Exeter Advocate, 1913-10-25, Page 11IIVINTrAIa FARM FOR ?ALE
Dr.. G. It+'. BQVZ+STQN, L.D,S., D.D.S.
'bar of the. R.q:IJ.t3, of Ontario and
gni r Graduate of Toronto Linivereity.
oinilice7Over Mc/teen &&.Carling°.'* law
office, Closed Wednesday afternoons.,
qxl. A. R. KINSMAN, L,Dt•a,,
Honor Graduate rot Toronto University
Teeth extracted without pain, or a•ny
bad effects. Office over Oladinan
Sfantitta`y'a Office, Main Street., Tlxetcr,
So33c1Etars, Netarieh, Conveyancers, Corti
m'fsston'ers.. Solicitors for the Maisons
Bank, etc.
.Sony to Ltoan at lowest: rates of interest
Offices--Main-St., 'Exeter
1. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm wi )age Prop-
erties at Id* IME181olt 1'r! -�
sr •s
ew•rdast s iloidco,l• , I?11i' ter
Agent Confederation Idle Aesuranc9
• Company, also li".r'e Insurance +'n lea7l
tug Canadian and British Coen lies.
Maim -St., Exeter.
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own homes to
occupy lucrative ; positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civileervauts, In
ties every sphere of Business Activities
You map finish at college if you so wish
Nettle= guaranteed. Eater college any
day. Padt uai 1a96ruetlon. EYpert tea -
criers. This years, experence. Largest
trainete la' Sayen colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers.
Aililiated with Commercial
Edttcabors' Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at famous
Spattorl Business College, Lon-
President Principe
ANY person who is the sole heard of
.n. ;family, or any male oym 18 years old,
may ,homestead . a q ersection Of
availatbie Dorninitort land nn Manitoba
aasltatehew.en. or Alberta. The ap-
,plicant must a,Opear in .person at the
Dominion Lar a Agency . or Sub.
-agency .for the district. F.ritrY by pro-
xy made he made at any agency, on
certain conditions . by father, mother.,
son, daughter, brother or sister of in-
tending hoangsrteader
Duties—Six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in " each
-of three years, A homesteader may live
within nine rrvites of his homestead on
a earm of at least 80 acmes soliely
-owned and occupied by hint or by tiia
•-father, mother, son daughter, brother
or Sister,
In certain dluetriots a homesteader &i
.good standing may pre-empt a quart
•er-tsection 'along side Ws,.. homestead.
Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties --Must "reside upon the qo¢ne
stead or pre -eruption six months • in:
'each of Six yearrs from date of home -
'stead entry iincloning the ttlme re-
quired, to earn'ilohnestend patent). and
cultivate fifty, i ley, acneie . estra.
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead right .acid cannot obtain; a
fire4emption nary eater for a putt
-chased homestead in certain distil:etia
Price ,$ .00 per acre. Duties--; Must
reside six =strive 'IA each ,. of these
.yeare, culttyrBRe fLOty acres and erect
a' house 'worth $300.
,Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N.B.-flnau horyzed giublicatiOn of
this advertisement will not : be paid for.
A choice farm of 100 acres for
sale, being Lot 23, Cori. 10, Stephen,
There is on the prelnises a new brick
house. twa storey; new bank barn
4 :h ,h
44x6 , en house and 1}i,� pent young
young orchard;' 10 acres of bush; 40
plowed; 10 acres seeded to alsike_ai d
five acres fall wheat; good hard and
soft water and .;windmill, Water works
in. stables. Apply on premises or write
to Samuel Beaver, Dashwood P, O.
Mr, Drake from the West is here
visitinf his"home and relatives, -.A
McEwen has returned from the West
where he has been, for the past twa.
years.—W.i'Moir •and wife spent Xmas,
with their daughters and son-in-law
in Toronto,—J, torn Scott, wife and
cllildrer of Toronto are visiting with
relatives here, --Laurier Hagan, Medi-
ca' student, and John ,Hagan, dental
student ; are home from Chicago Uni-
versity.—James Patterson of Calgary,
Alta. arrived home last week' and will
spend the winter with his mother,
Mrs R. Patterson. -Miss .Flossie Cald-
wel' has returned,from Carberry, Man.
where she has been spending several
months visiting her brother, -The fol-
lowing members of R. Cudmore's
family were home from Toronto, the
Misses Flo and Beatrice, and sons
Reuben and Garnet. -Dr. and Mrs,
Jamey Macarthur, London, have an-
nounced the engagement of their sec-
ond daughter, Marion, to Roy Cog-
hil of Montreal. The marriage takes
place early in January.
