HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-25, Page 4rig
Sane ere & Creech, Proprietors
Ict advance $1,00 per year in Canada
$i.SC is United States. If not paid
ist advance 50e, extra per year may
be charged
'13UR'$fAY. DFQ,.25, 13.
This is the season oft the year when
'the poultry producer cashes in; the
trine when he aims to ivaket the bulk
of his product la fattenedbirds, It
used to be that the only kind of bird
that was worth marketing at the
Christmas season was the turkey.
Tea or fifteen years ago, if the con-
sumer in the city had to go much over
a dollar for his .Christmas turkey he
was inclined to grumble, To -day a
person would feel that he was doing
somebody up if he got one at that
figure It would be a poor kind of
a turkey that the hbuseholder could
,get to -day for twice the money. In
fact to get anything in the choice line
three dollars or over will have to be
paid. All this, of course, is grist to
the farmer who produces turkeys, un-
less the fellow in between is getting
`too large a share. At arty rate prices
for turke' s have reached such a point.
that only a limited portion of the con-
sumine population can indulge in the
.luxury, ,The remainder have to fall
back on geese, ducks and chicken.
These too are going upward in price,
There are. no two -for -a -dollar chicken
these days, A real choice well fed
chickersuch as described in the
preceding paragraph will cost the con-
sumer more thane dollar. But be that
as it may the increased. value of things
Important Events Which kiav>
OcCclrrefl Curing the Week
The Busy World's Happenings Care,
filly Compiled: and.. Put Into
Bandy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper -.-r'1
Solid Solar's Enjoyment.
carni :a N.SDAY•
A branch of the Children's Aid So-
ciety was organized for Dufferin
County at Orangeville.
The Ontario Highways Commission
heard representatives of western
municipalities at Loudon,,
W. H. Giddy, a Port Hope cattle
buyer, was seriously injured by being
gored by an enraged bull io the stock.
Final returns from Maedonald,
Man., give Morrison (Con.) a major-
ity of 923, a net gain of 133 over his
majority last ye,:r,
Henri Bouchard, aged 17, and M
Beauregard, aged 18, were drowned
Monday evening while skating on tbe
Yamaska river, near St. Hyacintte,
Cleve Culbertson, recently convict-
ed of murdering three members of the
Dillon family, a,. Ray, N.D„ was tak-
en from tbe jail by a mob yesterday
and hanged. •
Wm. Boyle of Amherstburg, for-
merly a' wealthy iron founder, in a tit
of despondency foliowin,; the death
of his wife, committed sucide at he
age of 73 years.
Eight are dead ani a score wet e
to eat that make Christmas festivities injured when fire, belies -cc! to be of
enjoyable should ' greatly enhance incendiary origin, destroyed the S'1
the pleasure of the holiday. It has ration Army Home for Men at Cin
been said that people appreciate most
those things which cost most..` Reason
lag on this basis the. Christmas season
to -day must be esijoyed to a much
greater extent than that of fifteen or
twenty years ago. But is it? We will
leave that for our readers to say.
Tlie Canadian banks have , recently
raised the rate of interest on -om-
mercial loans .from' six to seven per
cent. and some times considerably
higher. This is not to be complained
of. Ali other commodities are :tear-
er and there is no good reason why
money should not be also. But while
the banks have raised the rates' of
interest to borrowers they have not
raised the rates to depositors. When
money was being loaned at, six per
ceat. to customers the banks allowed
three per cent. on deposits. Now
that they have increased theinterest
on loans should- they not proportion -
eters increase the interest on:sdepos-
its ?
It is believed that in the near fu-
ture statute labor will be done away:
with by ,nearly all townships_.;Public
feeling is strongly turning;toa��-ards
that end. Township councils 'rn 1909
spent in cash on purely township
roads over 1,400,000 dollars and- over
I,i00,00e days of statute labor equal
at least to $2,500,000. In the next.
tea years townships will spend:twenty-
.tive million dollars and unless better
:methods are followed ,there •will be
permauent value resulting. Un-
der more efficient methods of manag-
ins, labor such an outlay should prod--
nee substantial improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning spent
a few days of last week ilii London.
