Exeter Advocate, 1913-10-23, Page 2' use Teas Of uncertain
ality and value, Wb u delleiou
Tea can be had on demand.
Black, Green or bleed.
"That's right, .elle" assented I1lia1'
tueekllr " • aucf I didn't give Linn nas,rtic•
enters. ,lest amid that yeti ease illi end
he ea.id a was a friend of beers, teed
that he'd comp %now and see,'
"What's hie nereeP" a,skea Ckve.
tisha ecretebed hie Meati. ell's a queer
sort o' name sir: aticl I'm sorry to say
It's gone: aamatbing like hOluiterpaue, :le
near as I can remember.
Quiltonl" said (live, with a sigh of
relief, for lie 4onld rely ou quiltou"e die•
meatien. Tact oho mate iu.
As Quilton entered, Mina went towards
the door. T1s ivade way for her, and
looked ee hor fl hie fen 1 ;lee way. anion
eta stopped dead sliort, hie d:olorlesa Dees
Axed on her dolvneeet face. His lips
apened, as if he were about to speak, then
bee oheeked himself; but ss ate hold the
door for her, he opened hie ,title again,
qb again `opejl lei b e 1 et last
tom see me?"
As ho put the question h'e eyes rested
blankly ou her 1i he held hes heed ou
one slclo ae if waiting 1Lstetung intently,
very much as a partieutarly Beef man :6 o was awake, :and that the man wliosn
waits to catch some 60111141. elle had regarded with it exorahip as pro.
She eeai\ t:13e raieed her oyes, ..tend an- found ae that at a heathen devotes for
o''ered in a low voice: hie god, ]Sad told her tbat. he loved iter,
"Ye think so; but he 'meet be /relit and wanted her to be Iiia' wife,
rtuiota lb nurse and watch over hien Lad been
a h at to would have
n td al l
' s hie ick vcltda h• p}u ems ononS ,
i Qntl u s e}� � c.cst eyes, and libe emitted a been content to wait on him hand and
Sealed Packets Only,
FEE Sox: o Pocket on Ena�triry.., Address:" SAL.ADA,"" Toronto,
Cyr apT 1t XIV,
Mine held the glass to his Una, and her
one dwelt on hoe face tenderly until lie
raised his, then hers fell,• Ile lap at a
kind of dose for a little whale, It seas the
0uieteet part of the day la the Rents, and
the house was very still, Outside, the im-
qpudent, self-assertive staarro.Re twittered
incessantly, the strngne of All °Mall. play -
tug in a distant street, were alusoat har-
monious; and a stillness like that of the
house brooded, like the dove of peace over
Mina spirit, se she listened to his
breathing end watched his !Welled fact.
Presently be looked op, and touched her
"I wonder whether you would siug to
me, Mina?' he said. "My brain ft) in a
whirl; I can't think, and I want to try
not to -you understand? Sing to me, if
von will. Sing the song you Fang the
night„ we met -do you remember what it
"Tee, I remember," she said in a vers
low Tome: and after a moment or two she
began to sing softly so softly that the
notes were Ake a 1ulle,by,
Clive lav with hie eyes half -eke -ed.; the
linea on ftis forehead and at the corners
of his life relaxed, and he drew a long
breath of relief, of peace.
'Thatyoke of yours would drive sasses
ty-seven devils out qts man, Mina, " he
said. "It's se sweet, so pure. Bow often
hare I heard it. --when you have not been
near/ Sing me something else: the Ave
she sang it, with all liar heart in it, so
that he revered L!s eyes with late hands.
"Dix beautiful!" he said almost in-
audibly. "To be able to hear that voice
almeeei i"
lou would get tired of it," she said
with a smile,
I think not," he returned. 'There are
aurae roieee and fame which one stows
to love more dearly the oftener one hears
or eeees them,"
Her face burnt and then trent pale, and
she rose quiekty.
