Exeter Advocate, 1913-11-6, Page 5Mk,
Dr. e, i+',
i14,0nber of the R.O,D.S. of Ontario and
Bon40 Graduate, of Toronto University.
'"Mice—Over Dickson & Carling's law
olfMee, Closed; Wednesday afternoons..
Rc ULS' .ON, 10.:17,5„ D.D,S
Honor Graduate of Toronto University
Teeth„:extracted without pain, or any
bad effects. Office over Gladnan &
Stanliury's Office, Malin Street, Exeter.
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coria
migkljoners. Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, etc.
Iifoney to Loan at lowest rates 01' iotorcet
Offices—Main-St„ Exeter
I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm an& village prop-
erties at low rates of iriterest;'
Barristers,; Solicitors, Exeter.
G f at.�o a Assurance
Agent an edea n L1f
Company, also Fire Insurance in lead*
tag Canadian and British Comifaatise.
Main -St., Exeter.
Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Giese.
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ductiog auction sales. — Exeter. Ont.
College At
Thousand' or ambitious young peo•
ple are fast preparing in their own homer to
occupy lucrative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in
fact every sphere of Business Activities
Ton In ►T finish at college if you so wish
Positions guaranteed. ,Eater college any.;
day. Individual instruction' Expert test -
them Thirty years, experenoe. Largest
trainers he Canada. - Seven colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers.
A®tieted with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Smmmer School at famous
Spotton B tsiness College, Lon-
PresIdeut Pri anal
wk]sT LAND ft+EnfIVATIOi'lS
ANY person who Is the sole head of
a. family or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a quarter section of
available Dominion land On Manitoba
Se.skgtohewwn or Alberta. The ap-
plicant must appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-
agency for the district. F],zttJY by pro-
sy made be trade at any agepcy, on
certain conditions by feather, mother ,
son, daughter, brother or sister of in-
tending ;hoamesteader
Duties—Six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land In each
of three yearn, A homesteader may live
within aa',ne an'ies of his homestead on
a farm o1 at least 80 ricries lonely
owned and occupied by hien or by Itis
father, mother, son daughter, brother
or sisters
In certain districts a homesteader An
good standing may pre-empt a quart
er-,section 'along side hes homestead.
Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties—Must reside upon the 'line
stead or pre-emption rix months in
each of ,e1x years from date of home-
stead entry (including the time re-
quired to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead right and cannot obtain :p,
pre-iemption may enter for a Furs
chased ham,es& cad in certain districts
Price . $5.00 per acre. Duties— Must
reside six months in each of these
years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house` worth $300.
Deputy' of the Minister of the interior
N.B:—UnatitbC1rized publication of
this advertisement will tact .be paid for.
The undersigned its offering for sale
that desirable 100acre”farm, iOtuated
in the Townsh:.p of 1#iddulpb, being. Lot
12, • Con. 1. There is en the prep ses
a good fracas house, barn with founda-
tion, oteharid. The farm s well drain-
ed and all under cultivat';nn. This is
an eXeelient feahn, well situated and•w:1i
tie sold reasonable. For further partic-
ulars apply to John O'Neil, Mooresville,
The undersigned is offering for Sale
• Lot ti, North Boundary Stephen, con,
tatnin ' 100 acres of good land. There
is on. the premises a. good frame house
with stone cellar ; bank barn with ce-
ment floors; 3 good wolfs, and a
small orchard;. Thie is a good 4 grain
or grass farm, or would matte a. good
stock fartn. Situated two miles trove
Exeter, «phone in house. Will be sold
reasonable, Ivor particulars apply on
the premises, or write the undersigned,
'Fred Green, Tray, ,Or B. S. Phililps
Toronto, Ont,, offer's' the" best ad
vantages in Business and Shorthand
Education Enter any dine, Write
for catalogue,
ITUCKERSMITII,—.A drainage case
from ""I uckerslnith, being an appeal
against the award of the engineer in
which Mr, John McLean was the ap-•
pellant and Mr, Henry Horton :uid
If}ou or guy of your trieuds suffer from thew
matisns, kidney disorders or eatcess of uric acid,
causing lameness, backache, muscular pains;
stiff, Painfulswollen joints, pain in the limbs.
and fet; dimness of sight itching skin or
frequent neuralgic pains, 1 invite you to send
fora generous Free Trial Treatment of my well.
known, reliable Cbhronicure, with references and
fun particulars y mail.' (This, is, no C. 0. D.
scheme.) • No matter how many may have failed
in your case, let me prove to you, free of cost,
that rheumatism can be conquered. Chrenicure
succeeds where all else fails. Chranicure
cleanses the blood and retrieves the cause. Also
for a weakened ritn-down condition of the
system, you will had Chronicure a most setisfac-
tory general tonic that makes you feel that life
is worth living. Please tell your friends of
this liberal offer, and send today for large
free package, to MRS; M. SUMMERS, Boa
E.-up—Windsor, Ont.
