HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-1-8, Page 8XETER MARKETS. CB N ,ED EACH WEDNES >AX Eta 83 $5 50 134014 ,,,,„ 48 48 ►ate, ..* ,,,,,,,, 32 32 1F'tai. %- t s o ,e per ..,.,. Hay. ► non". . Zeal., per cwt.,family Flour, 1 , a grade per ew Magid.. .. , .. , Obit, ,.,,, Dux .,,, Boosters , , ,, Turkey.. • ......... Cleese.,.>.:........... Dried Apples per lb , .. ,. Live hoses, per cwt.. Shorts person,... ,.,... Bran per on ........ , . , . 75 90 10 00 10 09 a 110 1 50 15.0 25 25 32 11 13. 8 10 10 14 6 8 10 19 10 13 850 23 22 000 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES BY HANGING NEW PICTURES Half 'Price Sale of a big assortment of New Framed Pictures, all worked in plain figures and for sale at Half Price, We invite you to call and have a look at those pictures. Some one of them will no doubt appeal to you and you can buy the same at just half the price marked, J. SENIOR EROOSI H LOST.—A pin brooch with pearls inset lost on Jan. 5th likely on Main Street, Exeter. Finder kindly return to Advocate Office, DON'T FORGET the Shredded Whea° Banquet to be held in tames Street Methodist Church on evening Jan 21st, 1914. A goad program pro - video Tickets 25 cts., sold at Cole's Drug, Store, Secure same without de- lay SEEDS FOR SALE JAMES BEER wishes lo announce that he has a choice line of Turnip, Mengel Corn and Potato Seed lar Sale. See him before buying. The Advocate to January 1st,1915 for one dollar to any part of Canada. $1.50 to the United States, OPERAHOUSE FOR SALE. Price reduced to $1500; apply to John Spackman. CHANGE OF SHIPPING DAY.— Messrs I; Armstrong & Son wish to • announce that they have changed their shipping dat for Hogs from Thursday to Monday forenoon of each week. Get your TUNGSTEN LAMPS at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the d o ateOff_ Office. No witness re- quired quired and strictly confidental , FURS WANTED—All kinds of furs for which ,highest prices will be paid. -- . Hartleib, Exeter. LOOK AT THE LABEL.— Some Weeks ago we asked our readers to look at the label on their paper and if their subscription is not paid in ad- vance to send the amount by return mail. There was a gratifying res- ponse to this request, but a lot of our patrons have not yet responded. Do it now, PROPERTIES. FOR SALE I have several choice residential properties in Exeter for sale. Des- cription and terms an application, A. HASTINGS, Exeter ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be :held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thursday January 15th, 1914, at one o'clock p, nr., for the purpose of electing Pres- ident Vice -President, and Directors For the ensuing year, and transacting other important business. All members and interested parties should attend the meeting. The Directors are particularly re- quested to attend a meeting at 10 o'clock a.m, on the above named date ' Ed. Christie, Pres, N.D, Hurdon, Treas. A. G, Dyer, Sec'y, HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey frame house in good state of repair. One-quarter acre of land. Situate on Huron Street. Good wirer' etc. Apply to Miss ADDIE MOseLOCIi:, dr T. B. CARLING. FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick house, half acre land; Fruit trees, hen house on the prem- ises A good comfortable place. For particulars apply to Mrs. E. "Demp- sey, Centralia, • Getting into the tic :rit3 women buy more than. twd-thirds the .rnercl an- dlee► sold in retail stores sired every woman reads' ;. t lassifted Want Ads, M,tt.tr paper goes into the awiaornes and the Want S. Sita: reach the enders, VMr ,ir e w weellOet ax .r R 1 73 SIarl " : " RUR 311A,X 1 t LOCAL DOINGSsr , :11r, Wnz, Rivers is still confined to the house through illness, The Canada Temperance Act will be voted on in Huron on Jan. 29th, The rink was opened for the first skating of the season on New Years fright Dr and Mrs, Amos entertained on Friday evening in honor . of `Mr, and Mrs. Ewing, tvlto are their guests. Findng that the office was not wortl, the keeping Mr. Henry Neeb of Zurich has resigned as Division Court Clerk, No man. succeeds in business