Exeter Advocate, 1913-10-25, Page 8r'
2 ,t Etta
,,GII .. N E A' � 1,D E�.OI� 1'4" 1wM ESD Y
Wee ».>� e.....,. 83 sa
48 53
Blr.k .. treat...; .,,,`•,. 43 43
eas: i.lN.w. ,swwN 'A• ,, 80
; T^a, e,.peasbag .., N 7y(y
,.. 2
r cwt. ami
are w _family
tu,=• v grade per ew '1t 5i0 150
:, ..s.: t 80
Hens- .. S 1
Drag . �; a0 14
Roosters 8
Turkey... , 1l. 20
Gveese, ,,....,•d'. 10 13
Dried les: er lb ..w.
e Apples l?
Live hogs, per cwt S 10
Shorts pee tote , . 23 00
Byrn pet, ton .. w 22 00
Come in and look : over our " Bon
Bons If we cannot 'convince you
that we have the highest quality and
lowest price in town we miss our
guess: -'\'7. j. Stathan's,
J �M'ES BEER wishes to annopnce
that b 1 has a choice line of. Turnip,
A'latge Corn; and Potato Seed' for
Sale • See him before buying.
The Advocate to January-" ,1st, 1915
xforoae doll* to any part of Canada,
$1,50 to • the. United States.
Having taken over the • Butchering
Business of. Mr, Frank Wood we
have -moved across the'street into
the premises lately occupied by Mr.
A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron-
age arid we hope as,heretofore, to
give you every satisfaction;, <-. WM.,
ItC a -SS-. A11books are to' be re-
turned to t'.te'Library for the Stock-.
n �.uuarv' rd .•1914.
Taking J _ $ ,
Nothingsuet .ae etess'iT"e` "iiealt these
clays than one of Statham's 15c and'
25c. Oyster stews. '
L —
US {� SA E ' Pr ce
reduced to S1500; apply to John
LAP RUG FOUND.—In, Usborne,
betwee:i 9th and 10th concessions,; oh
or about Nov. 10th, a lap 'fug: Owner
can, have saane by cailiis on. Ep , ldern
OEshorne• proving property andpay-
ing for this notice.
Naval. Oranges from. 15c to 60c.,
dozen, Statham's,
AMMUNITION of all . kinds at
the Advocate` Office. No witness re-
quired and strictly confidential
FURS WANTED—All kinds of firs
for Which highest prices will bepaid,
D. 'Hartleib; Exeter.
High Grade Chocolates from 30c
to •60c at Statham's'.. '
Weeks ago ive asked our readers to
look at the label on their Pape; end
if their subscelption,as. not paid iniad
vancc "to ,send the amount .by rettfrit
nail.. There was -a-gratifying • •r ,e
poiise to this request, but a lot of'our
patrons have not yet responded. -Do
it now.
All kinds of Nuts -and Table Reis -
ins. -LW. 3. ;_ Statham's.
I have several choice • residential
properties in Exeter for sale. i7es'
cription and ' teams on ;application,
The Annual'Zleetine of the, Exeter
Agriculwural Society will be held in
the To s Hall, Exeter, oa Thursday
January 15th, 1914, at once , o'clock p.
m„ tot -re purpose of electing Pres-
ident. Y ire -President, and Directors
for the ensuing year., and transacting
other important business.
All •members and interested-' parties
should attend tlye,meeting.
The Directors are particularly re-
qu sted to attend a meeting at 10
ocloek a.m. on, the above named date
Christie, Pres,
Ed. Chrr r , r s,
Hurdori, Treas.
" A G. Dyer, Secy,
A cne-storey frame. house in good
state o. ,repair. One -quartet• acre of
land. S•:tuate on Huron Street. Good
water etc. Apply to Miss ADDIE
Good brick house, half acre land;'
F-u>t trees, hen house on the prem-
ises A good comfortable place. For
parti o',ars apply to Mrs.. E. Demp-
sey. Centralia.
