HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-23, Page 4der ca dere & Creech, Proprietors In advance $1.00 per year in Canada s.$1,5C in United States. It not paid in advance 50c, extra per year may be charged. P VA4.SDARa OCT, 23, 13 ;1E CATTLE SUPPLY The world's supply or meat aro- :hieing animals is not keeping ;•rare witl' the world's increase in popula- tion and consequently we have a < rcater demand for meat aiid a high- price. i h -price. - United State is a good s« ample. In that country in the lest ale leers the increase. in postulation has been twenty per cent, while the de-. creast: in meat produciag animals' is 30 per cent. Fifteen or twenty years ngo thi big packing concern; u, the United States, and of Canada •oo, were. bending their energies in the dfreation of securing markets for their products. NOW, they ;.are not concern ed about markets, but about securing sufficient cattle to meet the require- ment.; of markets, Fifteen years ago the United States was the world's chief exporter of meat products. To. day the packing interests are finding it difficult to secure sufficient .rattle supply in their own country to the home demand, It is claimed by Unit- ed nited Slates authorities that if the per- centage of decrease in beef Cattle supply continue till 1923, porter- house at a dollar a pound retail will be cheap. The whole situation in the United States has undergone a .change in the past few years. In 1907, that oust"y exported 423,000 head of :'at tie as cc(npared with 24,.000 head 191a. Imports of cattle in 1907 were - 32,402 as compared with 391000. in 1913 These figures need. no • -oat- aient. They summarize the situation as regards the world's meat supply, .and the: market to be supplied inmost striking fashion. The consumer seems to be right up against it in.'so far as hie daily meat supply is concerned, Now that practically -every market in -the world is open to Canadian: , rattle there should be no ups and ',lawns about the business of raising , attle. Crediton NEWS 'if' OF WEE tn. ta alleged Cuba, til a CC,llts�dn, l> tureeen lleged ttnsretni ,anti tttx mporta.rlt. Events I' hich Ccet,'rred Curinr the Week, The Busy •/orid's Hnanerinn5 Car., ION Compiler& and I or into Handy red Atl,so-Hee Shape to, the Readers et il;,, raper• -•A Solid Hour's E,njtey,r 'r t. Earthquake tremors. Continue in Panama, Thirty-one have been reg- istered by the Aneon seismograph ti,r to date; Premier Mellride or. I�ritisii Cot' - Au, sailed on the Olympic to -clay, eroeeeeing dew �� a ronicreri,t troyin .sal l're1iiees at Ottawa, A'rt'o int dice,' e't,)erts re' inystitiea try cussed Baker, aped S of haunt- ,nszdon, W.Va., who writes upsides deem, singe his high notes low and raW notes high. it is practically eerta.ir that u p n - 's will +t. red w il, l i.. )t1 •ante i . a ro a y p ' -he election of James Morris, the ;overninent eanriiria r in Chaieaa :nay, last Saturday. Pinned ut ',r an automobile that. ,ad struck its carriage at Boston est.trday, a three -months -old baby vas taken out cooing and unharmed .rrer the car had been jacked up, On and anter Nove nber 4 no mint }, t wine ck"at s whisky, sour i co 1 loops, y, xr beer will be served on railroad fining cars in Ohio. Nothing strong er than grape juice will be for sale. Lieut. Koenig, a military aviator, '+alt and was killed yesterday at the :s"itendorf Aerodrome near Berlin, Germany. The Wings of his machine eoltapRet at an altitude of five bun- ireti feet " The death is announced at Wallz- tey, Liverpool, ,>f Capt. W. Stewart, rormerly commander of the Empress >f ,Britain, wtrose experience in nevi ;atiog tbe St. Law, ence extended aver nearly fifty years. ao.h •.aaAY. Commercialized vice under the re - -ovation and regulation of the police teuartreent ceased in Detroit at mid light Tuesday night. One of Cornwall's most popular -esidents gassed away at the General .3osplta] yesterday afternoon in the reason of Alex. McDonald. Alberta is to take up the taxation. >r the unearned increment is re- epect to increased land values. Pre- -iicr Sinton gave notice he would love a resolution' to that effect. ' arbe Cripples' Protective and Bene- rri:dl Assoriation is tbe name of an >rganization being formed by Pitts- >erg residents who have but one arm 'r leg or are otherwise maimed. A resolution expressing apprecia- . ton of. the action of Hon. Col. .lughes in super.:ssing militia cam an teens was unanimously carried by he Dominion W.C.'