HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-25, Page 2► 1 1 A Dark Shadow; geereereeraleatareareateeteetareet Or, A coming Vengeance CI1APT1+R, XX111.- t•Continue(1). Om u sett. about a weelt later, Clive wee iu tike library of tate 11'.oiee looking up ae reference, ween Mr. Ctreetene, the Liberal leader,entered quickly as if in eeareh of some one, And with au exclamation of sate iei•actioa came, to Clive,. and ;dist jtii h,.ud on hie shoulder, "I thought I ;should find you here," lee xoom, and Quillen called aur tri b an froom hie bed. " Hole% on fire?" be aaketl indolently; as Clive ontex+ed. "I beg your parch .i for diirturbing you:" explained (Berl; "but that, woulieit etas turned up again; c11io' wee knocked hie n »i the'stseet Brat night, solid X.w;aiit l+ u to go round to St Thomas , "a with zuo. said. - "Devereux is spooking an the Uu- 1h at woman ---.? sl id Qiriton, as !t employed Bill -there Its going to he a row txyfnlr to why do you wu. weznbeiant zee?' SCJ , ,ki,: yes. but . -scute of h:s falloweas :tire turning east- 1 don t know,' ,acid -Clive with a laugh. are, and I shouldn't be surtr.ae' it we „I've a Kort' of idea•t•Iiwt yon, might k.aow get azuasority ea :the azo " le", gill Yo11 her; I 3nn't anewwhy; but yea an*'w ao opeakF Yeller eeme art once. ease got up with a auiokeued platten l many scope " t •was fuU 01 excitement; and It, wee erie .fly. "I'll be down in a,querterof an lz.nrl Keehki, the Anarchist; and Clive, when dent that Mr- Detertux was piaY?ng.a los- though T doti't see w•hIa you should evpOwt he met ilial in the etreat, and w; e scowl- ing game. and 11 aware of it, sea sz u;e me to kn etv eatery member of these pope- ed et by lCsahlti, lzue v that he had not And they returned to the ,,h:l t:me. It • •All rim:a," Bald Quiltou, not too ?rad- terinine a se himself. .'iwonget them wee means everything that is choicest in fine tea. it _ " best tea —"hill - grown ��l�l�� means theworld's freshness ion _�., with all the exquisite �1row>� Coyq iretained_the sealed lead packages. and flavor by 61-AOIC, GREEN or NIXED os� was er; mored, cantinaal interiaet=ons lona iciest only to fight sol tical foes, but , person:a came from the Littera.. side, iuterrepeoee team and bree'kfest with rue," sail eueuiy, Mr. Xiraddy, the third e ,nd.d: te, broken with ebarp,,eager laugu,er ua If Clive, and' Itis Miends did not mince theirdete the Liberals were aware chap a ve.eux ',Never take breakfast:' res11oi1dad Quit auasae or Inn - exhibit any rare in 'the relee- tvas at bay, and thwt soon they wattle ton, "You remember th., c;tory of the Winn tion of their phrases when the addressed Pull aizn_down, It was a. on thee algae, who, when. he was asked. after a heavy rife e1oetors; but palled kTr. C vm l`arvay i enne etenee ee, night before, what he had had for break. a fraud and a hypocrite and a traitor to u i ru en a:. m- and a dog;' explaining that he had `the its foa3 naw ictal- P a.�4riend; but the other candidate fe:ght li sec the grear, vie feet replied A chop. coda .and whielcy, fighting inch by inch meth, b k 1 l the people of whom he wee; surolare.d t, be cess, a regar ing ri to sat rho cho '.Chap a my oa the mane who is producing the city tnxlk can afford to feed more Frain. Oren the lean who is preduc lrlg products that can he held over in storage for hanger periods of time. 