I will get *roue more ice." she said tre•
Ills eyes followed her slender, grateful
lignre wistfully. and he sighed- Was it
because he was so weak, so --upset, that
he fele her absence, even for a few mo-
mente, a hear- lam? It was some tittle.
time before the returned., end he nodded
and smiled at her.
"I thought you were never taming
tk, he said half shaiaefaoedly. "See
Tr: you are spotting mel I am growing
as exacting. ss .a eeniirme d invalid. iVLat
ehall I do when I hare gone, when I lose
you alt oeethe_. 3iina?"
Be stiir smiled as he put the question,
log, there wpe a graTe Mote in hie accents,
and, as She bent over him to straighten
leis pillow, he saw her 'ince and her eyes
fill with tears. He raised 'himself on his
elbow. and looked up at the beautiful fate
with an intent, an eager gale.
]Mine he whispered huskily, "Tou-
dou would be sorry: Ch, my child-
atn'ti" for she had sunk on her knees,
end buried her face in her halide, and be
oauid see that her bosom was heaving
with her efforts to repress her sobs. '"Do
you mean that you case whether I stay or
o? Do you mean --Oh, Mina, my dear lit-
e ane, do you think that I shall not be
sorry? Don't yon know that I am glad.
glad to be here, though I'm lying here
helpleal; that I am happier than. 7 have
ever been in all my life? And don t ran
know wby? rah. I ought not to teli'.You.
Mina, ought not to speak noir-it's taking
advantage of all yoursweet goodness to
me -but I can't keep silent Mina,. I lore
you, dear!"
Sam the shiver than rare through her,
and hie heart learn as he put out his
hand. and laid it gently on her downcast
Are you atu'ry-frightened, Mina?" lie
seed, in so low a rotes that the words
were altnoet fuandibie. "Ah. don't be, sir
child! I Dere you Mina! Do you care
ettet e, 1?tie for me? Speak, dear one; lift
up your head and look et, ane -and I one;
know by your eyes,
iahe ratssed her bred slowly, and looked
at him with all te girl's fleet love glow-
ing is her eves, trembling on her tripe;
mud Clive. 'awed by the eight,. held has
breath, and could not ,peak. And so they
gazed et each other, heart to heart, soul
to real.
Is it trues" he wb!epered at, Inst. "Do
Yon lore me Mina?'•
Her eyes slid not, Raver and her Tips
farced, hut for :a moment no sound came
rom them] then, fn e. se'epons ve whisper.
Bald, eIoScly, dreasnllg:
II I don't knoar. Yea; I -think ea."
'Yon think eo?" he echoed, with the
eeeee of owe salol eatening him. "Yon
area not sure, . Sus
WIT -aim ZEL
R >EA i� 4
Asoothing, ceoiinglotion-=then
very best teeing you can use
for the chafed elan, chapped
hands and cracked lips which.
raw cold weather brings. 203
25o abottie, atyourDruggist's.
81110 . - ttft31 D Cli1°i11fiAL Cti.
df r W *, LIE1W1I, WARM
Ewing g re ed i o ,va-t- , the
243�dYe�cv 1t"'t tE .keeezeor =lama -
nixes host, who Lane, ed 'en le ifis
Paris, to rW,nmer..
ins; 86 Pair elf bodis el, 'tom 4R''nzs,*
for wear were he:lied & the L."; $„
`111y dearfriend," ;m- " seeffi
cite Mr^ -"Stay trfeud--" 4iw low"
ie very hot and fevcrieh,. "
Her lips parted, and her ayes grew,
'Oh c I will We to hien she said; and
Abp went woftly and quictk�lypast tine viott•
or as if she Lead forgotten Sita exdsteuce.
