Exeter Advocate, 1913-11-27, Page 4NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK San ere & Creech, Proprietors Itt advance $1.00 per year in Cada. al$L50 la United States. If not paid in, advance 50e. extra per year way Abe charged mportant Events ' Which Hays Occurred Curiry the Week, The' Busy "•/orld's Happenings Care. LT RS D.. Y« INOV ,, '2'7 t3 Con,pilecl and Put t me Handy and Attractive ` Shape.' tor the Readers tai Our Paper --A Solid' Hour's. Enjoyment. arlDN1 SDAY. The Ifaticesel Art Gallery at Ot- *ewe is to be open on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m, Hoz*,. J. J. Foy announced last evet- ing that the Provincial Government lied decided to subscribe $10,000 to :elle take disaster fund. fee. ,. x Ships of the big tleets in pore at aot . _ee. in arced o. any sympathy Fort William are flying flags at haif- t one any charters, As regards the mast, out of respect to saltine lost e wetter lr+a°dl.ir-e the Conservatives the recent storm on Lhe lakes. have to swallow i.. having Mr. J. h. Williams fora Post Master it will no doubt relieve the Expositor to know that up to date, no complains any them, ,311. made h - of h have been in. } on tilt contrary every one seems happy The Seaforth Esposioor continues lamenting over ',the change o piost- • reastex um Seaforth, extending much' sympathy to air. Dickson. Apparently Mr. Dickson is not in need of style - ' paltry from any quarter. Regarding the matter the Seaforth News same, alr. Dickson is quite satisfied with - the turn affairs have taken and .roes Dashwood 'The many friends of Mr.- -Clarence Zellermann will be pleased to hear he as recovering, Miss Susie Wambold and ?Ver.: Ern- est Flynn visited here Sunday. Miss Violet Geiser of Sh'pka was the guest of Miss Baumgartel' Sunday Don't forget the Christmas enter- • Rev. Hugb Cowan, of Chatham; has accepted. the cat' to Haynes Avenue Presbyterian Clew I., St. Catharines, and will be inducted on Dec, and, Allem and Flelltwell, two Torone. "handbook" men, were sent to wiser yesterday for six months and tined $500. tor taking borse-racing bete. The British schooner John L. Or- well was 'towed into Rockland, Me., harbor during Monday night full of water and with ber bottom badly damaged, - In view of hundreds of spectators at the Nortb 13ay station. S. M. Archi- bald of Brentwood, NB., stepped in,. sront of the Soo express and was crushed to death. The thirteenth annual convention" of the AmeriaitteFish and Game Pro - .Dec in the Evangelical church ori tep eve:. Assorla l i opened in St; .Dec 23. A good programa ill ire rendered. ,,-,r 'pi, N,B., yesterday. Hen. J. D. 'Miss Addie Ehlers and Russel Flynn aeeen is the president. ' -were in town Sunday. - -xz .eut. B. HSteele, U; S.N., after Mrs Hy. Cal1fas, who has,°-beeii;d-to—serveg "broken"on the •Maine, started for a long time, still contineesenilsriz five years in Philadelphia Miss 3linnie Eiders of T es yesterday at hara Lebo!. for drunken - %visiting, her parents here. °t""` ' •trees. assault and scandalous conduct. • :Pierre Picard.. of Montreal, until Ton and Harry Yearley or Crede recently a city . detective;; shot anti ton were in town Sunday evening. killed his infant son yesterday. He. A number of boys from here at- 'tended a dance at Grand Be3kde:ahurs- quarrelled with his wife In his home day night.7„,,,e..,Ae " and• 3red at her, the bullet striking Iris.; Hilda Snell is visiting €riends the child in her arms. an Morristown and Waterleo.;,„„a : - TH trataD a.Y. Nurse McRae, who 'has bend. . John Flanigan. a retired contractor Jing Mr. Clarence Kellermartneradeft and a resident of Brockville for Monday for London. nearly sixty years, died yesterday, at Mrs.Daniel Schaefer is still in ton- a age of 