SINGLE FARE Dec. 24, 25, good
for return' until Dee. 26; also Dec. 31;
1913, and Jan, 1, 1914, good for re -
tarn until Jan, 2, 191,4.
23 24 25 Valid foe 'return until .Dec,,
27; also Dec.' 29,'30,_ .31,• 1913, and' Jan.
1, 1914 valid for reform until jan 3,
CANADA eat of Pert• Arthrfr,, also
to Det`ro:t and Port" Pluron,: Mich;,
S" a''falo, Black ` Rock, Niagara Falls
and Suspension 13ridge, lS. Y,
Tieke s nobv on sale at Grand
Triirak Ticket Offices.
N, J Dore,- Exeter
rheic ,+hear. ? esilkso iseaso se!!'4.
Da you notice the days�lengthen
Mrs M, Wexler is 111 at their, home
Ora 1"riday evening, the :'i ,in Street
Leaeuer.,presentedaMrs, Casacly with
linen sbower,
. i4tr, And Mrs, W We Tatpan are uoyv,
c ocnfortable settled in their new home
on.. I'Za n Street,,
Ree. ]a.. ' W, Collins \viii conclttct
Cbr-istntas service in the 'hi ivitt :Mem-
orial church to -day at 10.30. o'clock,
Mr, 'A.. Hastiness last week sold
''Miss B. Dodds' • house on. Andrew
street,' to Bir. Maxwell of London
Mr Geo. Bailey of Kerrwood bailey 'd u oh :his brother, 3I , Jos. 4aitey
'i Mr; C ��^, Christte's, Stephen, 'or,
a fee days the past week.
The Christmas spirit is being. eSid-.
enced •in the express office, and the
post office, judging" by the many
parcels that are going throttgh,
Rev Dr.. Riddell of Toronto spoke
»ra social and 'moral reform' Sunday
lain Street chuieh• in the morning'
and in Caven church in th'e' evenia3, '
Rev McAlister preached in Thed-
ford Sunday an connection with the
open,.itg • of their new church. Rev. T
Morrison of'' Sarnia occupied the'pul
twit .of James Street, fiurch,
T4ie : School Board .has , acce'pted;.
the apf,lication of. Mr;. George Start
of British Columbia as principal of
the Exeter school for 'next •year, Mr:
Start comes well recommended.
The children of Exeter school • ex
ercisecl the; Christmas spirit last week
when they took, up a collection for:
t ,.'c a' d•
he Sick C1 al Yens Hospital, Toronto,.
The collection ainotinted to .$27.28,, •
it is stated authoratively that under
the General,Act the Sovereign Bank
full be wound up. ' This `step is . be
tag taken inorder to collect from
tn'"4 diareliolders who' laave-notr e aid
their double liability. The bank until
now has never been insolvent, but this
action. makes it so.
The officers of Caveit Presbyterian',
Sunday School have been elected as
follows, -Supt., J. H. Scott; assistant
T Rowcliffe; librarian, JOhn. Strang;.,
organist Jeand'
_ •Sel on; teachers, F.W.
Gladraaan, Miss J:, .Murray, . Mrs. • J.
Rowcliffe; Jas. Grieve, Miss Strang,
Miss Ramsay, Miss. Dodds, Mrs.. Sharp
H. -Strang Mrs, Hastings and Mrs Mc.
The book club presented Mrs. Weld'
enhanuner and Miss Edmunds with
a book each last week, prior to their
departure` from: town. ,,1r. • Weiden
ham er and MisSe Edmunds were made
h ofremembrances
by the
scholars and staff of -the school. (Miss
Edmunds. was also made a presenta-
tion by the "alit;•'Street choir, In.;
recognition of her services. She left
last week to. visit at her home before
taking her new situation. Mr. Weid-i
hammer and family leave for Oakville
next week.