--Clarence 3Millson and Alrner Borley
were. in London on business last week
-My. Geo. Squu•e had the misfortune
to fall one evening last week by slip -
.ping from a step at his house and
was thrown on some blocks of vood,
with the result that his hip was -.in-.
jureti and is now laid up. -Evelyn
Ogder is home from the West to
spend the winter with his parents.-
Mr,'Wu. Lampkin is ,honte'from Mane
itobe, and is visiting this week with
hie sister Mrs. Wm. Ogden, -J. Wright
and Walter Gunning are busily engag-
ngabed cutting u-ood. The weather has
been ideal for the job :ylr; Phillip
Herr handled a large ,consignment of
fowl last week, paying out .over $700
in one day. -Mr. Thos. Morley gave
party to a few of his friends last
week Our young; folks are looking
forward to the goods in store for
thein this winter at these social gath-
erings. -A grand series of revival ser-
vices has just closed, conducted by
Eiangelist Fawcett of Thbroberryr.
The weather all through the three
weeks was ideal" and the interest tak-
en. be the Iarge numbers who attend-
ed each night will .no. doubt.: result
in much good. Mr. Fawcett has vis- In -the -slot piano music,' raffles, _not
ited every home and made many warm even a chair upon which a customer
friends duringg his stay here. His may rest bis weary bonen, will be al -
subjects were strong on gospel themes lowed in the saloons of St. Louis, Mo.
and he has brought the entire congre- With one knee out of joint and
gatio,n. to a sense of duty towards the several cuts about the head, Robert
church, Doughty, of Limehouse, was pulled
from under the hoofs of a , vieicus
horse he was toa:ling for shipment at
Guelph yesterday. -
A summons has been taken out by
Dr. F. q. E. Pearson,
B, :snt`ord, aged? st the Brantford Gas
Co. on a ()barge of maintaining :x
public nulexace in supplying Tilbury
gas int( their mains.
SAT!. o't)AY. •
Colorado`5 second heavy snow-
stcrm in two weeks began early yes-
The. Provinelal 'Secretary contra -
diets the report that liquor` licensees
are to be restricted from selling
liquor on Saturday afternoons.
The death of Robert T. Walker,
aged 79 years, occurred at Kincar-
dine yesterday, For 50 years he had
purchased grain on the local market.
The use of the poisonous white
phosphorus In the manufacture of
matelres in Canada Is tb be prohibit-
ed in a bill to be :introduced ,at Ot-
tawa this segsiorl.
Howard Mtarph
y Avodtol Was
hoed $30 and $43 casts at Stratford
having peen:-•4ouni guilty on a
1 kart
itf t► „Minkrats
charge.: of . X i Ki>tlus a F;
the closed season.,
A souvenlr of the remarkable,
mild weather of the present month
was a rosebud oI the Ille.by Rambler
variety, plekel by Mr. John Best for
Peterboro yesterda, ..
A Motif 441I)r .
cinnati yesterday.
Although English interests failed
to obtain oil fields in Coh,mbia, Great.
Britain will get 'mportant concessions
-~.der a new treaty with Turkey
s`•ortly to be signed.
7 ` t,1A$1)AY.
John W. Thomas, jr., president of
the Nashville, Chattano .ga and St.
Louis Railway, died In Nasbvllle,
'"enn., yesterday; aged 57.
A commission to examine Harry K.
thaw to determine whether his lib-
erty under bail waul- be dangerous
to public safety has been appointed.
Consul Letcher has advised the
U. S. State Department that many re-
ports of maltreatrent of Americans
in Chibuabua are without founda-
tion. •
Because there bave been no copper
strike disturbances at Calumet sines
a grand jury started an inquiry the
authorities look for little further
A deputation _representing about
forty Liberal mem'mgrs of the British
Parliament wai'ed on Premier As-
quith yesterday to deprecate any in-
crease in armament. ' `
Martin Coughlin, aged 40, arid
Leon Roberts, aged 60,- both farm
laborers, lost their lives yesterday in
a - fire whicb damaged , th. Vernon
• iouso in Brockville, Conn.
U. S. Ambassador and Mrs. Page,
with Francis Bowes Sayre and his
bride, formerly Miss Jessie Woodrow
Wilson, were the guests of Premier
Asquith at luncheon yesterday in
' The death sentence of Jesse Ham-
mond, who was to have 'seen hanged
In Prince Albert, Sask., yesterday for
reorder was commuted at the last
minute to --life imprisonm•.nt. Hama.
mond is a religious maniac.