_: J. at London, yesterday. The EXETER EVAPORATOR, is now prepared to take all the a >ples you can bring in. 40c., per hu1}dred for good winter peelers. -Jos Sta torn' Manager Revival meetings have comll need' 'z the Evangelical church. iIr. and Mrs. Samuel Eilber o'_rUbly Miele, are visiting relatives in 'town, Mrs. Henry Kuhn spent the -holi- days with her sister Miss Reita, .Delhi Mist Adeline Schmitt visited her" parents. in Berlin and Miss Modder-A.'young. man, unknown, of dark complexion and wearing a grey suit, was found -unconscious on the;; side- va1k Tuesday evening in Whitby and gas remained insensible. There is a possibility of Poul play. Mrs. Ellen Etheridge, second wife of a farmer of Basque County, Tex- as, has confessed that she murdered two of her stepchildren fast June,. and two on Oct. 2, by poison. She was jealous of her husband's: love for them. No hope was ' held cut yesterday. `hat Albert J. Jewell, the young avia : or . who set out from Hempstead a tains, N.Y., early Monday morning i r a monoplane, would be found alive. The theorq is that he was blown out to sea. The will of the late J. Pierpont Morgan was probated in London yes terday. His estate in the .British isles totals $5,599,155, so that the budget of Chancellor ' of the Exche- quer Lloyd George benefits by death duties to the extent of about $950,- u00. 950; u00. FR i DAY. a Ralph Rose, holder of the• Olym- pic world', records'for shot -putting, died. in San Francisco of typhoid fev- er after a brief illness. A no'elty in the way of battle- ships, H. M. S. Queen Elizabeth, car- rying an imthense armament and us- ing -oil instead of Coal, was launched at Portsmouth yesterday. Frederick Gondorf,:,an elderly wire- tapping r>Aaindler, who has an inter- national reputation of . being tLe "king" in his special line, was ar- rested yeetec'd.ay in New . York. will in St. Thomas during, the holi- days. Surveyors for the Hydro Elect 'c Railroad passed through the village one day last week. Their routers'tarts in at Geo. Fahner's and goes east along the northern part of the village: We hope this scheme will go through It will mot only give us market to outside points,' but electricity for po- - tier, heat and light. The Fowl Tupper given in the Methodist Church sheds last Thurs- day evening proved a decided - euc- cess. It is a long time since there was such a crowd of people .in town. The night was ideal and everything helped to make the supper such a great success. The receipts for 'the suppei alone were about $350,-' A splendid program ,was given after- .varde in the churh. Rev. Jefferson azted as chairman. Addresses - were •give(• by Rev. McAlister and . Rev. Powell, solos by Revs. Becker, and. Steadman.. _Mr. Andrew Craven ren- :dered several acceptable vocal . and .violin solos while the Misses Queenie Hodgins and Weida Banes delighted the audience with appropriate :.read-. rags. The Methodist people are to be congratulated upon this success and .particularly upon .the splendid :'shed which has been erected for the ben- ,efit of the dumb animal, which is mar's best i'riend. We understand there is but $250 debt on the shed -which speaks well for the people. Mrs August Ewald visited ,„ her daughter Mrs. Telfer of London on 'Saturday and Sunday. Henry Beaver of Hamilton holt- i '�ayec home with his.family w Last Sunday the special services inn Hon. W. S. Fielding. left Montreal onnertion with the, 5oth celebratiantyesterda�, an a trip to England for eines the organization of the Canada Conference, took 'place in the. Evan- gelical church. In the morning a Mis- sionary sermon was preached b3 al,ev, Bcke' which as followed by- en Brown, ir, Ifi the evening a splendid progranlwas, given Herb. Eilber gave a paper: on tin history of the church in Canada. while