37, don, being treated for carne*,--. -1 _The recent blizzard, which sus - friends will be pleased to leern tat nded street car traffic partially for she is recovering. >-,< ee. eral days in Cievetard, 0., causel Some of the mien are busy-even.a fess of $31Z,000_ at the drain which runs frons; .Znu t 'Daptain Marin, .,=ith the tug Artu- ther's field to the creek. Thield+ia tus. provisioned for a week, left Port w'i; be a great benefit to a frig -ruin ,Arthur yesterday to search for the ber of people here,. missing steamer- Leafield. Mr Ed. shaft has been' " rl Prince William of Wied has be- vete eas i the xrork on the rai'kearea -3^,ise ablate formal candidate for tbe throne - the wet weather. ea -Albania. He is the nephew of the Mr. Louis Adams is -=ra n ' ageat Lueen. of Roumf ria (Carmen Sylva) - taeadsay on his new house,` which ebomas. Smelt, former superinfee• -whet completed will be a"nae =neat-, rdent of the Karn Organ and Piano deace :Works, died yesterday in Woodstock, Rev. Grenzebach preached a vee ,aged 62. He was prominent in Ma- instructive sermon Sunday- etieriiew en lc circles. :Su]3jest; Reading: What • to a read " ' Fire in the west wing of the main %'tib•" to read, and haw to read. building of the Rochester,. N.Y., state Mr. Keys and air: McKenzie .•: _of ' tiospital yesterday morning resulted - Shipka were 'M. town Sunday 'Nfight. .:in removing 105 patients from the Miss Webb spent Sunday at il,";ing- building, and for a time threatened ham serious results. Miss Maud Hartleib had charge ofWith only five dissenting votes the Misr.. Webb's room Monday- 'morning. `American Federation of Labor adopt - Miss Sylvia Pfaff is visiting rela- ed in Seattle yesterday resolutions de- tives in Eyster. mantling the exclusion of all Asiatics and a literary test for Caucasians at 17. S. entry ports. Herman Lessman and Joseph Bell, the two Hebrew arrested on. a charge of entering thee store of Samuel Love of Guelph and stealing various arti- eles, were sentenced yesterday to three months in jail: Solomon V. Rooman, aged 84, is dead at Queenston. For several years he held the reputation of being the The trustees of the :school . hare' only surviving workman who was en` gas a engaged Mr. Henry s prin.:ipal =`aged in the erection of Brick :for the coming year, Mr. Shore hay- .for on Queenston Heights, '.ing sent in his resignation some time ' FRIDAY. :ergoBrantford s fire 'loss this year will Jas. Hannan of Shipka was illi the r ash $300,000, the largest on re - village Tuesday. cold. Four big fires make up the Fess Lydia Schroeder, s x • who'. 'leas total. 'been working in Pt. Frank during t. The Lower House of the Bavarian Diet yesterday passed by a large m.a- summer, returned to her home here Saturday. jority a bill introducing female suf- The commuidty on Monday . -,:e1:• frs;ge in a limited form. was shocked to hear of the ettd,denGen. Porfirio Dias has received a passing away of Lorenz Dietrich: For- datch from Mexico confirming the t} -six years ago he and his wife came ..fnurder by bandits of his son-in-law, :from St Agatha, Waterloo 'Co:,' and •Francisco Rtncon Gallardo;. • bought a farm near Dashwood ::roan 'Capt. C. E. Sinclair of Port Huron, Mr Cunningham. On this place .he• after visiting the wrecked steamer fired and died. He is survived. by his Turret Chief, valued at $125,000, on Fife and eleven children, of . idiom 8w K4waaaw Point, says tbp boat can be :are married,—George of Port Lambton -sated, Theobald of Mt, Carmel; Johan;.; : of l Pourt*,Trott deet - egisa Lavas,. the sent n e Shipka; Simm of Zurich • Christ fear y s h=va, Leo of Dashwood, Mrs. :Geo. age, found guilty in • Montreal yes-' ;Fiedler of fres€on, Mrs. Wm. Liitiien terday of aesauiting Alice Lefebvre, a:eld of Parkhill •;and William, - Noe aged 14. •• -and Laura at `home. Mr. Dietrich'Iias: - The pians ;of King p'i or.so . a.. 31' grandchildren -Mir83 nephews= and Queen Victoria of Spain have been nieces He was one of the early Lae upset owing to the illness of her Ma- • .