HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-4, Page 3Items of News by Wire .Notes of Interest as to What Is Going on All Over the World Canada. Orillia post office is to, be en- larged, a,t Coat Of $31,000, , London will vote on the q'tlestiors of having Sunday street ears. Gold shipments from New York to Canada in the last fortnight have aggregated $18, c100, 000. The Armour Grain Company of Chicago obtained & license to do • busiess in Ontario. •A foreigner WaS oenteneed at Winnipeg to five jrears and 30 lashes fC(r assault on a young girl. Tea and ooffce imported into Canada, last year totalled nine mil - Hen -dollars at wholesalers' import- . • ing prices. A board of conciliation has awarded a big inerease in pay to G.T.R. telegraphers and station employes. j. P. Muller, the. Government ex- pert, suggests reductions in West- ; ern freight rates for hauls exceed- ' ing 50 miles. The Vote in Saslcatchewari on direct legisld,tion was six to one in favor, but was only a. small propor- tion of the total vote. The body ef Rev, Frank Butler, of Thessaloa, Was found in the la,ke, with the throat eut. A coroner's jury rendered a verdiet a murder. William Turney Whitehead, ex- M.P.P., one of the best, -known men in New Brunswick, an authority on timber land, died at the age of sixty -tales Ten large steamship companiee, besidee some smaller ones axe merged in the Canada Stea,;aship Lines, Limited, which is now a,bout completely formed. The bodiee of nine sailors drown - • in the recent lakes storm were buried at ICineardine, Goderich and Sarnia, Two more bodies from the Hudi-es have been • F. H. Callum teetified in the Montreal inquiry info the purchas- ing of lands by the "city, that he Isad paid a politician and an ex - alderman $5,000 each for their as- sistanee, Whristoplier Sawyer, of Dorset a Nkell-known trapper and guide in the It.ruskalca Lakes dietriot, was found dead, of heart failure, on the lake shore, having been missing two days, ar. The Saskatchewan. Purehasing Co., Liniitecl, the o-nly atteMpt ever made in that Province to establish co-operative stores', as known in Great Britain, has made an assign - It had opened 14 stores. A two-year-old child of Albert Love, in Windsor, climbed on •a boarder's dresser aaad found a pow- erful drag, which he naistoole for candy, a,nd ate, dying in half an holm The Work/ In Review Canadian vie AlnericanEns. I Purina' thij. at fleoal ye4, Ottnaela Me ported from the 'I:tutted State e 7,569,067 dozen of eggs, for 'welch her people paid the enernedus, time of $1,6e1,367. Over 90,00,0,000 eggs among over 7,000,- 000 people Meene that Cenadiane eiterine . the year eag on an average twelve Afeelee can Ogee etch. Furthermore, Clanedieee have ben the•pauee of gieiter work. to at lee.st, 300,000 Anteripan, hems if theer eeeb average e00 ogee a yeer, 'Where. oh 'Were, is the patriotic) Canadian hen? Why does ehe not perform lier eletiee pro. The total Federal estimates for tb.e year 1913-14 were about $S00,- 000,000. After deducting from, the usual percentage of lapsed votes, possibly $175,000,000 will be spent by March 31, 1914, Of this amount $50,000,000 will be on capital ac- count, nearly all of whielt, under the practiee which hitherto has pre- vailed., •the Government would he jostified in borrowing; hub the greater portion will be paid off out of the current revenue. Great Britain. • The Chief Whip of the Liberal party sap there will be no British general election until 1015. The Duke a Connaught has last EOM& valuable, jewellery, and Scot- land Yard is investigating. Evan Roberts, the noted Welsh revivalist, refused to see hie aged father, who had traarelled a, long distanee seeking.an interview. Premier Asquith, epea,king •at Leeds'denied there was any divi- sion of opinion in the British Cabi- net on the home rule question, Smoking is not only forbidden among the garDow boys, but by an edict just promulgated it is also forbidden