Exeter Advocate, 1913-10-11, Page 4rter Abvrocate Sanders; 8t Creech, Proprietors Itt advance $1,00 per year in Capacle 41,5C ia United States, If not .paid rio advance 50c. extraper year may ..be charge& "Tail IZSDA.Y. DEI 11 13 The task of having a medical In- . spectioe ,or all schools looks tike a big onc for a government to under-, take The number of rural' schools in Ontario rues up into the thousands and to have each school inspected ev- en twice a year would be no light task.. At the same time it is pos sible to accomplish it by a compare- tivele easy plan. A doctor in each township could look after the schools -us the municipality, and by thus diet- iding up the work it would not be a very difficult problem to handle, As to the acIvisa'bility of doing so ' there can be little room for a eliffir- • 'ence of opinion. If medical inspec- tion is a good thing for the schools . in the city, then the schools in the smaller places and rural sections ought to have it too, In, fact there is more need for ift in some rural schools ethan in city schools. True, ehild- Ten in the country living in the gresh air average higher in general health .than in the city. But it is not the general health of the pupil that- ,is so 'important and which calls for 'medical "inspection, but physical defects such as weak eyesight, etc., which •call for -attention A. pupil defective, for -example, in eyesight is handicapped and the handicap is all the greater because neither the teacher nor the oarents of the pupil are aware of it Ther there is the •case of infectious diseases. These may be prevalent in schools, and no one the wiser until za regular epidemic breaks out. Sir Wiltrid's latest election tariff 'etas been given to the public. No more .does he sob over the poor farmer or offer as a panacea for his wrongs the famous. "adjunct" reciprocity, The farmer is forgotten by his very. re- cent "friend" and his voice throbs with sorrow for the consumer.. Free :Food is to be the Liberal slogan un- til a more, attractive election bait is discovered. His recently concocted infallable remedy for the "high -cost - of -living" is tariff reduction on food stuffs. Under the Democratic gov- ernment in -United States they have been trying it, and the New YorkPost the most authorative and reliable pa- . oei in that country, has this tosay,-4 'The absolute failure of the abolition of the duties on food stuffs under the v tariff to reduce the cost of liv- ing is sufficient to shon that the.tar- •le, as a factor M the situation is al so slight importance as to be entire- ly negligible." The real problem to be met and solved is the problem,of distributer= food supplies to thePecr- eple-in otlier words cheaper methods of transportation. The cost of s liv- ing has steadily increased under the _Democratic government, and this is the only concrete example we have had of "free food" being tried -as a means to reduce the cost of living. • Hon Mr. Fielding is returning to -Ca- - nada to become editor of the Montreal •: Liberal organ. Mr. Fielding's special- „ty is wrecks . When in Nova Scotia politics he spent years trying to wreck Confed- .eration. In 1911 he attempted to wreck the Imperial Union by making Canada an •a.djuect o: the United States. He did not succeed in wrecking Canada or the Empire, but he did - wreck the Liberal party. During, the past year he has been in England attempting to Ivreek the scheme or Imperial Naval Defence. His party is now giving hini.a taste of his own mediclne, and is placing lite in charge ot the wreck of the party in 1\We:real. The ma,n who has been a wrecker must now attempt to rehabilitate one o: thc party's wrecks. It is understood that Hos, L. P. Pelletiet has issued an order prohib- iting the carriage of liquor by par- cel post. Parcel post will be in op- eration early in the New Year, and much interest has been shown as to what attitude the postmaster -general evoulcl assume in this regard. The Opposition at Ottawa are- now •talkeig about the high cost of Thee want somebody else to rernetly a conditioa which they created by 