Quiltoxi wet slowly dowin the etafrs with
Ida wooden face mud oolorlces, expreesion-
leas ores; but at the opening into the
eta'eet he paused and stared up at the
sky. and muttered:
"If there ie anything in the evidence of
face and voice --•it's the girl, the Kiri her-
self. Phew! The plot tluokene 1"
C1i.e1P'1' R XV.
i`uil of approliension, on henriesfrom
Quinton that iter <Margo'wee exeiitoi Aline
had glided• past him towards the etck
room but site paused at the door to still
the t m:habing of her bead. the seemed
to be molrtng in a dream, a dream so
etaeet, so exquisite, that she could scarce..
I : think, scarcely' strive to realize that
SNS d redp over toe foot all iter lite, or to lay dowA that life
wed o! sigh, as lot Ncztto question in h's for him, would have considered her -
mind were tinawered, and
Thank You " he said in h!e oxprersion, self amply reveal. with a nod of thanks,.
less voice, "I will be careful." a emit* ot approval. But to bo wooed by
.Ho -w titcd until Micelle, had followed hue, tobe told that he 'wanted her, not
Mime out, then he recut to the b.'d>?ide, for s servant, n slave -,but fol• a wife
and looked down. at, Clive. with a couriten- elle celled sot gr sp the groat foot, could
ansa so inni)rcatuvo that it eeered to la. not realise It. To live 'with him, to see
dleate wxi ataeoluta leek of interest him every day, to share his life1
"Whet ISA it -football? No; they don't She swept the hair from her brow, and
play football is the euxnater. Been run looked before her, nxurmuring. I love
Clive i rrow ughed shortly'. "No; a et a
'. hurt?"
"Not at all, nothgug to speak of. (tot
Her head drooped till her faro rested , a bash ea the head-_'asyou.too.I shall
at; r weep -the prvpcval ..and cdtiiltons viand
and wae' hidden, on his arm; he could all right io-morro v in a two.
had �
feel the tears as they welled frown her 1 sorry Inv friend here told you," e01 -exhausted him -and almost relieved,
oyes: Quinton nodded. ""Dxdn't want public -1 she at beside the bed, and looked down • don't know" she' -whi ered. 111 a Styr 9trauSe h\�.v Tau shrink from that, at him, longingly, Wistfully. He moved
-e-t restlessly, and she took hie band and
u w, nt-ildaer•-b
troubledutvoice. " . have not. naked ell. al- , mento Thu public have
:, pretty bad:'held it, and smiled -the wonlan'e neater -
I am always tliiukiug of you, al- + to*nt. ,Ott txiust have bed i a Y
Svaysf And I am to -happy tlheu I yes; are bad, in feet, east: Brain ixincuesiou,. nal smile -as ale at orae sesame anlet
Js her ester, rested on hen there was a
you! I love you, Minot " to convince her-
self tett' 1 he had really spoken the 'words,
and that she hood not dreamed them.
Still murmuring the wards that thrilled
her to the heart•'e core, she tent in. Clive
had fallen into one of Iris short switches
you: that other dey AG the peroire ill fever?'
lery^-it las Like --heaven, ,and now -rates 1 -You alight be a doctor,"• said Clive..nets expression in.their depths, the e1• mosquito -trap is a short glass cylinder,.
i o i v 3 icIt e
Ia Sh
re sign ofthe ro r t reh
• ,av pand one
9plength ,ui en
ocher n
was•all,cis in
ever e-Laboutg
e: the
1d u F v, t
yon id hvhe u would boo 11 rather e,tish
said t tr t o 3
leo if
f he a tee
to herb I s ,
idem of
,yao precious
in 1' vs t h teesi t riace
melte "'l�a--•I don't t t n this Theinterior surface
on an 7°1111'1111-I ,eel ns if o h' ai t r
g g e feel hied
d lex. k b t " when he got, well he shatz'd tell her again inch in diameter. e .
eery, --Ch, es; I must love you, don't goo. Vole in the Be::con. Delft alurm your- wife, he'ould belong to her, be her very pound, and the ends are sealed. On
tits hero. who cans a few Lowrs-
look d at hint. with an agony of doubt, of der his breath. '•Once more I'll, eeeritlee
wistfnlnesa, of entreaty. axrself .en the altar of friendship, Is
n. laid it in his hie I eau do? riot a good
He took her hand and there �.n3 t tg
burning one, and drew her' towards him,' doctor?"
