HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-1-8, Page 4Oxl.4...r:..ablacictv4.-, :NEWS. TRIGS. OF WEEX
Sendere 8s Creech, Proprietors In advance $1,00 per year in Caaade important EnerItS Which Hen',
41-5C in United States. If net paid Occurred Curing the Week.
in advance 500. extra per year may •
tale charged
vouRsrpAy. JAN. tit
In two years the Borden Govern -
'Meats progressive policy has wrought
'Wonderful changes in Western Cnada,
The anaual grain blockades. have
.Z A aew outlet- the Hudson Bay
• Railway -is being rapidly nora-
•A system of goverment-owaed
and operated terminal elvators is
...being constructed at Port Arthur.
Port Nelson, and Vancouver.
4 Goverment -owned and operated
mternal storage electors are be-
ing constructed,„ at Moose Jaw
and Saskatoon. and other will be
built at Calgary.
-5 Express rates have beenreduced
and freight rates investigated and
reduction expected,
6 The live etock industry has le-
ceived a great impetus through
elle goverment's policy of aid to
;agriculture. •
.177 Conditiens surrounding the ranch -
lag „industry have been investigat-
e -&d and an aggresive policy has
T•been formulated.
S5 Water -powers of Western Cana-
da have beeaa investigated and al
...policy adopted which will con-
e serve these for the people.
The a,pPointrnent Ofe the grain
ecommiseiart:has placed the grain
'trade on 'a -better basis.
1.0 Homestead • -regulations have
-been changed :in the interest of
the settlers.
s11 The Bank Act has been revised
,to give gteater freedom in borrow
• ling to the settler.
\Aeparcers. post syitem will be
inaugurated artext month. _
: 1.3 Tbere has been a marked im-
provement la the customs and post
°fate sfacnities.
14 A good road's policy intro-duc
e ed. but' for "the stiann :blocked by
the Liberal Senate. .
THE RECORD -Two years of Gen
•seervative administratuion has removed
' ache griterances of the western farmers
2.11-1 impteved the condition e of all
•niaeses on •the -prate' ie.
. —
The 'annual meeting of Kirkton Ag-
ricultural Society will be held. in Ab -
ter eee Hall, kirkton, on Satutday,
• .gan 1714 at one o'clock.
Miss Boswell of Eden has taken -
Zbarge of the school ia S. S. o. 3
-11sleoene, as- teacher.
A. number of the young people at-
-leaded the Exeter _Ball last week.
Mr Adrian Coughlin spent a few
days in London.
nlisees Annie Buckley and Cecelia
McPeak of Detroit are visiting their
. 'relatives itt this vicinity.
,Last Tuesday evening a very Enjoy-
• able evning was spent at the home of
-Mr and Mrs. Thos. Glavin. There
were over 100 guests present, some
being from Detroit, Toronto and Ln -
Miss Loretto Glavin end her cousin
Miss Mae Cassidy of Detroit and Miss
• Eslene of Toronto have returned af-
t -ter their vacation,
Mr. James Heanessey6f Northern
Alberta has arrived home to spend
.eometiarie with his mother..
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sullivan of Detroit
;are visiting friends in this neighbor-
We are glad to see the snow here
eso nse may have good sleighing, al -
.though autoes were seen going thru
.,here a couple of days ago.
(Too late for last week)
A large number from the village at-
=tended the nominations at Creditonon
Monday The municipal pet boiled
toyer end some ver,y ho trernarks were
:passed aiid by all reports et will ,
:rake a -week to cool down again, encl 13
as to who Will be the wieners it is,
onla a game of guess
lefr -Percy Simpson of Detroit is a
holiday visitor with old friends here,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Aldsworth of Wat-
erloo spent the holidays with lVfxsand
Mrs J. Wilson.
Kr. D. L Thorripson of Toronto
• anent a few days the guest of Rev.
Mr, and Mas. Wilbur Joliet of Man.-
itoixt are ,gueets .at the home of Ma
'Byron Hick. '
Mr. I-IarcirdDupla,e, of London is hol
ndayin,g under the parental roof.
MrS GAO. Hicks spent the oast
essdels at her old home in Blyth.
Mrs A. Brooks spents the holidays
with relatives, iaaBelerraye.