*,leers and it was a pleasure to -hear .testy, wise is sffering from a severe Trim relate his early struggles and attack of influenza. •difficttlties, and it would make. one -, -,Rev. D. G. Rogers, a retired 'ahisrer to reflect an the work he bad -,Methodist minister, •died yesterday el lane and the hardships he- • went -Iroquois, aged 83 Be was one of the through. He used to haul wheat ov- most wiv-known ministers of tbe • 'ar log roads to Luca r and walk • to Methodist':coe(ereuee. • London with ;t crock of butter. 'For " Returning (rotes an aeroplane scout- ear.ay years he walked to .arideefeetse .:Int expedition in Morocco, Lieut. Gil church, 'a distance of 10 miles/,In Rios.and Capt. Bairetero were lifted • religion be was a Catholic. 'Cbnsier -Mit of their ma, bine, badly wounded, • say alt the trips he made torchurch4 after, being. Abet. by the Moors: eluting the near half -a -century ' he 1 police ltagietrate Trent of Regtea laved ors his farm Ire travelledaa, did'- hats made 441e suggestion that the City. taace of 23,920 miles, In politics ;he ,•Council tacrease the taxation by an was a life-long Conservative'." He was ramounf equal to $-30.a head, and that never sick and the first spoonful of•° every person travel on the street cars medicine he ever attempted to take :free. was on Sunday night and that he Acceptance of an invitation to ad- cauldn't take, as his throat was par-' dress the University Colege dinner, '•atsized. The cause of his death ;was in Toronto on Jan. 29. was receive "a stroke of appoIexy. Ile was "70 from ex -President Taft by President ears, 1 month and 18 days old. De- Falconer of Toronto Universityyes - e ewSte the heavy rain fall on Wednes- terday. day the funeral was largely attended. SATURDAY, Relatives were her Froin Fortnasa, The Hamburg -American liner, St. Clemens, St, Agatha, "Waterloo ,Pennsylvania, reports the first ice - wad Berlin. He was buried in the bergs in the nortf ern steamship lane, R. C.' Mass su.,;, Csrmnl ;I e The'li'.M.C.A, National Cou oil bas : ueeraI :class was sura, by jiather An- n tlson y Straeder of Zurich,_ who at time decided' to ask the Postmaster -Gen y eral to excludeifttoxlcants from the wo:aclurioo of the Mass, "• a few out. sr'ell cho peri words paid `s respects parcel post. . ,, .� � .. �:,, x'he t�u:ba,,li• 'Mate .Uepartiimetit dr� ,- to elle upright and C:hristta4z t•.t, .,b)� w c tc m wa.s v,` a d r id the". ri:tmeairite deportation of, the deceased. n a cl belovedell e(irtle McMetrigal, dynamiter, should calla dscposmaw and 13�yR''+11,he attempt to land there, �C li,ilCw kiim. See page 1. Six residents of Verona and ricin - The boys and girls gave Miss Ada Grenzebach a party last Wednesday arming, _ Friday evening the choir o:,.. the, Evangelical church held their annual;, electron et officers in the basement of the church as follows t.—President, Miss L. Guenther; Vice-president Miss M. Rutledge; Secy, Aaron Oes- ' tree:her; Organist, Miss Ora Hoffman Assistant organist,, 'Miss M. Webb;', Librarian, Arthur Haugh. #ty, near Kingston, were. knell $220 and costs op chargeeOf: vieletipg the liquor 'license act Tp a local option eine p. t, - n T arl este G.T,R. has shortened the hours of '19,- 000 shopmen et Montreal to nine hours a day. Each will' lose dye bours.a week. Two hundred members of the Montreal police force have organized a co-operative society and will estab- lish a grocery store in an attempt to lower the high cost of living, Mrs. John Kopec