Sues or Qnio O11T 01 T°111", t se
Loose Coust•r f
sueFreak J. Cheney makes oath that he le senior
partner of the Jinn of F,*J. Cheney & Co., doing bpai.
need in the City of Coledo, County and 'State afore-
said and that said
rat will pay the Sum of 01r$
HUNfirm DOLLARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure, 8'RANH J. CHENEY
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pees
e ce. this 6t1x day of
December, A.D. I
(Ss.n) A.W.GLEASON,- •
NOTARY Ptratto
Halt's Catarrh Cureis taken internally, and acts
directlyon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the
• system. Send for testimonials free,
• F. J, CHENEY'&CO., Toledo, 0.
Soldby all Druggists, 75 ,
Take Hall's Family. Pills for constipation.
Toronto Ont. Gives its students the
best business education and assists
them to secure positions when com-
petent Write to -day for •our large
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. C. A. BLDG'..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Scpt. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal CharteredAcconntant
17 vice -Principal
very W@811
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marvel miming spray
k your druggist for
L. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other, but send stamp for ,iIlus-
trated book—scaled, It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies.WINDSOIt SUPPLY CO., Windsor, Out
General Agents for Canada.
Ontario's best Business training
school We have thorough courses in
Commercial, Shorthand and Tele-
graphy departments and nine compet-
ent instructors. We offer you ad-•
vantages not offered elsewhere. You
do not know what an . up-to-date bus-
iness school can do for you unless
you have received our free catalogue
Write fdr it at duce.
D A. McLACHLAN, Prfnctpal.
Model T.
Tourin (lar
f, o. b. Ford Ont,
Get catalog and particulars from Wes.
Snell, agent, Exeter, Ont.
C O M M l l•,N.lC ATI Q N'
To the Advocate
Wil; You kindly allow me ' space to
tell you why I shall vote for the Can-
ada Temperatuce Act in January.
1, I shouldn't like to tale the re,
sponsibility .of votingagainst it and
thus continue the censed hatet s
where strong drink is sold to the
great detriment of rriaany of Aur peop-
le, Not one in a thousand is benefit,
ed by it, The late Dr. Benjamin Ward
Rienardson, the famous physician of
London, 'Eng,, used it only twice in
treating patients during a long prac-
tice Both' times a small portion of
brandy Was used to carry the patient's
heart past a critical moment. The
times when it is beneficial are very
fele indeed, On the other hand it is
very doubtful if there are any cases
when taken as a beverage that it isn't
injurious. Being a poison it injures
the health. It hardens the coats of
the capillaries,, dilates the blood ves-
sels, causes heart trouble, injures the
digestive organs and shortens the
drinker's life. Life' insurance compan-
ies prove this last statement,
2 It •isn't. 'only the drinker who
sutlers His wife and family frequ-
ently feel the pinch of poverty, be-
cause the money spent in drink means`
so much less for the comforts • of
home,. yes , often the necessities of
life. Many a child is hungry. to -day
because the father spends his earnings
in strong drink, any a drinker's
child is kept out of school because
of the lack of proper clothing, etc;
All such are handicapped in the race
of life because of early surroundings.
It takes the spirit out of a .young
child to know that he is the son of`
a drinker- 'Think also of the patient
wife who has remained faithful dur-
ing .all those years -tri spite of neglect
want, heart -hunger for appreciation,
and frequently abuse, buoyed up ' with
the hope that some day the drink avill
be prohibited and she will again have
the early joys of home restored. As
a loving ,mother she hides her heart-
aches and with the best smile she can
mustei -tries to train and inspire her
children to become true and noble
men and women, with a hatred for
the dreadful drink traffic. For the
sake of these men, women and chili
drer. I shall vote for the Scott Act.
