HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-9, Page 5ttf DENTAL Dr. G. p', IIGUX.,S'J'ON, L.D.S., DENTIST pber of the It.C.D,S. of Oritarie and. , for 0raduato{ of Toronto University) llttiice- Over ISSOleson & Ca2rling's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. .tom DIt. A, R. KINSMAN, L.D.Si., D,D.SH6 Honor Graduate of Toronto Uneversfty D' In N' L I S T Teeth extemeted withoet pain, or any bed ' effects, Office over G1a,dman & (0" Stanbu'ry's Ort o, Maim Street, 'Exeter, LEGAL DJCeI SON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Oon . MfellIbners. Sollcitloes for the Moist/as Bank, etc. ',donee to Loan at lowest rated of interest Officers-Mattn-St,, Exeter L R. Carling, B.A. • L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on !gran and village, prop- ert'.es at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & ST`AN$TJRY Barr;aters, Solicitors, Exeter. S, SBNIOR Agent Coniederaten We Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance In lead. lag Canaditan and British Commies. Mann -St., Fleeter:, T. B DARLING Life, Fire,Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting emotion sales. Exeter, Ont. F117—rtI Home Thousands of ambitious" young peo- ple are test preparing in their own homes to oecupyluerative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Busyness Activities Ybu may enish at (*hege if you so wish Posit -lens guaranteed. Fater collegeany day. individual inetructtoa, . Expert tea - chem. Thirty years, oxperenie..Largest trainers is Maids. seven colleges, spec- ial course for teaohers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. 6E0. SPOTTON B. F. WARD Presfdetat Priucyi SYNOPSIS Op aeblespeeN NORTH WEST LAND litigteLlfrioNs ANY person who Is the sole head of a family or any male over 18 year old, may homeetead a quarter section of available Dominion. land en Manitoba Saskat l:ewen or Alberta. The ap- plicant must appear • in person at the Dominion Landes Agency '° or Sub- agency for the diisteict. Entry by pro- xy made be nude at any agency, on certain colnditione by father, mother, soon, daughter, brother or sister ,of in- tending hoeneeteader Duties -Six montihs' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homesteader may live within aa,°no ra'•1ee •of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 • acres' soliely owned and occupied by hem or by his rather, mother, eo'n daughter, brother or Caister: In certain districts a homesteader in good ertanding may pre-empt a quart er-section 'along side his homestead. Price $3,00 per acre. Duties -Must reside upon the home stead or pre -em tion six months in each of six years from date of home- stead entry (Incaruding the ,ghee re- quired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty aorleis extra. A homesteader who he's exhausted his hiomeetead right and cannot obtain ,a preeemption may enter for a putt. chased hounestead in .certain .disteictis Price $3.00 per acre. • Duties- Musk reside six rued ting in each of these years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth 300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Min:idtes of the Interior N.B:-T3saauthorizeld publication of this advertisement will not be peed for. FARM FOR SAL8I The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable 100 acre Yarm, situated In the Township 'of Biddulph, being Lot 13, Con. 1. There is on the 'preani,ses a good frame house, bares with founda- tion, orchard,. The earrn is well drain- ed and all udder•, cultivation. This is an• excellent farm, well situated and will be Bold reasonable. For further partic-. Mans apply to John O'Neil, Mooresville, Ont. WM. KELLY. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is .offering. for sale Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con- taining 100 acres of good land. There le on the premincia a good trame'howse with stone cellar ; bangs barn with ce- ment floors, 8 good wells, diad a email ercha 1d;, This 9's a good grain or grass farm, or Would make a good stock farm. Situated two mtlee from Exeter ; phone lrb house. WI11 be sold reaso,ablib. For partictilars apply, on the premises, er write the undereiigned; Fred Green, Hay, • ot B. S. Phillipa, Exeter. CLINTON-M. 