• Mr. and Mae. liedden of Londoe
spent• a few days with Mr. • and Mrs,
R. IslandSoed. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Cougnlin of Tor-
onto spent the holidayi svIlls Mr. arid
• Mrs Coughlin.
Mrs and Mrs. Chas. ICerr of rSorl-,
stricb were the guests or the Misees
•Viiieert for a few daYs.'
is 'dangerously ill and small hope
Ifft Geo. Ford, ea.st of the village'
:bald out for his recovery. ' •
Leo Foster ,dernpleted hlt eeasora
• threshing on Tuesday, his last J.�ll
being for oar to/Weisman T, Willis -end
Mr, Thos. Falls ef Lueats spent a
day here with his beether Alex, •wile
has beert einutispoeed SOr a ,few ,laYs
and r ed ao big Is ons e.
Mr Verne •Esscry cif'
. Man., •is visiting his •mother, ,51 the
home of Mta S.• Pavia, We are plees-
,, .nct to report that lVfra. leseerY is prq-
setess'eag very favorably after her, ill-,
te Wean cl •c'PV,019.11. I
The 13usy World's Happenings Care-
fully Complied and rut • into
Bandy arid Attieletive Shape for
tbe Readers of Our Pape" --A
Solid Hour's 0:tijoyment,
Full ievestigation into alleged irre-
gularities at the recent civic elections
in Wbanipeg was oriered le, the City
Another clask between police and
silk xnllI etrikers, during which a
number of shots wers bred, oceurred
at Shelton, Conit,, yesterday,
The funeral of the late J. C. Rye
ert, •K.OE, ex -MJ',, held at St. Cath
arines yesterday, to Victoria Lawn
Ceraetery, was largely attended.
Eighteen weaving mills ermine
Blackburn, Eng., •bave been dosed
within the past few days owing to the
great slump in the. cotton trade.
To inaugurate a campaign for :
I&dlTllelfierta, the Temperance and
Reform League will hold a seriee of
field days in the principal towns ut
the, province. •
In accordance with the instriie
times of the Police Commissioners,
all fruit and tobacco stores will be
closed on Sundays for the first time
In tbe history of Neloon, B.C.
The eillege lock-up at Highgate.
Ont.,in Which a tramp was sheltered
for the nigbt, 'took fire -from the nat-
ural gas stove and the inmate had a
narrow escape from being cremated,
Candles burning beside the corpse
of Ivan Waluka, a Pole, set fire to
the casket in the Montreal morgue
yesterday and the .roof of the build-
ing = estroyed. The body was
saved. • , seeseeer
Sixty days In jail arid teil
was tee sentence meted out hi To-
ronto yesterday to Tom Haldane, a
young professional prizefighter, con-
victed of assaulting Emma James.
aged 20.
George Nix, a Bulgarian, was sen-
tenced to two years' imprisonment
and Mike Mano and Vasil Nickloff
got 18 months for robbery. Mann
was identified by a tooth mark ler'
by his victim.
A column of Italian and native
troops completely routed the Arabs
after five hours of fierce fighting.
Wm. Rothwell, one ce the oldest
and best-known residents of Regina,
died there at the age of 78 years.
At the St. •eatha.rines poultry shorn Wednesday, a white turkey tip-
ping the scales athe tremendous
weight_ of 43 pounds was exhibited.
The public execution of 13 Forme
san conspira.tois was carried out at
Taehoku, Formcsa, according to de-
spatches received by the Government
at Tokio.
Tbe Seaman's Institute of St.
John's, Nfld., founded by Dr. Grenfell
the Labrador missionary, I free from
all debt, it was officially announced
Hon. George Whitman, •one of t
oldest and Most respected residen
of Annapolis, N.S., community, di
at his home at Round Hill early ye
teeday, aged 90 y ears.
The Fort Will'am and Port Arth
Street Stailway has been taken ov
by each •city separately and will I
managed by the courcils, with Ma
ger Robinson as operatin.g manag
or both.
At IVIorrisburee J. R. Balfour,
eaeher in the public school, has i
ued a writ against a trustee, G.
Hickey, whom he charges with a
empted intimidation over the loc.
Titian question.
