HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-2, Page 71.A SAFE TONIC FOR MOTHERS Who Do Not Recover Their Strength as They Should,. Every mother .who fails :to regain. her 'health and strength alter eon- iinenent needs a tonic, The Fears el, weakness and suffering which so often follow are unnecessary and easily ,avoided. The fact that her strenftlt does riot return is a ter itain indicationthat her blood sup- ply has been overtaxed and is im- !poverished, This condition is often nada worse when the mother takes up her household duties while she is still weak, when a complete ibreakdown results. The strength a weak mother needs can be quickly found in the tonic treatment with ;1)r Williams' Pink Pills. 'These 'Pills increase and enrich the blood supply, and thus bring health and strength to the exhausted system. Mrs. Robt. Little says: "1 have nursed for upwards of twenty-five years, and I could relate many cases, relieved and cured, through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In maternity cases which 1 nurse I :always use them and I know of no other medicine that $o: speedily builds up the mother .at this criti- cal tinne. 1 have also found them of great value in the case of young girls, and I can add that as. for my- self they have saved me many .a doctor's bill, 1 feel safe in saying they are the best tonic medicine I know of." Nursing mothers will, find Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills will give her 'just the . strength she needs, and they will at the same time aid in „keeping her child healthy. If you do not find these Pills at your deal- er's they will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for` 82.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medi - tine Co., Brockville, Ont.. A.NI;h1ALS AND MUS:LC. Horses Plainly Showed Their .ap- preciation of Melody. A unique musical experiment has been -conducted recently in France. Itwas resolved to institute con- certs for animals for the purpose of observing the effects of music upon them. The results of the observa- tions made established the, fact that disconnected tones on stringed in- struments created no ' effect upon horses beyond causing some of the animals to manifest signs of impa- tience, but when a melody was salayed the horses burned toward the players, pricked up their ears, and showed plainly the pleasure' they experienced, nays London Tit- Bits. An orchestral concert was given 1 before the elephants in Le Jardin des Plantes . The animals became. excited and impatient when pas- sionate music was played, abut calm when :sustained, melodious and flowing style was adopted. Dogs were found to be partial to the various instruments according to breed, but the dog that will •show affection or even respect for bag pipessis not yet born. Dogs have marked musical likes and dislikes. Some have a liking for, others aver cion to, the piano, violin and flute, but all became enraged, when tunes were played at •a very rapid rate: It was found also ,that dogs, had frequently their • favorite oom,pos- ers, and would prefer Handel. to Beethoven, Mozart to Mendelssohn, Brahms to Schumann, Mascheles to Chopin, but none was discovered to show .an appreciation for Wagner. "I Sleep Soundly, Feel Like New' All Who Lack Vigor, Those Who Are Dispirited 'anal Worn Out, Should. Read this Carefully. Proof That Health and Ronewed Vitality Qu ckly Return When. Right Remedy "I ani only thirty years old, yet for almost two years I have felt more ike seventy-five. I have found it dif cult to sleep at night, and in the morning felt so distressed and heavy that effort was difficult. My hands were al'waysclammy-and perspiratteu en slight effort would break out ass aver me. It Was not unnatural that i should begin: to brood over the chance that I should be is to do my work, and this dread '•:+lade my ,;sleepless nights perfect misery. After repeated trials of medicines and mix- tures, Dr. Hamilton's Pills gave me the first gleam o:f, hope, From the ; very 'first I could see they Were dif- ferent inaction from ether pills. They didn't gripe and 'acted as naturally as if nature and not the pills were cleansing my cls ged-up system. 1fy spirits rose, I felt much better, The sluggish action of the system gave way to normal activity. ffzziness andheadaches ceased, appetite; good color and ambition to worts returned; ''s'and have remained, 1, ant like a new uan, and I ' thank Th'. I-lainilton's Pills for it all," This was the experience. of J. II'arkhurtst, ,a well known ggrocery ;dealer In ,Tefi'erson. Follow his ad - !vice; use Dr. .Hamilton's Pills for ,your stomach, kidneys' and liver, and ,you'll enjoy long life and robust good !health; All druggists and storekeep- er's sell Dr. Hamilton's.