HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-18, Page 5P1311704
41'. notcleSTON, 1: cess D D,s.
timber of the R.C,D.S. of Ontario and
I;fanor Graduate of Toronto trrtivers4,t r,
r•'ilZtice-"Over Dickson tae Carling's law
o1r ee. Closed Wednesday aiterneone.
D1i. A. I;. KINSMAN, L.D.S.,D.D.S.,
Honor Graduate of Toronto Un:vereity.
Teeth extracted wIlthout pain, or any
tad; effects. Offiee over .Gledman
Stal1'buvyxa office, ayA?!in Street, "Exeter.
atoms, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-.
l§'iionera,; Solicitors for tine Molsons
Bank, etc. r
money to ttoan at lowest rates of interest
.Offices -Main -St., Exeter.
.1. R. Carling, B,A. L. H, Dickson'
we have a.lairge amount of private
. fonds to loan on farm rt venage prop-
erties at low rates o1
Barristers; Solecitors, Exeter.
Agent Confederation Life Aaauranee
Company, also ;~`sae Insurance "tri'lea+'d-
tng Canadian and British Companies,'
•, ' If your •nerves are all. crippled from
attack., , ,of °, Rheumatism, ,Neuritis can
easily, get a strong hold an the nerves
This most; painful disease :is one of
the' hardest known td expel, but
RHEUMA can reach it if given •a
anc:e: ' This •testiiiiony • is ,positive
"•task;; March le Was so crippled with
Neuritis in left limb I could walk
scarcely At all. Tried all remedies I
•ltea'rd of`and had two physicians. Noth•
ing did me any good .until I ased
• RHEUMA=$2.00 worth of your med-
icines surely cured me. -Mrs. C. E.
. Hayes;:.,Russell,. Ky;
Sold by W. S,. Cole at 50 cts . a
'Elie, hire, Accident and Plate Glares 9ATI.
lnouranre, Collecting aceounte, and cots- ''i'bc Ladle d
ducting auotion sales. - Exeter,, Ord,
`Principal Henderson of Brussels
Continwatien school,, has tendered his
rehignation, to take effect at the end
of the year,
UCICERSMIT:Id-Surprise and deep
and sincere regret were feet in this
community on learning; of the death
of Mr, Robert Charters of the Mill
Road, Tuckersmitb, Mr, Charters
had been •a sufferer from rheumatism
far several years, but was able to be
aroand as .usual until the Wednesday
preceding bis death, when he was
o t
p rated bysome severe ,internal
trouble, which did its workall too
surely Mr. Charter was the eldest
son of the late William Charters, one
of the pioneer settlers of Tucker -
smith. He was been on the facia
where he died and where he had live
all his life,
Neuritis follows
Crippled Nerves
Paiteful• Effects of Chrinic Rheumat-
,tern; Quickly Routed by Rheuma.
, .. Matra -St., Ezeter.
College At
Thousands of ambitious young pea;
ple are fast preparing:1 a'their ban' homes to
soupy iuerative positions as: stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers,; civil eerrants, in
fact every' sphere of Bush:te s Activities
You may !Inlet at oopega it you so wish
Poaitfon gitooaranteed, Ester college any
day rue -,dual i:retraction, Expert tea;
criers. Tarty years • experence. Largest'
trainers t6. Canada.. Sayan. colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers,
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Cant
ada. Summer School at famous
Spotton Business College, Lon,
„President Priffci
• ANY person who is the sole head of
a. family or apiy x sale over 18 years old,
may homestead a q"'uarter section of
available D6 iiisiiion land in Manitoba
Saskatchewan or Alberta. The ap-
plicant must appear in person at the
Domtniom Lari`d�s Agency or Sub-
' agency for the district. ES,ivtry by pro-
xy mado be Mads at, any agency, on
certain conditions by Father, mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister ,of in-
tending hotme etearier
Dutles-SIx months'. residence upon
and cultivation. o? fish land. la each
of three years, A homesteader may live
within ani,no ar.'Jes of hits homestead on
a. Farm tot at least 80 acmes sollely
owned. and occupied by him or by his
father, mother, son daughter,brother
or sister.'
In certain districts a hornesteadder in
good standing may pre-empt a quart
.er-erection 'along side his homestead.
Price ^83.00 per acre.
