HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-25, Page 12, ly expectnic t$ llow a yarn i e thet?" "1 eau show you the -advertise- raetit I inserted 'ill this morns etereateartettsreeeeetm-teeteeestreeweeereneereesee, lens 3aw dropped as he fintabled . . 1.73 hie pockets. lIe had left the• pas 'mug men entered the gate per with Miss Gresham, jaun+iitend appNaelied the halloa. copy, :Kra mild,. CilitNO": OF NAMt. aten just get d°°r °lug* .3814; Hilda Gpe- may, all.141 3/01.1)11 RIldetstaibti at ehera, eittehisee sight of the vieitor eacee, from the v,inclow, wondered, ea Or "H'in! Think I'm going otit to bu•rried 44'4 "mit hira what - buy one thia time of night, even be the reason for his eareeptiona ly supposing 1 believed all thet rub - high split/U. e hush? just step inside!" ,47se it!" eJacu'a"ey.' Ae seen ae he entered the eitting- "Let me onto in. Let ine show mom, the door was l•ooked behind you I" • the him. Mrs.. Midway, in triumph, , He spread test a eewspaper on caned out that she was sending to front -room table.the police. ',ending himself a peis r - ,• It a always upset you because"' rat ettaati•Frederick caakaata onei', first he blustered, then began ispeet.,me, nattily a, time -ever t° plead,.Pina.11Y he heard her de- too,,solkool. I'veectee to the kitchen. aance 1 14'42 a bey at. had about enough of it! Besides., I Half an hour passed before the reit as goad as sew 3„oted never key was turned. He eatv her burly marry sae, owing to my surname." hushend and son regarding him "Well, /e$, Fred, You see—" augruY" ei call quite xnuiertua4 your ob.. "They've persuaded me to let you go," said Mrs. Mildmay eulkily. eeetiett. No tele hettesr. But 1°°k "After all, you've doe no herrn here!" . here -yet. Be off, now; and let The anneuncement to whichhe this be a lessont to you. Put this ointed in triumph gave notice that box on the pavement. Joe." e, Frederick Corkloit, therehe Protesting and arguing in vain, publicly adopted, and would there- he was Inestied into the street, In • alter be, known by, the name of blank despair he realized his un- Fretieriek Clarendon.'pleasant position. It was just on " 'Cleeenclon.' That sounds e, midnight, and he had eto pillow on bit elever, doesn't it I" which to lay his weary head. He Miss Gresham her first, surprise left hia trunk, which was te)° heavy .ever, beamed in approval a,nd leat° ca'rrY, and walk'd diernellY to ight. tthe corner. Presently a ramshackle I•kur-wheeler rattled past. "13ut don't Yon have to get Per"I "Double fare this'll be. Where rnissi°71, or go bekre a magistrate to?" queried the elderly driver and swear -or anything of that sleepily. sort?" Hesitatingly he gave Mrs. Trigg's "People can alter their names," 1 address. But, when that lady had henretu.rned, "as often as thee at length been roused from slum - like. There's DO legal formality ber, she assailed him with shrill necessary at alL" lindignation. "And do you mean to say you've I "You leave this moredn' for no done this just for my sake?' She reason whatever; Dew you come blushed and looked down. " 'Mrs.; back in the middle of the night and Clarendon.' Why, t,hat'sI perfectly I expect to be take» in again! Well, • lovely!" - 1I'm very pleased to sa,y I couldn't • "You like it? Then you'll have; do it if I wanted to. I've let your me, Hilda, really 7" • room." "Can't very well refuse now, ca,n I?" While they sat close together on • the sofa she inquired what had in- fiueneed his choice. "Well, I've got ray initials, 'F. CV on nearly all my---er-clothes, ' and things. That'll still be right, you see, and saves a lot Of t.rouble, Where did I get 'Clarendon' from? Oh, I just thought of it, somehow., It'ver since I first hit on the ' idea of a eliange-weeks ago -it's been running in my head. I don't know • why." • He pondered for a, while, then glaneed up suddenly. eteenatesetway. I haven't said any- • thius, about this at the oefiee yet." suppose they're sure to. poke fun at you," She withdrew her head for a mo- • "This came for you by the last post. T. Corkloft, Hesquiree An envelope dropped Irons the sv'ele dow. "Take it, and go away, and •don't come disturbing respecteble people I." The window slammed.. Picking up the letter, he retreat- ed dazedly. "You're a bit of a suspicious claaracter, seems to me. Let's see the color o' your money bef-ore we gees any farther," suggested the cabman coldly. "Um -ah Well, what's the next place we visits on this ere , p • Tile young man only possessed one bachelor friend living in• the neighborhood. In response to a series of agitated knocks, Mr. 