prim- arily because he advertises. The first step is to have the business worth advertising, The Band excelled themselves on New Years Day by appearing on the street in the morning andrendering several choice selections. Mr. Sylvester Caton met with a pain- ul accident last week by getting the middle finger of his left hand badly smashed while cutting wood, and as a result is off duty, Dr. P. McLaughlin, of Dashwood died last April of. hemorrage of the brain and hat week his brother, John McLaughlin, inspector of the public schools on lManitulin Island, died from. the same case is St. Joseph hospital London Mr, W. J. Bissett was called to Brantford twice last week owing to the serious illness of his brother, Mr Al. Bissett, of blood poisoning and pneumonia, Tixe patient at last re- port was •doing nicely and is consid ered to be out of, daatxger, The first publication of the pro - nosed Mud Creek Drain by-law of the Township of McGillivray, appeared last week. The townships assessed, add the amounts, Hay, $371; Stephen $J6,146s, McGillivray $42,212 East Williams $2,024 West Williams $5,063 Parkhill 5210, Bosanquet 525,266. Mc G:?livrav council are taking the in- itativ4 in the matter, Mr. fames Beer last week received word from the firm for, which he sells fruit trees, seeds, etc., Z. P.' Gunson C Co., of Rochester, N. Y., that he was the winner in the prize contest for the largest amount sold, the prize being a fur cap. In addition owing to the large 'sales Mr. Beer has made, the firm is also sending a pair of fur mittens The London Advertiser commenced a morning edition on Jan. lst. It is a good live sheet just as it ought to be. The Advertiser people have been in business long enough h t o make it t such If the Advertiser and the,%ree. Press joined forces occasionally in t stead of fighting each other all the time there would, be more accomplish ed fox the city of London; and i1 would not detract from the general interest of the papers. A change has been made in the Municipal Act regarding procedure, at the Polls. Two statements were to be prepared, by the Deputy Re- turning Officer, instead of one, as at- tached to the Poll Book, and the other placed M an envelope and handed to the Clerk of the Municipality along Witt- the Ballot Box. When the box is received by th,e clerk, he is not to open it, as in the, past, but is required. to place his seal upon, it, keeping the papers, etc., therein until required for a recount or until the time for destroy ing the same arrives: The damage occasioned by forest fires in Canada during the past sea- son was probably the lowest on re- cord. On Dominion Crown Lands in the west the area burnt over was not greater than two one -hundredths of - one per cent of the total area under protective patrol, and similar low los- sea arc reported by the fire -wardens of British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Proviinces. Thus it would seem a mistake to place a high- er fire risk on forest property thanon town and city property, for even un- der the present methods of forest pro tecrion, which are fax below their highest practicable efficiency, the loss from fire represents a smaller per- centage of the total wealth of the forest property thark it does of prop- erty in settled communities. MASS MEETING—There will be a mass meeting of ratepayers and citi- zens of Exeter and neighborhood to inaugurate the Canada Temperance Act Campaign:, to be held la James Street church on Thursday evening. Jan. 8th at 8 o'clock, Ail men in- terested in sand in favor of carrying this measure on Jan, 29th are cordial- ity invited to 'attend.—E. G. Powell chairtnan F. W. Gladman, secretary. SHORTAGE IN TEA CROP.