15• years of persistent neglect of Can- a.diat; agriculture. Much of the money which the gov- ernment has raised in London has beer used to retire old Liberal loans and to Luy Grand Trunk Patific to overcame the "implementing” jo- ker in the Laurier contract. PROVINCIAL HEALTH REPOT. Toronto Dec. 3, -The report of Provelcial Board of Health for the year 1912 was issued to -day for the "Province of Ontario. For the Veal the cases of disease and number of death:: are given as follows, - Disease ,smallpox; cases 553; deaths Dieease, scarlet fever; cases, 2646; deaths 111. • Dieease _diphtheria; cases, 2,340; deaths, 238. Disease, measles, 2,634; deaths, 58 Dreease, whooping •eough; eases 1,114; deaths, 142. Disease typhoid fever; cases, 2,569 deaths 305. • Disease, tuberculosis; cases, 1,525; deaths 860, • Oisease jrffantile paralysis; cases, 2 49e; deaths 19. - Diseaseeerebro-spinal mealagffis's • cases 59;1 deaths 58. The total number of deaths eggre- • itateabout 1,700, In the cast eF 'tete • reulosis about 36 per cent, only of eases are reperted by loeal Bard Health. 'rile death from all sour- •ce:: in Ontario in the past 11 years is eeneve by the record tO 'be -about „ 32,2,030 NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK rnportant Everits Which Oopurred eurina the Week, The Busy World's HaMserings Car• e holly Compiled and Put Int Handy end Attractive Shape to, the Readers of Our Paper -A $etir. • Hour 's EnloterriPnt- W7DN ES DAY. The anual provineial conference el , the 13rick1eYers and Stone masons of Ontario marled in the A, 0. U. W hall, St. Catharines, yesterday, • Ten days' catch of fish out of Pori atanley, Ont., ending wine Satercie produced $100,000 in value tor the fieleermeo there. Eighteen tugs on Friday lifted 160 tons, A former police captain, Derninielt Riley, was indicted for bribery yest . - day in New York, in conneetion with the alleged conspiracy between the police and wire -tapping swiediere, The Berlin City Crier:ail has decia ed to Jubmit a bylaw to the rateree ers at be next municipal -lc granthe Berlin end Watesloi Hospital $5,000 for improvements. • The steamer Acadian, of the eler- chants' Mutual Line, Toronto, whiet has been hard aground on Sulphur Island since the big blow cm Nov. 1, arrived in Sarnia yesterday In tow or a tug. A telegram from Clifton Sprtitee N.Y., announces the death of David Russell Jack. one of the foremest cite tens of -St. N.B, who had seine there a few days ago for the beneti' of els health. i That Canada will '3uple her prn detctive power and railway mileage lr Ole- next decede was the prophee made yestem ea in Montreal by Sit George Paish, editor of The London Statist. and an eminent financint .authority. • , T-ntletts AN the Euro.an 'powers have giv- en their ....oneent to the assuraptjon of the Albanian throne by Prince Wil- liam of Wied. . The Royal liorticeltural Societt has awarded the Feemier gole medal tc the exlaibit of Beitish Columbia apples in London, England, A package containing $87.500 r Gernaar bank • notes WP s extracted trona the mail car of an express irate bietw-een Brussels rno Cologne. , A committee h ts been forme] ir Montreal for the purpose If raisin, - funds for sne rel .f of tbose left len tiller through the -aublin strike. William Burton of Credit res Ont.. committed suicide Tuesday le taking a dese of pare- green. lie war overseer of a portion ef the C.P.R. James Coke, a farmer, res' iine with bis two sons on a farm a shor' distance from the village of Erie Ont.. ended his life be hanging, yes terday. A serious enes-gement took place Tuesday when e newly -organized band of rebels attacked the town 0! Mila,gro, Ecuan.or. The rebels were routed. Aigrettes, as usual, will not be admitted to the United'etates either on hats or detached, according to a eThal ruling sent yesterday to all co lectors of customs. Thomas Gowdy, one of Gueloh's oldest and most highly respected cit zens, died last night, following an accident which eccutred in the cellar of his home a week ago. He was 8 years old. A mass m.eeting will be held in ellagara