offer the best in the business. Pay weekly, free outfit exclusive territory. Over 600 Acres under cultivation, Established ov-. er 35 years. A reputation for high grade stock and fair ,leal- ing. A salesman can make iron r.,ey :,selling for us. We want an energetic reliable man for Exeter. .:and.: vicinity. For terms write PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. N.B.—Free catalogue on request .TAKE A COMPLETE COURSE ir'`'the Popular and Successful ELLIOTT t L 10 Toronto, Ont., and you will soon oc a -spy a good position and enjoy a good salary Enter now. Write for catalogue BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Caarteted Accountant 17 Vice -Principal DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS gig: e gulating,Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor $10. Sold at all Drug Stores. or mailed to any address on receipt of price. Tao SCOBSLA'DRUG Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN• vim and Vitality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter"; a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price, T,rz SCOBELL Detre Co., St, Catharines. Ontario. Every °i®a: is interested and should know about the wonderful ikaarue! Whirling Spray ` Douche ;,:a your druggist for ir.er be. cnnnot supply the MARVi:L, accept no 91her, but send stamp for illus- �atei book--ealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies:wrNJ)SOUSUPPLY CO.,bVindsor,.Ont General Assents for Canada. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's best Business training school W e have thorough courses in Commercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy departments and nine compet- ent instructors. We offer you ad- vantages not offered elsewhere. You do not know what an up-to-date bus- iness school can do for you unless you have received our free catalogue Write for it at once. . D A • McLACHLA.N, Principal. BUY IT BECAUSE ITS BETTER . CAR•.w. q �, j. Model 2', sy. To n :Oat, 7 t g' .n f, O. b. Ford Ont. Get catalog and particulate; from Wes, Snell, agent, Exeter, Oltt. t Robert Lttler' and wife. • of. Manitoba arevisitiag in this section. --Mrs lnitcb of Ailsa Craig is. the, ' fittest of het. daughter' .Mrs, Abe Case,—Mrs:- Janina Hagan, has returned from London Hos- n tall mush improved in health.,-- Mr, and Mrs, Walter Lindenfeld of Sask- atoon. are visiting at, his home here. Mr, McLean of the West is the guest of his parents, 'Mr, and lairs, ' David McLean, -•011 June 7th Miss Mario% daughter of Dr. and :Mrs, James Me- Arthur of London, was married to Mr Coghill of Montreal. , ZURICH Mr, C. F. Brown, of Kilinanagil Miele, h is visiting with his brother, Mr. Jacob Brown, Goshen Tine,—Rev.' G, F. Brown was called to Dashwood to the bedside ofhis brother, who is very ill,—Miss Nene Sohilbe is in Ex- eter taking up dressmaking.—Mr. Louis Jeffery moved his family and 'house hold effects to his farm near St. Jos eph.-Mr, Norman Prang of the West is visiting with relatives and friends. in. to«n,—Miss Nettie Well of Detroit is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, ri Well.—Mr. Alex, Sparks of Saska- toon, Sask., (s visiting his parents' Mr. and Mrs. G. Sparks.—Mrs. David Gotteschalk of. Bad Axe, Mich., is visiting her mother; Mrs. Lehman,' Miss Rattenberry"of Brucefield is vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dunlop. -Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Parent of De- troit visited at the home. of NIr, and Mrs. J. W. Horner a few days.