HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-9, Page 40,53teter g‘bstirort It ,
Sander= & Creech, Proprietors
In advance $1,00 per year in Canada
$1.5C in United States, If not paid
in advance SOc. extra, per year may
Ise charged,
TRU DrS.Y. OCT,9, '13
By -Law Noo 12
SUM OF $10,000, FOR THE PUR-
WHEREAS the •iunicipal Council
.of the Corporation of the Village of
-Exeter is desirous of encouraging the
:Establishment within the Municipality
of new industries as well as the .re-
tention of those already, established,
AND WHEREAS an Agreement has
been entered into between the said
Corporation and The J. B :Foote
Foundry Company, The F. B. •• Zieg Clerk
Manufacturing Company, and F. B.
Zieg, of the City of Fredericletown, polling Sub -division No. 2, at Town
the State of Ohio, U.S.A. (subjen-t
to the approval of the "ratepayers, of
the Village) whereby the said parties
agree to acquire the feel property,
p lant machinery and equipment of
the James Murray & Son Foundry in
the said Village and iru conjunction
therewith to establish a. factory under
the name of The Exeter'Manufactur•-
.ing Company, Limited, fns the manu-
facture of road -making 'e machinery,
concrete block machinery, cast ;iron
culvert pipe, bells wheelbarrows
Dumps and other hardware• specialties,
and to employ at least twenty mech-
anics or workmen by, the end•. oirt, the
first year• of operation- and at least
twenty-five mechanics oe, workmen
by the end of the second year, and
during the subsequent years of oper-
ation continuously until the load here-
inafter referred to has been entirelyrel
repaid to the corporation; and the
Corporation agrees in consideration of
the purchase and establishment of the
said manufactory and of the employ-
ment of the said mechanics or work-
men to the number aforesaid, to .nake
.a loan to the said Conipany of the
-sum of $10,000 for a period of ten
years without interest, $3,000 thereof
only to be advanced, to the •said Corn-
pany upon the establishment of the
said factory and the balanee_.;of the
said loan to remain in- •-,a Qhartered.
:Bank at. Exeter to the 'joint"credit of
the Corporation and the said om-
pany until required for the expansion
of the. said plant, the whole to be se-
cured by a first mortgage upon the
buildings, plant machinery, boilers,en-
gines, tools, patterns and equipment
of the said Company with insurance
• thereon and on the raw material ind
finished product of the said Company
to the extent of the said loan or to
stalnaezts to be of ettcli amounts that
the aggregate amount payable for
principal and interest in any year
shall be equal as nearly as may be to
what 1s payable for principal and in-
terest during each of the other years
of such period of ten years as herein-
after •set forth.
3 During the currency of the said
debentures there shall be raised an-
nually by special rate on all the rate-
able property in the said corporation
of the Village of Exeter the sum of
$1295.05 for the purpose of haying
the amount due in each of the Bald
years for principal and interest in
respect of the said debt as follows -
In year Principal Interest Total
1914 795,05 500,00 1295.05
1915 834.80 460.25 0 1295.05
1916 876.55418.50 1295.05
191? 920.36 374.69 1295,05
1918 966,38 325.67 1295.05
1919 1014,70 280.35 1295.05
1920 1065.43 229.62 1295.05
1021 1118.70 176.35 1295:05
1922 1174.65 120.40 1295.05
1923. 1233.38 61,67 1295,05
4 Thai this By-law shall come in-
to force and take effect on the fin-
al passing thereof,
5 That the votes of the Electors
of the said Village of Exeter entitled
to vote on this By-law be taken on
Friday. the Seventeenth of October,
1913 commencing at nine o'clock in
the forenoonand continuing '.until
five o'clock in the afternoon of the
same day at the following places
within the said Village of Exeter, by
the followuig Deputy Returning Of-
fices , and Poll Clerks :
. Pclling. Sub=division" No. 1, at Silas
Handford's Residence;' Herbert Ford
-D. R Officer,. and Sidney Davis," poll
Hall; Wellington Johns, D. R. Offic-
er, and Harold Bissett, Poll Clerk.