Mrs. Elizabeth Saxon, widow of
ormer St. Catharinee lawyer, die
here Wednesdae night. She was th
aughter- of the late Capt. Robe
hristie of the royal navy; who wa
board the battleship Victory at Tr
A dairy short course has opene
t Ontario Agricultural Colleg
A Japanese steamship company
onteraplating inaugurating a direc
ne to lgonereeal.
A ischisiti is said so threaten th
hurch of England over the famou
ikuyu conference,
Alex. Maebonald, aft elderly taan
as killed at London by a etreet ca.
needing past Corners to make11
s -
t -
a -
The freezing weather eoiitiliiiee to
old Paris in its grip. In northern
aiice there were hey falls of
snow. - estees.e ,- en • ea•-•
ging Alfonso, upon the advice -of
the Dato Cabinet, Thursday dissolved
thdgplafilsit Parliament and vreclaim-
ed &here/ eleictiell: •
The' Aa10T Filigiegatiorl of Atli-
cns, one' 61,01.',;" diet/hie ail -fees in
Leeds Cou'itie,1 61(e'ffci#4. eat/ to
Rev. Mr, Dire'vi 6tAffif:
The Yarrow' *1
the Clyde, Scotland,*
the Britiale Columbia'
will establish a bratich' it
Onshore winds and the heaviest
seas of the whiter harapere,' shipping
alone the New England coast yester-
day, keeping steatn as well ae sailing
craft in port.
Drastic raeasures to prevent the
speead of smallpox from Noeth Da-
kota into Manitoba even in an inel-
piens form, have been taken by the
Dominion Govertimetit.
It is reported that Italaull, the for-
mer Moorish brigand, has been pro-
elaimed Seltan of 1Vlorocco and will
continue the war at all costs againet
the European inveders.
Overcome by eulphuretted gas
funies, LoUiS Shea was diseovered
eefer,clay by tile fat, et in his roams
)y'L Galt store. The young ne,n
tin1,,e_buse1tated after strenuous ef011
• 0
*it& ilst4nate of 'what the water fa-
s'neeQiiriStinas tight has Cost
e'll'V''„of- Montreal.
Seven"`eoidiers overe killed and
tweiye bmo 'arid twelve slightly in -
111()14/04 Y.
ver a_reillion dollars is a conser-
lured et Nitaippe Stetion near Metz,
Crertnerns, on Saturday.
Enver Bey, as one time leader a
the Young Turk PertY, and formerly
Tuvicish military Attache at Berlin,
was yesterday appointed Minister of
War of the Turkieh empire,
Fear Egyptian convicts were kill-
ed and 5Q wounied Saturday when
the Prlesnere Coufined 1 • the neigh. -
boring Towel) peuitentiary mutinied
and were fired on by the guards.
• Notiec posted in tbe car shops of
the New York, New Haven and Hart-
ford RailrOad at New -Haven, Conn-,
makes effective' reductin of ten per
ceetioTthe wages of seveeei hundred
Patreiman John Gordon if Detroit.
Is dead, as the result of injuries re-
ceived when he we., shot by bandits.
Gordon was the seventh Detroit -of -
neer to be killed while on deity snce
la,et March. •,
Norman Labelle of Torbato was
Sentenecd to foil' y.ears in the King-
ston Penitentiary op Saturday. He
was .convicted for attempting to sell
two etolen diamond rings. He had a
bad record.
During 1913 in Montreal there
were 604 bodies taken to the mor-
gue, while the _lumber of deaths in-
vestigated were 1,156. There were
uns. 46 snicid7,,..,.7d..t 9
a • 9.
"e P-11
Greece, it is tilidetstdod, has begun
negotlatioth ter the, purdlilige Of the
dreadnought Odes being hhilt Ili Eng-
land -for the Chilean edPiihile,
'Five persons were ...Hied add 'sev-
eral others injured when. a freight
train struck:a street car at sa grade
crossing on the outskirts of Memphis,
,That during the year 1913 Ontario
motorists paid 'In fines for speeding
and other Infractions of road laws,
$15,752, in addition to the $71,000
paid for licensee,
A neW 'record was niade in Meififid
Jai, Seek yesterday, which provid-
ed a unique sight fr January when
street sprinklers and sweepers were
at work ou th s sfreel.'
