HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-23, Page 5Dr. G.
, 7tExt1LSTQN, L.p,S., p,
fiber of the 11.0,1).S. of Ontario and
,o ' Oraduato. of Toronto TJ,niveraity.
scts-eOyer Dickson & Carli'ng's law
Closed Wednesda afternoons.
of tee,
D. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S,,, D.D.S.,
Plonor Ora -du -ate sof T'pronto LJnitversilty;
Tenth extmacted without pain,' or any
d effects, Office over Gladrnan
•'Stan'hhlry's Orrice, Mann Street,Exeter,
Dj,,cjiSON & CARLING, 13Alixi:IST1RS,
SOtigItOrs, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-
ommod e/torn Solicitors for the Ivlolsons
Dank, e'tc,•,
Money to T4oan at lowest rates of interest
Offices-Madn-St„ Exeter
Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount or private
nunds to loan on Tamm and vintage prop-
erties at low rakes or interest.
Barr!sters, Solicitors, Exeter.
Agent Confederation Line Assurance
:Company, also Fire Insurance in lead.
1,ng Canadian and British Comt1t les.
Mafm-St., Exeter.
Life, 'Fire, Accident and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ducting auotion sales. Exeter, Ont.
ColIege At
' lis ' mice rrreans that 1 can sell when ►
1 waft* io em1 realize on rn,,,x' investment)
The successful heal estate man
knows through experience that the
(New idea Series)
u h snarke . acs's or Cheap gig iron" ever MO luta
asie res,
so o� the �4ng life of the �at?yefilr ?''ut'uafie.
to this sk11.1 worknanship, under the supervision
of experienced
h e at l it g
enO?,eers, and you can
rend, account for the
superior qualities of the
Souvenir Furn4e4,
Ask your dealer to show
y911 inside reagens — to
c4p1ain firepot, rrte, nd
gsion and yocl'1i buy the Solite u. •
,,� set tri
Or booklet. The Souvenir Furnace
s made in Hamilton, the stove eeritie
of Caiihda, by
The Hata • - Y' e� Neater.
` 11 Sriceoes ,:ems. i n o, • ted
very buyer s' al a Souy�ir
mace it Pfc.ra1(ed It1U�
aoat ba ' oh_edit of
/ chase, pa F?epiel '
Po' ggalny kin,i 1z s g�sr ¢r ahr
.� ` years,
Thousands of ambitious young pea.
pie are fast preparing in their own heroes to
occupy lucrative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in
fact every sphere ed Business Aotivitiei •'
You may Bins* at aollege if you so wish
Pssitieneggaaaa auteed. Eater collage any
day. Intiva instruction. Expert teas
ahem. 1k years, ex}d ene.. Largest
trainers mala, Berets colleges, Spec,..
'Lai ootrrye for teaatiers.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Assooiatien of Can-
ada. Snmwer Scheel at famous
Spotton:Business College, Lon-
President Rdualpai
ANY person who Is the sole head of
a family or any male over 18 years old,
nzay hornestead a. quarter section of
available Domgirtion land 'at, Manitoba
aaskatohewen or Alberta. The ap-
plicant must appear in person at the
Dominion Isanda Agency or Sub-
agency for the d.1atztict. )3nitry by pro-
sy made be made at any agency, on
certain conditions by father, mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister ,of in-
tending homesteader
Duties-SIx months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each
of three years, .A. homesteader may live
within nine 2y. lee on his homestead on
a Sarm a at least 80 acres sollely'
owned and occupied by him or by his
fatner, mother, s'on daughter, brother
•or •e•Istler.
In certain districts a htoniesteader :n
good standing may pre-emni' a quart
er-taeection 'along side his homestead.
Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties --Must reside upon the home
stead or pre-emption six months In
each of eix yearsfroth date of home-
stead entry (Incioding the time re-
quired to earn tlom.eetead patent) and.
cultivate fifty acnes extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted kis
homestead right and cannot obtain p.
pre-ietnption may enter for a puttn,
chased horns& ad in certain distrnetts
Price $,3.00 per acre. Duties-- Must
reside 'six months in eo.ch of these
Years, cultivate fttty acres and •erect
a. house worth 6:300.
• W. W. CORY, .
