HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-11-27, Page 5,A.
itOTJI..S'T'QN., L,D,s„ p,D.S,
DfittI C1ST
,Ober px the Et,,O.D,s, of Ontario and
B r Q adUatq of Toronto University.
OGe-eCeser Diciteion 8e Carling's law
of fee. (dosed Wednesday afternoons,.
DIt. A, R, IfINSI ATi, L.D.S„R D.D,S.,
,1;Ionor Oreduute or Toronto TJn:rtersity
Teeth extracted'without pain, or any
seelveSI -e+'tekts. Office over• Gladman
Startttury s Office, ivladtn Street, 'Eisetem.
Sglidters, Notaries, Conveyancers, Core-
ne4eioneris, Solicitors for the Molt}ones
Bank, etc,
stoney to Loan at loweat rates of interest
Offices -Main -St., Exeter
I. R. Caring, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on twr n enc village prop-
err.lee at lo'Nr rates of ant eek.
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter.
J. SEN ion
Agent Conlederatoon Late Assurance)
Company, also Vats Insurance in ieai'p
tang Canadian and.8rrttl813 Ginnnient8S.
Malas -Si., Eke ter.
T. B OAALIiai(l
Lite„. Fire, l'scldeut and Plate .Glass
Lnsurance, [totlecting accounts, and con-
ducting aootlon sales. — Exeter, -Ont,
Thousands of ambitious young pec.
pleyaretast preparing its their own homes to
oscopy lucrative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, teleggraphet's, chit servants, in
fact every sphere of Business Activities
You may finish at cortege . if you so wish
Position. guaranteed. Eater college any.
day. Individual instruction. '_f xpe L tea-
cners, . Thirty years, oxperenee Largest
trainers* Canada. Sayan colleges, Spec-.
tal;eouras for teachers.
Arcuated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at factious
Spotton Business, College, Lon-
don. •
President •Princlp4
ANY person who is the sole head of
e family or any Lnale over 18 years old,
may 'homestead a quarter section of
available Dominion land cal Manitoba
.Saskatto1rewsn or Alberta. The ap-
plicant an Unit appear In person at the
Dominion Lama Agency or Sub -
.agency for the district. Eatery by pro -
ay made be maids at any agency, on
-certain conditions by father, mother,
:eon, daughter, brother or sister ,of
tending hoaneeteader
Duties—Six =online' residence aped
.a.nd cultivation of the land In each
,or three years, A homesteader may the
within nine rt.'les< of his homestead on
a fain of at Least 80 acnes solely
-owned and occupied by him or by his
'rather,, mother, son daughter, brother
or sister.:
In certain districts a homesteader en
:good standing may pre-empt a quart
.er-section 'along aide his homestead.
Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties—Must reside upon the home
stead or pre-emption six months in
,each of six yearsfrom date of home-
stead entry (Including the time re-.
quired to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acnes -extra.
A hoaneeteader who has ethauste,�d his
homestead right and cannot obtain ft
tpresetmstion may enter for a purr.
chased heanesi end in certain distnicts
'Price •$3.e0 per acre. .Duties— Must
reside six- months in each of these
years, cultivate fishy acres and erect
a hciiee worth $300.
Deputy at the Moister of the Interior
N.Bestiglautthertzed gniblifation of
athis advertisement will not :be pard for.
U�cfxiT C+ MitiU
Rev. Father irllery will take charge
of the Mcaillkvlly•and R, C. parish
es in the absence of Rev, Father For
sten, which will be several weeks,—
Mr. $ Ciu>t ninghta;ln of lidertott at-
tended the funeral of the late lraw-
rence. Dederick: oil Wednesday of
last week.—Mr, and ,ljlrs. J'os, Doyle
and family, .attended the McCarthy
and 13olallcl Wedding at Parkhill on
Wednesday, -Mr. Jos. • Guinan is vis-
iting this week with friends at De-
troit and Sanclwrch.--Marg Thos,' Glair -
in and .sister Josephine are visiting
their uncle for a few days near Sea.