King Alhart Of Belgium has decor-
ated Capt. Paul Kreibolarn, of the
steamship Kroonland, witb the Order
of the Crown, for bravery in rescuing
passengers on the steamer Volturno.
Blood was shad yesterday in the
worst tight of the facotna; Wash.,
smelter strike. Brick; and stones
flew, clubs were wielded and a num-
ber of meerre ,heads Were cracked.
esiaree strikers were arrested.
Demented Woman Then Fatally Pois-
• ons Herself.
TORONTO, Jan. 6.— Thought to
have been suffering from a fit of
homicidal mania, Mrs. Minnie Koni-
kofe, 32, who witb her husband and
child occupy rooms at 58 Beverley
street, slew be infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Alec. McFaul, the owners of
the house, by giving it carbolic acid.
Hurling the dying child down -the
stairway, the 'demented warner] swal-
lowed a quantity oe the poison, from
which she heeself died in the General
Hospital at 3.20 yesterday afternoon.
The only person present at the
time of the tragedy was devea-year-
old Johnny White, a cousna of the
deacl,child, and his story is accepted
by the police as authentic. • Accord-
ing to leim the mother had left him
in charge of the baby while she went
to the baek. The Konikofe and Mc.,
Faut families were very intimate,
consequently he did not think it
strange that Mrs. Konikofe should en-
ter the room and pick up the ;sleep-
ing child frorn its carriage. • After
fondling the infant for a while, ac-
cording to the lad's story, she carried
it into the bathroom, forbidding the
boy to follow. She locked the door,
and shortly afterwards the boy says
he heard a gasp.
Now thoroughly frightened, he
called over the banisters: "Come
quick! Mrs. Inenikofe is killing our
baby!" The crazed woman threw
open the bath -room door and
Dung the child head -long down the
stairs. It was picked up by other in-
mates of the house who rushed to
the scene, but every effort at resusi-
tation,on their part and on the part
of a physician surnvoned proved fu-
tile. • Meanwhile the feiFreii-a" •hda
rushed to her own room and took her
own life by drinking carbolic acid.
Plant Closes Howie.'
• OTTAWA; Jan. 6.—After operat-
ing in tin ettensiv., way since 1905
and gfv1nareploymetit to as, fdany as
300 einployei At firfArStit
and lug lesOf than 5.bit ia66, the§
InE,Quational Marine §1gna.1 CO. Of
Ottawa,clos,q, down its plant yes-
terday, Ito -tiv ieliort$ are Correct, it
will not rooteillor lansincia he.
Ju if *before ClanattLaS, all the 'Med
who *fere employed by the Afiinfiity
were laid off and told to returh ,td
work yesterday mornieg. They did fin
and were eurprised to learn from the
ara.119,ager that .the works have been
1 Gov in Houghton,
'4, i6.—Gov-
etnor Ferris orMaigheit,Se4 Mak hold af
the strike situateepper
country laza nighsn..; WihthI hie settee.
in a pfactical teace ,
The governor's annorli4kirin,at that
he hoped to find some.xnetg,tgd' dr set-
tling the struggle he ta-eartz: tncen.'e cop-
per mine owners and the" VOInarn
Federation of Miners failed, Itosvenser,
to influence the; attitude of defiance
towards each other which the oppOs-
ine interests have held tor five
John Turnet Still Alive.
KINGSTON, Jan, 6, The men
drosveed, off the ferry boat at Wind -
or was hot John Turner of Kingston,
ad was feared by relatives in this city,
who had not heard frera bine for over
twe months. •Yesterday morning his
Fester, Mrs, Wiillazn HOwland, redellr-
ed a letter stating that her brother
had been Steriously Ill to a New York
hospital, but wag now on the road to
Pieces Out Oft Wings of an Aeroplane
Increase Its Speed,
At the present time aeroplane con,
structors are engaged in a streni,ous
fight to outdo each other in the pro-
duction of a machine that Can break
the standing aerial records, For an
aeroplane that can climb into the air
more quickly than its rivals, carry a
greater number of passengers, or in
other directions excel ita Aserial nevi-
gation generally, is likely to attract
substantial orders for machines of
sithilar pattern.
• As a result, many ingenious ruses
nave sprung into eXistence by raeans
of which constructors endeavor to
coax record-brealcing feats out of
their aeroplanes.