Felling, Sub -division No. 3, at Mrs.
John Mitchell's Office; H. E. Huston
D R. Officer,. and Percy Gillies, Poll
Polling Sub -division No. 4, at North
End Fire Hall; Alexander McPher-
son, D. R Officer and Fred Witwer,
Poll Clerk.
6 That Monday, the 13th day of
October 1913, at Eleven o'clock in
the forenoon, shall be the day, and
the Clerk's Office in the Town Hall
in • the Village of Exeter shall be the
place where the Reeve shall attend to
appoint persons to attend at the var-
ious polling places aforesaid and at
the final summing up of .the votes by
the Clerk on behalf of the persons
interested in promoting or opposing
the passing of the By -Law respect-
7 That the Clerk of . the Corpora-
tion of the said Village of ::. Exeter
shall attend at his office, in the ,said
Village of Exeter at Twelve o'clock
noon on Saturday, the 18th day of
October, 1913, to sum up the num
ber of votes given for and against this
By -Law.
The above is a true copy of the
proposed By -Law which has been
take/• into consideration and which
will be finally passed by the Council
pf the Corporation of the Village of
Exeter in the event of the consent of
the electors being obtained thereto.
atter one, month from the first pub-
' their full insurable value, payable to licatior- in the Exeter Advocate news-
' the Corporation, the said loan to be paper, which first publication shall be
repayable $1000, at the end of the on the Twenty-fifth day of Seeneenn
second year, $1000 further at the ed ber, 1913 , and at the ho>' eoday and
•- of each of the succeeding seven years place therein fixed,
enEnn taking the
and the balance at the end of the votes of the Eieeeers a poll will be
' tenth year held. : _nom
AND WHEREAS the said Corpor- F. 'er}" 'tenant who desires to vote
• ,ttion has further agreed to a aeeege+;'on the proposed By -Law must de -
assessment of ,$2500 ecce teem ti'urldings, kliver to the Clerk of the Municipality
plannsnu= tltiipinent of the said Com -I not later than the seventh day before
oany for and" during the period of ,ten the day .appointed for taking the
years aforesaid upon the terms and vote the Declaration provided for by
conditions hereinbefore expressed and • Sub -Section 2 of Section 265 of I'he
more fully set forth in the certain
Agreement dated September 5th,1913
on file in the office of the Clerk of
the said Corporation.
AND WHEREAS It is necessary in
order to make the said loan to borrow
the said sum of $10,000 and to issue
the debentures of the said Corpora-
tion therefor, '
AND WHEREAS the whole rate-
able property of the Village of Ex-
eter according to the last revised as-
sessment roll amounts to $610,509.00,
AND WHEREAS the " existing de-
benture indebtedness of the said Cor
;poratian, exclusive of local . improve- SAINTBBURY
anent debenture debt secured by spec-
ial assessments therefor,-ariounts to Mrs. Alexander of Wanstead is vis
$35.690.45 and no principal or interest iting relatives here.
Mr James Carter of the 4th con. of
AND WHEREAS it •will require the Biddulph passed away at the home of
sum of $1295.05 to be raised annually bis daughter Mrs. Thos. Armitage on
for a period of ten yeareeto pay the Sept 21st at the great age of 94
interest of and discharge the said debt years. He had resided in 'McGilliv-
ray and Biddulph for about half a
century after coming from Ireland.
He farmeee the greater part of his
life, retiring only five years ago. He
lost his. wife nine years ago. The
surviving members of his family are
Mrs. Ryan of Manitoba, Mrs. Thomas
Cunningham of McGillivray, Mrs. Wm
Turner Mrs. T; Armitage, Mrs. Jos,
Armitage of .Biddulph, Mrs. F. J. Da-
vis of Usborne, Ivirs, Wm. Scott of
London ,Miss Maggie of London, Geo
of Clandehoye erect W. J. of. Detroit,
All the survivors attended the fun-
eral which took place to St. James
Municipal Act 1913.