to visitors to the fa,mous English echool. The super -dreadnought Warspitc, lannehed at Davenpoet, may be the last big warship, as it has been found that submarines can render huge battleships almost impotent. United States. Kra Emmeline Pankhurst is tak- ing home $20,000 profits from her United States tour; Premier Borden was the guest of bonor at a dinner and a luncheon in Washington on Friday. There are now 15,000 eraployes of the General Electric Company at Seheneetady, N.Y., out on strike. A drunken man was the last. to shake Gen. Bramwell Booth's hand prior to his departure for England from New York. • Three persons are dead, and sev- eral are ill, clue to eating squirrels which had fed upoiL,chestnuts from a blighted tree neaz Glastonbury, Conn. General, Lieut, Loges, a German artillery officer, was sentenced to ten years for the wanton murder of a junior officer. Latest reports from Mexico state that the rebels have occupied Ce- dral, while the Feclerals have gain- ed a slight advantage in Zacatecas. General 'Villa's: victorious rebel forces have commenced their south- ward march through Mexico to meet the Fealetal'arapy at Chihua- has. FEEDING THE UNEMPLOYED. Seventeen Thousand Three Handred • Men Workless at Winnipeg.. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Seventeen thoueand three hundred men are out of employment in Win- nipeg at the present time, accord- ing to W. Hammond, past presi- • dent of the Building Trades Coun- • cil, at the exectitive council of the A.malgarriatect Trade Unions: in the Labor Temple. He arrived at his figilreS by a, consideration of t,racle unionists now idle. He says 25,000 will be idle .by Chrisime,s. There are in Winnipeg over thirteen thousand trade unionists. Over fifty per cent. Of thaSe, are idle. These are mainly men skilled in the building trades. These men have o 'helpers amounting to at least a saumber equa,1 with their owa. That snakee nearly fourteen thousand. He estimates that, conservatively speaking, there a,ne three thousand 'five hundred other idle men in the .city --clerks, offiee Men, r ail road .construction leen and laborers. Se,veral Western cities are feed- in'g their unemployed under inuni- .cipal organization, notable among these being Vancouver el'ad Bran- don. • The towns in Northern Sas- kateltewan and Alberta have passed the crisis by reason of the fact that. many men have gene from than to the lumber camps of the country. S EASED POTA.TOES. 1U.S. Departntent of Agriculture to Take Drastic Steps. A despatch froirri Washington says: Potatoes from Canada and E'urope not already under quaran- tine will be exeltided freers the -United States if plans framed by '14 the Department of Agriculture ,e,arry, Already warned of an ilia- pendihg potate famine, the Depaka- ment expeate said the present re- strictiono against diseased potatoes Mutt be 0A -ended further to pre - Vent ruining future A me rival) orops ASTOISISBEING STATISTICS. Germany Is a Growing Importer From Great Britain. A despateh from London says: In view of the prevalent impression in Britain and abroad that the British meakets are -flooded with goods "made in Germany" it is interest- ing to note the statement appended to a bill regulating Cornmercial re- lations between the two countries jest, framed by tae German Federal Council. The statement shows that Geratamy's trade with Britain and her colonies far exceeds her trade with any other country, a,nd that Germany's imports from Britain exceeds her exports to Britain in in ever -creasing degree. In 1909 the difference was 212,500,000; in 1910, 214,000,000; in 1911 nearly 216,500,- 000, and in 1913, R24,500,000. • SIX MORE SHOT. Striking East Indians Killed by Police in Riot North of Durban. A despateh from Durban says: Later details of the affray on the Blackburn sugar estate show that a body of fourteen police was at- tacked by three hundred Indians armed with ugar cane knives. In a desperate fight six Indians were killed and thirty wounded, some of them dangerously. Three polices men were wounded and a European civilian was stabbed and left un- conscious by the Indians. perlyP Does She not existe Are there not 500,000 hens in all thie vast lend of eure whioh will wipe ehie stein groin our poultry yards? Will Canadians allow Amerioan eggs to decorate their break - filet teble? Will they not rather refuee to eat Owes &zee egge whejle wine from Amerioan hens? Shall we as a nation in- oreaee our hens er diminieh our einna? 