'Viewed frons another viewpoint, the cow that le fed starvation ra- tions and these fed more than they can digest and turn to a profit, are both losing money for their owe - ens. 1t is somewhere between these extremes thee the successful dairy- man must set his standard. It is his business to find out and pe dairy -authority oil earth can in- form him intelligently. It is one of the many lessons we must, work out by associating with out .stack. DUpli-:ECUN`,L'INtc .:IN wA-T7":n. Remarkable Feet Performed BY An. Indian Lad. An ovel anad in e11i us method. of capturing wild ducks is described' 1± the Wide World Magazine, by Mr, W. E. • Pedley, who witnessed the a hunting tit in In - his feat " bile on ll n 1a � l3 did, Iia- his party was to lithe, ac- +1r'r1+O ter five -hacking 'native lace, who pro- fessed to be able to scrim under Fire Protectlod on the FMB, water into the midst of .a flock of nd b' li t th g p se. the fight in a pleasant and gentlemaney y > forced b f In probably not one out of a wild fowl and catch' the birds in Y number o lets own party, w, gowever, be had a, cup of eotl`es wvitli a smile ball a deed, half be eautenor friendly and he and alive Wier in quite rt. thousand farmhouses or barns is a Inc naked' hands. He was given o was ea is da edea, nn a eau Ware-Clive,a an an o, or tial & ow 1' �g ' and they went dean to the hospit..l friendly way, beater lean, n en ho wee wrigel_ng-as tee regale-. The house surgeon came to -Chat chap Broddy he said to ..Clive, bucket of water kept. in handy pp t ty to h his kill in Liberals put it --out of a diizteuity; out them, and gave aome'nceouet, et the pa- with a he;;rty laugh, "will ruinyeaZeal pq lagoonthe camp. tient' split the Liberal vote, and lace, readyfor use in case offire a quiet near Inn. oiifl city was too serious arid, cam- p Ilex to be wriggled out of, Wien by the „ Gonse%nsnees has returned," he ee 8 you'll see( gut for him,. I shouldn't stand emergency ; yet so effective is a I A. gentle sunset breeze was blow- clever and re onxcee.l lir Devereux.and she is better; but the sl4c e a chance.' • handy bucket of water when fire ing, says Mr. Pedley, when we sat cheesed, o meant f to have aaieeutod her mind. 6he is la• All's fair in love. war,' and e1eotione^1» .Starts .that the.. insurance`' under- the punt, intoii forcedour He down, eh er d by th re o silently his fo loviens and Jam led at by h a foe net, batt bei weniory appears to h; re ing;' responded Clive with a laugh+ `Id lir. Graham, who had already spoken, gone; mho doesn't remember even her own rather you got in, Gerlier., than lir.' writers rant a lower rate of in- Out.20 ya.„-e,3 from r�here g rushes` ab. danced at Clive+:. As Clive rcee, amidst name, and can give no aneonal of hereelf, Broady., But Ten not beaten yet.. surance to manufacturers and mer- a flock of docks were. busily engag- ed in diving for wild celery roots. Immediately the youth began his simple preparations. He put on a stout leather belt with a rawhide thong that passed through holes, and formed a, succession of loops, like a cartridge -belt. It was in- geniously arranged so that any one loop could be drawn tight, and the slack passed to its neighbor. 1 `ext, he drew from, his bundle what looked like : a decoy duck cut off at the water -line, or just below' it. Turning it over, he showed us that it was simply the skin. of a cluck, with beautifully stuffed head and neck, but quite hollow inside. The main frame oonsisted of a strip of' split bamboo, bent into the shape of along, narrowhorseshoe. '.:little cross -bar was securely ties on with sinews about an inch and ,a 'calf from the heel end of the shoe. The skin was . sewn with sinews to the main horseshoe -shaped freene: but under the tail it was entirely tut away, so as to leave an • open apace. 