Exeter Advocate, 1913-10-30, Page 5DENTAL
Itsmber or the R.C.D,S. of Ontario and
go or graduate of Toronto University.
tee -over Dickson 6c Carting's law
of ee. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
DU. P. P, XiNS,dIA,rr,
IxQilar Graduate of Toronto Un:rversttyi
Teeth extracted without pain, or any
bad effects. office over 4lladnian &
f^T' $tan'Fiury's Office, Madm Street, lelxeter.
,•i . 7
So'ljeltors, Notaries, Conveyancers, C9nr-
irdeetiofer°s. SolieltOrs for the Mol.sons
Banff. eta.
Stoney to Loan at lowest rates of interred
Offices-Madn-St., Exeter
I. R, Carling, I3,A, L. IL Dickson
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm and village prop-
ertLes at low rates of interest.
Barristers, S'o1�!,oltors, Exeter.
:Agent Confederation Life AseurangRl
Company, also Fire Insurance !•n kala
ins Canadian and British Coma nitae.
loradas-St., Exeter.
Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass
Insurance, Floileettng accountsi. and coo -
ducting auction sales. Exeter. Ont.
College. At I
Home ,
Thousands of ambitious young pee.
pie are fast preparing in their own besiasto
occupy luoriitee positions as stenogriiphees,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civlt 'arrests, In
tact'eiery sphere of lluatoes, Activities
You sissy finish N eelege if yon so wish
Posit -lea" guaranteed. Eater eoisge day
doe. Individual instruet4se. Expert Pla-
ckets Thirty years, extierene.. Largest'
stainers is Canada• doyen colleges, Spee-
at course for teaelsers..
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at famous
Spot ton B,rsinese College, Lon-
Pressidyat DA*lsl
ANY person who is the sole head of
a family or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a quarter section of
available Darutmihei land ,'an Manitoba
Saslcatbhewen or Alberta. The ap-
plicant must. appear in person at the
Dominion Landis, Agency or Sub-
agency for the district. Elnt'ry by pro-
xy made be made at any agency, on
certain conditions b' father, mother,
aon, drug -biter, brother or sister ,of
tetidn,a liotmetsteader•
Duties -Six menthe' residence upon
and cultivation • of the land in each
of three years, A homestleader may live
within nine n4lee of his homestead on
a. farm, of at least 80 acres society
owned and occupied by him or by his
rather, mother, span daughter, brother
or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt a quart
er-reection along side his homestead.
Price 0.00 per acre.
Duties -Must reside upon the home
stead or pre-emption six- months in
each of cis years from date of home-
stead entry (incdntd.ing the time re-
quired to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty sorem extra.
A homee'teader who has exhausted his
homestead right and cannot obtain
pre•IBmptiom may esker for a pug,.
chased homestead In certain di,etniots
Price $3,00 per acre. D atiee- Mus
reside •six montlhre in each of these
-. yeare, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth $000.
Deputy of the Ministter of the Interior
•.N.B.4-Urisutthtorl7.ed publication of
this advertisement -Will not .be paid for. .
LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts
can legally order from this brewery whatever they
require for personal or family use. Write to
annx,utanrnAnnnn/Annrrnm,vivar"vAxa.&nnnnn nnnnn. •
The undersigned fa offering for sale
that de fragile MX acre farm, situated
In the Township of Bidduipdr, being Lot
12; Con. 1. 'etre is ori the pretmi<eee
a good fralme hogeie, Marin with, tea/Ae-
rial), arctp ,. The !extra is well drain•
ed and aft] under cul'flvakirxi'. This is
an excellent farm. well situated and will
be sold reasonable,, For further partio-
U are aliply to Joan O'Neil, Mooresville,.
The undersigned is offering for pale
Lot.•: g, North •Bovnidary Stephen, con-
taining 100 acres of good land. There
to on -..the promisee a good -frame bougie
with atone cellar; bank barn with ce-
ment floors; 8 good wells, end a
smaii orchard,'. This is a good drain
or grass farm, or would make a good
stock tarrni. Shucked two miles from
Exeter; phorie Sar house. Will be spid
reasonabbel. For particulars apply en
the premises, or write the underelg edy
Fred Green, Hay, or B. S. PbIlltpa,
Toronto, Ont., offers the best ad-
vantages in Business and Shorthand
Education . Enter any time. Write
for catalogue.