The James Street choir assembled
at the laoiue of Mn S. ilM. Sanders on
Thursday, evening last to. do honor to
one. of theire
members in the ers "
of Miss Edmonds, prior to leer. leaving
Exeter tor her new position in East-„
ern Ontario, A pleasant evening was
spent by the choir who . partook of
an oyster supper,.. give by Mr. and
Mfrs: Sanders tin: addition. to a fitting
address on behalf • of "the choir .1jr.
S_' Martin .presented IV1iss • ,Edmonds
witl. a -beautiful toilet s'et in eboii,
Miss Edmonds in very ,touching words
thanked the'. choir ' and . said, "the
choir Exetex and her many friends
here wound long be cherished as 'Pleas
ant memories.
CANTATA A,'very successful Can-
tata` entitled "What Happened.to ;San-
ta Claus," ".was puts .by the _Sunday,
School ,Scholars iris Caven, Church on
Thursday, evening. in, the presence ofa
large: audience-, The several • parts
were. particularly well taken, the ap-
propriate and pretty costumes • of the
gihsies fairies, brigands arid. little; tots
were very, pleasing, while the singing,
in connection with the atfair was of an
excellent 'order. These eantetas are,
very instructive to the chidren _ and'1
entertaining, to the audiences.
ary- storm. period will bring renewed.
stores concditio.tts on the Zeth, 27th
'and ,8th, The'new mo'oni on the
27th will excite higher. temperature
and tendency to tow barometer, es-
pecially in the southern sections: Rain
snow and boreal wands will pass `reg-
ularly over the country, all followed
by change to inuclr colder from the
northwest. Earthquakes . 24th , to
30th,, central on the 27th,
Mrs Marchand was in'London . on
Miss Giadys Bissett is visiting rel-
atives in, Paris.
Mr. Horton and family are holiday-
ing ifs Goderich.
Mr Herb Ford is home from. Tor-
onto for Christmas. •
. Misr Addie Morlock is spending
Ch.ristmas in Detroit.
Mr. Wiry. May is spending Christmas
at his hoine is Mitchell.
Mrs, Richard Pickard is spending
Christmas itt Brantford.
Mf, and Mrs, Adolphus` Evans 01
London are visiting relatives here.
"Mr Alvin Brintnell of Victoria.
Square •is holidaying with his parents'
Mr. S. . A, Poplestone was down
from Blyth Tuesday and took " Nhi5
mother back with him "tor Christmas.
Mr, Sam'! J, Sanders, who has ben
in Saskatoon, Sask., for several inions
ths, returned to his home Isere Mon -
Miss Hattie Wi11is who • has been In
Wihhipeg for tub years,' 'is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas.Willis
of Stephen.
Mr and Mrs: Allen, late arrivals
from Ireland, are .visiting with rela-
tives here ..the guests of Mrs, and
il'iss Hawkins, •
Ml'iss Laura Harney of Whitby. Col-
lege is home foer the vacation, A num-
ber of her ,y g�' `friends- terteler"ed
her a surprise Party the other eveir ,fry
sclay everting of last weeketlie •,hoir
Thanes Road 1'resbyterien Church
made a .l resentation to .Prof. Frank
Ouse osiethe eve of 1tie dejinr'ttuc fol
his nett home in Hampden, A social
Suring -was spent in. the oltu'teti!' The
address= was read by • Glias. Monteii,ta
The gifts Wes n:,le'atther rockitlg chair,
and a leati,er-covered couch, the best
and most, costly that cotilcl be purch-
ased in. Exeter: Mr. Ruse was oaken
e •Ir, Burdett xt` s' 'mil.: London l ridgy
141x• 1 .F avell ha.s returned from
Jack Matheww .tis vis lltaa� at his
home' in Chicago.
Miss. Gladys Ford returned from
London Monday.
Mr, H, J. Fulse of•,Parkh .l is 'home
for the holidays,
Gerald Hurtles), has returnedfrom a
completely' unawares but made a lit_: visit le. BeltaIo. •
ting reply, The f5"rofessor • will be Miss Lili' Nestle is in St,Marys
greatly intase4 frolic, the com aiunit3�,, spending Christmas. ,
as It•e shad a, very 1arg;e. class ,cal pupils liras. Ruth 1looper of London is
mostly an, toe c•ountry homefor the ltolifdays.