— There has been a thirty-five million pound shorta,ge in the China tea crop this year. This only indirectly affects England and Canada, as practically all the teas used ;in these countries come front Ceylon and India, but as it for- ces Russia to take large quantities of Indian: tea this year the shortage in China. affects the price of all teas, and gives us to -day the highest figure that tea has reached for twenty-five years, HICKS' JANUARY FORECASTS -- .A regular storm peniod, which is corae treat an the 12, promises to be tyro - longed by moon's being in perigee and on the celestial equator on the 15 and 16. The barometer will show growing change in western parts by the 10 and 11, and for several days following. rain and snow will covet Wide areas its the general march of storm conditions eastwardly, across the country. Unless the Mars in- fluence, which, was certral on Dec, 25th, has a meditying, io.stead of an intensifying effect, severe winter storms, etxding in blizzards and a cold wave, will result at this period, Keep- the eepthe period well in mixed carefully watch developments as it conte, aft; and no M exteemes can conte upon you tine- for wares It will be safe to expect the ace same genera[ character of stotnrs and, that weafber'' at this a ,d . other J'anuaty riffs, periods that preerailet[ la December he 1913. Cees Kindly ,notice""inenether column W. D. Yeo's advertisement of '°S r,.1 a Sale"in Dares Goods, lasting week only, Rev C. 2v1, Farney of Parkhill en Saturday awarded $440 and c by Judge Maclzeth in his. action aga C ` ' .Nan 1' of o S EatWilliams'tp S Wi 1 K injuries blamed upon the danger condition of a: township highway, Court Harmony, C,O,F election o'rfiee-s resulted as follots s. --E; Dig C. R., Joseph Harvey; V.R.; Harding, Chap.; F. W. Gladman, Sec„ R .N. Rowe, Fin, -See.; Cha Birney, Tress.; Geo. Hill, S,W,; W Creech, J,W.; Geo, 1=iockey, $,B.; Northcott J B,; W 'W Taman C. Northeott, auditors, Mrs pec- one was osts ainst for !MN's 1E114 Ards of Thanks 11111111111 TO THEELECTORS OF EX T R Altb,ough'not elected -to your bon- orable .Council, having for the third e time b defeated e f e n e at dless t xa bys l ha na if ti zeli votes, a t s, I desire to thank the aur man? ratepayers:for the excellent vote they tendered me, T shall always have t ; t,.c. interest as tete t oT our village at heart Dig whether ,in or out of the Council. M, Respectfully yours, Rec L. DAY. rlee C. and Messrs. Clarence and Austin Du-- plait assisted Rev. Collins in the sere vice of the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday evening, ..and also assisted the choir, 'in, the 'purging, During the taking of the offertory Mr, Clar- ence Duplan and Mr. Allen sang a. duett with excellent effect. Both have clear ringing voices of fine range and power and they fairly delighted the large congregation: The Public School Department of the Exeter School opened on Mon- day with the same excellent staff of teachers, The H. S, . Dejiartrnent opened on Tuesday with Mr. Spark as principal, Miss Craig and Miss Montgomery as assistants. The scholars are out in full force, The members of the School Board visit- ed. the school Tuesday morning, wet- eoined the new teachers and introduce ed them to the scholaxs. Dodds—Dodds—A quiet ; wedding was solemnized at the manse, Exeter, when the Rev. S. Sharp; B, D., perforated' the ceremony, uniting Miss Jacotens Dodds, Exeter, and,D. Nichol Dodds of Peterboro, as man and wife. The couple were attended by J J, Amy and Miss W. D. Anly They left on the 5 o'clock train• for their home in Peterboro County, Miss Dodds will be greatly missed from Ex- eter and especially by Caves Presby- terial, Church, where she was always a willing ,worker. - SUCCESSFUL CONCERTS. Mr Enos Bacon of England gave two e cellent entertainments under the au pices of the Young Men's Class z Main- Street Church on Monday an Tuesday evenings. He is called th "`Yorkshire Nightingale"' and certain ly°lives up to the title, while his hu porous and comical pieces were ver pleasing. Good crowds were'in tendance on both evenings and a were well pleased. Mr. Bacon occup- ied the pulpit on Sunday and spoke very interestingly. Miss Flossa Sweet was in London this i week. Miss Ida _-Marc:hand spent the week end in Stratford. Mr Daniel Prior was down front Clinton this week, Geo. Snxallacombe was over from Stratford Thursday, Mr. I. R. Carling was in London Tuesday on business. Miss Smith of St. Marys spent Sun- day a with friends ' Yin town. Mr 'Wilbert Luker of London wa a New Years visitor inz. town. Mr