In this connection a favorite trick
Is to fill an aeroplane up with a cargo
of children in order to establish a
new passenger record, The present
rules dealing with paSSengeT-Cirryrng
flights merely state that the machine
that is capable of flying with the
greatest number of "persons" shall
be awarded the record for this
branch of nrial werk,
There is no limitatienil regarding
the age or weight of the pans:tigers,
with the result that the nfeeent aero
Plane Pasieneer record was aceom-
plished by- packing a machine with
ten little children and two adults, for
up little
nineh and take'
It is very possible that this ginivint 1
practice will shortly be put a stop to,
for a number of protests have been
made by various people, who point
out that should an accident accur
many 01 these infants' lives would
probably be sacrificed to this wild de-
sire to carry out a recorelehreaking
• One ef the Most ingenlOtts methods
of coaxing climbing .power out of an
fietref,.and adds 'oe'Veral ex-
tra units of horse -power So the en-
Althogh Otig Mill
to knock to pidd€ f 4egieklaeseSiin?
delicate aeroplane *e'figlirk vtelil0
such petrol le introduced. Ati,.6-taftil
oil the behavior of the meshiti4 tow
rrnt. have shown that' ad
aeroplane equipped with patrol doped
with ether can climb a thousand' feet
in nearly a minute less than the time
It -would take -with unadulterated
spirit,' whilst such a„cencoetten adds
at least an extra five melee to the
speed of the machine. •
It is, of .course, considered very ba
form to use doped petrol when Mit to
break records, and it is now custom-
ary to state that "ordinary petrol"
must be used when fiyieg-men send
out challenges in flying races.
In their desire to obtain the speed
record and to win the 'big ziviation
speed contest, nainufacturers have de-
signed a number of "freak machines."
They are built solely for breaking re-
cords, and only first-class pilots dare
ily them. Engines of enormous power
are placed in such 'aeroplanes, which
am generally of the monoplane or
two -winged type, and the construc-
tional details are cut down to the
minirctum of strength and safety itt
order to abolish extra weight.
A trick of constructors who seek
speed records is to out big pieces oft
the ends of the wings until thesup-
porting surface is nearly half thoi, of
a normal aeroplane. Not only does
this knock off weight, but wings clip-
ped in this fashion offer little resist-
ance to the air and cut quickly
through it. An aeroplane doetored itt
this fashion at present holds the
speed record of 108 miles an hour.
Society Fable.
Truth 'Scandal and Flattery went
to the Uppercruet ball. Truth was
promptly ejected for being naked.,
Scandal was put back into a shadow
but every one was introduced to he:
.during the evening. Flattery, beia.
decked in .fine apparel and false jew-
els, was given the place of• honor
the grand grand promenade 'and at tab'
The great. social occasion was 'vat
ioasly reported --to the uninvited 1
-Scandal, to the newspapers by Fla
tery and to the Recording Angell.,
The Poetry Business.
Soon after the death of the pc.-
Woodsworth, a gentleman met :
farmer of the neighborhood zee
said to him:
'Yost, Dave had a great loss."
"YuOhave had a great lose."
"What loss?"
"Why, you have lost the grere.
ppet." '
kofitable 1 _ Irt5h, ay," said the farrdele "he :Y.
geed, big all hey me doubt t' Wife'll
• carry on f; busine§g and zgak it r.
as ivver it was."
father strange about Miss
"She sings ,peatttifirliy- tomerv--
ablylreisn, klat• A
o" w, bat nthalt,,,, ,T,10
stratig4. There are plenty ti rtisti)i g
women Wtl0 sing well." .N
t'Spll, hers is a remarkable cane,
she' never, so far as 1 atm awar-,
been called 'the Patti of this eown."
X Cont1:41ktiotit
TommY---Does it ma..14..",,F,edelfr,er:
ence if baby takes all his. 4415's"'4"1"
at once? • e
Baby's mother (in horror)-e-Gooe°
heavens! Of 60Ur5e it does!
Toramy--Thlt it hasn't made reSnY
difference.--Lottdon Punch.
444444.444 -44444-.4,,-4.
Smoothing the Way.