Toronto Ont, Gives its students the
best business education: and assists
them to secure positions when com-
petent Write to -day for our large
catalogue. -
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. __Catalogue
free.':.."Enter any tinne.
J. W,, Westervel t 3. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Ptini ipal' 17 Wee adAcCoti>tli
Every Wotan
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marvel whirling Spray
< Belt drngeiot for
tt If he cannot supply
be ZG1RV,kitr, accept no`
obiter;' bit send stamp for 111ns.
tr,ttad book—sealed. It gives tuA
par:itular5-and directions invaluable
to ladies. WLNDSOE SUPPLX CO.. Windsor, Out
General Agents tor Canada.
Stude its may enter our classes at
any time Those who enter now will
have an advantage over those who
cannot enter till the New Year; Our
courses in Commercial, Shorthairdand
Telegraphy departments are thorough
and practical We offer youadvan-
tanges not offered elsewhere in the
Province: Get ourr free catalogue and
see if it interests you,
D A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
Thos, {Short has p1lrehased the .pro
petty of loin) E. Elliot.
Mrs. Toeher of Port Rowan ie itis•
iting° her mother, Mrs, Nixon who is.
confined to tier bedd. - '
The home of Ionia Gk, AAnetereon of
Anderson, was the scene of a verypret,•
tY wedding on Wednesday evening,'
Nov, 1.$ when their daughter, Mar.
garet Grahain was united in marriage
to aJ, Weslay Hodge, The marriage
wat pe ,foined by Rey. E. P, Qhurch
of Toronto brother-in-law of the bride
assisted by Bev..Burton of Kirkton.
Wo regret to report that Mrs. J.
Shier is not so well again. She has
sympathy of the entire community in
her long illness,
Rheumatism and
Bright's Disease
Prof, Budlong was Quickly Relieved
of Both afflictions, try. USing Rheuma.,
If you suffer from any form of
Rheumatism remember that RHEUMA
goes to work quickly to removethe
cause, not simply to relieve the dis-
tress, Many years'• use has demon-
strated that it goes to the seat of the
disease and expels the poisonous mat-
ter through the natural channels --
the kidneys, bowels, liver and skin
"For many years I was troubled
with Rheumatism also with Bright's
Disease of the Kidneys I suffered
awfully, Tried -•many advertiseli rem-
edies. Atter using' your truly re
markable preparation RHEUMA,, I
was filly' •cured."—Prof. -C. J. Bud -
long„ -Sound View, Conn.
RHI♦UMA is guaranteed by W. S.
Cole who sells it for 50c. a bate.'
Quit Dosing
Children -
with strong Cathartics—
Chamberlain' s
athartics—Chamberlain's Tablets are
most effective in regula-
ting stomach troubles and con-
stipation for the little folk—one
tablet going to bed means a
sunny face in they morning.
Pleasant to take, they' never fail;
25c. a bottle. Druggists and
dealers or by mail.
Chamberlain Medicine Co.
” Toronto 4
Li11cr Carriers
Make the machinery do the
heavy work, and always get
the best.
We handle the very best
Manure Spreaders
Steel Stalls and Stanchions
Nothing Better and nothing
quite so good.
Wes. Buell
Implement Agent
Exeter, Ontario
e ar g a to le,ril ,th r
erank McNitu> tttutr has , slice recover-
ed from her accident,' .Qgts pf her
eyes was burned by :comings in eon-:
tat with a hot iron,
Murdy—Neil•-,Ort Nov. 19 at 3 p.m,
a pretty wedding was solemnized at
the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Ainsley
Neil of Clandeboye, the former being'.
the brother of the bride, when Miss
Pearl Elizabeth ciauglifer of Mr. and
Mrs, Adam Neil was United in mar-
riage to Ebner E., only son of Mr,
and Mrs. Wm, Purdy of the' sec-
ond concession. ,of McGillivray Town-
ship p The ceremony was performed
by Rev, T. '1'. George of Lucan,
The bride who was given away by
her father was daintily attired' in navy
blue silk and wore a necklace and
pearl pendant, the gift of the groom,
She carried a shower of bridal roses
iva, ringbearer and carried a basket
of roses.
