HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-30, Page 8ti
Who,, ,,..„....... ,.,. 83
Huck A. heat. ,..,.,..• 38
Oats. „. .......
,.,...•• 82
80 80
65 75
1000 10 00
2 50
Four, t IwPrade per ew
g 1 254 1
$0 81
10 12
88 10
7 8
8 60
22 2800
r'eaBeatsPoria i oos, per bag .. ,
tom •day, ��,r.t;on.,,,..,,..,.
noun, secwt., family
Butter ........... ..
.,. ,....
Pus..,,... .,...
Roosters.. ..........,
Dried Apples -per
ib „,..
Live hogs, per cwt. , , , ,
Shorts pee ton....,...,,
Bran per ton
PUPS FOR SALE.—Scotch Collie
Pups for sale, Apply to Master Pat-
rick McGee, R. R, No. 3, I.ucan P,
O., near Whalen.
Miss Mary Tom has opened a Dress
making School at her residence. Lad-
lee tvishingeto make their own dresses
may receive complete instructions
during the course of lessons, Terms
will be furnished on application:
Suits and dresses made to order as
Having taken over the .Butchering
Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we
have moved across the street into
the premises lately occupied by Mr.
A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron-
age and we hope as heretofore to
give you every tatisfaction, WM.
Tungsten Lamps for Sale,—Heaman'
Hardware Store, Exeter.
the Advocate Office, No witness re-
quired and strictly confidental
firm of Jones & Willert have changed
their day of shipping hogs from Wed-
nesday to Friday of each week. Farm-
ers will govern themselves accordingly
WANTED.—Light set of one-horse
sleighs State price. Apply at this
Good brick house, half acre land;
Fruit trees, hen house on the prem-
ises. A good comfortable place. For
particulars apply to Mrs. E. Demp-
sey, Centralia.
The undersigned are offering for
sale that desirable property, known as
the estate of the late Elizabeth liay,.
on the South Boundary of Exeter,,
contaiaing one acre of land. There
is on the premise.; six -roomed brick
cottage, with dry, frost proof cellar
summer kitchen, stable, hen house, all
kinds of fruit trees. These premises
are quite suitable for market garden-
ing or poultry raising. For particul-
ars apply to Mrs. John Beattie, Var-
•nia, or to John M. S. Glenn, Hensall,
Kindly look '
oer label
and if
you are not paid for one year in ed-
yance call and da so at one. We need
the money.
Tho rainfall in September for this
district was less than an inch as aone-
pared with 5 1.2 inches in the :•ante
month last year,
We are grateful to a. number of aur
patrons for settling em old accounts
due The Advocate and will be glad
to hear from scores of others,
.Ira Cobbleclack, Exeter North; has
disposed of her store business to
Mr Steele of near Dashwood, 'who
will take possession Dec, 1st,
Several dabbler's in stocks were dis-
cussing the meaning of the: word
"broker" and they agreed on this de-
finition t "One who sees you coming."
This addition was made after, due de-
liberation; "and gets you going and
The plan of hall for the ' Mock
Court Trial Breach of Promise case
a ill be opened at Cole's Drug store:
on Friday morning at . nine o'clock.
Secure your tickets early. Phone
order will be accepted. Admission
25 Bents ; Reserved seats 35 cents.
The pay car an the Grand Trunk
Railway is now a thing of the past.
According to information received at
all local offices the cheques will in
future. 'be forwarded direct to the
agent; at the various points on the
system and given to him by the heads
of the several departments for dis-
tribution To each cheque will be at-
tached a receipt which must be sign-
ed by the employee, also by a wit-
ness and returned to Montreal.