—Mrs. Sararus, the oldest sister of Mr. Mich, Kaercher passed away near New„Dun-- dee at the age of 93 years. Many of the friends of this community attend- ed tlib;'funeral. McGILLIVRAY COUNCIL ' The Council met pursuant'" to sta- tute en the Town Hall, McGillivray on Jan. 12th. The following members subscribed' to the declaration and qualification of office,—J. J. Poore, reeve; Robson Tweddle deputy -reeve Jos. Glavin, John Robinson and A. E Rosser councillors. Minutes of last were read and signed. Glavin—Rob- inson—That Bylaw No, 1, of 1914, appointing J. D. Drummond clerk; 'A; F. Smith, treasurer; R. Hutchinson, assessor; Geo. Hindermarsh and W. T. Amos. auditors; Geo. Saunders, janitor of Town Hall, and Jas. Neil member of the Board of Health as read a- first a,nd second time, be read a third - time and passed, -Carried. Accounts amounting in. all to $.204;55 were ordered" to be paid on motion of A. E. Rosser and Jos. Glavin, The, Council adjounned to meet in Town Hall, on Monday, Feb. 2nd, at 5 o'clock p. m. J. D. Drummond, , lerk . GRAND BEND Mi•, and Mrs. Bert Holt visited at Sarna.—Mr. Chas. Morrish, who has bee,, in Alberta, has returned home: Mrs. Fred Page is sick with pneumon- ia and pleurisy.—Mrs. Jos. Gill is on the sick list, also Mr. Ware ,Oliver Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliver- return- ed Tuesday from their visit in St. Marys. -Mr. and Mrs. P. Baker visit- ed at Greenway Saturday. HICI£S' • JANUARY FORECASTS— A reactionary storm period will 'fol- lbw closely, on the heels of the pre ceding disturbances, being central on the 18th..19th and 20th. Higher - tem- perature and electrical disturbances will be ,natural and touching the 16th: -followed by a sudden and extreme ise of the barometer and _great cold. But these conditions will break down as soddenly, and reactionary storms of rain and snow will pass eastward- ly over the country on, and, touching the 18th 19th and 20th. Another re- action to very high barometer and cold; wave will. follow these storms. United 'States transportation inter- ests are becoming alarmed over the prospect of losing traffic to',,the new Welland Ship Canal. The : Laurier Government never alarmed them in that way. RheumaWHI Stop , Uric Acid Disposit Rheumatic Complications Checked and the "Human Sewers" Restored. The Kidneys, Bowels; and Skin are the "human sewers" which carry off the impurities of the blood, When these are clogged Uric Acidsediment lodges in the muscles and joints and Rheumatism follows. RHEUMA, the great remedy for all, forms of the ter- rible disease, checks ,the deposit of Uric Acid. "For many years T' suffered .with Rheumatism. I am 71 years old, but am proud to say. that after using one. 'bottle of RHEUMA the Rheumatic pains are entirely One, I daily recom mend RHEUMA to my friends!' — Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont.' W S. Cole will return your money if it fails • 50 cents a bottle. _ A yearago he •couldnt eat of afar Today he, can eat three square meals and sometirnees ono t`exl.ra" because Chamberl ia'o Tablets cured Stomaeh'T'roubles end ;'gavc him e good digeatiore You try diem, 25e, a brittle. All Druggists and Dcele s trr by'• Chamberlain ketone one Co., Toronto nest, MyMERL 'B L E CONDITION WAS WOR Yesterday's ROports ph Sir JA os Whitney's Heaith Pessimistic. Bulletin Issued Last Night Stated„ That No Tniprovewent Tied Been , , Sher/yr) and that 1'remie;i' 'Was Weak and Restless --- Dr, Pyne and Mr, . Wallis Admitted Little Rooni For Encouragement. NEW YORK, Jan, 13. --According': to the official bulletins the condition- of . Sir James Whitney, the Ontario Premier, was ^ot uoarly so encourag- ing yesterday as it was during the Previous few days. His restlessness had increased, and besides an alarm- ing weakness manifested itselt. Dr. R, A, Pyne, his colleague and physi- cian, admitted last night that the prospect was not eneeuragiug, but he intimated that no danger was to be apprehended' within a short time, At nine o'clock Dr. Pyne issued the following bulletin: "Sir James Whit- ney's condition has nc.t improved dur ing the day. ' He is still restless and weak." Dr. Pyne went out for a few min- utes shortly after, nine o'clock. On his return he was met in the lobby by Horace Wallis, the Premier's sec- retary, WI' 3 had come • to the tele- phone from the sick rooms After a few minutes' conversation both went back to their room''. Dr. Pyne announced, however, about 1.0 o'clock "that the restless- ness whieht Shad' characterized the 'Premiers con li .ion during the