LUCAN-The funeral took place
from the 'family residence here on Oct
28 to St. James cemetery of Homer
Howard in his 27th year• Mr. Howard.
died at St. Joseph Hospital, London.
He leaves a widow;
Protect the Heart
from Rheumatism
Weakening ofthe blood tissues by
continued attacks of Rheumatism af-
fects the heart and produces compli-
cations which result fatally. RHEUMA
puts the blood in condition to ward
off other diseases and eradicates the
Rheumatic conditions front the whole.
system. Recommended for all forms
of Rheumatism. 50 cents at W S.
Cole's.' This letter will convince you
of ..its great value,-
alue,"For nine weeks I was unable,. to
work owing to my, feet being !tadl"y
swollen from .Rheumatism. I also suf-
fered severe pains in the back., After
using two bottles of RHEUMA the
Rheumatism. has entirely left me."
F H. Morris, .Fort Erie, Ont.
111llmire Spreaffers
Make the machinery do the
heavy work, and always get
the best.
Wehandle the very best
Also Litter Carriers,
Steel Stalls and Stanchions
Nothing Better'and nothing
quite so good.
Wes. Snell
Implement Agent
,;%r�/'a „ t{ 1/%// r't�.!(17,1,r rq4 ��� •oro•
>l •,r�,1��•,r,f�Ihi:,,aP�h���, ). pl,,j;� i t ;. '� „p•
"Enamelled steel,
round -cornered reservoir
can be washed so clean and sweet
that it can be used for preserving, etc., a
Well as heating water. Though a small feature,
it is very important and, along with other equally
important ones, places the Pandora Range in the
lead of Canadian Ranges..
See this special reservoir, before purchasing your
range. 381
tip,. �y (T�>>��tt,
lii!i (N✓�f'<4(!l'C?n`.�ily//���16�'t�
Pandora Ran-
ges are sold
by good dea-
lers who back
up our guar.
antee on this
CCIa,y►' .•
do °w T�roota` , " ``i entleal Winnipeg Vantoava St Joh t#am ltan .." Oka iii
'. ' ` ti.b,., ' . •' '`�, ..,', ... . i . i,,,.r.. t7,'a:iti';;iii•';iNiiiil`l r ...w3r=
Sold a Exeteir by .1 avvk na &, Sou
• SAXNT.S13 UR''Y"
Mr Russell Hodgins and sister,
Mist Laura of Vancouver, B, C„ are
yisitini, 'friends and relatives • in the
neighborhood. -Mr. and Mrs, " James
Tunnel spent last week at Watford.
with the- latter's sister, lvl'rs, W, Car-
roll, -Harvey Hodgins is packing ap-
ples it, London Township. -Mr. ,ind
MI< Rich. Hodgins, Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Davis. ,Mr, ancf. Mrs, henry W,
Hodgins and Mr, and. Mrs. W, Davis
attended a fancily re -onion at Mr, and
Mrs. Garfield Needhani's at Ballymote
our` Thursday. last, 'There were a
large number in attendance and :in ex
cellent time was spent, A fowl din-
ner was served• and in the evening
dancing and other, harmless amuse-
ments were indulged in.
Runaway Accident. -Un Monday
week Mr, and Mrs. Wm J. Davis and
son had a very- unpleasant experience
which might result in the loss of
their horse, They were driving to
St. Marys to consult a physician re-
aardlug the son and when near Wnal.
sit thr Horse, took fright at a small
object ori the side of the road' and
ran away. All the occupants were
ditched. hat fortunately escaped in-
jury. The horse, however, did not
fare so well, the shaft in some way
got behind its shoulder and ran
through to the 'front causing a large
ugly wound, and it is a question
whether it will •recover..
Mr Irvin Smith of . Detroit is vis-
iting his father, Mr. Daniel Smith.
Mr, Joseph Ducharme of Toronto
is home for a few weeks.