Newspapers are being reduced in
number each year. Galt has a popu-
latioa of 12,000 and now has only one
newspaper. No activity has beenhard
et hit by the advancee.l cast of run-
ning business than the newspaper bus-
iness One solution of the difficul
tie, facing newspaper publishers, and
one which is growing in favor- with
them, is the adoption of the pay -in -
advance system. In the business
world to -day the trend is toward
cast trade and the" foot -prints on
the sands of "time" are heading that
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized en Thanksgiving Day at Trinity
Church Birr, when Miss Eva Hobbs.
youngest daughter of Mr. R. M. Hobbs
and sister of Mrs. Rev. Collins of Ex-
eter was united in the holy bonds of
to Mr, James Mulligan of Wardsville.
Thr ceremony was performed by the
Rev. D. W Collins of Exeter, assisted
by thu rector, Rev. Mr. Turnbull.
The bride was charming in a gown
of white duchess satin, with the cus-
tomary veil, juliet cap of orange Tilos-
soms and carried a shower bouquet
of roses and IiIIies of; the valley. The
wedding march was played by Hiss
Agnes Fox of Lucan. She was at-
tendee by her sister, Miss. Rebecca,
who looked charming in an English
gowit of yellow
velvet, with
trimmings carried Ye1o chrysanthe-
hr santh -mums, Mrs. D. W. Collins, sister of
the bride acted as matron of honor.
She wore a gown of Battenburg on
white satin and.., carried yellow chry-
santhemums. The groom was assist-
ed by Mr. Harvey. The groom's gift
to the bride was a set of mink furs.
The young couple left an an extend-
ed tris: to points east, Upon, their re-
turn they will take up their residence
at Wardsville.
Being Lot 10, Con. 1, Hay, contain-
ing 100 acres, more or less, ingood
state oi' cultivation. Good brick house
containing 9 rooms; 2 barns, one on
brick foundation with stabling under
oath • a never failing spring
Ilio p g creek;
a good orchard; well underdrained.
One and a quarter mules from school
This is a very desirable property be-
ing situate half way between Exeter
and Hensall on the London Road. For
term, and particulars apply to Nor-
man Parrott, 26734Lappin Ave., Tor-
onto, or to B. S. PHILLIPS, Real
Estete Agent, Exeter.
wae between Toronto and evlon-
treal and Toronto and other prin-
cipal cities. in Canada. .Also
Double Track and Solid Trains be -
twee. Montreal and Chicago; also
between Ontario points, New York
and Philadelphia, via Niagara Falls."
Fir: particulars, berth reservations,
eta, ram Grand Trunk Agents, or
wr.te C. E. Horning, District Passen-
ger :9 vent Toronto, Ontario.
N. J. Dore, Exeter,
Dollar Doubt yrs
Our Olosatfied Wdrtt dc.. .;m
real Cotter doubtcre. iri rime►
teathcr and nervous enerty they •
writ wave you many timrt their
e,n*tt coat by brinaala to your
•w^,what you requite, whether'
M ",+ efficient cient tlotp, rx dcwtrabie
ilsfrrowar toot turplUe Swan, "si'. po4
tenon fir !U dtiineetio.
A most cenvincing find ttsdx.
:oe eve Orate would be to try a
i, it AA,
regret very much to announce the
death of Hazel, the three-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stew-
art, (nee Alla Hicks of Centralia), in
Calgary Alta, The little one died on
Saturday last after a short illness,
Interment took place on Monday in
Levine Cookson, Exeter North, wlio
has been .making' her home in Wind -
since last spring, was married in that
place on Wednesday, Oct. 156, to
Mr: George Petty of the same place,
formerly of Hensell, The young
couple will make their home in Wind-
sor and will have the best wishes of
their many friends here for their fu-
ture happiness and prosperity.
MARRIED,—A pleasing event took
place in the Methodist Church, Sher-
brooke,. Quebec, on. Oct. 15, at 6
o'clock in the evening, when Mr. H.
H .Moe of the Canadian Bank of
Commerce, Exeter, was married to
Miss Ellen Elizabeth Cromwell of
Sherbrooke. A large number of in-
vited guests were present. The
bridesmaids were Miss Enid Owens of
Montreal and Miss vtaud Cromwell.