day had ceased: "He is now resting ,quietly," said Dr. Pyne, "and the pros!)ect is that he will have a fairly good night." •• Last night the same pessimistic reeling was apparent with Dr. Pyne Itn-1 Mr. Wallisas that which existed when .Le p_evtous setback took place •come days ago. The fact that the pa- tent had grown weaker in the mean- -i3ne was not considered to hay.: help- ed the case, ' and while those in charge did not admit that all hope w ts lost, they were not looking for- ward to developments with any de- gree of confidence, although they maintained that ttere was no sign of a fatal termination for some time. TO INTERN 'E'EDERALS. --- Mexican Refugees . Made Ready To March To Fort Bliss. PRESIDIO, Texas, Jan. 13.—Six generals of the Mexican Federal army, 3,300 fugitive .soldiers and 1,500 refugees who were driven out of Ojinaga, Mexica, by Gen. Fran- cisco Villa's Villa's rebel forces, were put in .readiness yesterday for a four days' March over the. 67 miles of road. to 'Marfa, Texas. The soldiers will be interned at Fort Bliss indefinitely. . At Marfa, the nearest railroad sta- tion, the Federal army which sought asylum in the United States after their defeat by the rebels, will be guar -et. by the border patrol peeding their final disposition by the War De- partment, Among the civilians are 1,207 women, as officially counted by Major McNamee. The whereabouts of Gen. Pascual Orozco and Ynez Salazar, comma,ad- -ers of, the Federal volunteers, who fled from Ojinaga with 700 cavalry- men, was unknown to the rebels. WILL HOLD J UBILEE. Prince Edward Island Asks Dominion to CO --operate. OTTAWA, Jan. 13.—The Domin- ion Government has been invited by lion. A. J. Matheson, Premier of Prince Edward Island, to take part in the jubilee of. the Charlottetown conference which will be celebrated next midsummer. It was at the farm- ers' Charlottetown conference in 1864 that the first steps :wrre taken which rsultd In the confederation of the provinces of Canada in 1867. The only living member of that confer- ence is Sir Charles Tupper, and it is hoped that he will be able to be pres- ent at the jubilee celebration. Premier Matheson asks that the Dominion' Government co-operate withthe Prince Edward Island . - Gov- ernment -in making the celebration national .in character. Premier Borden has replied that the Government will co-operate in every way possible.' - Senator Cox Ill. TORONTO, San. 13.—Senator Geo. A. Cox, for many years a leader in the financial world of Toronto, yester- day, owing to •ill-he.zith, resigned the office of President of the Canada Life. Assurance Co. His physician, Dr. J. L. Davison; Stated last night that the Senator was seriously ill, and it is known that his condition has been causing grave anx- iety to his familyeand friends. Sen- ator Cox is resting quietly at his hor-e in Sherbourne street, New Postal Agreement. OTTAWA, , San. 13.—Hen. L. P. Pelletier, Postmaster -General, an- nounces a new agreement with the Gevernment,of KAusti'aya, far the rei'i b t exchange of;'; y�areels, under which: the present rate of • 24 cents a pound up to 11 pou>rde eith,el' way is reduced after the ,'fleet potted to 12 cents a pound. The reduced rate takes effeet from Jan, 1, 19X4. This will no doubt lead to an inereasei volume of parcel post business be- tween the two countries.- 1- Maine t rid Qnebee Highway. PC. RTLAND, Ivte., ,7atr. 13.—A new highway 224 miles long, connecting. Augusta, Me., and the city of Quebec, Is assured, according to an announce - Intent by the State High' aY Oorattig. s1on Yesterday ., f he 'nb .4, Go!trdrn- -nlent •, has appropriated $.800,000 to build the road froth Quebec to the Maine 'boundary, a distance of 93 tallest, arid the remaining 131 miles will be eonotru4tedby thio .tato, Ts = Woman A She Lou No woman went, to look old. Many In their effort to look youthful resorttothe' )beauty doctor's".preseriptione.Thelenals take is that they t.the wrong department in the drug store, Boarsty depends upon health. Wirryn