0 LITLO OK IS ENCOURAGING. Monetary Tightnessa Only Temper- aryo, Says Sir T. Shaughnessy. despateh from Ylontreal saya: Sir Thomas Shaughneese, Preeident of the Canadian Pacific Railwa,y, in an interview on the financial. situas taxa, said: "The pause in the flOW Of Money into Canada has been beneficial in that it ba a enforced On Canadians that careful and ,econornica,1 hand- ling of money in busineas and in Private affairs which has been the real secret of ()amide's past pros- perity..• "The flow of immigration into Ib is said that farmers oan not leee by Canada ettnnot eeat,e, or it is due otohietahez htherere tishinno obJection to conditions which show ehielrene. Whet we as patriots° obistissiedne: ee"* signsZI101 changing. Wages, the demand is a good honest Canadian eirg • WweellasPtil/deseltrtsolYthles'itiwobinYella Ganadien PtlrlDleiety°ffOrg°W4X1Orkla,nad'rea:141 an favor is they loare primarily roaponsible, rin_nA eeee.,...e.,a, as compared with Great hnow their exaeMeg dutiee °all ramie of their Mine, but if the woneen Britain and Europe. The United of Cianathe.were determined that the great States our farmer competitor for American egg ehould dominate us no , , more we are -sure that, the Cenadian hen this immigration, is now in.elmed would almost crow over ite rivalrather to restiiot than emxnnage . Are You a aatoeonsor7 any further influx. The poorest What's that -you don't kuow anything laborer eomi ing nto a new country, a new cult, invented by W. V. Baoltue e' tn'a 111°4.111E1.6.4 11 eont talosophy? Listen: Ta,loeophy """• It is defined as the urt or exercise of of capital, for he brings with him app reel ti On. For ins tame, hopwhen you the capacity to Wei* and to trans - meet with courteey ill s, hustorY, store or street oar, you express your f01111, some undeveloped natara,1 re- thanke and report the matter to 'tlie se • eourae into a thing that ca,n be perior ordeer or employer of the ooarte. oue; person -Just a,s you have been acmes. used, and. dive lay bie labor he ere- tomed. to "holler" about discourtesieeates wealth. You go about looking eor nice thinge to report and you find them-epd the more Caa.!eala, therefore, must wel- nice things you end the fewer the an come the immigrant for many years Pleasant thinee become. You bombard to Conio and mist continue to pro - busy employers with report cards and in „ „ . , that way contribute to their felioity and view inereaseo tacilities Of trans- . She revenues of the poetal department,eporeaelon, coloerleathin andhous- You may, of course. find places where You . „,• simply won't be able to report all the. in. we provane tacinvies tne NEW ICE BREAKER. Lat.gcst of Ite Kind in the World . For St, 'Lawrence River. A despatch from Ottawa Boo: Tenders are being ealled and will be received up to January 8511 for the now ice.breakee to be used in the St, Lawrence, The steamer will be the lragest of its particular kind in the world, and ni cenjune7 Iron With these already in opera- tion is designed to do moth to facilitate the early opening of navi, gation in the St, Lailffr01100 ebannol courtesies you reoeive, but that needn't European capitalist and the ineee. acknowledgments. , inue The Colioless Cucumber. diseentrage you from making personal tor 'will, m my opinion, con . . t. to furnith the money,• for owing to the propaganda carried on by the Dominion and the Provincial Gov- ernmeots and