Miss Ethel Harkness of Sherbrooke
was maid of honor and Miss Evelyn
Cromwell of Cookshire and Miss
Reta Niles of Grand Forks, B. C.,
were flower girls. The groom was
supported by his brother E. C. Moe,.
After a supper Mr, and Mrs, Moe left
for the New England States for a
short trip. They will reside in Ex-
Friday last;. Oct, 24th, one of Exeter's
oldest residents passed away ire the
person of Clarissa . Stevens, relict of
the late Robert Spicer, at the age of
85 years 8 months 15 days. Deceased.
had been in poor health far three or
four years, but had been, confined to'
her bed foe only two weeks. The
infirmities of . old age were the cause
of her demise, The late 'MrsSpicer
Sas born in Darlington Township, end'
.was there married, She and her hus-
band came to Huron County over50
years ago, and settled' on a farm in
Usborne Township, near Bethesda.
Later they' moved to Thames Road,
aad thirty years ago retired to Ex-
eter The husband died 11 years
ago. Mrs, Spicer was a member of
James Street lilethoda'st chinch. She is
staviived by two daughters and two
sons Mrs. M Armstrong of Sarnia
Misr Melissa at home, George -sand
E'zrt of California, The :funeral took
place .from her late re4ide-ice to 7,-
eter cemetery on Sunday afternoon,
Next Sabbath the Sacrament of. the
Lard's Supper will be observed in
James Street Methodist church at the
close of public worship morning and
Mrs. 3'ohn McLaughlin, accompanied
by Dr. Amos, went to London .on'6lon.
day; where Mrs. McLaughlin ender-
went a serious operation, At latest
report the patient was doing well.
Mrs M Armstrong of Sarnia end.
Mrs, Mary Spicer" of London attended
the funeral of the fornter's another,
Mrs Robert Spacer on Sunday.
The New Commercial Hotel wa.:
connected up with the waterworks
systen: last week. The proprietorhas
installed several basins and other fix-
tures tending towards a greater con-
venience ce throughout the hotel.
Reeve W, J. and Mrs. Heaman were
in London this week attending the
funeral of the formers grandfather,
the late Thomas McLeod who lied
in London on Friday last in his 78th
year The remains were interred in
Woodland cemetery on Sunday after
Rev W. G. H. McAlister is in To-
ronto attending a meeting of the
Book and Publishing Committee of
theMethodist church, Although the
Book Room occupies about 20,000
square feet of ground floorspace the
business has altogether out grown the
present quarters and requires double
the present space.
Mr John Stanlake had the mis-
fortune to fall from a buggy in which
he was standing while picking apples
and broke his right arm .on Saturday,
last The buggy happened to be at
the top of a grade .and started :town
and Mr. Stanlake losing his balance
fell out with the etbove result. He
was otherwise shaken up but is now
recovering nicely.
We have just received from Mes-
srs: G & C, Merriam Co„ publishers,
of Springfield, Mass,, a copes of Web-
ster's International Dictionary. After
a review of its contents we Lind it
one of t1ie very best dictionaries we
have ever seen. It is a new creation
and le construction and compilation
possesses many new and distinct fea-
tures of a valuable nature. It is
thoroughly down -to -date and is de-
veloped by modern scientific lexico-
graphy; is a key to literature of sev-
en centuries; has over 400,000 difin-
ed words and phrases, with general
information practically doubled; di-
vided page, with important word;
above and less important below; eon -
tains 2700 pages and 6000 illustrations.
We can' heartily recommend this new
creation which should be in every
home, school, etc.
Gillespie on Monday purchased the
brick dwelling and premises owned by
the late Silas Stanlake, situated on
Gidley street, the price paid bekig
5800. -Mr. C. B. Snell has purchased
the dwelling of the late John Es-
sery The purchase money was $825.
