HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-11-27, Page 8E EER ATESTOCATB, TRITRBIlAY NTTM S2 1191 XETEH MARKET& CII ::N , 413 OACat WEDNESUAT Wli� r•. ,. , 83 85 yBari.>• .. ,:. .. , ... , .. 48 57 .,.rli+i j .neat. • .r�,.. ,... 48 48 Oats, 32 32 Peas. 2f 80 80 Petal r r s. per bag .. , ... 75 90 gay, ,,.,,. ton., ....... , . , 10 00 10 00 Fla+zi• tray cwt., family 2 00 Flour, i • r .5r grade per ow 1 50 150 $Cool ,.,., ...., 2 25 86 37 11 12 10 1a 13 17 20 10 16 8 10 23 00 22 00 Hens Dux . Roosters...... Turkey �., Geese.. Dried Apples per lb .. , . Live hobs, per cwt. Shorts per Bran per. ton . . FARMERS' ATTENTION We buy Good Eggs, We pay Good Prices the year mound We buy according to quality. We pay for new laid eggs, not ov-' er n rie days old, 40c. We pay for Fresh Eggs, 30c, Prices subject to change.. CHAS, F, HOOPER Exeter, Ont, Opposite Dr, Sweet's Office, SEEDS FOR SALE JAMES BEER wishes to announce that he has a choice line of Turnip, Maugei Corn and Potato Seed for Sale. See him before buying. HOUSE FOR SALE. — Good House and three Lots for Sale in Exeter Apply to Thos. McCallum or Thos. Cameron, Farquhar. HEIFERS FOR SALE A car load of choice high grade Holstein Heifers, supposed to be in calf. Prices right. Terms to suit purchaser. JOHN H. SCOTT, Exeter, Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street "into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. — WM. RIVERS AMMUNITION of all kinds at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. --o-- MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental HOUSE FOR SALE. — Good House and three Lots for Sale in Exeter Apply to Thos. McCallum or Thos, Cameron, Farquhar. WHITE WYANDOTTES FOR SALE—A number of choice White Wyandotte Cockerels for sale. Ap- ply to Wm. Bagshaw, Exeter. FEMALE HELP WANTED,—Cook; for private family. Good pay for competent person. Mrs. W. M. Cart- shore, artshore, London, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey frame house in good state of repair. One-quarter acre of land. Situate on Huron Street. Good water, etc. Apply to Mlss. ADDIE MORLOCK, Milliner, Main st, STRAY STEER A two year old steer strayed "onto the farm of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con 4, Stephen, about the first of November. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses NICHOLAS • BEAVER VILLAGE, PROPERTY • FOR SALE , A brick cottage, containing parlor, dining room, sewing room, kit. nen, 3 bed -roe -n; all recently napered,grain- ed and painted. Heate•1 by furnace and electric lighted. TWO 1ot1 Si. land. with goof frame barn, hard and soft water Well situated. Apply -to A. HASTINGS,Exetar. FOR SALE Old RENT Goo~t brick house, h-ilf acre land Fruit trees, hen house on the prem- ises A good comfort -tele place. For par eular; apply to Mrs. E. Demp, sey. Centralia. FARM FOR SALE r ti B.11 Lit 10, Con. 1, Hay, contain- ing 11 icres, more or less, in good state :, cultivation, Good brick house conte lee; 9 rooms; 2 barns, one on. bricl, 2.:anclation with stabling under neatli ; a never failing spring creek; a goo 1 orchard; well underdrained. One teal a quarter miles from school Tins i : a very desirable property be- inn s tante half way between Exeter and Ii :isall 'on the London Road. For term lid particulars apply to Nor- man Jarrett, 2&71eLappin Ave., Tor- onto, or to E. S. PHILLIPS, Real Estete Agent, Exeter: . RQJD•iRDNK SYs EM Low Rates To CHICAGO AND RETITRN From Stations Kingston, *Renfrew. and west in Ontario Good Going Nov, 30th Dec, 1st & end, Account of International. Live Steck Exposition RETURN LIMIT—All tickets -alid to return to reach original starting point not later than midnight on Dec. sstl :quell arid and °Fest Train Service- -on-ly Double Track "Route ut" particulars, berth reservations, Cie,, at Grand 'trunk Ticket Offices, X. J, Dore, Exeter, LOCAL DOINGS. htr John T Hicks of 'Osborne