HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-11-6, Page 4. , NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK.
Sander,: Se Creech, Proprietors
In. advance $1.00 per year in Canada
41.50 in United States, If not paid
in advance 50e, extra per year may
be charged
;tr)11U1RSD:.Y. NOV, 6, 13
The. first effect of the removal of
'the duty on cattle entering the Unit-
ed States was a rush of -cattle to mar-
Iaet a few good ones, but mostly 'of
:undergrade quality. These were
reushed forward with the hope of
in," so to speak, on the wave
of higl' prices, But thingsdid not
work out exactly that way. The
rust: of inferior stuff brought a re-
ductior' in price. The quality of the
'offering was not up to the standard
required to suit the trade;there, too, no
matter how wide the market may
and how keen the demand, a big rush
to market will always bring, a reduc-
tion in price. Things are getting
back to normal and with steadier
marketing has come a steadier market
and higher prices. There is. a lesson
in this for cattle feeders or drovers.
The removal of the duty is likely to
be a permanent thing, for, some years
•nt least and there is no need for hur-
'ry in getting Canadian cattle. across
the border, The market is there •find
will remain there for some. time for
the Canadian producer., to: ,take ad-
vantage of at any time ivl?ert he `has
the right kind of cattle to sell and,
they are 'in•proper condition Tor:,mar-.
, keting
The farmer who is going' to, reap:
the greatest benefit from the enlarge
ed market is the one who-systemati-
ho -systemati
cally plans to supply that market with
the cattle that will bring, the top
-price. And the same may be said of
the home market. It is the .;.hoice..
quality that is in greatest demand and
Which both this country and the Ur-.
ited States are particularly. short -.of.
at the present time. And'. furthermore
it is the choice, well-bred animal,
when properly fitted, that will bring
the farmer the greatest return, feed
labor. etc.. considered, The: duty of
the cattle raiser is then quite clear.
If he wishes to make the -most out of
the present opportunity and 'the en-
tarred market that will be his to take
advantage of for sometime- to come,
he must begin right, get ' the right
kind of foundation stock, and produce
the type of market animal that :viIl
bring the top price in the. market.
Of course the man w;hq .has inferior
stock, and who, in consequence, pro-
duces inferior market animals, : will
benefit by the enlarged"'inarket, but
he will never be able to ;'take' full
advantage of the new situatiofi.
Farmers are all busy wifh the plow-
ing this week, the • land being in fine
condition for such.
Mr Louis Adams is moving his
:'house this week. -
Mrs Burke, who has 'been confin
'ed to her bed through illness, is at
,present very low.
Mr Elmore Willert vas successful
.in securing the contract for tarry,
ing the mail on R. R. -No. 3.
- Mr Wm. Elsie is at present paint -
ring the new school house' at Med-
ford for the Dashwood Planning Mill.
11r. Otto Resteaneyer and 'vliss
:Sadie Mclsaac were married in Wind-
-sqr on Oct. 21st. After spending ' ev-
eral weeks on an extended wedding
trip they will settle down in. Dash-
wood in the house recently' occupied.
.lay Mr. Siebert.
Mrs Alex. Borland and babe of Co-
balt is visiting her mother, Mrs.'Math-,
en .Wein for a few weeks.
A number from here attended' the
Saver) Anniversary services in the
C_:atral:a Methodist church last Sun-
day. Dr Carman, the General Supt. -
o" the Methodist church, preached
eloquent sermons both morning and
Alonzo Hodgins, our tax 'collector,
has sent out the tax notices, and as
usual the cry is "taxes are too high"
and the council is 'to blame if pyeo-
pie would study their cards •' inore
carefully and compare them with tha*
of the previous year they would .,00n
leer.) where the djiferenc . is Ind.
zthep the ,poor councillors would .trot
alwaysbe obliged to stand, this-
iciSm. 'r
Miss Lillian. Gainer intends opening'
a studio over :Clark's shop•, : where :,he;
will teach music in all its brandies,
-She now has a large class and all are
• doini well.