For about a week J L_' as Taylor, of
Brantford, the murderer of Charlie
Dawson, has been quite despondent,
and by his actions is was believed
that he was manoeuvring to commit
suicide. He is to hang on Jan. 23.
A large force of iIcorish tribes-
men were routed with heavy loss yes-
terday by bombs dropped by Spanish
Mayor Lally, of Wainwright, Alta.,
has resignel rather than sign a check
in payment "or a pool table for the
local fire depa-tment of eight men.
A public meeting R as held at
Gowganda with .. view to urging up-
on the Go",'ernirent the extension' of
the T. & N. O. Railroad into the
Final arguments to the cases of
tbe four gunmen' convicted of the
murder of Herman Rosenthal we -e
heard by the Cc`•.rrt of Appeals in Al-
bany, N.Y., yesterday.
McCrea and Tobin have sold the
15,000 -acts property of ...he Chau-
dierre Lumber Co., •.f which they
were Lac owners, to John Breakc.y of
Quebec, for $350,000.
No more card games, dice, nickel-
Pretty Wedding. -The home of Mr.
and Mrs Fred Heist was the scene of
a very pretty wedding on Wednesday
Dec, l7th when their daughter Miss
Laura was united in ri]arria,,ge to Mr.
Erne;t Gaiter o; ihipke. The cere-
meaa :v tit iY Wa:; performed ` by the
Rev, r . ltea icer, La the pee ence of
about 254 geeetie teak etarie under an
car 6:_evergeeetir d..de,,Serafted with
To:a:e, at tie tap at', vial le was a
F1S r,4 r,ir d i rr i'ri. 1 G f e.: play-
ed the. t ,erak. The bride.
ixrar, magna i r.er➢tty owned al a areas.
white silk, carrying a b•oudttet fi
white cannatiorta, Ifiee' Louise Irai<',t
sister of the bride, aateel as brides'
maid and was , dregrted in punk :,ilk
'carrying a bouquet of pads carnations.
Albert Geiser, •eausirt o; . the groom
'Performed the flutists of best tnarl,and
-ttle Miss Peatrire She'trk and Emma
•[daist made pretor flower girls, dress
;sed in pink silk, and carrying • pink:
'carnations, The Ceremony over '.and
con.gratula t;ns extended the • . - guests
sat down to a sumptuous wedd:n(.
dinner '1'he presents were ninny, re-
g sefiilnese beauty : and
re -
:presenting u ,
avalasea, vii"showing the esteem $n which
ae,, couple are held.. Tlfey wall
S u Ica :ani
uture home a '�n h p
wishes of ail for their
Mid. pxospetit)
.tomPanied the funeral service yes-
terday in Rome for the late otic-ro �mnt
dinal Mariano iletapollo, *tie died uiy
suddenly on Dec. 16. u
The first motor used by the late
Wilbur Wright, of aviation fame,
alas been lett to the museum. at Le Business
Mans by Leon Bollee, a` Frenchauto~
mobile and aeroplaue constructor,
who recently died,
Hon. 3. J. Foy announced last
evening that theorder-in-council.
appointing J• A. •0, Cameron as the
new master-in-chambersat Qsgoode
Hall, tad bean approved. "Ile sue-
ceeds the late J. S. Cartwright.
"Abolish the bar" plans in Al-
berta are taking definite shape ac-
cording to information yesterday
from the Alberta Moral Reform.
League. A big convention will be
held in Calgary on Feb. 1 8. next,
Lincoln Beachey -looped the loop
four times in a biplane at Fresno,
Cal„ yesterday. He also flew upside
down for an eighth of a mile.
King George had ten beasts in the
cattle classes at Norwich Christmas
Fair, and took three first prizes, four.
second prizes, and one third prize.
Buster, the champion heavyweight
turkey of Cra';fori. County, Ohio,
died Saturday. Buster bad attained
the dignified weigh' of 80 p.unds.
The dredge, "Fundy, which has
been attemptins for weeks to make
Port Dalhousie left Cobourg Monday
tut was forced to return again to
Port Hope.
Snuff that produces effects like in-
toxication Ied to a ti •in of Birming-
ham kEng.) chemists teing fined for
selling cocaine trot labelled in accord-
ance with the stltute.