John Bissett of London *isit ed relatives here an Friday. Mr. Thos. Bowman of London pen New Year with relatives here. Mr Reg. Eti<,ot ,dad son Reg o1 `tor`t ,,.h visited relatives 'in town. Miss Stella Gregory returned to her teaching duties at Chatham on Satur- day. Y Miss Edna Dow of Toronto visited at her home here during the holi- days. Miss Kestle and Miss Maud Johns teachers, _rave returned to their teach. Ing duties Mr. J. M. Broderick of Regina is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J; Broderick. " Mr Luther Reynolds bas returned from Conquest, Sask., where he has been spending the summer, Mr, Wm, Johnston, whip_ has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Waugh, re- turned'to Tororxto Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Becker of New Ham- burg were guests of the latter's par- ents, Dr, and Mrs. Browning, Mr Herman Prior of Portage la Prairie, Man., is spending a few days state. his mother, Mrs, T. Prior. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER I take this opportunity of publicly expressing my grateful thanks for the honor I have received in being elected CousciIlor for 1914. I will endeavor to show that your trust has not been misplaced and hope that at the end of the year we, will find that our relationship has been satisfactory and in the interests of our town. Respectfully yours, B, W. F. BEAVERS TO THE' ELECTORS OF STEPHEN The people of Stephen deserve and are hereby tendered my sincere thanks for the magnificent vote they gave me ,int, electing pie reeve of the Township for 1914. The affairs of. the township will have my best ef- forts. Yours truly, W. R. ELLIOTT TC THE ELECTORS OF EXETER I desire to extend my thanks to the ratepayers of Exeter for the con- fidence they placed in me, in electing me to the honorable office of Reeve for Exeter for 1914, I shall- give the duties of the office my most ,;careful consideration and my efforts shall be for a furtherance of the best inter- ests of Exeter. Yours sincerely, JOHN W. TAYLOR TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER I take this opportunity of thanking x- the electors of Exeter for the large s- vote tendered me in the municipal n election oe Monday last. It will be. d my earnest endeavor'to give the sown e+affairs my very best efforts and ser- n- vice Yours sincerely Y THOS. „HARTON at 11 t Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Inwood of Lan - dose were New Year visitors at the home of liar S. Sanders, Main-st. Mr. W. J. Carling of Brighton is visiting relatives here. His old friends are pleased to shake hands with him again. Mr. and ' 'Mrs. McTavish of Shakes- peare •holidayed at the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John W Taylor • Messrs. George and James Ryckman. of Kalkaska, Much,,, are. visiting with relatives and .: friends in and around Exeter. Mr. W. O. Hodgins of Killarney, Man., who is visiting with relatives in ?3idclulph, was a pleasant caller an the Advocate Tuesday, Mr, Thos. Hawkins, who•has been visiting for several weeks with his daughter Mrs. P Pollard, at Windsor returned to town Friday last Mr. and Mrs, R. Doerr of Berlin and i4Tr, aged Mrs. Arthur Seldoti of Inger- soll were ,guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Salmon an New Years Day. Mrs. A, M. Pond of Toronto re turned home last week. She was ac 4ompanied by her daughter, Miss Eloise who has been visiting with her grand paretsts, Mr, and Mrs, H, lDilli ng Ma Percy„ Mallard. has returned store a visit with Berlin friends. He: brought with hien. samples• of silver ore taken from the crines near King- Ston, if which he and others are in- terested, iss Victoria Miners Left last weelt Saskatoon, Sisk;, whtsre she has epted ay situation, as teacher in city, Miss INCiners will he' much sed here; but...tlre beat'wishen of rJria+i ftie,x.Is go with her to th TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN I take this means of expressing my sincere thanks to the electors of Ste- phen for the hearty support ihay gave nue it t x my "candicla.ture fax the recve- shsp of the township. Although not eleeted