The revival meeting which are<be
ing conducted in the:.. EvangeJiCal
. church are being well attended 'ahrt
great interest is manifested. '
John Preeter of Zt rich,' Fred..Will~
ert and Jonas Hartliett of 15ashivood
were in town on Monday on 'Busin-
Mr and Mrs. W. A. Sambrook
•spe.it last Sunday in Centralia , the.
guestof Mr. and, 'Mrs. W. H. Mills.'
our people' have been, busy .tJle, Past
week getting in their supply of ap-'
plea for the winter. The fruit ibis
year is; not Of a very good quality:
and rather scarse. •
Tin- Crediton road west " of here
4o aipka reminds one of the. pioneer
day s --holes everywhere. The load
grade:' is receiving some firte compli-
ment,. days.
"Rod an 1 Gun in Canada" for No-
vember published by W. j., Taylor
of Woodstock, sustains its reputation
•.as the leading sporting magazine.
• l sere`are• some excellent stories in it
',Ulla month
Harry fames, proprietor of the AM-
erican Hotel, Brussels, was fined $100
and costs on Monday for having
:nor of nearly all kinds, oft his prern-
ises, an unlicensed Hotel, James lost
Piss iicenst about three mouths ago,
whet.: he did not comply 'with the
:lice:1st• commissioners" request. He
Ilan several tithes been fined i:c v,ell--
.ing to "listens."
rele ortent Events Which
Qccurred During the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care,
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers ot Gur Paper --A. Solid
Hour's Enjoyment.
The St, .Catharines Board of Trade
hasunanimously decided to sul:port
the Hydrq-Electric bylaw to' be vote,:
upon on Thursday.
Five men digging e well were kili
ed at Frederick, Okla., yestelda
when the earth walls'eoilersed, TLS
well was forty feet deep.
The plant of the Canada Malta,.
Co, was badly damage ' by fire yester
day morning, with a .toss of $25 Oth
The damage was confined to the fel
It was reported yesterday at Et:
mouton, Alta., that Hon. A. G. ale
Kay, member for 9t1• abaska, wii1
fore the end of the year be appoi i.t:
Provincial Treasurer.
The first batter ever received 1
the Chicago mar from Siberia an,
Argentina made its ppearance ye.
terday-750 )ounds from Siberia an,'
56 pounds from the Argentine.
There will be no strike of 1,50,
telegraphers of the Rock Island sys
tem. Poin's at 'Issue were aej ist-
,yesterda,y, T'ae railroad granted al
increaseof live lei sent. in wages, o.
$45;000 a year.
Five-year-old Johnnie Des the
of 53 Shirley street, Toronto, me
instant death yesterday by bein
crushed under the' wheels of
C.P.F. gravel train at the Lansdown
avenue crossing.
A dynamite ou rage occurred a
Port Arthur, Ont., yesterday, when t
house. occupied by an Italian name.
Colosimo, had the windows shatteree
and a hole blown in' the wall by a
large coarge of dynamite.
Seven-year-old'May Martin, of Tyn
dell, '.an., took the wro' g road one
after playing wish her friends Mon
ay night and was overcome by the
winter storm. Search earties fount:
her frozen to death yesterday.
• iS+IAY.
The Russian Ministry of Tradealio
Commerce has prepared a bill provid-
ing for the supervision of tru..es ,sau.
synd: Bates.
Fire at Port Maitland; NNS,, yes
terday, destroyed the buildings own
ed by T. E. Gout' -ie and W. 3. orter;
toss 430,000.
The Sealshipt'Oyster Co. of Neu
York and. Boston, a $4,500,00') cur•
poration, was placed -in the hands o)
receiver yesterday.
As the result. of failing off hie
wagon, Nixon Dougherty, a promin
ent farmer Living it "Sbepparction,
Ont-, died Tuesday night.,
Fred. Radford, a young men,
pleaded guilty to an i•:decent as
at Belleville assizes , sterday, .and -
was allowed out on suspended sen-
John Savage of Danville, Ill., fat-
ally wounded . his fiance and killed
himself because the girl lusts' ed :or
the Fourth time on postponing their
October temperature records of 25
years were broken in Missouri, Kan-
sas and Oklahoma yesterday, when
the thermometer ranged. from 16 to
30 degrees above zero.
Suing for alimony in Chicago -
terday, the Countess Adelaide de
Royal Allen declared her finances
were r luced to $1.15, and she was
forced to pawn her winter coat.
The retirement of E. J. Chamber-
lin as presiders' of the Central V r-
mont Railway, and the election of
former Governor E. .C. Smith of St.