Deputy of the 14.linister of the Interior
N.B.-Unauthorized publication of
tills advertisement will not ,be paid for,
The undersigned ie offering for sale
that desirable 100 • acre farm, sStuated
In the ',Township of Biddulph, being tot
13, Cali. 1. 'There Is on: the prenr,aes
a good frame novae, barn with founda-
t'io'n, oruhaild. The farm is well drain-
ed. and all under cultivation. Tb1s is.
an .excellent farm, well situated and will
be sold reasonable: For further partic-
uaara apply to John O'Neal, Mooresville,
The undersigned 1e offeringfor sale
Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con-
taining 100 acres or good land, There
Is on the premises a. god frame house
with stone collar ; bank barn vrith ce-
ment floors; 3 good wells, arid a
small orchard;. This is a good grain
or grass farm, or would .snake a good
stock farm. Situated two miles fnoni
E°xet tie , phone, im house. Will be sold
�,reasorlabbe. For particulars apply en
the promises, or write the uarders;6'nedi
Frect Green, pray, or ID, S. Phillips,
t. NOT i
, '7
Tororitt), t nf.;i':Offers t the best "l ad,-
vantages in business and Shorthand
Education Enter any time. Write
for catalogue,
W. J. Heaman, Exeter,
will be glad to show the "Souvenir line"
auure Spreaers
Make the machinery do the
heavy work, and always get
the best.
We handle the very best
Also Litter . Carriers,
Steel Stalls and Stanchions
Nothing Better ,and nothing
quite so good.
Wes. Snell
Implement Agent — T'.xeter, Ontario
now prepared to take all the apples
you can bring in, 40c. per' hundred
for good winter peelers. -Jos. Sutton,
Mr. E. M. Trackseil, of Victoria, l3,
C., was a visitor in town last week. -
Mr. Samuel Sterling of Stanley ]eft
or. Tuesday on a business trip to Sas-
katoon and other western points. -The
Connell met pursuant to adjourn-
ment lit the Town. Hall, McGillivray,,
an Oct, 6th. All members present,
The minutes of_ last meeting were
read and signed,
Murdy--Robinson-That accounts a-
mounting in all to, $382,25 be paid.
Rosser -Nickles -That By-la)4 No. 7
of 1913, appointing raeo.Saunders and
Andrew Grieve Tax Collectors for
the East and West divisions, respec-
tively, at a salary of $50 each, as
read a first .and second time, be read
a third time and passed. -,Carried,'
Murdy--Nickles--That the Clerk be
instructed to notify Messrs. Orme &
Davis, directors of the Centralia Tel-,
ephone Co., that unless the telephone
poles complained of ort the Znd1 con-
cession road be moved so as to safe-
guard public travel and in accord-
ance with the Township By-law, that
the matter will be, placed in the hands
pt .the Township solicitor, -Carried.'
J. D. Drummond, Clerk,
now prepared tb take all the apples
you car, bring in. 40c. per .hundred
for good winter peelers, -Jos. Sutton,
Jas, Moore is improving and will
soon be well again, ---Fred .)3 us ch and
wife attended the golden wedding of
latter's parents, at Stratford, last
week. --Mr, and Mrs, W. Clark of De-
troit. ,are visiting the latter's mother
Mrs Hagan at Hillsgreen.-Mr and
Mrs Hemphill attended the Waugh -
Higgins wedding at ; London last
Wednesday,. -Mrs. A. H, King has
returned to her home in Ingersoll.
Mrs,' Martin and Mrs. Vair of Barrie
are visiting them parents, Mr. and
Mrs: R. Bonth.ron.-T. Palmer, sr., is
recovering nicely from his' illness. -
Geo. Washington of Toronto is . the
new junior on the Molsons Bank staff
-Rev Smith received word last week
of the death on his sister, Mrs. Stew-
art; at Hawksbury, Que., after a very
short illness. He attended the fun-
eral. -Harry Macarthur has been tran-
sferred :from the .Molsons Bank here
to: the London Branch. -Mrs. Smith,
of this place,while walking from the
Exeter station to the village, . fell
and broke her arm. -Geo. Douglas and
family,. have moved to. Zurich to reside
services is the Evangelical church last
Sabbath took the nature of Thanks-.
giving .10 connection with the National
Thanksgiving Day.
CLINTON-A very quiet wedding
was held on Wednesday at the home.
of the bride's mother, Mrs. Noble,
Clinton, when her daughter, Miss
Annie, was united in marriage to Mr.
Harry Jackson by Rev. C. E, Jeakins,
Pandora Ranges
are sold every-
where by good
dealers who back
up our guaran-
tee on this
splendid range -
s ;1:
All the heat and
smoke mot travel
over the top of the
oven, down the back
and under the bot-
.tarn trice hetero
escaping into the
twice the cooking
and baking powers from thd.sanie amount of fuel a$
given by the ordinary rangy.
see this patented feature, the ventilated oven end may other
exclusive ones before buying your range,
London Toronto,. Moe Wlaalteg Yaocoarer
St. Joh tamiltaii Caigari "Salk2tdod t obtorf d
e!r'14e m►a r:4Te:! t644.1 O11a.MJ ti`eeae•:, 1. a e'�•u°m ..M�„l else
Sold in :Exeter. by T. sawkins 8r Son
no* prepared to take 'all the apples
you- •can bring in, 40c. per hundred
fon'good winter peelers. -Jos. Sutton,
Mr J: Green of Thedford visited
his father, Mr, H. Green, last week. -
Mr, ' and Mrs. Jos. Brenner and son.