She resisted et 'Mot, but 'greduatly she 1 Clive nodded. "egret rate," he :said. ono be continued,)
fielded d her head sank n his br H t , "And I'm in the care of the best, of O
o e tore d au
e put thaLair#rmhr tre ea
kissed her -not even yet did he dare hies
her�qquivering lips.
na l"' he said hoarsely, sum,
dearest! For it means so• muchme, to
both of us! You hare seen little
of me. It may be just pity. you
eared life, hare unreel m I am
sick and hel1lees. Think, 31inyou
love me well enough to lire - e al-
ways, to be my wife?
He felt her .shake as if his 4 on had
stirred her to the heart's cot d ie1t,
rather than heard, the whispered'Yes."
Then he raised her head an ed her
on the face passionately,
3 y beautirnl angel -ah, r t -my
dear little woman! Asia me,that I
may be sure that you .are sure,final,•
Pale yet blushing. she lifted, lips to
his, and kissed him. Then suddenly elle
started, and in accents of t and;
rennorse she cried in a low ,
'Oh }chat have I done?'
Ile tried to -entre away her ess, to
soothe her with another idea, a put
up her hand toward f1 off"
"No. no 1 Fou must 11013! _ not
think, diad not remember: I every-
thing, Ali, you know I m t love
note, that, I ean't be Your wife Her face
burnt for a, moment et the then
hent white, as she firmly herself
from his arzn and stood at. 'de of
he d her arm,
pressed to bosom,
the breath (zoning Faint ries,
"Whet le .the master, Yin? asked.
"Why do reit ;say that; guy ehrlhk
from me? Come swell to me, ottel.,
Rhe shack cher head. "No-- t: not,"
the whir iereel sadly. "It is err • you
knew it a I You cannot ma e, von
ought ao� dal �3 ru�ht have
Ea very
e, :end
Mina! Do
e, an
but sb
I I dei
net no
" he
VON, IMIIII.01.0124
"do me the favor of mending these
boots for rue,"
The- millionaire was speechless
with ama4enaent.
i1A .man should never be ashamed
to exhibit his art," added Ysaye,
with a significant smile.
Depends on Use of Paint—invented
By Dr. Balmain.
Some one has invented a night trap
for mosquitoes which, according to
'Chambers's Journal, has proved high-
ly successful. under exacting tests,
The contrivance depends on the use
of the luminous paint that Doctor Bal,
main invented some years ago. In.this
paint there is no phosphorus. The
had none Ont of ane, as 1 the light n mine sae pled, a an •. of it is coated with Balmain com-
gr'swn dark -and it was all misery, ruse- Stare!' It waned stake 3u, selexzdid ter wife it lovedu1 her ask her to be hie
than" ?- , was so far above the' outer surface of the glass there
or tray it encu hs aga s
think ea?' She rased her head, and' self" --as Clive stirred and muttered .nn•
her separated from her" by the great gulf is a coat -of adhesive substance like
al, position, and station! If she chose! that on ordinary Sq paper, and the
as r R o e s.,
r -este
nbdl and
i\e ashamed of her lows past. Clive w1}
too wise, comprehended her state of retina
wearer, to attempt, to lanais away
s;ard- at I did. But. ' pf y. ""ft
linooed home me, I could keep it
'1V11y should Ton, dearest he said,
au bre voice leafs feeble, for passion
had eshaueted him. "I Love and ,yon
-you lore the lna1 I know why
should we not be married, dear
She shook her head arain, ' se you
are a gentleman, ever eo m h, aver
eo mut ve me. Tee you et that
1 Was -what I em, a girl �vho got her
living by siugin -Hud in th streets!