"You'll find it's so."
Lab att's
Now Perfected—
Best Buyable
LIIa:Tr;D 28
others the respondents, was heard be A>»NSAf,x.
ford Judge Doyle here on Friday last
and seemed to ellen ,a gaol deal of
interest The decision was reserved;:
CLINTON—We are called tipon to
record the death of another of Clin-
ton's oldest residents, in the ,person
of Mary Brownlee, relict of the late
John Irving, who died on Sunday, at
the age of $5 years, Her husband 4th deceased'her two years on Sept. ,t
1911 She is survived by five ,q•ons
to mourn her loss,
KIPPEN—Harvey McCla rnont little
sea of Mr. Jas. McClaynont, who un-
derwent a serious operation in the
London hospital some weeks ago, is
doing very nicely, The operation was
very successful and he is recoveringi
rapidly. which is very gratifying to
his friends.
Neuritis Follows
Crippled .Nerves
Painful Effects of Clrrinic Rheumat•-
ism Quickly Routed by Rheuma.
If your nerves are all crippled from
attack: of Rheumatism, Neuritis can
easily get a strong hold on the nerves
This most painful disease is one of
the hardest known to expel, :nut
RHEUMA can reach it if given a
chance This testimony is positive
"Last March I was so crippled with
Neuritis in left limb I could walk
scarcely at all. Tried all remedies I
heard of and had two physicians. ;doth
ing did me any good until I used
RHEUMA—$2.00 worth of your med-
icines surely cured me.—Mrs. C.' E.
'Hayes, Russell, Ky.
Sold by W. S.. Cole at 50 Cts a
hiller Curlers
Make the machinery do, the
heavy work, and always get
• the best.
We handleIjthe very best
Manure Spreaders
Steel Stalls and,. Stanchions
Nothing BetterZand nothing
quite so good.
Wes. Snell
Implement Agent
— Exeter, Ontario
Pandora Range will both
cook and bake at the same time
its full capacity. This feature and
many other exclusive ones will compel
your serious consideration ' when you
select your kitchen range:
Yds• ,, •..' '
✓ w
Pandora Ran
ges are sold
by good den. -
lers who back
up our ,guar.
anter on, this
range..., u
�.1. 1•,.YJ:�.:i�T4'' ::•:. ;ltt,,,,,�r I• '•fw1N .
Sold irk Exeter b r T. HarkS Sou'
We regret to have to report the
very serious illness p£' our esteemed
0o d s t
hoot hoe merchant, . Mr, i t
, J.
Drysdale, it appears that Mr, Drys-
dale while spending the Thanksgiv-
ing holiday with relatives in Wingbain
caught cold which .developed into
other troubles, confining him to his
room for the past week or more, an -
der the care of several doctors and
a trained nurse.
Harry Jacobi and wife have moved
ontotheir new farm east of town.-
-A 1-1, King, formerly station agent
here, and who has been in Ingersoll
for two years, has been transferred
to Sarnia.James Moore is now able to
goy oul for a short ,walk. —Mr. and
Mrs. Kirit who have been visiting in
town have returned to Fairgrove,Mich
They will winter in Oregon. 12rs.
Hicks of Usborne has been visiting'
her son, Rev, R. Hicks, at the par-
sonage.—On Wednesday Miss Blanche
McAllister; ,nurse, was married to
William McAllister of the Parr Line,
Hay Tp.—Dr Sam. Coulter has re-
turned from a visit in Milverton, —
L Harold has resumed his railroading
cluUea after being off three months
owing to illness:
Miss Roxie Eilber, who has been
at Creditors working at the. millinery,
has returned home.—Mr. and Mrs.
John Hey, Sr., have taken possession
of the house lately purchased from
Mr, Jacob Howald—Henry, the seven-
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Steckle of Stanley is bead, after an
extended illness. The family have
the syinpathy o fall in their sadbe-
reavenlent.—A fatal accident occurred
at the home of Mr, Solomon Gingerich
of the Goshen Line recently when his
three --year old son Ray accidently got
hold. of some strychnine, which Mr
Gingerich had purchased to poison
rats, and though the boy was immed-
iately rushed to the doctor's office
he died the sante evening. Our doctors
did everything that was possible to
stop the action of the poison but in
vain The sincerest sympathy is
expressed for the family,
,Wm Robinson returned last week
from a visit in Toronto and Hamilton
-Mr. C.- E. Hackney is the possessor
of an auto having purchased one- re-
cently.—Mrs. Ferguson and children
oP4Toronto visited her sister, Mrs.