of Laurel, L.L. left ber four-year-old sou to play with bis brother, aged 18 months. They played wood chopper and three of the baby's fingers wer chopped off. Fire did damage to the extent of $14,000 to the premises and stook of J. B. Renaud & Co., wholesale provi- sion merchants, St. Paul street, Que- bec, Yesterday. The loss is covered by insurance. The bodies of two of the- three members of the crew of the steather Nottingham, who lost their lives dur- ing the recent storm on the great lakes, were washed ashore near the Soo yesterday. A record consignment of mail fromon England, not excepting tbe great amount brought in at Christmas time, arrived in New York on one steamer yesterday. There were 5,802 sacks weighing about 155 tons in all. MONDAY. The body of: Copley, the lire.rang- er who was drowned in the Nepigon river on Oct. 12, was recovered on Friday last. .. It is reported that the British Gov- ernmentt•had ordered three more Par- seval airships from the Parsevai works at Bitterfield. Sir. William Henry Bailey, one of the pioneers of. the IV.anchester ship canal and a director of the company, died yesterday at the age :of 75. A serious landsl'de near II:ew Lis- keard disorganized traffic on: the T. & N. 0. Railway on Saturday, the track having been carried away. There was a 14 -foot cave-in of the West London, Ont., backwater Sat- urday just north of the Dundas street bridge. Luckily no•one was about at the time. The Earl of Aberdeen has present- ed a pipe organ'to St. Bartholomew's Church, Ottawa. He *,lad the countess used to worship there whea.he.was Governor-General. The Empress Eugenie has decided to ,give up yachting, and the steam yacht Thistle, in which she has re- ceived most of the crowned heads of Europe, is about to be sold. James Saunders, found guilty on Wednesday of murder of Grace Saun- ders, his sister-in-law, at Lockport, Man., on Oct. 8, was on Saturday sen- tenced to be hanged on Feb. 28. One child of C. Sibley of -Fairfield, Neb., was burned to death and an- other o other so badly hurt that t probably will die when early Saturday an -auto- mobile skidded on a wet road, upset -and caught fire. The report is in circulation in Cal- cutta that, owing to the threatening condition of affairs in India, Lord Eardinge Is to retire as viceroy on Jan. 1, and to be succeeded by Gen. Lord Kitchener: TUESDAY. Sixty vessels -were in shelter at White Fish Point from a strong northwest gale with snow and heavy seas yesterday. "Don't shoot me, I'm a cow," are the signs with which the dairymen of Lee, Mass., have equipped all their cows, now the deer season is open. Ten killed, a hundred wounded, three hunters arrested for shooting Hien in "mistake for deer." That is the toll to 'date in the Maine deer hunting season. Vigorous local action was begun in New York yesterday by the National Housewives' League for a national boycott against storage eggs, to force down the price. Miss Forbes Robertson, the suffra- gette, a sister of Sir Johnston Forbes Robertson, the actor -manager, was sentenced to 14 days in London yes- terday for rendre •-smashing. After stealing 360 eggs from an. express wagon in New York, Joseph Brady ordered a bartender to mix; six in one drink.. "Too prodigal," said the bartender,and called the police: "It took 2,080 beating, your hon- or, one every week since 1873, to convince me that man was no good," Mrs. Peter Edwards testified in the police court. Edwards got 30 days. The fireman and engineer of a Big Four freight train were killed near Shelby Junction, Ohio; yesterday, when their locomotive blew up. A section of the train was demolished. Owing to an outbreak' of foot and mouth disease in certain parts of Great Britain an embargo has been placed upon cattle, sheep, and swine from Great Britain, to protect Cana-, disn stock. Changes In Quebec Cabinet. MONTREAL, Nov. 25.