'Clarissa Biggin, on. ly daughter of the late Thomas Riggin passed Away at the home of her mother Mrs. R. A. G•ovier, Monday morning at the early age of 26 years. The dee salted had been in fabling health for a your. iter another and two.hrotbere sB'iga ib ofColborne survive,',"Wilfrid Township. and Harold Riggin of the Sterling Bank, Goderichf Her father died about six ytsars ago. AMERICA'S GREATEST HAIR - GOODS ARTIST Prof. Dorenwen OFTORONTO "Is Coming" TO TH•,E Central Hotel Exeter ON Friday October. 1 to replace hair or the heads of LAD- IES AND GENTLEMEN who have last .their HAIR. By his BEAUTI- .FIJL natural HAIR CONSTRUCT- IONS which are known all over the WORLD, EVERY WOMAN AND" MAN can be made - to look younger and have the natural protection to the head, which means HEALTH, COM- FORT AND GOOD APPEARANCE. "LADIES '4 do not miss this Opportunity. See his TRANSFORMA- TIONS swIrci-IES, WAVELETS TtQIMMP'AD OV R'S:, FULL WIGS, CURLS, ETC, "'TETE DORENWEND SANITARY P ATENT TOUPEE" GENT,EEMEN (WHO ARE BALD) protect and adorn your bald head with human hair. In order to have a conception of the wonderful achievement in the art of hair constructing, every bald man should call and see the large sample stock of "HAIR TOUPEES AND FULL WIGS" which Prof. Dorenwe rid will be showing. These ;wonderful coverings are so natural in appearance that detection is impossible. They are adjusted so securely to any head, that they cannot Bone off, except : at the wearer's wish. They will give a youngand softening ex- pression to the face. A FREE DEMONSTRATION IS EXTEND ED TO ALL. Come and bring. .your friends to- THE CENTRAL HOTEL EXETER ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17th.'``• Manure Spreaders Make the maohinery do the heavy work, and always get the best. We ;handle the very best Implements. Also Litter Carriers, Steel Stalls and Stanchions Nothing Betterland nothing quite so good. Wes. Snell Implement Agent - Fraleter, Ontario Pandora Range will both cook and bake at the same time its full capacity. This feature and many other exclusive ones will compel your serious consideration when you ;,. select your kitchen range. 383 is LONDON TORONTO 1• MONTREAL t:5: WINNIPEG i VANCOUVER ST: JOHN HAMILTON ::. CALGARY SASKATOON ttN CDMONTON • Pandora Ran i ges are sold everywhere ,-_ • by good des lers who back up our guar- antee on this splendid, Sold ire Exeter by Pt Hawkins & Son HIONS,014.1.4 Miss Nora Sherritt visited friends in London last week --Clare McDon- el: has returned from a visit in De- troit.-Jas Moore has been confined to leis home through illness. -•-Reeve Ortwein has been on the sick list,,- Gladye, the little daughter of Geo. Wren of. Chiselhurst is down with ty- phoid £ever, -R. Horsley has rented the residence belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Chapman, on South Richmond street, -Hugh McLean in- tend: moving to Hamilton shortly.- T, Palmer, sr, who has been confined to his bed for some time withty- phoid fever, is beginning to improve and has every prospect of a com- plete recovery. --:Al. Fairbairn, who has been In the West attending' to his farm returned home Thursday morn- ing.. The McArthur boys, who ac- companied him out, returned with him. -On Sunday, Sept, 28, Mrs, Dun- can D. Taylor of the Parr Line, Hay, departed this life, in her, 52nd year, The deceased, whose maiden name was Amelia May McLaren, was born on the McLaren homestead, London Road, where she spent her girlhood. After her marriage with her bereaved husband they moved to the Parr rine where they have since resided, She leaves a family, mostly grown-up, to mourn the loss of a kind mother. All. who knew her speak' in, the kindest terms of the deceased, who possess - many excellent qualities. The funer- al took place Friday, Oct. 3rd, to the Hensall cemetery. HURONDALE Too fate fo- r last week. Rev. Dr. Peter Strang paid a short visit to his brother here, Mr. Henry Strang Dr. Strang is Superintendent of Missions in Southern Saskatchewan EIe is full of hope and enthusiasm for the mission cause irk the. Great West. We wish him God -speed; -A .number from this vicinity attended the fun -N eral of the late Thos. Case of Ex -4 eter last week. Mr. Case was highly. respected. -Mr, Thos. Harris captur- ed several prizes at Kirkton Fair, on Friday Jiast.