HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-18, Page 4;;.
Sendera 8e Creech, Proprietors
In advance $1.04 per year iqada
.State. 1f
$I.5t in United .s era paid
in advance 50e. extra per year; • may
be charged.
TaIiRSD.A.Y. DOD',.:
The last council meeting of the Year
'was heldin the Town Hall on 141onday
&omination meeting will` be 'held; on
Monday, the 200,.
There are rumors in the air` as to
the prospective Oa dates, 'wbat about.
Orediton putting up a man?
Don't forget the Xmas entet'ainwent
to be given in the Methodist Ohurch
next Monday night.
The cantata protnises to be a•, good
•ane and all should take advantage, of
this treat,
The Annual Xmas festivalof the
Evangelical Church will be held on
Xmas night. Save money for these
two enteral amen ts. You won't regret
John Lawson had the misfortune to
give his band a severe gash' arse day,
last week when cutting corn.
H. Eilber M. P. P. has i=etnrned
'from. Grand Bend H here he ane -Mich-
ael Beaver have been building his; sum
mer cottage, when it will he"riiinally
completed in the spring, it vellel a one
of the best at the lake. Og
Quarterly services will -beheld in
the Evangelical church neat'Saturday
and .Sunday. Rev. S. R;-Kneteliel,
Presiding Elder of Berlin will be -pies-
important ' yenta Which Have
Occurred Curina the •Week,
The :Busy World's Happenings Game,
. folly • eoluplled and Put Into
• Handy and Attractive. Shape 'fin
the headers of Our -Paper---A
Solid, Hour's Enjoyment.
W"":l)N l+.`SDAY.
„ Rine Alfonso and ,aueeu Victoria
of Spain arrived in Paris yesterday
for a few days' stay
With 2,000 union teamsters resum-
ing work yesterday for friendly em-
ployers,there was little evidence of a
strike called•a week ago in .Indiana-
'polis, Ind,
J. F. Singleton of "the Kingston
Dairy School bas been appointed to
look after the enforcement of the
'Federal laws in regard to the sale of
dairy products.
- Damage by the storm Sunday , ear
St. John, N.B., to the new wharf be-
ing built by Connolly and Charlesot•
at Sand Point will
a million dollars.
Milk producers of Berlin and vi
cinity have taken steps to fight tfi''
milk boycott, and it le rumored. than
*they may ship their milk to Torontr
by way of retaliation.:
Delivery of United States main by
aeroplane may oon be a part of the
:postal service, according to a state-
xtnent by Henry Woodhouse, a mem
her of. Vet Aero:,Club yesterday.
The ti dIeg 'oft fifty dead lie it
their •homes in Denver. Col., becaus-
undertakers 'cannot get ' ambutane«.•
Miss Granville of Gore. eBay Mani .through the snow to remove them. l•.
toulin Island is visiting her unete, FkIa r
s also impossible to reach the ,. c t a cemP
Alonza Hodgins, tax collector, was -1 The liner Zulla sank in 25 feet ce
a busy man this past weeks, Oar ».eo- ;-ater-in the Fast River, off R.
pie appear to leave off paying .ibeir :Hook Point, New.York, yesterday, at,
taxes until the last day. ',ter a steel shaft, weighing -seven:-
ons, bad pierced a big hole in 1 r
pearance on the streets the`tsastbottom.
motoringThe ds have been splendid' ` or` A consignment of 3,000 dozen eget.
Dr. Orme is having soxnec earth ' arrived in San Francisco from China.
drawaa on to. his premises :to finish The shipment was made • •om 'hang -
leveling his lawn meg• hal soon after news reached Le
We are pleased to state .time Mrs, orient that eggs were selling at 75
Fred. Eilber's health is rapidly.: im_ cents a dozen, in America„
proving since her recent attack of ill -
a squad of pollee surroundc ed the Chicago municipal lodging
•i,ouse at sunrise yesterday to prevent
any of the 600 "guests" from depart-
ing, in haste, physi• •ans vaccinated
.the lodgers t1 prevent a possible
spread of smallpox.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Willert and 11IIr.
