HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-25, Page 5AY+J ITAL.
Dr. Q. V, I1017l.STOri, L.D,S„ r.v.s.
1 +m'bor at ttae R.O.1J,hl, at Ontaria'un4
He or Graduate o1 Toronto University's
Ice. -Oise Meissen & Carling's law
off'ten. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
DD. A. Be 1C1NSMA N, L,.i7t.. i., l .P.S,,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University
Teeth extsaeted veithoet pain, or any
bad effects. Office Over Gltkdman
Stan'bu'ry'e Office, Maibn. Street, Plxstet'.
Dipx.soki 41e 'CARLIN( BARRISTERS,
Soriciledirs,. Nfo1»arie`s, Conveyancers, -Come
mislisid eris, Solicitors for the 1vtolsons
Barth etc.
Money to ilioan at lowest rates or interest
plaices--Mahn-St., Exeter
I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount oS private
fundis to loan on farnm and Village prop-
erties at low rates of tnteq;t:
Darr eters, Solicitors, Exeter.
`Agent Confederation Lite A.ssurarel
Company, also Fire .Insurance in lead
Ing Canadian and British Companies. •
Main -St., Exeter.
College At
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are tact preparing in their own hoaxes to
occupy lixrabis•e positions as stenographers,
bodkkeepera, telegraphers, civil servants, in
tact every sphere of Business Activities
Vote .m+yfinish at college if you so Wish
Prottlerolosrenteed. i;eter college any
day. ISMvidnal taseruction. *pert tea-
chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers to anada. Seyen colleges, Spec-
ial coarse for teachers.
Ailitiated with Commercial
Eidtteators' Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at famous
Spotttm Business College, Lon-
don. ,
T. > OA'k4leINA l KUR,W ON
Llfe,'Ffre, AecldattC and Plate Qlattp
Insurance* Collecting accounts, and con,
ducting auetton Bales, $hceter, Ont.
Council met at Townshii5 'Hall, Dec."
15th pursuant to statute.. All the
members were present. The minutes
of the last meeting were read and
As there were a few items t of un.-.
collected taxes, the collectors time
for returning the roll was extended to
Jan, 12 1914, and he was unthorietdi
to continue the collection of ;lnpaid
A grant, of $15 was voted to the. Ex-
eter Agricultural Society.
A large number of accounts were
passed and orders issued in payment
all of which willsoon, appear in the
Treasurer's Financial. Statement.
Council the). adjourned to meet
Dec. 29th after nomination meeting.
F. Morley, Clerk,
ANY person who i -s• the este head of
a family or agcy - ale Qsi 18 years old,
may homestead a. %ureter section eif
available Domziriibm, land n 141an:tgba
3askalkhgw-en o1r M fta. The ap-
plicant must appear in person at the
Dominion Land�'i Agency or Sub -
.agency for the district. Entry by pro-
xy made be ntaele at any agency on
certain conditions by father, mother,
eon, daughter, brother or sister et in-
tending h'oinieir,teader
Duties -Six menthe' residence upon
and cultivrartion of the Land in each
et three years, .A hosnesbeader may live
within nine n-'.bes of his hornedtead on
a farm of at least 80 acres sollely
owned and occupied by him or by his
father, mother, son daughter, brother
•or ulster_
In certain districts a homesteader to
.good standing may pre-empt a quart
er-iseetian 'along side his homestead.
Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties -dust reside upon the come
stead or pre-emption six months in
'each, of six years from date •ef home-
stead entry (inoludIng the time re-
quired to earn izolnestepd patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra.,
A homesteader who has exhausted his
hen eats right acid can not obtain a
pre-emption may easter for a Purl-
rhaeed hoafsesifead In certain distr'ict's
1Pr<1oe , ,lfO pR,r.,,ecre. Duties- Must
'reside zit imonitihso .ps each of these
wears, cfretivrdte Pity' acres and erect
house g1'orth W36o.
_'Deputy e't the Minister of the Interior
N.S:-Dnuottiori ed publication of
this advertisement wtl1 not .be 'paid for.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseas-
ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by onstitutioaal remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of theEustachian Tube,, When this
tubeis inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im-
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf -
needs the result, and unless the inflemmation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi-
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; aim oases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous sesfaoes.
We will give One hundred Dollars for any oas. of
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be enter!
byRall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Take Hail'e Family Pills for constipation
engagement as
Mabel Dun-
of Miss Flora NI h
tine . t
sans c
can of High River, Alta., to Neil Don-
ald .Ross of Cerol, Alta., formerly of
Bruc "eld
I.UCAN-A very pretty wedding
took place at the residence of the
bride's mother, Mrs, White, when, her
daughter E., -May Cranston was united
:n marriage to Cecil A. Langford of
this vicinity.
J �._
Toronto. Ont. Gives its students the
best business education and assists
them to secure positions when com-
peteiiZ Write to -day for our large
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. Id. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartered Accountant
17 Vice -Principal
Every We an
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marvel whirring Sjirsy
1c your druggist for
it. If ho cannot supply
the Mad-V.0f* accept no
other, but send stamp for illus-
trated book—sealed. It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladles.WINASOBSUrPLYCO.,Wtndsor,Ont
General Arents for Canada.
11r. Wax.. Brown is oil. the Slek last.
-A cantatawill be given b5' , the
choir in the Methodist church Sunday
evening next -'Miss Esther and Violet
DYson of Winnipeg who havobeen at-
tending the Alma Ladies' College, St„'
Thomas, during the last t'qul'.nio,nths.
are spending the Christmas holidays
at Amos, Dove's,.
Ontario's best Business training
school • We have thorough courses in
Commercial, Shorthand and - Tele-
graphy departments and nine compet-
ent instructors. We offer you ad-
vantages not offered elsewhere. You
do not know what an up-tb-date bus-
iness school can do for you unless
you have received. our free catalogue
Write for it at once.
D A. M,CLACHLA:N, Principal.
