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Exeter Advocate, 1913-10-25, Page 14
r• ► ►'. ► 11 fAY STAN, 11114 XETER MARKETS" RAN ,1aP WRDNESD1►Y Wlat':x ....,,.,,,,,.. 83 85 liarlr« ,.,,,..,...,:,.• 48 53 Rime wheat..,r.s4.,k,lr:. 48 48 Rats; • 32 32 retie ,,,...., 80 80 Petal 4, «40 per had .. aCa 75 Ray, , on...,..,..... 10Q 90 60 +''lour, lose eerie, family Plane, l e er grade per civ 1 $0 X 50 26 35 13 10 14 8 19 10 13 0 330 23 00 22 00 (A)11.E.,•41.. . , . ,, 11 Dux„. 10. Rooeters....«.• 0 Turkey-. G1•eese, .. lesried Apples per Tb Live hogs, per cwt Shorts pee ton.., .. Bran per ton . ..• Come in andlook over our Ban Bons, If we cannot convince you that we have the highest quality and. lowest price in tower we miss our guess, -W, J, Statham's. SEEDS FOR SALE JAMES BEER wishes to announce that lie has •a choice line of Turnip, Mange! Corn and Potato Seed for Sale. See him before buying. The. Advocate to January 1st, 1915 for one dollar to any part of Canada. $1.50 to the United States. Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J, Ford. We 'soli'cit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. - WM. RIVERS. NOTICE -All books are to be re- turned to the Library for the Stock - Taking January 3rd, 1914. Nothing better for the health these days than one of Statham's 15c and 25c• Oyster stews. OPERA HOUSE FOR SALE. -Price reduced to $1500;apply to John Spackman. LAP RTJG FOUND. -In Usborne, between 9"a and 10th concessions, on or about Nov. 10th, a lap rug. Owner can have same by calling,on Eph.ldern Usborne, proving property and pay- ing for this notice.. ----o— CHANGE OF SHIPPING DAY.- Messrs L Armstrong &'Son wish to announce that they have changed -their shipping dat for Hogs from Thursday to Monday forenoon of each week. Get your TUNGSTEN LAMPS at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. --o-- MARRIAsl.' LICENSES issued' at the .dvacate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental FURS WANTED -All kinds of furs for which highest prices will be paid. -D.. Hartleib, Exeter. LOOK AT THE LABEL.- Some Weeks ago we asked our readers to look at the label on their paper and if their subscription is not paid inad- vancc to send the amount by return mail. There was a gratifying res- ponse to this request, but a lot of our patrons have not yet responded. Do it now, PROTERTIesS FOR SALE I have several choice residential properties in Exeter sale. 1e . Des- criptton and terms on application, A. HASTINGS, Exeter ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society ,will be held in the To ese. Hall, Exeter, on Thursday n 1- c k P. • e gids 3sauart 15th, 1914, at one m., for ele purpose of electing Pres- ideat Vice -President, and Directors for the ensuing year, and transacting other important business. All members and interested parties should attend the meeting. The.Direcf.ors are particularly re- qat 10 u3s • _,_-_ to attend a meeting f:cloek a.m. on, the above named date Ed. Christie; "Pees, N.D. Hurdon, Treas, A. G. Dyer, Sec'y. HUUSE FOR SALE A one--torey frame house in good state o repair. One-quarter acre of " land Stuate on Huron Street. Good water etc. Apply to Mlss ADDIE MORLOCK, or T. B. CARLING. FOR SALE OR RENT Geoe, brick house, half acre land ; F-uit trees, hen house on the prem- ises A good comfortable place. Fer particis'irs apply to Mrs. E, Demp- sey. Centralia. RAND TRU NI( s lvE CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR RATES SINGLE PARE Dec. 24, 25, good ' for return until Dec. 26; also leec. 31; 1913, and Jan. 1, 1914; geed for re - tura until Jail, 2, 1014, PARE AND ONE-THIRD Dec: 22 23 24 25 valid fox: return until Dec',. 