Louis J. Willert visited their brother
Samuel at Niagara Falls, N.Y., aver
Mr and Mrs. Jacob Kraft of North
Dakota are holidaying at the ter:fie .of
Mr. Kraft's parents. r
Mr John Hall of London wazn,_sh +
village during the week.
ldr. Ernest Rader, who lives ,;about
two miles west of the village„,„"'wee
married on Tuesday to Miss )'•iab`exer.
of Zurich. We extend best aithes;
and congratulations.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Gee- ,se-;- of
Science Hill announce the engagement
of their daughter EssietnShlreeTleigh
Kirk of Kirkton, the marriage-totake
place on Christmas eve.
The funeral of the late Mrs.
Cunningham took place on Saturday.
to St James cemetery. She was' 40
nears of age and had beenill for,two
months She leaves a husband and
five children, three at home and &jice
and William of Stratford.-Mis feta
Bice has returned to Alma Cheigge,
-Harvey Shoff has returned ;froth a
visit in Toronto. -Mr. Elisus-
tained.a bruised face, thea esr.:tfiltvg of
being thrown out of a buggy glaenhis
horse became frightened ofeanh fit()
The members of St.Jamesr.-zrch
spent' a pleasant evening at,tl. e.e.itome
o' ' their rector, Rev. Wm. LOWeehe at
Lucan on Friday, the occeitti ,,being
the;r silver wedding anniversary ,ten
-address was tendered then)) tnd est' ad
enjoyable supper served, „ . • -x
The' death' occurred at. her
here on Monday . afternomakat
long illness, of Mrs. Wm. lett;
She was 65 years old and a ghter
of the late John Atkinson of Biddulph
Township. She was one of the :lost
widely , kno•tvlr'aa id -esteemed ="'mitts da
of the. district. Besides her band ro
ghee -leaves leaves .ale ,'" ;
s • s s lr .• i '
s tin ss,At- t
,-- i E. - b
,n of La
tan, Luca"and .
l4' n •
two b l
r ,her., .
forge of Londa sand Jams ., of yes
his ,Sask. The ',funeral vilttake pe
c on. Thursday. ,R :1 f ` the
1' i its DA Y.
Hon. George E. Foster will leave
on Christmas afternoon for London to
attend the meetings of the Imperial
Trade Commission.
Relph • Worthington, a chef, for-
merly of Toronto, was sentenced yes
teeday in Rochester to ten years in
prison for robbery.
'i Jacob Lebrer, a newsboy, ' of 62
Walton street, Toronto, was struck
'down by an automobile on Tuesday•
`evening and died yesterday,
" Over a special telephone line Presi-
-dent Wilson addressed the members
of the Chamber of Commerce at Ro-
chester, N.Y., at a banquet last night.
The funeral tock place yesterday
in St. Mary's, Ont., of Mrs. Agnes
Barbour, relict of the late Robert F.
Barbour, who died in her 91st year.
o7ernmen'; ownership of tele-
graph and telerhone lines through-
out the United • States is being ser-
iously considered by President Wil-
James Mowat, a Canadian customs
officer employed In the Pere Mar-
quette yards at Suspei:sion Brilge,
N.Y., was killed by an engine yes-
Col, Grey Carleton, the new com-
mandant of the Royal alilitary Col
lege, arrived in Ottawa yesterday
from England. He will take up his
duties at Kingston at once.
Following the proclamation for -
healing the importation of arms to
Ulster, all passengers' luggage was
searched at Belfast yesterday, but
nothing incriminating foun'.
The ten -year -ole: lad who has been
Missing from his home at Cross Lake,
near Kingston, since last Friday was
located at Kalader yesterday, several
miles away, where be had tramped to
,gee the sights.
The dredge Fundy and the tugs
Bartlett and Alice, which put into
Port Rope for shelter while e.i
route from Quebec to Fort Dalhousie,
started out again yesterday, but were
driven back by heavy weather.
Miss Frances Galbraith, the artist,
ughter of ex -Aid. Galbraith, of To
oto has
won two silver er -pedals at
e Royal Academy e
y d my in. London, Eng.
The Manitoba Legislatu,e opened
terday afternoon for what Is ex-•
cted to be the last session before
provincial election.
John 'Clarke Baynes died Wednes-
day night near Jordan In Louth
Township, ,on the homestead 'where
he was born 94 years and ten' months
.DavidEwart, chief Dominion archi-
tect, who has been for years in the
Caovernment service, will shortly La
retired on siiperannuetion at his Own
COI. Dr. Arthur Hoffman of St.
Call was yesterday elected President
or the swiss Confederation for 1914.