The scholars of S. S. No. 3, Vs -
borne, on Friday afternoon last pre-
Seated their teacher, Miss Hazelwood
with a silver sugar howl tins ".the
towing address, -
Miss Vera Jdae'rlwood,
Dear Teacher,. --We, your pupils of
No, 3 Isborn,e, having learned with
regret that you are severing your con-
nection with our school, avail our-
selves of this opportunity of expres-
sing to you our deep appreciation of°
your 'services to us as teacher.
We have enjoyed your presence in
thii school room for thepast two'
and half years and during that time
we have found you. very painstaking
to your work, faithful -in the discharge
of your duties and ever ready and
willing to assist us in the path of
knowledge, Your many .kindnesses to
its from time to time will remain in
our memories for long years. 'to come,
We ask you to forgive; us for the
many actions of our school life that
have annoyed you or caused you pain
and we trust that our school life will
be more consistent in the future
titan it has been in the past.
In token of our love and esteem we
ask you to accept this sugar -bowl,
hoping that it may 'prove, as a souven-
ir in remireding you of the . pleasant
days we have spent together.
And -as.. we now bid, you farewell,
our best wishes go with; you for your
future success in this life, and the
you in,in,the better
tire to come.
Signed on behalf of the school by
Iva Francis, Marguerite Doupe,
Miss Hazlewood who was completely
taken by surprise thanked the schol-
ars for presenting her with such a
beautiful present and said she would
always remember the pleasant days
she spent with them the No. 3, Us -
borne. The teacher at the close of
the school treated each scholar toa
bag of candy and nuts, which was
very much appreciated by them,
At Newmarket this month a farm
er was suedfornewspaper
ubsc i t-
amounting to $7,40c. When sued
he said he would def end it on the
ground that the paper wasn't ordered.
The proprietor was prepared to prove
that the paper was received regularly
by the family but no defense appeared
and judgement for full amount and
costs was rendered accordingly.
I enclose cheque for my subscrip-
tion to The Sun. I think it is one
of the best edited and most iiidepen-
'dent papers in Canada.-Jno. Johnston
Brant County.
There are not `any testimonials or
expressions of appreciation 'that
counts as doesthose that are accom-
panied by. cash, their, sincerity cannot
be questioned. '
I wouldnot be without The Week-
ly Sun, it helps me to make farming
pay by giving the correct market
price. -John G. Eithel, Norfolk.
Truly there is no other paper just
like The Sun. It is peerless in the
advocacy of right and justice, con-
demning unscrupulous methods wher-
ever found. May its influence ever
increase. -R. B. McLean, Huron
The above its but .a sample of the
many hundreds of unsolicited expres-
sions received from Sun readers. You
should subscribe for The Weekly Sun
the farmer's business paper. You will
find it profitable reading..
Every little while you read in the papers
that so many persons have died from Con-
Ibis all very far-off and matter of fact
and possibly'it scarcely arrests your atten•
Do you ever realize that each one of
those "cases" -mere items in an official
record -is a black tragedy to somebody,
that behind each one of thein lies long,
hopeless days of pain, feverish nights of
despair, lifetime plans that must be laid
away, grinding poverty, perhaps a wife to
fig* her own way afterwards or children
wits know hunger now that the father is
Jost suppose it were your . tragedy.
Suppose it were your father, your mother,
ynex brother, sister, husband, wife, your.
child, or perhaps your sweetheart, and you
with the hospital doors shut in your face,
wringing your hands in utter helplessness
while the crowds hurry by, engrossed in
their own affairs.
But not You are in that crowd and rote
don't hear either because you are busy.
But wouldn't you give -and gladly -if
you knew that what meant so little to you
would go far to bring back the glow to
somebody's wan face or the laughter to
somebody's lips?
Jthsb sit down and think of the one you
love best in the world. Then say " If she
lay there-----" or "If he lay there--"
and see how it sounds. What, would be-
ctheae?omof all your plans and your busy days
For eleven years now the Muskoka Free
Hospital for Consumptives has cared for
those whom others love best, and hundreds
of thele' halve gone home again well and
happy. It keeps Its doors open because a
few -busy people like you stop for a moment
and remember.
Are you going to remember this Christ -
Mae ?
Don't put it off. Use the attached form
n sending your contribution.
To help the Muskoka Fred Hos.
patalfor Consumptives continue its
ripe -caving 'work, I gta4Cy enetose
Autres$ ,.,."...
• Main a1 ee foes week'
S.Otiww'ill'providema n a
20.00 will to for foal ' '*eks,
Day a
1 endo a bed fdf' ,oar,
s50,tli will w
&Tr.+ Since the rued is audit zt per»rattient
ons, Xehbirld alae tike to subscribe
tl,.,,�,,,..:,, 1%sst r »w mine accord,
onnirlbetlens m;i lo, sent t4) W. ? Garin. P•14,, 44 S e
ova., xistahte. er tk L ntntidr Se9,.rrels. tiatWn Stitt,
'below Animation, 3i? ging Sl, 1v.,'Toronto,
Federal ekidge$ Are Exerrlp+:.Ac-
corcling to court's Declsipn.
In Test Action Brought by Judge
Marson of Toronto to Becover
Amount of Money raid, on Jncosue,,
;fudge McGibbon„ of . Brampton,
• ,Inds For Plaintiff= Na"Autlor<ity
In B.N.A. Act For Levy.
TOItONTO, Dec. 23. •Judge, Me-
Gibbon of Brampton has rendered a
decision it favor of the plaintiff le
the action brought by Judge Morson
against the City of Toronto, to re-
cover taxes pail: by him under pro-
test on his income received by him
from the Dominion Government as a
judge of the County Court of i'ork.
