Exeter Advocate, 1913-10-11, Page 57 mare DENT A,L 'p, B 7,ARLI,NG . Lite, Irire, AecidvuG rand •l?late Gieseir. Tout 13'�C►S4, Li ti i .t0,s, Ineurenee, Collecting account 1. 044 con- n xis tit T I f3 T dugong attcrtian, sales. �.. Exetcr,' Ont. MIVnl er at tbp IG.C, ►.S, et Ontario aril feo or Graduate of Toronto Univer tty'. tics -oxer Dickson & Colleg's law offlee Closed Wednerldtty afternoons, D L A. l' t. KINSMAN, D,Iit.iS., D,D,SA, Iionor Graduate or Toronto University .. DENIST Teeth exeeacted 'without pain, or any bad effects., ()item over Madmen & 8tenleary's :Orrice, Mahn Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICIC,SON & CAftLING,BARRISTERS, Solidteee, Notaries, Conveyancers, Corn- misesoners. Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, ete, money to Loan at lowest rates of intoreet Otficeo-Madn-St., Exeter I. R. Carling, B.A,. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN V e have a 1arr5a amount ai private funds to loan on ta+nmand vf;llage prop- erties at low rate' of totereett. GLAb111AN & StrAt4BURT Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter. T. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fee Insurance °{n lead- ing Canadian and British Comp>an.Ies. ela'.m-St., Exeter. College At I Home Thousands of ambitious young peg., ple are fast preparing in their own hones to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil t•ervatita, in foes every sphere of Business Activities You miyfinish at college if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Fater college any day. Individual instruction. Expert tea. tilers. Thirty years, exeerence. Largest trainers In Canada, Seven colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President PrinciPe tSYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH TH BEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the sole head of a. family or array male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section of avai.iable Dominus land &i Man'itoba Saekat'chewsn or Alberta. The ap- plicant anus!. aispear in person at the Dominion Landis Lgeney or Sub- agency foe talks district. Fjiittry by pro- xy made be .lade at any agetn.cy, on certain conldit ion& by father, mother , song daughter,, brother or sister set in- tending liotmelateader, Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A. homesteader may live within mine metes od hie homestead on a terra of at iera;eit 80 acrtes soitely owned and oecur1ed by hien or by his father,rnother, son daughter, brother or ,s1ster. In certain districts a homesteader Lai good standing may pre-empt a quart erisectioti 'along side his homestead. Price: x3,00 ; per acre. Duties -Must reside upon the tome. stead or pre-emption sir months in each of eeix years from date of home- stead entry (including the time re- quired tio earn liohne,ste,nd patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has eshaus.ted. hie homestead right atnd cainnot obtain p. preeemPtion may enter for a pure chased homestead in certain disti etre Price $3.130 per acre. Duties- Must reside six menthe lin each of these years., duleevate fluty - acres and erece. ahouse vear,th $800. .: W. V7. CO]tY, Deputy of the M$ritater of the Interior' N.B:--Dnauttbertzed publication of this advertisement will not ,be peed for. HURONDALE (Too lute for last week) Rev Mr, and Mrs, Hicks, I3ensall' Mr. and Mrs, Rich; Delbridge, Exet- er, anti Mr. and Mrs, Blatchford were visiting with Mr. tend Mrs. W. H. Wood on Friday ` last,'. -Municipal of- ficers are very quiet in this township so far The present council are giv- ing good satisfaction. Mr, ,Arthur Mitchell is our worthy representative here. -A number from this vicinity at- tended the sale of John Welsh, Lon- don Road, on Wednesday. -The rural mail delivery in this locality is highly satisfactory. The system is an excel- lent one, -The mild weather is much enjoyed by all. Protect ..the Heart From Rheumatism RHEUMA PURIFIES THE BLOOD AND THROWS OFF COMPLI- CATING DISEASES Weakening of the blood tissues by continued attacks of Rheumatism af- fects the heart and produces compli- cations which result fatally. RHEUMA puts the ,blood in condition' to ward off other diseases and eradicates the Rheumatic conditions from the whole system Recommended for all forms of Rheumatism. 50 cents at W S. Cole's. This letter will convince you of its great value, - "For nine weeks. I was unable to work owing to my feet • being badly swollen from Rheumatism, I also suf- fered severe pains in the back. .fter using two bottles 'of RHEUMA the Rheumatism has entirely left me." - F H. Morris, Fort Erie, Ont. WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 5 LLtOTT Toronto Ont, Gives its students the best business education and assists them to secure positions when com- peteeift Write to -day for our large catalogue. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y, M. G. A. BLDG. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any tirne. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 17 Vice -Principal Every Woman is interested and should knout o t thewonderful- ab n Marvel Whirling Sway Douche ask your druggist for IC, It ho cannot supply the MARVEL," accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book—sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. WINDSOR S UPPLX CO., Wlndsor.Ont General Agents for Canada. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's best Business training school We have thorough coursesin Commercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy departments and nine compet- ent instructors. We offer you ad- vantages not offered elsewhere, You do not know what an up-to-date bus-. iness school can do for you unless you have received our free catalogue Write for it at once. . D A. McLACHLA.N, Principal, Litier Carriers Make the 'machinery do the heavy work, and always get the best. NiCre handle the very best. Implements M anure Spreaders Steel Stalls and Stanchions Nothing Better and nothing cite . so good. tnptem eut A 'ent', Snell Exeter, Ontario No immigrants will be admitted to Canada this winter unless they pos- sess $50. An announcement has been ..received to the effect by the agents. of the Immigration Department in which a restriction of the Immigra- tion Act is , thus made between now and March 1. 1ti these days of sanitation we fre- quently change our washing apparel - excepting perhaps the corset. A. cleaner charges .half -a -dollar. Wash il at home this : way and, it will keep its shape; will • not rust and is clean, Soak the corset five minutes in a hot suds, using white and rtaptha soaps and borax. Spread on the washboard upper side down and brush clean with a small brush using -downward strokes only Change suds when necessary, rinse in clear, hot water, pull in shape and dry in hot sun, When once worn the corset adjusts itself to the form. CORBETT The home of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel McGregor south of Corbett, was the scene of a happy event on Thursday. Nov. 27 wizen their second daughter eanet e t and Mr,Hobart Grow J t of Detroit were united in marriage. The. ceremony which was performed by Rev S. A. Corriere and witnessed by the immediate family and friends took place int the parlor. The bride look- ed lovele, attired in pink silk crepe. while her sister Grace who was maid of honor , was dressed in white bro- caded silk. The groom was assisted by his brother Russell of Detroit. Next came the festivities ofthe table which were enjoyed by all. l'he newly married couple left on the even ing train for Chicago and other points before settling down in their home in Detroit. The bride was the recip- ient of several showers • � from her e girl friends before leaving for hex- new home. ZURICH The Misses Maggie and Lydia' 'Zim- merman, Bronson Line, left for Seb- ringville and Tavistock on a visitat their sisters'. -J Preeter was greatly surprised on his birthday recently when the employes of his store :ame to the house in the evening and pre- sented him with a Morris chair. -Mr. Archibald the present principal of our school has resigned and intends going to university. The trustees are fortunate in securing a worthy suc- cessor in George Howard of Blake. His duties to commence on. January 5. Mr. Howard has been at Blake for 15 -years. ARE YOU • VERY BUSY ? Every little while you read in the papers that so many persons have died from Con- sumption. It is all very far-off and matter of fact and possibly it scarcely arrests your atoll. tion. • Do you ever .realize that eachone of those "cases" -mere items in an official record -is a black tragedy to somebody, that behind each one of them lies long, hopeless days of pain, feverish nights of despair, lifetime plans that must be laid away, grinding poverty, perhaps a wife to fight her own way afterwards or children who know hunger now that the father is gone. Just suppose it were _your tragedy. Suppose it were your father, your mother, your brother, sister, husband, 'wife, your child, or perhaps your sweetheart, and you with the hospital doors shut in your face, wringing your bands in utter helplessness while the crowds hurry by, engrossed in theirwn affairs. s. But no! You are in that crowd and you don't hear either because you are busy. But wouldn't you give -and gladly -if you knew that what meant so little to you would go far to bring back the glow to somebody's wan face or the laughter to somebody's lips? .lust sit down and think of the