1 -tiding on the water, it looked like a. badly nude decoy, because the head unci neok, beingg stuffed were unduly heavy, and the bird rode with its head tipped forward and its tail absurdly cocked up. The youth slipped into, the water. wed, turning on his -back, took the li'•t1e cross -bar between his teeth. fe then lay floating'quietly, the body of the -decoy coveringhis nose, eves, mouth and chin. .'The water was clear, and we could easily see him under the surface: At once we caw why the skin of the decoy was cut away under the tail. It Was to enable him to see out. The lad "swam, down the narrow passage:toward the. flock; and we the wild, anticipatory cheers of hits parte . hind Clive,• mewa sharp breath athelbet+re.ir ha hry: Lad to glance d et, t th ladies ' his teeth, then coughed so if to ]tide the gallery: Lady Edith h::d said that she 'was coming down. to ,the Moue° that night, sound, , and he thought he caught agiimpee of 'You can comeup and see her," said ber face. lir. Deserenx's case was a week the house surgeon; "you won't diet, rb one, and Clive had an eaey teak before her; for her mind's a perfect blank, and him/ it is probable that he had never she takes no interest in anything or any spoken better; he was armed by his in- one about her." timate knowledge of the subject; and in- They went ap to the ward, and Clive and spired. not by ambition -of late it had Quillen etood beside the bed, and leaked. seemed dead in Bine-hut by the des_re to at the woman Her fade 'wae quite cal n lose, to drown his thoughts, to forgetthe now, and her dark eyes, after resting ou pact in come •strenuous effort, come ex their faces for e moment, gazed ' ac:.ntiy before her. ciliee spoke with astonishing fluency, eon- Poor women!" said Clive. ''She does the n ern interruptions from not appear to be in any pain. How long t dee ohr aside,, and be absolutely demol- i may she remain like this?" ished Mr. I)ov'ereux's p ansibie :.ant:meats. x The house surgeon shr i gged his Seoul - That gentleman went on amiLng; bat he ' dews: Impossible to e.iy, he "'aid, by no -whispered to the man: next 111Th him, means callously, but in a matter -of -fret "That settles die: a fine speech!" And he way. "She may be in that conditiou for actually nodded in a friendly way to some time, months, years, perhaps I'.e Clive as he saak into his seat. The dive known, each cases; on the other hand, she cion was gnickly taken, and when it wag may recover her full senses and me or/ seen that the Liberals' had a large , ale. at any moment. If she goes on as she is Sority, and that the Conservatives were. at' 'cling now, she wee be able to leave the last overthrown. a roar went up from tee hospital in a week or two. She will went Liberal benches, and a scene of wild con- looking after; and the trouble is that she fusion e,nd mad excitement ensued.can tall as nothing of her friends: We Men stood• on theirs ,ts, and waved ;cannot communicate 'with them, for there their hats and yelled; one or two actually' is nothing about her, no letter or any danced in their glee; and it was with die- thine et that kind, to help us to. identify ftesety'that the Speaker enforced order to her." moat do something for her" paid permit lir. Devereux to move the adjourn..±Clive wneertainly. silent of the Souse -which was tendert-steed to be a prelude to the rea,ignation of the Government. The members of the victorious Darty shook hands with each other, and, red a carnal manner: and hot and exultant, crowded round lair. Graham with exclamations and eongratte I think 1 know a. woman who wonid lateens. .And not a few pressed round look after her. She is the 'widow of e Quilton had not yet spoken: and he cooked down at the white and now placid face with as impassive countenance. es Clive hesitated, however, Quillen said in Clive, for they knew that he w,e the eom• compositor T happened to know --ones of s' m inan; indeed, t)mt he had aleame art the Beacon mea -and she would be Vied d rived. to take charge of her for a small weekl, Lord Ghesterleigh had great difficnity sem." hi getting at elm in the crowd.' so closely That is vary good of you, Qnilton!" -wee he surrounded. heed said Clive warmly. y dear boy. he said, laying a h Be thanked hien again when he got out - on Clive's shonider. 