The' Judgment is of considerable im-
portance to Dominion Government of-
ficials in Ontario at least, and' w'-1
likely be followed all over Canada.;
fere thy written arguments on all as-
pects of the question mere submitte
by R. A. Reid, counsel for Judge
,:arson, and be \v uiLaln Johustin anu
13. W. Essery, counsel for the City of
Judge McGibbon holds that no au-
thority can be found in the British
North America Act authorizing the
imposition of an income tax on Dom-
-111 Government ,officials by, or
through municipalities under the au-
thority of provincial legislation, and
that under a Federal system of gov-
erainent such -s' obtains in Canada,
one .; overnthent cannot tax another,
nor tax the means and instrumentali-
ties used by each, such as officials
and employes
to engaged
in maintain-
sad carrying on its powers and
authority and the various depart-
ments ofgovernment, and executing
and administering the law and other
Axl ties of state.
lie also holds that the Ontario As-
:,es:,lent Act does not authorize the
ituposition of any. such tax on Fed
eral officers, but that, on the con-
trary, the act impliedly exempts then.
s out such tax, and does not appil
to Canadian Government officials at
all. He says the weight of judicial
decision and authority is all against
the contentions of the defendant, and
relied up-
Privy Council decision. re ed -
vn by"the City of Toronto isa-
t licable to the Canadian constitu-
When interviewed last night, City,
Solicitor Johnston' said he had not yet
received oi;icial notification of the
judgment. He stated that it would
be,inapossible for the city to appeal
since the amount in question was less
than $100. Until the text of the
judgment was in his hands, Mr. John-
ston stated that he would not be pre-
pared to state what he would recoui-
eiend the city to do as to the general
,i•oposition involved.
Lawyer' Had Harbored Her In Office
For Three Years.
leIONTICELLO, N.Y„ Dec. 23.
The death of Melvin H. Couch, a
prominent lawyer and former district
attorney of Sullivan county, revealed
yesterday that unknown to his fam-
ily and friendsand to his clients, a
woman bad lived for three years in a
secret room connecting with his law
oilice. Couch was Lound lying dead
on his office lounge.
Death was due to rupture of •a
Wood vessel near the heart. In the
next room. crouched a frightened wo-
man who admitted she had seen him
die, but insisted she was not respons-
ible for his deatL. She said she was
Adelaide M. 13rance of Goshen, N.Y.,
and thatthe secret room had been
her only home during the three
Couch. was. 65 years of age. The.
woman is 40. Her hair has begun to
turn grey. She was poorly dressed
and the rbom where she lived was
sparsely furnished with an old cook
stove, a table, an iron bed and two
chairs. She said she had lived there
voluntarily and had never gone out
in the daytime. At rare intervaie
she went tor a walk at night.
The woman was held on a techni-
cal charge, but the coroner's verdict
as to the cause of Couch's death sup-
porte&' her assertion that she was not
`:Agrvg :771,
Facts in Nature;.
lntlt=l+t t �u b..n ik. � �Wr n'wt rnc+rk �MM111uiltll► b ib► ggty-
VOR egintr it th* entre found tt Oar ;Ramie eft" tq ta t
O fort . . c nitI 'Apologias 4a Ins_
Orrtr q yprr,l t De R. �►`. � iP. y ..
e c�
ed wde ac well' >ut
ed . Mete . e
lgaiel:+wd Sarsl.�1 ;#94.4; plq„ .. ., up. . tax . r ,
the liquid ax r tri on native plants, ugh al Bloodroot *n4 queen's s roe
t � � ti ►�u41 p �+, M �! t,
Golden Seel and Stous root, Cherry hark and Mandrake for the cure of blood
discuss. WO prescription w put up in; liquid form was called
Golden ec1icalDhcovery
and hag enjoyed a large, trill for all theseyears is every drug store in ' ;the
land YOU eau sow obtain the powdered extract in Eiger -coated tablet torra of
your medicine de;ter ' or send 6Oe in one -cent extract
*tamps for trial box to,
Dr. Pierce's Invalids` motel, Buffelo, N•Y•, and tablets will be mailed, postage prepaid.
Thi "Golden Medical Discovery" makes rich, red blood, invigorates the
stonac4, liver and bowelp and through them the whole pyatena. Skin<
affections, blotebes, boils, pimples and eruptions -result of bad blood •
-are eradiested by this *iterative extract -as thousands have testified.
Sezd50 one.centst aamers tom cost of mailing only on a'iree copy of Dr.
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, ciotbbo;aud
The :following is the correct report
of 5, S. No 2, Usborne, for the mon-
th of December: -Sr. IV. -G. Duncan
E,McDonald, C. Turnbull, Jr. IVs--
V Stewart ..W, Knight, L. Kay, J,.
Hodgert, Sr. III. -V. Jeffery, U.
Snell M. Pollen, R. 'Williams, C. Jef-
fery. Jr. III. -N. Hankin, R. Pollen,
E. Kay E. Knight, W. Turnbull, C.
Stewart M, Doupe A. Rundle. Sr. II,
I. Williams. Jr.. IL --G. Stewart, L,
Knight. D. Armstrong, A. Jeffrey, C,
Doupe. lst Cl. -A. Hankin, La Belle
Kay, G. McDonald, Pr, .,-M„ Cot-
tle. Pr, B. -W. Allison, S, Pollen, E.
Stewart S. Francis. PF, C.-G.ICnight
No . on Roll 35; average attendance
32.-M, L Coward, Teacher.
- SCHOOL REPORT, of 5 5. No. 6
Usbonne forN
November and
to 295,
E. Balkwill
-1 W. Routley V.,
' e
213, M Washburn 168, G. Delbridge
165, V. Heywood 142, F. Smith 108.
L Cornish 59; III., G. Johns 183, E.
Horne 171, R. Smale 162, F,Heywood
131, M. Cornish 76, M Heywood 24;
Sr. II., B Medd 312, F. Routly 248, T
Creery 21.1, F. Skinner 199, W Hey-
184 C. Bell 172; Jr. II.,
Cornish 111 T Heywood 102, R,Del-
bridge 90, R. Johns 88, J. Wilson 16.
-J. M. Spence, teacher,
Labor Party Victorious. •
LONDON, Dec. 23.—(C, A. P. Ca-
ble.)—Final figures of the New Soul..
Wales general election returns eisu ,:
that the Labor party has secured
sweeping victory. The new Parlia-
ment is composed of 50 Labor, ea
Liberals, including six who were Cai.-
didates putforward by farmers anu
settlers' associations, and two inn,
pendents. • Mining constituencies, r
turned ten Labor, wheat farming ii..:-
tricts Sent 12 Liberals, and 9 Lab„r
members. The pastoral vote elected 7
Lek or, and the dairying interests 11.