one you love best in the world. Then;say "If .she lay there--" or "If he lay there—" and see how it sounds: What would be. come of all your plans and your busy days then? ' For eleven years now the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has cared for those whom others love best, and hundreds of them have gone home again well and happy. It keeps its doors open because a few busy people like you stop for amoment and remember. Are you going to remember this Christ- mas ? hrist-mas'? Don't put it off. Use the attached form in sending your contribution. To help the nlatskoka .i+5•ee Hos- pa'talfor Consumptives continue its life-saving work, X gladly enclose the attni of. Name • dddress $ 5.00 will provide maintenance for s week, $ 20.00 will pay for four weeks. $,50.00 will endow a bed for a year. SOW6 the need is such a permanent ELP oris, 2 -should also like to subscribe Register my name accord- inalt►. 0nntrttnnUeq,,,s may be sent to W. J. page, Esq., 84 Spasms ,lye-, Traobto or to it. !Molar, Sec. Treasa. t,atienal Sant. totha u As seintlen, an Sing St, W„ Toronto, - - Taking 'on..the Pilot Our ,oiasaifOd,r ant:Ad•1 wlfl otic# .thelehliktot.bU$ltloee iie,the Bore hapbdycoMHArplorot•e- . pony a,4• 1Wiw ct the 1MrWoof, oto If M thinlitori ti i hein t p�",� t 4hi ,) fellY;ih, tereit,°' s'�IeM Biu It ua i>td bUa Aar• ' b ;**eing Orgasmic wont Adri.; art•• o1La&veirr.' c„nN,wca,ri+wF,oxe - Crediton Three weeks from to -day we =limp celebrate Christmas. Our .merchants are beginning to bring outtheir heli - day goods. They believe in .the 70th. century golden rule, "Shop early and often;' Messrs, Sam'.l Brown, Fred Heist and Mose Feist shade a business trip to London Monday, , The shrill cry of the dying hog is heard everywhere ,these flays, The tall of snow has made it splendid tat the butchering. lVlrs. Fred Eilber was taken ill on', Saturday night, but is improving, and we hope will. soon be able to '•esume. her household duties. Miss Laura Hoist wasresented with a kitchen shower at thehomeof Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Haist last Friday ev- ening by her girl friends. A very en- joyable time was spent by all. Invi- tations are out announcing the mar- riage of Miss 1-Taist to Mr. Ernest Gaiser to take place next Wednesday the 17th inst. Rev J A. Schmitt of Berlin ;;pent a fete ' days in town the past week. He occupied the pulpit in the Evan- gelical Cturc h last Sunday morning g aril preached an excellent sermon. ivir. Gottfreid Gainer has returned home from Bright, •where he has been working for some time. Little Morris Beaver, son Of, Mr. and Mrs Henry Beaver, was painfully burnt one day last week. A pail of boiling soap had been left on the floor. when the little fellow and his smaller sister were playing and in some way he stumbled and fell in the, pail, Although the injuries are very painful he is doing well. Centralia .Mr. and .Airs. Marshall of Blyth spent last week the guests of their daugh- ter, Mrs. Gena Hicks. Mr . John Granger returned to the Village on Monday after spending two weeks with his niece near Granton. Mrs, Essery arrived back from the hospital en London Saturday and will remain for some time with, her sis- ter, Mrs. S. Davis. Mr, Essery has been with her for the. last five weeks and left for his home near Crystal City. on Tuesday morning. • Mr. H. Wilson, is at Goderich this week acting in the capacity of juror, lir B. Hicks shipped two carload of cattle from. here on Friday last for the Christmas Trade. They were the finest' bunch of cattle 'that has ever left here and the farmers deserve much credit for the good class of stock that is being raised and fed in this locality. The report came back that Mr. Hicks won second prize on his carload. Several from the vicinity are at- tending the fat stock show at Guelph this week. The Sunday Schoo is making prep- arations for their annual anniversary services to be held on Dec. 21 & 23. Mr F. Hicks sold a very fine young horsee",to Jas. Norris of Staffa, the price being 250.,00. The .Needham Bros, are holding an- other sale of cattle here Saturday. Mr Sant Essery of London is spend. ing a few days visiting relatives here and at Crediton. Mr: •Wilson Anderson hasleased the Essery farm, half mile north of the, village and held a large ,plowing bee on Friday and Saturday last. Rev S Salton of Leamington form- erly of Centralia, has received the sad tidings of the death of his only sis- ter i,n West Hartlespool, Durham county England. She was a life-long workerin the Wesleyan church, and will be greatly missed. She leaves a husband four children and three brothers. HARPLEY. Messrs, Robert and John Hickey of Fairgronre, Mich,., are visiting relatives and Merida here. They also attend-' ed the funeral of their late brother James Hickey. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webb spent the latter part of last week- with relatives. in Thedford. -- Indian Summer has bid farewell and has sent Winter in its place.- Miss Eva Woods, teacher; spent Saturday with friends dear Dashwood.-Mr.and• Mrs Andrew Love of Hillsgreen are spending a few days in our neighbor- hood with. relatives. -Miss Ethel and Master Russell Baynham are staying at the home of Mr. Robert Besterd for a few days. -Mr. Almer Hayter and bride returned home on Friday after spending their honeymoon in Detroit. We .wish them the best of success>-eMIr. Dolph- Allen moved his, family and household effects Tues- day ,to Mr. John Luther's house on tite Lake Road, lately occupied by Mr. Archie Webb. Mr, Disjardine in- tends moving into the house which Mr. Allen occupied, -Miss Muriel Fal - lis spent the week end, at hone. SUNDAY SCHOOL A•TTE+NDAivt:E. Between 1905 and 1911 the Sunday;. School enrollment of North America increased 25 per cent, ; from, twelve to fifteen ,million. This does not in- clude officers and teachers, The sec- ret of the increase is largely found in the Organized Adult Bible Class 'Movement, During the past Lour years several visitations from house; to house have been conducted in the larger., cities, the purnose being to ascertain let-. iri Lely . the conditions regarding the attitude of the people to the church, Marc. than 22 million people have waitedupon, questioned asto their relationship, and invited in the . name of the ` eo-operatit`tg. 'churches to at - teed the church of their choice. The Sunday School is no longer a women and girls' affair, From Hutch- inson ,Kansas, conies a unique report of a Sunday Schoo1.with an enroll- meet of 1400. It ^has more grown -tsps than children ;mareadults in avenin attendance than children, more men and boys do regular ..attendance than woolen and ,girls. Ill Howard Park Methodist SteidaY School, 'I'bronto,"an Nov. 23rd, there we're .342" men `and boys 41.0 316 wonien and girls. This is a'ro'gttldr trecurretwce. Ala Mr, Wm. Digitin has re -opened his blacksmith shop in Lues., is Will "fihat E'ttds R�+�cll AWN:with dgsperwis coulee nerrouenesse eleeplcs nes.e and gen. exatili `health. 1Ybr, 'Nouse a (Reordered etpm•ch does not p..,,qt'Mii t the food to b e eseienleted sad carried to the blood, Os the otherhead, the blood ie oherged with poison* which come frons this disordered:. digestion, in turn, tlra Morrie We slat fed on; ,good, red blood ind we see those symptoms overtone breakdown. itis not bead work that does it, but poor atoroech work. With poor thin blood the body ie Dat protected against the attack of gerixte1 of gtip4-bronchitis cop$urnp'+, tem. fortify the Agile now wit PIERVE'S emeemsfeeseesewlellewse Golden Medical Discovery an alterative extract fromnative medicinal plants, prescribed in aoth Ilauid and tablet beanie, Dr. ft. V. Pierce, over 40 years ago. More than 40 years of experience hat proven. its superior worth as an In. vigorating stomaoh tonic and blood pnritier. It invigorates and regulates the etomach,'liver and bowels. and through them, the whole system. It can now also be bad in sugar-coated tablet form of most dealers in medicine: If not, seed 50 cents in one -cent stamps. for trial box to Dr, Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, B $talo, N.X. The Common Sense Medical Adviser.... IS A BOON; OF 1008 PAGES HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLO 'H -TREATS PHYSIOLOGY H GIEN , AI�iA�'OMY, MEDICINE AND IS A COIN• 9LETE. NOME PHYSICIAN. IAN. Senttd 50 ono -cent stamps to R.V. Pierce, Euftalo, PX. Y GREENWAY Mrs, Edwards left recently to spend d the winter months in Arkona-Mr,and Mrs. R ,English were London visit- ors recently -W. T, Ulens was in London last week attending theclos- ing sessions of the County Council. - Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Al - mer Hayter, ;nee Miss Grace Murray who were .married last week. ---A large number from here attended the fun- eral of Mr. James Hickey on Friday. The sympathy of the pommunify is extended to the bereaved 'wife and daughter. -Mrs. Allister is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. Al- bert Pollock. -Practice has begun 1 or the annual Christmas concert iii the Methodist church o Christmas i nCnst as m nl„t. -Miss Millie Mason has returned af- ter a visit in Grand Bend. -Mr. Sel- bourne English returned from -Lan- dors on Saturday, having completed a course inthe business college. -Mrs. Thos Stewardson spent the week end at Grand Bend with her daughter,who is recovering from: her recent illness, HENSALL Mrs. Robt. Bonthron returned home last week from Barrie, where she had