Dated at Exeter this 23rd day
September A. D. 1913.
Clerk of the 'Corporation.
of the Village of Exeter.
Prepared.-Shipka Mills are
prepared to do all kinds of
such as chopping, cider and'
buttes raking. -Wm. Sweitzer.
is it arrears,
as the same becomes due, and pay-
THEREFORE the Municipal • Coun-
cil of the Corporation of the Village
of Exeter enacts as follows,
1. It shall be lawful 'for the Reeve
of the said Village of Exeter to bor-
row an the credit of the said Corpor-
ation of the Village of Exeter the sum
of $10,000 for the purpose hereinbe-
'fore set forth and foie that •purpose
'to issue debentures of the ,said mun-
icipality to the amount of $10,000 in
sums not less than $100.00 each and.
such debentures shall be signed by
the Reeve of the said Corporation for
the time being and countersigned by
the Treasurer for the time being of.
the said Corporation and duly sealed
.with the Corporate Seal thereof,
which Seal the Clerk for the time
bethe said Corporation is here••
zing of
bn authorized and directed to attach.
to ea,;h of the said debentures,
The Usborne Municipal Council met
at the Township Hall, Oct. 4th, All
the members were "present. The nein-
es of the last Meeting g were read
read and approved.
The . CoIlector's securities were aP-
e The said debentures shall be proved and his bond accepted when
date:. "sport the date of the issue signed in"the presence of the Clerk,
thereof nd shall bear interest at the Notices were received to repair the
rate of five per cent. per annum ,from Anderson Mu•ni•cipal Drain, end to re
• the date of the issue thereof and the pail' arid: improve the outlet of the
said interest shall be: payable•.,yearly Gardiner., Drain. The notices were
on the day of the month in which apllroved and •the Clerk instructed to
;;aid debentures are issued ori' es to 'rsotify John Roger, engineer, tis' exam -
both principal and interest i the field ire the said drain and report, t,
debentures shall be payable' 1x1 enh .rnu- 1 Cornish contractor Bran I3
al inatalntetits withla ter% .years !'rota retsairs )Saving completed 111s eon
t*the date of the issue thereof, such in- t tract as certified by the engineer in.
charge was paid, the balance of :tats
pr ce.
Municipal Drain accouints ailment-
ing to $777.05 and, general accounts to
$$22,1" were passed end orders is-
sues -1 in paYtnent.
Council adjourned to NOV, 1st at 1
o'clock. F, Morley, Clerk,
Granton R, R. 1
Dr Tillman' and family also Mr.
Corcoran visited at the home of F,
Coughlin over Sunday, -Mr, Malcalin
.McIntyre last week moved his house.:
bold effects to the township of Wil-
liams where he has ., purchased. a farm
-Mr. Mathew Regan is smiling over
the arrival of a daughter on Oct, 5 -
Mrs C, Buckley of Detroit called on
friend,: here for a few days last week
-Mr. and Mrs. Cory Regan and fam-
ily attended the Glavin and Lamphier
wedding ,on Wednesday. -Mrs, B.
Mulligan, of Dublin visited her father
Mr. Dennis Collins near IChiva- Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Berry of St. ,Thomas
visited the latter's brother, Daniel
Barry last week, --Mr. Jos. Doyle sold
a fine sucking colt last week to Mr.
Wrn, ,\Vitzel, receiving for it a hand-
some figure. -The farmers in this
neighborhood are busy taking in their
potatoes and report a very good crop
-On Tuesday, Sept. 30th the mar-
riage took place at the R. C. Church
Parkhill, of Miss ' Phoebe O'Leary
formerly of this neighborhood, to Mr.
Derereaux of Seaforth.
On two charge of theft. preferred
against them by James Patten of Clan.
deboye, Cecil and .Gordon Bice, of.