Liberals and 2 Independents,
Poor -Boxes His Speciality.
BUFFALO, Dec. 23. — Leonard
Wintgens, aged 23, Of Springfield,
Ont.,'was arrested here.shortly before
noon yesterday on a charge of bur-
glary in the first degree.
Wintgens, Who confessed to having
robbed poor -boxes in Various churches
throughout New York state of slims
ranging from two to four dollars, was
arrested by Patrolman Jordan while
about to board the bilnipers on a pas-
senger train boutld fol• Erie.
Witgens claims he robbed churches
in Albany,. Rochester,. Hastings and
Explosion on Royal Train..
ROSSTOCJ . Mecklenburg, Schwer-
in, bee, 13;---411 explosion otturred
on the Russian,', court l e i l ;twain
l:atigft Ildi'e
• 11st
at the `stall 1 d,,... . ,� �. _ .
fore the•'tatty al of- I7owiag'e"r'.Fni ire§'s
Marie of Russia, who left Copenhag-
en yesterday for St. Petersburg.
Seven members of the train crew were
According to the toflleial 1tcooui,t
the eitplbsion was 'cased, by >a 'defect
111, the,lfghting &»plrattuI.
KIPPEN-On Wednesday,' the 10th
at the home of the bride's parents,
`'fr, and Mrs. Adair, their youngest
daughter was quietly married to Mr.
Adam Steep of Goderich Township.
-.On Friday, the 12th, Mrs, T,no Coch-
rane, ir.; of the town line of Hay, de-
parted this life after a long and pain-
fttl illness. bier funeral took place to
Baird's cemetery a,nd was largely at-
Mr and Mrs. Simmons are home
the West,whereth
have e r
sided some yars.
They are guests
of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Melville. -Ben Hogarth of London
Medical School is home for the holi-
days. --Will Chapman is preparing to
build a new residence on his farm.
Frank Marshall's little daughter, who
was badly burned a few days ago, is
in a critical condition and has been
taken to the hospital. Only slight
hopes of her recovery are entertain-'
ed, -Mrs. A, Dougall and daughter, '
Miss Cassie, have returned from a vis-
it of several months in the west. --Af-
ter an illness of some months Mrs.
John Cochrane of Hi!llsgreen passed-
assedaway on Friday last, in her 35th year
The deceased who was a daughter
of Alex McBeath, had always lived in
this section. The funeral took place
to Baird's cemetery.
Mrs. David Rouett is nursing a
patient at Chiselhurst.-Mr. John Aitk-
enhead has returned from a pleasant
visit with relatives in Detroit. -Mr,
John Workman is recovering nicely
from his recent illness, -Mr. Jas. Boyce
has completed the season's threshing
--Mr. Chas. Wasmam attended the
Winter Fair at Guelph. -Mr, Thomas
Workman and family spent Saturday
in Seaforth,-Mr. Robert Smiley at-
tended the fat stock Show!,atToronto,
He took down. a fine year old hei-
fer which tipped the scales .at 1250,
It was of the Hereford breed, and he
received ten cents a pound for it,
Mr. Smiley .keeps the •best in the cat-
tle as well as the horse line. -Mr. John
Murdock Sr., spent a couple days in
Seaforth.-The dance held in the
ball here on. Thursday night was a
decided success. -Mr. Robt. Smiley
was in Sarnia first part of the week,
Miss, Maggie Stelck of Guelph is
visiting her mother for a few weeks
-Wm Denomy has purchased Louis
N. De.nomy's farm on the Sauble Line
and takes possession in the spring.-
Samuel Merner is on the sick 'ist.-
Roy Appel is spending two weeks in
Merlin. -Henry Pfile and sister left on
an extended trip to St: Thomas and
Michigan points. -The Christmas t.n-
tertainment of the. Evangelical chu.,:n
will be held on Thursday evening of
this week. A fine program will be
The case of perjury charged tgainst
James Banns of Clinton, who got Iwo
boys to swear that they got only ,oft
drinks in Goderich about August lst
instead of liquor, was dismissed by
Judge Doyle.''
The total immigration rationof
duringthe first eightht months, Aril "to
November. of the current fiscal veer
was 340,899, made up of 192,461 British
86,272 Americans and 132,166 from all
other 'countries.
During the last eight corresponding
months of the last fiscal year the total
number was 321,038, composed of 124
813 British 108,035 Ainericains and
88,210 from other countries.
At the; -Advocate office is to be
found as, large and complete a stock
of envelopes, of all sizes, for busi-
nes sand professional purposes, as is
carried in Huron County. We place
any printing customers may require
on them at moderate cost. In lac =' e
supply everything in good, well re -In -:-
-In-:-ed business stationery, at very 1nw
prices All orders promptly an -nee -led
Lab att's
Now Perfected —
Best Bupable
No Friends
Like The
life and right along to old age
Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's
best friend --ked the nerves, aid
digestion., stop headaches, keep the
blood rich and assure good health
generally, fire them; lye. a bottle
Druggists and Dealers or by mail, 8
i ant a woman.
I know a w ,oman's trials,
I know her need of sympathy and l: -';s.