'That's just ib. Awkward sort of Charles Wrench descended in spy_ subjeet to mention. But I've made jamas. His speech of welcomee was more forcible than polite. • come in, then, if you've really nowhere else to go. But bright Road. Taken the roora as don't expect luxuries pray. You'll 'Mr, Frederick Clarendon.' A have to malre do as best you can.,, tomplete fresh start -see? "You'll be nearer to -to us," ob- served Miss Gresham, nodding. "Ali! Only ten minutes away." another change, too, Efilcia-my diggings. I've left Mrs. Trigg, and inoyeelin to -day at a house in Pur - Gratefully and apologetically the visitor accepted this grudging hos- pitality. But an hour later he was still crouched, stiff and shivering, Breaching the important sehject in an uncomfortable • armchair. of their future financial position, Sleep seemed impossible; and Bud - he reminded her of the fact that denly he remembered his letter. an elderly relative, a great-uncle of He got up and lit thegas. his, had recently 'died'''. Twice he read the solicitors' coin - "Shouldn't weeder, Hilda, if he's munieation; twice he made an in- eut•me down in his will. Not that coherent- comment. I was it favorite with the old boy-- I The shock overwhelmed him. He quite the contrary. He couldn't collapsed. Subsequently, turning bear the sight of me. But then, he the matter over in his mind, he be - hadn't any other relations that know of. He was comf-ortably oft, too." --------e'Anyhow • Miss Gresham mule ca,me slightly hysterical. His great-uncle had left hira the whole of his fortune remaening af- ter certain donations to charities inured, with modest reserve, "you had been duly paid. want me to fix- the day, do you? "Provided always that you agree I'll think it over." forthwith to adopt our late client's, The young man stayed to aup- name as your own." , per, departing at a late hoer. In Tabchick' 1 Why, it's worse a condition, of eestetic happiness he than rCorkloft,'"" the young man wallseeeteiwards his new lodgings. groaned. "And 'Ebenezer, too I • Reaching l'urbright Road, "he Oh, my goodness!" opened the door with his key. To Morning found him a pale and his amazement his trunk, which he hollow-eyed wreck. Declining a had left in a corner of his bed- share of Mr. Wrench's, breakfast, room, new stood in the hall. As he he went off wearily to business. ritopped frowning, the landlady ap- During his luncheon hour he. coll- l)eared. ed at the lawyer's office. The -part - not in •bed yet, then, riere were out, but a head clerk as - Mrs. Mildmae." sured him that the conditions of "No; nor are you, my beauty- the will must be strictly complied ter ever will be in this house!" With. She advanced furiouely, -and slip- "And you've got to prove your ped between elm and the hail door. identity first ---prove that you're sta,red opendrioutherl. Frederick Corldeft, I mean." 'Lucky tor me I found you out in But I'm net. I m Frederick time, Mr. Frederick Clarendon! Clarendon. Didn't you see the no- I,ueky 't picked up this old. liews- -ace in the paper?" Simple BarOttleters, paper in the kitchen, arid read about your goings-on Charged with de- frauding landladies, were yeti, and got a month for it 1 You stop for six week or to, and ehen scoot off with- out paying a ha'penny; that's your little game, is it, 'Frederick Clar- endo»9 There it is in, print." was FiOlnei time before the young man could speak, 1 erturbed and bewildered, he realized that he, must have 'remembered the name "Clarendon" after perusing the HOC011litar of this police -court ease. Then be)had adopted it without re- collecting ite disreleeteble Owner. Horrified., lie set about the task of oxplainmg. Mrs. Mildmay, lis- teno4 impatiently to his very un- convincing statement. he gave a shorto. incredulous "S0your real ntlAneg Corklolt, hno ;you just ohose Clarendon be - it 'sounded nicer D'you real - "Phew I" the bead Clerk whistled; (ET 1411 CANAN» ND AU6111TEDS, May Lose A.11 