Duties -Must reside upon thte hone
stead or pre-emption six months in
each, of v3•ix -years from date of home-
stead entry tlneluding• the trine re-
qulred to earn homestead. patent) and
.cultivate fifty acnes extra.
A :bo¢nesteader who has exhausted his
hometrfead right and cannot obtain_ 0.
5 X'e•temp'tion snag enter for a putt.
chased. hennestead In certain, distzicts
Price •'$i .tlo Vex arse. Duties- Must
reside slatt2or�o� tit each of these
years, cfdtiivel e fIfItY acres and erect
a house with $00.
Depte yet -tine Manatee, of ther1nterior
N.B.=- tinautt s i-jzed ' publication of
this-advertisehnerrt win not be paid for.
'Lori -into, Ont. Gives its students the
best business education and assists
them, to secure-
ositions when co
P m
petent Write to -day for our large
Subjects taught by expert instructors-
nstructors-at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. -
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartered Accountant
17 Vice -Principal
vel Woman
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray
k your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other • but send stain for illus-
trated book -sealed. 7t gives full
particulars and dcrectinns invaluable
to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO„Windsor, Ont
. General Agents for Canada.
Ontario's best Business training
school' We have thorough courses in
Commercial, Shorthand and Tele-
grapliy departments and nine compet-
ent instructors. We offer you ad-
vantages, not offered elsewhere. You
do notknow what an up-to-date bus-
iness' school can do for you unless
you have received our free catalogue
Write for it at once.
D A. McLACHLA.N, Prtnclpal:
Going up —the number of Fords in
World -Wide service. Going down- -
the cost of motor car transportation
More than three hundred fifty-five
thousand Fords now in use are
keeping transportation cost at a
minimum the world over.
Six hundred dollars is the new ,price of ,the
Ford rumthoui;the touring ear is six fifty; the •
town oar nine hundred -all f, o. b qrd, On: _;i
talio (fornieily Walkerville wise iiffic ), con e'
plete,witb tgniprnent. Get catalog 'and par..
4.1°311'4,041'91V- 41'J1V Wes 19nell "i•CgeViVe TLxeter, Out,
,1Lofe Mtlaodlst
Cburch realized $225 from4xtheir baz-
aar last week, Urs, Haight Of lJllioil.
is he guest of her ;daughter ; Mi'tsti
Hicks at the parsonage, --,Messrs Ms.
O'Brien Wan. Buchanan, Chas, Blade
well, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Bengougti
and Mrs. A, Dougall and daughter
have returned from the: west. - Mr.
and Mrs, R, Blatchfard have moved
into the village',-,.Re,Pgrt says that
Mrs. Consitt is receiving much, benefit
from the treatment she is receiving
in BQston,.LMessrs. Geo, Case, R. D.
Bell aln.d john Hawkins were in God-
ericb as jurors last week, -We regret
that 1VIr. Geo. McEwen is not im-
proving in health, Carmel Church is
to have a new pipe organ installed in
a few weeks. -A. Laymen's banquet is
to be held here in a few weeks.- A
little daughter of Francis Marshall was
badly burned about the face and body
by her clothes catching fire from
lighting matches,
. Mrs, Colin Hudson bias been laid 4up
for the past few days with an attack
of pleurisy, but is beginning to re-
cover. -Mrs. r. Mxs 'Bo'ric'; who' has been
so seriously ill ifor.., several months, is
beginning to mend rapidly. -Miss Nel-
lie Zuefle left on Monday for Mel -
fort, r , Sask.; where she will live with
her, brother Earl. -Will Latta of Chis-
elhurst, who has been ailing for some
time, has suffered during the oast'
week from an attack of hemorrhage`
and his condition is causinggreat iety to his family and friends;�Geo.
McEwen was considerably better on
Monday, and .his chances ` of recovery
are good butt it will take considerable
time to reduce the growth, which is
the cause of the trouble. He is cheer
ful and always glad to see his friends.