Anniversary Services of Caven Pres-
byterian Church were held on See -
day .last. The weather was all that
could be desired for such an occas-
ion and large congregations were
present both morning and'' evening, par
titularly the latter, the sacred edifice
being crowded to its fullest capacity
and the services throughout were im-
pressive and soulstirring. Special
hymns were selected for the occas-
ion and the congregation joined with
the choir in rendering them in .. a
hearty and effective manner. A sel-
ection was also nicely rendered by a
quartette composed of Misses Mur-
ray and Scott and Dr. Kinsman and
Mr E. J. Christie. The anthems
by the choir were beautifully render-
ed with a most pleasing effect. Rev.
D. C McGregor, B. A., secretary of
Social Reformwork of the Presbyter-
ian church, was the preacher and de-
livered with great power and eloqu-
ence two excellent sermons. His (ext
in the evening was Corinthians 137., 2
"Moreover it is required in stewards
that a man be found faithful:' The
preacher dealt principally with he
wordfaithful and set forth • in varied
symbols and illustrations the beauti-
fying influences it had on those who
possess it,
No one who
has ever used
it has anything
but praise for
It restores natural eel.
or to grey hair but
i t nc o
r a dye. It eradicates
preventsand falling air.
Use o bottle- ngt s ti iced,
50ca,a ijdryyour d
egg.iic a . r lip
Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
T. 7. Wilson of London spent Fri-
day in town,
Mrs. R. N. Creech was in London
on Saturday.
Mr, Burdett ,spent Sunday at his
home in Goderich.
Mrs. Frank Sweet of Sarnia is vis-
iting relatives here.
Mrs. W. W. Taman returned Mon-
day from a visit in Detroit.
-Miss M. E. Brown has returned iron
her recent --visit to Toronto.
Mr. Reg. Elliot olf Norwich is spend-
ing a week with relatives here.
Mr. Palmer of the Molsons Bank,
London, spent Sunday with Dr. Kins-
Mr. Wm. Hill, traveller, of Toronto,
spent Sunday with his father, Mr.. G.
Hill here.
Lloyd Rivers has been transferred
to the Highgate Branch of the Mol -
sons Bank.
Dr. J A. 'Rollins of Mimico is
spending a few days with relatives
and friends here.
Mr. W M. Blatchford 'of Toronto
spent a few days lin town the latter
part of last week,
Miss Lewis, who has been visiting
some months in the Western States
returned home last week:
Mr and Mrs. John Braund attended
the funeral` of Me. Chas Rowe - of
1:?lushing Mich.,' last week.
Messrs. J. H. Scott and W. G. i Tedd
attended the Sunday School Conven-
ventio I at Ottawa last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George petty of Wind
sor spent a few' days with the tatter's
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson,
Exeter North.
A meeting of the directors of Exe-
ter Agricultural Society was held at
the Commercial . Hotel Saturday af-
ternoon for the adjustment of ac-
counts and a few minor matters.
Mr. Henry Dilling returned on Fri-
day f rem Scott, Sask., where he has
been assisting in the threshing in that
district for some time. He reports
c tt and
the So
an excellent yield
Wilkie districts, having an average
of thirty bushels to the acre. -
Just received at Cen-
tralia a car of Coal espec
' 11 for
ially N....�
Exeter, Ontario
Where Reasonable Prices Prevail.
Ladies' Marmot Coats
This is one of the season's moss' popular • fur coats for
Ladies. It is 52 inches in ,length, is lined with rich but
good wearing satin lining, has large notched collar, is trim-
med with cuffs and silk frogs This is a warmand stylish
garment for $85,00
B; & I. Corsets make at-, Now is the time to buy.
tractive figures, The secret of ' them. They are large size
a•.perfect figure now -a -days is fine weave and pure .wool,
the wearing of a perfect tor- well worth the money, per
set. See our new model at pair $5.00
LADIES UNDERWEAR This is the lime- that
We handle Turnbull's, Pen- makes customers for us. It
manes, and' Stanfield's• We nave is full 36 .i,n, wide and the
secured a good line of Vests colors are fast. A wide
and Drawers that are great range of patterns at per
value at per garment 25c. yard 12 1-2 cts.