Albans, Vt., were announced yester-
The Board of Trade of Burford vil-
lage has decided to ask council to
bu')mit a Hydro bylaw h. January.
In Ministerial circles at Oftaw: ' yes-
terday the census of •opinion p evails
i'-s,t Parliament will ..neet on .Jane 10.
A call to Payne Avenue Church,
St. Catharines, bas been extended by
the congregation to Rev. Hugh Co-
wan: of the Chatham Presbytery. -
David Goodwin was s'rot and in-
stantly killed at Lower. Argyle, ri.S.,
Thursday. A companion, Edgat
Green, mistook him: for an animal.
Samuel B. Nelies • of Wilsonville
was elected president of the Ontario.
Sunday School Association at ;the
convention in Ower. Sound yesterday.
Victor Stoeifler, German eviator,
was s.verely bruised and his me-
chanic sustained a: broken leg when
their aeroplane capsized at Versaillea
Yesterday.. .
It 18 understood that Italy will not
adopt any program concerning Mexico
witLout first' bavir g ent red into a
;friendly excha..g i of id .is with the
United :states.
While hinting ducks at Hay Bay,
Charles Ford of Napanee accidental
Iy discharged his shotgun. The whole
charge entered the palm of his lett
hand, Hemay lose the arm.
Hon. Graham Colborne, reetor of
Dittisbatia, Devon, Eng., for sixty
years, is dead, egad 92. •He was the
fourth son of the famous Lord Sea -
tor.. Governor-General of'Can:.da.
A petition, waid to contain the
names of over one thousand Brock-
ville voters, bas been filed with the
townclerk asking the council to sub-
mit a local option bylaw' in January.
Hudson Bay Co. officials have just
received word ot t'ie rescue ,of a party
of a doyen Eskimos who had been ma-
rooned for ten years on a l arren is-
land in. Hudson Bay out of the track
of ships.
IC tor Grolier, a 23 -year-old ban-
dit from• 13uftalo, was sentenced at
Welland yesterday to three and one-
half years .in Kingston Penitentiary
f r Folding up a man at Feet Erie
last summer.
Miss lthliy Taylor, fcrmerly of
Hamilton, was seriously injured when.
knocked down by an automobile in
Winnipeg Saturday.
Rt. Hon. R. L. Borden left Ottawa
on Sattirday on a six weeks' trip to
the south for the beuetit of his health.
Mrs. Borden has aeeu npanied him,
Practically the whole business 500 -
tion of daekson, Ky.. the scene et
many feud murders, was destroyed by
Ara Saturday with a loss of $150,000.
James W. Mercer, ex -treasurer of
the United Farmers of Alberta, of
Strathmore, Was. sentenced to 18
months in the penitentiary for era-
bezzlement of funds,.
Moose Jaw Presbyterian College
was formally opened Saturday, This
is the first boys' college established
under the supervision of the ;Presby
terian Church in Canada,: .
J. G. Taggart of Sydenham has
banded in his resignation of district
agricultura' representative for the
Government. He is leaving to take UP
other work in western Canada..
George Major, aged 50, was kill-
ed, and four other firemen were bad-
ly injured when automobile ba k
and ladder truck overturned • while'
responding' to an alarm it Rochester.
Dr. Odell Robertson, the ri'dest'
medical practidoner . in Waterloo
County, died Saturday morning at his
home in St. Jacobs, ag d 86 years, He
had practiced in +he village for 45
ii2ajor R. J. Birdwh.stle, general
secretary of the Canadian branch of
the St. John Ambulance Association,
is making a tour of the Maritime Pro-
vinces in the interests of first aid
The steamer Pomeranian, from
London and Havre, went through a
terrifld ocean storm on Oct. 24 which
sodisabled the vessel that she did not,
reach Montreal until Saturday, three.
days late. Two lifeboats Were swept
Tl1F.SOAP' "
Edward Morris,- president of the
Morris & Co., packers, died yesterday
in Chicago. He was a multi -million-
Hon. Dr. Roche, Minister of the
Interior, has lett Ottawa to spend a
couple of weeks in Winnipeg and at
home 4n Minnedosa, Man.
Gordon McRae, aged 28, was kill-
ed in Red Bank woods. near Chatham,
N.B.. by a tree which he was felling
striking him on the head..
Bert. T. Yates, of Cornwall, one of
the Canadian heroes, rewarded by the
Carnegie fund, is a first-year student
in science at Queen':' University.
