HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-23, Page 8,. YW s e., ..4,1111rPATR. T ;LTHz;l.kT:" l T. S3, Ul,l3 XETER MARKETS* OH AN i1,l? B.A011 WED 1B,E1t?,A34', W he /833 85 R+�.'rRrl�•'"� •.. „i...,.. M•,.. 4$ VT Piece. Attx„rt all .A.R! 48 48 Oats, x:.,, .,,. 82 32 Peas .,.,.A,.,.., .,1F. 80 80 Fatal R H, per bag .....: 00 15 Hay. a non..,»,...,,,, 1900 10 OQ. Flour. ,,. ,, ewt.. family 2 70 Flour. ' ,,v grade per aw 1 50 150 80 81. 1 . 12 8 9i 7 8� Turkey,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 Dried Apples per lir , 5 Live hogs, Per cwt. -* • b 30 i3 00 Shorts per tor} ... $ran per ton ...... , . , , . 22 00: 13r ttex .. *OA*** t7hix Biggs— ..... ..........Al Rees. Roosters...” , ...... , DRESSMAKING Mist- Mary Tom has opened a Dress making School at her residence. Lad- ies wishing to make their own dresses may receive complete instructions during the course of lessons, Terms will be furnished on application. Suits and dresses made to order as usual. ....,-0.0.: Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford, We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every ;satisfaction, -- WM. RIVERS. The EXETER EVAPORATOR is now prepared to take all thundred les you can bring in. 4Qc. p for good winter peelers.—Jos. Sutton, Manager —0— . Tungsten Lamps for Sale.'—Heamas' Hardware Store, Exeter. 25c, in Canada pays for the Advo- cate to the end of the year. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental SHIPPING DAY CHANGED.—The firm of Jones & 'S'trillert have changed their clay of shipping hogs from Wed- nesday to Friday of each week. Farm- ers will govern themselves accordingly NOTICE.—I desire to announce to the public that I do all kinds of Clothes Cleaning, Repairing and ?'res - sing ; also agent for Dry Cleaning and Dye Works. Over Post Office. W. 1OHNS. --o-- WANTED.—Light set of one-horse sleighs State price. Apply at this office FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick house, half acre land; Fruit trees, hen house on the. prem- ises. A good comfortable place. For particulars apply to Mrs. E. Demp- sey. Centralia. • ESTRAY HEIFER. There strayed onto the . premises of the undersigned, Lot 3, Con. 2, Hay, on ox about August 15th a roan 'heifer Owner can have same by provingthe property and paying expenses. JOHN ROWE, Exeter P. O. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The. undersigned are offering for' sale that desirable property, known as the estate of the late Elizabeth Kay, on the South. Boundary of -Exeter, containing one acre of land. There is on the premises six -roomed brick cottage. with dry, frost proof : cellar summer kitchen, stable, hen.'house, all kinds of fruit trees. These premises are quite suitable for •market garden- ing or poultry raising. For particul- ars apply. to Mrs. John Beattie,, Var- pia. or to John .M. Glenn, Hansen; Executors. HOUS's AND LOT FOR SALE Brck Cottage, very central, on An- drew St, bust behind Town Hall Contains parlor, diningroom, . kitchen summer kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 closets large pantry, cellar throughout, hard and soft water, extra :large lot with several fruit trees. Also stable. For term > apaly to - A. Hastings, or B. S. Phillips, Real Estate Agent, •Exeter. FARM FOR SALE T',. .Let 10, Con. 1, Hay, contain- , -res, more or less, in good stns. 1 iltivation. Good brick house cont ss 9 rooms; 2 barns, one on br: l ,eve lation with stabling under neat ; ; ~r never failing spring creek; a g' orchard; well underdrained. O ie an l a quarter miles from school Tins i. a very desirable property be - ;ale ;te half way between Exeter and H._i ;all on the London Road. For tern i i l particulars . apply to Nor- man Jarrott, 2673 Lappin Ave., Tor- onto, 'r to B. S. PHILLIPS, Real Extra,: Agent, Exeter. MD'fUNKSYSTM Hameseekets Excursions OCTOBER 14 - 21— 28 To