has. purchased the Herbert residence in Exeter -et �ez North. x Ifyou want to secure a good, space for your Christmas advertising you had better speak quick, Recomend the .Advocate to your neighbour who array not be a 'sub- scriber, We will appreciate it. Afr use has d ncce on is FnVict`ria Street sold t 1eIrs.esi- 1) Cobbledick of Exeter North, The Clinton Gun Club holds their twenty third annual shoot at the lub grounds on the 27th and 28th, Air S, Rowe and family moved to Clinton last week to reside. Exeter is loath to lose auch, citizens but we wise them well In _the, town of Clinton Don't forget the Trivitt Memorial Chtuch Bazaar and Cantata in the ()pent House on Friday, Dec. 5th, The articles to be on. sale will form. a magnificent array this year and the. Cantata will be one of interest and pleasure, Repairs are being made • to the foundry buildings, in the way oe lev- elling up the front .ancl putting ina; new foundation and new floors. The manager of the new . company, Mr, Hanna. is expected this week, and the patterns and machinery in a few days, Mr 'Henry* ,Squire of Usborne on Friday last purchased from the ex- actors of Lthe estate oil the late Mrs. Kay the ;brick dwelling situated on the South side Of town paying $1100. \Ir, Squire intends occupying the property in the near future and we welcoxlae Mr. Squire and family to; our midst. To make the farm pay all it can pay. should be the object of every, good farmer, not to impoverish the land but to handle it as a business propositions Do this and you are bound to succeed. The Weekly Sun, Toronto, the farmer's business paper, can help you. Send the publishers a post card,•Nthey will be pleased to fur- nish free sample copies. The Jackson :Manufacturing Com- pany, who .have branches in Exeter, Clinton Goderich and Zurich, has been changed from a partnership into a joint stock company, and in future will be known as the Jackson Manu- facturing Company, Limited, The cape ital is $150,000, and the directors W. Jackson, T. Jackson, jr,, H. Torr Rance ant 'Miss J, Wilts, The Main Street pulpit on Sunday morning .and James Street pulpit on Sunday evening were occupied by Rev. Dr. Hazelwood, moral reform sec retary of the Methodist church. He also spoke at Bethany in the after- noon Rev, Dr. :McGregor, secretary of. moral reform of the Presbyterian church, gave a lecture in Caven Church on Tuesday evening. • These talks were very instructive along these liines.:• M. K. Dyer, Armenian student, gave an interesting talk in James Street church on Thursday night on Arm- enia. giving..•a discription of the Balkan. War, the customs of the Mohammedans, their persecution of the Christians, and the characteristics of the country. In that land a lab ore/ receives 6 cents a day, a mech-, anic, 10 cents, eggs sell for 1 cent a dozen and a good • cow 31.50.. Mr, Dyer also sang several songs. Death has .been more than usually active among m on„ t he inmates of the House of Refuge at Clinton this year six=teen have already joined the great majority ,after all but one had passed the four score milestones; In .the two previous years combined there were only twelve deaths. The .House" now only has ninty-seven inmates, which is about ten less than high water mark, . The oldest inmate on record was Mrs. Cottle, who .lied in April aged 107 years WEDDED. --A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, Nov.. :26th, at the Methodist parsonage, Elimville, of Mr• John T. Hicks to Miss Esther Ann Parkinson, both of the Township of Usborne. The ceremony was per- formed . by Rev. Mr. • Steadman. Mr, and Mrs.. Hicks will have the best wishes, of their many friends. They cviIl reside in Exeter North, in the residence recently purchased ley Mr. Hicks from the Herbert estate, A regular storm periodcovers the Iast week .in November having its as- tronomical center on. the 27th. The Moon also at new or in conjunction