I fcci that I have :lone •riy duty toward the people, and rnat:I certainly' received a good vote in re- turn. Sincerely yours, W. D SAhDERn TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER I desire to thank your for your : up - port int again electing me as councillor for 1914. I will endeavor 'to the best of my ability serveyoua for the. best Interests of our village. Very truly, JOHN HIND TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER My fellow ratepayers of Exeter have my sincere thanks for their ex- pression of confidence in re-electing the to the, h c o c um, it board for 1914. In my opinion there is "nothing too good for Exeter'' and the town's interests will have my best attention, Yours sincerely, M. M. DOYLE Mr. Will Amos has returned to his duties in the Bank in Toronto, after a visit here. - Miss Anne Sanders returned to Ber- lin Monday, after a short visit at her home here. Mrs. Wm. Fletcher left Monday for Sterling Mich to see her father who is very sick. C, H, a'4TcAvoy, after spending a few holidays at his home here, re turned to Toronto Monday. TheAdvocate acknowledges a piece of choice Christmas cake from Mr. and Mrs. S W. Bissett of Hori- zon, Sask, It was baked under the instructions given in the Advocate a few weeks ago Its palatable quality se- lects credit on. the baker and needless to say it was touch enjoyed by tfs, At the regular meet;;,xg on Tues-, day evening of Exeter Lodge of Odd - fellows the recording secretary, R. X, Creech, at the request of aztd on be- half of North Star Lodge, Winnipeg, presented Mr; C. T. Brooks' with a Veteran's Jewel, +in recognition of the fact that he has been a member of the Winnipeg lodge for over tar years. In accepting the jewel Mr Brooks spoke: very highly of the Order and the brethren of Winnipeg and. Exet- ,er;,Lodges. 'r. 13 CARLING Lite, FEre, Acelderat and Plate 41aan insurance, Ca•tleeling accounts, and cbn- ducting auction *rale*. 'Eketec, Ont. Baled Hay Baled Had' for r sale. ,Any quanity delivered. G. SnLtON Exeter, Ontario Our Jewelery Stock Is Very Choice Call in and see For Yourselves When you are purchasing jewelery it is a matter of money and what you want --nothing else, Then this is your store --for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices,' A good variety of articles, selected from the large est stocks, consisting at Silverware, Out Glass, Fancy -China, Clocks, Etc. These goods are new, beautiful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches All kinds. of Repairing done and guaranteed. MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician Exeter, Ont. SETTLING UP TIME All persons having an account with me will please call and settle before Feb. let 1914 and oblige. R. Ns ROWE Undertaker and License Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER Odds & Ends Sale Leftover from Xmas Will be cleared out Thursday, Friday and Saturday Watch our windows Powell's Bazaar PHONE 55 ONTARIO Big Variety Store 112 Avoca1e le Ja111 '15, 11 JONES & MAY PHONE O. 32 STOCK TAKING SALE We are now into our annual Stock Taking and while it lasts. Bargains will be the order of the day. All Winter garments must be cleared out at a Price. Come along and enjoy the bargains WINTER COATS FURS. Only a few ladies' and child All our big stock of Furs to rep's left to clear out at nearly go at just one-quarter elf. Half Price. This is a big reduction, FUR COLLAR COATS 825 coats for $18 SU coats for $15 Every coat quilted lining. COATINGS FUR LINED COATS Just Five to sell, but each a bargain for the lucky Buyer, MILLINERY A few nice pieces to 'be fold • As few trimmed hats for $1 below cost prices and -8Z each 'regular $5.00: MEN'S SUITS Stock faking prices S20 suits for 513, $15 suits for $10. $12 suits for .$8 MEN'S FUR LINED AND COLLAR COATS MEN'S OVERCOATS Stock Taking Bargains, ' We are slashing the price of all Overcoats to ,sell, FUR BOY'S SUITS AND OVER :- COATS Do • you want a snap? Here i5 where you get it, Just see, these coats. All reduced for - our Big. 'Stock Taking' Sale, Bring itf the Boys. JONES MAY Headquarters toz the celebrated W. B,Sanfe4Clothlog