Manitoba, Alberta, `Saskatchewan Via Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth or Sarnia. and Northern Nav, Co. WINNIPEG and RETURN 535.60 EDMONTON and RETURN y43,C0 Proportionate low rates to other points Return limit two months, Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Care are operated to Winnipeg with. out c'ee v e, leaving Toronto 11,00 1, ni n:'t st'r'ive dates. The Urand Trunk Pacific Railway r; t'ta e ertest and quickest route be- t,•, e se Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton Fug setrticulara" and reservatrons at as Gn.'si Trunk ricket Office. J. Dere,, Exeter. lireNireirefirstir LOCAL DOINGS... P4 k11 .8c0rndc*ca•.*.rkkC,Ac ARE YOU ONE ? An Exeter ntaidee (bray her Looks improve) Awoke one alight from fleeting dreams'of love, And saw within the moonlight near her bed, A spiritwriting in a book of red, to words of flame it wrote ,vith prim inspired, "What .names are these ?" he maid- en .then inquired.; The spirit answering, stayed its gleaming pen, "Th;: maids whose beauty fires the hearts of men;" "An d am I one ?" she queried, "Nay not so," The spirit said; the damsel spate more : low, But hopeful still, and begged in ac- cent bland, "Write ' nee as one that ' cooks to beat the band,,, The spirit wrote and vanished, the next night, tt came again with a great scroll o1 white And showed the names whom praise of men had blessed,.• And lol our maiden's name led all the rest. Gerald Fitton is ill this week. Hard knocks count more than a col lege education in the world. ' Our neighbors seem to believe that one good turn deserves another. Success comes from good work oft- ener than it does from good luck. Put your whole energy into any bus- inese you are in. If you don't you can't succeed,, Mrs Martha White, William street is confined to her bed under the doctor's care, Lightning may not hit twice in the same place but it is different with •. the chromic borrower. I€ a man is always making . new friends it's generally a sign .that .old friends are onto him. Women are not as swiift as men It takes some .of them forty years to reach the age of twenty-five. Friends here of C. W. Hawkshaw of Lucan will regret to know that he has suffered a relapse and is very low. i. • Never tell a customer anything that isn't so. If you deceive a man once he will never again have confidence in yoa. The special Committee of London Conference meets in the First Metho- dist church London, on Tuesday, Oct. 28th, Thanksgiving Day was a very quiet one here. A large number of visitors were in town and many Exeterites visited elsewhere. Mr. Thos. Bestow, who has :. been suffering from an attack of pneumon- ia at the home of Mr. Harry Elwor- thy, is recovering slowly. It said that some e xnsects reach maturity within thirty minutes after biirth, but some specimens of mankind do not mature in thirty years. The Anniversary of .the James St. Church will be observed Dec. 14th and 15th, The Board of Trustees are determiined to make the occasion one of interest and . profit tot he con- gregation, Caven Presbyterian Church Anni- versary services will be held on Sun- day Oct. Z6th, when Rev. D. C, ?Mc- Gregor. B, A, of Toronto, Secretary of Social Reform of the Presbyterian church, will preach morning and ev- ening. Special music, Mrs. Smith of Winnipeg acid - her daughter, .Mrs. Clayton of Gladstone who have been visiting Mrs. Smith's sisters, Mrs. Colin . Smith of Hensel', Mrs. J Jarrott of Exeter, and ?vlre. Wm Hudson of Seaforth,.for the past month, left for .their home Tuesday by .woe of Niagara Falls. -They -had: prev iously visited Bowmanville and Toronto Advertisers are reminded that change of Gopy for ads, must be in our hand. by Tuesday noon to in- sure their ad being changed for the current issue. We find it necessary to enforce this rule as we have ,to go to press at three o'clock Wednes