Misses 1 • ,. And Winnie Huston are
RICHARD. JOI\1' fo DEAD.—One of home the olida s
r h y
Usbot-ne's abed rcesidents passed away;` Mrs, Jos, Sutlers, spent a few days
oa Saturday • of l ' t week, in the jet in London this week,
sort, of, Richard .7:, ons er an illness Miss; Merle Gould of Beaverton is
e zei o h He �t» s home for Chr stxiias,
in. ha>" 4rtne,tietha year, ceased; tlwas S . McAlister, student o Toronto
��, lr. A r n , f nt
born„ala• 'England�at'i" cans` •'G0'Canr is home for the vacation,
ada ovte,r:r .. t o, s' ttl't;1Tg irrUs-
o *he le ""on in its • .W, m Parson and son Harry are
borne towns , n re. e h uo
‘,..1i.... sn 'rt Wal ervill
ly_ resided.. Since, , . • . 's`h'it -' dk ca )Tre°tto a k e. ,.. ,
Mrs W. S. Cole is visiting with
daagh.tee sial' i,'ve, oha� Silas; Ilea , .
and Joovia, of , usborne, Teatime and her parents en Lueart
Mrs H. cudoUt 61s_ , 'hewan,"M
'Airs Johnston and Mrs., Mantle
The „ late 11?.: ;ohals was tl"i y xe- :werz in, London Monday.
;petted and yl. a etiibet bf the MLoney Heywood of Toronto
Methodist char ti mat Eitp ille, The is,homer far the holidays,
furneral'sefvice was co,,,aducted: by. Rev Mr, Wm. Antos of Toronto is heli
1. A. Steadrr .. Tues'1'l `,. the re- dayita:g at his Koine Isere,
mains beings titeered In Elirnaille rein
Stet', ; Mr. NNorman', Jarrott of Toronto was
a visitor here last week.
, • . • Mr, and Mrs. Ed; Stewart' and son
of London are visitors Isere.
death took place n Thursday morn hgrs: (Rev.) Collins is visiting
sig last of an ager' resident fof Step- parents at Birr this week;
ae t, .T nomas Kestle, at . the residence MissJohnston of Toronto is.
of iris soh Henry 1ohn Kestle, Exeter, guest of Mrs. McGillicuddy..
North. Mr. Kestlik had been; ill only Mr Jones of the Bank of Commerce
a fetor days of la g,$,rlppe, which de- is holidaying at his home in Ayr.
vela ed ,into pneti snit.. He :was in
P Mis;,'Margaret Case is .spending the
h$ 79th ear. Bow` in 'England he
came to Canada when a young lad Christmas holidays in Toronto.
and resided on the 'Second of Stephen Mr. John Case of Toronto spent at
nearly all his life. His .wife predeceas 'couple days in town last week.
ed him several years., iii Qis. survived
byre two sons 44.04 daughter, Arthur
on'.the fat'il "r 'wJoha-:;and- Mrs.
Harley Sanders of Exeter North.' • „Mr
Charles Kestle of Ste alien is a.brother
Deceased was a'Liberal in politics
andMethodista inreligion.The fun-
eral took plane to Exeter cemetery
Saturday afternoon, •
MARRIED .50' YEARS'r-Mr. and
Mrs Lancelot Hardypassed: the 50th
anniversary of their marriage on the
18th iivet,; and are receiving the•con-
gratuiatibns of their friends on the.
happy occasion. During the whole of
that period theyhave been esteemed
residents of Exeter. Mr. Hardy, and
Miss EEliza Gordon Bissett Were mar
ried at Fairfield, on the same day her
sister Miss Martha Ann was married
to Mr. John Drew of Snowflake,Man
Mr.' Drew is a brother ;. of Mr. 'Win
brew of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs'. Drew
are both living.: It is rare, indeed,.
that the parties to a double wedding
should live to Celebrate their' golden
wedding.. Mr. 'Hardy has alavays
taken a deep interest in the welfare
of the town and fele ten, years., sat at
the council board, 'trine of which' he
occupied the reeve s chair, and- wb are
'Pleased to say it perfectly capable
of tilling it again to • the credit '• ot` the
afrsWm. Crdnaore is visiting
relatives and friends in •Seaforth.