3 I shall vote for it, not because
1 think it perfect, but because I be-
lieve it will do good and is a step
to*ards prohibition. Many prohibit-,
ory laws had serious defects when
first enacted because legislators would'
not pass a better law, but asthe pro-
hibitory law made good, it, was amend-
ed and improved, Even this Act in
its present ' condition is a great -im-
provement on the original. The pro-
hibitory laws of Maine and Kansas
are similar examples. Our legislators'
will do as we want them if they see,
we' are itt earnest. In. spite of any
defects it is in successful operation
in tilt, maritime provinces for over. 20
years The whole of Prince Edward
Island is under the Scott Act. In,
Novo Scotia only the City of Hali-
fax is exempt from its rule, In New
Brunswick there are : only 137 liquor
licenses in the whole province. It
must surely be a success or it would
have :been repealed long ago. It must
be, a good and workable law.
4 I shall vote for it because I am
in favor of prohibition which I be-
lieve is the ' only right • way to deal
with the drink traffic, A prohibitory
law is more easily enforced than a
license law. As to the right or wrong.
of a prohibitory law, we deem it right
when it comes to the prohibition of
the sale of immoral literature and no
one says a word against it —except
those interested in the business.
Tows, Councils. pass prohibitory by-
laws against nuisances, etc., and all
good citizens are satisfied.
In 'conclusion allow me to give one
quotation,—"The demoralizing influ-
ences of liquor penetrates every phase
of life, and imposes a. tremendous an-
nual burden upon the people."—Gov
ernor Nelson Miles, U. S. A.
Thanking you for the privilege of
having this inserted,
I remain yours sincerely,
W. H. Johnston, ICippen, Ont.
'J3, Hay glad Stephen, for December
1913. The names arein order of
merit :--Sr. IV. -M. McDonald, A.
Pfali' E. Carrick,C. Hooper. Sr.IIL.
-4 Johnson. Pfaff. . Jr.'
IL—G. Smith, Pt. IL—F. Smith, L.
Smith. Best spellers inn the monthly
spelling match were :—IV.—E. Carrick
M. McDonald, C. Hooper, :A, Pfaff;
III.—V. Johnson and E. Pfaff _'even:)
Number on roll 9; average attendance
Mr, and 1VIrs, W. B. Oliver and Mr:
and Mrs ,Ware Oliver. left Wednes-
day to spend the holidays in St. Marys
-Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gratton from the
the West are visiting friends and rel-
atives around here.—Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Ruben
Wilson of Arkona visited relatives
here Christmas.—Mr, and Mrs. P. Bak-
er visited at Crediton :Monday, -Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Oliver are visiting at
Mr. and Mrs. Stewartson, Greenway,
Messrs. H. Gill and Wm, Oliver have
completed their contract of the new
school at Thedford, everything being
satisfactory and a credit to the con-
to s —ed Disjar-
r . blr. and Mrs, Fred, ar-
dine of Winnipeg are visiting the
former's mother, Mrs. Ross,—Mr. and
ann are
Sam'l Sharrow of 12ichlg r
relatives, arou d here.—The
Christmas entertainments given the
Presbyterian and Methodist churches
were, most successful illo
p int of at-
tendance and otherwise, the former
having proceeds amounting to $53.00
and the latter $29,445.
If you are troubled with weak, tired
feelings, headache, backache, bearing
down sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tipation, catarrhal conditions pain its the
sides regularly or irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements, ,sense of
falling orInispiaeon entof internal organs,
llervottsriess, desire to cry, palpitation,
not flashes,: dark rings udder the eyes,
or a loss of interest in life, X invite you
to write and ask for illy simple method of
home treatment, -;with telt days' trial
entirely free and "postpaid,•alsai references
to Canadian ladies who gladly teli how
they hate regained. health, and
4apprness by this method. Write to -day.
udsor, Out,
dress : Mrs. M. Summers, 1;ox.. 840
Mr. Ford Sparks of Bigger, 3ask
arrived home on Saturday evening and
will remain for a month, -.-Mr. and. Mrs
Ayoft of Pigeon, Mich.,•
ofthis section, are visiting with Mr.