afternoon on account of having to have a large number of our papers in the mall by 4 o'clock Wednesday to ensure delivery in certain districts at a reasonable time. DIED IN DUNCRIEF — Relatives received word here on Monday last of the death of Mrs. Luke Speari, who died in Grey Township that day after six weeks of intense suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. The deceased was a daughter of 1Ir, and firs. J. H. Baker, who formerly re- sided in this neighborhood, the for= mer being a son of the late William Baker of Centralia and the latter a daughter ofthe late; James. Snell of Exeter Besides the husband . the de- ceased is survived by 'three daughters The funeral took place Wednesday 'several of the relatives attending from Exeter and neighborhood, HICKS' OCTOBER FORECASTS, On and touching the 26th and 27th, storms will reach their culminating stages in rain, wind and thunder. At the same time snow; squalls will' be following from the west and north, eritis high gales and much colder and clearing weather, Those who navi- gate the Great Lakes may have cause to regret any lack of care or preeau-. tion at this time. The temperature; will drop •tear to the freezing line at this time. A reactionary storm per- :od covers the last three clays of the month, The new moon on the 29th will bring the culrnination of this per, iod or. and touching that day. Rain and winrt with autumnal thunder will. result at this time, passing to the yeast wed leaving high barometer anti mush colder, clearing weather behind timer by the end of the month. A marked earthquake period le ventral ort the 29th, extending from the 26te to November the 4th. Mr ;Geo, Bedford was, in Lon Tuesday. Eer.t. Moore of London spent , the holiday here. Mr, A, Marchand spent the holi- day ,in Berlin, The Misses Carling were in Lon- don this week. Stanley Fisher of Guelph spent the holiday in town, , Mr. John McIntyre was down from Heosall Monday, Miss Mabel Waiters was home 'ram London this week idi•; and Um-. Jas. Hern spent the holiciae in Norwich, 12r, L: Watson Inc recovered and has resumed bese, work, Toront x•ieabo SoutoverhcoSuttndaivasy, Ilfiss Doris Emsli:e was a guest of the Misses Heideman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reddy spent the holiday in Detroit, Miss Bessie Welsh of. London was home over the holiday. Mist Hettie Harding has returned from a visit in London. Miss Labelle Handford of Ingersoll spent the holidays here, Mr M Doyle spent a couple ,lays in Toronto during the week. Ali and Mrs: John 13awden of .Ridge toevu spent the week end. here. Mr.. and Ivirs. Chas. Hooper left on Friday for a visit • m Montreal. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Grigg of Perp-, brooks spent the . holiday here. Elmore Senior of Toronto was the euest of his parents over the holiday dr leery Knott is moving from Ex-' etet North to Ann Street this week Mrs. Flora. Yorke Miller is a guest. of Mrs McAlister at the Parsonage: Mrs, Jos. Wambold ' returned Sat- urday ;from a visit in - Saginaw, Mich. Mr, J, A. Sanders of Woodstock spent Monday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Bissett of Lon- don spent Sunday and Monday iaere. Mr. and Mrs, Carruthers of •Thorn - dale were visitors at W. H. hestle's. Mr. Martin, Mrs. H. Oke and Miss. Lydia Oke of Seaforth visited here this week home from r on � Mr. C. W. Drinkwater was shaking hands with many of his old friends in town Monday, . Miss Edith Liddcott of London was the guest of Miss Lela Gould for the holiday. Mrs Crocker and Miss Whimster of St Marys were guests of Mrs. D. Johns this week. - Mrs Gregory Tom • of Montreal vie= ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fittoe this week. Mrs. Hall and Miss M. Drew oc Florence spent..a few days at .efr. W. Drew's during the week. Mr and Mrs. Fred `Edwards of Cor- unna were visitors at .Mr. W. H. Pen- hale's over Sunday and Monday. Mr Fred Mc -Allister of Toronto was a visitor with. his parents at the fam- es street parsonage- over Sunday; Mi. and Mrs. Geo, Young and fame ily of London spent the holiday with Mrs. Young's parents,NIr. and Mrs. James Beer, Ms. and Mrs. Lorne Waterhouse of Ingersoll and Mr, John Murray of Dundas spent Thanksgiving Day at Mr. James Murray's. Mrs. James Collingwood of ;Karen ton and Mrs. W. 