The death is reported here of
Frank Drysdale, of Lanark, who was.
found dead Sata. day morning with
his head crushed. He had evid nt'y
driven into an oostruction to the
Suit was filed S`. urday .ay the
State of New York to compel. the Am-
erican Sugar Refining Co. to'remone
its immense plant ':rom the Brooklyn
waterfront, of which the state claims
The National Bank of Mexico yes-
terday announced that on account of
"the existing condit.cns and as a
measure of prudence" it would' not
pay tbe semi-annual dividend due
this month.
A Titian with a notable .iirtary,
one of tbe finest of the master's•paint-
ings, has been bought by Mrs. T. J.
Error' of Cincinnati, from Sir -.Hugh
Lane, the famous British collector,
for $400,000. •
TU FSU. -'l Y..
Two new cases of smallpox devel-
oped on the battlesbi; Ohio on her
way to Charleston, Ga., from Guan-
Archibald Carmichael died in Hali-
fax at the great age of 106 years::He
was a native of Antigonish,a car-
penter by trade.
Edgar W. Price, aged. 67, last : re-
maining member c. a family ,of ,very
prominent residents of Welland, died
suddenly of heart trouble.
The Ecuador Goverhrtent is mak-
ing extensive preparations to retake
the town of Esmeraldas from the re-
bels, who captured the place on Dec.
As a result of the protest of King-
ston citizens that the streets were not
properly patrolled, the police- com-
missioners added new men to the
William Lees of Trout Mills, near
North Bay, 17 years old, was drown-
ed in Trout Lake. Every effort was
made to rescue him, blit he sank in
sixty feet of water.
Lea Burtch, employed as a deck
hand on the Canadian ferry Hiawa-
tha, plying between Sarnia and Port
Huron, is in jail `in the latter city
charged with arson.
Fire destroyed the Scotch line
cheese and butter factory near Perth
yesterday, causing a loss of $5,000,
with $1,000 insurance; -350 pounds
of butter were burned.
Seventy thousand dollars was the
amount of the loss that the Breit
haupt Leather Co. of Berlin, sustain-
ed at the tannery fire yesterday. It
was the largest and Mort serious fire
that has visited Berlin for years. •
From figures obtained from the
Board of Grain Commissioners, .ap-
proximately 191,000,000 bushels of
grain has been shipper from eleva-
tors at Fort William and Port Arthur
during the season of navigation.
Business District of Georgetown, Brit-
ish Guiana, Is Devastated.
GEORGETOWN, British Guiana,
Dec. 23.—A large section of the buct
ness quarter of Georgetown, which is
known also as Derriere, was destroyed
by fire yesterday morning. Twenty
persons were killed and many 'injur
ed.' Scores were renaered homeless.
A vast amount of sugar for exporta
,ion was burned, and a warehouse
and many other buildings were de-
Georgetown is the capital of Brit-
ish Guiana. Its population numbers
55,000, of whom 5,000 are whites.
No Scarcity of Labor.
ST. CATHARINES, Dec. 23. - A
report reached the city yesterday.
notating that in Winnipeg, where
soup kitchens have been established,
advertisement is made that there is
plenty of work in St. Cathar'nes on
the Welland ship canal.
Similar advertisement is '^eing;
made in London, Eng., '.o the effe-t
.that a second Panama Canal is being
built here and that 12,000 men are
While men are being placed at
work daily, there will be no occasioa
for any great influx of laborers for a
few months, Several who have, ar-
rived in anticipation of employment
have found that they .carie too soon.
y I
tit1C eta ".Man
TORONTOy Dec.; 24.-Mlchae,C•. Ro-
be~, an employe of the Orperi .
struction Co,, was struck on the head
by a bucket cul' Of cement and : 4n,.
straitly killed In , a 65 -foot sewer
which the company are building at'
Pa seed eYen tie and Bioot s,keetid..7e9-
NO.8 -
A Riddle Tor
We have a question to ask
of Prohibitionists this week
which will require their very
• best intellect to answer
They claim as attempt (AT
TEMPT) to stop the drinking
of alcoholic beverages by a
law is at least more effectual.
than a well administered lic-
ense law.,
Will they please therefore
tell us how it is, that both
AND CANADA where Pro-
hibitionists have been striving
with all their power for years
to bring liquor -drinking into
disfavour, where they . are
ING THE AREA, in which
prohibitory legislation holds
sway; that YEAR BY YEAR
WHEREAS -int Europe gen-
erally, where there is LITTLE
opinions) -but SOLID, IRRE-
One more question 1 - Why
cannot our opponents act like
men? We concede, willingly,
they have acted hitherto in all
sincerity, to the best of their
information and belief. At
least the bulk of them have.