The measure of relief to' the vic-
tims of the Farmers' Bank has not
yet been considered by the' Govern-
ment, but willbe taken up shortly.
• On the face of partial' returns. it
is believed that. Attorneyeneral
Morrison and two of. his colleagues
have been defeated in Newfaundlane
The Dane Mini ag• Co. working a
copper property near Dane, on the
T. & N. 0. Ry., has lost nearly all its
surface equipment by fire; 'Loss of
about $5,000.
Mrs. Thomas Henderson, Bennett,
wife of a wealthy Oswego, N.Y., lum-
ber dealer, was drowned wh^n''a tour-
ing car plunged into the Erie• Canal
at Syracuse, N.Y. ,`.
Archbishop Adolfe Alejandie.Non
el, formerly provisiot:al -president of
the Dominican Republic, a was ap-
pointed yesterday by- the Pepe apos-
tolic delegate to Cuba and Porto Rico.
The first sectior` 'of the Transcon-
tinental Railway declared completed
and ready for traffic, is the 50 -mile
stretch from the Quebec bridge west
on the north shore of the St. Law-
rence. -
Insane Woman -3ragge` by Heels
Declares Oue Witness.
WORCESTER, Mass., Nov. 4.—
Stories of allege? cruelty to patients
formed a large part oc the testimony
offered yesterday afternoon at the re-
sumption of the investigation of Wor-
cester State
or-cesterState Hospital by the State
i. and of Insanity.
Mrs. Anna Cartwright of Roxbury
was put on unexpectedly as a witness
and testified that in June she visited
hen sister, Emma J. McLaughlin, in
thee- hospital, and found her suffering
from burns on the arms -and ' legs,
which hospital attendant- said were
from sunburns, alth nigh in the opin-
ion of Mrs. Cartwright, they were
from other eau -es. Mrs. Cartwright
thought the burns looked as though
they had been cause: by scalding.
The so -ca'' wet pack wag_involved
in a long discussion of this phase of
the case.
Max B. Frenkil, in addition to' of-
fering testimony relating to alleged
cruel treatment, said he would add
that 95 per cent. of the male .atten-
dants at Worcester State Hospital
drink or arehabitual drunkards. -
Alma Foster testified that she saw
Rose Potnpogrand dragged by :the
heels. Witness declined for a•.Icing
time to give the name unless it was.
withheld from the papers. Dr. 14: J.
O'Meara ruled that If the name was
given it must be used. The witness
accused Regina P,awchuk of doing
the dragging and mentioned Edith
Roberts in . connection with face
ill To Have Regiment.
OTTAWA, Nov. 4. :Hull is-to,have
a French-Canadian regiment, the
70th. •
ereparations for it have beenin
progress for some tim- and yesterday
morning a delegation waited upon
Col. the Hon. Sam Hughes, Minicter
of Militia, who gave the required
The regiment will comprise eight
Hon. B. L. Borden 3n New York.
NEW 1 ORK, Nov. 4.—Hon:' R. L.
3orden, who with Mrs, Borden has
been visiting friends in this city since
last Saturday, left to -day for the
south. The Canadian Premier expects,
to remain in the seuthland until the
end of the -month resting up, and
then return to Ottawa to prepare for'
the session which will begin towards.
the middle Of January,
Cheotper Rate on Lemons.
WASHINGTON, Nov'. 4, --The
•erstate Coixnidree Commission's or-
ler reducing the freight rates on lem
)ns from California. to Atlantic, sea-
eoard points from $1,15 to $1" was
t )held yesterday by the Supreme.
EGMONDVILLE,--We understand
that Mr. J. P, McLaren has purchased
the 'W N. Cresswell homestead In
Tuckersmith, west of Egmondville,
and will occupy it, Mr. and Mrs. 2c -
Laren will have a beautiful home. when
they get it fixed up.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case
Of Catarrh that cannot be cured by. Hall's Catarrh
• F, J. CHENEY 5 00„ Toledo, 0,
We the undersigned have known F. J, Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe hint perfectly honorable
in all business transaotious and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by, his Arm.