'Wilson of Petrolea were • visitors with their parents, ` Mr,. and Mrs. C. H. Homey. Mr, and firs. J. C. Inwood of Lon- don . and Mr, Allen Myers spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. S. Sanders, Main street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing esnd daughter Madeline of Stephen left last week on a couple weeks' ,visit with relatives and friends at Sarnia and 'Lenders. .• Mrs Sleeker, of Los Angeles, `Cal:, is the guest, of Mrs, Thorne. She will leave on the return trip to her home to -day . (Thu'rday) ,accompanied , by Mrs. Thorne,,° who intends spending winter in Los Angeles.. . . . No more Grey. Hairs—no more dandruff no falling hair when you use • e a. Restores hair to its natural Col r, is hot a dye. Get a ot- tl from youi dru ggist today. He w j1 e nd yo `r alone it a 1 to " ea your fey ao a trailed. etttb i 0644114 rt (tug .t. �S mvta owls sent $n welpt of lee dc1gagerqnim PhiloldaySeeSai►iea #Ycwsrk.N j :x<3X .1:(*XC. FOR -SALE BY, W. S. HOWEY, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. Russell Balkwill, Forest, was Borne for the holidays Mr. Wilbert Luper of London spent Thanksgiving in town, Mr. and .Mrs, CG,' L. Waugh spent the.. holiday in Toronto. Mrs, W. T Acheson and Beverley were in London Saturday • Mr,. and Ivirs, W. H. Levett spent< the week end in Toronto. .Mr, Warren B. Ross returned to his home in Mankato, Minn., Friday, Mr. and Mrs, Richard. Murphy and daughter spent Thanksgiving Day in Toronto. Mi John Farmer of Londonwas in town Thursday last shaking hands with old friends. Mrs. Thornton of Aylmer spent the holiday with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Handford Mr. Russell Southcott of Minnedosa :Man., returned to his home here on Friday to spend some months. Mrs. Jane . Snell and Mrs. McAvoy visited the former's daughter, Miss Annie Sanders at Waterloo this week. Mr. and IVlrs, . E. J. Christie holi- dayed with the tatter's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Chris Luker in, St. Cathar- ines. ' Reg Bissett, Misses Ella Baker, Ol- ive Wood and Gladys Ford of -Chat- ham Business College, were home for the holiday. ,• Miss M. E. Brown who spent the summer here left Friday last ,or Toronto 'where she has accepted a position in a hospital: Fred G. McAlister, sstatisticiaii of the public Roads and Highways Com missidn, spent cover Sunday with his. parents at James St, Parsonage: Rev. W. G. H. McAlister was in Tor onto on Friday of last week in attend- ance at the inaugural ceremonies of Chancellor Boles to the Presidency'of Victoria College, Mrs .John Welsh and grandson, Gerald Long, returned last Wednes- day from a trip _to Winnipeg, where. they went owing to the illness of the: former's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Chas. Long, who has now recovered. THRESHING ' COAL Just received at Oen- tralia a .car of Coal avec Tally for threshing. ITh. R. G. SELDON Exeter, ' ' - Ontario • PRONE 16 Where Reasonable Prices Prevail. Men's and Boys' Suits & Overcoats Our new Overcoats will please the young men as well as the older ones. The cloths are the very newest— the linings are the best—and they are tailored perfectly. They are made in smart ,Chesterfield style with the new shawl collars and belted backs, Now 8.sthe time to make your selection. Good, values at $10.00 ,$12.50•., $15,00, $18.00,: Mens Suits rc Mens Soft Hats: If you want a good s• uit, that will give . a lot of ivear, we can show you, a. dandy at $10,00. Also many- better ones in the newest models and cloths at $12,50 & $15.00 Are' 'very'poliular for Fall and Winter wear. We can• shote you the newest shapes in the rich ,colorings .of green, brown ,grey and heather at . 