� Pills, 5c. Per boat, ti boxes for, $1.00, or postpaid from the Catarrhozone 'Co,, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada, SURROUNDED .BY ELEPHANTb A Rnufer's Exciting Experience An. African Forest. Innocently meandering thrOtt an African forest, Mr:. E. H, 'Br0. son and hit hunting companio neither of whom, had'ever seen wzl elephants, imoh 'less hunted the found thaineelve in th Middle of feeding herd. "In Closed Torr tory" the author d'esoribee the e perience It proved to be our day to lean a, lot about the elephanit'e whim and what he can do when he like Of course the creek lay between u which might •seem a protection, In it was not. They all whirled an thundered away from us, 13 scarcely had we gone a kundr'e feet before the whole herd can plunging back upon their tracks the same mad pace. They stopped ttoek-still ten yard from us,, as we afterwards prove. but they were hidden from us as b fore. This time they were bunch in, a half circle. about us. For prof ably ten minutes • there.. was ut silence; ,then ,they started fe.edin and amusing themselves as befog This continued for perhaps fiftee minutes, when all sound cease again, and the wood was as ;still if they had all dropped dead. And there ewe sat for the large part of an hour, wandering ho long an afternoon siesta well -reg lated elephant families usuall take. We were in constant expo tation of renewed movement b some of the herd. We hould hay sworn that they were•still withi the toss of a biscuit: But when, presently, a slight sti among- the leaves directly befog Outram made us throw- up ou rifles, out stepped.Akuna., who •h raced' out of our sight at the firs stampede. 'FIe brought the increcli ble. intelligence that .the elephant were 'gone out of the bush and wer disappearing off toward the north Magic ! No prestidigitator cold tench this vanishing act, of ton and tonsof ambulant weight, don under our very noses, in a county; where we pygmies could hardly eta' without causing a racket. And ye it proved to be true. They were al gone, by what miracle of stealth doubt if the oldest elephant-hunte could tell. Helpless Frain E,heumatis GIN -PILLS Giro Prompt Relief 'B) Curing The Kidneys. Mr. Samuel Longmore, of Montreal says, "Just a word of praise for GI PILLS. About fifteen months ago could not walk' across` my room, suf fering severely with Rheumatism. l took GIN PILLS and became quite well. Two months ago, 1 had Rheu uratic Pains with Neuralgia. I resort ed to GIN PILLS again for one weela and became quite well." 50c. a box, 6 for' $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chem ical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto Couldn't Understand. "I reduced my stomach measure ment four inches by pushing a laws mower." "1 can't understand why some people are .so crazy to be •slim." Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. During the year 1912, 283,19; marriages were registered in Eng land and Wales, and 872,767 births LIQUID SULPHUR purifies the blood. The boy with the first dime feel richer than the man with his firs million. . Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.- lulTctLIES CATCJIL LOCUSTS. Khartoum Canals to :fold Rainfall Serve Cooly Purpose. The latest advices from Khartoum state that the usual ditches have been dug in all directions in anticipation of the Summer rains,` which, however, have as yet not put in an appearance. In the meantime these - ditches are having their uses, for a plague sof lo- custs has set in. Immense swarms have for days been passing over the city. Locusts, of.course, do a vast amount of damage in the fields. They multiply most rapidly, and wherever: they set- tle ettle they devour every vestige of green and leave the land bare. The Sudan- ese are waging a vigorous campaign againstthem, and their zeal is whetted by the fact that locusts constitute for them a very palatable dish. These insects are usually .caught by the. "Cyprus system," which 'consists of digging trenches and erecting on their farther side tin screens, against which they dash themselves and kill them- selves, hemselves, eventually falling into the trenches, Shrimps Axe Eating Cable. In consequence of the damage done by shrimps and other crusta- res, the Preach post -office has x found itnet,C,s,:cit y to r-c•inforoe their submarine telegiap:h cables by rolls of gutta perchfu and hemp, The cable from Naples to Palermo and the new cables hetween Sicily and Tripoli have had to be encased in a copper envelope, as the shrimps bore their way through the outer ,i J anddestroy the .a 'tla- 4Cllt~i111eSO t y151 tion. The mall who broods over his troubles only increases his brood. Pity may be akin to ]o+te, but iC's li mighty door relation, gh n, ;:1; a i- '' s, s, bI I!' d it d 1e at de d e' A a 1- ter g e n. 