'This is splendid! side; but Quillen, as he lit his pipe, way 'Edith is outside. Ent you will not be able to come, will you; you will want . to see Grahame" We; I will come at once," said Clave, and, gradually breaking away from the noisy throng. he went out with Lord Chcs- tehleigh. Lady Edith was in -the carr -"age waiting -jest se she had been on than nicht a year ago. There were a number of pereons watching her, for the news of me word when she is fit to be moved. the downfall of the Government had al- Dont you bother yourrelf, I'll look after ready spread, and the Yard wee crowded; 'her. What a nniesnce the force of ex - but she seemed unconscious of the tweet ample is: going abort and talking with a fixed on her, and she leant forward, her Professional philanthe•a_ist. one . catches face flushed, her lige tremulous with tri• that troublesome disease. If I see much ample, and held oat both hands to Clive, more of you I Tamil be takinto district murmuring: visiting and Dorcas meetings." "Oh. Clive!" with passionate admiration With a curt nod and an air •of boredom; and love. - • he turned on his heel, and re-entered the The crowd saw the action, almost heard hospital• the words, and some one shouted. "Three Clive's affairs were certsin'y nnmer-us cheers for lir. Clive Harvey. the Friend and pressing enooeh to drive the women of the People!"' Lady Edith looked rowed out of hie head. There was to be a ger- prond7-v, delightedly. as the cheer went oral election, and it wee to take place at up, and actually waved her handkerchief, once. Go that it might be over before the 'That' unlike Edith,' said Lord Chester• harvest; and the country was noon piurg- leigh in a Inv voice. 'But it's for your ed into the usual state of c:onfndicn and sake; my. boy. Let ns go hoinei" excitement entailed by a general ap_xxenl They got in and the carriage trade its to the free and irdependeet electorate way, neoessarfly sIowlee into the street, It was necessary that Clive Should go ztiany of the crowd following, and 'still down to Brimfield, without delay; for a' - cheering. At the cor'-er'of Par.i,ament ready hie agent there bed:weitten to tell Street the crowd seemed to swerve and him that be would be oppeaed by a s`,rone stop: then concentrate up in the crrr,age, Conservative candidate; a1,d he 'tinted and. as a couple of stalwart policemen that another eardidat6, from the extreme pushed their way through the mob, he Radical and Sooialiet side, might also caught eight of a woman lying on the take the field. pavement. The Obesterieighs were hill of enthu- "There has been an accident, I'na seism and ererty on Clive's aocorne and afraid,' he said. "I'll tree what, it is. You when Clive end them that he mart go go on, sir. 11.1 take a hansom and follow down to Brimfield; to begin the fight, Lore eon." Cb'eterieixh looked up quickly, and said a mile: nmade is with smile: Hegot oat nickl and h way q y, a � v. Shall wego o a rag. Edith? h through the crowd to the aide of the so- "What u iceman who was bendieg over the wo- down and help hint?" man. Olive recognized ber at once: it was she reeeonded at once and as enthn- the woman 'whom, 'strangely eeouglt. he siast:cally. had seen near the same spot a veer ago "Wiry. of course!" eh0 exclaimer].. "We'll "What is it?" he asked. "Ie elle faint, go down in force. father; and 1'11 canvass hurt?" for him -and—" Boon knocked down, run over, sir," este "And you'il. bele him to win, my deur. the policeman, touching his helmet."My But you mast do of*r rert of the canves- mate here saw her trying to trees the sirg. I must take no band in it; a Peer, road amongst the carrieues. Hae has you know, mint not interfere in an elec. fainted. 