anal. Mrs, L, Jeffrey,—Mr. Sam/ Hey
and Miss Mary Jane Meyers were
quietly married on Wednesday ,even-
ing, at the home of the, bride's par-
ents, Mr,. and Mrs. Charles Meyers, at
Blake.—Word was received' here on
Monday by Dr, Stoskopf of the death
of his uncle, Mr, Andrew 'Secbacll of
Stratford. -Rev. Roy Geiger of Elm" -
wood, Ont,, one of Zurich's prominent
young men preached in the Evangeli-
cal church Sunday evening.—Mrs, Con-
sit, Sr. ,of the Parr Line returned re-
cently from Boston, where a success -
fid operation was performed on her
krait+ by a specialist. Mrs. Consit is
73 years old and had been a severe
sufferer from neuralgia,—Miss Ada
Koehler of Toroautovisited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P, Koehler of To-
ronto, over the holidays.—Miss Elea-
nor Hartleib of Toronto is visiting
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Hartleib,
—Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Jacobs, of Chic-
ago are spending the .holidays with
the latter's mother, Mrs. H. Wurin,—'
lvlisses Selina and Alvada Wesel of
London are visiting, their parents, Mr.
aid Mrs, H. F, Weseloh.—Mr. George
Hess of Detroit was a Christmas vis-
itor at his old home. Also Miss Ida
Well of the same city, --Mr. Wilford
L, Brown of Toronto was a Christ-
mas 'visitor at the home,., of ' his par-
ents. Rev, and Mrs, • G. F, Brown.—
Mr, Marshall .Zellerof. Stratford spent
Christmasday with his parents
Mr` and Mrs. E. Zeller.—Mrs. Jelin Hev
Jr., took suddenly ill ' on Wednesday
while, in town and is under the doc-
ctor's care at the home of her moth-
er, Mrs, Stelck.—Mr. Julius Bloch
and Miss Bertha Wurm were married
in Detroit last week, and returned to
towIi on Monday evening. -A ,.pretty
wedding was solemnized at the home
of Mr and Mrs. Fred Hess, Sr., at
Iiigh noon. on Christmas day, when
their daughter, Miss Freda, was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr. Gordon Bissett
of Goderich. The bride was charm-.
ingly attired in cream silk crepe de
chene and carried a bouquet of loses
and lilies of the ,valley. The bride
entered the drawing, room- on the arm
of her father tb the strains of Lohen
grin's wedding march, played by the
sister of the bride, Miss Celia Hess,
Rev. W. C. Miller, pastor, of the Luth
eran church, performed the ceremony.
After a short honeymoon trip to East-
ern points , they will reside at Salt -
ford Heights, Goderich.-Mr. Charles
Bossenberry; of Alberta is visiting
his mother and other relatives and
friends It is 13 year since he left
Died In Windsor.—A very sad death
occurred on. Wednesday night of last
week, Dec. 24, when Mrs. Caroline
Bock, wife of David Bock, who form-
erly resided here, was seized with ap-
polexy as she stepped' from the De-
troit ferry and died int a few moments
later. She was returning 'from ` a
Christmas shopping trip, accompanied
by her husband, David Bock. 'They
-bad moved to Wiatd'sor from here
about three years ago, and besides
her husband she is survived by seven
A'bappy and prosperous New. Year
is the wish of your correspondent to
all the Advocate readers.—There have
a large number of visitors here for
the Christmas holidays. Among them
we note •the following,—Rev. Hugh
Hazelwood of Toronto University at
his brother John's; Newton Milson . of
Windsor at his brother Hector's; Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Baker of Lion's Head
at bis "'brother Arthur's.; Mr. George
Brooks of Toronto and Mrs. Wm,
Ross of Warnick at Wm. Brooks';
Frecl Gunning, and fancily and Mr,.
Hyatt and family at Mr. Frank Gun-
ning; John Foster and family and Mrs
Alfred Gunning and family at their
sisters, Mrs. John Morley. Those who
went elsewhere for Christmas were:
Hector' Millson and family and Wm..