His Riches. General •Louis Torrazas whose lends eomprise nearly the entire • State of Chihuahua. He has le,000,000 acres. The picture shows him seated with his two granddaughters. General Villa has threat- ened to confiscate all the Torra,zas property . , . During the afternoon his work suffered considerably. At the ear - Doings in Europe. liest possible moment he left the Horse Meat in Berlin. -- City and sought Miss Hilda, Gres The Taeglicbe Rundsehau says that as sh,a,lithean,t be ,Fredetriek. oiaren• t one consequence of the continued rase in meat prieee in Berlin a special municipal don,' els- my character'S gone,'' boebta.blished in Berlin. bleoghtei. house for horse,s will shortly he spluttered. "Now they w -went .en extraordinary- story circulated bY St. Petersbur declares thalt) a Rue ian rne to be 'Ebenezer Dabehick' Did the Deutsche Orientkorres onclez from You ever hear of such a thing?" knacker who gpreviouslY buried the hO3dies with such a name as Debeetee Dern.at Tor their hides has recent,y been making a. big, profit by pickhng his hor3e should lead her to 'the eltar, meat and importing it for food into Ger- "But, Hilda *dear, think- of the manY• The story meets with considerable , , - incredulity, as such importation should be . maiao,sible under the G-7,rinan. regulations, His fiancee was firm. No psrson of okl horses_ slaughtered at Reval and "How much ?". : "To tell the truth, I 1 hut the Berliner Tageblatt demands an , , I inquiry. fOrgOL The official figures recently published 'by the Norddeutsche Ailgeracino Zeitung ask.'' "Well, I notice you don't Icon_ showed a considerable increase an the c sider my feelings in the slightest' eumption of horse meat. . Fred. Teba,lifoierkteheinsaelke:do.f Deep anxiety prevails in court cireles at • The. Health of King Alfonso. she addend, "Madrid owing to the -well authenticated turie-se-veral thousand pounds- report that a Viennese specia:ist, consult. rs throat from which the king has been suf. again, and satiefied them that he Tering, for years has spread to the pest - I'm half inclined to put -up with it." ea bY.TCiag Alf(?Ths°' take's a graYa view 0g . . Next day he visited the solicit° the king's condition The affection of the was Mr. Dabchick's relative. That •Yerelss°Tfaena6n. ru,grceorasillecgmettili)owelstroP matter settled, he stammered an tee grave.st kind are feared. Alfonso has been advised that the only eager ques.tion. , possible hope of, arresting the disease lies 'The -legacy will arnettnt reifese,iley" in Tidorgoing a course of treatmt3nt tor a c r abandoning aU official work and enter. "Eight eharitable institutions' The king le reported' to ha,vo replied: each get five hundred pounds. After al'inyoliontit,:atg, ueareaSpettresa a('nulieilva,Ti<ct 111,0e:111 va,rious clebts a.re paid and our ac- certainly finish me." "Only 'fifty guineas for calling . . ton, but hui,restless energy and fatiguing. Pursuits aggravate his .condition. myself 'Ebenezer-,--" " . Seruin Prevents Diphtheria "Ah!" the senior partner Itinr- Prof: liehring. of Paris, who "in 1892, mured. "The change of name will created anti -diphtheria serum, has juez neeessitate a Royal licence.; At perfeeted it so that it is a preventive as well as a curative. least teat is the course usually, seerstefore this serum had, above all, adopted in ,such cases. Application already y . , it arrested the progress of value. .InJocted into a person meat be made to the Home Secre- 'dtisease in proportion :to the promptness tarY•„; and the stamp duty on such a of uee after the outbreak, but the serum was almost useless ars a preventive. In licence is fifty pounds. You must epidemics it was only useful for a fe epee_ g, o guineas or so, yeai, living an absolutely Quiet life and kin t fifte That -that all?" he choked. tainments. count settled—" , The, king's action excitee intense admira- understend hovrever perha,ps elaYe. , • , The new eorum is obtained by mixing CW instanc,e--" NV the diphtheria toxin with the anti -toxin "That's done it. Good -morning I" eufatireetTeehlrem tetsr serehmaxmofieeimsmnienejeeeteaid- Seizing his hat, he gave a snoe,t into school children it will cause to appear and depart,ecl. lie their blood, for a, long period a qua,n- "I might have known," h reflect -1 tity of the preservative anti -toxin. It has e r - also the. advantage of sterilizing bacilli ed bitterly, "that old great-uncle in persona, who, while their own systems Eb had something.up his sleeve. He resitsb„disease, may impart it to others. 