-Percy. .Clark met with a painful ac-
cideni•w'hich will lay; him off regular`
work:for some weeks:- While crank-:
ing up Mr. Norman Cook's car the
engine back fired and the crank struck.
lets. wrist, . breaking the large • bane.
of the serious nature of the
accident, he went to Clinton and at-
tended the show, and while there felt
the -ends of the broken bone grind-.
ing together. On returning hone •he
had the wrist set and has since'suf•-.
fered considerable pain. "
Mrs. Julius Thiel is visiting her oar:•
encs in Kincardine. -Mr. Wm. Roehrig.
returned from the west last week.. -
-Mr. Elton Snell of Saginaw, Tisch,,
is spending a few weeks with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. John Snell,- Miss
Lue 11. z
Wurm who has been in Detroit
for the past few months, returned last
'Week. -:-,The semi-annual election 'of -
officers of the Y.P.A, of the Evangel-
ical church took place last Tuesday
evening, -Pres., Henry Pfile; lst. vice
Miss Ida Ortwein; 2nd vice, Miss P
Wurta 3rd vice, Miss Pearl Pfile; 4th
vice., Miss Donell Ruby; treas., Geo.
Hess organist,. Miss Lottie Galster;
assistant, Miss Gertie Hartleib; lib-
rarians, Earl Weido, Melvin Brown.
' key.'i1I
r. ,Couzens preached a viii''
and acceptable sermon in the Metho-
dist church' last Sunday , morning, tak-
ing for his topic, "The spirit of ep
preciation." A week from Sunday at
7 p.m. there will be delivered in the
same church a lantern picture ser-
mon, Next Sunday being Christmas
Sunday the choir will render special
Christmas music. -The W, M. S. met
at -the parsonage last Tuesday after-
noon. As this was the last meeting
of the year all business was wound
up. -The English and Methodist S. S.
are eensy preparing ,for their annual
Christmas entertainments. -The Canta-
ta, entitled "Who is Santa,” will be
given in the Methodist church Christ-
mas night. This will be a rare treat
and those having charge of the work
will appreciate a full house.--TheD'a'na "Old Homestead Farm" put
o0 by the Cromarty school in. the
Hall last Friday night was a decided
success. The Hall was crowded to
its utmost capacity, while a large num-
bers were unable to gain admittance.
Those in charge of the play ,feel ful-
ly repaid for their efforts. The pro-
ceeds amounted to $75.00. -Miss Mil-
ler of Chicago is visiting her aunt
Mrs. G. Butson.
J)eee Ix MATTER to you .that of all the
men, women and children who die each
year in Canada one in seven is a victim of
Dom IT MATTER that one in every three
of time is cut off in the full glow of life,
with plans and hopes and loves that must
be:gewei up?
Diiitp IT MATTER that a few persons have
joined Lands and within a few short years
bums seared thousands of these unhappy
one sod can save them all if only there is
a IA% more help and a little more money?
FeAsups it doesn't matter. It is all very
ieteeea6ing but it is no immediate concern
of yaws: ' ' '•
Ds? Woein Ir MA+irEa if instead of
enbck'soinebody else's home and carry-
ing off' their ' loved: ones, Consumption
canes•i*e your home and laid its hand on
the else fou love the best in all the world?
Wertz, IT MATTER then if you saw your
herder id wife, child or friend dying fur lack
of alibi. bit of the money some other fellow
was tlareiving away ? •
WOULD Ix MATTER when Christmas came
if there were nothing for you to do but sit
on the edge of thebed: and stroke the white
hand on the coverlet and realize that this
was the last Christmas ?
This is how much it matters in thousands
of homed in Canada this year and will con-
tinue to matter until enough people like yon
test the Barden and feel how crushing it is
It,noas matter -it is the most important
thing in the life of some unfortunate
sufferer -what you do with the attached
To hepp the Muskoka Free Pos.
pi.�tal./'orGonsumptives continue; its
1tf savinf work, I gladly enclose:
thke stsm of d. .
Name. .
600 will proVldo imaintenanoeP6r a wobk:
20.00 vein pee, fer four weeks ?' +t
250O.wi11 ti{tloW a irtid foie apear , y .'
4��t1eelAe,•ndedio,sficrNtz tater
one, Ishottld Wee Biker t scribe,
i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IYepister Mil *ante accent=
Contrttistttons fumy be sent to W. i 0a e, Fad„ df apatite*
Ave,, Toward, or to R. Minim. Soa.Tropr. atloa Saai•
tarluin atron,1tt7 tate Si. w., Eerolit*.
Provinaial'Goverfrfent Plana
form, Says Rumor,
Fur-licavhing Proposals For Dealnt
`With Fish Trust` Are 'Vitiated at
Legislative Buildings Licenses
May Be- Revoked and Indilstre
Carried on Cinder 'Direct,Control.