If you, my sister, are unhappy bec.: ve of in -
health, and feet unfit for household du' s, 5.)c:el
-pleasures, or daily employment, write an 1 tell i;;;
Just how you suffer, mid ask for my free tern days'
trial of a home treatment suited toyour needs ;
with referenc:s to Canadian ladies who t .achy tet(
how they have regained health, strcu rth, and
happiness by its arse. 1 want to tell you nil about
this seccessfut method of home treatment for
yourself, iity reader, f,sryour daughter, .your sister,
or your mother. T want te tell you h °v to cure
yourselves at Itonte at t ns, cost, a• t without
aid from anyone. net crutmta lerstandwonten's
suffering, ; what we ao:ne:n know from exper-
ience, v i 1,aow better than any doctor; and
thousands have proved there ii * one even for the
hon -less 1s my method of horns 1 .ntment. if you
suffer from pain in the he -d, back,or h•wets,
feeling of weight and drag hit dawns sensations,
fatting or'displaeetnent of internal mans, gladder
irritation with frepns n't .ter oat:a:i, obstinate
constipaticn or riles, p :si In the sic. is regularly
dr irregularly, bloating or unnatural eniatgenients, catarrhal conditions, dyspepe"a, extfente
nerveusntess, depressespiritflasls, melancholy, desire to cry,Feer of sonethhsg evil about to
happen, creeping fd feeling up tile stifle, palpitation, hot Mei weariness, Sallow Obi lexton,
ar clrclee seder the eyes, rain in the left breast or a general feeling tart ti e is not
VYlth d k o my complete t n d.t 'x' treatment entirely free and
Warta living; l tro to you to send today for p Y
trots atyam-own
riis .t' prove "ohrscif that these ailments be Lasilyit;tcisttr.•lyeonqucr�d,
71esnea•sttnthottt the ex expense et 'hospital treatment, ot• the tianrIers of au operation. avositcit
¢rel, . hate
are escaping `the: •sutgeou's;knife by knowing et my simple method of Home
tm i omit, , int .iter .3 alto l onlyask volt to pass the good, word along
tososnehther *heti . My1renes, illy 're mallets to some other suffCCrer, My home trrattitcsnt � ler n1l,�yussrlt aN• id, i4'lot r s' . .
T, will ex>lain'a simple lititue trcat:neat whiclt.s�i eedtly and effectually crimes gieeit-Slekness
, ,,. :rid restores them to-
(cltlorosns�, irregularities, headaches, .and. lassitude in yorrst women . ,rl its o
ht i s ess and health, Tell um if you are worried ithoutyuir� clang _r. I..;nteuth:r it cost you
n ,tbt to
faros of ansate. trcafnuCnt it complete ten rlxy's trial, tind'iFyrrtt�ivrslttoco
nothing Unite,i ost any. sae
n >Y• � r fc cetltsnwveeir.todoso,andittlrtc#iiotssitet£erowvlthoi'seacltiilywotk.. . .
h smith at costa a fly a ler
Is'ke.itltFarertlbtlskln or 7' Tlleii ;taCept my gehernn, ot%or,'wW.rit= far the tree trentntantsui"
to our needs, end ! wv tl send it in piain wrapper by retriest men, 1'o save tithe yon cap -
th soffer, mark the plates that tell your feeliiigs,and xetursi,tome. Write mid ask if.
tteettnettt today, as yeti rimy trot sea flus °fief again, Address
MRS* M. $elle MERS1 Box 040' i w . )i W SO
� y
Going up -the number of Fords in
world-wide service. Going down- -
the cost of motor Gar transportation
More than three hundred fifty-five
thousand Fords now in use are
keeping transportation cost at a
minimum the worl d over; ' .. ,
'Sit hundred dollars is the nevi price of the
Fere] runabout; the touring car. is •six fifty; the
town clef'r nine . hundred -all f,; O. , Ford, On-
ka nd ,
tario, tfotmerl Watlkerville post office), eon.
`w F
rete.with equipment.' Get catalog and par-
tlCllittt'e from Wee, Snell, scent; �' G`er , Ont k
The scholars of S. S. No. 3, Vs -
borne, on Friday afternoon last pre-
Seated their teacher, Miss Hazelwood
with a silver sugar howl tins ".the
towing address, -
Miss Vera Jdae'rlwood,
Dear Teacher,. --We, your pupils of
No, 3 Isborn,e, having learned with
regret that you are severing your con-
nection with our school, avail our-
selves of this opportunity of expres-
sing to you our deep appreciation of°
your 'services to us as teacher.
We have enjoyed your presence in
thii school room for thepast two'
and half years and during that time
we have found you. very painstaking
to your work, faithful -in the discharge
of your duties and ever ready and
willing to assist us in the path of
knowledge, Your many .kindnesses to
its from time to time will remain in
our memories for long years. 'to come,
We ask you to forgive; us for the
many actions of our school life that
have annoyed you or caused you pain
and we trust that our school life will
be more consistent in the future
titan it has been in the past.
In token of our love and esteem we
ask you to accept this sugar -bowl,
hoping that it may 'prove, as a souven-
ir in remireding you of the . pleasant
days we have spent together.
And -as.. we now bid, you farewell,
our best wishes go with; you for your
future success in this life, and the
you in,in,the better
tire to come.
Signed on behalf of the school by
Iva Francis, Marguerite Doupe,
Miss Hazlewood who was completely
taken by surprise thanked the schol-
ars for presenting her with such a
beautiful present and said she would
always remember the pleasant days
she spent with them the No. 3, Us -
borne. The teacher at the close of
the school treated each scholar toa
bag of candy and nuts, which was
very much appreciated by them,
At Newmarket this month a farm
er was suedfornewspaper
ubsc i t-
amounting to $7,40c. When sued
he said he would def end it on the
ground that the paper wasn't ordered.
The proprietor was prepared to prove
that the paper was received regularly
by the family but no defense appeared
and judgement for full amount and
costs was rendered accordingly.
I enclose cheque for my subscrip-
tion to The Sun. I think it is one
of the best edited and most iiidepen-
'dent papers in Canada.-Jno. Johnston
Brant County.
There are not `any testimonials or
expressions of appreciation 'that
counts as doesthose that are accom-
panied by. cash, their, sincerity cannot
be questioned. '
I wouldnot be without The Week-
ly Sun, it helps me to make farming
pay by giving the correct market
price. -John G. Eithel, Norfolk.
Truly there is no other paper just
like The Sun. It is peerless in the
advocacy of right and justice, con-
demning unscrupulous methods wher-
ever found. May its influence ever
increase. -R. B. McLean, Huron
The above its but .a sample of the
many hundreds of unsolicited expres-
sions received from Sun readers. You
should subscribe for The Weekly Sun
the farmer's business paper. You will
find it profitable reading..