Fails, N.Y., next month for perfecting the plans for the Peace celebration, aad U. S. Vice -President Marshall is expected to be the prin- cipal speaker of the event";. FRIDAY. Dominion inland. revenue returns for eight montbe total $14,638,078. Last yeer in thte same period they were $14,119,750. Late reports from flooded districts of central Texas brines the death list up to thirteen. A still greater num- ber is reported missing. The Washington, D.C., egg boycott ha,s won. Best cold storage variety .ave dropped to 35 cents, while some dealers make offers of 32 cents, e 'Chicago faces a crisis caused by an rnay of thousands of unemployed men, according to a report to repre- sentatives of charitable organizations. Albert J. Boyd, a Montreal stock broker, was yesterday found guilty of stealing stock re' the Dominion Glass Co. to the value of $9,80, deposited with him. W. Clenaentemunicipal engineemfor South 7ancouver, teudered his re- signation Wednerday because his du- ties were too ligbt. His salary was $3,000 a year. • Tbe question of ocean freight rates on which H. L. Drayton, eeently pre- eente• his report, has been referred by the Goveratnens to .be Dominion royal corarnission to be dealt with. It le rumored that th re is a snob - ability of the Government dropping the cases against the miners yet to be tried in connection with the re- cent strike riota on Vancouver 'Is ,e.. Bruce M. Stuart. diel at the hcime ot his b: ether, Wallace Stuart, Waler, nea.e'CortIveall, after a lingering ill- ness, age. 59 years. Mr, Stuart at one time conducted a Store at Dick- inson's Landing. 13itter denunciation of the past performances of the Government in Its development of creeks and rivers • of the 'United ,Stateft featured yester- day's session of the Rivers and Har - bora Congreseain Washington. , SATURDAY, • The family of Gen. Ituerta, le said to have gone secretly` to Vera Cruz on Nov, 30th, and to be living quietly In that city. President Wileon has grippe. Ills zold is in his nose and throat and he has a little fever, but the alb:nett .Ifs yielditig to treatment. The steamer Ueda of the Hall Line was released yesterday morning !robe the Shoal bear Alesatdre, Bay, Waete she Stranded a few eveeks etgo. ." 'Thera '‘viliebe no genera) StdIrein indianapolis ate this dine, and te eters whose entpioyerri ,have signed, yutlitott dontraets, halm returned to • Rev. 1g4 Wy Craig, for three years 'assistant teeter a St Geterge'S Angli- , can Churcb, OttaWae has aeck.nted the reetorship" of P4 Martin's C MGM treat. The resignatlen of Frank 0, Ire- land, Kingston's ..'ty treaLurer for forty years, has been tendered to the City Connell, He is leaving dut tor •the benefit of his health. George Stilson, diStrict roadm, ster of the G.T.B., died at $t, Cat tarines yesterday from injuries reeeived some weeks ago wLen jarred, from a, flat, car' of a, work train upon which he was sitting. - Part of Jesus College, Oxford Uni- Vorsity, was burned. Yesterday. The seventeenth certtne hall was badly damaged, but the pictures by Vs; • dyek, iolbei» and Lely hanging there were saved. Fire which started in the drying room of the Oxford Evaporator Co.'s plant at • Cure's Crossing, near Woodstock, destrt yed the building and 1,000 boxes of dried apples, Lees about $10,000. MON DAY. It is announced that Englis' strik- ing locomotive .ngin y'a tad decid- ed to accept tha teem:: of settlement. Th plison reform COMmissi011 may hold a se -is ion in Ottawa for the hearing of the eetlence of some of the peniteatiary 1nspi3tors. One white aria twk. negro laborers were drowLed by the bursting of a 60 -inch orater main at the bottom of a trencli 24 feet deep, at Cincinnati Saturday. Prinse- Charles, eldest son of the Crown Prince of Rouma, IF to en- ter the German army on Jan 1 as lieutenant in the First Foot Guards at Potsdam. ' George A. • Coo -ss. a -nachinist. while riding a 4cycle on the wroir. side of tha road on Woolivia steeet, was run down by an automobile at Guelph and badly hurt.' Alec • 'ley, one of the foremost coster comediens on the English mu- sic hall stage, who was re.,tently di- vorced by Marie Lloyd, the verlety actress, died in London yesterday. Two Venetians, Antonio Zanardi and Eugene Bisbiarno, who have raore time than money, arrived in New York from Havre, with a auge barrel, in which they hope to roll around the world. The case of the King v. Balvwski, charred with tie murder of a com- patriot at Port Arthur, was complet- ed Saturday, when Mr. Justice Brit- ton sentenced the prisoner to serve six years in prison. The British flagship Suffolk has left Vert Cruz for Tugpara„.