HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-18, Page 8E'ET 1VLI� T, THURSDAY 11Eul Tri 8ta • DETER NARkETS1 c��U N lar EA,Ot1 WZ Ns bs 1,( " { `T tooth 4,111 „,A„ h $ k oq I a�1rlav ,1,} .1A , pp ,r )314.0.wtlaLtr ... 48 .gate,:x , .11, 1 32 lG"ete;.. ....•. w" 8q 10 00 2 80 150 26 Eggs.. 1,11.,,*,,, 50/ 40. Ghia. .,,.,,;, 10'/ 48 Tens,:1 r,,., $ .10 10' 14. 7 " 20 Potato. per bag „1.., dour, fret owe., fatally Flour, lilt grade per ow 1 $.0 Dux .: , • Roosters : Turkey.. Dried ..fipples per lb . , " Live bogs, per cwt 8hor,ts; pee ton., Bran per ton. ,,.... 10 r. 23 00 22 00 IVANTED— A hustler to take the agency to sell lots for The Mount Hope Heights Syndicate, Berlin, loc- ation best in city; prices right ted good terms. Just 4 minutes ".walk from new Rubber; 'Tire Factory and three minutes from Electric Line on King Street between Berlin and Wat- erloo A money proposition for the right man, . Territory to suit agent; Apply Mount Hope Heights Syndicale L. A. ;tlehle'nbacher, Sec,-Treas., 28 King East Berlin, Ont, BEAUTIFUL RISTMAS TREE Decorations, Sc., 1Oc, and 15c. at -W J. Statham's, SEEDS FOR SALE JAMES BEER wishes to announce that he ha; a choice line of Turnip, Mengel Corn and Potato Seed for Sale. See him before buying. The Advocate to January 1st, i915 for one dollar to any part of Canada. $1.50 to the United States. Having taken over the Butchering. Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by •lilt. A_ J. Ford. We solicit your patron-; • age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. — WM. RIVERS, NOTICE—A11 books are to be •re turned to the Library for the Stock L `LOCAL DOINGS, 44 Mrs John Spackman still continues very low iii' h Grade Chocolates from 30c to 60cr. at Statham's Nee M. M. Doyle shined a canoed ore poises on. Monday, :Mr''George Crawley is confined to khe house owing to illness, Tx, F. W. Baker is confined to his home; owing to knee trouble. Lodds of Christmas Holly for dec- ting at E. A. Follick's Confection- Store, :111rs; Wm. Hawksliaw has been. in- dispgseel for several but we are pleas- ed to State she is recovering, • Thr: open, season for rabbits closed on Monday. They were `plentiful this year and many were shot; Secure your fruits, chocolates, Iealn- dies and nuts for Christmas from Mrs. Sanders. Everything fresh and choice Any man is now committing an i~ - dietable offense, who sells: any kind of a gun. to a boy under 16 years, whetherit is an air gun or •rot. EXHIBIT OF HAND PAI NTED CHINA at the home,of Mrs, S. F, Sharp this Thursday and Friday af- ternoon, Kindly accept this invita- tion. Colne in and look over our Bon Bans If we cannot convince you that we have the highest quality and lowest price in town we miss our guess, -W, J. Stathani's The high cost of livingis teaching many , people that they can do without things. that they considered necessary but. it ria hard on those who already have ;been living at a minimum line, At the session of the Lambton reun ty council the council voted $100 to thc•L.akes Disaster Fund, for the relief of the widows and orphans of sail- pra and also .$100 to the Sarnia Rest Room The new evening clothes for men are said to be as tight as they can be The proper caper is a white waistcoat with fancy buttons. The circus clown hasn't got much on the 1914 dandy.—Exchange. Taking January 3rd, 1914. ' Nothing better for the health these days than one of Statham's 15c and 25c Oyster stews. OPERA HOUSE FOR SALE.—Price- reduced to S1500; apply to John. Spackman. LAP RUG FOUND.—In Usborne, between • 9th and 10th concessions, t ons on: or about ',Nov. 10th, a lap rug. Owner can. have same by calling on .Eph. Herm; Usborne, proving property and pay- ing for this -notice. Don't forget that absent son or daughter, but send The Advocate to then for a year as a Christmas pre sent They will have reason to Lhankt you 52 times in 1914, plus the remain- ing weeks of 1913. AMMUNITION of all kinds at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. --o-- MARRIAGE LICENSES issued, at: the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey frame house in good state of repair. One-quarter acre af. land. Situate on Huron Street. _Good.. water. etc. Apply' to Miss ADDIE MORLOCK, Milliner, Main st. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE A brick cottage, containing pariiri dining room; sewing room, lea s:nen 3 bed r„2o:nt all recently papered„rain ; , 3 and painted. Heated by furnace:1 ani e ectr is lighted. Two lot> )f land wit'1 goal game barn, 'air 1 end -oft watsr Well situated. Apply to A. HASTINGS, 'Exeter. FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick house, half acre land;' Feuit tree;, hen house on the preen- ises A. good comfort° %le place. For' part ul'tr` apply to Mrs. E. Demp- sey. Ce ntralia, FARM FOR SALE Bx;: Lot 10, Con. 1, Hay, contain ink, iii: a:re;, more or less, in good state 0, ::Titivation. Good brick house contain.:n; 0' rooms; 2barns, one on brici: :.,u:.dation with stabling under' neath; a never failing spring creek; a goo« orchard; well underdrained. One and a quarter miles from 'school This iN a very desirable property be- ine situate half way between Exeter and Hen;all on the London Road. For term:. a-1'1 particulars apply to Nor- man Jarrett, Z673eLappin Ave., Tor- onto, or to B. S. PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agent, Exeter. RANDIRUNR SY5 EM CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR, RATES, SINGLE FARE Dec. 24, 25, "good: for return until .Dec, 26; also Dec 31; 1913, and Jan. 1, 1914, good for ret-, turn. until Jan, 2, 1914. FARE AND ONE-THIRD IJec 22 23 24 25 valid for rturn. until , Dec 27; also Dec. 20, 30, 31, 1913, aid Jari. 1, 1914• ,valid for return tntil ..Jan, 3, 1914 BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN CA'fAD.A. east of Port -Arthur, also to Detro:t and IfOrt• 'Hutch".,; ;