WArm150, FINNAN .$ klAnvnc,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di
redly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price Mo. per bot.
tle. Sold by ail Druggists
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation,
Mr. Wm. Ogcleai returned home Sat-
urday from the West, after a pleasant
t%isit with his brothers • and his ; son,
Evelyne He likes the West in a
great many ways. -Quite a number
from around here spent Sunday with.
friends in Centralia and attended the
anniversary in the church, --On Sun-
day Nov - 9th, Rev. A. H. Brown • of
Ailsa Craig . will preach anniversary
services here, and the. singing will be
furnished by the Woodham choir,
Roland Squire of near Woodham has.
rented his 100 acre farm to. Mr. Herb
Langford for a five year term, and
intends moving to Exeter.—Miss Bes-
sie Morley and Miss. Edna Gunning
visited; friends hi London last, week:
—Rural mail is now in full swing
throughout this district,"the old Wha-
len post office which has dealt out
the mail for so many. years is no inore
having been closed last. Friday.—The
auction sales around are bringing
large prices for stock and .other
things this. fall, Farmers seem ieady
to pay any price to get more stock
on their farms.—Mrs. Hector Millson
and daughter, Margerie, visited her
parents at Devizes last week.
Miss Nan Horton is spending ••" a
few days with her parents in Harper-
hey.—Mr. and -Mrs. Welington risited
friends int Mitchell Sunday. -Messrs.
Tom and John M: Glenn spent Sun-
day ` last: with the latter's ha -other,
George A.' at Biucefield.-R, R. Glenn
is busy repairing his barn this week,
which, will improve the looks•a•good'
deal—Mr' Wm: Moody, who operates.
the road grader, has been on the
Boundary' fax' the : -last few days and
has' improved the,looks and condition
of the road very much. Mr. Moody
is a good hand with the grader.—Mr.
Thos Glenn leaves on Saturday . of
this week for Toronto to attend the
business college. We wish him all
kinds . of success.
The Christmas Tree" in connection
with the Shipka Methodist Church
will be held on December 19th this
Notice to Creditors
of the Village of Exeter, in the
County of Huron, Gentleman, de-
Notice is hereby given. pursuant • to
Section 55, Chapter 26, I George V.,
Statutes of Ontario, 1911, that allper-
sons having any claim or claims ag-
ainst the Estate of the above named
deceased, who died on or about' the
7th day' of September, A.D. 1913, are
required to deliver or send by post to
the undersigned, a statement and full
,par!iculars of their names, addresses,
clainis and security, if any, on or be -
for the 25tH day of November, 1913,
And take notice that .after the said
last mentioned' date, the executrices
of the said estate will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased
among :fide parties entitled . thereto,
having regard only to the claims of
which they then have notice. And
the said Executrices will not be lia-
ble for the Estate or any part there-
of to any person or persons of whose,
claim or claims they shall not have
had ,notice at the' time of such dis-
Dated at Exeter • this 5th day of
November 1913. -
., Solicitors for Executrices
Subjects taught by expert inststeyrs"
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. Oetlege
in session front Sept. 2nd. Cattier*
free. Enter anti time.
J.W. Westervelt • 3. W. Westervilt, Jr.
Principal • 17chartered
h r tc-PrAceow l'
..--Have You
madeprovision for employment
during the Fall and Winter mon-
ths or do you wish steady re-
munerative work the year through
Write us and secure our Agent's
terms. We offer the best is chc
business. Pay weekly, free outfit
exclusive territory.
Over 600 Acres
tinder, Cultivation, Established ov-
err .35 years.,. A tep utation for
high grade' itoo16,46t1 ,£air •Adm..
ing. . A lalesmart' can .sihake mon-
ey sellafig. for us "We" want *n
energetic.teijable man t=ote.* sr.'
and vicinity: "Fhr•.terfias write '
Toronto, Ont.
N,3.—Free catalogue on requeot
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000
Issued' by The Canadian Bank of Commerce, are a safe, convenient and
inexpensive method of remitting small sums of money. These Or�1c eks,
payable without charge at any bank in. Canada (except in the Yulko,
Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States, are issued at
the following rates
$5 and under 3 cents
Over 5 and not exceeding $1O..... , 6
" TO' " " 30.,..., ... ,.10 to
•.r. 80 " " 50...... 15 rr
should be 'made by means of our SPECIAL FOREIGN DRAFTS and MONEY
ORDERS. Issued without delay at reasonable rates.