Morley and family to their wives' par-
ents -,in London Township; Thos. Mor
ley and family to John Batten's at
Zion; Mrs. Jos. Morley and daughter,,
Brssre to 2.Irs. McNaughton on 10th
of Blansbard; Wm._ Ogden and fam-
ily to ,his brother John's.—Hector . Mill
sou and wife spent Sunday the gaest
,of h•'s cousin, Wilbert .Millson, neat
Mitchell—The home of Mr. and Mrs:
Albert Gunning was as usual the
scene of a joyous Christmas, when 35
relatives and friends gatheredand
partook of the good :things provided
for the occasion. The entire day
was • spent in Christmas festivities
games and conversation; then after
slipper, came the all important function
a beautiful laden Christmas tree, which
had delighted the children's eyes all
day, was unloaded and everybody got
a share from Santa. Although it was
a large tree there was not ' a ;pace
left to put- any more 'on as everybody
brought a'large bundle ofpresents for
their friends, your correspondent and
wife sharing inthe good time.
Miss lbgto Ho kir
her cons -
IA Agnes of Hensall spent the
holidays with their aunt Mrs. Smith
of Hage svalle —RoY RYcel an Ment
the Christmas holidays with his grand
mother ,Mrs. Workman of Hillsgreen
Mr. James Glenn of Winnipeg is
the winter, and he thinkshome for
as much of that city as even—bliss
;Wan Horton is spending the holidays
with her sister of Harpurhey,—Wesley
ainimons of Fillmore, • Sask., is home
for the winter: Joint Bolton and W.
f(eI`slake .have • let the contract to
build their silos to h%fr. Rogers off
Mitchell.—Mrs.:l-Iugh McDougall and
daughter spent Christmas in Clinton
—Miss Nellie AteArthar of Hay is
visiting her sister Mrs: Stewart Me-
Onecit,-Archie leyckntan of Moose-.
jaw is home for the winter, Geor g
and James Rycktnan.of Michigan 'are
here for a fewv weeks --Fred and Wes
Simmons and Allte I ail bairn are vis-
iting a- few clays(' near , Atwood,—The
Invitations ate out for the 22nd antti-
versary or the marriage of Mr, ' and
Mrs. Somerville, to be held at their,
MTome Dec. 31St.—Mr, and Mrs, John
cQueen spent Christmas with their
iyaughter Mrs, Hemery of Mitchell.
Why Wome
The �'bl nes'—an4ety-slespl_esue s—and warning •,
tress are Sent by the nerves like fling messengers of
limbs. Suchfa li s en may or In, ..not. be ai om
Y ll a,
headache or hearingdown., The1
local: disordt3rs and o it=. r
�f�m>nstl. ere
is any, should be treated with lar. Pietce's PAIN) Tablets.;' lten the
nervous system and, the entire womanly makeup feel.; the tonic effect of
when taken systematical)y and for any period of time, it Is not a"cure-all;"
but has given uniform satisfaction for over forty
' years, being designedned forhe sings purpose of woman's peculfatailments.
Sold in liquid form or tablet* by
druggists --or send 50 one -cent
stamps for a box, of Dr. Plerce's
Favorite Prescription Tablets.
Ad. Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N'.X.
Eeerg woman ought to pones The
Peoples' Common ase Medical 44
/fir hs R -i/, ?krcy M, D, 1008'
pares. Jt answers questions af sex -
Tee l*, mothers hots fo care far their.
chil.drregni the ues. les
��Mthe enter-
nexet, doctor a stout om horse. Send
50ons4.ntstamps to,Dr.PteruoxabocG
Stephen,, for the month of December.
Only the names of those who obtain-
ed over 60 per cent. are published;
75 per cent, being required for hon-
ours :—Jr/IV.--E.
on-ours:—Jr.'IV.—E, Greb (H); W, Ste-
phan, H-Lafond. Sr. IIT,—E. Lafond
(H); A Blake (H); Otto Stephan
(H). Jr. III, -A, Stephan (H); George
Hobbs M. Willert, Sr, II.—M. Willett
(H), A. Lafond (Id); Susie Adams
(H); A. White, I-1. Wild, Jr, TL—A.
Moir (1-1); E. Greb, W. Adams. Pt, II
C. Link G. Wi,Ilert, .L, Greb, L—R,
Willert (II); M. Willema) Bruce Wil--
lert; (b)P. Lafond (H);(C. Adams,
No •on roll 27; average attendance 22
V. Graybiel, Teacher.
r ,-aiilllf
47th Annual Convention and
Winter DairyExhibition
Wednesday and Thursday, January 1461 and 11, 19•14,�
EV, Pass FRANZ HERNS, Sec. -Tates.