Ezra :visited in Zurich last week. -Mr.
W. .Fa,, Oliver was in Thedford- last
week. -Mr. Syrtis Green has ,gone to
Lake Erie, where he .will be' engaged
in the fishing business. -The rural
mail, comes here at noon since" last
week,, -which is very unsatisfactory for
for ,those receiving mail matter.
in, Matra Thomas :last week.
Death of Mrs. Baker. -Mrs. Major
Baker died Saturday morning at the
home of her father, Mr. Abe Warner
on the 16th Concession of Stephen.
Deceased had been in poor health
for about three months past, but at
times hopes were held out for her
recovery. She was married about two
years ago to her now bereaved hus-
band,..;and is also survived by a three
year old 'son, a father, two sisters
and one brother.
We are sorry to say that Mrs. Geo.
Oliver is confined to her house with
typhoid: fever. We hope soon to see
her around again. -Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Sharron returned hone from Detroit
last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stibbon
left rot 'their home in the West, -
The potato crop has been harvested
around here. The crop is good this
year. -Death v isited the home of Mr.
Dave Webb, again and. took away one
of his little boys aged four years. It
was just one week since Mrs, Webb
was Calle--away: Mr. Webb and Cam-
ily have tha sympathy of the common
ity •irt the hour, of their 'bereavement,
Assist Nature
now and then,
with a gentle
cathartic Dr..
Perces Pleas-.
andPellets tone
up and invigor-
ate liver. and
bowels. Be sure
you get what
you astc for,
'the amen who have.
Pr. Pierce's F4vorite
Prescription will taxi' yon•
that it freed, them from.pain--
helped them over painful per nods in
their life ---and .saved them many a day
of anguish, and misery: This tonic, in
liquid form, was devised, over 40 years
ago for the womanly. system, by E.V.
Pierce, ML D., and has been sold ever
since by dealers in medicine to the
benefit of many thousand women.
Now -if you prefer -you card obtain Dr,
Pierce's Favorite Prescription tablets at
",pour druggist at $1 per box, also in 60c
size or send 60 one cent stamps to Th-.
F: Pierce, Buffalo,N. Y. for trial box.
Miss Annie Cornish and Mr.. Gar-
net Hutchinson of London spent the
holidays at the home or the former's
father, Mr. John Cornish. Miss Mary
Cornsih' of Exeter also spent Thanks-
giving at home, -Mr, Jas. Martin of
Seaforth spent Monday at Wils on
Hawkins, -Mr. and Mrs. Michael El-
ford spent the holiday with the hit-
ter's mother, Mrs. Thos. Cook in St,
Thomas. -Miss Lizzie Hero, who has
been spending the summer with her
Fred .in the . West, returned
home . last week. --Mrs. Walter Hein
and daughter, Teola, of Goderich is
visiting at Mr. Chas Johns', and also
Miss Emma Baker of Tupperville.
Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Horn and family
spent Sunday and Monday with Mr,
Jas. McFalls at. Sarepta,-Mr. William
Smale of Toronto is visiting his Lath-'
er Mr Thos._ Smale.-Mr, John T.
Hicks is repairing his house in Ex-
eten John has retired from farmli•fe
and looks as Of he is going' to marry
and settle down to quiet Itfe.-Mr.
Jos Harvey and family 'of Exeter
spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Henry
Coults,-Mr. and Mrs; Seth Brown of
Fairfield spent Sunday with. Mr. and,
Mrs, Sago Balkwill.
Winter weather. -Dr. Frank Match -
ford, son of Mr, 'Frank Blatchford,.
who was visiting relatives here, re-
turned to Port William last week, to
his dental office, -Mr, J, 1,1, Robert-
son spent his Thanksgiving at his.
home in I'VreGillivxay Township. -Mr.
and Mrs Walter Keddy' are spend-
ing the holidays in Detroit,
Mr, Edwards of Boston, Mass,, spent
the week end with his aunt, Mrs.