Rev. Becker and J. H. Holtz;nan made earnest appeals in behalf -.of the Mission work in the Northwest Solos were sung by -Misses Ella Link and Carrie Kuhn and Miss Martha Oestre- icher of Dashwood. The choir also rendered several fine selections. The result of the day's collection amount - ...el. to $2&5,00. Tele - two mon' he, and will, oat his return. take up hie duties as president and editor -in -casae( of The Daily Tele- pb. police. The Government bas en,Arded ti.e contract to G. A. Pa)riie of f theti f the catrle,ge' $1" r` or erection o at Tete De Pont. Barracks at, a et, it of $14,090, inspiring address by isr. B. Becker, v r w Hon. C. a. Doherty, Minister of Justice, mall return to Ottawa'. soon Oashwo; d There were no sports on Monday because of the rain, Several from here attended Mrs. Maio/ Baker's funeral on . Tuesday, Mier Catharine Finkbeiner is visit imp her sister at. Sarnia, Mr, Art Doan of Thedford washerc Mi. Wall of Palmerston .visited, r • few days with his sister, Mrs, Ritter Mr Levi Hayrnacher and family o Khiva. have moved :into :their home .ir. the village `. Jr,Na-id Mrs, Dan ]Vlclsaac, Cred- ston, vi•iied here 'Monday. Mr *Chas Baumgarten has become settled :1 his new home lntl.the v . l;.age ' Tat, Ladies` Aid of the Evangeli• church gave a fine program tor • :;upper on Monday evening, which sVaie . attended, from tha Treat, and Tion. G. E. Par- ley will leave for a trip to Europe:' He will IR9teiy be away a couple of months.' .Joseph Moyle, engineer, and James Sotbern, hds fireman, in charge of a heavy T. N. & B. freight train, stall- ed in the hunter street' tunnel at Hamilton yoaterday, were nearly suf- focated. A CardMif despatch, says all hope Lias bean abandoned of saving any Of the esabemt>ed miners in the Uni- versal Goilr,ory Yesterday 49 bodies had been reoo'vered aid 360 .were still in the pilt. The rating has been given by the customs bowed zirin a case submitted to it by Who wish fertilizers from slag free, The interpre- tation given is tha it is subject to a duty of 10 eti't. sit Alter dieoaSsixig the Ulster r "ua- tion the Ladies' 'Orange Benevolent Asso dation decided to raise a corps of 100 fii31`' equipped nurses to ac company tiko WinnipegOrange regi- ment Ulster. If go to aud .hent. f int rah ;ActaRDAY. Chief. l ge of of Sehoola Cowley, fir ale sdneieer ts. fit, $idnto yesterdi y, th rf3pu atont'Goverz1ment might give $10,004,4 400 to technical educe.- t}nn. Nine wrsire wognded, three serious-•: iy, the former 'including the mayor, King Alfonso of Spain underwe>,kt. a slight operation yesterday kle is suffering from a recurrent nasal ea-. tarrh. His condition is prououneed, satisfactory, A force .of Chinese brigands coni- knanded by Gen. Hwang Liang has murdered 300 people in the i'rovint:e Fo-Kien, China, and also burned two mission churches. Prof. al. G. Haminar, entomologic' of the U. S. Department of Agrieul- tura, was accidentally killed Mail' huutir}g in the Capitan mountaiiis. New ;li.exieo, yesterday. . Geo. H ya former aideiinee (Fming, and school trustee of Niagara Falls. Ont., was found dead in his room at LaSalle, N.Y., last evening death be- ing duo to heart failure, Any probability that tbe name of the Protestant Episeog:.zl Cliureb o` America might be changed,. was dis• b the deieg te: posed of yesterday Y. in convention in New York, A. relief fund has been opened by the Lord Mayer at the Mansior douse, at the request of the executive of the Soutb Wales Miners' Fedora• tion, and a fund has also been sa't- ed by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff fax the families et the recent Universe. Colliery disaster. i L G Sti3Y. Increased license fees will bt charged under the new Liquor Li- cense Act to be introduced in the Al- berta Legislature thls. sesaion. Charles Gibson, taken down fro n Toronto to serve a. life sentence for murder, arrived in the penite._tiarx at Kingston, on. Saturday afternoon. Harry Fenton, the young tinsmith, of 406 Bartlett avenue, Toronto, wl•o fell 90 feet off..the roof of the new veterinary college, died fromhisin- juries. Minister et Com' .erce Mass: of