Mr and Mrs. George Theil sr. and
so.n`I�ughie spent a few days with ie-
latives in Berlin.
Miss Maggie . Campbell and niece.
of Guelph ate ,visiting the former's
mother Mrs. G. Campbell.
Mrs Alex McLeod, who its teach-
ing it the West spent a few. days with
her parents Mrs, and Mr. Peter Koeh-
Messrs Douglas - end Sparks have lak
en..possessiion of mr. •Jeffrey's stand.
and are putting in .a large stock of
the• best brands of flour.
Mrs, Cameron, sr.,, who had the :nis-
fortune to fall on the floor a week
ago• and injure her thigh, is still in
a frail condition, although quite live-
ly 1 or one of her age. -Word has
been received here' that our Post
Office -will be closed up in the near.
future. -Mr. Wm. and Miss Gertie
Stewart who spent a few days vis-
iting in :this vicinity, have returned to,
Toronto. -Mr. Jas. Monteith, who has
rented .his farm to William Passmore,
is having. an auction sale Thursday.
He will reside on the, farm for a time
-A. O Francis spent the week end
at 'home.
.Rev Fr. Forster of ,Sandwich, Col-
lege made, a call here ail Sunday -
'Ars.;. John Rowlarid's many friends are
pleased to see that she is able to be
home and as well as usual. -Miss El-
la•Reardol left last week for Detroit
where she will remain. -Mr. Patrick
Hall and bride of Detroit spent a few
days last week with the former's par-
ents; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall. -
Quite a few from here attended the
sale on Wednesday of the farm of the
late Thomas Lynch of Shipka,-Word
reached here from Osnabrook,, N, D.
of the; death of Michael McCarthy,son
of the late Daniel McCarthy, formerly
of the 12th con., Stephen. No further
particulars were received as yet.
Miss Margaret Crowley of Detroit is
a visitor at the home of P,Sullivan.-
Mrs, Wm Miller and Mrs. Michael
Maloney of St. Joseph spent a few
days last week visiting friends in this
The death occurred on Sunday
morning at 8 o'clock of Agustus Mor-
rissey, sr., aged 76 years, at his home,
on the 14th con. of McGillivray, Mr.
Morrisev ,had been .ailing for several
months with an inward growth, and
death was not Unexpected. He is sur-
vived by an aged wife and one Baugh -i
ter, Mrs. Cassidy of Detroit, and two
sons- Agustus and Thomas of this
neighborhood. The funeral took place
on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock to.
the R. C •cemetery and was very large
ly attended.
Rev McLaren of Shakespeare ex-
changed pulpits with Rev. Ritchie on
Sabbath last. -The date of the Bible
Societymeeting has been changed
from Oct. 23rd to Nov. 17th, -The
Misses Butler and Hanna spent
Thanksgiving with friends in Fergus
and Elora -S. S. No. ,6, Hibbert, '. is
busy preparing for a grandconcert to
be given some time in the near fu-
ture.. Further particulars later. -Mr.
Russell Scott and the Misses McKel-
lar spent Sunday with friends inEx-
eter.-Word has been received here
from Miss May Martin at Calgary,
who left here a couple weeks ago for
that place that she travelled through
nearly two feet of snow in Regina. -
Mr. and Mrs. D. McKellar of Regina
are expected here the end of 'he
month to reside permanently. -Mr. Jas
Rivers held a successful sale onit.Wed-
nesday last. We understand he in-
tends moving to Seaforth for the
present, -Miss Olive Seare spent last
week in Brampton. She was accom-
panies home by her sister, Miss Bes-
sie, who intends spending the winter
Howard Balfour of Toronto is vis-
iting at David Hazelwood's.-Miss Vera
Roadhouse of Prospect Hill is holi-
daying at home, -Miss Nellie McArth-
ur returned to her home in Walton
last week. -Mrs. Duffield and child-
ren of Mat Forest are visiting her
sister Mrs, W, Mask and brother, C,
Duffield, -Rev. Blatchford of • Cen-
tralia preached Anniversary services
in the :Methodist church here Sun-
da* to , large congregations, -Mr. and
Mrs. H A. Loupe and daughter idol-
len Of the
spettt thanks,giving
wait'the fortner's patents IV, r;{' and
Mrs , Robert xupe We,congratWate.