'completely.`` d as r x ; u- y C- Y e n r ECZEMA ITCHED ,� � BURNED> Ears, Cuti- t and on could night ears blood as on and could home also great and I now. me toilet irri- and un- sold of . . Until She was Nearly Crazy, Began Y y with Watery Blisters, On Eyes, Hands and Ankles, Could Not Sleep for Scratching, curs Soap and Ointment Cured. • . Brunswick St.; Fredericton, N. 51,-,,P had a very bad caao of eczema. The trouble began with watery blisters and itched burned until I was nearly crazy. It was my oars, eyes, hands and ankles. I not keep the bed clothes over mo at for the smarting and itching, My would swell. I would scratch until the would run and•then form' a scab. I felt if I could take a knife and cut the Cosh my hands. It would clisfigurb mr face make it smart and burn and swell. I not sleep at night for scratching. "I tried everything I 'heard of Without getting any benefit.. I used lots of remedies, such as lard and sulphur, and. was treated for it. Then I tried Outicura Soap and Ointment and they gave me ease. I. used them abqut four months am happy to say -I am never troubled The Cutioura Soap and Ointment cured (Signed) Mrs, A. S. Thomp'- son, Mar. 9, 1015. : ' The regular use of Cuticura Soap for and bath not duly tends to preserve, purify and beautify the skin, scalp, hair and hands, but assists in preventing inflammation, tation and clogging of•the;pores, the common cause of plinples, blackheads, redness roughness, yellow, oily; Inethy and other wholesome conditions of the. skin. Cuticula Soap and Outicura Ointment- are throughout the world. Liberal sample each, mailed free with .52-p. Skin. Book. Address post card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 44D;, Boston, U. S. A. e Ills Views Had Changed. r Mrs. Beliham--Before, you_mar- ried me you said that 1 was a t queen. - Benham—Well, I no longer be- ' lieve in a monarchial• form of gov- e ernment. e . r r Minard's Liniment- Co., Limited. tGente,-A customer of ours cured a very had caee of distemper In a valuable 1 horse by the use of MINARD'S LINI- MENT. 1 Yours truly, p' - - VILANDIE FRF11.Ea. r . friend • [ pounced i he • Use , support to ed?" you cent. Try If or —Soothes Murine Murine 25c, An Murine of them have tomer tor things." LIQUID sell Biff—"What's that ever metit until was Carrying' It To Excess. Quizzo—"I understand that ryour Bronson is a vegetrian.' Quizzed -"Yes. He has such views on the subject married a grass widow." pro- that to tell per Eyes Sell 50c. of you Cus- ter one nio- '1 LIQUID SULPHUR in your bath. His Proposition. "Do you • think you are able my daughter in the style which she has been - accustom- "1 don't know. sir, but I'll what h can do." "What's that?" "1 can save you abort 50 of her present cost to you." Murine Eye Remedy you have Red, Weak, Watery Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart Eye Pain. Druggists Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 50c. ' Eye Books Free by Mail. Eye Tonle Good for All Eyes that Nood Cor. Eye Remedy . Co., Chicago Disappointed. Tons has told me all the Secrets his past." - "Mercy! What do you think ?" "I was awfully, disappointed." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Salesman: "Shirt, sir? Will a, soft or a stiff front?'' : "Soft, I think. The doc- said I must avoid starchy SULPHUR cures Eczema. The Doctor's m Calculation. F'oozle-"Doc. W oozle wants his cuter." the reason?" Footle—` `He figgers that the buys it will be a steady patient after." • ,- Haynie a and Cert. "Be• kissed me almost the we got inside the house.'' "Did he?, He couldn't even wait we got home the, evening with him!' IL n Y0 1■"V�■ aim■ rx AirDS °• J i C u. et C .1 �r 1. . 