',lie ,is 56 years 'old and is a Radical -
The secretary of .the National Com-
tee of the Postal E niployes' Un -
s, stated yesterday there would be
strike at the postoffice during the
istmas Season.
be 'period of tenure of aploint-
t of Major J. C. Mason, D.S.D.,
brigade major of the Sixth lnfan-
.Brigade,. Toronto, is further ex-
iled to Dee. 3, 1914.
r. Lud K, Cameron, Ontario
reprinter, wa,s removel to the
eras hospital, Toronto, yesterday
awing a slight.patralytic stroke, lie
sfsd a good night and is ireprovth
oc a ,
is the
t eggs" ai ,
of •
Oaten women, led
d0 p ie ta'n
aniet3r»etect, Who •ye3terda
ii!ied'a of i*spaign against ciitid star-
e: eggs.
uistfee , Haggarty of Winnipeghas
GRAND BEND • : a ai;
Mr. Cyrus Green and ran, Iven; ret
turned last week from Lakes: rErie,
where they were fishing,-Mr..:`and
Mrs. Writ Oliver and Mrs. i:.Patterso;>;1
and Joe Oliver returned Wednesday?
from St. Thomas. -Mr. E." Disjaidine
returned from Lake Erie'elast• Weelii,
=Mr. G. Wilds lost a valuable cora.
last week;=The dates for the,, Xmas;
entertainments are -Methodist+, >egr;,
Presbyterians Dec. 23,-Mr,H ,del»crt
:a/canard has returned front - Alberta
and will visit his pand `°• eti
relatives for 'a few weeks s Mr;3; tri
Mrs. P. Baker were in ExeteTtiMendia
an business, -Mr, and Mrs, `j'oe Ravelle
returned from • New Ontario lastseye,e
g , try,
Miss Emma McPherson has returned , ._,-M
from the
•Iies i
xii his pa cotMst1ario i
visited Miss Zi1•ng isiiStnda
Mr and Mrs. VICES' were ms
Londonon Tuesday. -Mrs.•
Sr.,had the `sfo tne tet
wrist on. Saturday. -Mr. N e1ab"h1
las returned from t ewe t and,
visiting relatives here. -Mr., Jos,•ey;
hasgone t ` V'etoria l'os 'ta,
o i 1 1 lost
t ,s p n
far treatmen , His many friends
:for a speedy recovery,
been appoiote ch il"ins;,n eto the
IlVerl Co•.V t' .te Anvelitigate
the dispute be+, ,e er,ithe -G,'1`,P, and
:bout 8,000. of its ta;a,,,haulste and
boilermakers. , ,
• SAT ISItl)Ay,
George M. 'ox, reeve '6? Drayton,
was elected trersurer of Wellington
ccunty yesterday.
tt bas been decided to hold the
British Dominions Exhibition in the
Crystal Palace, London, in 1915.
Miss Nettie McCoy of 'Perouto was
drowned at Callender while enjoying
the first skating on Lake Nipissing,
The bye -election in York, N.B„
consequent upon the elevation of
O. S. Crockett to the bench, will prob-
ably take place on Jan. 7.
Trooper Mulley, the blind hero of
the South African , war, is now in
charge of the ne v Department of
Military history at the Royal Mili-
tary College, Kingston,
W. E. Youmans, one of the best-
known citizens of St. Thomas; promi-
nent in religious, fraternal Arid in-
surance activities, died • somewhat
suddenly at his hcrc( aged 72.
'Foreigners In the U.S. ha --e sent
through the malls alone"x5,409,00'
to the folks at home for Christmas,
according to figure: compiled 3 -ester -
day by the New. York postornce.
Little Alex. Hume, son of Principal
Hume of the Collegiate Institute, was
yesterday,presented with the medal
given by the British Empire League
for the best essay on the British
EmPlre. •
Cabled confirmation of the refusal
of the. (lpsta Rime Congress to ratify
the oils, 'concessions sought`; by the
British concern with'wl iCb Lord -Cow -
dray. is connec.ed - was received' in
London yesterday.. • - = • . '
-Henry C. Held of;Fastiervil'le,'cattle
buyer for a Cayuga.,firpi was instsint-
1y killed,. and two drotters'-se.iously
injured, in' a sea •-end collis`lon of the.
G.T.R. Montreal Express ` with a
freigbt train near Oshawa -Junction.
H. S. Holt, of Montreal, president
of the Royal Bank of Canada, as• in
the hospital, suffering from seariet.