1 don't know whether she's mu• h tion." hurt. We've sent for astretelier, and "I'll work like a Tro'nn' r?x'e11 trke an we'll take her to St, Thomaele here." the canoe:tee flown, and 'we'll paint the The stretcher quick y arrived, and Cllre rarme, reel!" Pea wee !dive's nolo- "I"1 went on the hospital, and waited until lees 0'1 the 'baibies, end teP the .mothers the examination bad been mrde. that they are the ex:Pet-the behirs. I "Yes: she's rather badly hurt," Geld the mens,--7've ever seen. Of course, you will house surgeon."She's Trot eonsetous yet. win. alive" Bad subject. T'mafraid." with ew'lr p'l failure would be lm "X'11 come in the morning to see how pr alible," said Clive. olio la," said Olive. Thee wept down fe Beirneelrl: the Men ter -laze- l -ening to tee house of n, fr'end, bi 'Jody Wyrthew. era Clive elating u" at UIiAPTEIL g the Libras] l+ritcl, the "newel Hurt" They Clive attired himself, as he walked from: heard. the nlree. in tct'ent pgaiternent; for After a gossip tells all she k ed the thanks aside. Olt, that's ail right" he said. "We'll share it between mG: I wean you e k pay the money -for, of course, your du esh_p would insist open that -and I'll do the rest You've got enough on your band.- already. and can't be expected to Worre about little affair of thie kind. By the way, I'll step back, and tell them to send "'That's so," said Gordon. And you have the pull of me; I can't talk a, bit, chants who will keep:a specified. and you can law the bind 1e aif'a•donitry. number, of filled fire buckets in cer- ium, Axel then there's. Lady Edith! .Fra'kly, fain locations in their buildings. I do envy you there! Put X don't bear' any grudge; and by George! such a Frequently a' cupful of water at charmire lady ought to nave her own hand when a blaze starts as a tiny way.. Why haven't z a 'rife ora sweet- flame is more valuable in prevent - heart to fight for me? `Pine was vary pipaaantt far more plere- ing fire loss than a whole fire de - nut than to strrd Eby and heat•• -and C i.• a artment ten minutes later: A sin - often did eland by end hear -Mr. Brodiy F k of water:dashed soon and T(osbko informixig the working men gee bucket that he, Clive, was a miscreant, not only enough on blazing curtains• or dra- bnnwarthy to sit in the }louse of Comxona, penes, or a small blaze starting' in isle e_ceedingly, for those who Ire con- bafore it has opportunity to gain netted with them arc "cute enough' to al Free' -ate the fact tk."t lire libeled be made Headway, and thus, may.be the -while the sun is.ahinifP, and that. at -o means, not only. •Of saving a build- ing Are candidates eo liberal and gen- in, and its contents and preventing mous as when they are seeking the sof- 'rases of the elector. The net ch:*rity at the death of stock,, but even save Brimfield -acid a very worthy one,. by the loss of human life. A•ay--ane a+, nrehreage. and the Govern-; Most people, rely on a pump or ore 'shrewdly derided on givirg. a concert • p F F p in ala of its funds; meet as shrowd.y ab- water tap as. a. source of water when but to live. At el c`±en tines. 1arn1 chi'ritiea flour- rubbish or hay, will Put out.a fire ".0ineel all three cand:datea and their fire breaks out. In the excitement has no eolities; and by thus oorraling l following an outbreak of fire it fre �he rel tical nartiett, the Gnverlore r•n:u-; queries, is difficult to locate buck- 'he their impartiality, and avoided i11 lets, and the delay of two or three Tions selection. The result, nromired to be a brilrinetIininutes' necessary to fill' a bucks` 'lnancia•1 ane e e. G kr Edith --anter to at a Dump or tap be enough to give 'rierde ie patrore: charity, ar, we know, buy up ea flit+ tickets, and diatribute•t1,em rererme;t (Hive's eeppnr+era; but Clare the .fire a chance to get into the she had to content liereelf with eareirg r - humor Tarte 'which was to drive down Everv;.household should be equiti- 1 a to the hall with lterrlly flying colors. f ped with - a' fire bucket, provided raise v a o e. e alt a aimed out that Ilia would be bribery in walls or sn •ead to a point where 'te meet obvions ar, d `overt form,. -- .and , it as 'Yore d'fficult to quench. 