Mr. Milton Brown of London spent
a couple days recently with friends
here.—Mr. Jas. Mcllhargey is .recov-
ering, from his recent illness, -Mr, A,
p' Dwire of Landon is visiting rela-
tives here.—Mr. Jas, Flynn has moved
into Mr. j. Lewis' house, recently oc-
cupied '
c -copied' by Mr. Thos. Smith.—Mr,
Enock Patton of Cleveland is visiting
relatives here,—Mr. Thos. Smith has
purchased the lotand dwelling form-
erly owned by Mr. Ross, and took
last week,—Mr.Thos, • Lewis is erect-
ing a? barn and will soon have it com-
Messrs. W,- H. 'Wood, Geo. Dunn,
Frank.iaown, Thos:.,I arr,is and John
Okenettendeet the sale of farm stock
at the home -:,of *Mr, Roland Squire
Blanshard .. Township, on Monday last.
:High prices were realized,—A num-
ber fromthis locality, attended the
lecture of Rev. D. C. McGregor in
Cave:t: Presbyterian Church, Exeter, on
Tuesday evening. -Mr. Sam'l Dilling
be It {'Couple of chimneys for Mr.
VY II. Food last week. Mr. Dialing
an excellent workman —Mr's. Eliz-
abeth Blatchford. of Herman is vis—
iting _frien-ds in tis neighborhood.
\fr'' Welsh, who has sold his . rarm
will move into Exeter. People are
'getting their fall plowing advanced
since the storm abated. -:-Mr. Richard
Blatchford has bought a'house and
lot * in • Hensall and will move there irk
the near future: -Mrs. Elizabeth Blatch
ford of Hansell has been visiting in
this locality during the past week.
Mr. " and Mrs. M. Wilds visited : at
Ware.-Oliver's on Sunday, --=Mr. and
Mrs P. Baker were in Exeter Thurs-
day on business.—Rueben Stibbens of
of Parkhill was in our burg Friday.—
Mr Bert Holt gave a dance Thurs-
day.—Mr, Sam'l Pollock had a bee
Thursday taking dowel the barn which
was:,damaged by the storm.—Mr. John
Holt lost a valuable colt last week by
geiting,in a.well.—Miss Louisa Young
After visiting her father, Mr. John
Young, returned to London Monday.
—Mrs. Frank. Germette entertained
some of her lady friends to a quilt-
ing Thursday.—Mr. Geo. Sheppard and
Mr, Wait of Thedford were here
Fire.—On Thursday morning last
Mr. John Young discovered smoke is-
sueing forth from his barn and on
closer examination found the whole
interior to be on fire. The • blaze
was entirely beyond control and the
balm and " entire contents, save the
live stock were destroyed. A part of
the contents belonged to Mr. Frank
Geromette. The bucket brigade suc-
ceeded in checking the flames from
spreading to the other adjacent build
Enamelled steel,
round -cornered reservoir,
can be washed so clean and sweet
that it can be used for preserving, etc., as
well as heating water. Though a small feature,
it is very importantand, along with other equally
important ones, places the Pandora Range in the
lead of Canadian Ranges. '
See this special reservoir, before purchasing you
7 t l �� F i al,H(•� rr
t�lldef Toronto hetltroa�
Sold t ,
Pandora Ran-
ges are sold
by good dei
tern who back t
up our guar
antee on this it.
splendid .
range -A=-
Vancaaacr st. John Herne Calgary Saskatoon imolltoll
i, .,t., .... :: , {t ',t`i r a,;i: e.,, ... t•lailMlt + .3 t.
Ater,by '. Hawkins & Sou
Mr and Mrs. Albert Gunning vis-
ited Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. John
Wren's near Woodham.—Mr, Fawcett
Evangelist of near Lions Head, is
holding special meetings here this
week.—Mr.. Garnet Hobbs and sister
Myrtle spent Sunday here with her
sister and also at. Mr. Albert Gun-
nings'.—Mr. and Mrs, Daniel' Lewis of
McGillivrays visited at her cousin's
Hector Millson's last week.—The far-
mers find it a great convenience, to
have rural mail it being delivered da-
ily at the road gate, also with the
telephone 'in almost every home; all
we want ,now to make us equal to
inn city cousins is Niagara power
through here, and a street car ser-
vice which we expect to see in the
near future.—Threshing is now all
finished up in these parts and the
owners of the machines only haven as
few• jobs left—J.is`dging by the prices
paid fort stock and implements at the
sales this fall the country must be in
a prosperous condition financially. At
Roland Squire's sale on -Monday pigs
.wen" at„$21 each, w'h'ile cattle ;tood
easy at .the $100 mark.