Now that EXPERIENCE has
shown their, EFFORTS to .
have been FUTILE and ,mis
ided, why not acknowledge ;
their error y ? Join
in with us,'and let us ADMIN-
Respectfuil y,.,.,',:
Bt�lff?,'E: S
1 • "I'
'f'HE:.IIU1,iZyY .r
ttiitar . R ,
w,, Jack
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C, V. o., LLD,. I7t.C.1,, President
General Manager Assistant General stamen r
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000
Issued by. The Canadian Bank of Commerce enable the: traveller to
provide himself withfunds without delay at each point of his journey in
a convenient yet inexpensive manner. They are issued payable In every
country in the world in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100, $200
with the exact equivalent in'the moneys of the principal countries stated
on. the face of each cheque. They are economical, absolutely safe -elf-
identifying and easily negotiated.
EXETER BRANCH -Q. L, WAUGEi, 51 anaeer, Branch also at Crediton
The lYloisons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve r $8,700,000
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON Manager;
Have You
made provision for employment
during the Fall and Winter mon-
ths or do you wish steady:. re-
munerative work the year through
Write us and secure our Agent's
terms. We offer the best in the
business. Pay weekly, free outfit
exclusive territory.
Over 600 Acres.
under cultivation, Established ov-
er 35 years. A reputation for
high grade stock and fair deal-
ing. A salesman can make rnon-
ey selling for us. We want an
energetic reliable man for Exeter
and vicinity. For terms write
Toronto, Ont.
N.B,-Free catalogue on request
Miss Kate ivlcFalls of Biddulph, who
has been visiting, her niece, Mrs. Geo.
G. Dobbs, for three weeks, has gone
to McGillivray to spend a week or
two. -We are informed that there is
trouble in store for the boys who
are destroying property here.
James Green of Michigan is visiting
his father, H. Green, -Mr. Wm. Dewey
and family are back from Amherst -
burg where Mr. Dewey was in the
fishing business this summer,-Mr,and
Mrs. M Dodds arrived here on Sat-
urday where they will make their
home at Frank Germette's, as Mr.
-Dodds has been engaged to .teach
school. -Mr. Joe Ravelle is moving
into Jas. Clark's house. -Miss . Laura
Germette has arrived home from a
visit at Fort Erie,
School Report -The following marks
show the result of the weekly exam-
inations held at S. S. No, 12, Usborne
Sr. IV. -M. Millson 83, W. Brooks 72,
Jr IV. -E Gunning 80, E. Hutchin
Json 75 J. Whelihan 73, P. McGee
66, B Duffield 61. Jr, III, -G, Duf-
field 73 M. Whelihan 71, R. Brooks
69 C M. Hutchinson 61, Jr,
talc 75, W, Shipley 63, E. Dirk 49.
Sr. I,-W,,•„Duffield 64. Jr. L -M.
Brooks E. Dale, L. Hopkins, J. .'auf::`
field, J. Whelihan, Sr. Primer -L
Morley, •M. Johnson. Jr. Primer -C.
Harness: -Tena Powe, Teacher.
CLINTON-Stewart G. Jackson, a
son of Thos, Jackson, jr., is being gal
en great praise as an actor and singer
in the daily press these days. He is
noww appearing in Toronto in a mus-
ical skit "The Heads.”