—The fol- lowing appointments to the Quebec Provincial Cabinet were announced yesterday: J. Tessier, member for Three Riv- ers,• to be Minister of Agriculture; J.; E. • Caron, formerly Minister of Agriculture and Roads, to have the new -portfolio of roads; C. R. Delage, member for Quebec County, to be Superintendent of Public Instruction, vice E. De La Bruere, pensioned, Another; bash by Shackleton. NEW YORK, Nov. 25.—A London cable says Sir Ernest Shackleton, the famous Antarctic explorer, who had reached furthest south before Amundsen discovertd the south pole, is planning another south polar dash, to take place within two years. Al though plans for the expedition have not been completed it is believed Sir Isrnest will follow the route taken by Capt; Scott, Death of Rev. Jacob Walter. - LISTOWEL, Otrt:; -Nov:- 255.—Rev. Jacob Walter, a well-ktlown'abd high- ly respected resident of Listowel -for the past twenty years, passed array on Siilirlay niornitrg, following a lengthy iltni�sfr 'Deceased had been living re- tired in Listowel. tie leaves a widow, dive sons and live daughters. STANLEY TF,—Spruce Lane J•Aarm the home of .Mir, and 6'Ire. �'illittnm Glee ' was the scene' of.,a ;pretty find s interesting' event at ,High';' noon a ov. 1911,it acing tho oc c*,cloniof a do ie wedding that of the daughter, to Mr. Gabriel M. Elliot of Cli•}tton and, of Abigail, to Mr. W, hr.invis Saunders of Goderich, Haw's Th We otter One Hundred Diller*, Reward for any cave of Oaterrh that etuuiot be cured by Tlall'e Catarrh tlure, F, 3. O11'ENEY &00., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F- J. i heney for the last 111 years, and believe hien perfect* honorablp in all business transactions and tllnanclelly able to parry out any obligations outdo by hisesm Waunrse, xuolas & Atanvctt, Wholesale Drunists,Toledo, 0 Bali's Catarrh Oure is taken internally, aotinr di reetty on the blood and mucous surfaces of the eystem, Testimonials sent free. Price yt o. per hot, tie. Sold by all Druggists Take Hell's Family Pule (or oc>nstt• *,tion.. COMMUNICATION November 24th,, 1913, To the Editor of the Advocate,— Sire-Certain Manifestos and ap- peals have from time to time appear- ed ppear ed in several newspapers through- out the county,purporting to ema- nate from the Heron County Busi- ness Men's Association and signed by two gentlemen .of Clinton' as ,3resi- dent and secretary. Before making any reply to their appeals the : County Temperance As- sociation would venture to ask who composes this "Huron County Busi- ness Men's Association? A dilligellt canvas .ofthe 'business men of Clin- ton fails ta: disclos,e more than one business man of the town,-: other than, the two signers of the newspaper ap- peals, who know anything •about thea organization.. A similar ' report comes from Goderich and Wiagham. Tbose who compose the ' County Temperance •Association are well. known, and the list .of its officers and: members is available to anyone. If there is to be a fair. field and nol fav- or,.eve submit that the Huron County'. Business Men's Association . should! come' out inthe open] and•let us know who are responsible for those thread- bare and common place appeals. Out. citizens would then know whether any weight is to he attached 'to these so called arguments,, whirl•` already have been ans:vered a thousand . times as it as unthinkable that they should emanate 'from either of, the gentle- men whose signatures are attached. • F. BUCHANAN, President J. A: IRWIN, Secretary Baron Count Y Business Men's Association --o--- ARTICLES... ON ;PROHIBIITI.ON PAPER NO. 5 Read the opinion of one of Can- ada's