Every little while you read in the papers
that so many persons have died from Con-
Ibis all very far-off and matter of fact
and possibly'it scarcely arrests your atten•
Do you ever realize that each one of
those "cases" -mere items in an official
record -is a black tragedy to somebody,
that behind each one of thein lies long,
hopeless days of pain, feverish nights of
despair, lifetime plans that must be laid
away, grinding poverty, perhaps a wife to
fig* her own way afterwards or children
wits know hunger now that the father is
Jost suppose it were your . tragedy.
Suppose it were your father, your mother,
ynex brother, sister, husband, wife, your.
child, or perhaps your sweetheart, and you
with the hospital doors shut in your face,
wringing your hands in utter helplessness
while the crowds hurry by, engrossed in
their own affairs.
But not You are in that crowd and rote
don't hear either because you are busy.
But wouldn't you give -and gladly -if
you knew that what meant so little to you
would go far to bring back the glow to
somebody's wan face or the laughter to
somebody's lips?
Jthsb sit down and think of the one you
love best in the world. Then say " If she
lay there-----" or "If he lay there--"
and see how it sounds. What, would be-
ctheae?omof all your plans and your busy days
For eleven years now the Muskoka Free
Hospital for Consumptives has cared for
those whom others love best, and hundreds
of thele' halve gone home again well and
happy. It keeps Its doors open because a
few -busy people like you stop for a moment
and remember.
Are you going to remember this Christ -
Mae ?
Don't put it off. Use the attached form
n sending your contribution.
To help the Muskoka Fred Hos.
patalfor Consumptives continue its
ripe -caving 'work, I gta4Cy enetose
Autres$ ,.,."...
• Main a1 ee foes week'
S.Otiww'ill'providema n a
20.00 will to for foal ' '*eks,
Day a
1 endo a bed fdf' ,oar,
s50,tli will w
&Tr.+ Since the rued is audit zt per»rattient
ons, Xehbirld alae tike to subscribe
tl,.,,�,,,..:,, 1%sst r »w mine accord,
onnirlbetlens m;i lo, sent t4) W. ? Garin. P•14,, 44 S e
ova., xistahte. er tk L ntntidr Se9,.rrels. tiatWn Stitt,
'below Animation, 3i? ging Sl, 1v.,'Toronto,
Federal ekidge$ Are Exerrlp+:.Ac-
corcling to court's Declsipn.
In Test Action Brought by Judge
Marson of Toronto to Becover
Amount of Money raid, on Jncosue,,
;fudge McGibbon„ of . Brampton,
• ,Inds For Plaintiff= Na"Autlor<ity
In B.N.A. Act For Levy.
TOItONTO, Dec. 23. •Judge, Me-
Gibbon of Brampton has rendered a
decision it favor of the plaintiff le
the action brought by Judge Morson
against the City of Toronto, to re-
cover taxes pail: by him under pro-
test on his income received by him
from the Dominion Government as a
judge of the County Court of i'ork.
The' Judgment is of considerable im-
portance to Dominion Government of-
ficials in Ontario at least, and' w'-1
likely be followed all over Canada.;
fere thy written arguments on all as-
pects of the question mere submitte
by R. A. Reid, counsel for Judge
,:arson, and be \v uiLaln Johustin anu
13. W. Essery, counsel for the City of
Judge McGibbon holds that no au-
thority can be found in the British
North America Act authorizing the
imposition of an income tax on Dom-
-111 Government ,officials by, or
through municipalities under the au-
thority of provincial legislation, and
that under a Federal system of gov-
erainent such -s' obtains in Canada,
one .; overnthent cannot tax another,
nor tax the means and instrumentali-
ties used by each, such as officials
and employes
to engaged
in maintain-
sad carrying on its powers and
authority and the various depart-
ments ofgovernment, and executing
and administering the law and other
Axl ties of state.
lie also holds that the Ontario As-
:,es:,lent Act does not authorize the
ituposition of any. such tax on Fed
eral officers, but that, on the con-
trary, the act impliedly exempts then.
s out such tax, and does not appil
to Canadian Government officials at
all. He says the weight of judicial
decision and authority is all against
the contentions of the defendant, and
relied up-
Privy Council decision. re ed -
vn by"the City of Toronto isa-
t licable to the Canadian constitu-
When interviewed last night, City,
Solicitor Johnston' said he had not yet
received oi;icial notification of the
judgment. He stated that it would
be,inapossible for the city to appeal
since the amount in question was less
than $100. Until the text of the
judgment was in his hands, Mr. John-
ston stated that he would not be pre-
pared to state what he would recoui-
eiend the city to do as to the general
,i•oposition involved.
Lawyer' Had Harbored Her In Office
For Three Years.
leIONTICELLO, N.Y„ Dec. 23.
The death of Melvin H. Couch, a
prominent lawyer and former district
attorney of Sullivan county, revealed
yesterday that unknown to his fam-
ily and friendsand to his clients, a
woman bad lived for three years in a
secret room connecting with his law
oilice. Couch was Lound lying dead
on his office lounge.
Death was due to rupture of •a
Wood vessel near the heart. In the
next room. crouched a frightened wo-
man who admitted she had seen him
die, but insisted she was not respons-
ible for his deatL. She said she was
Adelaide M. 13rance of Goshen, N.Y.,
and thatthe secret room had been
her only home during the three
Couch. was. 65 years of age. The.
woman is 40. Her hair has begun to
turn grey. She was poorly dressed
and the rbom where she lived was
sparsely furnished with an old cook
stove, a table, an iron bed and two
chairs. She said she had lived there
voluntarily and had never gone out
in the daytime. At rare intervaie
she went tor a walk at night.