-A number are taking up their root crop this Week. The yield is a splendid one. STAFFA An important de- cision was given at Osgoode Hall,' Toronto last week by Mr• Justice Kelly. About a month ago High Constable Whitesides of Hensal1 summoned T. M. Hamilton, merchant of Staffa, before George C. Petty J. P. on the charge that he was committing a breach of the hawk- ers and pedlers' by-law of the Coun- ty of Huron in selling from his wa- gon on the boundary road between the conties of Perth and Huron to residents of Huron. The magistrate convicted .Mr. Hamilton and fined him $25 and costs. Mr. J. G. Stan - bury of Exeter, who was defending appealed to Toronto to have the :on- victior, upset and the argument took place, on Friday Sept. 19th, Mr. W. Proudfoot. IC. C. taking the case for the county of Huron. Justice Telly has given his decision, quashing the 'conviction, with costs against the coon ty son the ground that the boundary road is not within the county of Huron. ZURICH Mi. Louis Foster moved into virs. Rannie's house last week, with his family. -Services in the Evangelical church Sunday were of a' special na- ture. They took the form of a jub- ilee meeting, it being the fiftieth year of the organization of the Canada Con ferencc of the Evangelical church.-. The children and friends of Mr. John Decker, .sr., pleasantly surprised him on• Wednesday evening, when they met at his home to celebrate with him his, 59th birthday. The evening was spent very pleasantly by alleeMrs Bell of London is visiting at the home of , Mr and Mrs. D. Faust. -Mr. Ed- win Koehler of Hamilton visited his parent- and friends a few days last week. -Mr. W. L. Siebert has mov- ed his family from Dashwood this week. and is occupying Mr. J. Deck- .er's house at the West end. SHIPKA Wiilert-Eagleson- -The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson of the 17tH con. of Stephen, was the scene of a happy gathering on Wednesday of last week, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mar- garet to Mr. Arthur W illert, san of the late Wm. Willert, The ceremony wa's performed by the Rev 5 A Carriers of Grand Bend, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, in the presence of about a hundred and fifty guests. The bride. who was dressed in cream satin, was given away by her father and he was assisted by Miss Lucinda Kraft of Dashwood ,while the groom was supported by the bride's brother, Wm. Eagleson. The cere- mony ;over and congratulations ex- tender) to the young couple the guests sat down to a bounteous wed- ding spread. The bride received a lot of beautiful presents. The young couple left Thursday for Sarnia and Other points, and on their return will make their home in Khiva and they will have the best wishes of their many friends far a prosperous and happy wedded life. 30 DAYS CAMPAIGN. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal are making an urgent appeal to their present subscribers to send 'iv* renewal subsariptions during October and relieve the enormous. rush at the close of the year. It is a reasonable•request from a newspap- er in such great . demand, and sub- scribers have ,nothing to lose by cnm- Dly ing, The Family Herald . and Weekly Star is looking for a bigger season than ever before, It is in- indeea a big dollar's worth, Lt7ooAN -Tames Park, a,proeperouia and prominent merchant of this place died suddenly' at 8 o'clock on Saturday night„ following ari operation for appendicitis, perfornoed about ten day+e etroitaiDT WOMB ' tea A Case f" ?" Hot globes, dizzineas, fainting spells, backache headache, r-down pains, nervousness-allre symptoms of irrttguia<rittr