Miss Mabel Isaac has returned home
atter a month's visit with her sister,
ter, Mrs. Jos. Atkinson of Wheatley,
—We are very 'sorry • to learn. that
Mrs Rich. Dickins is very sick at
present, We hope for a speedy te-
bovery.—Mr. Paddy Symes has been
engaged to work for Mr. Jos, C,reery
for four months, after which he, int
tends returning to Mr. H. W. 11odg-
ins, where he has worked for the past
two years.—Mr.N. B. Davis attended
the Stock and Seed Judging, conven-
tion at Lucan on Monday arjid "Tues-
day.—A large plumber ,fi in -this vic-
ic-inity attended the sale:: o'o',,Wen Reid
on Friday, They report the prices for
stock as high as-the�•ladder would
reach.—Mr, and Mrs.'' Aaron Davis
were in London Saturday, -41r. L,
Cobleigh of Lucan spent Sunday with
Mr, and lvfrs, Jos, Arrrtitsge.—Win, r::,
Hodgins spent a few days with friends
at Parkhill - .
The women ., of Ontario are 'urgings
a general system of medical inspec
tion, in, the schools The polieyi i4;s
beers adopted in a few,;:oenAte,S;iin,OR'
taro aril the,-rest4ts are ,r.'laimed„to
be so good in ” linpi'oved health and
Mental capacity of the students that
the practice should. be !?,arra ilritygr1
alive in alt sohoQls,
Stomach Weak?
Blood Bad?
�, ?
Liver Lazy?
Nervous ?
'o along da after
d su ex�iln who id
Is at hand So con enient and
a t oo little Cost.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
aids digestion and purifies the blood. As a consequence both
the stomach and liver t to their norma healthy ition._
return 1 and h a y condition.
Nervousness and biliousness noon disappear. The entire system
takes on new life.
For over forty Ceara this famous old medicinehas "made good"—and never more so than today,
enjoying a greater sale all over the world than
any other doctor's prescription.
For sale at all druggists in liquid or tablet form, or
you can send fifty lc stamps for trial bore. Address
.... PR. R. V. PIERCE, BUFFAt.4, N.
BRUCEFIELD-The death took
place last week of Mrs. Thos. W.
Cannon, at the residence of her son-
in-law, Dr. James Rogers, The ,e -
mains were taken the following day,
Friday, to London for interment:
SEAFORTH—A quiet wedding
took place in St. James Church, oil
Nov. 3.8th at 6 o'clock, when Miss
Bridget O'Keefe, daughter of the late
Michael O'Keefe, became the bride of.
John Devereaux of Seaforth. The
ceremony was performed by Revs, Fr,.
Gorcoran, in, the presence of the. .lkrn-
mediate friends.
Mr. and Mrs.•U•hristopber Duct i!rne-
have returned florae after a pleasant
visit in Bad Axe, Mich.
Miss Lena Denonnmie has returned
home after visiting friends is Windber,
Chatham and Oourtright.
Mr,;,!'red Granville of Chat/Aro is
visiting his Grandfather Mr. George
Mr. Harry Taylor bar purchased,'hr
father's farm and expects to move -in
the near future.
Ed Brisson of Stratford, who was in
town this week, • has ,,purchased,
William Denotny's farm at the Bauble
Linc Stanley, Possession /sill be giv-
en March 1st.