You Get Bilious
Bemuse Your Liver is Lazy
You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do its
work. The bile does not flow. You become constipated.
Food sours instead of digesting. You have that "bitter as
gall"° taste. The stomach becomes inflamed and inflated—
turns sick—vomiting, and violent headache.—The best.
preventative and cure for biliousness is Chamberlain's
Tablets. They make the liver do its work --strengthen the
digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. 25c. a bottle
-All Dealers and Druggists, or Ly snail. 1
Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto.
The• very best for use in ill -health and convalescence
Awarded Medal and. Highest Points in America
at World's Fair, 1893 _
Make Your Stock and
Poultry Pay Better with
At s test of less .then $ cent a day per
bead of stock, it will increase_ their value 26
per cent. Permanently cures • Colic, Debility,
Worms, Bots and Skin Diseases. Tones up
run. -down animals - so that they . , quickly
gain weight and ' vigor. Increases the yield
of mileb cows three to five 'pounds a day,
besides enriching the quality of the milk.
ROYAL PURPLE is nota food. It is a con-
ditioner -the .best ever so'd. If there was
any better ,we would be making it. It en-
ables your stock to eat the natural' food they
should' eat and get the most benefit from it.
Here is the advice of all thorough veterin-
ary doctors --"Feed your stock on food of
your own growing"—not 'pamper themwith
soft predigested mush to that .after a time
they cannot digest good, wholesome feed.
Peed the good food grown on your own
farm—hay, oats, bran. chop, etc. You know
what' these things coat you and ,what they
will do.
ROYAL PURPLE is an aid to these na-
tural foods and if you use it as directed, we
can . guarantee better results than if you
feed any of the concoctions offered on the
market as ."prepared foods."
Try It On a Poor -Conditioned Animal
11 there is
a run-down, ,poorly nourished
beast on your farm, see what ROYAL
PURPLE SPECIFIC will d6 for it A 50*
cent package a lasts a cow r
D g o horse 70days.
The cost ie so trifling that no farmer . in
Canada has any 'excuse for. haying out -of -
health stook around bib Mace. Try it oil
the poorest -conditioned animal you have. and
we know you'll be surprised at the result of
a short treatment. Cattle and hogs fatten
up a month earlier than without it, 'which
means you save a inon�th''s feed and a
month's labor. You sari Tri' mos to
the' pink of condition at the cc_: of < s,.:i0.
Steers treated in the same way cost` -no
more than $1.Olt each to put in prune eta
fattens and keeps well harass, mares, colts,
cows, calves, steers, hogs. Sold in packages,
60o,' and air -tight tins. 11.60.
SPECIFIC on Your Hens
Do you 'know that ROYAL PURPLE FOUL+
TRY SPECIFIC makes hens lay in winter as
well as in summer, and keeps them free front
disease? It does, and helps them over the
moult, fattens and keeps them in vigorous
health. A 60c package lasts 25 hens over
70 days. Shouldn't you try it? We have
hundreds of recommendations from all parts
of the country. If ROYAL PURPLE does
not give you better results than anything
you ever used, or give
will refund your money. No matter'hat
Your 'opinion of other preparations, we want
I IC a Chance to ah
what itcan do
for your poultry -*-and and a 608P c
!r will
show you some fine results. Sold in 250 and
50c packages and -$1,50 air -tight tins
Royal Purple Cough Specific, toe cough and Royal Purple Lice Killer for poultry and
distemper. (Will cure any ordinary cough animals. 26e and '50c, by mail 30e and
in four days). 50c, by mail 608. 600.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment for lameness, Royal Purple Ball Cpre !or scratches,
rheumatism, Nprained tendon9, etc, 500,' by harness scalds, opeh enc' etc. 2°- -and
mail 60c. SOc, by mail $Oa and 60c.
Rbym Purple Wormmspecific tor aminal*; ROyoil Purple ng
ySpecific for roup, hip,
by 'mail 30c.
'diphtheria, typhoid fever, canker; .,white
Royal, ,Purple Diainfectant, in 288, 500 and diarrhoea, swelled head, etc., in poultry:
$1.00 t1»# . 28c, by mail 30c,'
We twill nail for the asking our new revised 80 -page
book on common ailments of stock and poultry. i'ell8
how to feed light and heavy horses, colts, shares;
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