441 The Standard Lye ot Canada. Hasman Imitations but no equal e V ea , fp..m ee 1 orielleeleeeweseeetessee .4.14. m qmomoseefribiribib ivaAlbelb . Tested Recipes. Mock Angel Cake -Mix and sift four times one eupful of fine granu- lated sugar, one and one-third , gether and add egg well beaten. cupfuls of flour, three tablespoon- Sift dry materials and add alter. third teaspoonful of salt. Pour on gradually while serving constantly frnuiljsk,of baking powder and one- two -thirds cupful of hot scalded inch apart. Place. half a peanut on tap of each and bake twelve to fit - with cream. This may be servec. hot if desired, Peanut Coo'kies.-One- f.ourth cup sugar, two tablesp•oons better, one egg, one teaspoon baking powder, one-quarter teaspoon salt, one-half cup flour, two tablespoons milk, one -halt cup finely °hopped pea- nuts, one-half teaspoon lemon juice. Cream the better and sugar to- nately with the milk to the butter and sugar mixture. Add peanuts and lemon jnicee Drop from a tea- spoon on en unbuttered sheet •one, Pineapple Bavarian Cream.- teen minutes in a slow oven. Two tebleapoons granulated gela- tin, half cupful of c,old water, One can grated pineapple, half cupful of sugar, one tablespoon lemon juice, Nvh,ip from three cups of cream. Soak gelatin in cold water. Heat pineapple add sugar, lemon juice and soaked gelatin; chill in a pan of ice water until it begins to thick- en, then fold in the whip from cream, mold and chill. Currant Illullins.-•One cup milk, 2 ta,blesp*ons fat, X, cep sugar, ee„, teaepeon salt, 4 teaspoons baking iee. half the time to cook it in the morn - powder, 1 egg, 1-3 cup currants. "5 add Milk, then beaten egg a* , It is a. good idea to put a heavy Turkish towel on the bottom of the Mix end sift dry materials together, melted fat. Stir in currants, which d diehpan-when washing' fine china or have been washed and ,, sprinkled, glar's8" with a little flour. Bake in it mo- I The juice of a lemon added to a derate, oven about twenty minutes. I pan of water will freshen wilted Hollandaise Sauce. - One-half vegetables. Let them stand in it cup butter, 2 egg yolks, 1 table- for one hour. spoon of lemon juice, ese teaspoon Roast pork should never be eat - of salt and 1-3 cuts of water. il It en by anyone with a delicate ,cligess hard to digest. Salmon aud herring are also over a slow fire as you would very Iteleorny' custard. I It is a good idea to have a good' Eggs a la Suisse. -Four eggs, ii(,. !sized ldtehen salt shaker filled with cup cream, 1 tablespoon butter, a mixture of salt and pepper. This salt, pepper, speck cayenne, 2 -Us- saves time in seasoning. blespoons of grated cheese. Heat Always push a new lamp wick a small skillet, put in butter -and threugh the top of a burner, Wet when melted add cream. Slip in the lighting end in kerosene, turn -Cadet Hints. Fried food should not be allowed to become chilled before serving. The stove front can be painted with black stove enamel instead of blackening it daily. Kerosene is not so explosive as it is inflanama,b1.e, but it should never be brought in contact with fire, If oatmeal is put te soak over- night in cold water it will only take the eggs one at it time, sprinkle with •salt; pepper and a few grains of cayenne. When vrlsites are near- ly firm sprinkle withecheese. Finish cooking and eery° on buttered toast. Pour cream over the toast. Breaded Veal Cutlets. -Dredge veal with flour, dip in egg, then in breed or cracker crumbs. Brownie hot fat, cover with .rnilk and. cook in very Slaw oven until tender. Meat Loaf. -This is best made Of half veal and half salt pork. Mix with this the yolk of aes egg and dried breadcrumbs. , To be tender and juicy it must be cooked in an oven which has a very low fire un- der it. The white of the egg may be put over the top of the loaf to give it a glaze. • , . ' (Nick Cake. -One-half cup but- tere1 'cup brovvn sugar, 2 eggs, 34 low and allow it to stand a day be- f•oro using. The oder of kerosene lamps can be stopped by putting one