Mrs E. Zel1er left Thursday morn-
ing for Merlin to attend the funeral
of her father Mr, L. B. Marshall, who
died suddenly as the result of, a par-
alatit stroke on Wednesday nir'ht,
Mr. George Ialbflcisch from Wash-
ington was visiting at the hons of
his niece Mrs, E; Axt,. He has net
been here for over thirty years,
Mr. B. Snyder of Stratford, re-
cently of Grand Rapids,. Mich,, is vnsit.-
ing with Miss Liddie. Zimmerman ; the
will' shortly leave for the city ro to
take•a hospital treatment accninpanied
by, her sister Margarett.
Good Health
'Pim, and Vitality
Are aaeured 1t you yrlLZ Cleanse "our
;a'teb ach of undigested toed a, 11 'oul
gases; the excess bile frown the aver
and the wallet° twitter Men the intest-
ines and bowels by this Use of
the grist trust, kidney, liner stomach
and bowel reltmdy-
At all 'dealers. 25 and 50 cent boxes
ormailed by .'Abe Pig; •Pill Co., St.
Thenar e, Ont.
Sold at Howey's Drug Store.
1 Will Prove It to You Free
Yon alio are suffering the tortures of Eczema. Itch, Salt Rheum or other
skin diseases --you whose days are miserable, whose nights are made sleep-
less by the terrible itching, burning pains, let me send you s trial of a sooth-
ing, healing treatment which bas cured hundreds, which I believe will cure
YOU. I will send it free, postage paid, without any obligation on your part.
Just fill the coupon below and mail it to me, or write ole. giving your name, site sad address.
Twill send the treatmentfree of cost to you. „ t i '
mew sae es ss, aee wa---r.GUT ANO MAIL TO OA1,414-----a,la al"
1. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, 636 West Main St, Fort Wayne, ind., U.S.A.
Please send without cost or obligation to the your Free Proof Treatment.
Post Office
Street and No .«
Z wman.
I knoatnwa a
owoman's trials.
I know her need of sympathy and Neill.
If you, my sister, are unhappy ben u;e of
health, and and feel unfit Thr household dnt ial
Measures, or daily employment, write and t'Ml. me
dust how you suffer, and ask for my free tell days'
trial of a home treatment suited to your needs ;
with references to Canadian lathes who gladly tell
}sow they have regained health, etre i th, and
happiness by its use. I want to tell you it about
this successful method of home tree slut for
yourself, niy reader, for your daughter, y rsister,
or your mother. I want to tell you h t5 cure
yourselves at home at trifling cost, and without
aid from anyone. lien cannot understand women's
sufferings; what we women know from exper-
ience, we know better than any doctor ; and
thousands have proved there is hope even for the
nt. eront panihe head, back, home or b -Wets,
feeling of weight and dragging down sensations,
failing or displacement of internal organs, bladder
irritation with frequent urination, obstinate
constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly
or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme
nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion,
with dark circles under the eyes, pain In the left breast or a general feeling that life is not
worth living, 1 invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and
postpaid„,to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at yonr own
house, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation. Wonsen
evertreatmwent and when here are you are curethe d, :ay sister, nif eI shall by only ask ofmy
the good word along
to some other sufferer. 1.fy home treatment is for all,—youngor old. To Mothers of Otiughtt rs,
I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily' and effectually cures green -sickness
(chlorosis, irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them to
plumpness and health. fell me if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costo you
nothing to'give•eny method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if 1 "..t wish to
continue, it costs only a few cents a week t� do so, and it does not interfere whit one'stlaily work.
Is health worth asking for ? Then accept.my geaerousoffer, write for the free treats,, ntsuited
to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by retitrn mail. To save time you can eat out
this offer, mark the places that telt your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the; free
treatment to -day, as you may not see thisoffer again. Address ;
Buy this oven -tested four
Your:' oven will certainly pro-
duce more bread and better bread
as a result of our oven test.
'From each shipment of wheat
delivered at our mills we take a
ten -pound sample. It is ground
into flour. We bake bread from
ri 'aria this flour. If this bread is high innu ear
and large in quantity we
r use the shipment of wheat from
which it came. Otherwise, we sell
14 it.
The baking quality of flour
hid under this name is thereltre
a,: exact s;ertainty. tui and
ben t t i
'arid Eettereread" and
tt er • astry Toa on