Gerratice Jose dry h is" success' with
his recent examination a tthe Veter-
inary College Toronto receiving`' high-
est marks in the college,
Without001 red b ood # tsar b a weak heart and poor nerves. Thinness of
tht blood, a�r aaa $ Orr n yours tai as well as old, Ra .. edicts FIs 1
the cage witb htwlsty •woadlly .nti*ted actorfes-or those wiloare abet
ea Indoors n winter yl)* w a foie b ing up the oxygen or ; mitting
carborlc (p ride gas. This blood, or wit [ack:the -red blood cotpuscies,
in anaemic people may i* ve Moen es, y la of good fresh air breathed into
lungs, or by poor digestion or dyspepsia. So .etlmes people suffer iiiteiae
Pts over the heaart�ewhich is. not heart disease at all, bit caused by indigestion.
whatever the caus,
that it has given sates On for over 4t years. ,,,- o- kriowinq
ere's lust opo remedy that you can turn t
is a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach into vigorous
action. It thus assists the body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the
heart -nerves -brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like
machinery running in oil. You feel clean, strong and strenuous instead of tired,
weakandfaint, Nowadays you can obtain Dr: Pierces Golden Medical Dis.
covers Tablets, as well as the liquid form from all medicine dealers, or tablets
by mail, prepaid in 51 or 5Qc size. Adress R. V, Pierce, M, D., Buffalo, N. t
Mrs. S. McMartin, daughter of R.
Bonthron has returned home,
Mr. and Mrs. Dew have returned
after visting in. Hamilton.
Daye Geromette has moved into one
of A. Murdock's houses on Brock
H. Reynolds, whose health is never
verygood, is, we regretto learn not
so w
W. ell Hilderbrasusualandt has moved into
G. 0, Petty's cottage on Queen Street,
just vacated by A. Murdock.
Mrs, James Dalrymple hes :returned
to Moosejaw.after visiting here •• for a
considerable tinier.
RobertStewart, who has been enjoy-
ing fair health for some time is, we
regret to learn, very poorly
Mrs. Neelands was in London :at-
tending the funeral of her brother-in-
law R. 3. Tait, formerly eity freight
agent of the Pere Marquette Rail-
way. •
Alf Scruton was obliged to go to
Clinton hospital last week to have an,
operation: preformed. The operation
was successful and he is recovering
nicely and will probably be hon this
McGILLIVRAY-The corporation
of the Township ofMcGillivray;" are
made defendants in.a writ for $5,000,
damages issued by W. McDermid
of L•ucan, acting for litre. M. 3. Sime;
son. The damages are for personal.
injuries sustained while driving along
the second concession of McGillivray,
between lots 15 and 16. Negligence :is.
alleged on the part of the township in
not haying,the road in good repair.
CLINTON-D. W. L. Cantelon, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cantelon, Was
married in Toronto on Oct. 15 to,Miss
Mary•Ward, daughter of the late Jas.
Ward, Lucknow.
' TiElt ACHE
Calgary, Alta, July 8, 1911
I was a(great sufferer for a long
time with Bllieusnees, Sack Headache,
and ,Liver Trouble. Nothing seemed to
do ,me any good. I had almost given
up,„ in despair when I decided to try
After taking about ,half a box the head-
aches stopped and my appetite improv-
ed. I have just Endshed the fifth box
and Peel as well as ever. I can heartlily
recommend Fig Pills for stomach and
liver troubles. Mss. Mary Eileen.
Sold ,at all deaeems' in 25 and 50 cent
boxes or mailed by the Fag Pill Co., St,
Thomas, Ont.
Sold at Howey's Drug Store.