Miss Ella Baker of Chatham l3usi'
ness College, has returned home.
Miss Nettie Passmore of Torontois
the holiday with relatives.
Mrs Carley of Hamilton has been
visiting Mrs. N. Ogden the past .week,
Miss Victoria Miners, teacher of
Goderich is visiting her father here.
Mr, and Mrs. D. McGill of London
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A.Fuke
Miss Gladys trestle, teacher, is
spending the holidays at her borne
The : Misses Toni are spending
Cliristnaas with their brother. ie. God-
M.A. Q. Bobu,er returned last week
from the west where lie spent the
Howard Quackenbush of the- Den-
tal College,. Chicago, is home for' the
Rev.. and Mrs. Sharp and 'family are
spending the hblidays with' relatives
,at Bolton:
Mrs. Thornton; of Aylmer is visit-
ing her parents, Mr. •and ',Mrs., Silas
and � S
Mr '\rs. 'Nelson S heere and
daughter, of Fort William :are visiting
town. The Advocate • Joins the meet-, relatives .here:
friends .incongratulations, and ; hopes, ',la, T. C. Jones of the Bank of
they may be°spared to see malty -more
wedding •anniver:saries.-To "D•ir. and
i,trs. Drew we also extend congratul-
ations and best,: wishes. 'I'Iie latter
couple celebrated their; anniversary at
the home ot their son, J. F. Drew, in
SN inn o on ;the Saturday previous.
'&lr.end , ,.fairs. Drew moved, to Mani-:
tuba •nn :1882, where•. Mr. Drew has
been, engaged Tri the u.ndectaki,ng busi-
ness and°Yarniing in the neighborhood
of Snowflake „ever since. J44r, a.rid;Mrs.
'Drew, are 72 and 71, years: of, as -e- re-
spectively, end are' hale and : hearty
raid . enjoying life. _
The .death of Mrs. John Spackman at
her home on William street, on' Sat-
urday last, December Z0t1a., was., an
vent of wide regret among an entire
community of friends and acquaint-
ances, notwithstanding the fact ` that
the deceased had long since exceeded
the•`alloted span. of life of three .score
and •ten -her age being 79 years, 11
months and 28 days. Mrs. Spackman:
was always a particularly robust= per-'
son and .:scarcely knew what sickness
was until` , about two weeks previous
to her demise, when she was Taken,
down and being unable to take 'nour-
ishment the end came e braduaTly net,
death being clue to no particular" lits-.
ease however: Mrs. Spackman • was
bornin Elgin •County,. near St, Thom
as, in 1833, her maiden name being
Mary Ani Smith. She was .'married
in the same county int, which she was
bore. to. Mr. John Spackman, he'rnoyw
bereft husband, ; 'in 1854, and , four
years later they moved to ' Exeter,
where they have continuously resid—
ed since. Four 'children were born to
1 . and Mrs. Spackman' three; of,
whom survive—Edwin of Blenheim
and E J. of, Toronto (twins), and
Hugh or Exeter. She is also surviv-
ed by two brothers .,and two sr;sters
—john and Warren Snaith and Mrs.'
Lucy Gilbert of Talbotville. and Mrs.