industrial bodies, for labor and for the profitable 'invest- ment of capital, the opportunities in Canada are,thoroughly realized across the water, and it is only the temporary financial stringency, due chiefly to the Balkan war, which has caused any apparent slackening if awl investment. "The splendid crops in the West and the large constructive pro- grits:rune carried on by laig enter- prises, has caused money to circu- late which might otherwise have beep• lacking, and . the Western farmers, who eontribute so mach to Canada's progress, are, therefore, looking forward to neat year with bright hopes. Manufacturing con- ditions in eastern Canada are a.1,20 satisfactory, and a• considerable numbtit'14,1 American manufacturers are realizing that it pays them to have branch Canadian factories and to employ Canadian labor. This is • a movement which we heartily wel- come, and which 1 arra sure will prove a good investment for the Americans eoncerned." Small boys, step up and shake beetle with this venerable gentleman: Hie name is aoience, and he Just heti presented to the aching world the soothing aegrarance of a °enclose cucumber. Dona eee how that erode you? That shows that your mind has not been trained to teem a thought to Its logical conclueion, earl the New York Derald. Can't you under- stand that the advent' of the colleleisa cu- cumber presages the coming of the oramplese green 'apple. The immature peach when oonsumed win oarry with it, no moral pointing consequences. Happy, days are in store fon childhood. Inunense Commerce. The Sault Ste. Marie Canal -popularly known as the "Soo" -will carry more freight, this season than Suez. Manches- ter and. all the famous canals of Ger- many taken together. ei-The !eke" has transported an average of more than 10,- 000,000 tone per month since navigation opened, and its total record for the year will not be lees than 75.000,000 tone Fig - urea like these make traftle on other ar- tifloial waterworks look 'petty and tame. The great lakes carry repro commerce than any other body of water less in size than the open ocean, and the most important stream of trade on the lakes has to pass through the "Goo" Caifal, • , Progress in Far East. Japan etas shown how fast an Oriental nation can piek up and pull abreast of the leaders. Little more than fifty years ago Japan was the home of an unenlight- ened. Poole°. To -day she is neck and neck - with the leaders of civilization. and al- ready she has humbled in open war a mighty European power; and Japan bas a population of only forty-seven millions. China, is following in Japa,n'e footstepa and lyhat will happen when China, with her tour hundred millions, pulls to the front? India Is under the eva,tohful eye of Britain, Mit India has a population of two hundred and ninety-four millions of people, who will speak for themselves. •i•TIEW GUN FOR AIRSHIP. Eleven lilts Out of Fourteen Shots at Altitude of 600 Feet. A despatch frora. London says t The new automatic machine gun for air craft, the invention of Colonel Lewis, a, retired United 'States army officer, was given exhaustive tests on Thursday at Bisley in the presbace of a distinguished gather- ing of British army officers and for- eign military attaches. The new gun resembles a large rifte isa ap- pearance, but it has an outer jacket covering the barrel, It weighs only 'twenty-severi pounds. The action is totally automatie and the gun is capable of firing eight hundred rounds st minute. With the gun mounted on. Grahame - White aeroplane, Lieutenant Stel- ling-welf of the Belgian army scored eleven hits in fourteen shote, from an altitude of 600 feet, on a. target of white sheets twenty feet square. Those present were greatly im- pressed with the demonstration. VALUE OF SETTLERS' EFFECTS The Total for Twelve Months End- ing September, $15,219,215. A despatch from Ottawa says: During the twelve months en,ding with September last the new set - tiers toming