Of Government.
TORONTO, Dee. 16,—Asa result
of the speech made by Hon. W. J.
Hanna last week that the Provincial
Government might do some fishing on
its:.own account, suggestion is made
around the Parliament Buildings that
the Government might enter the fish-
ing business in pr'ovincial waters and
sell the product at cost in municipal
Inquiry in Government offices into
the irobabled• ells of such a
>P .,,elie't '
d the information that
this would be a death stroke•at- the,
operation of 'he fish 'trustin the pro-
vincial boundary waters, The most
of the fish caught by Ontario fishet
-nen are exported to U. S: markets,
andit is considered that the Govers-
inept bas as good a right to prohibit
the export of fish as the export of
'sawlogs. In that event the next step
would he to withdraw all coop nercial
Licenses, .and taus pa': as end to pre-,
'fate commercial exploltatfon• of the
ip.Ontario. •
T.tis erould'.make the Government
'he sole vendor o""fish. With the
view: of organt.rng the service from
Luc itandpointe of•.--",•,lenc-• only ex-
,oerienced'•.or "legitimate" fishermen
,vould be employed. Those 'who fish
whit. the game is profitable,, deplete
preserve and leave off wb >1. hick Is
or, without regard to the restock -
.1i; of the waters will have no part,
uld:will be forced to give up. With
4 is .co,ntrol of the fishing industry;
-Le scheme as outli_ ed provides for
ettipment to Municipal distributing
There Issaid to be'teeconstitufion:
?' difficulty in the province prohibit-
ing the export of ash.
While the consideration ,of the
Matter has not passed beyond a ten•
tative stage it is probable that it wil•
`appear in some form before the Leg
isJature when the House assembles i'3.
t New Year.
i iI a In Quebec Results "3n. n Loss of
About $80,000.
QUEBEC,; Dec. ;16.-A fire which
yesterday morning. destroyed a hon
And shoe factory,causing a loss or
about $80,000, and throwing 4:50
,hands out of employment, besides in-
iui;ieg a girl` and two firemen.
:dust as the employes in Tourigney
8c' Marois' boot and .hoe factory, at
th lcerner of Arago and. St. Voile]
streets, were about to sLr.rt work :or
the day, a fire vas discovered in the
stock room. An alarm was at once
e -era in, and on the arrival of the
first section ;of . tlee fire brigade two
other alarms . were given in quid'
Just after thn fire started, Miss
Cote, an employe, who was on the
fourth floor, in endeavoring to ieach
the street, was overcome ay smoke,
and would certainly have lost her life
hadnot a young man, Adolphe Du-
c'"aine, pushed his way up the stairs
and, brought her down saf •y.
Fireman 0. Fortin was also over-
come with smoke and had to be take
home. Fireman A. Ggidbout, while
working on a 1: dder, at the secon•1
storey, fell to the ground and broke
a thigh. He was sent to the Hotel
Dieu Hospital.
Manitoba May, Go In For Hydro -El ee-
• tric Development.
OTTAWA, Dec. 16. — The water
power branch of the Interior Depart-
ment has just completed a report on
the extensive water power potentiali-
ties of Manitoba based on the work
of a star of engineers who have been
engaged on the Investigation for the
past six months and closely surveyed
the streams In all parts. of the pro-
vince • The object of the report is fb
help the Governr'ent of Manitoba
decide whether it is wise for it to f
low Ontario in the working out or •i
big public ownership hydro..e] ec i r i
Mr. Justice Robson was•appointe:t
a commission to report on the whom
problem, and it was at his 'reques'
that the Interior Department sent ou•
its engineers to report on the quits;:
tion of available water"•power.
Bullet Through lie (hest.