't d s t bsl t the /relies but l'i 1 ed 'faith teed the.:reGt of the lydiea deel. sed � h cover, filled - with water, andte ertairly must be present. 1 used for no other purpose. T th. lie ce e ""Why 1t wootad never• do!" "Id' Lady best Woe of bucket` is one with a n dith. "It is the great event of tile. yaw e+ Primeala: they eat and drink r tea rounded bottom, which prevents its. sleep 'cwricert`C. sed it•' woeld 'look aR if sitting on the, -floor, and so make" -eu were. irdifferert 1?erederi. Mr Got•= . . d will he it useless for ordmarry household "io*e and tbst horrid min Broady slime to he there Oh of averse, you moat work. These buckets should by do. dtanr^pt- .Aid you roust clap like amid painted.red. .and• should be filled stns eneere everything. And really I think P :t e ani^tt tai be a very good venost. at regular,:intereals to replace wn. P ave 'nu r•een tris pr�+gramme? Where ter, lost by evaporation. For t'x'e 'a. it? I i,'ui it. Rcxm�-ivtirre till° mot":ng. seine reason buckets -provided with rib; I reage**•ber; T `cave .it to a woman ,n _,,p (,r,*, little Brent at the beck of the covers , are" better than •opsin , bu'c - t , ets'and prevent dust and other ms- Tosan 13'011, Shall T ever forget thrt treet•. ' e s v + eriA. et •1nry into • Ah' dee't n v doir'so. I could help in the ,s n a 1f.. h Q n malking,it unpleasant. One such t• t k dder d then hug ti t ' the water .and d 't ti,t k I mind Clive' I'd live t 1 B -, von to .hat a•nytht,ilt- you want.' bucket at least ought to be previa ' 1 kenw." )'e:.said . in a. low voies,'w1ta a enee of. remorse sad self-rep'ronch, x'w be ed on: every.. floor of .the ,house or ltiseea th art tghich she had thrown barn. They should be located, near roil" t his reek. ;� a „ ah.e went the stairs or entrance to the bnild- "B„+ Wham th»S concert, deer." on. ' It will 'really .be wrrt11 Ruing to. for ing, so the,t those rushing in from +.hey hp"' sneaked roma goal people: the' the outside or starting for the stairs have eat tbet new.girl one hears so 01 '1L of lately -•whet is her nameP-Verona"a Can get thein without delay. Verner. Friher beard her at Ma:^ch st°r• The rounded bottom buckets can rad wee elate l aterit a hu lot sit in ore fret be. kept either. in a bench with a Yearn-est oo` r^+' l.•nlc • eltgbtal with everything hole crit in it' to receive the bucket and evpwbody" i or else can be sussended out of oliva serezeeed Kiri shenlders. "Your ma• reach of children from a metal or inst." bre-but to cam -Hard; and this slave t h's'+i only to obey" he said. i wooden bracket. -sera! .Ah, which is the m'ave, X aria• These buckets are particularly der!" Rho raid with a Girth, as She smooth al las tear. which her embracing Dem important in ,winter in climates bad rou,zh^"ed. • where pumps or tens may freeze. Lady r,rv-.terror had arranged a diner a eneral eines]. *arty. whtcll was tne go on from greatest in cold -weather, because the Grr-'ge to the hall Clive whin erre that is the time when the. stoves in rn rajenew re her L te-'he had Iiad to addresls a meeting that ars-ceoneeesr a ane furnaces are made asp hot as ^ thebarn. the 'iter in i,�„1^0a1 r,n drniht mit to fee fr.r., Cage '-were Tama"- :tea Ttr'ebk1hnre adarere ea these buckets can be, kept from tater confer in the den* Rad ha win rr' freezing, except at terrineretures: eta. silent see