Sine. Downey of Carstairs, Alta; Mrs
Spackrnan was a member of the Tri-v-
rivitt Memorial Churchand was admir-
ed. for her .consistent Christiaru char
acter .ancl while her death was not
uhexpedted it leaves an ineffacable
void among those wholenew her best`
and esteemed tier for her; lovable qual-
•ities. She was a'cheerful,• loving
friead, kind and true as she was in-
telligent and good, and leaves behind
her the fragrance of a pure and un-
defiled life that will remain, while niem
ory ,lasts. The funeral, which was
private, took place to the Exeter
cemetery on Monday. The bearers
were the three sons, two brothers and
Mr W D Weekes, Those from a
distance who •atteiicled were, two'
sons, 1E, J.• and Edwin Spackman, John
and Warren Smith, J.Lindsay and wife
Mrs, Chas. Gilbert of Taibolville;
James Spacicniaa of Bayfield.
M..:ssrs I, Aiinetrong & Son wtih to,
a.irnounce that they have chanee;tj thea.
flat for Hogs from Th l rsclay7
i „o.adOs' t.'oresesori of each tv ck;
Commerce stall' is visiting at.
home itt,. Ayr.
Mr. Wes, Snell autoed to Parkhill
Sunday 'to see his brother, Rev. Jas;
Snell'', who is ill.
Miss Evelyn. Gill or Toledo, Ohio,
is spending the holidays with friends
and relatives here.
Mr Edwin. . Walker of London Tp.
is visiting eat: his home in Exeter
North over the holiday.
Mr. Wm. Johnson arad. son, Mr.R.
L. Jubnson of Toronto are . visiting
with Mr and Mrs. Waugh.
Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Livingstone who
have been visiting in Stratford and
Toronto, have returned here. ; •`
Mr R. D_ Turnbull of Knox Col-
lege. Toronto, is spending ,,the. holi-
days with relatives 2t. Farquhar.
Mrs. Ogden who has been spending
a few days with her son James in
town, left Tuesday to visit in, glandes.'
Dr. Houez who has had a string of
horses on the circuits of the United
States, 'spent •a day or two in town
this week
Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Crocker and son
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'Crocker and son
of Toronto are'visitingrelatives here
for Christmas,
Prof, Ruse and wife left Monday
for. Bowmanville to reside. Mrs. Cob
bledick has since moved into the re-
sidence:vacat.ed' by them on Victoria
Miss. Mary attlack,, who haS' beencon-
tineti to tire' hospital in, Toronto for
several weeks with an attack- of 'scar-
let fever, returned to her home here
Monday night.
Boa of Carsonville, Mich„ who
is visiting with old friends around
Chiselhurst and in Hibbert, spent
Monday with friends Exeter with
his brother-in-law, Mr. •Donald Brint
Mrs, A, R. Gralaaili and little soon,
who have 'been visiting with the for-
pier's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Wal-
ters left • Thursday, to visit with Mr..
Graham's parentsat Hamilton, :Mr.Gra•.
barn of Edam, ;Sisk„ is also visiting
at Hamilton.
Baled Hay
Baled Hay for
sale. Any quanity
Exeter, - - C ntario
Call in and ;'See
For. Yours l es
When you are purchasing jewelery it is a matter of
money and what you want—nothing sloe, Then this is your
store ---for what you want is here and at the lowest possible
►prices, A.good variety of articles, selected from ?thlarg-
est stocks, consisting ot
Silverware, , Out Glass,
Fancy Ohina, 'Clods, Etc.
These goods are new, beautiful, and modern in design,
and of su4erior quality. We make a specialty of handling
High GradeWatches ;
All kinds of Repairing dope and guaranteed.
eweler and Optician
Exeter, Ont.
The Homef
o High
Class Furniture
We have our show room well filled
again with Up-to-date .FURNITURE
of all kinds. We always try to have
on hand the best goods to satisfy.
the wants of our many customers.,
Undertaker nd emaker
and License
Phone 20a
SP ecial Xmas
At the bigVariety
store ail-
this week. Come 'an,d;< bring
your friends to the feat of
good things. Hundreds, of
gifts to choose friar 'at to
ells Bazaar
Big Varipiy Stare
T.ligAd.oc.a!e:to Jau.L
rieods Customers
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E; Sanft;w1 Clothin