Franc Media a Chicago garsee
owner, was killed almost ' instant-
ly Saturday by the explosion .of; a
50-gallbn ga'solina tank.
The Ayr town council will sign a
contract for Hydro at once. This was
the result of a meeting herd to test
the'feeling of-the.ro-:tepayars.
Hyman Graffe has been sworn in a
magistrate for Limerick `11e l'fithe
first member of the.Jewish'i:ommun-
ity to be appointed to 'he commission
in that city., hge
A rumor that Hon. John Costigan;
who has been,in poor healtiilfoiC'sbirie
time, was,in acritical condition, was'
denied in Ottani s. yesterdays His
health improves steadily
Former City' • Works Stiperfnten-
dent Tbomas Donovan, of Victoria,
B.C., was burned to. death Saturday
when a building at he waterworks
station at Elk Lake was destegyed by
fire. * S r
Sentinels at. Mayence a,,a:ny,
'have been' stoked and shot attt fors'ev-
eral. nights pas:, and have 'been 'or
by the military autiror'tie's' to
shoot down their assailants :if they
see them.
A bull got loose, 'and, aftergwan-
dering about the towif of Tarragona,
Spain, entered a church where; Mass
was in progress. Afte a. panicky few
minutes one of the worshippers shot
the animaI.
The tomb of the late Admiral Plan-
che at Poulon, France, has been bro-
ken into, and a necklace, valuid at
17 5,000, has been stolen. •The'neck-
lace was burie- with the body of
Madame Planche.
The "Salome" company went o't
the rock at Hamil:cn after the per-
formance at the Grand on Saturday.
Martin J. Sutton, head of the fam-
ous seed firm of Reeding, Eng., is
dead; aged 63. He was one of the
best known agriculturists in Englan-i
and France.
Jonas Howe, a • prominent citizen
of St. John, N.B., and for many years
a member of the furniture manufac-
turing firm of. J. & J. D. Howe, .died
yesterday; aged 74.
Four persons were killed arid: 34
injured by the crushing of a passe'n
ger train in a tunnel wbieb collapsed
during a slight earthquake, near
Chemnitz, Germany.
The steamer Cristotal left. New
York yesterday, heavily , loaded .with
the first of the big guns to be. sent
to. the Isthmus for the fortification
of the Panama Canal.
Devere Hall, described as a law-
yer, of Detroit, Mich., either heaped
pr fell, ten, sitoreys. to his death -from
a : raorn :in .the . Hotel Marie .Antoin-
ette, New York,•
es terday. w•
Ernest Tribelhorn, president of a
Near York real estate concern;, was
'fined $5Q0 and sentenced to 25 days
.in jail yesterday for re-iting an apart-
ment which he knew, was to be used
as a disreputable 'resort.
Another Black Hand Vic'tlin.
PITTSBURG, Pa., Dec. 16. -Frank
A.' Elzaro died in the hospital at
Bradford, Pa., early yesterday,,atioth-
er vtetir , the police declare, tit the
Black Hand feud that has waged in
the slrbrb for almost a year. The
shooting occurred withL a hw feet
of the latest Black Hand murder
three months ago. The gunman, like
his predecessor, escaped.
Hone. To Make Prairies "Dry:.
CALGARY, Dec. 16. --The Cil a
g rY
Ministerial Association held' a meet-
ing yesterday behind elosid doors, at
which it was deci.led to start the
fight for the aboli'•ion of ti a bar le
the three prairie rrovince'. :4 • eolith
tnittee on correspondence was ap
pointed to endeavor to secure the cos
operation of .the temperance -workers;
of Mattit9bn and ',S
'I• :aIi. .x,,w
.•e>xling Cattle`ariDei .
GODER1CH, Dec. i6. ,,The funeral
ook lace yesterday sterda of
P Y Y a
.1 John
Andre*is lib' di
e& de
d of"te
iit'ru 'yestx,a i£lh hylt i" 4' '11iti et►i. r fie ga
itittlw rf44).`lyrrC'6 J a
flag f fl
7le fn
d g' eat'fle
angers in ' Western Ontario 'arid•: as a',
citizen,warl held in high eailteeni,,' Tia
's survived by >s wife and two chil-
.: ren.