37; also Dec, 29, 30, 31, 1913, and ran. to 1914 valid for return until Jan,3, 1914 BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN CANADA east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mieh;, Befalo, Black •Krick, Niagara falls alel Suspension Bridge, N, Yo Tickets now on sale at Gtan Trunk Ticket Offices, N. 7r Dore, Exeter. L()Cia DOINGS, /109 Write it 7,914. The sons and daughters of Mr. W. T. Acheson, presented . him with a handsomegold-headed cane on Christ_ nras Day. The Citizen's ;Band gave a delight fel open air concert on Main street Christmas manning, which was touch appreciated. Courier Deavitt of R. R. No, 3, feels grateful to leis patrons along the line of his route, who very kindly gave hint Christmas presents last week;. "Ou, of every 81000 damage by lightning to buildings in Ontario, $999 would have been saved by a proper use of lightning rods,” was the inter- esting statement made by Prof. W. H. Day of the O. A. C., Guelph, recently in a lecture on. "The Truth About Lightning Rods," The efficiency of rods in Ontario is 943 per cent. Mr. Albert Penwarden told us on Saturday that he saw a robin near the home of Mr, John. Pedler, when driv- ing into town that day. The bird was as lively as one could be and did not seem to mind the cold, and that morning' was the coldest of the win- ter A ` robin at Christmas in this country is an unusual thing. Almost every trade and profession, has its newspaper or journal looking after its special interests. There are several farm papers, but only one that can truly be called The Farmer's Bus- iness Paper. That paper is the Week- ly Sun. Every farmer should sub- scribe for The Sun; It will be found very helpful and pay for itself many time' over. TO EXAMINE LIQUOR. -Samples of liquor taken. in Western Ontario hotels will be analyzed at the Insti- tute of Public Health in London in future if negotiations now under way with. the authorities at Toronto are successful. Inspector Galpin of Lon- don is strong for the idea and be- lieves more frequent tests would be made if analyzed in London instead of in Toronto. Delay would also be reduced. EDITOR BLAI4IES HOUSEWIFE. - James Livingstone of the Grimsby In- dependent sizes up things in this way The foolishness or the bad manage- ment of the housewife has had a great deal to do with -the rise in the cost of living. As, for instance, former- ly the housewife was content with good, .old-fashioned oatmeal, for the. making of the porridge for herself and family This • oatmeal cost four or five cents a pound, while to -day the same housewife is buying all the high- faluting, high-priced breakfast foods (that she can ,get hold • of; at twenty- five cents a pound. Instead of the boys and girls of to -day eating good, health -giving, strength-giving,.unger- satisfying oatmeal porridge for break- fast, they are eating a lot of dried- up crisp flaked, pasteurized, airified petrified ossified remains of once -use ful, grain but now without either strength' or substance, which has been bought by their mothers under the name of breakfast foods and sold by the groceryman at about twenty-five cents a pound, SURPLICED CHOIR. -The Choir of the Trivitt Memorial Church ap peared for the first time in their new vestments on Christmas morning. The vestments consist of the regular cas- sock, and surplice and in addition the ladies wear the conventional college cap. The new door from the south transept into the vestry admits of a processional and recessional hymn. The choir numbers twenty-eight, in- cluding, the n-cluding'the organist, and the com- ments the congregation upon the e reverent rendition of the services were very favorable, On Sunday ev- ening the musical service was very fine, as it included the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittisanthemsetting in se rn Mr Allen, recently. out from Ireland,. e and who possesses a tenor voice of rare power and sweetness, ably as- sisted the occasions. The new vest- ments are a gift from Mr. C. H. Sanders the Rector's Warden, and werc given with a view of ad o g reverence and devotion in the regular. services of the church. On Christmas morning the Rector. gracefully accept- ed the gift and on behalf of the con- gregation ongregation thanked the donor for this very subst litsal gift. The musical services of Sunday evening will be le -- pea -tea e-peated next Shuday evening, on the occasion of the first Sunday of the new year, and the sermon will be ap- propriate to the occasion, INSTALLATION. Past D. D, G. 1''l's, Rev D. W. Collins and L. H. Dickson duly installed the officers of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No, 133, A F.