.Wm. Stewart last week.—Mr. and Mrs
T. Sutherland•arrived home last • week
`troin a- pleasant visit to the West. --
Mr. Douglas of the Molsons Bank is
taking charge of the branch here
while Mr. Driver is away on his. holi-
The following is the correct report
pf S,S,:No. 2, Usborne, for, the month
ot. October:—S.r.IV.-C. Turnbull, E,
McDonald, G. Duncan. Jr.-IV.—V.
Stewart, W. Knight, J. Hodgert, L.
'Kay. Sr. III:—V. Jeffery, M.Pollen,
U Snell. C Jeffrey, R Williams; Jr.
III.,R Pollen, N Hunkin, E Knight, M
Doupe, W Turnbull, C Stewart, E Kay
A Rundle.. Sr. II., I Williams; Jr. II
D Armstrong, G Stewart, A Jeffrey
L Knight, C Doupe; lst Cl. Labelle
Kay, G McDonald, A Hunkin; Sr.Pri-
mer, M Cottle; Jr. Primer, E Stewart
Sine Pollen, W Allison, S Francis, G
Knight No. on roll 35, average 31.—
M. L Coward, Teacher. •
Honor Roll standing of the pupils
of S. S, No. 1, Usborne, for October.
Marks give. comparative standing,
based on home and school work.,
V. Class—Cecil Harris 1380; Mag-
gie Strang 1062. Sr. IV. Class—Katie
Sanders 1230, Evelyn Cann 1206, Mal-
colm Dougall 798, Ross Dick 970.
Jr. IV.—'Ila Mitchell 708, Clifford
Moir Sr. III. -Alice Dick 1014, Rose
Moir 939, Lorne Oke 424. -Jr. III.-
Annie Strang 1276, Gladys Dew 1064,
Thos. Dougall 544, Wilbert Selves
Sr II.—Edgar Cudmore 913, Harold
Wood 834, Earl Mitchell 676, Percy
Harris 544. Sr: Pt. II.—Anna Moir 133.
Jr. Pt. II.—Clarence Down 471, Vera
Dunn 371. I—Gordon Cudmore 392
Jas Oke 327, Melvin Moir 341.
October ;.Report for S. S. No. 3,
Stephen.only names of those whoob-
tained ;60i per cent. or over being pub-
lished :—Sr,
ub-Iished':-Sr, IV.:=I>s51a Sanders 81, Amy
Shapton 72, Marie Triebner 63, Cor-
sina Parsons :61.: Jr. IV.—Alma Dea-
ring 78, Ruby Parsons 68. Sr. III.
Gladys Schroeder,6 X Sr. IL—Normae
Sanders 72, Lloyd Parsons 72, Ethel
PreszCator 60. Pt. IL—Jennie Dea-
ring 85, AIma Christie 80, Ethel Dea-
ring T• 2„ Edith Shroeder 70., Alia,
Christie 68. No. on Roll 39; average
26.3.—Ida Marchand, teacher.
The following is the report of S.
S.' No. 13 Hay and Stephen, for the
month of. October. The names etre
in order of merit:—Sr. IV.—M. Mc-
Donald A. Pfaff, E. Carrick, C. hoop
et. Sr. IIII.—V. Johnston, • Jr. ill:,—E.
Pfaff Jr. II, -G. Smith. Pt. I,—F.
Smith L. Smith.—H. Cameron, teacher
Ddn't forget the Mission Band con-
cert in the Methodist Church on Fri-
day, Nov. 7th.—Robert English is on.
the sick' list, His many friends hope
for a speedy recovery _Wedding bells'
are ringing near here.—We are ale'as-
ed to see Miss Zllla - English able to
walk- to. the post office.