London are in the jail here await
ing trial. They were brought in ,Sat-
Sat-urday by Uoastable Andrew Patten
after a preliminary hearing before
Mogistrate Obown, of Lucan, this
The complainant James Patten who
is a son of Constable Patten, charges
that the two Bice boys, who are 18.
and 21 years of age broke into his
house atOlandeboye'Friday and stole
suit of clothes,a pair -of shoes and some
tobacco. On Tuesday last they enter-
ed the house and took a gold watch
and chain. They gained entrance yes-
erday in Patten's absence by cutting
the wire from a window screen.
Constable Patten was notified Fri-
dayevening and traced the thieves to
Lucan where the arrest was made.
Mr Lumbard of Port Huron is vis-
iting: -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Tiedman.-Mr. t m n.-
LVIr. and Mrs. C Basker-
vile of Centralia visited at Mr. and
Mrs. R Canning's Sunday. -Mr. Ed.
Bossenberry of Zurich was in our
burg Tuesday. -Mr. E. Brenner was.
in Goderich Wednesday: -Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Gill- visited at Arkona Sun-
day and Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. As-
aph Gravelle visited in Th'edford last
week. -Mrs. George Oliver is sick
of typhoid fever. -Mr. A. Tiedeman
went to Lucan Monday to •work. -Mr
and Mrs. Zapfe-and Mr. and Mrs. Cy-
rus Green went to Stanley Saturday,
returning Sunday. They visited . H.
Zapfe.-Mr. and Mrs. Herr of Us -
borne visited Mrs. M. Gill Sunday and
At last we have got a daily mail
service the rural route running fTnizi
Granton to Zion school u"nu;' then
dory,n�-j-Oth o£ Blanshard.-Wedd•-
li%' tells are ringing .this week at the
home of Mrs. Lamphier, when her
her daughter is being married to Mr.
Jas. Glavin% 'a popular young Mian of
McGillivray Township.• Her many
friends will wish leer a happy and
prosperous wedded Iife.-Mr. George
Millson is doing an extensive busi-
ness in fowl, last week receiving over.
three hundred dollars worth.- Our
young people seemingly enjoyed the
auto rides in the Millson car. Why
not have more of these pleasant meth
ods of travelin the country ?-Mr.
and Mrs Aaron Davis of Saintsbury
visited friends around here on Sun-
day. -Miss Della and Enema Peart of
Zion spent Sunday here, the guests.
of Miss Edna Gunning. -The Misses
Mable and Ethel Parkinson: of St.
Marys spent the past week• with their
cousins around here, -Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Brooks attended the funeral- of
the • latter's brother, James Parks at
Lilcan on Tuesday, interment being
made at Mt. Pleasant cemetery, Lon-
don. -Mrs. Sutherby and Mrs. John
Morley went to Bosanquet: on Mon-
day having received word that their
cousin in that place was dead.
Mr and Mrs. R. J. Patterson were
visitors at Jas. Broadfoot's Sunday. -
Quite a few from this vicinity at-
tended the funeral . of Master Byron
Treffry on Sunday. -Mr. Geo. Hob
kirle has returned from asix weeks'
trip to Regina and Moosejaw district
-Mi. Grant Ryckman has purchased
a fine new Nordheimer piano for his
family from S. Martin; & San of Ex-
eter. --The butcher wagon from Hen-
sali calls every Wednesday on this
line which is a great convenience.-
Born in Toronto, on, Oct. lst, to Mr.•
and Mrs .H. I. Goodfellow, a son;
(nee Miss Vera Glenn). -Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Bullard of Hensall' spent Sun-
day at Noah Horton's,-Mr. J. ley'
of Zurich and Mr. McKay of Walk-
erton, agents for fanningmi1l selves
were along this line Friday. -Mr. W.