& A. M.,orSaturdayevening, af- ter which an, oyster supperwas par- taken of, being the Worshipful Mas- ter's treat to the members present. The new officers are,-Wor. Master, W, B. Weidershammer ; S. W., W. J. Murray; J. W., Dr. 7. E. McGillicud- dy, Treas. J. A. Stewart; Sec.,_ R. N. Creech; Chap„ Rev. D. W. ol-. Iins ; S D„ W. W. Taman; J. "D., N. J. Dore; L G., A. Hastings; S. S E. e Christie; J. 3., F. E. Willis; Dir of Ceremonies, W. J. Heaman; Board of General Purposes, C,'H.. ae ders, W. J. Neaman, L H, Dickson,.; D. W, Collins, W. W.W. Taman. HICKS' JANUARY FORECASTS -A regular storm period is `central on the lst, covering the last two days, la. December, 1913, and extending . to January 4th. ley ;the 1st, rising tem- perature and fallttig barometer will be. advancingfrom western extremes, ,rid storm.'• of rains, turning to snow will reacts most parts of the country in thee- progress eastward from the 1st to the 4th, A reactionary storm per- iod is central onand touching the 6th 7tlt and 8th. As a rule, change to storm conditions begins to show in the.weet. as the high barometer, ::vied ng um the preceding periods . to pass across the country from' west to east, Change of barometer, temperature cloud Bess' anal winds, will announde to each = section the approach of rearms, or the cold wave avid leer- ing weatbe,: following. Tlru weather ' hes been mind far few days, The Jackson Factory employes taking, a week's holiday, It t Silas Reid is visiting in Aylmer 'with 'hie nether, Miss Olive Gould spent Christmas in London. JERSEY CALF FOR SALE„ -el have,i 'Frank johns of Toronto was dente l a fine Jersey. Calk for salee_en G, for Chr"astxnas, Creech. Mr. Thos. Jeckell of Detroit spent 1•Ias. Jokord of E.Nrth Christmas here, u,tf ortun ttehnly fell clown xeter stairs Frioday Din` McT�a,ggart or Blyth;., was here last and received a bad shaking up; forthe holiday, A mass meeting of, ' hockey entlau r Dr, Follicle and family of St. Marys iasts tv911 be held in the Town Hall spent Christmas here, on, Friday everting, at 8 o'clock to t:or- sider the ,church league. \Ir, Walter Dearing was up from Ain enjoyable dance was held in the London for Christmas, elcDou ell Hall on Monday evening..A four -piece orchestra was up from the city and furnished music, Miss. Olive Hem was taken to Lori don this week Where she underwent se. operation for appendicitis. At last word she was doing. nicely, According to the religious census returns of Canada, which were taken in. 1911, and just published, the fol- lowing are the figures given for Ex- eter,-Adventists 4; Anglicans 311; Baptists 19; Lutherans 21; Methodists 955; Mormons 1; Presbyterians 231; Roman, Catholics 10; Pagan 1; various sects 2, The population is given at 1555 It is just at this time, of the year that the farrier or business man ehould spend a little time in review- ing the business of the last year. Give a little time to the study of profit and loss, or which branches have raid and which have not. If you. have come out behind do not be disgust- ed, if you are even,: try to do better, and if ahead do not the satisfied. There are leaks in every business. Stude t'henr up and close them Eve ery succeeding year's business should profit by . the last year's business. --,o-- David Boniface is visiting in Han- over. Miss Clara Clarkson is visiting in London. Beattie Martin of London was' here part of the week. ' Air .Fred Tucker is spending the week in Stratford. Mr James Bissett of London spent Wednesday in town. • Herman Elliott of Lucan was ,in town over the holiday. Mr Herb Pickard of Sudbury is. home for a few days. . Mr. Lindenfelt of Detroit is visit ing his brother Charles_ Mr Thos. Sanders of Toronto visiting at his home here.' Mr Wm. Balkwill left Monday to visit relatives in Hamilton. Mrs A. Bowey and two daughters are visiting in Port Huron. Miss Tillie Yager of St. Marys has returned to her home here. Francis Hill of Chatham spent Christmas at his home here.. Mr. Robert Sweet andfamily of Clinton spent the week here. Mr. 1. Dunsford of London spent Christmas with relatives here. .. Mr .and Mrs.:Ed. Howald are holi- daying in Stratford s •week.