The annual meeting for nomination
of candidates for offices of Reeve,
Deputy -Reeve and three Councillors.
for the Municipal Council of the
Township ,of McGillivray, for the •'.ir-
suing year, will be held in 'the Town
Hall, West McGillivray, on Monday,
Dec. 29 1913, at 12 o'clock ' loon,
Polls if required will be opened ad
Monday, the 5th day of January, 1914
at 9 o'clock a, m. and continue until
tit 5 o'clock p.m. and no longer, in
the several polling sub -divisions of
the: said Township as. follows :-Nor 1
Morgan's House, Lot 12, 'hen. n. 3, , , as,
Neil• Jr., D. R, 0.1 No. Za Cunning-
hani's House, Lot 15, con, 11, A. Cun-•
ningham la, R. 0.; No, 3, Pierces
House, Lot 15,. con. 11, Moses Pierce'
D R O„ No, 4, Cameron's School
House, Sec, 8, S. Robinson,. D. R. 0.1
No ' 5. Town Hall, J. D. Drummond,
D. R 0„ No. 6, Taylor's School • Sec,:
12 Thos , Melxan,s, I . R. 0.; ;v'o, 7,
Nichol's House, 'Lot 8, 22nd con., An-
drew Grieve, 'D. R. 0.
J; 0. Druroniond, Returning },
The undersigned is catering far sale
Lot 8, North B;ound.ary Stephen,- con-
taining 100 acres et good land. There
Is en 'the premises a gdod frame hoUse
with stone cellar; bank barn with ce-
ment floors ; 3 good wenn, and a
ansall orchard' This is a good grain
or grass farm, or would make a good
stock farm. Situated two 'miles from
Exeter., -phone in house, Will 'be sold
reasonable. For particulars apply on
the premises, or wQite the undersigned,
Fred Green, Hay, or B. 5. PhiILlps'.
The undersigned is offering for sa'l-'
Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen, containing 100
acres There is on the premises new
brick house, bank barn, and other out
buildings; young orchard, about 18
acres bush ,balance under.. cultivation -
This -is one of the best farms in the
township and will be sold at -a reas-
onable price; located within' Via miles
from Centralia and school is on same
farm For, particulars apply on the
premises, or. by mail to J. R. Neil
Centralia Ont.
Public Notice is hereby given that
a Meeting ,of the Electors of the
Township of Usborne will be held in
MONDAY, DEC. 29,, 1913, at the hour
of one o'clock in the afternoon, for
the purpose of making and receiving
Nominations for Reeve and Coucilmen
And further 'notice is hereby given
that in the event of more Candidates
being proposed for any particularof
fife than required to be elected, the
proceedings will be adjourned until
Monday, January 5th, 1914, when polis
will be opened at 9 tam, at the fol-
lowing places as fixed by Township
By-law, viz, -
Div. 1 -Township Hall, Elimville,
Frank Coates, D.R.O., Geo, Kellett
Poll Clerk.
Div. 2, Geo. Cornish's house. Lot 6
N.T.R Hallie Brown, D.R.O., Darr
Dew, Poll Clerk.
Div. 3 W ,H, Penwarden's house Lot
S half 3, Con. 10, Hugh Berry,; D.R.O..
T. Washburn Poll Clerk.
Div 4, Public Hall, Farquhar, And-
rew Hodgert, D.R.O., Bert Francis,
Poll Clerk.
And all electors are hereby request-
ed to take notice 'and- govern them-
selves accordingly.
Returning Officer.
Granton Rural Route, Dec', 15, '13 •
Public Notice is hereby given that
a meeting of the electors of the Vil
lageTOWN of EHxetALLer , willEXEbe TEheldR.,on in the
DEC 29 1913, at 12 o'clock noon„
for the purpose of making and receiv-
true nominations for Reeve,' Councillors
ancl Scboor Trustees for the ensuing
year; and further notice is hereby giv-
en. that in the event of more candida-
tes being proposed for the offices
than required to be elected, the meet-
ing will be adjourned until Monday,
San 5th 1914, when polls will ,,e op-
ened at 9 a. rn,, closing at 5 P. m•,
at the followiiag plaocs as fixed by
Village 13y -taw, viz ;--
No. 1 -Silas Handford's Residence
E. Treble,' D. R. 0,;; Sid. Davis, _Iroll
No, Z-Tovn•Hall, Wellington John
I). O„ Harold Bissett, Poll Cleri
No. 3 -Mrs.'s. Office H, Mitchell's r
Clerk: .5tlV5bto.n4• -1);
dr�t.h; 7EnMeLrcr
rye, Gillies,
� l
PiactPIhCelresroctt. D. O.; Fred 'Witwetr
d electors are hereby regttes,,
An ata.
ed to take notice and govern thetyt'
selves accorcliugly, eiz
g tuti 1r, Offt