France plans to establish : a regu'ar aeroplane postal service from .Paris; to catch the West bedlam and South r merican steamers near - Bordeaux. The German Crown Prince on Fri- day Inst sent a letter to the Imperial Chancellor, declaring untrue the statement appearing in the press the' he was on. bad terms with his father the Kaiser. A preliminary report' on the. eetste of Miss Sarah Knight, a recluse �spin- taer, who died re-ently in .a small boarding-bouse room in New York, indicates 'hat She waa possessed of more than a.. million dollars. - Fire, which broke out in tbe dry- ing room of the laundry at Kingston penitentiary Saturday night did' dam-• age estimated at $10.000. This is the first time . fire has occurred in the penitentiary in twenty years.. • An unusual number of aliens were deported from the Ellis Island; immi- gration station, New arork,-Suni ay, when, 175' persons excluded as: unde- sirabies. were placed on board' -ten outgoing steamsbips bound . for Europe. $11Tr'KA Prepared, --Ship Milts are now pre»ared to do all kinds of work, such as chapping, cider and apple huttei making.—Wm, Sweitzer. $100 Reward $100. The readers,ot this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease the science has been able to cora Iia &111a4 .steges, had Shat ie Catarrh. flail's Catarrh (Jure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires. a taoneti'ri- tional treatment, hall's Catarrh Qure is k►ken in- tornally, acting directly upon the blood mod raucous surfaces of tho systo+n, tlberebr dea4roi lag the toondation of the disease, end going gas patient strength by building up the constitution (ted ,$silt - ng nature in doing its work. The proprietrts hare se much faith in Its. -curative powers that they offer One•Bundred Dollars for any case that it fails tp cure. Send tor list 01 testimonials. Address F. J. 011Lr171W k 00., Toledo,' 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents, Take' Hall's' Family Pills for .00nstipatlon. NEGRO RUNS AMUCK. Unknown Colored Dian Wounds Four In Toronto. TORONTO, Oct. 21. -Enraged by a dispute over the amount of monzy he bad laid on the bar in Smith's Hotel, an unknown negro ran amuc'- at eleven o'clock last night, slashing tour people with a razor, one . whom, John Consworth, a porter at. the hotel, lies at the General Hospital` in a critical condition. The negro, up to an early hour thio morning, had not been caught by the police. Walking up to the bar in Smitb's Elotel, the man laid a five -dollar bill on the countei and called fora drink. After he bad received the drink and bis change, be declared that there were two bills stack together, and wanted,more change. He -was refused and commenced to show fight, upon which, Consworth, who has been.. a porter in the hotel for fourteen years, itteinpted to ejeet htoe.. Drawing the ••aior from his pocket, the negro. dashed Conswortb across the reek, nfiieting a deep wound which miss - Id the jugular vein by one inch. At the door his progress was ob ;trusted by William Mackay, who at- emoted to hold bini for 'the police, tut once more the razor fc`, and eackay stumbled forward with a Ma in his neck.. The next victim was William' hompson, a merchant, living at 3 Henry street, wh,m the negro met apposite the Queen City Hotel,., at the -orner of Queen and William streets. Stepping up to Thompson, and ex- •laiming, "What do you want?" be slashed at him, inflictinga wound which extends from the neck six; nches down the left shoulder, CLINTON-The hone of Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Cook, Victoria street, urns the scene of a pretty wedding Oct, 15, when their daughter, Mrs, Char- lotte Plewes, was milted( in marriage to Mr Melvin Crich, the ceremony on) b e ingA ' S.lien. performed by Rei.J. Miss E; Crich, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, with Mr. Roy Pepper as groomsman. Value. of Rheuma From the Court Judge Barhorst ,;was 'Relieved of Rheumatism ` After, Doctors; 'Failed • If you have tried many otter r eine- dies and doctors' 'treatments for Zheu' matisre ,and'found they failed, do not be skeptical about trying RHEUMA. React