ICIPPEN.-a t, et t wedding toolk'
place at thbh hi iaSe, Kippen, when,
Kiss Eleanor Hood, eldest daughter of
Jos, Hood, was un4t4 IA znarriage to
>?etet, *Kenzie of Tuckersmith, by
tht''Rev, gr.,.'RitAiartdson. The happy
couple took the noon train at Seaforth
for Paris and Toronto, where they
spent their honeymoon.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot roach the diseae•
ad portion of the ear, Thera is .only ono way to cure
deafness, end that is by oenstitutionai remedies
Deaf{aessla caused by an inflamed Condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube la inflamed you have a rumbling sound or in.
perfect hearing; and when it is entirelycloaed, Deaf
nests the result;, and unless theinflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normatoondi.
tion,,hearing will be destroyed forever; nate cases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the muooussurfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured
bYH'all's (Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
F, J, CHENEY & Co., Toledo 0,
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation
Baron Count
Business Men's
,PAI'ER "NO. 7
In our last ,paper .we gave,'some' of
our views against ,.prphibitign ' from
what we called •a selfish standpoint;
because they were our objections, in
so far as prohibition affected our per-
sonal liberty. This week, we will en-
deavor to show some of the harm that
prohibition. produces. '
In the first place, prohibition pro-
duces a contempt for. law. No man,
worthy of thename- of man, will per-
mit an association composed of what
he considers ignorant, misguided, fa-
natical people, to dictate to him
what he is to eat or drink. Human
nature is :.naturally adverse to it And
you cannot change human nature to
fit in with any sumptuary law you
may wish to put on. the statute book.
The Iate Dean Farrar, a man greatly
beloved and admired by all who knew
him, was a total abstainer, as an ex-
ample to his weaker brother, But he
never would support prahibitory leg-
islation of any kind, because, as he
put it, thereis something, an indefin-
able something, in human' nature, that
the forbidding of a thing may, and
very frequently does, produce an ap-
petite for the very thing forbidden,
that may have never before existed.
We purpose to write somewhat terse-
ly and confine ourselves to state-
ment of facts, so we will not elabor-
ate on this point. Argument may be
met with argument, and ,supposition
with suppositious, but 'facts' are incon-
trovertible. And we submit that this
feature of prohibition is an incontro-
vertible fact.
We object to prohibition, because
lowers the standard of character where
men come into contact with it. "-As
we quoted previously from Sir Rich-
ard Cartwright, who wrote deliberate-
ly, that "not a few of the greatest
scoundrels I have known, and my ex-
perience has been extensive, have been
very ardent temperance advocates."
Why this should be is not hard to
seek. Prohibition. of alcoholic bever-
ages is unnatural, unscriptural and
therefore its influence cannot be good
It 'turns men into sneaks,'hypocrites.
liars and even perjurers.. Many would
be surprised if they were told it even
acts injuriously on the purity of the
life. We will furnish statistics, at a
later date to prove this. Excess in
drinking is not the only sin men and
women commit although to listen to
some sermons, one would be tempted,
to think so.,
We object to prohibition, •of the
kind the Scott Act would introduce
in the County, of Huron, because itis
so manifestedly unfair. Why in Can-
ada should we have class legislation?
Why should we have a law that af-
fects the poor man, and does not af-
fect .the rich, ,nort even the moderate -
iv well-to-do? • This injustice alone
?should cause every=poormangy to vote
against it. one would think. Why
should Smith, because by accident, he
has money enough to buy a case od
whiskey, have all he: wants to drink,
and Jones because he by acciderigcan
only; afford to 'buy aglass ata tkue,
'de 'deprived' oft
bert i ? Does the
sion. of the means render Smith a per-
son more worthy of trust ,than Jones,
does" it render Smith less likely .. to
abuse the ' use of whiskey, than •jiones,
or does the possession of .moaey,,,ren.
der him one w,,ose wishes lust,: be'
Consi red? a ,state.fact,,:R►hen
we brand the:Scott•_,Act 44,., this, re-
gard, a,s in •infamy, .and, an,insult to all
those who do. not happen tta possess
a certain amount of, money. If• it is
wrong for Jones to buy arglass,.it.is
14 titres more wrong -.•for Smith to
buy a bottle; an the-,assamption:. that
one,,bettle equals 14, drinks. .
We object to prohibition under the
guise of Scott Act, because it •irives
dr':inking alcoholic beverages.out of the
hotel into the hbme. There's no get-,
ting out, of it. This again in an in-
controvertible fact. It removes the
drinking £ront, the hotel to the home,
One would think that all those dean
people who are shouting "Save the
boy" would shrink with horror from
the bare idea of doing anything that
'would introduce, IN ANY DEGREE,
drinking in thehome, where the boys
and the girls are supposed to 'ive.