Her face went hot again, ande hung
her head, 1t was the old at the old
store that dates hack to Ada Ere:
knowledge may bring er; t often
brings nnhappinese. fine, ll, learnt to
friends, who hare done and. will do every -
t nitog that could or can be donee n BB AT O ! YS . E !
-so I see, said Quilton. Ile sat down,
and stared before him, as insentient. in An amusingstoryis related about
appearance ss a ort etden doll. "Some of
your humble Proteges, x euppose?" iter M. :aa, e, the famous violinist,. by
rhe,: re trier friends, ta11 Letts 1�,i1 the Ttaile Belge, During his visit
a tonc�x of imRatseuce, tBr the ,�,
i cull, artists was the
hold, about th accident of mine
Quilton, I shall esteem it *laver f roll tee America the
lee?„np a n is guest of .a New York millionaire
The door opetsed, 4nd Tibbv entered
a calf': -foot jelly, purchased from ahei
hem -and -beef shop round the eorner. She
stopped short. at sight of (Milton, and
jerked up her head aggressively.
errs,' she said, en brshed but de-
fiant tones. Didn't know you 'ad to visit
er, Mfr, Clive. Don't disturb yer=elf on my
amount, young man,' as Quiltou rose.
"Not at all, said Quilton_ "3Ca I men.
tion that I'in no; a Young mall, 31160--”
Burrell. Tabitha Burrell is my fail
ohrIeetening name; but my friends call me
Tib ' for short.
"Mies Tibbs,," said Quilton.
"I said frreads, young -old man," elle
remarked shsrPly, belt stili in a subdued
'Pardon," he said inmpassiveiy. "At any
rate, you have been lb good friend to Mr.
o my friend here.
"Thanks," snorted Tibby."When your
tesfor, an' theonyal ipost•*ge�paid. An'd ie will se nowked
youli let me put thie.jeily down. afore it.
shakes it�eeif orf the plate='
Quilton made a space for. it on the table,
and. she dem'+ed it down, and stood : for a
moment, with. her arms akimbo, ,eyeing'
"I may be mistook,"' she said, addressing
the opposite wall slowly and me. ainglr;
'Vent, Ire a kind of Bides: that the doctor
said es he wasn't to be hexcited."
"I'm sorry if visit has dons so,"
said Quilton. "Per ape he aught not to
see too tetany people'"
Shouldn't wonder if you're right: one f
of 'em`s coin', anyhow," said Tibby: unci +
with a signile end nod of the ridictrious
bonnet she sailed out.
�metes stood looking at the opposite
1 at hioh the had been stsrsxeg,
"One of Soar friends appears to be some-
what -eccentric; ' he remarked, not, by any,
means resentfully; but as if he were P err; who itzt '' :kgs%• :dsi.T,R was a, Shoe-
ing an undeniable fact_ Maker.
Olive laughed, "She is rather. But thele,
isn't a betterYiearted girl." � ���g �,� :%r:� ?Math �y�rtYx,,,:t3G�
".It's her sister who es nursiti3 your
eaid. Quilton. IsAye «� ''2a7". an '' when be h
Clive moved hia head, on the pillow i;:R;wed a rkeii 1, "A mews e red ,
tube hangs by a string in any convent'
lent place.
i icposure to daylight Causes the B
main paint to collect and store up sun;
ch i throws oft at nigh
which t h
The faint, steady glow.attracts. th
insects, and as there is no heat about
the light, the mosquitoes settle upon
the glass, and are caught by the ad,
When It is necessary to Olean thel
trap, you take a piece of wood.
match will, do—and scrape off the int
sects, and thea apply a fresh coatin
of the adhesive;
" an oto th
Husband—"Want t t " go �
theatre to -night 1" Wife—pointed-
ly "I have nothing to wear." Hes••
band" `Then we'll - go to one o
those ..moving picture shows where
it's dark."