The woman was held on a techni-
cal charge, but the coroner's verdict
as to the cause of Couch's death sup-
porte&' her assertion that she was not
`:Agrvg :771,
Facts in Nature;.
lntlt=l+t t �u b..n ik. � �Wr n'wt rnc+rk �MM111uiltll► b ib► ggty-
VOR egintr it th* entre found tt Oar ;Ramie eft" tq ta t
O fort . . c nitI 'Apologias 4a Ins_
Orrtr q yprr,l t De R. �►`. � iP. y ..
e c�
ed wde ac well' >ut
ed . Mete . e
lgaiel:+wd Sarsl.�1 ;#94.4; plq„ .. ., up. . tax . r ,
the liquid ax r tri on native plants, ugh al Bloodroot *n4 queen's s roe
t � � ti ►�u41 p �+, M �! t,
Golden Seel and Stous root, Cherry hark and Mandrake for the cure of blood
discuss. WO prescription w put up in; liquid form was called
Golden ec1icalDhcovery
and hag enjoyed a large, trill for all theseyears is every drug store in ' ;the
land YOU eau sow obtain the powdered extract in Eiger -coated tablet torra of
your medicine de;ter ' or send 6Oe in one -cent extract
*tamps for trial box to,
Dr. Pierce's Invalids` motel, Buffelo, N•Y•, and tablets will be mailed, postage prepaid.
Thi "Golden Medical Discovery" makes rich, red blood, invigorates the
stonac4, liver and bowelp and through them the whole pyatena. Skin<
affections, blotebes, boils, pimples and eruptions -result of bad blood •
-are eradiested by this *iterative extract -as thousands have testified.
Sezd50 one.centst aamers tom cost of mailing only on a'iree copy of Dr.
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, ciotbbo;aud
The :following is the correct report
of 5, S. No 2, Usborne, for the mon-
th of December: -Sr. IV. -G. Duncan
E,McDonald, C. Turnbull, Jr. IVs--
V Stewart ..W, Knight, L. Kay, J,.
Hodgert, Sr. III. -V. Jeffery, U.
Snell M. Pollen, R. 'Williams, C. Jef-
fery. Jr. III. -N. Hankin, R. Pollen,
E. Kay E. Knight, W. Turnbull, C.
Stewart M, Doupe A. Rundle. Sr. II,
I. Williams. Jr.. IL --G. Stewart, L,
Knight. D. Armstrong, A. Jeffrey, C,
Doupe. lst Cl. -A. Hankin, La Belle
Kay, G. McDonald, Pr, .,-M„ Cot-
tle. Pr, B. -W. Allison, S, Pollen, E.
Stewart S. Francis. PF, C.-G.ICnight
No . on Roll 35; average attendance
32.-M, L Coward, Teacher.
- SCHOOL REPORT, of 5 5. No. 6
Usbonne forN
November and
to 295,
E. Balkwill
-1 W. Routley V.,
' e
213, M Washburn 168, G. Delbridge
165, V. Heywood 142, F. Smith 108.
L Cornish 59; III., G. Johns 183, E.
Horne 171, R. Smale 162, F,Heywood
131, M. Cornish 76, M Heywood 24;
Sr. II., B Medd 312, F. Routly 248, T
Creery 21.1, F. Skinner 199, W Hey-
184 C. Bell 172; Jr. II.,
Cornish 111 T Heywood 102, R,Del-
bridge 90, R. Johns 88, J. Wilson 16.
-J. M. Spence, teacher,
Labor Party Victorious. •
LONDON, Dec. 23.—(C, A. P. Ca-
ble.)—Final figures of the New Soul..
Wales general election returns eisu ,:
that the Labor party has secured
sweeping victory. The new Parlia-
ment is composed of 50 Labor, ea
Liberals, including six who were Cai.-
didates putforward by farmers anu
settlers' associations, and two inn,
pendents. • Mining constituencies, r
turned ten Labor, wheat farming ii..:-
tricts Sent 12 Liberals, and 9 Lab„r
members. The pastoral vote elected 7
Lek or, and the dairying interests 11.
Liberals and 2 Independents,
Poor -Boxes His Speciality.
BUFFALO, Dec. 23. — Leonard
Wintgens, aged 23, Of Springfield,
Ont.,'was arrested here.shortly before
noon yesterday on a charge of bur-
glary in the first degree.
Wintgens, Who confessed to having
robbed poor -boxes in Various churches
throughout New York state of slims
ranging from two to four dollars, was
arrested by Patrolman Jordan while
about to board the bilnipers on a pas-
senger train boutld fol• Erie.
Witgens claims he robbed churches
in Albany,. Rochester,. Hastings and
Explosion on Royal Train..
ROSSTOCJ . Mecklenburg, Schwer-
in, bee, 13;---411 explosion otturred
on the Russian,', court l e i l ;twain
l:atigft Ildi'e
• 11st
at the `stall 1 d,,... . ,� �. _ .
fore the•'tatty al of- I7owiag'e"r'.Fni ire§'s
Marie of Russia, who left Copenhag-
en yesterday for St. Petersburg.
Seven members of the train crew were
According to the toflleial 1tcooui,t
the eitplbsion was 'cased, by >a 'defect
111, the,lfghting &»plrattuI.
KIPPEN-On Wednesday,' the 10th
at the home of the bride's parents,
`'fr, and Mrs. Adair, their youngest
daughter was quietly married to Mr.
Adam Steep of Goderich Township.
-.On Friday, the 12th, Mrs, T,no Coch-
rane, ir.; of the town line of Hay, de-
parted this life after a long and pain-
fttl illness. bier funeral took place to
Baird's cemetery a,nd was largely at-
Mr and Mrs. Simmons are home
the West,whereth
have e r
sided some yars.
They are guests
of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Melville. -Ben Hogarth of London
Medical School is home for the holi-
days. --Will Chapman is preparing to
build a new residence on his farm.
Frank Marshall's little daughter, who
was badly burned a few days ago, is
in a critical condition and has been
taken to the hospital. Only slight
hopes of her recovery are entertain-'
ed, -Mrs. A, Dougall and daughter, '
Miss Cassie, have returned from a vis-
it of several months in the west. --Af-
ter an illness of some months Mrs.
John Cochrane of Hi!llsgreen passed-
assedaway on Friday last, in her 35th year
The deceased who was a daughter
of Alex McBeath, had always lived in
this section. The funeral took place
to Baird's cemetery.