Glenn, sr., sold a horse to Messrs Al-
len and Cudmore of Seaforth the
past week. -The weather still contin-
ues fine ,but a good, rain is, needed,
%tars Cameron, sr., is at pr ese nt
in very poor health. -Mr. Wellington
Crawford having disposed be the old
homestead property to his younger
brother, has bought the fine •arm
owned by Mr. Jas. Rivers, Can 12,
Hibbert, who as about to retire from
the farm and will dispose of his chat-
tels, shortly. These sales were pat
by lMtr! Thos, Cameron„.,
t•: The Ontario Government ordered
that in the future .railway navies shall
not be permitted toy have fire arms
in • theft caiitps or carry • •there. . The
foresgnere employed in railway . on-
struotion have been notorious every-
where for killing game, in and out of
,season and feeding, on insectiverous
birds. The game inspectors are re-
quired to enforce the order.
$100 Reward $100,
rhe readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease the science
has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Oaterrh, Hall's Catarrh Ogre is the oaly positive
mare now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being,a constitutional disease requites a eiestitu-
ttonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Ours is takaa in.
ternally, rioting directly upon the blood sad aauooui
surfaces of the System, thereby destreyieg the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution sad assist-
ing nature in doing its work. The proprieties have
so much faith in its curative powers that Holy offer
One hundred Dollars for any mase that. M. fails to
cine. Send for list of testimonials:
Address F, T, O111tNEY Si 00., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
The late Joseph McGeary was born
on June 28th, 1839, on the 9th
con. of London Township, After liv-
ing here and in Blanshard Town-
ship for a short time, the family carne
to,. McGillivray, where most of his
early life was spent. He did his share
of the hard work which was neces-
sary in those days irt clearing off the
land. In the year 1867 he married`
Rachel Rosser and went to reside on
the East Williams townline, near Fern
hill, where he lived, for 16 years,
moving from there back to McGilli-
vray where he has lived on the 4th
and 6th cons. ever since. His death
took place on Sept. 28th.
-Satlort Complectlon
Indicates • tnA!tertion. connW its doh or
liver trouble. FIG PILLS 'wtll resin-
ate your system said build up tie nsrvq
forces too that you can sleep sad 'en-
joy lite. - At all dealers 25 and le cents
or The Ftg P111 Oo., . St. Thomaci,. Ont.
Sold at Howey's Drug Store.
Mi. David Moore - of Egmondviile
has received word ` of the death of
his brother-in-law, Mr. Malcolm Fer-
guscn, which occurred in Vancouver.
Island, B. C., on the 19th alt. Mr,
Ferguson was one of. the pioneeers of
Tuckersmitb, having settled on the
Earns now occupied by Cyrus Fyre.
He also resided near Grand Bend for
about 20 years. He 'lived in British
Cclumbia for several years. He vis-
ited old Huron friends five or six
Year:ago. He was 84,years of a
and issurvived by his widow, a
daughter of the late David Moore of
Rheuma,WiII Stop
Uric Acid Disposit
Rheumatic Complications Checked
and the "Human Sewers" Restored.
The Kidneys, Bowels, andSkin rare
the "human seyv -i Svhich carry off
the inrpuritieslof the blood. When
these areXe
gged "Uric Acid sediment
lodges., -iii the muscles and joints and
•l e'tiinatism follows. RHEUMA, the
great reinedy,for all, forms of the ter-
rible disease,"checks the deposit of
Uric Acid.
"For many years I suffered with
Rheumatism. I am 71 years old, but
am proud to say that' after using one
bottle of RHEUMA"- the Rheumatic
pains are entirely gone. I daily recom
mend . RHEUMA to my friends." -
Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont.
W S. Cole will return your money
if it Tails ; 50 cents a -bottle.
Our registration again exceeds that
of • anyy previous year. The boy . or
girl who has not received our - free
catalogue does not know the great.
opportunities of Commercial life. We
have three departments, Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy, and we
offer you advantages not offered else-
where in Ontario. You may enter at
any time Write for our free cata-
logue at once.
D A. jiMCLACHLAN, Pllrelpet
Subjects taught by expert instsseloi's
at the
Y. M. C. A BLDG.
Students assisted'to positions. HGllege'
in session "from Sept. 2nd. CataisgiK
free. Enter any time..