teaspoon.. ful of fine table -salt into each lamp. The salb should be changed olio° ret month. The term "folding," used in re- cipes, means the cutting down and lifting up the mixture in euch • a, way as to distribute it, over as little • as poseible. Potatoes are not se apt to rot if the cellar is not•kept too warm. Sprinkle. air -slacked lime among them lightly to keep the light away, To clean windows easily fu•sb wipe thoroughly with a dry cloth. Then rub with a 'chamois skin which has been wrung out of cold water. No further polishing is needed. When you have roast beef for 3 tea_ dinner save the water in which it Hid Cams in .0ranges. cup milk, 13-4 cups fl•our, "Make your choice. When she started to • t h Won be Ebenezer Da,bchiek," heve guessed!" On the same evening he diseley- td to Miss Hilda Grtsliam considee- either. I'm acting beck tb my own proper name. So there you are !" unaware of their value, confet:31eceleeeldecciali.lattet ) opnuelpt,easonoeosnquarter cup of Afterwards wipe with a clean cloth banged the table. p-urloined from the shop of the suePeofed -eat hated me like Poison'. OAhm, IImighodt enough for you? Will , able firmness and decision. "Just listen, now. No more 'Frederick cirtrenden, for me. an incri,mina,ting nature. 1 By chan0e n. policeman observed some „ pie es , e eon e is. and the brothers were arr b .Thq shop was again raided by the police lemon alice Pile pulp,. -boys playmg m the gutter with. what rrilue Whip.' -Whites of three flannel dipped in parafen oil. The Gwen stones. The boys who e proved on examination to be Setae Of Ole they had found the stones .• 't 1 ' ' o .oranges and citron's which they had, •Tz the, erbale of the stolen pro - 3 . e lightly in buteery- important • 't ed baking dish and bake twenty to ' their h fold in the prunegar and When ironing window blinds it is t eggs, three-quarters of a cup. . of marks will disappear like magic. the whites of eggs until stiff, lemon Juice, ening .out of hoe water to take away the smell. ttrfoallioagwengcewrteanin Arifitheirs no, if you please." • perty 'was hidden in oranges and citrona . . "All rieht " assented Miss Gre- from whiell the pulp had been taken, stones in Naples, Signor GaSparo Bosca- rino, was .robtbed of Jewelry valued at and cut in pieces. Some days ago a dealer in precious spoons cinna,mon, Ys- teaspoon grat- was washed, as it is a splendid tonic ed nutmeg, 'A pound dates, stoned Soften the but- for plants. Roses and geraniums especially are improved by this sioo,000, end althour the suspicion of the who kept a fruiterers business, a rub -well with it piece of clean white Bake 35 to 40 minutes, Police was directe toward two brothers [ter ansl put 3,11. ingreclients in .a, treatment. f'3earcif b wl. Beat together for 3 minutes. To clean finger-marlts en doors of the shop failed to reveal anything o o er o , or will you not? Yes or discovljeo eio . p 1,1 ft they have been starched fold. them minutes in it slow oven. .Serve cold down the middle lengthwitie and iron double both sides together. The Extermination of Mice. sham, in an unusally subtitled eoice "I will If you put it lik that, i, German science has lately turned its . 3 '' e o . ,,attention t,o.mouse-killingi and an effee- oourse— • ate 'method of exterminating the rodents "Then get your hat and coat on, in, exploding bombs. in their holes is the result. The country is just now suffering and give rue a kiss, e requested tem rsotetee like an egyettee ,oteems. Frederick Corklott, smiling rteliey- of miee, and the scientific men long have edit, "and we'll go round and Look been trying to find a means of killing th pests bY Wholesale...A CIAluan chemist ha: at some furniture shop" -tendon discovered a method of using with safety answer. • • ,eisaineiae of eatbon, a gae whioh, Poisons email life. eapenlos eontaining the elo. nientS of the gas and a little expl.aaive caitridge are loitered into the eurestve of the 'Mite, 'all the entrances are stopped with earth, the capsule is exploded and i ri,thdpernicates all parts of .. • "TI wroiit elan 1" "N o, 11°,. only I 111 known as it on Peeing Your newsPaner the ease killing Geese inmate. The Pro- Gls,rondon note, D.ortt't yoU ander- the morning it displays a tend- eess i0 45W1ft, requires little