Mrs. David Rouett is nursing a
patient at Chiselhurst.-Mr. John Aitk-
enhead has returned from a pleasant
visit with relatives in Detroit. -Mr,
John Workman is recovering nicely
from his recent illness, -Mr. Jas. Boyce
has completed the season's threshing
--Mr. Chas. Wasmam attended the
Winter Fair at Guelph. -Mr, Thomas
Workman and family spent Saturday
in Seaforth,-Mr. Robert Smiley at-
tended the fat stock Show!,atToronto,
He took down. a fine year old hei-
fer which tipped the scales .at 1250,
It was of the Hereford breed, and he
received ten cents a pound for it,
Mr. Smiley .keeps the •best in the cat-
tle as well as the horse line. -Mr. John
Murdock Sr., spent a couple days in
Seaforth.-The dance held in the
ball here on. Thursday night was a
decided success. -Mr. Robt. Smiley
was in Sarnia first part of the week,
Miss, Maggie Stelck of Guelph is
visiting her mother for a few weeks
-Wm Denomy has purchased Louis
N. De.nomy's farm on the Sauble Line
and takes possession in the spring.-
Samuel Merner is on the sick 'ist.-
Roy Appel is spending two weeks in
Merlin. -Henry Pfile and sister left on
an extended trip to St: Thomas and
Michigan points. -The Christmas t.n-
tertainment of the. Evangelical chu.,:n
will be held on Thursday evening of
this week. A fine program will be
The case of perjury charged tgainst
James Banns of Clinton, who got Iwo
boys to swear that they got only ,oft
drinks in Goderich about August lst
instead of liquor, was dismissed by
Judge Doyle.''
The total immigration rationof
duringthe first eightht months, Aril "to
November. of the current fiscal veer
was 340,899, made up of 192,461 British
86,272 Americans and 132,166 from all
other 'countries.
During the last eight corresponding
months of the last fiscal year the total
number was 321,038, composed of 124
813 British 108,035 Ainericains and
88,210 from other countries.
At the; -Advocate office is to be
found as, large and complete a stock
of envelopes, of all sizes, for busi-
nes sand professional purposes, as is
carried in Huron County. We place
any printing customers may require
on them at moderate cost. In lac =' e
supply everything in good, well re -In -:-
-In-:-ed business stationery, at very 1nw
prices All orders promptly an -nee -led
Lab att's
Now Perfected —
Best Bupable
No Friends
Like The
life and right along to old age
Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's
best friend --ked the nerves, aid
digestion., stop headaches, keep the
blood rich and assure good health
generally, fire them; lye. a bottle
Druggists and Dealers or by mail, 8
i ant a woman.
I know a w ,oman's trials,
I know her need of sympathy and l: -';s.
If you, my sister, are unhappy bec.: ve of in -
health, and feet unfit for household du' s, 5.)c:el
-pleasures, or daily employment, write an 1 tell i;;;
Just how you suffer, mid ask for my free tern days'
trial of a home treatment suited toyour needs ;
with referenc:s to Canadian ladies who t .achy tet(
how they have regained health, strcu rth, and
happiness by its arse. 1 want to tell you nil about
this seccessfut method of home treatment for
yourself, iity reader, f,sryour daughter, .your sister,
or your mother. T want te tell you h °v to cure
yourselves at Itonte at t ns, cost, a• t without
aid from anyone. net crutmta lerstandwonten's
suffering, ; what we ao:ne:n know from exper-
ience, v i 1,aow better than any doctor; and
thousands have proved there ii * one even for the
hon -less 1s my method of horns 1 .ntment. if you
suffer from pain in the he -d, back,or h•wets,
feeling of weight and drag hit dawns sensations,
fatting or'displaeetnent of internal mans, gladder
irritation with frepns n't .ter oat:a:i, obstinate
constipaticn or riles, p :si In the sic. is regularly
dr irregularly, bloating or unnatural eniatgenients, catarrhal conditions, dyspepe"a, extfente
nerveusntess, depressespiritflasls, melancholy, desire to cry,Feer of sonethhsg evil about to
happen, creeping fd feeling up tile stifle, palpitation, hot Mei weariness, Sallow Obi lexton,
ar clrclee seder the eyes, rain in the left breast or a general feeling tart ti e is not
VYlth d k o my complete t n d.t 'x' treatment entirely free and
Warta living; l tro to you to send today for p Y
trots atyam-own
riis .t' prove "ohrscif that these ailments be Lasilyit;tcisttr.•lyeonqucr�d,
71esnea•sttnthottt the ex expense et 'hospital treatment, ot• the tianrIers of au operation. avositcit
¢rel, . hate
are escaping `the: •sutgeou's;knife by knowing et my simple method of Home
tm i omit, , int .iter .3 alto l onlyask volt to pass the good, word along
tososnehther *heti . My1renes, illy 're mallets to some other suffCCrer, My home trrattitcsnt � ler n1l,�yussrlt aN• id, i4'lot r s' . .
T, will ex>lain'a simple lititue trcat:neat whiclt.s�i eedtly and effectually crimes gieeit-Slekness
, ,,. :rid restores them to-
(cltlorosns�, irregularities, headaches, .and. lassitude in yorrst women . ,rl its o
ht i s ess and health, Tell um if you are worried ithoutyuir� clang _r. I..;nteuth:r it cost you
n ,tbt to
faros of ansate. trcafnuCnt it complete ten rlxy's trial, tind'iFyrrtt�ivrslttoco
nothing Unite,i ost any. sae
n >Y• � r fc cetltsnwveeir.todoso,andittlrtc#iiotssitet£erowvlthoi'seacltiilywotk.. . .
h smith at costa a fly a ler
Is'ke.itltFarertlbtlskln or 7' Tlleii ;taCept my gehernn, ot%or,'wW.rit= far the tree trentntantsui"
to our needs, end ! wv tl send it in piain wrapper by retriest men, 1'o save tithe yon cap -
th soffer, mark the plates that tell your feeliiigs,and xetursi,tome. Write mid ask if.
tteettnettt today, as yeti rimy trot sea flus °fief again, Address
MRS* M. $elle MERS1 Box 040' i w . )i W SO