HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-11-6, Page 8AXE E'ER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY NQVR KETER' NARKETL, OH a N.1ED EACH WEDNESDAY . kl 4(r .. , 4 , . . r. Barr v 440 Burk .vhatiit ,,,,44.4., Oath. {,44 .. oot,i t ,yes, per bag 4 4 .... Bay. aertpn., wit Yob 4 04.44. Flour, per cwt., family Flour. low grade per ow Bait I;l4r.......... oliix Sens.... Dux Boasters Turkey. .. . Dried Apples per lb Lives boas, per cwt.. Shorts per ton....... , . R Bran per ton 83 85 8 48 60 752 10 00 10 002 ; 1 50 150 4. ' 25 30 31 11 18 a 10 10 13 7 8 18 6 8 75 23 00 22 00 Jos Craig of Flint, Mich., 1 visiting with his grandmother, Sanders, WANTED—A good general servant by the lst December. Apply to Mrs. Holt, North Street, Goderich, dere Mrs. WANTED—A good boy at liea- man's Hardware, Exeter, Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , etre bavc moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr, A, J. Ford. We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. — WM. RIVERS Tungsten Lamps ter Sale.—Heaman' Hardware Store, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental SHIPPING DAY CHANGED.—The firm of Jones & Willert have changed theh day of shipping hogs from WVecl- nesday to Friday of each week. Farm- ers will govern themselves accordingly WANTED.—Light set of one-horse sleighs State price. Apply at this office VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE A brick' cottage, containing parlor, dining room, ..sewing room, kitchen, 3 bed-roorei all recently papered,grain- ed and painted. Heated by furnace - and electric lighted. Two lots of land with good frame barn, hard and soft water Well situated. Apply to A. HASTINGS, Exeter. FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick house, half acre land; Fruit trees, hen house on the prem- ises. A good comfortable place. For particulars apply to Mrs. E. Demp- sey. Centralia. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned are offering for sale that desirable property, known as the estate of the late Elizabeth Kay, on the South Boundary of Exeter, containing one acre of land. There is on the premises six -roomed brick cottage. with dry, frost proof cellar summer kitchen, stable, hen house, all kin& of fruit trees. These premises are quite suitable for market garden- ing or poultry raising. For particul- ars apply to Mrs.. John Beattie, Var- nia; or to John M. S. Glenn, Hensall, Executors. FARM FOR SALE Being Lot 10, Can. 1, Hay, contain- ing 10.4 acres, more or less, in good state of cultivation. Good brick house containing 9 rooms ; 2 barns, one on brick foundation with stabling under neath; a never failing spring creek; a gco orchard; well underdrained. One ani a quarter miles from school' Thal ia a very desirable property be- inz sit tate half way between Exeter and lei n ;sll on the London Road. For terms ark i particulars apply to Nor- man Jarratt, 267%Lap_pin Ave.' Tor- onto, or to B. S. PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agent, Exeter. TG FARMERS WANTING MEN. Farmers wan -Aire; hired men for next Beast' .1, should place their orders at once` otherv. ret there will be difficulty as seet.r rub .help. Orders lett with the Lor a Government Employment Agent r*,- • •i-. district, Advocate Olfrce, or :i thereto, will receive prompt —r C. H. SANDERS, Agent. H Y; SE AND LOT FOR SALE Br::a, Cottage, very central, on. An- drew it,, just behind Town Halla Contain parlor., cliningroom, kitchen sum n sr kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 closets 'art Bantry, cellar throughout, hard and • n''t water, extra large lot with seveelt fruit trees. Also stable. For terns apply to A. Hastings, or B. S. Phillips, Real Estate Agent, Exeter, RAND TRUNK SYS EM "ONLY DOUBLE TRACK ' RAIL= was between Toronto and `Talon; treal a•id Toronto and, other prin- cipal cities in Canada:-- Also Dcuble Track and Solid Trains be- tween Montreal and Chicago; also between Ontario points, New York