- this Mrs. W G. Bissett and Miss Hynd- man were ,in London this week. Miss Viola Penhale left on Monday to visit her sisters in. Winnipeg. Miss .Lula Hastings is visiting her uncle, Mr Essery, in _Palmerston. • Douglas Stewart of Toronto spent the 1io?;day with his parents here. Mr. urviile Southcott and Mrs. G. Hockey are visiting•,, in Brantford. Air C. H. McAvoy of Toronto is' spending a week at his home here. • Mr. Rowen. Stewart of Toronto was a guest -at Mr. L. H. Dickson's Xmas. Mr Wallace Fisher of Peterboro is visiting with his parents in Usborne. Rev. D. W. Collins is spending the New Year with Mrs. Collins at Birr. Mrs and Miss E. Cunningham of Clandeboye are visiting with Mrs, Yg a e, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Welsh :and fam- ily of London- are visiting -here ` for a few days, Miss Annie Sanders of Waterloo s home here t. rel days at here -en several Y P during the week. Mr. and Mrs. • Chas.. Bailey and far- ily of London are guests of Mr. and Mrs -A E, Enke. Mr and Mrs. N. W. Creech of Brantford are spending a couple days wit'• relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A, Andrew and fain- fly are spending New Years at Gore- rie with Mr. Thos. A,ndrew. Mr. and leIrs. Cochrane' of Berlin visited with the latter's father, Mr Wm Leavitt, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter "Robertson. of Stratford and Mr. Fred Gould of nt the a holiday ' Strathroy spent id h It y Mr. 3. T. O'Brien, ;wife and daugh- ter, spent several days , during the week with. friends here and at Heti- salL Mr A. Mainland of Chicago ,incl Mr 1. Mainland of Toronto spent Christ- mas with their sister, Mrs, A. Hoop- er of Hay. Mrs. Logan and daughter: ` of the West who have been visiting at the home of Mr. M, Makins, are now vis- iting" in. I ippen, After an absence of 36 years Mr. Richard' Sweet, of Morden, Man,, is visiting relatives here, the guest of hi: brother, Dr,. Wm. Sweet. Garvey Achesoh, Mr, Loney, 13 Marten of London, Mr. Hewitt and eer Jardine of St,.'1'liomas, and the Misses. Torrance of Clinton attended the dance Monday night, • Mr. Roy Ford of iMinneapolis, Minn. I eel Mrs, Paul •Wirer, , and Mrs,. John Dearing of Flint, Miche are here ow- ru to ,the serious illness of Mr, Geo. Ford the former's father, end'the tat- ters' sister. Mr. and Mt's; D. 7. Christie of Blade:- worth, lade-worth, Sask.,' are visiting here, the. gttests ;of the; latter's, parents, Mr, and Mrs WM, Bagshaw. Mr. aad -Mrs •.Christie • came east in November, awlttg to the illness of the former's ee ea's; of 'Lachine, both of whop 'rises s;nce de.l. They will remelt so.na tea. Mr, Ernest Harvey of Guelph was home for Christmas. Mr. and i\Irs. Willis Powell spent. Christmas in Sarnia, Wm. Heideman of Toronto was home for Christmas. 'Mr. Elmore Senior of Toronto was home for Christmas. Reg Bissett is home from Chat- ham Business. College, Mr. and Airs. W. S Howey spent Christmas in Teeswater. Herb Southcott pf Toronto was here over the Holiday, Mr, Aquilla Sheere of Lasssing,Mich washere for Christmas, Mrs J. Humble of Sarnia visited relatives here this week.. Lloyd Rivers of Highgate spent Christmas at his home here. - Mr. and Airs, Norman, Hero of Nor- wich visited here last week. Garvey '.Acheson of London spent the holiday at his home, here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. •Lindenfelt vis- ited in Zurich over Christmas. Mr. Fred Hawkshaw and family ! of Toronto ` visited here this week. Earl Brlckwood of Niagara Falls spent the holiday at his home here. Mr. Abe Jackson and Mr. Fox of St Thomas were in town Christmas, Miss Maud Johns, teacher of Cas- tlemore is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Rowoliffe of London are visitors here :this ;'week. Misses May and Ethel Armstrong of Lucknow where home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon and fam- ily were visitors last week in Inger- soll. Miss Lily Davis of London :spent the week at her home ori. Exeter, ,North. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskins of Brantford visited with` relatives here. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills of " Walk ervillc were Christmas . visitors with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. S. W. Rowe and fam- ily of Clinton spent Christmas with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Burke visited at Mr. Jas. Tay- lor's last week. Mr John Snell and family of St. Thomas spent a few days with the forrner's mother. Mr; and Mrs. Will. McLaughlin of Brantford spent Christmas at the for mer's home here. lfr" Harry Triebner of Chatham Be C: is spending the holidays with his parents in Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Yo -cu g and family of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Beer over the holiday, • Mrs, James Etherington visited her sister, Mrs. Percy Luxton in South Bend. Ind., for Christmas. Mr Brooks, who has been employ- ed mployed With Mr. Chas. Harvey, has gone a to England to spend. the ,winter. Mr and Airs. Frank Sweet of Sar- nia and Miss Sarah . Sweet of Toronto Were visitors here during the week. Mr, Ed. 'Piper, and Mrs. Yale • and family of 'London spent part of the week with. their mother., Mrs Piper. Miss Winnie and Mr. Harry Carling of Brantford spent a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Care ling. g The Young Ladies Bible Class of James •Street Church was entertained by their teacher,,- Miss M. Tour last w,eek. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Samuel of Highgate spent ' the holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bawden. Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham is. holidaying with her mother, Mr., Herb Gregory of• Berlin was here for st Chir mas and Mrs, Vrooman of Co ,ilii etown p and Oscar Anderson of St, Marys visited at Mr. G. E. Anderson's dur- ing the week. Mr. and firs. Geor,ge Ewing of Pa- ber Alta., are spending two weeks at the home of the latter's . parents, Dr. and Mrs. Amos, Reeve 1dearnan's visitors ` for the holiday were his parents, Mr, and Mrs Win, Heaman, his brother, Mr. A, M. Neaman, wife and family, of London, Mr ` Harry Shelton of Detroit was a visitor here this week. Many years ago he was a resident of Exeter, haw- ing 'worked in Bissett ;Bros.' tinshop. Mise Hettie Sweet of Hamilton, Vic- tor Sweet of Windsor, and Harry Sweet of London spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. T Sweet, Mr: and eIrs. Win, Bayley of Lon- don and Mr. Leonard Bayley of Tor- onto' are ,4guests with IVlr, and Mrs, Bali I-leywood durieg the Christmas and New Years holidays. Baled Hay Baled Hay for a a . it-. s 1 Y An quart y delivered. 10111110.0 is G. SEttOON keter s ..r Cnta,rio �?u,r Jewelry �tca�k �s Very Choice Call in and see For Yourselves When you are purchasing jewelery it is a natter of money and what you want -nothing else. Then this is your store -for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices, A good variety of articles, selected from the larg- est stocks, consisting o1; Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Clocks, Etc. These goods are new, beautiful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches All kinds of Repairing done and guaranteed. MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician Exeter, Ont. The Home of High Class Furniture We have our show room well filed again with Up-to-date FURNITURE of all kinds. We always try to have on hand the best goods to satisfy the wants of our many customers. N. no WE Undertaker and License Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER ONTARIO Special Xmas Buying Opportunities At the big Variety store all this week. Come and bring yourfriends to the feast of good things. :.Hundreds of gifts to choose from at 5c up. Powell's Bazaar PHONE 55 Big Variety Store !lieAdvocate to Jan. '15. $1 JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 We wish our Many Customers and Friends - A'. ery Happy and Prosperous New Year. Sale -.Annual Stock TakingSale This week we start our Annual Stock Taking When all winter goods will . be sold at stock ek fakir Prices. Big reduction in Ladies Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Collar Coats all kinds of furs Mems. Suits' Men's Overcoats, Boys Suits and Overcoats, Now is , time to bu our winter .arm a .god 1 ants g y Y garments ©heap. ' JONES W' MAY ' Headquarters dor thecelebrated W.E. Sanford: Clothing' He tree ing tees fin air ag fro 11 ill car 1 :ng rag co: sec is do A der in be;: dee out Wi era art i 11