t.1 uer'.fut a�n+dot the. below zero. by add`'i +wo. pleads n i.t rem^- merrimeet which Wipesil?,+1. f x eel .,, t,;. rrtq. df-•'nv 00136. A•na hteeel and one ounce, or slightly over two orely, tart it greed he i•npoesibie for otlnds of fusxd calcium nhloride to Chair candidrt te be beaten, each canon of water. This calciern (To be eontinned.) chloride nmst not be °confused with �'- the ordinary. ehlorid" of lime, the Pointed Paragraphs. bleaching, powder. The calcium c'hlestide is eery -inexpensive end Wart..,* for the night. of the Concert, a 1,,1ae •Ae g rule the fire risk is P --tiro- riredt an,rl a tr Pe '1 enxritad far possible to keen the house warm. > n i ea a .e rether rv11a onrl_ h 1,.A Inn aha . , di c rt r w", n 7 case .n f . a + An egotistic an `rI" specialist. both keeps the water from freezirg Even the'union dentists believe at temneratures above zero and in an open shop; aiso pr.1venfs rapid evapnretion: in his,firs buck - it as hard to make a hero as 'With this mixture it=is easy to unmake one. eta. the farmer, exsent til cases ci If all men were to get justice, unusually low tentrlera+.'nre, has al - more of them would be in jail. ways at his command the means of Wawa 'checking the start •±of a fire in his barns. the hospital to Grosvenor Square, whether Br,rn+leld took eler•terreerina eerir,nely, she gets busy and tells more. he should tell the t'hesterleighs of hie for. a,td rho eeeeeetee benne in fit'," prrr- mer encounters with the woman: but he est: far. e're! the, bellnt lire rierrlvnd en Marriage ie never a fallure—but ,. l i frequently r ue r1mn a ties f decided that he would not do s4: w. y elnr'tion of remelt? all i[+ lin r, the contracting pax q y eitould he distress them reedlerely? So he tepee of the sill ttevorrenee merriment,, eontined himee'f to reporting the wonisll'a nee .not prrm,wainFrr hereell're we have are. condition; and the effrir made little or ere:lees eneeelles. hilts- rerrimieerierre 00 impression upon Lord O'heeterleigh and and.. not 5e1.lem. reataf"l noel eoratlmea Lady Edith beyond that which Caused 1i1)ell0118 nereerel rete+ertinee Weather by pity and symapethy for this vietlm,of tj,e eeeeee fro ore few the beftnr. it ire. our terribly overcrowded streets. thaek "nndneas, not for the prerert writer lv(ext morning Clive Wert up to O,uilton's to d atee , Tinily lIrlit•h threw hnrrelf i^tn the ion - font with all the prefer rhe 1."•1 nrr,rn"onrt. U1rn .have oyer .find, ten si"n"e" teas "�vntiiivr"a ,,1at`0;mere tn.li'ntnu err erre r;p ra • aanrl ht•arva TvndA Jrp.1 av:+11 rljve's Na For nursing motherserae+'s i e'he e'a',e'Fpe.1 free; 1-16"14.1 to A 71a"Oru-Co L alive "''tanrl• Wall --if .li r=1(11.4rrnt-n.n!•,initat ki art t.1'e h bt*R she {lnti1 i "d tee'anther; Pee lraxleered.t110 111,4ar,.ls red, ^rbor- in the offer the important acivaitt nr tiennt r+,.,nr +nd` fees nn. Tam l''t. rat 0.001011 glen r".ut 00440 11,,r enamel hw„tn11r. age that they do not disturb 0•, t1 tw' flet etenev reel +rrrr,feeelerere nee elt0 set or „1nt.r,t,mp t,n1"4 Clive, gee the rest of the system or 1:xvtenr,1 to lri:s ,"e' len' ;,itl, e.n arse •raffect the child, tn.etse,. nal Pride evhich duly iinpreseei the' nadien(3o. iihe ar+,rtarnrl t+1 1,n 1++03pprii1e nt weed. '1.ec. a lame your 110x$1 Berl t,'na tr.l el iva'G ).p;'rnw, p tri ricer+ ' ,xrtih iantnlalnfi a°Onnetl, re.mtndino }.int 7 ru ,est S. + , ,.. 