and Philadelphia, via Niagara Falls." SMOOTH. R O' A. D B R FINEST EQ U IPM ENT ELECTRIC t IG IITED PULLMAN . SLE PERS T ui ;inrticulilrs berth reservations, et , r t'•n Graney Trunk Agents, or a r:t C. E Horning, District Passen- gc '.;eft Toronto, Ontario,: N, J. Dare, Exeter, I 16 LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Mrs. G, Thomas is confined to her roan and seriously ill, Mr. Ed, Harness has moved to Mrs. (Rev,) Kestle's house on Laughall St, When you send an item to the local. pal yer write on ane side of the nape* oMr. W. W, Tainan was confihed .to the house for a fern days, owing to' illness, Mr. A. Stoner of Fern Hill is doing the plumbing work at the Conner- tial House Mr. Wes. Snell has disposed of his Studebaker car ..to Mr, Chas. Hack- ney of I:irkton. Thu Advocate to January 1st, 1915 for one dollar to any part of Canada. $1.50 to the United. States, The dance given in McDonell's Halt on Hallowe'en by the ladies was a thoroughly enjoyable affair. The anniversary services of the \Iain Street church are to be conducted 1b7 Rev. S Anderson of London Sunday next. The boys deserve credit for their quiet and orderly observance of Hal- lowe'en,. Any pranks we have he and of were of a harmless nature. The, Deering business that has been run by Mr. A. J. McMurray has sold to Mr. May at Clinton, who recently sold out the furniture business. Rev. Fear of Teeswater .vs to )c- cupy the James Street pulpit Sunday, the pastor, Rev. McAlister preaching anniversary sermons at. Teeswater. One half of the average man's life consists of owing money he can riot pay, and the other half in having money owed to him that he cannot collect. Remember the auction sale of the house and lot and household effects of the late D. A. Ross on. Saturday afternoon of this week. See particu- lars in another column. The man who vainly tried to •.om- ma suicide by .drinking hair tonic may yet realize his ambition, if rhe tonic makes whiskers grow in his interior, it may tickle him to death. Mr. N. D, Hurdon and son George returned Monday from two weeks' duck shooting at the lake. They pro- cured seventy ducks on the trip and forgot everybody but the editor, or no, that's wrong, remembered every- body but the editor, but then we don't like duck anyhow. The Mission Circle of the Main St. Methodist church gave a social even- ing, in the basement ofthe church an Hallowe'en.. An interesting program was given and the large attendance was well pleased with the entertain- ment given by the children. There is ,no job of printing Too sma'1t to have our best attention and care in execution. It is the many small jobs that really count. Large ones are all right, too, but are fewer in number. Our prices will be found as low as good printing can be done far. The Conquest (Sask.) Enterprise, speaking of the excellent quality of, wheat grown in that vicinity by an old Exeter boy, familiarly known to many here, says :—CPOnce again our district comes into the limelight as the one par excellence for wheat growing. Arthur Balkwill has just re- ceived returns from. his wheat, which it is stated graded No. I. Hard and the poorer sample he had gradedNo. 1 Northern, This is a splendid feath- er in the cap of our district, • for though a very large percentage grad- ed 1 Northern, this sample of No. 1 Hard puts the climax on ane of the. best yield experienced in the .history of Fertile Valley. Mr. Balkwill had 220 acres of wheat this year, and the yield from =the summerfallow, where this wheat was grown, averaged 37 bushels to the acre." ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL EXAM. —Dr. E. 3. Eacrett, who has been stadying in London, England, has passed in surgery, thus completing the course of M. R. C. S. L. R. C. P„ which is that he is now a mem- ber of the Royal College of Surgeons and Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians. This will extend to him the privilege that few surgeons and physicians enjoy, he being able to practice his profession in Great Brit- ain and Ireland, New Zeland, • and many of the other colonies. Dr. Eac- rett is a youngruin of many bright attainments and with the chances af- forded him mueli credit is reflected on his abilities. He has mastered all his exams. with remarkable aptitude and slfill. Exeter can justly feel proud of another of her bright young sons—Dr, Eacrett. The Dr. was a, one-time graduate of the Advocate office and we extend with his many friends hearty congratulations. CARD THANKS. Mr, and Mrs. Chas Box Stephen, wish to express their sincere thanks and gratitude 'or the many kindnesses and sympathy shown thein during the illness i.nd subsequent death of their little .:hild anct also during Mr, Box's illness. HICKS' NOVEMBER FORECASTS —A reactionary storm period will bring a return of storm conditions-- falling onditions—falling barometer, change to warmer, southerly winds, with probable thun- der and rain—on and touching the 9th 10th and 11th, The Moon. being on the celestial equator on the 9th,then storms of rain, wind and thunder wiil he natural on that date, The Mercury influence will prolong and intensify threatening and falling weather, With LlVck cloudiness, aututenal storms, with drizzle and sleet, for days beyond the normal limits of this period possibly past the full Moon on, the 13th and into the storm period next following, Plan your outside work so as to es- sape the exposure, inconvenience and loss from bad weather conditions . at this and other November' periods, See that your "caters" apples uid 'n hundred other good things are 'afely' garnered before this time., ein earth- qu,ike� period is from the 10 It tc i6th r entrat on the 13 Guy Bros, Minstrels appear here on the 104th of November As we go to press we learn that Mr. A. 3, Ford has purchased the re- sidence of the late D. A, Ross . , on Andrew Street, Exeter, • Phillips, s . S. P a ftp ,real estate agent, has this week disposed of the late Iohn Essery's property on Andrew trcet,. to Mr, Thos. Coilungwood for a 'air figure Mr: Wes, Snell delivered a Ford car to Mr. Nelson Stanlake on, Tuesday, Mr Snell has taken- the agency for the, Ford car and has already .old several Mr. Goodhand of Corbett has also purchased a Ford from Mr.Snell. • Throughout the world, wherever the International S. S, lessons ,are studied a uniform temperance lesson will be studied in the Sunday schools next Sunday, and also from tio usands. of pulpits sermons will be preached on this vital' topic. Mr C. B. Snell has purchased the five lots north of B. W. F. Beavers residence on Main Street, Exeter, M, Beavers., we understand has purchased one lot from: Mr. Snell. The former owner was Mr. A. Holland, Mr; Snell also purchased* several lots from Jos: Davis on John •and ,Albert • Streets„ Mr I. R. Carling was in London Monday. Herman Elliott was up from Lucan over Sunday, The Misses Carling visited in Lon- don last week. Miss Vera Rowe of Torontois vis- iting with her parents here. Mr. T. E. Handford of Ingersoll was a visitor in .town on Thursday. School Inspector Ton -1_2g Goderich is on duty in this neighborhood. Mr. T, H. McCallum of London was in town the latter part of last week. M:r•. and Mrs. Latton, of London vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hartou_ over Sunday,. M'rs. Nelson Kestle left Thursday morning for Harrow, where she 'rill visit her daughter, Mrs. Wolper Mr. John. E. Smith accompanied sister, Mrs John Spackman,. home from Talbotville oaf Saurday la -t. Mrs. Ernest Taylor left on Wednes- day of last week for Rochester '"i' account of the illness of •her lather Mrs W. H. Dearing and datihtc r ;Madeline, of Stephen, returned Moe - day from their visit in Sarnia ana London. - Mr W. J. Murray left. Tues,c'ae. morning for Fredericktown, Ohio tc spend a week or two in the ., e'r Manufacturing plants. r' Free your head of dandruff. Prevents falling • hair, A heal. thy, beautiful growth follows the use of It is not a dye. It dopa what 04 is claimed for other tonics— cleanses, invigorates, " iin du ce s athick he ith oNh Of hair. 4 Youunffriefunde o not sa se .1 en usn �taa . 