WOODSTOCK, Dec. 16 Wuf
out with two companions Scott:, Vet •
was accidentally* shot through "the
chest over the left lung and nave lies
in the General Hospita, here, in a
somewhat serious condition. It ap
tears' that one of his .erapanions was
carrying`a revolyer, and in pulling it
out of his hip pocket it was discharg-
ed, th`'e bullet striking Pettit in th
chest. Unless complications sel"'➢>},
owing to the surgeons not being 'bible
to trace the bullet, the boy's eond`Ition
is satisfactory it present`"
To•Celebrate Centenatry
NIAGARA FALLS, rJ,ni, Deet 1,¢.—
Observance of the centenary, of the
Battle of Lundy's Lane' on July 24,
1914, was planned by,: the Niagara
Falls Historical Society at a meeting
last night. Nothing definite was de-
cided. Commemoration of the battle
'will take place on Drumlbiiond Hill,
the scene of the etrtiggie betr*een'%he
[American and the . British troops in^:
4814. 4 ri: .n4
{ 0.1sik i7 la ri,001Pt Foand,l,,z.A
j bt31 foo&at?' lis 'b is 1 i •-�ws:An
iroDlavegsel'4gat#nii q�iottitmktuA r4 •
geltlernabli'inlit og, an ista'nd in the
$orbs°Sea, la believed to be the Ger
man steamer "V"arvik from Lubeck,
The pilot's body has been found, but'
there is no trace of the crew of 80.
earkentit and stren
For those ills p$culiar'to women tor. Pierce
recommends his "Favorite Prescription" as
4. medicine prepared, by regulargraduated h sician of linos',linos',ural .experience in treating wortian'sditeases arefully adapted
to work in harmony with the most delicate feminine constitution.
AU medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction to cus.
tourers for the past 40 years. It is now obtainable in liquid Or
anger -coated tablet form at the drug- store -or send li0ona.cent
stat ps for a trial box, to Buffalo.
Te woman may write fully and confidentisllto r Pierce.
, fl y 73 . Pi aa,
Talkie a
slid Hotel and Surgical iwttitute Buffalo N. Y:, and ma be
sure that her case willxeceive careful, conscientious, eonedentiai
e9ludderation, and that experienced medical advice will be given
to her absolutely tree,
Dr, Piercer Pleasant B�elsp is regul is and invigorate stomach, lior;;
Grand bowels. SugarCiatei, tinygrtrritules easy'to take as candy.
,lights the eye while it instructs the;
mind eonCerning the picturesque ;do -
in of
an interesting restmb ands highly enter-
taining. world, Eachissue is literally
crowded with the highest quality of
photogravures, many of them worth
framing, ,11 is, the most popular
"Pick me up'.' : on the waiting room
tables of the, leading doctors of the
Dominion;. and `in .the big public lib-
raries it, is,',literally ""used-u:P" by the
many. who are'attracted by its .enter-
taining- and
entertaining•.and beautiful', pages It's, a
"love, at sight" publication ;and it'has.
departinqntal features of great inter„
est to the ..young woman and, • '.the
home maker. Of .it -=just ' to shote?
antmaiee praise •from among J;h'ous'
ands -the" Canadian High Commas ion-
er in , London -the Rt. Hon: 1Jord,
Stiathcona ` wrote, -"The Canadian
Pictorial rral is a publication whrclt .•if
may= bepermitted •to say. so, is acred
it to Canada." -(Signed) Strathcona.
On trial to new subscribers-Twe've
months for only 65, cents. The' Cali-
adian Pictorial" is published by '`The
ness Block; Montreal, Can. Try it
for a year. -
SCHOOL REPORT for S. S. No. 6,
Stephen: -IV. Class -I. Mawhinney,
V. Hanover. P. Regier, W. Hartman.
Sr. III. Class -E. Mawhinney, B. art -
man. Sr.' II. -J. Hanover. Jr. .14714E.
Hartman A. Hartman. Pt.
Neeb V. Mawhinney, E. Wild, F. Han
over. Pt. L -E. Keys. Primer -V..
Hartman, B. Wilds, M. Walker: At-
tendance -fain -M. Guinan, teacher.
The very best Christmas gift•:: you
can make yourself, your wife and alI
the members of your family is ayear's
subscription to that great paper The
Family Herald and Weekly Star ;," :of
Montreal. It costs only one dollar.and•
its visit: .each, week will make ,your'
household happier than ever before
No home in Canada should be without
that great paper during 1914 -Every*
issue is worth the money.