EXETER BRANCH—O. L4, WA,UGH, M.anaser. Branch also at Crediton
The ` lVEolsons Bink
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve _ - '
MO EY ORDERS ..... .
at a1 Branches., Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
, N. D. HURDON Manager,
Auction Sale 11
The undersigned will hold. a union
sale at the Metropolitan, Hotel, ,Ex
eter on Saturday, Nov. 15,- at 1 -p,
mParties having anything to. dispose
Of ' will kindly leave orders at office.
on or before Nov. llth. B. S. Phil-
lips Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
There will be sold by public Auc-
tion on SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1913
at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following prop.
erty, viz,—Hair cloth parlor set, par-
lor organ, 3 parlor chairs, hall rack,
Morris rocking chair, 2 parlor stands,
sideboard, 2 couches, 34 doz. leather
dining room chairs, centre table, doz,
kitchen chairs, extension table, 2 jar-
diniere stands, 12 pictures, parlor car-
pet. dining room carpet, hall carpet,
bedroom carpet, clock, pair portier
curtains 6 pair bedroom curtains, 4
rocking chairs, porch settee, 3. bed-
room sets. a quantity canned.. fruit,
dining set of china, a lot glassware,
washtub, Happy Thought range, kitch
en stove kitchen table, china tea set
A lot of "cooking utensils and a num-
ber of useful articles too numerous
to mention.
There will also be sold at the same
time the '2 story brick house, con-
taining 8 rooms; and 11-2 lots of
land situated on the corner of Andrew
and Victoria Streets, near the school
This is a'fine property' and every-
thing is in a goad: state of repair.
Terms—Household effects cash. The
terms of Real Estate Will be made
known on day of sale.
B. S. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
There will be sold by public Auc-
tion on Lot 9, Con. 4, Stephen on
FRIDAY;. •NOVEMBER 14, 1913 -
,At 1 p m., sharp, the following prop,
eety. viz, '3••,cows supposed to be in
calf ;.1 aevr •mi1'cli cow, 1 two-yean-old
heifer supposed •tobe. in calf,. 2 -.year. -
2n -heifers, 2 yearliiag,,steers, 5 alv
es,:. -7' pigs 2'..niontiisr•6id,
,y Wagon,' seed drall,..pair bobsleighs,
4tearlY new; hay .rack, gravel box, Mas
'sey-Harris binder, . ,Massey -Harris
mower *sulky `rake, '3-iiorse cultivator,
set diamond harrows, walking plow,
2 -furrow plow, nearly new ; ; root life
ter, root pulper, a'number of-- liens,
beating stove, draw rope, two bicy-
cles, turkeys, stack of straw to be
fed on the , place, also :nany
other articles. Positively no ; eserve.
Terms,—Sums of . $10 and under,
over that amount 6 months' credit on
approved joint note: 5• per cent, per
annum off for ,eash in lieu of note.
Straw cash;
Jas. Stanley Jas. Patching,
Auctioneer.' Proprietor.
Stude tts may enter our classes at
any time. Those who enter now will
have an advantage over those who
cannot eater till: the ,New Year. Our
coursed m Cbtnmereial, 'Shorthand and
Telegraphy depar talents' are thorough
and 'practical. We offer yeu'.aclvan-
tangei not offered., elsewhere, in she
Province, Get our, free catalogue And
see if 11 Interests you.,
t D A. bfeLACHL,A N, Principal.
AuCtion Sale
FRIDAY • . NOV. 7th, at one o'clock.
CATTLE, consisting of COWS
of the Township of • Stephen, in the
County of Huron, farmer, deceased.
NOTICE is ,hereby given
a' pt�suint
to the Trustee Act' that all ,sons
having any claims or demands againsik.
the tate Thomas Lynch, who died on
or about the 26th. day of August, 1913
at Stephen aforesaid are required to.
send by post prepaid or to deliver
tothe undersigned Administrator
his Solicitors, their names and ad-
dresses and full particulars in writing
of their claims and statements of
their accounts and the nature of their
securities if any, held by them.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
18th day of November, 1913, the
said '•Administrator will proceed to
distribute the assets ..of the said de-
ceased among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claim or which he shall then have
had notice, and that the said Admin-
istrator will not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof to any
person of whose claim he shall not
then have received notice.
Dated October 15th; 1913.
John Lynch, Robertson & Coughlin
Shipka Stratford, Ont.
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