Death, of' -George Binger,—Another
pioneer, of •'Stephen has passed away,
in the person of Mr. George Binger
who died near New Hamburg and his
funeral passed through here to -day to
the Grand ./end ,cemetery, where his
wife who predeceased him some years.
ago was buried. Mrs. Thos. Bullock
was a daughter and has the sympathy
of her many friends in her bereave-
and beauty—top revent wrinkles and "crow's
feet” acid dee blaulh eireies under the eyes-.
nothing s as deep
a '
Give it a fair trial for banishing those distesstng. Pains
drains on one's vitality, Thie prescription of Dr. Pierce al regulates all the
womanly functions, It eradicates and destroys "'Female Cnplainta" And
that make women miserable and old before their time. Every'rki
needs it before womanhood. Every' mother needs it. It is all invigorating tome
for the female system. All medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction, to
customers for the past 40 years. It is now obtainable in liquid or tablet form
atdrugstores=or send 60 one -cent stamps for trial box, to R,Y. Pierce,,F3ufsaleof
relate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Sugar coated, tiny grannies, easy to take as candy. (�
You Get Bilious
Because Your Liver is Lazy
You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do its
work. The bile does not flow. You become constipated.
Food sours instead of digesting, You have that "bitter as
gall" taste. The stomach becomes inflamed and inflated--
sick—vomiting, sick g, and violent headache.—The best
preventative and cure for biliousness is Chamberlain's
Tablets. They make the liver do its work—strengthen the
digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. 25c. a bottle
—All Dealers and Druggists, or by mail. 1
Cbgmbarlain Medicine Company, Toronto.
Advocate has entered upon a clean-
ing -up campaign of back subscriptions
and long past due accounts which will
be pushed vigoroustY. even if we have
to resort to the courts to get what
is due us. With the rapid rise of
almost everything about a printing of-
fice,waiting years for $1.00 a sub-
scrition and for small accounts of
50c, up can no longer be permitted.
We have to pay cash every week for
wages, paper, ink,' freight, postage,
etc. and to keep this up we must
get what legitimately belongs to us.
If you are in arrears kindly give this
matter your immediate attention,
VARNA—Wm. Taylor of Varna ate
ly • shipped a.car load of stock to
Maybe and .Wilson, commission mer-
chants who here lately assigned,
When Mr. Taylor presented his she;
clue at the bank he was told that
the. Company had no funds. The
cheque was for • 1,200. We trust that
Mr. Taylor will not lose the full
amount The company was supposed
to be a responsible one. It is not yet
knowr• how the creditors will fair.
CLINTON—A very pretty wedding
took place at Wallaceburg on Satur-
day last when Winnifred Weston Col-
ville daughter of Mr. and Mr:. H.
A. Colville. was married to David
Lorne Welsh, son of Mx. and ",ars.
Robert Welsh of Clinton. The ';room
is freight and passenger agent of the
Chatham, Wallaceburg, Lake Erie
Railway Company, Chatham. They.
will• reside in Wallaceburg.
BC. John, N. B., September 18th, ] n 11
--MY brother wan a groat sufferer from
Iridtiey, vterso s and bowel troubles and
Waal given up btp .t(ao doctors. He was
advised to tri Pjlie Pillet wtulth he d'tl,
and after taking dive boxes was com-
pletely restored to stealth and is better
to -day than he hlaq been; for years. You
can't recommend Fig Pills too highly.
At all dealers, 25 and 50 cents or The
FIS P111 Co., St. Thornes. Ont
Sold at Howey's Drug Store.
1 Will Prove it to You Free
You who are suffering the tortures of Eczema, Itch, Salt Rheum or other
skin diseases—you whose days are miserable, whose nights are made sleep-
less by the terrible itching, burning pains, let me send you a trial of a sooth-
ing, healing treatment which has cured hundreds, which I believe will cure
you. I will send it free, postage paid, without any obligation on your part.
Just till the coupon below and mail it to me, or write me, giving your name, age and address.
I will send the treatment free of cost to you.
o or NO w in --s—®— SO CUT AND MAIL. TO DAY memIII —NIrm—e•v Ems,
1. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, sss West Main St., Fort Wayne, Ind., U. S. A.
Please send without cost or obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment.
.1. 6, Hut:eil, R. P
Post Office
Province • Street and No
Flour trial is essential but—
it is not your work!
Flour varies from time to
time in baking quality. This
is because wheat continually.
varies according to soil condi-
tions, etc.
Therefore, . if baking re-
sults. are tobe constantly high,
baking tests are essential. It
P U RiTY S unreasonable • to expect you
to make these tests at your°.
expense. ...
- So from e.ch shipment of
wheat delivered at our mills
we take a ten. pound sample.
This • is ground into flour.
it Bread is baked from the flour.
If this bread is high in quality
and large in quantity, we use
the shipment. Otherwise we
dell it.
% By simply asking for flour
bkaring this name you 'an
always be sure of rnorybread
andtbetter bread. 0
drBread, Brea and Better Bread" and
,' s•,,,
as Better Pastry Toa 528