4:tip -1C28 1310 'l ri IStiiiilf •How to Treat Sprains and Strains After .Ton Days' Suffering Mr, Quinn Sass Nothing Cures Like Nerviline. THOUSANDS RECOMMEND "NERVIUNE" One bf the most soul -distressing ace cidents that can befall one is a bad ankle or wrist sprain, "If I had only known of 'Nerviline' earlier, I could:. have saved myself an enorreous amount of pain and many agonizing nigiiten of sleeplessness," Thus writes P, P. Quinn. ti tumbled from a hay loft to the barn floor and sprained my right ankle- and left wrist. They swelled rapidly and caused excruciating pains.. It. was not convenient to go to the city, ' and the liniment in the house. was useless. When I' got Nerviline relief -came quickly. It took down the swelling, relieved the pain, and gave me wonderful comfort, "I can recommend Nerviline for strains, bruises, swellings, muscular pains, and sore back. I have proved it a sure cure in such cases." Think what it might some day mean to you to have right in your home, ready for an accident or emer- gent sickness, a bottle .or two of Ner- viline. Get it to -day, Large size bottle's; 50c., or sample size, 25c., at all dealers, or The Ca- tarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont, 11LU1,111MIES MAKE PAINT. l'hcre the Colors Required by Ar.. 1, fists' Come -From. Inorder to furnish the innumer- able delicate tints of paint required by artists, manu£aoturers have nowadays to ransack the world. Even luunnmies have lately been called into use. Mummies are . usually preserved in the finest bitumen, and this an- cient bitumen has, in the course of centuries, turned the mummies a leathery -gown tint. It has been found that when the bitumen and the shreds of mummy are ground down by machinery, a beautiful brown pigment is the result -=ex- actly the tint rtquired for painting certain shades of brown hair. Sepia is one of the commonest of artists' paints. It is a deep brown in color, and comes from a source equally strange. It, is prepared from the black, inky fluid dis- charged by the cattle -fish to blind andbaffle its enemies. Prussian blue is prepared from horses hoofs, and is. made •by fus- ing the hoofs with potassium car- bonate. Raw Sienna is soil from near Sienna., in Italy.. Burnt sienna, another common tint, is simply the same earth burnt., The majority of pigments far making colors—that is, the dry powder—are, obtaihed from miner- als, but many pigments come from. the animal kingdom. Cochineal, for example, comes from the dried bodies of insects. A kind of pitch is also used for certain pigments. MURDERED. Put right out of business,' a whole family of corns by Putnam'�s Corn Ex- tractor, which cities corns and warts in one day.. No pain or sora if "Putnam's" is need. Refuse substitutes, 25c. per bottle at all dealers. LIM.E:ROUSE MAYOR PROTESTS Objects to Use of Naine' as Synotny- nous With "Vulgar Abuse." Justhow words are added to the language is often , a problem and one that is sometimes never satis- facto•rily elucidated. When, many moons ago, Mr. Lloyd George made the first of his - vitriolic public ,speeches down in the East 'End of London, at Limehouse, he confer- red upon that not very well known district of the metropolis meed of. faume, which apparently is not ap- preciated by the denizens thereof, as is shown by the following letter written to the newspapers by the Mayor of Limehouse : "A few years ago a fami•Iy in Lon- don named Hooligan found it very difficult to live in friendly relations with their neighbors and were fre- quently in conflict with the police, with the result that their names were constantly before the public and in the press, until every one who was implicated in a, street row was referred to as, a 'Hooligan.' `Some time ago Mr. Lloyd George paid a visit to Limehouse, and the subject of his remarks and his tone and manner were consid- ered by many to be of •melt an un- tisual character that some newse papers had a .difficulty in finding a word to express their opinion of it, and accordingly ,,fell buck on the word 'Limehouse,' and ever. since then we see in the press, whenever icp ecoh i.e made in language al- leged to be more forcible than po- lite, 'Another Limehouse Speech.' Mr. George Liruehotlsi.ng Again.' are. I thought at one time the, islet. deub would die •down, but it has not, and with. the 'Hooligan' record i,n :mind I am fearful that a perma, Tent injustice will be done to a por- ion of this borough, and that 'Iiiinehouse' will become synony- mores with 'vulgar abuse.' 