There is nothing purer than hob
etYthan charit
his sweeter t
s •nota
o nth e
nothingwarmer than love o
w ,
r than wisdom • nothin i
riche >�
brighter than virtue; nothing moral
steadfast than faith.
WQ TED-Aore workers At once iton do picture coloring far In
their hams with our wonderful Chatq
Soul Promise. Simple, mechanical work. rapidly done. All oade
terns furnished. Pcsitive1y no experience required. We heat'"" the Proeees
chemicals and enppply you with piotures to color, whioh you ern to ue. . Good
prioei paid promptly by the week or tnon}h, 110 osavaesing v. eoUiag•-4nr trate.
eller; sell the goods and the field le unlimited for ors work. If you want °leant
pleasant work the year round for whole or spare time, write us and we will send
Cyen ooatrect and the prima we Day.
l ;ene
"Yes. She isn't hes slater."
p never e s n1m eL� a r• "
e 1 that hat le troubling you, minae" irohmo hi la his luistinet ve�de a too , erezapc' � :`- . e
he sold. "Dearest, don't let: it do so, I ferentiate ;ins from, the tether two. i e hoe; .,
had .riot forgotten;: but, remembering it.
I Lettered you for striving to repay the
kindhearted man who had etieltered and
fathered you. And as for `me, well," het
laughed, I'm au gentleman, I hope; hut. It
I .haven't soup in the streets. 'T've apo en
in theta,"
"That is different," she murmured.
"le ,there any difference? I doubt'
1 j i d it rarely', for he knew
regretted the words the -minute he had
spoken them:; +but words, etas! are erf •the
few things one cannot recall. Quinton,
however, did not appear to display any
iilieresf iti the
Int ti
"Wall ,'" he said.. "Ill take miss Tabftha's
sense. hint, n e dlikelyeve yon that you will wan
to see me again; but if you Should, send
to re o nC Quite r. v ,. 3 meeesenger or. 3
hoer diftlaunt Si won be to overcome the "'Thanks very much; I will," said Olive.
o'ietaele she had raised. "Tort sang -for -.and; rue very .grateful to you for call:
money, end I did sat spout for the mere inn,•
loos . of it. I wanted tel gain something, Quilton nodded' to out short the thanks,
-place. power and yea money, for I're and held out his hand. Ae he took Olive's
Rot too Tenon of it. So that, if thereis now fiercely burning one he said, star-
:myth -le dere atore in the two busi• fine et the pii•o-w abeentdy:
senses. there is not =xmuchto choose he- "Shouldn't berry to get up if I were
tweenthem." you. Your frienda won't mind keeping
She sighed and looked at him appeal- you -they are cert' old friends, I see: call
in=ns. n ,,
I .am net At to be your Rife," she said. faOh,Cdollwe.t,hey?" said Clive indifferently,
'There fi3 so great -a-diiference,' Q,ailton's ey wandered from time pith
I can't argue Sailer yen sReet,' he said; to the eusheo lace.
"but Dat It' tonins'say: if" au were what 'Tee. flood -bye.'
1 you call, a 'lady' -mind! sae you are, As he went out of the room the door of
in my was, a Indy of .the be: t, the purest the opposite opened. and Mina came out.
tOPet Heaven's oral -and I rot mi Sv- She dress hack into the room again, but
ing--Tea, by Miming he the streets, would 1 before she could close the door, he ;said:You,
o P if you loved, axe, turn away fromtm afraid my visit has tended to x
"Ton said you would nct argue," the
whispered imploringly,
"Answer, dearest Hue you would not.
I knee ever heart' too well td R ••alt an,
answer. So, there you are, Etna! And
amr Coma to me again, deLreet, and r+T,
Thee you are right and I am wrong,
- and I wial your wife.'