This is a chance you hould not miss. We are showing
a 97 piece Diener Set in a very cleat pattern called "Peacock
Milan," The vegetable dishes are the new round shape, also
new shape ;soup plates and cups, A money saver at $8,00
If you are look:,:ng. for rood
value in Overcoats you will be
surprised at the cloths and
styles we are showing at :$12.
"Penman's Make" in sizes
from 3.2 to 46, i1 both hirts
and drawers, This is great
value and sellsat :5)0c.
We are showing the neat
brocaded velvet ties, also ,2
tones effects, You would ex
pect to pay more for ^ them
than 50e,
We think we have the
best garment in the country
for inen who want good
weight; a good wearer and
ill , wool, I sk to see tt• .,$1:'
fur Store
Will Solve
Many a Wedding
Gift Perplexity
When you are purchasing a present, it is a matter of
money and' what you want --nothing else. Then this is your
store—for what 'you want is here and at the lowest possible
prices, A. good variety of„articles, selected from the larg-
est stocks, consisting ot
Silverware, Cut Glass,
Fancy China, Clocks, Etc.
These goobs are new, beautiful, and modern in design,
and of Superior quality. 'We make a specialty of handling
High Grade Watches
All kinds of Repairing done and guaranteed,
Jeweler and Optician
Exeter, Ont,
That nicely situated, comfortable
and up-to-date frame cottage on the
corner of Main and Victoria Streets
Good kitchen, cellar and woodshed
hard and soft water. Possession to
suit purchaser. For terms and par-
tictilars apply to D, Mack, Exeter, or
T Cameron, Auct., Farquhar.
lg. ROWE
Phone 20a -
Residence next to the store.
Undertaker and License
Xmas in Sight
We are making prepar-
ation for a Bumper trade.
Come along now and help
clean us out. We must sell
our graniteware at once, at
slaughter prices.
Watch this space next
Powell's • Bazaar
Big Variety Store
Farmers wamtimg hired tneen Cronext
aeaec a ehot ld place their orders at onca
oaterK Ise there will be iitticulty ' 'a
seetAing tiel,p.^ Orders -lett with the
Local Government Employment Agent
for title district, Advocate Orfl`ce,.. .or
addressed thereto, will receive promo
attention C. H. SA.NDPiRS, Agent.
PHONE NO. 32 —
A Store....
of Quality�
A Big Assortment
of Winter Goods
This is the heavy selling part of the year when all the warm
w inter wearables are needed. We have a very large stock for you
to choose from. til. 1 .a - ti
Another lot of the real swell
coats just arrived. We are hav-
.iing a big season as no two co ats
are alike,
Of all kinds and prices to suit
all Persian Lamb, Persian haw
Mink Marmot, Pisindo Mink, Sable
and White Furs,
For Ladies, Children, Men and
Boys in all colors and combina-
tions, A big selection to show'
Nice soft white fleecy blankets
All pure Canadian wool• Good,
size and ;quality, From $3,00 to
$7,00 per pair,
A real good line of Ladies &
Children's dark colored dresses
in all colors, suitable for .Fall
and Winter wear,
Every thing that is new In the
Dress or Suit Cloth,' All shades
to pick from at 50c. per yd. itp.
"Natural Wool, Wool, Union, &
Fleece 'Lined. For Boys Incl
Girls, Men and Ladies.
Good heavy bed comforts in
Cotton, Wool, or Down filling,
Good patterns and cloths $2
to $10 each,
New Shirts, Collars, Ties, Sox, S. Coats, Suits and
fleadgt*rters for the celebrated W. E. Sanfoid Clothing