eeplessnighta, headaches, paitir;dirorders,irregu* r i e* and weeknesaes of a distinctly temininecharacter ill a Bort timebrinix the dulle, the cro's 3 et,' tba ha . look, droopingahouideps, d wthe falters» =s ep, C¢tt? d To retain tbeappearaniee of yeiith rip mutt reaain, health. Instead of lotions, powders and paints, asick your drngeset for DR. PIERCE'S11111011111111111 Favorite Prescription Thle fatnoua ,medicine strikes, at the very root of there' ene only lomiesop of.younyoengr , youbutthfulfq.K yayounpemg, you It makes you not Your drsnr *teaosupplyy,ouin liquid ortablste-rmleraand 5,7r eao•c.,nt stamps to Di. Pierce's invalids Hotel and Sur- yicai1e eV tut., suriat°, N.Y. and trial hex will ba n:ailed yew 1111111111033111111 r.nrar . I�t■■lf . THAMES ROAD 'rhe Presbyterian Church Anniver- sary was held on Sunday and Tues- day of this week. On Sunday Rev. John Neil, D. D., of Toronto, occupi- ed the pulpit and his sermons were of a high order. Owing to the severe storm Monday evening the oyster supper was postponed until the fol- lowing evening, and was largely, at- tended Besides addresses by. Dr. Nei ,and other •,ministers, and local musical selections, Mr. . Charles Emery of Toronto, a,talented - impersonator was present and furnished a varied and pleasing. program. SEAFORTI-I—john Michael Down- ey who had been seriously ill several weeks, passed away on Jan. 6th. He was'68''years of age and had resided in Seaforth 40 years. The wife and two daughters survive. MITi✓SELL—The bot water attach mens of 'a kitchen range exploded in the home of 'John Coppin, wrecking the stove and scattering the fire, The lady of the house although -in the -room, escaped injury. PARICHILL.-The , funeral of the late James .Foster, who died in Vic ctoria Hospital, London, on Wednes- day was held Friday afternoon. The tate Mr Foster, who had been ill for some time was in his 76th year. TUCKERSMITH,—We' are sorry to to, have to record the death of Mr, Thos. Townsend, which occurred on Monday last, at the age of 61 years. Mr. Townsend was the eldest son of the late Jas. Townsend, ohe of the pioneer 'settlers of Tuckersmith. He was born on the farm where he had Dived all his life until his death. Mr. Townsend liad been afflicted with heart trouble for several years, but cva , generally able to be around until about three;, months ago, since which time he lied been confined to bed+ most of the time. His wife predeceas- ed hem about two years. He is sur- vived by two daughters and one son, VARNA—A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs: James H. Johnston at 5 o'clock on Jan. 8th, when their only daughter Lillie A. was married by Rev_ D. Johnston.: fo' James A. McBride, a prosperous young farmer of the Gos- hen Line„ Stanley. After the cere- mony about thirty guests sat down to enjoy -a splendid wedding dinner. The young couple will reside on. the fine old homestead, ninth con, Stanley. The groom's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McBride, have taken up their residence in Zurich. CLINTON—There passed away last week.,:after an illness ort some ,years Angle Elizabeth Moffatt, relict; of the late Thomas East at the ,age of 53 years, 11 months, 14 days. Her husband 'predeceased bet 14 years, A growq up family survives. BPY1`rER THAN SPANKING: Spartleing does noel cure children of bed vvettlaat. There is a. constitutional cause for thea trouble, Mrs, ]1I. Summers, Box `4. 850. Windsor, Onto, 'rill send free to any " mother her auceeasful trome treat- ment, with full iirnatructtons. Send no money but write her tie -day if your children trouble you en; thi'e way. Don't blsrne`. ,thee child, tate chances are it can't help it. This treatment alae: cures adults and aged people troubled with urine- 'difficulties by day or Light 1 TEE TRUE FLAVOR—AND PURE. TRY IT! LABATT'S INDIA PALE ALE XXX STOUT Made and matured in the old way THE IDEAL BEVERAGES Make Your Stock and Poultry Pay Better with ojal P STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS da health .stock around his place,. Try