A marc, can go, into a hotel and drink.
and his children never see it or know
bif. But bow long.will it be before
bth boys and `:girls know he drinks
it in the house, and possibly sample.
t e
f es
o.t s v i i b lie's
1. d in tile"
il! m e1 4F tr
pI .
hjime And kept t,willi be; '...as.' 'lure'
the stun shifiei:"For; °dYili nolec'¢n-,+ sy.a..4l ,ti b & fit g t5 xtl a hv1itr. 1 §al0' ric' ' ' .. .Oig z ,ri,.i and
, sd .d es_ the 'Mafia
ufacture': and naturally the cgnsutiipa
aye of eCtrituoous drink increase, , .•
We object to prohibition on the
SIR EDMUNp WALICER,•C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., President
•Veneral manager Assistant General Manages*
CAPITA." $15,00.0,000 • REST, $12,500,010
IntQrest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account ' Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons,
withdrawals to be made by any of them or by the survivor. as
EXETER BRANCH -G. L. WAUGH,, Manager. Branch, also at Creditor
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital df: Reserve
CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT .4... ,.:.,..,„s .....
TRAVELLERS . CHEQUES,..., r . • , ,• Issued
et -
BANK MONEY ORDERS .. , . . , ...
A ill
at al Branches. Interest &'flowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter,fnrtbe 15•pminion Government
DICKSON •& CAMEO, Solicitors N. D.. HURDON . Manager,'::
ground of the absolute folly of at;
tempting to prohibit the use ' of what
the law ,sanctions, the . manufacture,
sale and importation. ; of. 1? ;one Daus=
es to deliberate upon' thus ; phiase of
the Scott Act, it is almost incont:eiv.
able, Here .is an article, perfectly
harmless, perfectly good, the '•fIse .cit
which is actually enjoined .in holy
Scripture, which for practicalIY aU
time has been, used by the good c;e.
every clime, the manufacture;` the sale'
the importation and the ase -of ahicl"s
is still sanctioned by the .laws of tries.
country; and ..it, is proposed io for-
bid its us& by a portion of the :0m-
munity. by another portion,.% One can-
not conceive a more grotesque ab-
surdity in: legislation. If we all, er.the
very large majority, think alcoholic
beverages are bad -then stop the man-
ufacture; stop the l,mportatione stop
the sale' in eyery;„yvay. Do as - the
Chinese have done to opium. But let
us act rationally, let us not act as
fools but as wise men.
One more incontrovertible fact, - in
the words of one far abler-
z'Regulation of appetite is beyond
statute law. The appetites have their
place and function; but their regu-
lation must be determined by the in-
ner sense of moral responsibility."
John Ransford, W. Jackson,
President. Secretary.
Public Notice is hereby given's that
a meeting of the electors of the Vil-
lage of Exeter will be held. in : the
DEC .29, 1913, at 12 o'clock, ,-noon,,
for the ,purpose of making and,receiv-
Ing nominations for Reeve, Councillors
and School Trustees for the ensuing
Year; and further notice is hereby giv-
en. that an the event of more candida-
tes being proposed for the offices
than required to be elected,.. the meet-
ing will be adjourned until Monday,
Jan 5th, 1914, when polls will ,e op-
ened at 9 a. m., closing at 5'p, to
at the follottam,g places as fixed by
Village By-law, viz ,
haNat l- Siilaa,,,%Iaudford's Residence,
Er Treble, • D R -O.; Sid. Davis, Poll
.No;.2 ity,n Hall, Wel .pngton ' o `E
D.: R.O Tia o d Bisse ft,, Poll Clerk.
Ntit;3-Mrs, Mitchell's Office, H. E.
Hits* D. R. 0.; Percy. Gillies, Poll
No. 4 -North End Fire Hall, Alex.
McPherson D. R. 0.; Fred Wityver
Poll Clerk.
And all electors are hereby request-
ed to take notice and govern :them-
selves accordingly.
T B. Carling, Returning Officer
Have You
made provision for, . employment
during. the Fall and Winter mon-
ths or do you wish steady, re-
munerative work the year through
Write us and secure our Agent's
terms. We offer the best in the
'business: Pay weekly, free outfit
exclusive territory.