1.75 and 2,00, Sweater Coats All perfect fitting garments in almost any combination. of •colors.. Some new weaves are being shown this season in the plain coats as,, well as thetri.-colored. We have them to fit every member of the family. COAL OIL—We are selling the best American Coal Oil "Royalit&' at 4 gallons for 60c. Try it J. A. STEWART •ART Oua�.Storo.. 11 Solve Many a Wedding GiftPerplexity When >on are purchasing a .present, it is a spatter of money and what you want—nothing else, Then thio is your store—for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices. A good; variety of articles, selected from the larg- est stocks, consisting'ot Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Olocka, Etc. These goobs are new, beautiful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches All kinds of Repairing dove and guaranteed... MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician Exeter, Ont. es - FOR SALE That ; nicely situated, comfortable and up-to-date frame cottage an the corner of Main and Victoria Streets Good kitchen, cellar and woodshed hard and soft water. Possession to suit purchaser. For terms and, par- ticulars apply to D. Mack, Exeter, or T Cameron, Auct, Farquhar. Phone 20a Residence next to the .store. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO Getting- Ready for Xmas 1 Gold Fish have arrived Beauties, too.. Also Sea Weed, Dip Nets, Fish Food -Sea Shells, Globes," Etc. Let_ us tell you. how to care for GOLD FISH, They are easy to keep and very pretty and cheap too. Let us fill your Xmas toy and pres- ent order this year, Special discount to schools, churches, ,etc Come early Only two months to Christmas Powell's Bazaar PHONE 55 Big Variety Store TG FARMERS WANTING MEN. Farmers wanting hared men for next eea.ectn eb,ould place their orders at once otarervc i.se there will be 31fttculty :h securing Help,. Orders lest with the Local Government Employment Agent for this district, Advocate Oifce, or - addreesed thereto, will receive prom)* attention C. IE.,,, SANDERS, Agent. BONES &MAY PHONE NO. 32 Good. Warra Wearables For Fall and Winter Winter is coming. Be ready and don't be caught napping. We have a big stock of all the go od «arm winter stuff just waiting for your approval. ' .'WARM' 'FURS For Ladies and Children .in. Every style of Furs, . White, .;Brown, Black tyle of Furs. White, Brown, Black, : • xted Grey, in the very newest Furs;; Prices very low. UNDERWEAR Natural Wool, Heavy. Wool, Union. and Fleece Lined. The very best' grades for Ladies, Girls, Men and Boys, SWEATER. COATS Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girl's. Every color that is made is here in the good heavy wears. Prices . $1.00 to $5.00. FANCY WAISTS Good Fancy Flannel, Linen, Lawn, Vesting and • Shaker Waists in all sizes Suitable for winter wear. LADIES' WINTER COATS A new lot arriving every week, Something' .entirely' different in' this week. Our great Coat' success 'is no two alike ` `'CHILDREN'S COATS Ages from 1 to 16 -years in a;li. the new colors 'and styles. ; Men's and Boys' Clothing A BIG STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS Otir full winter stock of :nits is now here, They are a nifty, lot. The genuine swagger shapes and styles; • If you want a Suit wcc were .never in better shape. MEN'S & BOYS' OVERCOATS Every new style of make end different kinds of cloths are right here. We never had a better selection of the new Overcoat Models to show you. We lead in this line. DON'T FORGET YOUR THANKSGIVING HAT. JONES MAY :eacN,qu ,rters,for the celebrated W. E. Satbyld Clothing •