410 ,laivVor teld int he thought I
fAtVt) liapcil din@ eatablishing
ras,A.1#11116 finden die Wilt"
"WHO dlid
,yrke'nFilfnl,henny marsh More mon-
ey Ire -wanted"'
No b I Wan:
• SIR EDIKIJNI:) WALKER, C,V.O.,1,1..D„ 'President, '
General Manager AssistAnt General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 • REST, $12,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fainier every
facility for the. transaction of their banking buiness, includbigo,
the discount and collection of sales notes„ Blank • sales notes
are sUpplied free of charge on aPplication. s.5
. , , • ,•
EXETER 3R CH -G. Le WATJGEI, M.anager, 13hanch also 04 ,Credllon
The. Molsons
• Incorporated J.86t
Capital &Reserve $8,700;000
• A �ji ANKING 101511411166
CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT • • • • ,s.; • • • •• •
TRA.VELLERS CHEQUES . . .. . • Issued
l3A.NK MONEY OR.DERS ... . . .... .
at al Branches, I nteregg alieW94, atbihestourrent rate,
• Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
•DICKSON & CARLING, &Akita& N. D. HUBDON Manager;
We got a little ,ered.se oa_Friday but
not enough foe nedil joadansjohn
Murdock, Jr., bad the riiiefoettlae to
lose a horse on Wedrien'elfaieenthie Mes
'srs, Smiley brothers, teacher's/nand
returned to their respective' seboala
after spe,nding the vacation with their
parents here. Miss Petrie, teacher,
has also returned. -Mr. Henry Horton,
teacher of the Mill Road school, • is
boarding with Mr. W. Berry for the
winte months, which will save him
a daily cold drive -Mr. and Mrs. Was-
Inaa spent New Years at the latter's
brother's. Councillor Cameron; of the
Mil! Road. -John Murdock, Sr., :pent
New Years with his brother ia Eg-
The pleasure of every member of
the namily during 1914 ca,n be con-
siderably Increased by reading each
week that greatest of all weekly pa-
pers The Family Herald and Week-
ly Star of Montreal: It has pages fox
everyone old and young. It is really
surprising what wonderful value one
gets each week in that paper. One
dollazsis a small sum indeed for such
a vast amount of good; clean whole-
some reading during the year. No
mistakes can be made lar, sending one
clonal to The Family Herald Office,
Montreal for a year's subscription.
It will be the best New Year's Gift
to the family.
At the annual meeting of the rate-
payers of Zurich Public School, Pn
Hess, Sr., was re-elected to serve
another term as trustee. Mr. Hess
has occupied this office for 39 years,
and has been secretary of the Board
aearly all that time. A resolution was
adopted to call a meeting of the rate-
payers to discuss the advisability of
beginning a high school department in
the school after the midsummer holt-
days This would mean the hiring of
an extra teacher. -The contribution
which has been taken up for Win.
Scheuck whose three children ereill
with typhoid fever, amounted to over
$190 This money was presented to
him on New Year's Day.
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer frgurt bleeding,
itching, blind or protruding
Pilgs, send me your a.ddress, and
r Wiil tell you lio1V to cure your-
self at home by the absorption
treatment ; and will also send
some of this borne treatment
free for trial, with references' -
fron-i your own locality if re-
quested. Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured. •Send
no money, but tell others of
this offer. Write to -clay to MIL
M. Summers, Box '40 Windsor'
The undersigned is offering for sale" -
Lot 6, North Boundary. Sfephen, con-
tainiAg 100 acres of good land.. There'
is on the premises a. good frarrie house
witlt atone cellar; bank barn with ce-
ment floors 3 good wells, and a
small orchard:. This is a good grain
or grass farm, or would make a good
stock farxn. Situated two miles from
Exeter; phone in house. Will he sold
res.somahlle. For particulars apply on
the premises, or writs the undersigned,
Fred Green, Hay, or 13. S.
The undersigned is offering for sale
Lot 7, Con, 2, Stephen, containing 100
acres There is an the premises new
brick house, bank barn, and ether out
buildings; young orchard, about 18
acres bush ,balance under cultivation
This is one of the best farms in the
township and will be sold at a reas-
onable price; located within .1% miles
from Centralia and school' is on same
farm For particulars apply on the
premises, or by mail to J. R. Neil
Centralia Ont.