beer, spending some weeks with her daughters, -A bazaar was held in the Methodist church under the auspices of the Ladies'. Aid Wednesday after - and evening and the affair was a grand success. -Mr. F. C. MCDonell and family have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Geo. Pfaff. -Mr. and Mrs. D. McMartin were in Seaforth attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Robt. McMartin. -Mr. W. Wilson a son of Mr. J McD. Wilson of Hay township, has recently taken a position in the Maisons Bank, corn- ing from Winnipeg, where he held a similar position. GRAND BEND Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Oliver, Mrs. We. Patterson and Jas. Oliver attended the funeral of Mrs. Ippersort near St Thomas. Mrs. Ipperson will be re- membered by many as she was a daughter of Mr, Ware Oliver.sr.-Mr. H. Gill and family moved here from Thedford Saturday, -Mrs. M. Gill vis- ited in Dashwood Monday. -Miss Gla- dys is visiting near St. Thomas. -Mr H., Green is still very poorly. -There - mains of- the late James Hickey were laid to rest here Friday. The remains were followed by a large number of relatives and friends, ,there being over ninety rigs in the concourse-Mr.Jno. near S . Marys.- Xouaao is visiting t Miss Laura Gerrriette is visiting hex sister near Fort Erie. -Mrs. J. Baird held a quilting bee Thursday. SEAFORTH-After an illness of short duration, Mr. Robert :;harters one of the .most widely known. 'arm- ers' in this section oof the -country passed away at his home on the Mill Road Tuckersmith, Mr. Charters was in bis 75th year, and is survived by wife and a family of two eons and two daughters. iMIITCHELL.-Albert Horn, a farm- er of Elma Township, was before Police Magistrate Davis on Saturday, charged with pointing a gun at his neighbor Henry Smith. A number of Witnesses testified to seeing the act which was said to have been commit- ted last week while Smith was engag- ed with other men in digging a trench on his farm. There had been bad blood between the two men. The fine imposed was $10 and costs, $24 in all 13RUCEFIELD-The funeral of Miss Ellen McDonald took place on Wed- nesday to Baird's Cemetery. Deceas- ed, who had been ill for a long time at her sisters, Mrs. Yellowlees, in Bow manville,. died on Sunday last. She "M� r d was the daughter z . I . n t suhtrof the g e h Mrs. Duncan McDonald, and had re- sided ,here .nearly all her life time. CLINTON-The engagement "s an nouced of jean Ferguson, daughter of the late Duncan Ferguson Macpherson and Mrs Macpherson of Clinton, to George W. Morse, M. D., Boston Mass th.• ;.marriage to take place in Decem b.: r. -Mr. and Mrs, H. ' E. Bans an - ileac:: the engagement of their dattgh t. r, Flora, to Charles Prouse of God- erich township, the Wedding to take place the latter part of December. GODERICH-Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- Kenzie, who died on Sapt . 24, and whose will has recently been arobat- ed, left $6,100 to churches and church work etc. The principal beneficiar- ies under the will are: The Mission- ary Society of the Methodist church of Canada., $1,000; W. C. T. U. of Ontario $1,000; Superannuation Fund of the Methodist Church of Canada, $1,000; North Street Methodist ;;hurch Goderich $500; for the payment of salaries in connection with the W. C. T: U. in the lumber camps, $500; Mar- ine and General Hospital, Goderich, $500 ; Children's Aid. Society of On- tario.. $500; Sunday School of North Street Church, Goderich, $100. About $5,000 is left to relatives. NEGLECT To cleanse the system of undigested food, foul gases, excess bile in the Iver and waste matter in the bowels will :me pair your health. +T'he beat system re- gulator is FIG PILL'S. At all des sera 25 and 50 cerate or The Fir PLii Co., Sold at Howey's Drug Store. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send ire your address, and I will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption. treatment ; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no tnorrey, but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs:, M. Summers, Box i40 Windsor, Ont. Here's A Friend Indeed Constipation is the bane of old age -harsh cathartics aggra•, vete, avoid them and use Cham- beriains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest oflaxatives-bestf abs. young, the middle aged and t,- uIC, 25c. bottle -Druggists and Dealers, or by malt 6 C ustesLain Medicine Co. Toronto. �z��•,�,yw, v v`UVUVVVV v ALE --- STOUT 27 LAGER PURE -• PALATABLE - NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGES FOR, SALE l3Y WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for , perstual or family use, Write to JOHN 'LABATT, Lamm, LonlnoN,; CANADA i trt a•°nn , a.AA G _ AAAIA11A51A FI.AAIAlF,I1,ll lA A