with Earth and Sun, on the 27th. The barometer will fall and oher in- dications of -brewing, storms will ap- pear but decided autumnal storms of rain and wind, ' turning to now northward, will traverse the • country from west to east on; and touching the 27th, nth and 299th, Reactionary storms will be certral on Dec, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, with the disturbances Probably extending over the 6th, the date on which the Moon,' passes over celestial equator at its apogee. Squalls of winter rain wind and thund er will be natural on and' near the, 6th followed by rising barometer, westerly. gales and cold, clearing weather. NOTICE—Kindly read Mrs. W. D. Yea's advertisement on another page, LOGGING CHAIN LOST. — Bee tweer Exeter and Elimville,• a logging chain: .Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at Advocate Office, MUFF LEFT,—At Central Hotel, Exeter,. a black Astrachan, muff: O,vnet can have same by calling at the Central I•IoteI and paying, rax this notice TRIVITT MEMORIAL BAZAAR: The Ladres'Guild of the Trivitt Mem- orial Church will hold their annual Bazaar in the Opera House on Friday December 5th,': The sale of fancy work Om take, place iris, the afternoon- a*rcl tea will be served. In the 'even- ing a Cantata ,entitled "lather Time" web be put .on evbich• promises to' bee rare treat, Admission to Bazaar & Tee 10c. evening 25c. Miss Olive Hern is quite ill and un- der the doctor's care. Mr, A. 5 McDonell es out again a.fte.-i a few clays illness. Mr. W. T. Gillespie has moved in -t to the house recently purchased from ,Ix s t Sanda e, It AIrs John R. Hind is s#iI1 confined to her room suffering from the ef- fects of blood poesoniete. ,A dance was given in McDonell's Hall on Monday night,' The London Harpers furnished the .music, The Advocate to January 1st,1915 for one dollar to any part of Canada, $1511 to the United State;, M Robert R Bert Potuntain of Toronto, uncle of Mrs, T. B. Carling, recently underwest a critical operation, and is very low • Mrs Tilos, Ilartoun unfortunately felt dorm the cellar stairs on Satur- day evening and sustained a severe shaking up. Mr John Miners o±. Elimville has purchased the Wm. Taylor residence on Albert Street, and will move in during the winter, On Sunday, Dec, 14th Jaynes Street Methodist Church will observe the Fifty First Anniversary of the church Rev, J. W, Baird off Mitchell is to be the preacher for the .day. A live bird shooting match wes held on.. the Gun Club grounds Tuesday afternoon, between sides chosen by Mr, Passmore and Mr. John Hunkin, Good scores were made. The form - cies side wan by a very, small margin. A platform Missionary Meeting will be held neat Sabbath evening in fames Street church when Messrs: S, Martin, S. M, Sanders and T. Harvey, who were representatives to the re - rent Interdenominational • Missionary Convention held in London, will give addresses, A debate on "Resolved that the Savage is happier than Civilized Peo- ple' took place in the James Street League Monday night, when the af- firmative won i ont, that side be- ing taleen by Hubert Jdnes and Leon Treble. The negative was taken by Chester Harvey and ,Joe Davis. Rev W; G. H. McAlister was in St. Thomas on Monday attending the Annual Board Meeting of Alma Coll- ege. The college had 'a most suc- cessful year. Among the improve_ ments was the instalation of a Warren pipe organ, donate by Alma daugh tors During the evening Prof, Jones gave a short organ recital which proved to be very interesting • to the pupils and members of the Board, MARRIED IN SASI.CATOON,-The marriage took place at Westminster Manse, Saskatoon, on Nov. 17th- of a former Exeter lady, Is/Liss Inez Mabel Miners, daughter of Mr. William Min- ers of Exeter, to lea, William Howard Brumwell of Dewar Lake; Sask. The ceremony was performed in the Pres- ence of •a ,number of relatives, byRen D. S. Dix. Mr. and Mrs. Brumwell will reside at Dewar Lake and ,will have the best wishes of the bride's many friends here.