to Canada brought with them, exclusive of actual cash, effects to the value of $15,210,215. That 15 the total of the customs en- tries for 'settlers' effects for the twelve, months. Of this total ar- rivals, from the -United States brought in .effects to the value of $10;02035; While inamigrants from Great Britain brought isa $4,619,- 404, ppm GOING It MONTREAL. His Royal Highness to Attend the St, Andrew's Soeiety A despatch from Ottawa says: His Royal Itighntee the Duke of Connaugtit will visit Montreal on Friday and Saturday of this week, On Friday, De.ember 5, he will at- tenclothe $t. Andrew's floeiety bal1„ Princess Patrmia, may *aoeratipany the Duke, but the Duchess will not go at the present time, HINDUS CAN ENTER CANA.DA. Sweeping Decision Gilson Against Federal Orders in Connell. A despatch from Vancouver, B. 0., sayst Chief Justice Hunter has given a sweeping decision condemn- ing as illegal all the Federalorclers- in-Council which have hitherto kept Hindus out of British Colum- bia,. The only grounds on which a Hindu ma.y now be excluded are those of idiocy, disease, crim.e OT mendicancy, raerely grounds which apply against British horn citizens entering Canadian Eastern ports. For instance, there is now nothing to prevent entire ship loads of 'Hin- dus entering British C.olunabia, and judging' from the persistence with which they have for three yea,rs been pressing the question of their entry these shiploads may not be slow in taking adv-antage of the chance to ceime. • THE DOMINION'S JUBILEE. Proposal to Mark It by Monument to Fathers of Confederation. A despatch .from Quebec say: The Quebec Beard of Trade has un- der consideration a project for the celebration of the .fiftieth anniver- sary of Canadian Confederation on July 1, 1917, the preliminalor -work of which and the framing of the not took place in Quebec. Ibis propos- ed to oommemorate the historical event by the etection of a suitable monuenint to the Fathers of Con- federation on the site of the fernier Parliament buildings, now known as 'Frontenexe Park, opposite the Archbishop's Palace at the head of Mountain Hill• . CRUSHED TO DEATH. Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products In the Leading Markets are Here Recorded Ireadittaffe. Toronto, Deo. 2.-3i'lour-Ontierio wheat flat $.3ours., ..4u at local points, oaterio, mere- 90 Per gene., $3.46, seaboard, and tobas-Feret petents, a jute begs, $6,30: do., eeeondge $4,80; strong bakers, in Jute bass, $4.60. • 0 luewaiani:b.e, wheat -We, 1 Vortheres 924, on traok, Bay ports, and No. 2 at 900, Ontario wheat' --No, 2 wheat at 83 to 84o• Oatei-NO. 2 Ontario oats, 33 to 340, out- side.Weetern Penedo, old oats, 39 1.2e for No. 2. and 38o for No. 3. Bay ports. Peas—$1, at 36 370, on track, "Toronto, Barley -Good maltingqbarley, 58 10 60e. outside. , Corn -New American, 75°, ell rail, To - root°, , Itye•-No. 2 at 68 to 700, outiside. Buckwheat -76e, outside, with none ot- teiriilat-Manitolia bran, $21 to $21•50 a Wu, sin22,5boangasOoonitoontes freight,. Shorts, $22 to Voting Fellow of Nineteen Killed by Large Stone. Country Produce, Butter --Choice dairy, 22 to 24o; inferior, 20 to elo. Creamery printe, 30 to 31e; solids, 28 to 29o; storage, prints, 27 to 2801 do., solids, 26 to 27o. . Dggs-Case lots of new -laid, 43 to 44e Per dozen; freoh, 35 to 37c, and etorage• 32 te 33e per dozen. Cheese -14 1.2e for large, and 14 3-4 to 15e Mr twine. Beans-fland-picked, $2.10 to $2.20 per bushel; primes, $1.75 to $2. Honey -Extracted, in tins, 11 to lec per Ib. for No. 1; torahs, $3 to $3.26 per dozen for No. 1, and $2.50 for No, S. Poultry -Fowl, 12 to 1,hlok- ens, 16 to •18e; ducks. 12 to 14o; geese, 12 to 160; turkeys, fresh, No, 1, 23 to 220. Potatoes-Ontarios, 950 per bag on track. and Delawares at the same price. Provisions. Bacon -Iona clear, 16o per lb., in ease lots. Dore -Short out, e813,501 do., melee, $24.50, name -Medium to light; 19 1-2 to Me; heavy, 190; -mile. 15 1-8. to 16e4 Moak - fast bacon. 