1 v enf.ui e to suggest that if a new word- is regyrired fo t,:rl5re,ss nn- ..;aar laragilage it •should be either d f the eillf 1" or that . he Warne o e .of p e his native Iieitth, not ours." • imlui0 SULPHUR dares Rheumalixtn. COLORING A. PIPE, ow It Was Aeepin.Illislted itt I`if* teen Days. A European contemporary bells an eatertaininar story of how a. pipe was colored "by order of the C;zar.7 . An artist, who had spent some years in Russia, received as ii partiig gilt from the Czar (Nicholas I.) an enormous. meerschaum mounted with diamonds, Noticing that the recipient was ;looking somewhat pensively at the gift, the Czar' asked himcwktat he was thinking about. The artist re- plied that he was thinking of the time it would take to color the pipe -probably five years. Learning that the artist would not be leaving the country for fife teen days, the Czar took the pipe back again, and sent it to the pal- ace guard -house, where the follow- ing "order of the day" was issued: "Under pain of the knout none must smoke any other pipe but this. All the necessary tobacco will be supplied." The Cossacks went cheerfully at the job day and night, and at the. end of the fortnight the pipe was returned to its owner, inscribed "Colored in fifteen days by order of Nicholas, Emperor." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. (1AXWELC$ HGGH. SPE NAMPlok fe in it class by itself -the easiest running, the most substantially built, the most Satisfactory washer, over Invented. Only washer worked with crank handle at side as well es top lever—and he only one where the whole top opens tip. A* your dealer to show you the "Champion" Washer. "Favorite" Churn is the world's best churn. Write for catalogue. DAVID MAXWELL &SONS ST. tdaav's, owr. tiytnetae 'J!:nnpfh 'i. rV1t� aaaa!Slase! ....aseasesayes rd.alsatiVaa.utiinlolulnul r, ,il\V-'1 IlVilhiml0l11g1 ll1', ,„,.,.- Wily present an old appear- ance be ore your time ? By ugn, The delight. child"s delight. The picnicker's choice. Rverybody's. favorite, W. CL.ARMC, M'f'r , Meatxaal. ?►TTI ' • 'tun flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwjel*es. FARMS FOR $ALL H. 'W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, 1 ��1$II1T• 6TOCIr, GRAIN AND 1 Petals In all sections vt Ontariw t Nome snaps, L AOTOI1Y 'SITES, WITH flit WIT11O(71 LL' Railway traokage, in Toro ate. t Rrattpten and other "towns and cities. RESIDENTIAL 'PROPERTIES • Itt Brampton and a dozen other town,. H, W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Torerte AGENTS WAN'T'ED. WANTED, -PERMANENT MEN OR Women locally, Salary and 1 our. mission, Make Five to Ten Dollars day, •' spare time accepted. J. L. Nichols Co., Publishers, Toronto, 'Canada.. STAMPS AND COINS TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED DIF- ferent- Foreign Stamps. Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stama Company. Toronto. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE, O[INTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent opening for man of energy. Write Wilson Publishing Company, Toronto: MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC., kJ internal and external, oared with. out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bollman Medical Co., Limited, Colliugwocd. Ont: 1 ALL STONES„ KIDNEY AND AD N.Ir der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailmentspositively cured with the new German remedy, "Sanol," prioe $1.50, Another new remedy for. Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure, is " Sanol's Anti -Diabetes," Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. Tho' Sanol Stanufac- taring Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg. Man. The Sou! of a Piano is the Action, insist on the -OTTO HIGEL•, Piano Actions ° HAIR . RESTORER Your Gray Hair can be re- stored to its Natural Color. THOUSANDS HTS B ENEFITTEDBY , At all Druggists 600. a Bot. 1 ELECTRIC DYNAMO • OR'GENERATOR FOR -SALE 30 K.`. W. 110 VDLi D.C., S 675 R. P. M. At a Very Reasonable Figure for Immediate Sale. S. FRANK WHLSO11 & SONS 73 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. AILROAI and Telegraphy Courses of the most complete and modern kind taught, right at your own home by Shaw's Telegraph and Railroad School, Gerrard St. East t Write • Toronto. for particulars and sample lessons. W. H. Shaw, Pres. FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Suitable for Mills, Manufacturing Plants, Printing Houses, Eta. 2 Wood Split Pulleys) 1234. x 48 in, for 3 15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Ap1it Pulley, 12/ x 48 in, for 2 15/18 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 1234 x 28 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 1034 x 36 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. Pulleys cf smaller sizes and Shafting of various lengths and fuzes to be sold at very low .•figures, Box 23, Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto. egamitt caa r-Oee3/ jear Oti Aee Baby's soft skin is the test of BABY'S OWN SOAP— and its constant use in thousands of nurseries Is satisfa.ctory proof that its fragrant lather helps and whitens the most delicate skin. No imitation has all the merit of 13ABY'S OWN SOAP;