it oa Ata cost of less than a bent a y per head of stock, it will increase their value 25 per cent. Permanently cures Colic, Debility, Worms. Bots and Skin Diseases. Tones up, run-down animals so that they quickly gain weight and vigor. Increases the yield of milch cows three to five pounds a day, besides enriching the quality of the milk. ROYAL PURPLE is not ii food. It is a con- ditioner—the, .best ever so'd. If there was any better we would be making it. It en- ables-youe,stock to eat the natural food they should eat and get the most benefit from it. Here is the advice of all thorough veterin- ary doctors—"Feed your stock on food of your own growing"—not pamper them with soft predigested mush so that after a time they cannot digest good, wholesome feed. Feed the good food grown on your own farm—hay, oats, bran, chop, etc. You know what these things cost you and what they. will do. ROYAL PURPLE is an aid to these na- tural foods and if you use it as directed, we can guarantee better results than if you feed any of the concoctions offered on the market as "prepared foods." Try. It On a Poor -Conditioned Animal If there is a run-down, poorly nourished beast on your farm, see what ROYAL PURPLE SPECIFIC will do for it. A 50- cent package lasts a cow or horse 70 days. The cost is so trifling that no farmer in Canada has any excuse for having out -of - the poorest -conditioned animal you have and we know you'll be surprised at the 'result of a sheet treatment.Cattle and hogs fatten �` up ',`'month earlier than without it, which means you save a month's '14,1 <,uu a months labor. You can bring six piss to the pink of condition at the cos. of 4;1.50; Steers ' treated in the same way cost no more than $L00 each to put in prsme state for market. ROYAL PURPLE i:PrCIFIC fattens and keeps well horses, marcs, colts, cows, calves, steers, hogs. Sold in packages, 50c, and air -tight tins. $1.50. Try ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC on Your Bens Do you know that ROYAL PURPLE FOUL. TRY SPECIFIC makes hens lay in winter at well as insummer, and keeps them free from disease 2' It does, and helps them over the moult, fattens and keeps them in vigorous health. A 60e peerage lasts 26 hens over '70 days. Shouldn't you try it? We have hundreds of recommendations: from all parts of the country. If ROYAL PURPLE does bot give you better results than anything you ever used, or give you satisfaction, we will refund your money. No matter what your- opinion of other preparations, ro ns you to give ROYAL PURPLE Pwe want OULT13Y SPECIFIC a chance to show what it can do for your poultry—and a 60c package will show "you some fine results. Sold in 25e and 50c packages and :$1.60 air tight tins, WE ALSO SELL poultry Royal Purple Cough Specsfic, for cough and Royal Purple Lice Miler for p rl' and distemper. (Will are any, ordinary cough animals. 25e and 60e, be snail 800 and in four days). 60c, by mail 60e. 60e, Royal Purple Sweat Liniment for lameness, Royal l�urplo Gali Cure for scratches, rheumatism, sprained. tendons, etc. 50e, by harness scalds, open ,gores, ere. 25e and mail GOc. SOc, by mail 3oc;and 60e. Royal Purple Worm Specific for animals; Royal purp]o Ronp Specific for roup, pip, removes the worms, 'alsb thole larvae. 26e, diphtheria, typhoid foyer, earner, white by snail 3Od. diarrhoea, swelled head, .etc, in •poultry. Royal Perot° Disinfectant, ' in 26c, 60c and 260, 'by moll 300. $1.00 tins. __ ..e. TO STOCK AND POULTRY RAISERS We will mail fer the asking aur new revised SO -pate book on common ailments of stock and poultry. Tells Trow to feed light Mid heavy borate, colts, mares, cress, calves. steers, hogs; also how' to teedand keep poultry so that they lay 'winter and summer. Cover lithographed in six eolor8, stowing farm utility birds Inc their natural telore, ,Thle 3s a book Ghee should be in everir fer3uer's possession. IT'S FREE. Waite for your Copy today. .at Vt ''Jenkins mfg. Co. London, Canada Royal Purple 3u ppr es and' Booklets May be obtained from W. J. HeararJ,