M, Edwards. -Mrs. Henry Wickert of
Parkhill visited hex many friends here
last week, -Mr. and Mrs. W. ' En -
land attended the funeral of Mrs,
Major Baker at Grand Bend on Tues-
day, -Mr. Selbourne English was home
over the Thanksgiving holiday. -Mrs,
C. H, Wilson and' Hugh spent , the
holiday at, Grand tend. -,,The Mission
Band are preparing a -concert, tp be
given early in Nov..•
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McKenzie of Van-
couver B C., are visiting Mrs. Jes-
sie McKenzie. -Mrs. Robt. Hodgins 'is
so crittically i11 at her home • with
pneumonia that little hope is held Out
for her recovery. -Mr. John Seale of
St Marys spent a couple of days here
on business recently. -Mrs. Arthur
Jacksonis cgnfined to her bed with
a severe attack of heart trouble.-
Misses Margaret and Connie Marley
left for Virden, Man., where in 'the
future they will make their home; -
SEAFORTH-Mr. John Dodds' has
disposed of- his pop business, plant
and property in this town to a Mr.
Arnold" of Guelph, who takes posse-
sion at once. Mr. Dodds is now one
of the oldest_business men in Seaforth
and from a small beginning has built
op a largeand lucrative business, 121s
plant is one of the best and most
complete in this part of the province,
while the quality of his beverages is
such as to secure a large and ..,vide
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting. There is a cotta itutional cause
'Cor th{e trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box.
W. 840. Windsor, Ofn1V., will send free to'
There are several things that ar
level headed human being should nev-
er do. Among these' is to kindle a
fire With kerosene oil; "to walk on a
rai road, to•a,ttefiipt to get on a mov-
ing train ,tit point a gun or revolver
atanother„to put .his name on anoth-
er man's note, tg steep his savings iz ;
an -oltl nstoekgng uarder,,. t1te� ,•bpdr, fo
t)la . e. game f ;',change; a rith a_prepoa
essing: stranger, to ruri for office when
he has, a paying. positiofl ill. ;irivate
life, or to call a bigger ,ratan; than him-
self a liar,
now prepared to take all the apple:
yon can bring in, • 40c. per hundred
for good winter peelers. -Jos, Sutton,
Miss Pearl Short of Mt. Bli l es is
visiting with her cousins, Mr. and
Mrs, Hector Millson; Mrs. L'-aker of
Lions ,Head is visiting with her son
Arthur. Baker here.: -Rev. T. •'I ,
George of Lucan preached here on
Sunday and delivered a very ntercat-
ing and inspiring sermon. -Mr. ar,d
Mrs•. Albert Gunning and Mr. and
Mrs. John Hazelwood attended • the
anniversary Services at Kirkton on
Sunday. --Mrs, j. Wright visited her
parents�lex. 'and Mrs. J, Millson at
Heniall on, Wednesday. -Rev. A. H.
Brown of Ailsa Craig and also the
Woodham Choir have been secured
for the anniversary services here an
Sunday; Nov. 9th. -Miss Tessa Gun-
ning 'handed
un-ning''handed your Correspondent a
treat Iast'week which is rarel:, eniry-
ed at this time of the year. :t was
a quantity of wild raspberrie ;. The
fruit was a good size and a splendid
flavor and gathered in their bush. -
Mr, and Mrs E. Johnston of London
spent the holidays here the guests
of her mother, -There Was enough
snow fell early Monday morning to
cover the ground. This was the first
snow df the season.
very Worn .
is interested and sliont..,now
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray
8-"k your druggist for
it. It he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other, bat send Stamp for illus.
'crated book -sealed. It gives full
.parttenlars and directions invaluable
toaadies,3YTDSORS(PPLYCO.,Wtndeor. opt
General Agents for Canada..
any mother' her successful home treat gra
meat, with full instructions. Send no Vii] A
money but write her today if your.
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the, chances are it
can't hel'p it This treatment also ruses
urine difficulties by day or night
adults said aged people troubled
The Only New unabridget: f._.
tionary in many years.
Contains the pith and er1.'-- -e
of an authoritative
Covers every field of Z _..
edge, An Encyclopedia in. a
single book.
The Only Dictionary with the
New Divided Page.
400,000 Words. 2700 Pats.
6000 Illustrations. Cost x.ea.r:•_;y
half a million dollars:
Let us tell you about this most
remarkable single volume,
Write for sample
pages, fun. Par-
ticulars, etc.
Name tills
paper and
we will
send free
a sot of
G. &C,Mertiaan Co.
Springfield, Mass.
News to most women!
Oven -tested flour is for
sale. Instead of buying ordin-
ary flour you can buy flour
whose baking ability has been.
proven in an oven:
. A ten pound. sample is
taken from each shipment of
URITYeaat the mill. This is
WIt into flour. The flour
is baked into bread,
A - If this flour bakes into
bread high in quality and
• large in quantity we keep the
• .whole shipment of wheat and
e. grind it, Otherwise we sell it.
% More bread and better
bread from this flour is a
c r ainty •
c re - e arid: Better Bread'
nrri ri, r; g,41i � aa tir Too”
��s ;