Batt she "still kept beyond hie reach, her
head turned aside as if she dared.not
trust herself. to meet hie ardent -eyes.
'1o,' she ;aid at lasts not notes."
"Why not now?" ate. asked.
"Because" --elle hesitated="beonnee you
are ill you don't. realise --it lsoeld be.
cruel,, unfair tel let you pledge roar eli-"
Passionately as he loved her, much tee
lie admired het One diseernnxent and ln-
etinctlee ddioeoy-, be was coneciotlee ' of
greet, thetas reproach in that,"
eafd gravely. "It
is I who showed not
have spoken. -ll am in your eaxe, haves
traded on your pity, your goodnet,€ to
"",1o," she breathed etciftly. "Sou base
not done anything wrong -you ooeald trot,
--Aix, don't speak/ I feel so-so tweak, as
f Iu
`5! And srlias if I the whileP1 know it
ng; that you maei oolne to be eerrx.
at yeti Stave asked ate."
"I oeell" he eatd feverishly, "Well, tse't1
iapeal from 1*hAip,e!ek 0 'Vailie sonndl
gilDakaose rambling s 1? Td shall toot
• wait till ins better -OM I'm well
enough to come to yon incteod of hiving
to beg San Era tome to me -yon cruel girl!
We'll wait! Bret ?dine, you know that
I love -yon, that Ishan! not, change -that
I shalt love yon alesa•yee
The door opened and Blithe entered,1
and approached the bed ou tip -toe.
awake and kfoxcfltg," said Clete
011551 ii7.
Blithe n¢xiated congrntutu1Prglr. "That's
firer rate, elle'" be said Ino eon, think
*into well enough to see a, visitor?"'
Clive stared, end Mins looked towteede
e floor a pprebens'iveiy, jealously.. t
ofhoi% 'where teach. II
t there. There Wad txentlemmn eona-
a dawn the entre,and gI asi:ed Win if
kne'rr whether Mr. Olive lived there.
e irked detibtful for 4 mordOlen en he
aid: Yee's rand I told him.'
"Bet 1 ataisedl sou net to tell any aixe
an. id .Clive ,gently.
18 inches tall, eyes open and shut,
real eyelashes, completely dressed in
satin, with lace and ribbon trimming.
Beautifully trimmed hat and real
shoes and stockings.
Send us your name and address and
we will send you 80 seta of Season,
Scenic, Floral and other Postcards to
sell at 10 cents a set (six beautiful
cards in each set.) When sold send
us the money, and we will send you
the doll, all charges prepaid. - - Write
to -day and earn .your doll now, Ad-
Dept. el,. - . TORONTO
The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for
All 'Kinds o£ CIoth.
Ctexta, siespfe,.lo otiose. oeateetket. TAY"
IT Sendf0'iFree, C.elocCOO indBooklet
1-10i0bO.Oli Lollardlot„Coo.]Crambt2dYss«mizr.a
Need Sugar
l'Qresugar iyaezegnry to td liealtf
of i"oun or 'U. Ooodi baa o
caudyr Megan `00tide, feutt of
brettcd--tat eery pleases but
Bite St. Lartrente Aistre Oralrttiated
bags lend be sure of the este:
Tatars cane aissar;atntoothed byheed
frons factory to your ldtrtseta.
tap soot's, is _:ba,y f1st
cessions in*,
ieltOnet panel,!
.!it n�►E itr:
tsasr lkllrttt4I;. LWltad . *atm(
The only building material that - has not increased
in price is
It mikes toncsete that you can depend upon for satisfactory results, whether you use it for a silo
es a stud= w4 -
1-Lgh stria,' and low price are made possible by efficient organization and manufacturing
economies dee to a large and growing demand.
See fiat evert' beg of cement you buy bears the "Canada" nasal- it is your guarantee
of satin adian.
Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal
utile fat afro tip$ of }.fir: dein E "Owl Mt Farwlnf' am Do sti d Cokmrir.,'"