Over 600 Acres
under cultivation. Established ov-
er 35 years. A reputation for
.high grade stock and fair rleaI-
ing. A. salesman can make mon-
ey selling for us. We want an.
energetic reliable ,man for Exeter
and vicinity. For terms write
• .Toronto, "Ont.'
N.B.--Free o catalogue
b n request
The undersigned is ()Tiering for scale
Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con-
taining 100 acres of good land. There
Is on the premises a. good frame house
with stone cellar; barnk barn with ce-
ment flocks ; 3 goodwells, and a
small' orchasd4 This is a good grain
or grass farm, or w'owld make a good
stock farm. Situated two miles from
Exeter; phone in, house. Will be sold
reaao,oablie, For particulars apply on
the premises, or write the undersigned;
Fred Green, Hay, or' B. S. Phillips',
The undersigned is offering for sale
Lot 7, Can, 2, Stephen, containing 100
acres There is an the premises new
brick house, bank barn, and other out
buildings; young orchard, about 18
acres bush ,balance under cultivation
This is one of the best farms in the
township and will be sold at a reas-
onable price; located within :1%_ miles
from Centralia and school is on .game
farm For particulars -'apply .an the
premises, or by mail to 5.. R. Neil
Centralia Ont,
Auction Sale -
:Consisting. of parlor, dining's' room
furniture, and kitchen u iltYtntF
re on FRIDAY
sDEC. 19th, at 1 o'clock -p.m., an. An-
drew street., Terms cash.
Mrs. Munroe, B.
Proprietress Auctioneer.
Public Notice is hereby given that
a Meetiug ,of the Electors of the
Township of Usborne will be held 'in
MONDAY, DEC. 29, 1913, at the'hour
ane o'clock -in the afternoon`. for
the purpose of making and receiving
The annual meeting for ngmittatiofl Nominations for Reeve and Coucilmen of; candidates for offices of Reeve n further notice is hereby given
for the Municipal Council of the e A bedinfit infor any particular of
' the event
eent of inose Candidates
Deputy -Reeve and three Couttcilloz..g '
Township ,of McGillivray, for the .;:n_ t:ce than required to .be elected, the
suing year, will be held in the Town proceedings will be 'adjourned until
Hall, West McGillivray, on Monday,Monday January 5th, 1914, when „polls
Dec.: 29 .will be opened. at 9 a,m. at the; fol -
1913, at 12 o'clock zooh.
Polls if required will be Opened on
By-lowiatg places as fixed by Township
Monday, the 5th day of January, 1914• B wives, vices
at 9 o'clock a m. and continue1 t ewnship Hall, Elimville,
until Frank Coates, D,R,O.,; Geo, Kellett .
til 5 o'clock p, M. arid no longer, in poll. Clerk:'
the • several .polling sub -divisions of Div. 2,, '
the said Townshi as Geo. Cornan, s House. Lot 6
Morgan's House ' follows :-Nor 1 N,T R,1=lallie rk, vn D.It.O. Dan
g . lot 12, cc n. 3, ,rats, Dew P ' '
Neil, Jr„ D. Rs 0r; No:, 2, C i , oll Clerk,
t , } going Dsv 3, ,",,li', Penwarde,n's house L 1
ha ,*; House, Lot 15, ;con, 11,A, Cun- S half• •3
an • on 0
n ham •.f, 1 Hu b F3err, Di:
I. , Nrp 3, P1ijerc s !`. <t?as1mn-n Po clerk.
House, Lot 15, cogs. IL es ;.Pierce' , ; l C
i D
,. 4 Zsu
D R• , blic Hall,u i
O• ,Far ha
,4 Caq
me a
r ns
h o
re ,Frau tt Hod .
ert s
l3ouseci, >RO Bert I n
8,i2 ,
S. ,
Robinson,obinso s
R .:
Poll 1
1 Clerk. t
No 5,r + • r
Town own f
, Hal
J. D
, J r m
nh > s .rf s a.
`nd•all elec°'t fsY site "hereby re 'est»
1p), r1:t'' 0 ; No.. 6; Taylor's School, Sen,, ed to take i.. T o k notice 'and er tlietn-
h s ..Mclrinis, D. R. ( . • No. 7 nc n .goy n
Nichol t House, Lat 8. 22nd Coneselves accordingly.
drew C,rueveir D. R. O,liRANCIS i1TO:RLE (,.
Returning Officer,
Graaton Rural Route, Dec. 15, '13