labor and is Paris Pollee. Peorly paid, Prederielt Clarendon'? Notice' izi t 'W 1 • f t gtand ency to tear aim° °11 i.i.asin,°Nien. nate.: cl::1).'1, ) was fully repoited, r off' als° Presaged when avr wil4)" 3nenib"8 the PaperS VVIIYI yes 43*" )WilP°1 ° tnfl 3„arare „pie the,.etintexits a, salt cellar are in, 4he. maxiinturt stija!rYCa':11:ienP1°)17,14%Dys'llast. the ',4;n4r/ who ,a month a /noise and i• • '"se,rgea,nt ville" is s.568 let r I vi PggY • 00)X atlefs• At ef the higlt e t t u 64v os yang in Paria,:tli.S tpriap . tensile in anY degree ot conifort, and' the for defrauding,/ Pawing the air, the young man struggled wildly for speech. "Look hero, hadn't you better make a'elcan breast of it all 1" Gradually the situation was ex- plaleee "AuYhalv4 You'll have to change before the rain reveal alfght your Da•rfte," he was romleded Por- deposit of moisture 'and be ,sfAelv.Y tentottsly. to the touch. In this wa:7 the gllee- "Ti•ut--hut--but I've just chang- tese whether it is the Nvis4u ib take ed i€, I tell you!' a walking dick or an Unabrella on unet's your ovn _fault. 'rut, letvvim; booe *ill be settled the such times yetis' bootlaces have a am ' te itiaisitaiti '11 h v triarred niorriberi of the fetes, eat's) fre• eilap,esed your glayes vi a a neon ly supp bittern, their Me0113.e8 *apf a. C*14, elararny:f6elili„; and will be llast theY 6aa• rAt'al° th°m earn a' P°W dimotat to pull on, 2ven the walk irtiar!ct 176rket 13P°rten k b n'te 'e.t` n3104, 0 Ot era do trig stic , um re a,- vvill ant the ;beet repairit)g, en there is ono who &les edd tailoring. johs• part of a naromater, The nanolee in spite Of these harasIties;thero are alWaYs Weak* et Men. eager to•i9itt Ole levee, about ten ,candidates being , available for every Sace.neY that oottirs. Claim Minions Alter 240 Voir!, Thelteatingixi cille ot, the meet roman, tic oeseS ever before the Pretteir bottrta ban begun in the cit1 tribittiaI of the ' Seine. , 1, 'the treetee, • Orernmerit" ter , 20,0 .00 ttlt Blter caAl 44414 trtitit Yeu're observant isdus by an 1ns5eetioa :foan Thiry, who died. in Corfu irr 1675, Then open ihein out and iron the eels): ,deseendan le. fold. They will then keep their 'The brothers entered en.dless litigation in -the courts over the division of the pr'e- PertY, whieh the eourts ordered, hold by the State Bank of Venice.„pending tlnal leaving a fortune to his brothers and shape, nob steetchieg as when iron- ed singly. Boil red beets whole in salt wa- judgetent. There it lay until 1786, when ter until tender, drain, peel' WhOle, Napoldon Seized it, using part of it to nay his array and forwarding the redt to X -Rays fbr Tooth melting, . A new method of dentistry is being in-, trodnoed in Paris in the form of treat. ment of the teeth by ultra.violet rays. Shell rays from a mercury lamp, it le claimed, have the Power of whitetung die- rots and half pees, which have been colored' tooth and sterilizing them in such boiled, ,drained and placed in way that they are not se WADI liable to French dressing to get thoroughly chilled on ice before serving, "I understand you and your wife have agr,sed to separate?” "Yes; tre biro that Of pearls. TWO gIttingft and that'e the only thing we ever Yitelstgrooa(rieroecooinationtue,atled to heap the teeth aid agree ma!, storm: out .small seetmes from top te baske t ; cover with half einestae find half water poured over hot; With a little sugar tilesolered in the mixture, Fill .WUII .htdf .ear - decay. The teeth. to be treated are ISo. lated from the root, which are covered with a rubber shield. The•face toe is pro. trctod by a nuisk.' The teeth ere then vasheti with oxygenated water and ex. Posed for an hour to the direct aetion of Ole Tars. It is stated, Oita tho teetb aequIro ins. t§ tir# 614lift Mme. Cotton atttkist elltiet,° of the t1es 4tertes (81A0,000 left het by ter %ablator NVESTMENT 0.44NimiseueleiNNINNANONorammenemiNmiumme Iligh.C4s0 1.Vear *lends that aro Profit-Sharbig, Seriet -0 I 00, $504), $1000 IN1710411.44442T May bo withdrawn azty Mae after one on 00 days' node% Baldness is.t back of thews giants *stab. , hished M putts. Send for special' folder and fall particulars. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED COIDMOKRAVON. LIFE ituti.bo No 1 TORONTO. CANADA