the testimony of ,Judge John Bar horst of Fort Loramie, 0. - "After treatment by three doctors without result, I have been cured of a very bad case of - Rheuniatis.m by using two bottles of RHEUMA. t i is now two years , since I used the remedy and I am still as well as, ever. Previously, I was a cripple, walking with crutches." Such testimony should be convinc- ing 50 cents of W. S. Cole, guaran- teed To 'Investigate Finigration. VIENNA, Oct. 21. — Ofjclal .an xouncement is made that the great n crease in.esnlgration is evidence of Ile widespread secret organization 'or encouraging the emigration of rersons liable for military service. Phe 'emperor has' shown much inter ..et in the situation, and has ordered a, iuVestigation of all emigration 'bu- 'eaus in the empire. • Cold Storage Inventor Dead. PARIS, Oct. 21.—Charles Tellier, inventor of the cold storage system 'or the preservation of fol>dstuffa; lied Sunday. He Was 85 years old. ''though others made millions from xis inventions, M. Tellier was in -ery straitened circumstances, and a fund was raised amounting to $20,- 100, which wan„ to have been paid aver to him sheaily. CLANDEBOYE-Harold Bice, aged 16 whowith his brother Cecil, aged 18, was. arrested at Lucan last week, charged with the theft of a suit of clothes, was sentenced to 40 days • by fudge Macbeth. He was also requir- ed to enter into a recognizance for his good behavior for one year. His brother was let go on suspended sen- tence. Servia ,Complies. • BELGRADE, .Oct. 21—The Servian Government •yesterday notified the. powers that it had .ordered its troops to witlidraW iniihedlately behind tbe Albanian ,1rontier d fled by the petite conference held in Lottdon at the con- eltialon of tate drat Balkan war. 'Dbe step coinpltes with Austrla $ ultimatum, :........,... ._... ti SALLOW SKIN LIVER . SPOTS,, PIMPLES, DARK CIRCLES CINDER TEE EYES, are all signs of the systembeing clogged. The Liver and Bowes are inactive and the Stomach is weak from undigested foods and foul gaged: PIG PILLS the great.' fruit remedy, wilt make you feel like a 'new person. Winnipeg, June 27, ,11)3 1. After taking three boxes of your Fig Pills for stomach♦ and liver troubles I feel strong and Well and able to do my own work.. Mrs. A. H. Saulter Sold at all dealers in 25 aqui 50 cent boxes or mailed by The pig P611 Co., St. Thames, Ont.. Sold at Howey's Drug Store. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Oar registration again exceeds that of any previous year. The boy or girl who has 'not received our free catalogue does not know the great opportunities of Commercial life. We have three departments, Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy, and we offer you advantages not offered else- where in Ontario. You may 'enter at any time Write for our free cata- logue at once. D A. McLACHLAN, P.r-iselpal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR ED1MIUNVP WALICER, C. V, q„ Li . p,, D. c, L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD TOH Ase stant General Manager Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,5O0,00. . BY MAIL BANKING Accounts may be opened en e d everybranch of The Canadian e at be operated mail and will receive the Bank of Commerce toby eful ttention- as is given to all other departments of the same car . a Bank's business.Money may a be deposited osited or withdrawn in this . wayY a as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 8.4 EXETER. BRANCH—a. L, WAUGEI, Manager, ' Bran;ch, also at Crediton BUSINESS AND' SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructb s at the Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Caielogae free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westennit, Jr. Principal Chartered Aeccooia�tart la, Vice -Mara' The lVIoisons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital & Reserve - r - $8,700,000 85` BRANCHES IN CANADA A OENt;RPL BANKING, BIJ$INBSS TRANSAC'tBD. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT ,*• - TRAVELLERS CHEQUES Issued BANK MONEY. ORDERS SAVINGS VINCS BAN K DEPARTMENT at al Branches., Interest allowed at highest current rate., - EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion. Government. DICKSON & CARLIN% Solicitors. ' . N. D. HURDON Manager, Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS' on Lot 6; S. Boundary, Hay Tp on FRIDAY; OCT. 31, at 2,00 pan. the following property, Portland Cutter;, washing machine, steel range; wood heater; ikon bed- stead and 2 wooden bedsteads with springs and mattresses; 1 sideboard 2 dressers; 1 solidoak extension table wash tubs linoleum, crosscut saw;.. 12 kitchen chairs, 2 couches, '3 rock- ing chairs, wash stands, 2 .entre tables; 1 Raymond sewing machine new • flour bin; and many other ar- ticles. Terms -Cash.. NELSON STANLARE, Prop.- B.' rop.B.' S. PHILLIPS, Auct, rma Auction Sale 0' FARMS, FARM STOCK AND CHATTELS Of the Estate of THOMAS LYNCH Deceased on LOT 13, CON. 17, STEPHEN near Shipka, on WED- NESDAY OCTOBER 29, at 2 p. m. the 'following farms' in Stephen,— Parcel 1—Lots 16; S% 17, in 16th Concession- in all 125 acres. Parcel 2—Lot 13, in 17th` con cession —100 acres. Parcel 3 -Lot 14, in Concession 19 100 acres. Also Farm Stock, Implements, Fur- niture,, etc. For particulars see Sale Bills: JOHN.LYNCH, Shipka, Administrator ROBERTSON & COUGHLIN Stratford,. Solicitors, Auction Sale Of HOUSE AND LOT, CONTAIN- ING 3% ACRES. At 'Hill's Hotel, CREDITON on SATURDAY, OCT.. '25th 1913, at Have You made provision for employment during the Fall and Winter mon- the or. do you wish steady re- munerative munerative work the year through Write us and secure our Agent's terms. We offer the belt in the business,_ Pay, weekly, freeoutfit exclusive territory. Over 600 Acres :cultivation, tinder tins d t c;on, Established ay., it 35 ybars A reputation for High . grade'; stock' and. fair -leap; ,teal ' - ing. A • sailesniatt can , make•nr tl , 'ey selling for lite We want. an ,energetic Orel+ `11;I , �art 'f•4r Exeter and vicinrty For«'e'lllts . write PELHAM NURSERY CO,, Toronto, Ont. `.i3.. -.Free catalogue onregileet 1 2 o'clock, the following property Frame house and kitchen in good se - pair;. ,and lot containing 3'i acres • of land, being a portion of south half of tot 11, in the -5th Con. of Stephen, in the Village of Crediton. ' "- There is on the premises, a stable, a number of fruit trees, a good well of water Convenient to church and school. Terms of Sale made known on day' of sale, MRS FRANK SNELL, Proprietress. B. S, PHILLIPS, Aucte, NOTICE TO CREDITOR, IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF THOMAS LYNCH, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons, having any claims or demands against the late Thomas Lynch, who diedon or about the 26th day of, August, 1913 at Stephen aforesaid are required to send by post prepaid pr to deliver to the undersigned Administrator or his Solicitors, their names and ad- dresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of their securities if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 18th day of November, 1913, the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets .of the said de- ceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have bad aotice, and that. the said Admin- istrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof t0 any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated October 15th, 1913. John Lynch, Robertson' & Coughlin Shipka • Stratford, Ont. Administrator Solicitors for Administrators. • We Will Sell 40 GALLONS Isaaperial Oil Co's ROYALITE OIL American Water White To Taken Tai n In 5 Gallon Lots as Requested At 15c. per Imp. Gal. MOORE EROS„ HENSAI.;I.,. BONTHRON & DRYSDALE cf HENSALL J J. MERNER,, ZURICH CHAS HARTLEIB, ZURICH. JOHN PREE_TEIi,•<ZURICH : X), TIEMAN; DA'HWOOD. TIEMAI�rtc& EDIGHOFF•*R of DAs1WOOb J A, STEWAT.T,,'EX'E'Tt GEO. B]iDFORD, EXETl;1 J.W. SKINNER, WINCHELSEA S 5OHNS, ELIMVILLE ,JONES & MAY, EXETER T, HAWic"_INS & SON, EXETER tN' r. HEAMAN, EXETER C. ZWICKER, CREDITON F AIST BROS,, .CREDITON J G,YOUNG & SON, CREDITON J. S, MOTZ, CREDITON ,gAS'I' - HANLON, & O'BRIEN ., off .a CEN.ra LIA �E COL'WILL,,,,CLI+i .SAX IA, JAS GOULD, EXETER Vir 11/ GUNNING, •II11.TON N SiIR5 ICIRITON' `4r