41 au „ S e vaxS� 4ll1 na , W1r.3et tor ct[yucza e. . FOR SALE BY W. S. HOWEY, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. Mrs. Robert Cooper of London is the guest of her. daughters, Mrs. Pki- combe and Mrs. McFalls, Usborne. lies son, Mr. Hamlin Cooper of Lon- don was here over Sunday, Mr, H, H. Moe of the Bank of Com- merce staff here, returned with his bride from his honeymoon trip from the New England States '1'htu•sclay evening, and the young couple have taken up their residence on Main St., occupying the dwelling recently va- cated by Mr. Geo. Hockey. OUR FLOURS You cannot make a mistake when you buy flour from us. • I. R. G. SELDON Exeter — C ntario gar/ Out' Block 11i }elp Wi ManyChristmas a r as Gift Perplexity'L Wheno re t r a in awent is a matter of a a b r at y n s gP e money* and what you want—nothing else. Then this is your store --for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices. A good variety of articles, selected front tlje larg, est stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Clocks, Etc. These goods arenew, beautiful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. We wake a specialty of baudling High Grade Watches All kinds of Repairing done and guaranteed.. MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician Exeter, Ont. The Home of High Class Furniture We have our, show room well filled again with Up-to-date FURNITURE of all kinds. We always try to 'lave on hand the best goods to ' satisfy the wants of our many customers, R ist . RoWE • .Undertaker and License Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER ONTARIO Xmas in Sight 'We are making 'prepar- ation for •a Bumper trade. Come along now and help clean us out. • We must sell our graniteware at once, at slaughter prices. Watch this space next week. Powell's Bazaar PHONE 55 Sig Variety Store ez - PHONE 32 MAY OUR Il TIC CI. S OF IIN Men's, Youths' & Boys' Fall and: Winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, & Odd Pants For the Month of November. This is the biggest Clothing Sale ever held in Exeter and we promise big bargains for everyone. We have just opened up $8000 worth of brand new up to date clothing 'Specially bought for this sale. It will cer- tainly pay you to look them over. No matter what you want or what you wish to pay we have the goods right here. Men's New Suits 400 Brand New Suits right off tate reel from the biggest fac- tory in Canada. Every suit right up to the minute in Style, Fit and Cloth, $18 and $20 Men's Suits for .....$12 $15 Men's Suits for $10 $12 Men's Suits for $8. Men's New Overcoats We have a great selection to show yeti. The beat in the 'and are here in all the New Overcoat Cloths, Styles, and Colors. If you want the right thing in an overcoat, Come along right here. $.10, $12, $15 each. Men's New Raincoats We buy our Raincoats direct from Scotland where they nuke the best, We are show,ng dozen; 6Y the best from the light weight to that real heavy lined raincoat Every:.garmetnt guaranteed to be satisfactory, Youths' New Suits 200 Youths' Bloomer, and Long or Short Pant Suits, Real nifty Suits—Just the kind youths are looking for, in the new cloths and colors. $12 Youths' Suits ror $10 Youths' Suits for �7 $8 Youths' Suits for $6 Boys' New Suits We can give you a choice of 300 Boys' "tatty" Suits. ,eloscly Bloomer Style. The cloths and styles are the best that the :nak ers.can produce. Every boy cam get just what he wants here. Prices $3, $5, $7 Boys' & Youths' Overcoats A fine big selection of real manish overcoats for the boys. The Cloth and Styles just like the Men's Coats, All kinds of cloths and the' new styles that are ' sure to please any boy that sees chem Odd Pants Odd Pants 250 pair of odd Pants in all colors of 'Tweeds and worbted $1 to $3 per pair. 1Vten.'s Fur Collar Coats Efom $15 to $25 each ones '�i�3hrdYs++-