eale disturbances sad are riot beyond relief.. lid ; Favorite Prescription is that et a famous physician unusually ,experienced in the treating of women's peculiar aliments. Par forty years it Ilse been recommended to suffering womankind. Thousands of women ren bear witness to its beneficial qualities. Perhaps its aid is all that .is required to restore to you perfect health and strength. Now is the time to act, write Ar, R. V. Pierces, Buffalo, AM NOW CUBEiD Mns, Coane0 RSAOEaa, of San Francisco, Calif., welted teke pieesure le recd nn ending,'enr woaderlui romedlos, and' oh to say fn re hi: of hru ` h torfto use I arlytloa' a cured of des Medical D,acovery that through their ass t ■ a now of the ma whin troublee tailed ed and Ian is heir to, resolve to remedial keyed i thank you for your advice,"therefore redalva to take other, YOUR. DRVCGIST CAN SUPPLY YOU IN LIQUID OR TABLET' FORK air, Aeneas ago. Up to within a few minutes of his death Mr. Park's symptoms had" shown every indication of a rapid re- covery. He is survived by his widow and three children, -also one brother John Park, of BiddulphTownsbip. and one sister, Mrs. D. Jamieson of Galt. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPYRA14 To All women --I will wend law with Lull instructions, m7 horne tNistaiy. which positively mires Latices -rheas. ilii- ceration, Displacements, 'i.1Wig eft ttir womb, Palatal or Irregular Periods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or growths also Hot Flushes,` Nervousness, Stet ancholy, Palms in the Head. Back •r Bowels.- and Bladder troubles.. whets caused by weakness peculiar to our kis You . can. continue treatment at horns at a coat et on,lY,tout 12 «lust a west My book. "Wota'ajf,'g O,wa iLitibtal Ail+ wiser," also sett free on request. Write today. Address, iter. M.Sumrnars Box. H. 840 Windsor, Ont. WHICH SCHOOL WILL 'ATTEND Write to -day for the catalogue of Taranto Ont. It will help you to ansa er the questiolf. Careful judg- ment should be elcerised in choosing a school Every - oian is interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel whirling Spray Douche Ask your drugglet r it. Ir he candot supply the MARVEL. accept ns other. but send stamp lbr Ults- trated book -sealed. It gives fall particulars and directions iardga'ble toladies.W/ DSOBSUPPLTCO.,Wifadeor.Ont. General Agents ler Canada LABATT'S LONDON LAGER INDIA PALE AND EXTRA 'STOCK ALES, XXX STOUT STANDARD BEVERAGES 31 JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON SNr 1111602 "bA ASO furnace means comfort for yu an more sales forme f 1' Successful dealers talk to their customers in jus` that way about the SOUVENIR FURNACE (New Idea Series) Every sale brings others because the grate prevents any clinker the Souvenir pleases. trouble. The Souvenir is built different— The Souvenir means a saving built simply, because scientifically. of 25% to 50% in fuel con - The firepot cannot leak gas; dust s u m p t i o n. Your name on a cannot get into ' postal will bring the diffusing our new booklet. chamber; the hot Every buyer of a Souvenir Furnace is Presented veil& a The Souvenir air is forced to legal bond an date of Pur- Furnace is made every room just chase, pvarankeing JirePol in Hamilton, the agaat the tempera- esy 5l cracks or break` of stove centre r. f F any kind for 5 years. ture you want it; Canada, by THE HAMILTON STOVE & HEATER CO., Liimitct: SacreamM to Guiney -Tilden co. 12 W. J. Seaman, Exeter, will be glad to show the "Souvenir line" Buy this oven -tested flour. Your oven will certainly pro- duce more bread and better bread as a result of our oven test. From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten -pound sample. It is ground into flour. We bake bread from PURITYthis flour. If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we N , use the shipment of wheat from which it came. Otherwise, we sell it. S The baking quality of flour tgld under this name is therrfre aril► exact certainty, Bus, and ben t l d "Moire Bread and Better tread . ilr et ► ter astry TOos,/ and $27