At the Advocate office is to be
found as large and complete' a stock
of envelopes, of all sizes, for Inlets
nes sand professional pureen iS
carried in Huron C9eset4, -e. place
any printing customer% 3y "lequire
un then et medeente Cant; fact we
'ed businees statielnery; riteevery low
supply eiictything gried; ptints
tivg Made fair sleighing.
e 61°' :ext. Pt0r.ices All
was re-elected Trustee f orders rirtimpfly`..antended
a. good attertcla,ne8enta eihei eelvee
School re-O,Pned on, Mtnday with! • "
Ila Mitchell spent' 154aS-
aril holiday visiting with friends frii
gdsq. Oxford, -A number attended
Niais, Street NIethodist Church from
ihise Vicinity to hear the "Yorkshire
NIningale." All were *highly pleased
.7fentefall of; snosv on Saturday even -
Pidtii Pe• ri gAtt:
ikaie is :pit the- preinises,:;nraew hilck
hou4,3,. titto, uorey; -new,' batslese harn
young dregida-10-a.cies1 tq, teeth; 40
Plowed; 1t7 ,gfees eeededeto alsike and
five acres fall; wh'eiat goal; hard and
soft water afiel:;AlkiftliiiVillt,iWater works
in stables, APNisnasinpOlinseg er write
to Samuel Ileaver','.DashWocl P, O.
rnileeeouth retS:
Auction S le
on LOT 6„ C0.11.
of 1.7136.
it at 0,c1ock,-2
Fr6fge4AA Clydesdal horse, 511'10,:ix;;;
cad, by LM ,S.herp ; 1 Shire reare,..q':
tyeyaorsa,rs.54,rtiy,StirarlIthtpirkbyt ; 1 •
filly,. rising
• t HEAD OP CATTLies„ 8 ch oiCe
ettZ,' , di! deepest milking stiAitri 4,:opwit
There is only One 7'11.Y itu'ee isne s'isk:Wed ;inside. 01 30 days; r reg, Due,
rote Rheumatisin-the ,i,•qculated htii 60,v, f gow due at time of t:ale;
rnpurities caissed by an 0...a.T)th'):45f trre one ;epee' dile Mar, 4; 1 cow dtte' May
eAicbcoiddyP,131Ts°1111ittrn.iu,ssterbh:t.e7P'igii:ell'timin'J'w4't,rgliili 6tv'n.cf: frdodadjettl*east1dietroanrY; gwo
iI1 do and do it thorougnlYiIf ti
.4tirt.g SWIrPfy, (C as IT) ; Z steers
tiffel from any form, of rheuitratitret 1.1mrtg., 2 Yeera 3 lifiliensn, ising 2'years
ciatiCa. Inflammatory, Arthragn , eer Imiter °elves
4 4
Kescular Lumbago or Gout -get 'a, alf)telfi'llie'.dri,WS 2 young
bottfiif RHEVMA. fret)) S 'ol eeedyeelss ere sot9 *ttli Olaa
Or 50• cents -it is guaranteed,
`, "For years I suffered with Rheum-
tatism it t arme and shoulders. V.y
kidneys afid. bladder' were affected,
,td 1 r y 0,t Altai five PnreTseee elf(e"rte'r ,,,t„e„ge Per cent 614'.1
weeks'. tilftS! (Of' g.rittrimA was a well "
man."--Williatte Fry Vert t wHIT:8 PT mINITIO
rie, n
Chett Utironic
0'111; tfitr6'
enisa GOssilaneseW,fint!*8 tl
abotit 'the. doCton's' beiWg eetrinee
Masa? ,,Iteepe. Matteof.,Fa`cli: sena, 'Sreej.
that's true. .MieS Slligaln TetP
tee -of -Fade -It's ii)edebtotee
about. It. What beees: Mies' lihste
' A Sadefeelektioe.'.
"I am always dull asinhld'WholP.
have a cold," remarkAd'SOTtleigh.
"Von have th 0Y/41)4Iva-
ed Cynicue, "A chronie ecird',eatilSt'bie)
dreadful afilletic,n."
plgs tiv`ii'ivgka .
Terms—liand, tinder cash;' ofeif
that amgant 10 Mouths credit