-... BECKER—BROWNING—One of the prettiest home weddings of the sea son occurred Tuesday ,afternoon when Miss Hazel Lenore Browning, young- est daughter o•; Dr. and Mrs. Brown `vng, and Mr, Oliver Herman Becker - Youthful Appearance • AN 'ASSET TO EVERY WOMAN GRAY HAIRS A SOURCE , OF DISCONTENT, - Everybntarx wishes to look young always. Gray hairs mean the ass ng of youth's charm. They are the source of many a heartache to nany and many a woman, But they nee,' not be. Hay's Hair Health iestoies gray hair to its ,natural color. It is not a dye, By its tonic qualities, . by promot- ing a new vigorous, healthy growth of the hair, by removing daadruff, by furnishing the scalp and the hair roots a ,new life it brings back the real eol- or and lustre of the hair, If, after a fair trial according to directions, it fails, to do this we will refund your money. $1.00, SOe., 2Sc. Get it at our store Sold and recommended by W. S, Homey Druggist, Exeter, Ont. Miss Kathleen Stewart is visitiog in London, • • Mr. Rus, Southcott was in Toronto ove,, Sunday., , ' Miss 'Gladys Bissett visited in Lon- don this week. Reeve Heiman was in London Mon- day on business, Mr and Mra. Wigle were in Bay- field over Sunday. Mr. S. M. Sanders was in Toronto this week on business. Mr. Thos. Hand -ford of Ingersoll was in town this week. Mr Henry Stanley of, Kincardine was a visitor in town on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs• Robert Sweet of Clin- ton spent a few days with i elatives here. - - Miss Annie Harvey, Detroit, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs, Albert Brown of Stephen. Mrs Thos, Creech and children spent a few days in Stratford dur- ing the week, :Via Mark Mitchell of Lotndon was n town a couple days this week vis - Rhine his mother. • Mr. Wm, Atkinson returned last week from Fillmore, Sask., where he spent the summer: Mrs Burgess, who has been c isit- Met Mrs James Murray,- returned to Burgessville on Monday. Miss Ethel CIark of Crediton and Miss Nora Brown' of Sharon visited Mr, and Mrs. Moses Amy over Sunday Mrs. Thos. Dunsford of Marlette, Mich., fox"merly of Hay Tp., atter a pleasant visit with relatives' and seri ends here returned home •Tuesday. Mr Gilbert . j• Dow returned last week from a trip to Winnipeg ;with a number of . horses. He left Saturday for Ottawa to buy another carload. The circulation . of the Advocate is growing You can have the Advocate sent to your 'address till the end of 1914 for.$1. TEACHER WANTED Second Class Professional Teacher, for S S. No. 1, Stephen. Duties to commence at New Year. State sal- ary. Wm. J. Bowden; Centralia, R. R. No, 1 of New hamburg, avere united in METING marr ages by the Rev. Thos. Wearing, B.D., of Toronto. Promptly at _ three o'clock to the strains. of h+Iendelssohn't Wedding March played by Mr. Philips who presided at the piano, the bridal a. t he r e :creel t z n_ drawing party room which was tas.efuily decorated with ferns and flowers, and took their places beneathan arch of pink and white ribbons and wedding bells. The bride wholooked charming in a gown of white crepe meteor entrain, trim- med with pearls, and carrying a show- er bouquet of bridal ;roses and lilies of the valley,was given; awayby her father. After the ceremony • the guests : repaired . to the . dining room; where a dainty luncheon was served. Amid congratulations and• showers•of confetti the happy coupleleft on the evening train for New York and °t - her eastern points. On their return they will take up their residence in Nets- Hamburg, where they well be at home to their friends after the 1st. of January. The presents which were numerous and beautiful showed the esteem in which the young couple are held The out of town guests were, Mr. and 1VIrs. D. Becker, Miss Beck- er and Miss Bettger of New