great statesmen in Reminiscences By the Right Honorable Sir Richard Cartwright,- G:C,M.G., P.C. "The passing of the Scott Act as a Government measure, was a very serious political blunder - which we ought never to have committed and a very conspicuous instance of fHE" FOLLY OF INTRODUCING A DU- BIOUSS PIECE OF LEGISLATION TO PLEASE A CLAMOROUS MINORITY." "It was one of the few in- stancesin which Mr. Mackenzie al- lowed himself to be influenced by a FEW NOISY `DEPUTATIONS, large- ly composed of his political oppon- ents„'” "I DOUBT VERY MUCH THE, WISDOM OF ATTEMPTING TO. ENFORCE PROHIBITION BY LAW" "Such enactments ,will never be, successfully enforced unless there is QUITE AN OVERWHELMING MA JoRITY of the residents of any giv- en section IN FAVOR OF -THEM. Where such a state of opinion ex- ists, legal penalties arehardly neces- sary „' "Not a few of THE • .GREATEST SCOUNDRELS I HAVE ;.KNOWN and my experience has been exten- sive, HAVE BEEN VERY ARDENT TEMPERANCE ADVOCATES." "They have to learn the difficult lesson for many earnest philanthrop- ists to realize, that MORAL RE- FORMS to be lasting or valuable, MUST COME. PROM 'WITHIN, ANDS NOT FROi'41• LEGAL ENACT- MENTS, , Respectfully, THE HURON MEN'S ASS John Ransford, •beside COUNTY BUSINESS OCIATION, W. Jackson, + ;Secrretary. Sir• Wilfrid •Laurier ' passedahlMti72nd' birthat i on Nov. $0,. ";..s•" one Canada's great statesmen all- Comed- ian; congratulate him on his food health and vitality at this good age. E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR iD1VIUND WALKERr G• P.O. LL.D., v, C, L., President aoRrl AVRD ALEXANDER LAIRD General Malmsey Assistant General Manger CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian, Bank of Commerce to be operated by mall, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this i1 a personal visit to the Bank. way as satisfactorily as by p r� 8,4 EXETER BRANOII--G. 1.. WAUGH, i}l.anaeer, Branch also at Credlto_n lVlolsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital & Reserve 85 BRANCHRE'tN CANADA A GENERAL 8ANIUN0 81I,$INESS TRANSACTED, CIRCULAR LETTERS OF ' TRAVELLERS CHEQUES. .....• t � t, '° Issued BANK MONEY ORDERS a ., . •, +,', , c.•ts•.. , SAVINGS . BANIC. .,QEPA • RTMENT at al Branches.:,I1tglpeatt allowed at highest current rate.. $8,700,000 EXETER. BRANCH Agents at Eaetei fortlie Dominion government. DloKsoN & CABLING, $(4,1144 N. IJi. HURDON Manager,• HENSALL The following • refers to a son ef. Wm. Webber of this village,—A quiet wedding took ,place on Wednesday evening :Nov. 5, at the South Calgary Methodist Church parsonage, 'When Miss Pearl Waite was married to Mi- Garnet Webber. The wedding break- fast was held at the residence of the bride's' sister; Mrs, J. H. Hicks, about 25 friends being present. The many beautiful wedding presents testified to the high . 'esteem In which the bride and groom are held, Mr. and Mrs. Webber will reside in Calgary. LOW RATES To CHICAGO, ILL,, ACCOUNT INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION The Grants Trunk Railway System will issue round trip tickets at re- duced rates to Chicago, Ill,, account International Live Stock Exposition; to be held at Chicago, Nov. 29 to Dec, 6 1913. RETURN LIMIT—All tickets val- id to return to reach original start- ing point not later than midnight of Dec 8,' 1913. Frequent and fast train service. 'OnlyDouble Track Route. Fullaar- ticulars, • berth reservations, etc., at Grand -Trunk Ticket Offices, Have You made provision for employment during the Fall and Winter mon- ths or do you wish steady re- munerative work the year through Write us and secure our Agent's terms. We offer the best in the business. Pay weekly, free outfit exclusive territory. Over 600 Acres under cultivation. Established ov-- er 35 years. A reputation for high grade stock and fair .teal ing. A salesman can make mon- ey selling for us. We want an. energetic reliable man for Exeter' and vicinity. For terms write PELHAM .NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont'-. N.B.