1 aria +telt, as tee!' 1,,a p. f1 ,vn:, r,rrA, a• la learn Drug and Cherelawl Co. +*eetxlc1 eee,d ell the, }tele he +areal set here of Canada.t.imlted. It'dAtes:erWire :Hely: d' f'.i' t,ae thiresedi.rin+e lira egemeerkd. a• r,yiix'if but elnrn1',)1 'M `l, a-floeielist, who, lead a reline men _ereeee- t named Eby' a band of Inert ea rough slid de. R�. Cheerful. Patient,: "hall I ever get well again, doctor Doctor:. "Most certainly, I've lied a lot of ehperief±Ce of ;your complaint. Why, I've been treat- ing another patient for it for the y last rift ears." Dairy a ry Co ws. Economical feeding of a dairy herd is a subject which cannot be fully explained ina short parer, but there are a few, points whish 1 might mention which would cause the rea'tterfurther to investirtate for himself, writes M. K. W. If 'f could say Something that would. cause dairymen to look into the matter, my best hopes would be realized, for it is easy for a man to be shown after he is willing to learn,' As a rule home grove foods should' for]lmthe main reliance, but commercial feeds and purchased grains will necess trily, ocCtlpy a more or less prominent place in dairy rations for years to come. How much of these fyeds we sen use at a profit depends upon their cost and the quality d the cows we are feeding, Generally speak - 'I'hs memext yea lee 'it, yea %via avant ill ' Smell -just ar Buy St. Lawrence Suar. in original packages. tin. touched from refinery to your cupboard,you 'aro surd of sugar absolutely free frons contamination or impurities of any kind. St, Lawrence granulated white pare cane smear In peeked in threes cues of 101►11b..251b endu20 !b. scaled bags. end 5 lie, and 2 lb. cartons. AB first class dealara cern supply it so insist upon having. St. Lawrsaci Sugar. $T. LAWRENCE StJcAR REFINERIES LiMITED, MONIWIAL, zgterl noticed: that the swiftly moving de coy exactly like' a swim m ming mallard; the same . tiny wave(( ran: out in a. straight line Pram each{ side of the breast. I' had 'looked away at a fish -haw at the northern side of the lagoon, and when I looked back, 1 caul not distinguish ,the decoy; but sud- denly I saw one duck move back ward, and two that were blame diately behind it disappeared. ,b neath the water. A - moment . later another disap peered, and still the surviving members sof the flock showed no. anxiety. They doubtless though that the others. had dived. Several more went quietly uncle the water, and we began to wonder whether the lad would get bit whole flock, when a bird went un- der with a great splash, and rev eral ducks raised themselves in th water, and twisted their head sharply from side to. side. Appar- ently una'bbe to see any clanger, they stayed where they were, al- though on the alert. Presently an- other one went under, and then tw at a time; .but one was eaught only' by one leg, and ni.ade a greaf squawking and splashing as he: went down. Thereup' 'x the reed' took alarm, and flew away. We poled up, and found,. Viet e. youth grinning, with eleven duck.s in his belt. 4. his head" The baby fell and struck ! on one of the pedals of the piano. "Oh,he's not hurt, nitrrl'riv.."; said the lder brother; "it was the soft, pedal he struck!" ''MY wife went 'out yesterday ate ternoon, and I kept the. baby still two hours." "How did you do it?' 'Wailed his clothes to the floor, and gave him a tin of syrup to play, with. If you love violets'--ifyou love to have their delicate fragrance clinging to your hair and hands and face --go to your druegist and ask him for Jergens Violet Glycerine Soap. Smell it—just once! Get one whiff of its real violet fragrance, and, you will join the thousands who have found that this crystal. clear soap gives to the toilet and bath a de light no other soap can. There are i mitatious, but you won't find the real perfume of violets unless you get Jergens, erg s VIOLET OIycerirSoap Par salt by Canadian drxgens from caps! to erase ince/ding Newfoundtend. Write for sample cake today 11, yottrsend druaggitost hasnsta'mpt ft for generous sang .Aplendrcalve.evr JerKbns Address Ctheo., Ltd., 6Sterbroake $t., Perth, Ontario. roc n take. Three takes for #5r:. CetaOuar• lei's worth.