The Misses Godbolt and Speare of
Winchelsea spent part of Friday last
at S. A .Miller's and while here took
in the concert in the Staffa Hall. -
Rev, Mr McLaren of Shakespeare.
preached preparatory servicesin the
Presbyterian church on Friday last,-
Sacramental services were dispensed
with here Sunday last. -Miss Boyd ;of
Logan is visiting at Mr. A. Wright's
-Mr, E. Speare of Toronto, formerly
of Cromarty, was quietly married to
Miss F. Richards of the same lity
last Wednesday evening. -Dr. Mair of
of Hensen had a rather unique ex-
perience his
auto. Helaarasst pret lrningriday lifromt hStaffa
at a late hour and on the :12th con-
cession got mired in a mud hole, and
it was not without much hard labor
he got it out after getting the assis-
tance of Mr. F. Harburn and his ream.
The late Jas. Hickey was in pobr
health for over 12 years. He was
born in the township of Stanley, and
moved to Stephen, over forty years
ago when this concession was all birth
and did his part as. one, of the early
settlers in making this part of Ontario
the fertile spot it .is. Mr. Hickey
was recognized as 'a good citizen•and
a christian and- will`be greatly missed
by the peopidnif this vicinity as Well
as ine the family ,circle. He is sur-
vived by ,a .widow and two daughters
Misses Rona and Addie; Mrs, Robert
McClinchey is" a sister. •
Report of Hurondale public school
forflie,mo, the -of November and Dec_
ember' Marks give comparative
standing Sickness changed the pos-
ition bf some. Attendance 85 per
cent, of enrollment :-V. Class -Maggie l
Strang 1240, C' Harris 1211, 4th Sr -K.
Sanders '1722, E. Cann, 1592, M. Dou-
gall 1563 R, .Dick 1250. 4th Jr. -C,
Moir 869 I. Mitchell 859. Sr. 3rdee
L. Oke 1604, A, Dick 1380, R. Moir
1102. Jr, 3rd -•A, Strang 1835, G.
iDew 1409, T, Dougall 1219. 2nd Class
-P, Harris 965, H. Wood 880, E. Mil="
shell 719, E. Gttdmore .654, Pt. Z A,
Moir 861 C. Down 726, V, Dunn 718;
Pt. 1-J, Oke 620, M. Moir 599, G. Cud,
more 454.-J. M. Robertson, teacher;.
:,.From east to west during 1913 the
Canadian farmer, as a rule has nad a
good season tin producing with a keen
d" '' and for itis output. The "people
of"the ;farm home will, therefl e, not
haver are empty Christmas stocking
and one of 4•tb,e first things to, go into
it ,4s -the ;handsome .100 -page . annual ..
it etmas.: Number of The Farmer's
di n ate it HMagazine;" ,nd
Ontario, wlliehomethis year has sureloy set
its, st,andaid of articles relating to Dont
iuiam-wideAgriculture and- beauty
o;f..illustz'ations, the issue is a marvel
but quite in keeping: with the .caper
which stands in a distinct class- by it
ee1flaird is now'petering'1.4)on itsforty-
nipxh year .of: publication' with •wiry
promise of being more useful than
ever tot dts;:great and growing eon-
e r
eon -
Thee, ul.•
., , ipI t} lshers and editors ,, the
Fazhar's Advocate are to be coagiat-
elilatecafrpd apon their achievement, end
its .headers upon reading such a pub -
n, :
5 Usborne, Sr. TV Thelma Ford 73,
Maggie Moodie 72 Ferrol Higgins 64
Garnet McFalls 63, Harold Moir 58,.
ir;'•IV Albert Boulter 64, Roy Perkins
50 Ethel Kleinfeldt 46. Jr. III Arn-
old Ford 66, Laura Hicks 66, May Ford
64 Gorden Perkins 51, Charley Fisher
50. Amy Fisher 45, Oran Moir 44,•
Sr II": Violet Radcliffe 76, Russell
Radcliffe fe 75, Elmore Kieinfeld*_ ' 56
Tom Yellow 53 Jr. II George Moir 51,
:garnet Ford 47,
- ._.• Geo, Mawson Teacher
SPankiing does not cure chdld en.red
wetting. There is a constitutional cause
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any mother her successful home treat-
ment, with full instructions. 5 •ud no
money but write hes- too -day °f ymar
children -trouble you in thib way. Don't
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urinr difficulties by day ce• right
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the liver right up to nor-
mal all tits time -and •
that's why they are so effective
In cure of Stomach Disorders,
Fermentation, Indigestion, and
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, runners of biliousness. Try
:them: 23c. a bottle Druggists.
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