—Free catalogue on request 1 Selling teat because made right THE TRUE FLAVOR ---AND PURE. TR'1r IT 1 LABATt'S .INDIA PALE ALE i7• $'ARK. rplt SALE The undersigned is offering foe sale Loi` 5, North: Boundary con- taining 100 acres of good,iand, There la on the premises a gdod - frame house with stone cellar batnk barn with ce. snit rtoore ; a good wens, and a small orchard„. 'rids is a good grain or grass farm, or would make a good etoci£ farm. Situated two miles from Exet r ; phone In house. Will be sold teasonabls. For particulars apply on the prenaisos, or white the undereiguned, Fred Gi%en, Hay, Or B..8. Phillips', Exeter. Auction Sale of Cows The following choice cows will he for sale at Moffatt's Hotel, Centralia, on Saturday, Nov 29th. 3 cows due in December 2 cows due in January . 3 cows due in . February 18 cows due in March and April. These cows will be sold under guar antee, which will bemade known on day of sale. Wesley Needham, Jas. Stanley, Proprietor Auctioneer Auction Sale OF HOUESHOLD EFFECTS, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, on Lot 24 Con .1, Usborne, on WEDNES- DAY, DEC. 3rd, at 12.30 o'clock, viz Faris • Stock—Mare draught; 5 -yr - old by Col. Graham, at foal to King Thomas; horse,` 4 -yr., by Col. Gra- ham ,this is a bay team; well 'matched 2 Geldings one andtwo years by Gol- den Pey; 2 spring colts, 1 by King Thomas and one b ' Prince Acton ; l driving mare; 1 cow due in Jan.; Cow due in Feb,; 2 -steers 2 -yr -old, end 2 steers 1 -yr -old; 1 heifer 2 -yr -old; 3 fat cattle (cash). :implements -6 -ft Maxwell binder, 1 hay loader; hay tedder nearly. new; 2 -furrow plow, single walking plow; set harness -four sections, • land wrier Massey Harris cultivator, 1 scufflex Chatbam fanning mill; cutting box. grain crusher, oat roller, lumber wa- gon; pair• bobsleighs, top uggy, cart, Mi- kado buggy, Gladstone buggy, gravel box, Maxwell root pulper, cular saw, wheel barrack-, bag truck; pr. 1200 lb scales, •crosscut saw, .,ant - hook set Heavy harnessy• sef ;ight harness. logging chains, 3.50' " .cedar „posts; large quantity cedar poles su- - itablc for ladders of fence braces, quantity of- lumber, quantity of man- . golds and turnips; number of linens. Furniture -6 octave organ, 2 loun- ges, bedroom suite, 6 chairs, 3 5ur- eaus, glass cupboard, wardrobe, ex- tension table, cook stove, heater stove churn . William's i stuff is not listed. Terms --No reserve. $10 and under cash over that amount 10 months' credit on .approved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent, per ;annuli off for cash, JOHN WELSH B;S, PHILLIPS • Prop. Auct. Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS AD11.ESStD to the Postmaster General will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Ftr- day, the 19th day of Deeethber, 191.3, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails •of a proposed Contract for four year Six times per week, over Grand , Bend •(Brerlster).;laurel Route from -the Postrnaster General's pleasure, next. P>:intcd notices col�tairiing further in "forai,atiufi a;a,•to conditiotts df propos- ed Ct)ntract; nary be seen and .'black "fd Contract (:),;:Tender. ,zttay be obtailied at the • o td.. Bend ,arid ..• ,�?.,.,@ Offing, :tel' Graz+ ,tltt^t'''tt+ster and;, . tri • Clffiee'.-Qi the tit t t , , li'os'��'ftf%'e In�Ji�l'~xor a,C,.iL+rfind`Un, Bost Office Department, Mail Ser-' vire Branch, Ottawa, 7th Novr., 1913 G C. ANbh;RSON, Supu'rintettdedt. R,