Hamburg Mr. E. P. Browning of Aylmer ;Rnd Mr. and Mrs, Jas, E. Bingham of Pt. Huron, Mich. JUST OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, Tlie'counck of the Corporation of County of Huron will meet in he council chamber, in the :Town of Goclerich on Tuesday, December 2nd at 3 o'clock. All accounts against the county must be placed with the Clerk before this •date. Dated at Goderich, Nov. 13, 1913 W. Lane Clerk e rk erseeeeseeelesseeeeiveessevekeemseol Baled Hay Baled Hay for sale. Any quanity delivered. R. G. SELDON Exeter, Ontario ARRIVED NEW FANCY GOODS AND STAMPED LINENS POR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE, LUNCH CLOTHS SOFA CUSHIONS LACE COLLARS TRAY . CLOTHS PIN CUSHIONS 'COLLA.R LAUNDRY BAGS HAND_ BAGS SETS BEADED'BAGS STAMPED AND WORKED TOWELS AND PILLOW CASES 'IRISH AND SWIISS EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS. BEAUTIFUL' IN DESIGN AND TEXTURE ALL PRICES -FROM 30,' to 50c, EACH, • SE1i. OUR • DISPLAY OF HANDKERCHIEFS IN soU'rfi WNIDOW WF HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF CHINA HAND PAINTED JAPANESE GOODS JUST ARRIVED ' OUR GROCERY • DEPARTMENT - is ;now complete and we' are preparedto.take orders for Christmas Groceries 3 lbs, best Selected Raisins 25c. 3 Ib:; best Currants 25c, Assorted Peels, tints, Icing, Sugar, Good Red Salmon 15c acan,• Spices, Etc, Maple Leat' Saimaa 1.8c, a can pigs, Dates,. 'Haney, Table • Syrup 3 cans 'Corn, Peas, Tomatoes ;,?5c, Cooking., Mollases; ' A CALL SOLJCITED f a 1 Sai <. 7 ill Help Many a (Christmas y a was Gift Perplexity When you are purchasing a present. it is a matter of money and what you want—nothing else. Then this is your store—for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices: A good variety of articles, selected from the larg- sest stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Clocks, Etc. These goods are new, beautiful, and modern in design, and of superior quality, We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches All kinds of Repairing done and' guaranteed, MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician Exeter, • Ont. The Home of High Class Furniture We .have our show room well filled again with Up-to-date FURNITURE of all kinds. We always try to have on hand the best 'goods to satisfy the wants of our many customers. R. N• poWE Undertaker and License Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER . ONTARIO Come with the Crowds to the Big Variety Store for your Xmas wants; large stocks Prices lower than ever. Our toy section is open. We will set aside anything you want till Xmas. Powell's Bazaar PHONE 65 Big Variety Store Tile Advocale to Jan. 3 ,15 JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 Christmas Shopping Xmas Only4 Weeks IT SOUNDS EARLY TO DO YOUR SHOPPING, SO EARLY; "DON'T IT". BUT YOU NEED ALL THE TIME AND MORE YOU WILL- FIND US. Headquarters for Xmas Presents Fancy Linens Fancy • Handkerchiefs Fancy. -Hose Fancy Collars Fancy Purses Fancy Companions Fancy Pins Fancy Broaches Shirts Collars Ties Su spenders Sox Gloves Suits Overcoats Fancy Umbrellas Fancy Leather Goods Fancy Furs Fancy Scarfs Fancy Sweater Coats Fancy Mufflers Fancy Rugs Fancy Curtains: ALL 'GOOD CHRISTIVIASS PRESENTS Ladies' Winter Wearables MEN'S COATS Another swell lot of new Coats' just inthis week.' Something entirely .new' again WAISTS AND DRESSES Silk or net waists• in diff- erent colors also House Waists and Dresses,, FUR LINED COATS We have a fine allowing sof Fur Lined, Fur Collar and Pur Coats. The prices are 'aweY` FTJRS AND. •UNDERWEAR` A full ;stock for your sel- action of the best that we can procure, Men's -- and Boys' Furnishings.. YOU INOW WE HAVE THE BEST THAT IS GOING. New Shirts: and Collars • New Suits and Overcoats New Ties and Scarfs New Hats and Caps New Sox and Suspenders , New Underwear. JONES lleadgra>rters-for the celebrated W, E; Sanfor4d Clothing