19 to.' 200; backs, 22 to 24. Lasd-Verees, 14 1-4o; tubs, 14,1-2.e; pane. e4 34o. •••••,•••••••••••• : Baled May and Strew. Baled lay -No. 1 at $14.50 to 515.60 a ton, on track, here; No. 2 at $/3 te $13.50, tual mixed. at 512 to $12,60: Baled traw--Car lees, $8en traek, To- ronto, Winnipeg Crain. Winnipeg, Deo, 2.-4/ash-Wheat, Ne. Northern, 85 3-804 bite 2 Northern, 83 1-20; No. 3 Notthern, 81 5-8c; No, 6, 66 1.2e; No. 6, 61 I -2c; feed. 66 1.20; 1 rejeotee eeeds, 79 7-fle4 No. 2 rejected toads, 77 7•80. Oato, No 2 OW., 34 1-40, Bayley, Ile. e, 431-40. Flex. No. 1 N.W.C., fie,16 14; No. 2 ee.W., $1.14 14; No. 3 ON., $1.01. 14, Montreal Markets. Montreal, Dee 2,--Corn--Aenerlean No, 2 yerew, 02 to Dee, Oats- Caeadien Went. erne, No. 2, 40 3-4c; do., No. 3, 39 1-20. Bar, leyeelden. feed, 48e; malting, 6E1 to 690, Buelewheat-No. e 66 to 67c. lelour-gtan. Spring wheat patent.„ fleets, $5,40; sec, onds, $4.90; *strong bakers', $4.701 Winter petente, titmice, $4.75 to $51 straight roll. ere, $4.50 to 44.60.; streiglit vino% tette/ $2 to $2 10, Boiled °eta, barrele, $4.40 to $4.50; bags, 90 110.,61.1.0 to $2.12 1-2. Bran, $20 to $21. Sheri°, $22 to $23. Middlings, $25 to $26. Mouillie, $27 to $M. jlay-No,' 2.' per ton, ear lots, $14 to $15. Cheese - Finest weeterne, 13 1-2 to 13 6•813; finest eaeterne, 13 to le ielo. Butter-Choieest oreaeaeree 28 to 28 1-2o;seconde, 27 1-2 to 40 27 3•. Egge-Freeb, 65 M 600; eelectede 22e; No. 1 stook, 34e; No. 2 stoek. 26c. Doe tatoes, per bag, ear lots, 75 to 900. United States illiarkets. • Min neapols, Deo. 2.-Wheat-Deoembere 82 5-$ to se 3-40; May, 87 5-8 to 87 3-4c; No. Shard, 86 1-40; No. 1. leortbern, 84 1-4 to 433-40;No, 2, do.. 82 1-4 to 83 3-4e; No. 3 whet, 80.14. to 81 3-4. Corn -No. 3 yel- low, 64 to 68e. Cate -No. 3 whiee. 06 3-4 to 37c. Flour and bran-eiechenged. T)uluth, December 2,-'Wheate-No. 1.hard, 45i -2c; No. 1 Northern, 851-20; No. 2, d84<>3-4;83 te0retbSeT I813°311-404a;na M11°Y, 2 88)11a-241.. Linseed -Sim; December, 41.57; May. $1.42 3-4. L!ve Steck Markets. lifontreal, Dec. 2. --Best cattle w' -e heid et 7 1-20; medium, 6 1-2 to 7 1-90; oommon, 3 1-4 to 6 1-4c; bulls, 3 1-2 oe 4o; an ean- ners, 3 to 3 1-2e; cows, $e0 .0 480, oue held for $125; calves, 3 /-2 lo 70; sheep, 5e; lambe. 7 1.2 to 80; hogs, 3 1-20. Toronto, leo. 2.-Cattle--Choe b-ut. Otero, _$8 to $8,50; geed raediuna, $6.50 to $7.25; common, $5 to 83.50; fat toeve, 44.50 to $6.25; common cove. $3.50 to $4.; but- chers' buns, $3.75 to $6.50; canners, $3.60 to $4. Calves -Good veal, $8.78 to $10; common. $4.75 to $5.10. Stocker!! and feed. ers-Steers, 910 to 1,050 $6 to $6.50; good quality, 800 lbs., -$6 to 86.25; light Eastern, 400 to 650 The., $4.60 to 86.26; light, $3.50 to $4. Sheep Enid lambs -Light ewes, 44.60 to $5.60; heavy, $3 to $3.601 bucks, $3 to $5.50; spring larabs: $8 60 to $8 80, but with 750 per bead deducted for all the buck lanibe. nog -$8.50 to $8.60 fed and wutered. $8.85 off care. SERVED SEVEN YEARS. Prisoners' Good Condnet Cancelled Five Years of Term. A despatch from Kingston says: Mitchell brothers, colored, who have ,served seven years in the Pro- vincial Penitentiary for robbery and attempted murder, have been deported to Chicago. •"'These two men. were ,sentenced at Windsor to twelve years' imprisonment for robbing a, passenger 'on the Wind- sor ferry, and trying to throw him overboard. Their good conduct in prison secured for them a reduction of sentence. • DR. LA.BERGE RESIGNS. A despatch from Sault Ste. Marc, Ont., says: Warren Rowan, a young arlark nineteen years of age, employed by the Soo Dredging & Construetion Companyy, was on Saturday morning crushed tto death while endeavoring to put a chain around a large stone which heal just, been raised .by the large derrick. The stone slipped out <A the grip of the dredge' and fell on Warren. ere:shies his chest and breaking several 'Abe, •FRENCH