• The transport Progreso sailed from Pro- greso with troops to reinforce Gen. Maas, operating against Gen. Agui- lar in the oil regions. . TU ESDAY. The first C. N. R. train to run from Brockville to 'Ottawa made the trip Yesterday via Brockville Junction. A report reached. God srich yester- day that the wreck of the Wexford had been located in Leke Huron ,close to Bayfield. Four men were killed in an: ex - 'plosion yeste_day in the gelatine mix- ing house of the Rerauno Chemical Co. at Gibbstown, N.J. An ordinance making it a misde- meanor for women to wear hatpins with unprotected points while in crowded places haz •been issued in Paris, France. Alexander G. McCormicIt, district agent for the Lake. of the Weods Milling Co., dropped dead in his of- fice at Ottawa yesterday. Death was due to heart failure..„ A crew Of ten men, who abandon- ed the water-loogged schooner Aloha in a storm last Sunday and took re- fuge on Destruction Island in Puget Sound, were rescued by a tug. Myrtle, Gilroy of Gien Buell, pupil of the Brockville Collegiate Institute while visiting he: home on Saturday, received a shock from an electric hand -battery. Her condition is ser- ious. The Montreal branch of the Crtt- ters' and Trimmers' Union has pasg- ed a resolution which binds its 200 members to a promise to boycott eggs in any shape because of the high price. The Leland Hotel, Winnipeg, own - ea by C. J. Rochon, the well-knoan horseman and curies, was almost completely destroyed by fire Sunday night. The loss is $50,o00, covered by insurance. WILL SAVE ANIMALS. iWEXFORD NEAR li,AYFIE Godericb; Dec, 8. -Reports from illyfield say that canvas from •tbe Wax':ord has been washedaahOre a- bout a mile north 'of that place. A-aother a4. that the Ind/ of the Area' lord has been. found a little north Of Bayfield lying on her Side with 12 •.eet or water ever her, She was dis'covered by fishermen, end when the lake caluts down a thorough investigation will be made by them International Congress Begins Strug- gle .With the "Interests." 13E1113E, Switzerland, Dec. 9.—An internaVonal congress for the protec- tion of wild animals met here recent- ly on the invitation of the Swiss Gov- ernment .and. seventeen countries were represented. After lengthy dis- cussion the congress appointed an In- ternational committee, with head- qrarters at Basel, which will pro- mote protective legislation and orga- nize propaganda in favor of the ob- ject of the congress. The most urgent work of the com- mittee will be to obtain the passage of laws stopping the wholesale de- struction of whales and. seals, which threatens to exterminate those species in a few' years. Attention will be turned to the fur animals, birds of paradise, alzgrettes and big game, such as elephants. ' The movement is faced with the strenuous opposition of strong busi- ness Interests, for tlae capital engag- ed in the 'whaling, ft, feather and Ivory trades may bo counted in hun- dreds of millions, • Three Are Drowned. EDeIONTOIV, Alta., Dec. 9.—V/bile crossittg the ice ma • the • Attla.base.I. .river near Pocoliontas, on Saturday, three men, T. Lessard, 0. Cantonio and L. 13, Areo, broke through and. were drowned. As yet their bodies have net been reeovered. Cantotio, managed to get out, but Wfia drowned trying to rescue tbe other' tveor. • WometrGet Teti ;Years. ' ti100B,111AW,e,SaSk.;'Dfee.' 0.-414rir, George _Greenman' and,. Mrs, Jane' Gaidwell, a nurse"; were yesterday aenteneed to tett years' Imprisonment for tatirder. They Were eonvieted of eav"ng killedNirs..Greenrean'S oHld several weeks ago. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseas- ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by ft ottatitutionst remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of theSustachian Tubs. When this tubes intIamed.you have a rumbling sound Of 1111. perfect. hearing, and when it is entirely elosed, Deaf - Is theresult,and unless thewliannuation can he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi- tion, hearing will be destroyed forever ise eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, Allah is nothing bob an inflamed condition of the mueous surfaces, We will give One Hundred Dollars for anY case of Deafness (caused by eatarrh) that cannot be cured qy Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars tree, F. .1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo 0, Sold by Druggists, 76c. Take Hall's Fondly Pills for constipation TWO DAYS LATE BUT SAFE. God erich, Dec, 9. -The two over- due freighters, Turret Cape (Capt McCarthy) and McKee (Capt. Bassett) arrived oft Goderich, at 6 a. m., and made the harbor about 7 o'clock last evening. • " , Tilt. two ships were received with royal aeclaim, all the mills' and ships' whistles roared out a welcome home. Both captains say they never had such a rough passage. They t were both off Gbderich, on Sunday, but were forced to head for the river and face out the heavy seas and the raging snow storm. Their ships are one mass of ice from stem to stern, even to the ;nest - head and looked like gigantic ice- bergs. They will immediately go en - to winter quarters. TRAMP WITH $900. Goderich, Dec.3.-A man about 50 years of age, who gave his name as Jamee Pierce,- arrested by County Con- stabh Thos. Gundry, for begging a- mong the farmers near here, was found to have over $900 on his per- son when searched on entering the county jail. The money was princi- pally in bank bills, the smallest bill being. $20, Several $100 bills • werei fauna in the roll. Dashwood Mr. Jas. Bissett of London is vis- iting Mr, John Kreuger this week. The snow storm on Sunday com- pelled to remain indoors, and the church pews , were Sparcely occupied as a consequence. Miss Catherine •Finkbeiner, who has been -in Sarnia for some time, return- ed home Saturday. A gang of men are at work on the drain leading wp to the cellar of the Commercial Hotel. The grist mill has been compelled to work overtime to keep apace with their orders. • , Mr, LOUIS Adams has almost com- pleted the outside work an his new •house, and when finished he will have a ni,ce, comfortable home. Miss Jessie Baker is spending a few weeks at her home here. Mr jos. Ziler of London i.s spending e: few days with friends in this local- ity. Messrs. John F. Kreger and God- freid Oestreicher left Tuesday: morn- ing for Goderia to act as jurors. Mr. Henry Bossenberry and Mr, Norrnan Kellermann were in Parkhill Tuesday on business. , • 13laneyeof. the Church • of God is in this locality doing service among the members of his flock. The different churches are making preparations to celebrate the Christ- mas'festival. Mr. Goedon Goetz of the Molsons Bank staff, Clinton, spent Sunday at his home • here. - Mr. Samuel Oestreicher, who has been in the West for the past two harvests returned' home Saturday. He looks as though the West agreed with with him. Miss Alma Brenner left for her home on Friday last, after spending a week with friends in this locality. Mr John Hogan hag been offeted $190.00 for a two-year old colt bred by Miller. Who says good horses don't pay? It is surely going to be found out who wrote the letters and did not sign their name, and when it is found •out some one is going to think their neck is out of joint.' Mr. John Becker, who was hurt some time ago by his horses '-tinning away, is able to be out around again. Mr. Daniel Schaefer, who ha 's been in London with his wife, who Was op- erated on for cancer, • was home for a few days during the Week. He re - parte Mrs. Schaefer as doing' as well as could be expected. Mrs, C. L. Snider and children end Mrs. J. Snider left on Tuesday .or their home in Detroit, accompanied by the former's sister, Mies Elenore per, after spending three weeks nt the latter's home, Cedar Grieve Farm Bronson Line. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sehroeder are speeding a few days with friends here before leaving for the West, where they intend making their future home. MITCHELL -Mrs. Hettry ° Porter- , fielel received a wire from her sort, Henry in Vancouver, seyieg that Ins wife had been killed the evening pre- viously when as automobile struck het Otte son, about 1.2 rears Of age, sur- vives. , • UCTION SALE",• O1 E1QUS0tD E1CT, 'r1 „., .. , • on,SiSting; 'epaelors'''aiiihig room and kite-Alenfitenittire; on 1.9f,h, itt 1 o'ClOck.P..rne on Aft- drow se.eet, TermSecash„ „Mrs., leitsefoe,.' S.iThilhips Propriettesa • Auctioneer., :E CANADIAN • I3ANK OF COMMERCE CAPITAL, $15,000,000 • REST, $12 500 000 MONEY ORDERS Issued by The Canadian Bank of Cotrunerce, are a safe, convenient inexpensive method of remitting, small sums of money. These Orders, payable without charge at any bank in Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States, are issued at the following rates $5 and under . . 3 cents Over 5 ond not exceeding6 " 0 4. 30.. ,c4 et 30 " 15 " REMITTANCES ABROAD should be made by means ef our SPECIAL FOREIGN DRAFTS and m0NEy ORDERS. Issued without delay at reasonable rates. EXETER BRANCH -G. L. WAUGH, M.anager. Eiranch also at Credltoo &Es e Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital lk Reserve 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT.... . TRAVELLERS CHEQUES .. . .. Issued BANK' MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT $81709,000 at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. • • N. D. HITRDON Manager, Up to Den -ember 1st 143,000,000 bushels of grain had been shipped from the 'West valued at $90,000,000. .11•••=••••••• HICKS -DECEMBER FORECASTS --A reactionary storm period falls cen- trally on the 15th and 16th, and the general disturbances of the preceding period will, in all probability, continue over into this period. The December solstice is at the crisis, with a Mer- cury period beginning at this time; hence prolonged inclement and stormy weather may very reasoinabler be fig- ured on. We would repeat the fact thet disagreeable -weather, with dan- gerous storms of wind, snow and sleet, will baffle voyagers on the Atlantic ocear at this time. Watch for re- ports from vessels landing at ports on either side of • the ocean, felling cif their battles with the- elenients. The "wireless" will also be heard from an sleet -laden, storm driven ships • In the interest of weather science, while we "land-lubbers" will not be in danger from these ocean troubles let us make un our minds to watch- the outcome at this rime, "Oceau Trotters" take heed. AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE 'There will be sold by public auc- tion on Lot 24, Con. 3, Hay, 1 mile west and 1 mile north of Hensall, on WEDNESDAY, DEC, 17th, at p. m., sharp, two car load of'grade cows and young cattle. George Joynt, B. S. Auctioneero Pips, er Proprietor FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 7, Coin. 2, Stephen, containing 100 acres There is on the premises new brick house, bank barn, and other out buildings; young orchard, about • 18 acres. bush ,balance under cultivation This is one of the best farms in the township and will be sold at a reas- onable price; located within laA, miles from Centralia and school is on same Earns For particulars apply on the premises, or by mail to J. R. Neil Centralia Ont, Auction Sale • OF THIRTY COWS. —o -- The undersigned will offer for sale by public auction at MOFFATT'S HOTEL, CENTRALIA, on SATUR-. DAY, DEC. .13th, at 1• o'clock, 2 cows due in December 5 cows due in January • 4 cows due in Felernary 18 cows. 2 farrow cows These cows are all sold under guar- antee which will be made known on day df sale, Terms -10 months' „credit on furn- ishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash. WES NEEDHAM . JAS. STANLEY Prop. Auc t. NOMINATION • • Have You made provision for employment during the Fall and Winter mon-. ths or do you wish steady re- munerative work the year through Write us and secure our Agent's terms. We offer the best in the business. Pay weekly, free outfit exclusive territory. Over 600 Acres under cultivation, Established ov- er 35 years. A reputation for • high grade stock and fair deal- ing. A salesman can make mon- ey selling for us. We want an energetie reliable man for Exeter and vicinity. For terrns write . PELHAM NURSERY CO., • Toronto, Ont. N.3. -Free catalogue on request Lot taining Is with ment small or stock Exet reaso,nablIe. the Fred Exeter. FARM FOR SALE —, The undersigned is offering for smie 6, North 3,0,undary Stephen, con- 100 acres at good land. There on the premises a good frame house stone cellar , • bank barn with ce- floors; 3 good wells, sund a orchance. This in a goo ti Valli grass farm, or would make a good farm. Situated two miles from or ; phone in nous% Will be sold For 'particulars apply on premises, or write the undersigned-, Great:, Han or a 5- PhilliPff, CLEANING UP CAMPAIGN. -The Advocate has entered upon a clean- ing -up campaign of back subscriptions and lone past due accounts which will be pushed vigorously, even if we nave to resort to the courts to get what is due us. With the rapid rise of almost everything about a printing of- fice waiting years for $1,00 a zub- scriptian and far small accounts of 50c to: can no longer be permitted. We have to pay cash every week for wages, paper, irik, freight, postage, etc. and to • keep this up we must get what legitimately belongs ,to us. If you are in arrears kindly give this matter your immediate attention. ' 1111111111,11111111111111TylE011111111,111101111111111111M1111111111111Mitlil(1110111ki s i gi Fe- 'A- E--- E----- f4 E re Es fir • -' ' -- '- -r- _- L-1,€Anen n 1 -- s --v_9 -e--e) '_7__1-0 , E- WEBSTERS .NEVINTERNATIONAL 1 - - — "ri THE MERRIAM WEBSTER ie Every day in your talk and reading, at E- home, on the street car, in the office, shop 14 and school You likely queetion the mean- .,g. lug of some new Word. A friend asks: ------ "What makes mortar harden?" Yen seek --2-: the location of LochKairine or the prim un- F.--.. dation of Jujutsu. What is white coal? 400,000 Words. Et Cost $400,000. 2100 Pages. The only dictionarywith El F.- the new dividerIpade,-char- • acterized as ".AStroke of F-•_. Genius." ' India Paper Edition: • On thin, °prone, strong, .,!•-•4 Indio Impel'. What a • faction to oWil theiffarriam • Webster in a ferm so light E- and to Ooti'venierit to Use, La One half the thickness and • weight of Itegular Edition. Tins Now Creation answers all kinds o questions in EaninntgOiHistOrY1131°graPh)a . Fiction, Foreign Words, TradeS, .Arts an • Sciences, with final autheritin - • • 6000 illustrationa. The annual meeting for nomiriation of candidates for offices of Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and three Councillors for tile Municipal Council of the Township ,of McGillivray, for the on suing year, will be .held in the Town Hall, West McGillivray, on Monday, Dec, 29 ,1013, at 12 o'clock noon, l'olls if required tvill be opened on Mobday. the 5th clay of January, 1914 at 9 o'clock a, m, and continue until til 5 o'clock p.m, and no longer, in the several •pelling sub -divisions of the said Toesinship as follows :-No. 1 lVfOrganse Huse, Lot 12, care 3, Jas. Nen. yro D. R. '0,'No, 2, Cunning - hate's House, Lot 15, cort. 11, A. Cent- nghane R. 0,; No, 3, Pierce's House, Lot 15, con, 11, Moses Pieree, D. R 0.1 NO. 4., Cameron's School Rouse, Sec, 8, S. Roleirtson, D. It, 0,01 NO 5, Town Hall, I, 1.). DrtinetiM're0 R 6.4 No. 6, TaYlor's School, Sec. it Thos, McInnis, Ti R., O.; No, 7 "I_ t, 400/' • Regulse Edition: ▪ On stronfiboolinaner. lb*, , Size VA xs9.4 E Is inelies. 15— Igttergirek-Pee, !ign 0. • tbution 4 — g- iiithltqcdttit n- rseeen oft,,NIti4 ; ac. E mERNIA41 Nichol's HouSe Lot 8 22nd con., Ali- et), rirew Orleve, I), •R. O. • Y. DI Drummond, Returning 0. Ei. r E OprInglied,611ass. 11111161)11)111111011»1111111110611010114.