3. W. Westervelt J., W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal' Carter+ d Auevarat -
17 Vlce•PrintlDsl "
Have You
made provision, for employee et
during the Vali and Winter won-
the or, do you wish steady re-
mttnerative work the year 1111014B
Write us and secure our Agent's
the best is she
We offer
ems. W
terms -
Pay weekly, free 'oat
exclusive territory,
Over 600 Acres
tinder cultivation. Establhh.10,
er 35 years. A reputation Nit
'Ag rasalde esmastocnk and '`fair X16•
ca shake t►oir
e: i31hr1 for tis.. We ;:wailtHt ales
ever `etedere iebie•man'for•E 'e ter
•n g�a,, 1i
•and vzoitity For terms'ivrits
Pt HAj41.. NU S13RY CQ ,;,
IPtsr'onto, Ont,
--Fr• g k ,ee catalo ite•O.nrez steePet
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.() , L L. D., D. O. T.., President
General Manager Assistant General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons,
withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. 6.1
EXETER BRANCH -G. L. WAUGH, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
The IVlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve
TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ...,.. . „... , - Issued
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DIOKBON & CABLING, Sol.ici,tors. N. D. HIIRDON Manager,
Used Pianos & Organs
One Beautiful. Rosewood Piano
Seven and A Third Octaves; Overstruna.-Bass; Fully guaranteed for
Five Years. Regular Price, Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars (350.00)
now selling for One Hundred Dollars (100,00); Payable Three Dollars
(3.00) per month.
,Ore ffand8-0iY'. rt Rosew ood-`Piano
Seven and A Third Octaves; Beautiful Design; Fancy Carved Legs
and Case; Fully guaranteed for Five Years; A Bargain at One Hun-
dred and Twenty -Five Dollars ($,125.00); Three Dollars (3,00) a month
On Beautiful Rosewood Piano
Seven and A Third Octaves; Overstrung Bass; A fine .Piano for
Practice Purposes; thoroughly overhauled and fully guaranteed for
Five. Years. Original Price was Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
($450.00). Our price One Hundred and Thirty -Five Dollars ($135.00)
payable at Three Dollars and Fifty Cents ($3.50) a month.
One Handsome Rosewood Piano
Seven and A Third Octaves; Overstrung Bass; Thoroughly repair-
ed and in First=Class Condition; Guaranteed for Five Years. Regular
Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($450.00\ Our price One Hundred
and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) payable Four Dollars ($4.00) per month.
One Excellent High top Cabinet Organ
In Fancy Carved Walnut Case, Thoroughly renovated and fully guar
anteed for Five Years, Regular Price Ninety Dollars ($90.00) Our
Price Thirty Dollars ($30.00). Payable One Dollar and Fifty Cents,
($1.50) per month.
One Beautiful Cabinet Organ
Walnut Case, Ten Stops, Fully guaranteed for Five years; in firse-
class condition; Regular Price One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) Our
Price Thirty Five Dollars ($35.00) Two Dollars ($.2.00) per month.
Ones Seyen Octave Piano Cased Organ
As Gc;od`:as new; Thoroughly overhauled and in First -Class con-
dition; Guaranteed for 5 years; Original Price One Hundred and
Fifty Dollars, ($150.00); Our Price Seventy -Five Dollars ($75.00) at
Three Dollars per month. Mahogany case.
One Six " Octave Dominion Organ,
Piano Cased
In Excellent Condition; Beautiful Walnut Case; Fully guaranteed for
Five Years; Original Price One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) Our price
(860.00) at Two Dollars (2,00) per month.
One Dozen Good Organs
All in First Class Condition; Fully Guaranteed for Pine Years. Prices
range from Twenty -Five Dollars ($25,00) to.Fifty Dollars, ($50.00)
Terms from One Dollar per month to Three Dollars per month.
Ontario xo St. Stratford
Call and See 'Inspect them or write for pArtzpulars
District Manager
Phone 769