AVIATORS BriffNED. Aeroplane Collided With Tree and Burst Into Flames• . A des,pateb from Epernay, Fran.oe, says : Two military &via, - tors were burned to death near this plaee on Wednesday, when the aeroplane in which they were flying dashed into a tree and burst into fla,mes. The neer: were burned be- yond recognition. The aeroplane met with the mishap when the avia- tors tried to make a landing about nine -miles from this town. Before the few persons who saw the acci- dent arrived on the scene the men were dead. Nothing was found to indicate who they were, but but- tons on the charred reninants of their clothes show that they be - Has Been Medical Health Officer of longed to the military aviation Montreal Tweutysseven Years. corps. CHILEAN BATTLE SIIIP . Has a Displacement of 28,000 Tons :ma BLOM Horse Power. A despatch from Newcastle, Eng- land. says: The Chilean battleship Almirente Teore was lannaheel on Thursday at the Elswick shipyards. Her displacement is 28,000 tons and her engines are expected to develop over 37,000 indicated horsepower. The contract calls for a speed of twerity-threeknots. The Main armament ef the new vessel Con- sists of ten 4 -inch guns placed in pairs, in turrets on the centre lino tory of twenty-two 4,7 -inch guns. and she earries an auxiliary bat - FOUR EMPLOYES ARRESIED. A despatch from Montreal says: Dr. Loais Laberge, Medical Officer of Health of the city of Montreal, resigned on Saturday after having held the position for twenty-seven years. Dr. Laberge became -widely known during the fa -mous sarallp•ox epidemic here, ' PREMIER BORDEN RETURNS. His Health Is Tint:nye:I, But Not Yet Completely Restored. A despatch from Ottawa, says: Premier Borden and ,Mrs. Borden returned to Ottawa, at noon on Sunday, after spending four weeks at Hot Springs, Virginia, where the Prime Minister went on medieal ad -vice to seek rest and renewed health. The holiday with daily golf and the course of treatment at the bathes have benefited him consid- erably. • FOR NEW YORK Y.M.C.A. Huge Sum 1Raised in Campaign Two Weeks' Duration. A despatch from New York says: The campaign for a $4,000,000 fund for the Young Men's Christian As- sociation and the Young Women's Christian Association, which has been in progress for the last fort- night, elosed- suecessfully oneWed- nesday night, when it was an- nouneed that a total of $4,031,560 had been reached, of H.SIIBOR CONTRA CT WORK. Halifax Will Iltaae One of the' Beat , Porte in Anteriea. A despatch from Ottawa says; Work designed inake Halifax one of the best equipped ports in America and more fully to utilize the inagnifiteat possibilities of its harbor are provided for in a con- traot awarded at Thursday's Celia het Council for the °Neat: seetion ef the terminal sehente, The successful. bidders are roloy .13tothere, Weloh, Stewart and Faaquier, and the tot:treat figtire is $5408,749, Undsonas Bay Men Accased of Stealing Goods Worth $1,525. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Henry Watson, C. N. St-orer, J. W. Bailey and Jas, lather, em- ployes en the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, have been arrested, charged with the theft of $1,525 worth of goods. Three of the men pleaded guilty to stealing $1,025 worth of goods, and were remanded until Menday. The fourth man was re- manded without pleading. More arrests are • expected shortly on charges of receiving stolen goods. POLICE AT WEDDINGS Owing to Frequeney et Murdees :tad Stabbings at (eremorixes. A despatch from Winnipeg eays: Murders and stabbings have be- come so frequent at Galician wed- dings, lately that the city has been forced to take action, and will send polite to each ceremony hereafter, for Whieth to, permit will have to be iseueal. Na longer a fanatieal sett, but earnest eolenists, the whole body of. Doukhobor% ia West:era Cenacla, will make an effort to theow eft, their ,clannish barbariStit and be ceme good' Canadian eilizene.