-The regular storm period covering
the first seven days of November bids
fair to be a decidedly stormy and
inclement period. It is, central on''the
4th. The barometer wiill show the
oncoming of these storms, in western
extremes, as early as the 2nd, rain,
wind and thunder will attend falling
barometer, and as these storms travel
eastward across the country, from
about the 3rd to the 7th they will
grow in intensity and extent, until
most parts of, the country will feel
their influence' and direct force. Sur-
pri si-ng dashes of early winter, with
boreal gales, sleet and snow, may very
reasonably be anticipated over much
of the country northward, as the west
ern storms come eastward. This is
the time when the navigator and
shipper on the great lakes should be
TUC3 ERSMITH.-A quiet wedding
took place at the homa of Mr. and
Mrd, Henry Carter, Clinton, on the
15th inst. when their daughter, Mrs.
Charlotte es� '
rl tie Plew ,became the wife if e oi
Mr, Melvin Crich, soli of Mrs. and Mrs
Herbert Crich, The ceremony was •
performed by Rev S J Allen of Clin-
ton. -
BRUCEFIELD-Messrs Collins and
getchen, have bought out the
chopping interests of the sa v and
chopping mill here, and who ire ;low
busy •remodelling their machiatery to
insure perfect service.
SEAFORTH-Much and sincere re-
gret was left on learning, of the death
on the previous eveniirig of Mrs. Hcnry
Oughton. an old and highly respected
resident of Seaforth. Mrs. Oughton
had not been enjoying good health for
a year or more and about a month
ago she suffered a paralytic stroke
which deprived her of speech ',rid
which she never regained, although
quite conscious of all that transpired
around her. A second attack proved
fatal Mrs. Oughtan's maiden name
maiden name was Margaret 5. ,ting..
ST. :• MARYS.-On Sunday morning
the death occurred at the residence
of 'Mr and Mrs. J. G. Constable,
Church street South, with whom he
fame his home of Wm. H. Bradley,
had been seriously ill some five nt eeks
death resulting from kidney tro'-`lle..
The late Mr. Bradley was a re--, k-
able. old man in many respects. -Ie
had almost attained his ninetieth .' ar
and on July 3rd of next year, 'a-' he
survived, he would have cel& • :ed
with his wife, the seventieth i:niv-
ersary'of their wedding.
Advocate has entered upon a clean-
ing -up campaign of balk subscriptions
and Ione' past due accounts which will
be pushed vigorously, even if we nave
to resort to the courts to get what
isdue us. With the rapid rise of
almost everything about a printingof-
fice waiting years for $1.00 a .:ub-
scriptior and' for small accounts of
50c up can no longer be permitted.
We have to pay cash every w-eek''or
wages, paper, ink, freight, postage,
etc. and to keep this up we must
get what legitimately belongs to us.
re you are in arrears kindly give this
matter your immediate attention
T T. Kelos .an official of the P. o•
cial Government, wishes to direct Pub-
lic attention to the following prc•vis
lows of the Children's Prosective Act"
Sec 17 •-(1) No chiild under 16
shall loiter in any public place .after
9 o'clock in the evening, or be there
unless accompanied by his parent or
guardian or an adult appointed by
the parents or guardian to accompany •
such child.
(21 A child found in a public place
after the hour named in subsection 1
unless so accompanied may be warned
to go home by any constable or probe
tion officer or officer of Children's
Aid Society, and if after. such warning
the childs is found loitering in a pub-
lic place Such child may be taken by
the constable.. or officer to its home
or the Child's Shelter.
(3' A parent who permits his .ld
to violate this section shall for tyle
first offence incur a. penalty. o: $1
without costs, and for a second of-
fence $2 and for a third, or any ub-
$sequent offence, $5, 8 Edw. VAI. c.
59, s: 19, amended
Sec 2. (k)"Public place" shall mean
a street ,highway, or lane, whether a
thoroughfare or ,not, and a tavern or
other place of public resort, and, gen-
erally ,any place to which the public
have or are permitted to have ac-
Ladies benefit by
this oven test ---
It allows you to use less flour.
For only flour that makes more
bread and better bread in our oven
test is offered you.
From each shipment of wheat
delivered at our mills we take a
ten pound sample. The sample is
ground into flour in a tiny mill.
The flour is baked into bread. If
this bread is high in quality and
large in quantity we use the ship-
ment from which it came. Other-
wise, we sell it.
So your benefit from ,ours
bearing • his mime is sure. "
r Bread" a
Bread � and •Beth and
"Better Pastry Too" 60